From Use Case Model to Navigation Model: a Service

A User Service Oriented Method to model Web
Information Systems
Valeria de Castro, Esperanza Marcos, Paloma Cáceres
Kybele Research Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Madrid (Spain)
Abstract. Nowadays it is possible to develop Web Information Systems (WIS)
that allow us to buy a fly ticket or to book a hotel, as well as to get specific
information through the Internet. However, due to the lack of suitable methods to
build the navigation model of WIS, frequently the users are lost while navigating
through the system, because they do not know how to use it. Traditional
methodologies for WIS development usually propose to obtain the navigation
model from the conceptual data model, without taking into account the behavior
of systems. Unlike these methodologies, we propose to address the problem of
navigation model construction from a user service oriented perspective. In this
work we explain, through a case study, the hypertext modeling method proposed
by MIDAS. It allows to build more intuitive and user friendly WIS. Moreover, we
present a comparative study in which we remark the main benefits and advantages
of our method with regard to the traditional methodologies for hypertext
1 Introduction
Usually in Web Information Systems (WIS) development it is the client who defines
the requirements of the WIS, because he knows the IS and what he wants to show or
to sell to the users. Unlike the traditional IS, in WIS, the client and the users are not
the same people. In the Web scope, when the user accesses to the WIS he does not
know how to use it. The user only knows what he wants to do, but not how to do it.
For this reasons, the users often are lost while navigating through the system.
Therefore, the WIS and its navigation model should be clear and intuitive to guide to
the user.
The construction of the navigation model is a problem addressed by most of the
methodologies for WIS development [1,3,5,7,8,9,10,11]. Despite the differences
found between them, most of them follow a similar approach to obtain the navigation
model: they start from the conceptual data model [9,10]. At best, they make reference
to the need to consider use cases model [9,11] but only as a recommendation, without
indicating how to do it. Unlike the mentioned methodologies which follow a
structural approach to build the navigation model, we propose to address the problem
of the systematic construction of the navigation model from a user service oriented
perspective [3]. That is, we will mainly take into account the services required by the
user, called from now on conceptual user services. We propose a method to obtain the
navigation model starting from the user services model, a use cases model in which
we identify conceptual user services as stereotyped use cases. We also take into
account the conceptual data model, but in a second step.
In previous works [12,13] we have presented a first approach to a systematic
method (from now on hypertext modeling method) to obtain a navigation model. The
method includes the process, the models and the mappings between them. In this
work we explain, through a case study, how the hypertext modeling method proposed
by MIDAS allows to build more intuitive and user friendly WIS. The navigation
model obtained with our approach will present a main menu with the services
required by the user. Moreover, for each service, the navigation model will specify
the sequence of steps to properly carry out the service. This sequence of steps will be
called route, and allows guiding the user when navigating through the WIS.
Moreover, in order to validate the proposed method, we present a comparative
study remarking the main benefits provided by a user service oriented method with
regard to a structural one. The comparative study analyzes the advantages in the
navigational model obtained as well as the benefits of the method itself.
The hypertext modeling method is part of MIDAS, a model driven methodology
for WIS development which proposes to model the WIS according to the three basic
aspects: hypertext, content and behavior. This work focuses on the MIDAS method to
model the hypertext aspect whose output is the navigation model.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 is an overview of the model
driven architecture of MIDAS, which makes up the framework of this work. Section 3
describes, through a case study, the hypertext modeling method of MIDAS, including
the process, the models and the mapping rules. Section 4 presents a comparative study
in which we analyze the main benefits of our method with regard to the traditional
methodologies for hypertext modeling. Finally, in section 4, we conclude underlying
the main contribution and the future work.
2 MIDAS Framework
MIDAS is a methodological framework for agile development of WIS, which
proposes a Model Driven Architecture [2] based on the MDA proposed by the Object
Management Group [17]. MIDAS proposes to model the WIS according to two
orthogonal dimensions (see Figure 1). On the one hand, taking into account the
platform dependence degree (based on MDA approach): first, specifying the whole
system by Computation Independent Models (CIMs), Platform Independent Models
(PIMs) and Platform Specific Models (PSMs); and second, specifying the mapping
rules between these models. And on the other hand, according to three basic aspects
[12]: hypertext, content and behavior. Besides, MIDAS suggests using the Unified
Model Language (UML) [18] as a unique notation to model both PIMs and PSMs.
Fig. 1. Model Driven architecture of MIDAS
The MIDAS framework has been partially presented in [14,15,16,20]. In this paper
we focus on the PIM models involved in the hypertext aspect modeling of a WIS and
we introduce four new models, shadowed in Figure 1: the user services model, the
extended use cases model, the extended slices model and the extended navigation
model. These new models have been introduced in [3]. The next section presents the
process for the hypertext modeling method of MIDAS and the guides to build the new
proposed models, by means of a case study.
3 The Hypertext Modeling Method of MIDAS
The hypertext modeling method of MIDAS proposes a process to get the navigation
model of a WIS from a user service oriented approach (see Figure 2), that is to say, a
process guided by the user services.
User Requirements
User Services Model
Basic Services
and their relationships
Conceptual User Services
Extended Use Case Model
Conceptual Data Model
Structural and Functional Basic Services
Activity Diagram
Extended Slice Model
Navigational Structures
Extended Navigation Model
Fig. 2. The Process for the Hypertext Modeling Method
The inputs of the method are the user requirements and the conceptual data model;
and the output is the extended navigation model. Our method defines four new models
(shadowed in Figure 2): the user services model, the extended use cases model, the
extended slices model and extended navigation model; and mapping rules between
them. Moreover, we propose to use an activity diagram to model the services
composition and to obtain the route. This route will guide to the user when he
navigates through the WIS.
In next subsection we present through a case study, the hypertext modeling method
of MIDAS, explaining in depth how to build the proposed models. Before describing
the method, we are going to introduce a new set of concepts. The user services model
and the extended use cases model are extensions of the traditional use cases model
[18] in which different types of use cases are identified. In [3] the use case taxonomy
that we propose was presented.
A use case is defined as “the specification of a sequence of actions performed by a
system which yields an observable result that is, typically, of value for one or more
actors or other stakeholders of the system. [18].
A conceptual user service is a special type of use case, identified in the user
services model, which represents a service required by the user.
Each conceptual user service must be decomposed in simpler use cases that we
have called use service. A use service is a functionality required by the system to
carry out the conceptual user service. Therefore, a user conceptual service is an
aggregation of use services. Note that, a use service could be implemented by means
of Web services or not. Based on the Web service classification provided in [19], a
use service can be either a basic or a composite service. A basic use service is an
atomic functionality of the WIS, for example, viewing a book catalogue. A composite
use service is an aggregation of either basic or composite use services. Finally, from a
presentational point of view, a basic use service can be functional or structural. A
basic use service is structural when its functionality is only to provide a data view
(i.e. viewing a catalogue, viewing the author’s data, etc.). A basic use service is
functional, if it implies some interaction with the user, generally requiring some input
data (i.e. searching a book, adding a product to the shopping cart, paying, etc.). The
basic (structural and functional) and composite use services are also a type of use case
identified in the extended use case model.
3.1 A Case Study
The process, models and mapping rules of the hypertext modeling method of MIDAS
are illustrated in depth, through a case study. The case study we are going to present
is the ConfMaster WIS [6], a WIS to support the organization of conferences. It
allows the nomination of the Program Committee (PC) members, paper submission,
assignment of papers to reviewers, etc. Note that in this application there are at least
four roles played by a user (Author, PC Chair and PC Member) that interact with the
systems. Each one of these roles is represented in a use case model as an actor [18].
We propose to model one user service model to each actor implied in the system, and
then we going to obtain one navigation model for each role that interact with the
system. For sake of space in this work we will focus on the services that an author
requires of a system and we will obtain the extended navigation model for him.
In previous work [13] we have modeled the ConfMaster WIS just as it appears in
the Web, now we present a similar application with the same requirements of
ConfMaster but following a user service oriented approach. In section four we
compare the navigation model obtained from our approach with regard to the
navigation model of ConfMaster WIS.
User Services Model. As we have mentioned before, we propose the build the
navigation model from a user service oriented approach. Then, we generate the user
services model taking into account this approach. The user service model is an
extension of the use case model in which the conceptual user services, stereotyped
with <<CUS>>, are represented.
In Figure 3 you can see the user service models to each actors of ConfMaster WIS.
As we said before, we will focus on the services required by the authors (a). In our
example, the real aims of an author are: to submit a paper, to view their papers or to
edit the author data. They are the specific services required by the author; so in a user
services model (a) we have identified Submit Paper, View own Papers and Edit User
Data as conceptual user services.
Submit Paper
Assign Papers to
View all Paper
Nominate PC
Edit User Data
Notify Authors
View Own Paper
Wiew Assigned
Nominate Reviewers
Distribute Paper
PC Chair
PC Member
Fig. 3. User Services Model for Author (a), PC Chair (b) and PC Member (c)
Extended Use Cases Model. The extended use cases model is obtained from de user
services model. An extended use cases model includes: actors; include and extend
relationships; and use services. Include and extend relationships have the same
semantics as in the use cases model. UML defines the stereotypes <<include>> and
<<extend>> to identify these relationships. As we said, a use service is a kind of use
case. To identify (basic or composite) use services we have defined the following
stereotypes: <<CS>> to represent a composite use service, <<FBS>> to represent a
functional basic use service and <<SBS>> to represent a structural basic use service.
We propose to model this composition of use services with a UML activity diagram.
To build the extended use cases model we start identifying the basic and composite
use services taking into account the functionality required by the WIS to carry out the
conceptual user services previously identified. Next, we specify in detail the
composite services identified previously and finally we identify the include and extend
In Figure 4 the extended use case model for the author is depicted. An author must
be register as a new author and then he obtain a login. Then the author can submit a
paper, can edit his data and can view his submitted papers. From now on we will
focus on the View own Paper conceptual user service, the basic use services involved
in this conceptual user service are shadowed in Figure 4. To view his papers the
author must be logged in, if the author has one or more papers he will view a list of
his papers, then the author can view the paper data in the screen or can download the
file. In Figure 5 you can see the activity diagram associated to the View own Paper
conceptual user service.
Register Paper Data
Show Paper Data
Register as New
Send Paper
<<SBS>> <<include>>
View Author
Show Paper
Forgot Pwd
Show Author Data
Edit Author Data
Fig. 4. Extended Use Cases Model
Forgot Pwd
Download File
View Author
Register as New Author
Show Paper Data
Fig. 5. Activity Diagram for the View Own Paper Conceptual User Service
Extended Slices Model. The extended slices model is obtained from the extended use
cases model and taking into account the conceptual data model and the activity
diagram associated with each conceptual user service. The slices model is defined in
[10] as the decomposition of the system into meaningful units, called slices, and the
hyperlinks between them. Our approach proposes to obtain: the slices from the
extended use cases model and the information about each slice from the conceptual
data model. As the extended use cases model represents two kinds of basic use
services, (structural and functional) we also have to introduce two types of slices. A
structural slice is a slice as defined above. A functional slice also represents a Web
page, but an interactive one. Therefore, a functional slice allows the interaction with
the user to be represented. An extended slices model is defined as a slices model in
which the functional and structural slices are represented. To identify the different
slices, we introduce the <<SS>> and <<FS>> stereotypes that represent structural
and functional slices, respectively.
To build the extended slice model first, each structural and functional basic service
from the extended use cases model will give rise to a structural and functional slice
respectively in the extended slice model; and second, the relationships between basic
use services will give rise to the hyperlinks between slices. The attributes of the slices
generally come from the attributes of the conceptual data model. For the sake of space
limitation, the conceptual data model has been omitted. This model presents two
classes: Author and Paper. So for example, attributes of the Show Author Data come
from the class Author; however, some attributes of this class as Login and Password,
are not represented in this slice because they will not be shown in a Web page. In fact,
Login and Password will be attributes of the Login functional slice because they will
be shown in this Web page.
In the hypertext modeling method of MIDAS, we defined a route for each
conceptual user service, to guide the user in the navigation through the WIS. A route
is the sequence of steps established in the WIS that the user follows to execute a
conceptual user service. This route will guide the users through the WIS, indicating
the sequence of steps that he must follow. This sequence is obtained from the UML
activity diagram. So for example, Figure 5 shows through a UML activity diagram the
sequence of steps that an author must follow to view his papers. This sequence of
steps represents the route to carry out the View own Paper conceptual user service. A
route is represented first in the extended slices model and then in the extended
navigation model.
In the extended slices model, each route is composed by a set of slices linked
between them. Each link between two slices is represented by an arrow stereotyped
with <<route>>. Moreover, a route has a tagged value to identify the conceptual user
service that is carried out; so the route to the View own Paper conceptual user service
is stereotyped with <<route>> {VP} (see Figure 6). Moreover, a route can be forked
giving rise to alternative ways at the same conceptual user service. These alternative
ways are sub-routes of a route. For example Forgot Password is a sub-route of the
<<route>> {VP} then this sub-route is identified with <<route>> {VP.FP} as is
shown in Figure 6.
VP - View Own Papers
Alternative paths:
FP - Forgot Password
RA - Register as new Author
DF - Download File
SD - Show Data
Register as
New Author
Show Own
Show Paper Data
Fig. 6. Extended Slices Model to the View own Papers Conceptual User Service
Extended Navigation Model. The extended navigation model is the result of
introducing the navigational structures (index, menu, etc.) into an extended slices
model. An extended navigation model is an extended slices model plus the
navigational structures, that is, a navigation model which includes functional slices
and structural slices and routes. Both, extended slices model and extended navigation
model are represented using the UML extension proposed in UWE [9]. So, in this
model, each route is composed by the slices, the links between them plus the
navigational structures. In Figure 7 the extended navigation model for the author role
is depicted and we have remarked the View own Papers conceptual user service.
Submit Paper Service
View Own Papers Service
Edit User Data Service
- SP
- VP
- EU
SP as Submit Paper
VP as View Own Paper
EU as Edit User Data
Paper Data
Show Paper Data
<<route>> -Title
Register as
New Author
Show Own
DF as Download File
SP as Show Paper Data
Show Author
Edit User
Fig. 7. Extended Navigation Model
We propose to introduce a main menu with the services required by the user that
represents the beginning of each route. As you can see in Figure 7, we represent a
main menu with three entries, one per each conceptual user service: Submit Paper,
View Own Paper and Edit User Data. Besides, the route of View Own Paper,
stereotyped as route {VP}, also has two alternative paths for representing the
Download File and the Show Paper Data slices. Then, we also represent a menu with
two entries, one per each slice. The navigational structures should be introduced
according to the guidelines proposed in [9].
4 Benefits of the User service oriented Approach: Comparative
In this work we have presented the hypertext modeling method proposed by MIDAS
and, taking as case study the Confmaster WIS, we have obtained a more intuitive and
user friendly navigation model for this system. In order to validate the proposed
method we present a comparative study in which we analyze on the one hand,
difference between the navigation model obtained from a user service oriented
perspective and the present navigation model of Confmaster WIS; and on the other,
we analyze the main benefits of our method with regard to the traditional
methodologies for hypertext modeling.
The navigation model obtained from a user service oriented approach contains the
routes to navigate through the WIS. This sequence of steps is unknown to the user,
because he doesn’t know the steps, required by the WIS, to carry out the service. So,
in our example, if the user chooses View own Paper in the main menu, the WIS will
force him to login before to allow him download a file. In this way, the user is guided
through WIS, giving rise to a more intuitive and user friendly WIS. The user simply
chooses what to do (through a main menu that only includes the user services) and
then follows the sequence of steps necessary to carry out the service, that is to say, the
associated route.
There are two main differences between the navigation model of Confmaster
(Figure 8) and the obtained one in previous section (Figure 7): the main menu of the
system and the routes that indicate the steps to carry out the user services. With
regard to the main menu, the navigation model of Figure 7 displays only the services
required by the user, unlike the Confmaster WIS where a main menu has options that
the user must choose without knowing why he makes them. A similar case would be
that when we access to Amazon WIS, the index page shows to users the option to
register as costumer instead of to search a book. Finally, with regard to the routes, the
navigation model of Figure 7 shows (by means of the <<route>> stereotype) the
specific route that user must follow, also indicating alternative ways, to carry out the
services of the system.
Forgot Password
Register as
New Author
Register As New Author
Submit Paper
View Paper
Edit Author Data
Paper Data
Show Papers
Download File
Show Author
Show Paper Data
Show Paper
Fig. 8. Extended Navigation Model of ConfMaster WIS
Now, comparing the user services oriented method with regard to the traditional
methodologies for the hypertext modeling we notes that there are three important
advantages of our method with regard to the traditional ones: the new user service
oriented approach to the WIS development, the incorporation of behavior aspects in
navigation model and the method itself that defines guides to build more intuitive and
user friendly WIS.
The method proposes to model the hypertext starting from an extended use case
model called user service model. In figure 9 the use case model (for Author role) of
Confmaster WIS is depicted. As we said, unlike traditional use case model, the user
service model (Figure 3 (a)) presents only the use cases that represent services
required by the users. In our example, the real aims of an author are: to submit a
paper, to view own papers or to edit the author data. These use cases (shadowed in
Figure 9) are the conceptual user services that will be represented in a user service
model. Register a new author is a previous step to submit a paper; Login is
functionality required by the system for accessing security purpose and finally, forgot
password is a functionality that the system offers to the users.
Forgot Password
Register As New
Submit Paper
Edit User Data
View Own Paper
Fig. 9. Use Case Model of ConfMaster WIS
After obtain the user services model, the hypertext modeling method of MIDAS is
centered in the conceptual user services; first, identifying functionalities involved in
each one and then representing the composition of theses functionalities. The
composition model is represented by means of activity diagram, obtaining next the
routes for each conceptual user service.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we have presented a method for the systematic construction of the
navigation model in the framework of MIDAS, a model-driven methodology for WIS
development. Unlike traditional methodologies for WIS development, that follow a
structural approach to build the navigation model, we propose to address the problem
from a user service oriented perspective. That is, we will mainly take into account the
services required by the user, that we have called conceptual user services.
Usually in the Web scope when a user access to a WIS he does not know how to
use it. The user only knows what he wants to do, but not how to do it. Therefore, the
WIS and its navigation model have to be clear and intuitive to guide the user. The
navigation model obtained with our approach will present a main menu with the
services required by the user. Moreover, for each service, the navigation model will
specify the sequence of steps to properly execute the service. This sequence of steps
will be called route, and allows guiding the user in the navigation through the WIS.
Beside, we have presented a comparative study in which the benefits of our approach
had been summarized.
At the present time, we are working on the integration of this method with other
models proposed by MIDAS and the inclusion of business process modeling into
MIDAS Framework. One of the main benefits of this proposed approach will
undoubtedly be maximizing the automation of the WIS development process. Thus, in
future work we are going to implement the proposed models and mappings in a CASE
tool that supports MIDAS to generate the WIS (semi-)automatically.
This research is carried out in the framework of the projects: EDAD (07T/0056/2003
1) financed by Regional government of Madrid and DAWIS financed by the Ministry
of Science and Technology of Spain (TIC 2002-04050-C02-01).
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