SCC20 Steering Committee Minutes

SCC20 Meeting 98-1 Steering Committee Minutes
William Simpson presided. Greg Bowman served as secretary. Attachment 1 to these minutes lists the
Monday, 11 May, 1998 5:30 PM
The SCC20 Steering Committee meeting was called to order by William Simpson, Chair of SCC20.
1.1 The meeting agenda was approved unanimously as amended, and is provided in Attachment 2 to these
1.2 Meeting minutes for 97-2 were approved without amendment.
1.3 Chair Report
1.3.1 SCC20 events related to Standards Board were presented by the SCC20 Chair:
 ABBET - 1226.3 standard approved
 Standards 1226.1 and 1226.2 withdrawn
 PARs 1226.7 and 1226.8 withdrawn
 PARs 1226.4 and 1226.5 also withdrawn but with consternation. New route
for process being worked
 PARs 1226.12 and 1226.13 approved
 AI-ESTATE - PAR 1522 approved
 ATLAS - 771 approved
1.3.2 ISSUES:
Meeting Control by IEEE
Enforcement of SA membership delayed until 1 June 1998. Ballot constituencies formed
before that date will be recognized.
Wording of ballot response carefully reviewed - keep it cool and professional (Action for
Title of Standard must match title of PAR (Action for PCS)
Important to respond to REVCOM members comments. Those that did not were rejected.
ABBET - 1226.3 (Resource Management got approved finally, but it shows that you must hand hold it
through the IEEE to get approval. Don't rely on anything to happen as it should. IEEE is pushing
consortium standards adoption and has developed a separate PAR and process for this. The withdrawal of
1226.4 (Instruments Drives) and 1226.5 (Communication Buses) took some heat and a request for renewed
look. We will try to get together with VXIPLUG&PLAY to see if this new process can work out our
differences. New TPAR for adopting a consortium standard. Expect 1226 (overview and Architecture) to
take a lot of heat by the December board meeting if we don't get it through recirculation.
Standards Association - Board is deadly serious here. You will either be SA or your vote on a standards
ballot will not count. Treating all comments the same is not a viable solution, because the ballot
constituency formed by SA members will be required to meet balance and apportionment rules that the
whole constituency now has to meet. If we don't take action, a number of our ballots may not get formed.
They only slipped to June 1 to allow the operating procedures and bylaws to catch up. Strongly suggest that
SCC20 take care of this for their members in 1999 and subsequent (action for MAC).
The IEEE has set up a meeting subcommittee and they smell money. They are drafting legislation to
controls all IEEE meeting. The Standards Board is seeking exceptions for standards meetings under
$25,000. Requirements include approval of budgets, signing of hotel contracts, notification of local and
regional IEEE sections, no affiliation with commercial interests, signing of check books, etc.
Liaisons should request that all standards meetings should be exempt of the requirement for IEEE to set up
the meetings.
ANSI is auditing IEEE procedures. Make sure your ops procedures are up to date and in accordance with
IEEE. The new SA organization includes a Board of Governors which sits above the Standards Board and
they just dictated how a Committee of a sponsoring society was to proceed. Best thing to do is keep them
out of our face by doing everything by the book.
1.3.4 OTHER:
A number of organizational changes have taken place. SPWG has been tasked with updating our
procedures and bylaws. Would like them trimmed for reducing costs, consultation with MAC as required.
(action for SPWG)
1.4 J. Sheppard accepted an action to prepare a motion for Thursday Steering to exempt SCC20 from the
meeting rule.
1.5 SCC20 Archiving – No archiving should now be required by SCC20, based on IEEE guidance. SPWG
should consider IEEE recommendations when rewriting Operations Procedure
1.6 Anticipated actions for Thursday Steering Committee Meeting:
Users Guide – Disband 771
ABBET - Requirements Document for P1226.13
AI-ESTATE – Operations Procedure Approval
MAC – Direct Meeting Co. to Choose Toulouse Hotel
SPWG – Provide Operations Procedure and SPWG Report presentations. Chair cautioned SPWG to
bring Bylaws if they too are affected.
1.7 The meeting was adjourned at 5:50PM.
Thursday, 21 May 1998, 5:35PM
The SCC20 Steering Committee meeting was called to order by William Simpson, Chair of SCC20.
2.1 Introductory
The meeting agenda was approved unanimously, and is provided in Attachment 3 to these minutes.
2.2 Reports
Chair’s Report
Mr. Simpson thanked everyone for their efforts in all the subcommittees this week.
Mr. Simpson dissolved the 771 Subcommittee. A motion made at the 96-1 meeting in Prien had provided
the official action to dissolve the group.
2.2.2 Committee/Working Group Reports ATLAS – N. Ramachandran
Mr. Ramachandran reported on the ATLAS 2000 Working Group efforts, and on the Signal Modeling
Working Group, where 16 basic signals have been defined, to allow the building of all ATLAS95 signals.
Sections 1-10 of ATLAS 2000 are expected to be completed by the end of June, with a possible interim
meeting in July and another at AUTOTESTCON. Mr. Ramachandran noted that a lack of resources may
inhibit progress, which would affect the release date for the standard. The target is the end of ’99 to begin
balloting, in order to meet a year 2000 publish date. ABBET –
The SCC20 Chair informed the Committee that an information packet on 1226.13 was provided as part of
the read ahead package (Log Item # 86). AI-ESTATE – Les Orlidge
Mr. Orlidge informed the Committee that the AI-ESTATE Subcommittee has been working on the Unified
1232 Overview and Architecture, 1232.1 and 1232.2 standard.
The P1232.2 Negative Ballot Review has completed review of all comments. An aggressive schedule has
been set, to prepare it for the September IEEE Standards Board. Electronic meeting of AI-ESTATE and
electronic PCS approval will be required between meetings, to meet the schedule. The P1232.2 will also go
into IEC fast track if the IEEE Standards Board date is met.
Finally, Mr. Orlidge reported that the 1522 Testability standard, specifically metrics, is now in work. PCS-Arthur Hann
Mr. Hann presented the PCS meeting report (part of SCC20 Log #86 .)
PCS recommends SCC20 Steering Committee approval of the 1226.13 Requirements Document.
Mr. Hann also reported that each subcommittee should provide their Operating Procedures in electronic
form, so that MAC can maintain an archive of Operating Procedures.
Mr. Carpenter remarked that the recent specification of archiving in the AI-ESTATE Operating Procedure
is recommended because it reduces workload and liability. SCC20 Chair concurred with the remark. MAC- Arnold Greenspan
SCC20 Chair reported the resignation of Jack Taylor as Chair of MAC. The spot will be kept vacant,
because of possible upcoming SPWG report recommendations. Arnold Greenspan provided the report.
Mr. Greenspan reported that the 98-2 meeting will be held in Toulouse, France. Alexandria, VA (Institute
for Defense Analyses) is being explored as the target site for the 99-1 meeting.
Mr. Greenspan remarked that there are no costs incurred in keeping current Log Item archives. Other cost
cutting measures, such as not including lunch in registration was presented as options for future meeting
registration cost savings.
Keith Ellis indicated that Edinburgh, Scotland may be a possible site for the 99-1 meeting, and that the
matter continues to be pursued by Michael Blair. SPWG – Richard Churcher
Mr. Churcher presented the various revisions of the SCC20 Operating Procedures.
The committee discussed at length, the appropriate use of the terms “chair”, “co-chair” and “vice-chair”.
Mr. Churcher continued by presenting possible SCC20 Bylaws modifications. The committee was
requested to review the Bylaws, but he noted that approval of changes would not be addressed until the
Toulouse meeting.
Mr. Churcher presented the recommendations in the SPWG report (See SCC20 Log #86), identifying items
1. through 5. as already in place. Mr. Carpenter remarked that item 11. regarding liaisons, cannot be
implemented due to a conflict with current IEEE bylaws, section 4.5 (appointment of liaisons), since SCC20
is attempting to restrict liaison organization involvement.
A final point was made by Mr. Churcher that the Steering Committee look at changes to the document to
reflect that what we do is requirements driven. Meeting Times – Larry Carpenter
Mr. Carpenter remarked that the meetings are not structured to move the standards through efficiently.
Larry recommended that meeting times be modified to streamline the process, especially linking to IEEE
Standards Board meetings. Mr. Carpenter recommended that meeting dates align with June Standards
Board, and meet the first Friday of the preceding month (5/6/98 in this case). An SCC20 meeting during
the third week in April would allow this harmonization. Mr. Greenspan asked the committee to consider
that moving to the left by about a month would also align us with AMC meetings. Direction from the
SCC20 Chair was requested. Non-Participating Liaisons – Larry Carpenter
Mr. Carpenter noted that there are three liaison positions on Steering that have remained unfilled for several
years. The German, NATO, and French MoD liaison positions are the non-participative members in
question. The IEC liaison has also not yet been appointed, despite consistent presence of an unofficial IEC
liaison . The current unofficial IEC liaison (Randy Simpson) remarked that he is indifferent to establishing
an official liaison near term, since it would not change the actual voting members.
2.3 Break
2.4 Motions
2.4.1 SPWG Approval of SCC20 Operating Procedures
Richard Churcher introduced a motion, recommending that the SC approve the SCC20 Operating
An amendment to change the document date, and paragraph 3.1.c to include the word “subcommittee” was
accepted as a friendly change. Larry Carpenter moved to table the original motion, with a vote of 9 in
favor, with 3 abstentions. Mr. Carpenter moved that a previous Steering Committee action to add two
provisos to the Operating Procedures, to change paragraphs 4.2.1b and 4.2.1e (maintaining orderly flow and
appointing Sergeant-at-Arms) be rescinded. The motion carried. A motion to take the motion from the
table carried.
John Sheppard moved to amend the original motion, to add to the first sentence of Clause 5, removing the
words “two co-chairs” and replace it with a footnote to read “where Chairs means “chair”, ‘co-chairs” or
“chair and vice-chair” as appointed by the SCC20 Chair”.
John Sheppard moved to amend clause 4, to replace bullets b. through j. with “Official liaisons, as
appointed by the Standards Board of the IEEE Standards Association”. The motion carried with 12 voting
in favor, with 1 abstention.
A friendly amendment made by Bill Ross was accepted, to remove the redundant “as follows” from the end
of the first paragraph in clause 4.
The motion to approve the document passed unanimously. Approval of SPWG Recommendations
Richard Churcher introduced a motion to proceed with the recommendations made in the SPWG report, in
preparation of the necessary paperwork for Toulouse. As SCC20 Chair, Randy Simpson asked to take a
straw vote of Steering Committee members, to indicate those in favor of allowing SPWG to proceed with
drafting proposed changes, including identified SCC20 Bylaws modifications.
Larry Carpenter asked that SPWG recommended item 11. be considered, as changed based on earlier
discussion and that items 1-5 be deleted. All except one voted in favor, with one opposed and one
MAC Approval of MAC Operating Procedures
Arnold Greenspan moved that the SCC20 Steering Committee direct Meeting Co. to choose and proceed
with arrangements at the Virginia site for the 99-1 meeting. Larry Carpenter provided an accepted friendly
amendment, to coordinate the date of the meeting to support the June IEEE Standards Board meeting. The
motion passed unanimously.
Arnold Greenspan moved to approve the MAC Operations Guide. The motion passed unanimously.
Liaison Changes
Larry Carpenter introduced a motion that the SCC20 Chair be directed to request by letter, at the next
available Standards Board meeting, to delete the Belgian, French, and German MoD liaisons. An
amendment was made by Bill Ross that this letter be preceded by letters to the liaisons, requesting their
status and interest in maintaining their positions. In absence of response, the chair will proceed with the
first letter. The motion passed unanimously.
Larry Carpenter moved that the SCC20 Chair be directed to request by letter at the next available Standards
Board meeting that an IEC liaison be appointed officially.
An amendment was made by John Sheppard, to make it specifically an IEC TC93 liaison. The amendment
voting results: 3 in favor, 8 opposed, 1 abstention. The amendment was defeated.
The motion passed unamended with 10 votes in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstention.
Other Motions
John Sheppard noted that there was an expectation that there would be Internet access available at this
meeting. The approved MAC Operations Guide contained wording in the Standard Meeting Calendar
section, identifying “modem capability, phone lines…”.
John Sheppard introduced a motion authorizing Meeting Company to subscribe to an internet access
provider and provide access at future SCC20 meetings. the motion passed 7 affirmative, 4 opposed, with 1
2.5 Other Business
No other business was identified.
2.6 Adjourn
The Steering Committee was adjourned at 8:00PM.
Attachment 1
A. List of SCC20 Steering Committee Attendees
Greg Bowman
Larry Carpenter
ARINC Liaison, Past SCC20 Chair
Richard Churcher MOD Liaison
Keith Ellis
716 Chair
Steve Fortier
ABBET Co-Chair
Arnold Greenspan
AESS Liaison
Arthur Hann
PCS Co-Chair
Gary Hardenburg
ABBET Co-Chair
Ashley Hulme
P771 Chair, Non-US Vice Chair
Harry McGuckin
SCC20 US Vice Chair
Mukund Modi
ATPG Co-Chair
Les Orlidge
N. Ramachandran716 Co-Chair
William Ross
DoD Liaison
John Sheppard
CS Liaison, AI-ESTATE Co-Chair
W.R. Simpson
SCC20 Chair
Joe Stanco
I&M Society Liaison
Jack Taylor
MAC Chair
Attachment 2
Monday, 11 May 1998, 5:30 PM
Call to Order
Changes to the Agenda
Approval of 97-2 Minutes
Chair’s Report
IEEE Standards Board
Standards Association Activities
Anticipated Actions for Thursday Steering
User’s Guide
Operating Procedures
Other Business
Attachment 3
SCC20 Steering Committee Agenda
May 14, 1998
1) Introductory
a) Call to Order
b) Approval of Agenda
2) Reports
a) Chair’s Report
i) 771
b) Committee/Working Group Reports
iv) PCS
v) MAC
vi) SPWG
vii) Meeting Times (Mr. Carpenter)
viii)Non-Participating Liaison (Mr. Carpenter)
3) Break
4) Motions
i) Approval of SCC20 Operating Procedures
ii) Approval of SPWG Recommendations
b) MAC
i) Approval of MAC Operating Procedures
c) Liaison Changes
d) Other Motions
5) Other Business
6) Adjourn
New SCC20 Log Items
Log Number
Entry Date
Steering Committee Meeting Read Ahead