Physical Properties Substance Structure Molecular MW MP (°C) Formula (g/mol) BP Density (°C) (g/mL) N/A N/A Benzophenone 2-Propanol N/A Acetone N/A Benzopinacol N/A N/A Benzopinacolone N/A N/A Acetic Acid (glacial) N/A Ethanol N/A Iodine N/A N/A Reactions: Synthesis of Benzopinacol 2 O + Ph OH Ph Benzophenone Note: Ph = phenyl h HO Ph Ph Ph + O Ph OH 2-Propanol Benzopinacol Acetone Moles of Benzophenone: grams of Benzophenone x 1/MW of Benzophenone Moles of 2-Propanol: mL of 2-propanol x density of 2-propanol x 1/MW of 2-propanol Acetic acid: Catalyst (This will not be the limiting reagent). Limiting Reagent: Theoretical Yield: Moles of LR x MW of product (benzopinacol) x 1 mole Benzolpinacol 2 moles Benzophenone Synthesis of Benzopinacolone Ph Ph Ph OH Ph Ph HO Ph Benzopinacol CH3CO2H Ph Ph O Benzopinacolone Moles of Benzopinacol: Based on grams of benzopinacol you have for THIS reaction grams of Benzopinacol x 1/MW of Benzopinacol mL of acetic acid (Calculate in lab after you know the yield of Benzopinacol) You need to use enough acetic acid to make a 0.5 M solution of Benzopinacol in acetic acid. 0.5 M solution of Benzopinacol in acetic acid (0.5 M = 0.5 moles / liter) moles of benzopinacol Liters of acetic acid = XXX moles benzopinacol = 0.5M 1000 mL mL of acetic acid = Liters of acetic acid = ??? liters 0.5M x 1000 mL = ??? liters 1 liter x = 1 liter moles of acetic acid (Calculate in lab after you know the yield of Benzopinacol): mL of acetic acid x density of acetic acid x 1/MW of acetic acid 1 mole ??? mL acetic acid x 1.049 g/mL x = ??? mmol acetic acid 60.05 g Iodine: Catalyst (This will not be the limiting reagent). Limiting Reagent: Theoretical Yield: Moles of LR x MW of product (benzopinacolone) ??? mL Mechanisms: Provide the arrows for each step. You can tape this into your notebook or neatly write it in by hand. Benzophenone to benzopinacol: Step 1: hydrogen abstraction from 2-propanol Ph Ph + O H OH Ph Excited triplet state of benzophenone H O + OH Ph Ph benzhydrol radical OH Ph Step 2: hydrogen abstraction from 2-propanol radical Ph Ph O Ph + H O H O + O Ph acetone Ph OH Ph Step 3: dimerization (Combine the 2 benzhydrol radicals) Ph Ph OH Ph + HO OH Ph Ph Ph Ph HO Ph Benzopinacol Benzopinacol to benzopinacolone: O H Ph O H Ph Ph HO Ph Ph OH O H + Ph Ph HO Ph Benzopinacol Ph Ph Ph HO Ph O Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph OH Ph O H O O Ph Ph Ph Ph O Benzopinacolone Calculations: Percent Yield for benzopinacol and benzopinacolone Actual Yield Percent Yield = x 100% Theoretical Yield + H O