Stress Corrosion Cracking in a Dissimilar Metal Butt Weld in a 2 inch Nozzle by Thomas E. Demers An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Approved: ____________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, CT April, 2012 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction/Background and Purpose....................................................................................... 3 2.0 Input and Methodology .............................................................................................................. 3 3.0 2.1 Stress Intensity Factor (K) Solution ................................................................................... 3 2.2 Stress Input ...................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Crack Growth Methodology and Growth Laws ................................................................ 11 2.4 Limiting Flaw Depth Methodology ................................................................................... 12 Results and Discussion ........................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Calculation of Stress Intensity Factor KI .......................................................................... 13 3.2 Calculation of Stress Corrosion Cracking Growth ........................................................... 15 4.0 Summary and Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 19 5.0 References .............................................................................................................................. 19 Word Version 6.1 Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures List of Symbols Acronyms Keywords Acknowledgements I would like to thank Professor Ernesto Guiterrez-Miravete and my Current and Former Westinghouse colleagues David Ayres, Warren Bamford, and Reddy Ganta for their advice on this project and subject matter. I would like to thank Ya T. Wu for his work developing the residual stresses used as input to this report, and his assistance in providing additional information and clarification when necessary. I would also like to thank Westinghouse Electric Company for their financial support of my engineering masters degree. Abstract Residual stress distributions in a dissimilar metal butt weld in a 2-inch nozzle due to an inside diameter (ID) weld repair as well as a weld overlay (WOL) are available in a report submitted to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) by Ya Tao Wu [1]. This information can be used as input to a stress corrosion cracking evaluation for this component. Residual stresses are available for both before and after the weld overlay, which provides the opportunity for comparison between how a flaw would behave for each condition. It is expected that the weld overlay will significantly impact the behavior of a flaw in the dissimilar metal butt weld. In addition to weld residual stresses, stresses induced by mechanical loadings and pressure stresses are also included. Representative stresses are used for this study based on experience in the nuclear industry. Circumferential flaws are evaluated herein, where the flaw is oriented along the length of the weld. Semi‐elliptical flaws of varying geometry on the inside diameter (ID) are considered. Aspect ratios of 2, 4, and 8 are considered as reasonable flaw geometries based on experience. Flaw growth calculations are performed, and the acceptability of flaws of different sizes are determined. 1.0 Introduction/Background and Purpose 2.0 Input and Methodology 2.1 Stress Intensity Factor (K) Solution This project will study the growth of semi-elliptical, circumferentially oriented flaws in the butt weld of a 2-inch pipe. The growth laws used herein (discussed in Section 2.3) require a stress intensity factor as an input. Stress intensity factors for semi-elliptical surface flaws can be found in API-579 [2]. Specifically, for evaluating stress corrosion cracking (SCC), flaws are postulated on the inside diameter (ID) of the component. This is because flaws on the ID will grow due to SCC, while flaws on the outside diameter and embedded flaws would not grow due to SCC because they would not be exposed to the coolant in the pipe. Word Version 6.1 Section C.5.14 of [2] provides the solution for a “Cylinder – Surface Crack, Circumferential Direction – Semi-Elliptical Shape, Through-Wall Fourth Order Polynomial Stress Distribution with a Net Section Bending Stress.” This is applicable to the scenario evaluated herein. Equation 2-1: Mode I Stress Intensity Factor Solution In Equation 2-1: a = the flaw depth t = the wall thickness σ0 through σ4 are the coefficients of the fourth order polynomial of stress distribution through the wall thickness. σ5 and σ6 are the net section bending stresses about the x-axis and y-axis. For the depth point, only σ5 is necessary for the calculation. Additionally, only one bending stress is used herein, so the σ6 term is discarded. The influence coefficients G0, G1, G5 and G6 for inside and outside surface cracks can be determined using the following equations: where the parameters Aij are provided in Table C.14 of [2] for an inside diameter crack and β = 2φ/π φ is the angle between the surface and the point being evaluated. In this case, φ = π/2 to obtain the stress intensity factor solution at the deepest point. Word Version 6.1 G2, G3, and G4 are calculated using the following equations for the deepest point (φ= π/2): where M1 through M3 are calculated as: and Q is calculated as: The ratio a/c is always less than zero for the aspect ratios evaluated herein. pc = crack face pressure (2500 psi in this calculation) Word Version 6.1 Figure 2-1: Component and Crack Geometry Word Version 6.1 2.2 Stress Input Stress input is available in [1] that contains the weld residual stresses. Two sets of stresses are available; one that is applicable for an ID repair weld, and one that is applicable for a weld overlay. Stress distributions are provided at 70°F and 650°F. Because this calculation will be a stress corrosion cracking calculation, the stress distribution experienced during normal operation is most applicable for studying the growth of a flaw. This corresponds to the stresses at 650°F. These stress distributions can be seen in Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3. Figure 2-2: Axial and Hoop Residual Stresses at 650°F after ID Repair Figure 2-3: Axial and Hoop Residual Stresses at 650°F after Weld Overlay (WOL) Repair Word Version 6.1 The stresses that will drive a circumferentially oriented weld are the tensile axial stresses, because they act normal to the surface of the flaw and will cause crack opening. As explained in [1], the stresses already contain the axial stress due to the 2250 psi internal pressure experienced by the pipe at normal operation. Steady-state thermal stresses would also be included, because only the ID of the pipe sees the 650°F normal operating temperature. In addition to the pressure, residual, and thermal stresses contained in the stress distributions from [1], representative mechanical stresses must be considered. For this analysis, the mechanical loads are summarized in Table 2-1. The loads provided are applicable to normal operating conditions. Table 2-1: Mechanical Loading Normal Operation Axial (lb) 0 Bend (in-lb) 10,000 To determine the stresses, the geometry of the butt weld is needed. summarized in Table 2-2. This geometry is Table 2-2: Butt Weld Geometry Dimensions - Butt Weld Inside Radius (Ri) 0.8435 Outside Radius (Ro) 1.1875 Thickness (t) 0.344 Area (A) 2.194918 Moment of Inertia (I) 1.164211 in in in In2 In4 The axial stress is calculated using Equation 2-2. F/A + M∙c/I Equation 2-2: Combined Mechanical Stress Equation Where: F = axial force for a given loading condition A = cross sectional area M = moment for a given loading condition c = radius where the stress result is desired I = moment of ineria The mechanical stresses calculated for normal operating conditions are provided in Table 2-3. Table 2-3: Normal Operating Condition Mechanical Stresses Axial Bend (OD) Bend (ID) Stress 0 10200.04 7245.25 Units psi psi psi Word Version 6.1 The stress distributions from [1] used to make Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3 are provided in Table 2-4, along with the mechanical stress distribution for normal operation. Table 2-4: Stress Distributions from [1] and Mechanical Stress Distributions (psi) % 0% 4% 9% 13% 17% 22% 26% 30% 35% 39% 43% 48% 52% 56% 61% 65% 69% 74% 78% 82% 87% 91% 95% 100% x-coordinate (in) 0 0.01488 0.02976 0.04465 0.05953 0.07441 0.08929 0.10417 0.11906 0.13394 0.14882 0.1637 0.17859 0.19347 0.20835 0.22323 0.23811 0.253 0.26788 0.28276 0.29764 0.31252 0.32741 0.344 Radius (in) 0.8435 0.85838 0.87326 0.88815 0.90303 0.91791 0.93279 0.94767 0.96256 0.97744 0.99232 1.0072 1.02209 1.03697 1.05185 1.06673 1.08161 1.0965 1.11138 1.12626 1.14114 1.15602 1.17091 1.1875 Residual Before WOL 43337 45784 48527 55110 61119 63763 65833 65923 64165 57895 47605 31467 14597 -3774 -21971 -37342 -40697 -43954 -47117 -51564 -56263 -56303 -45974 -35565 Residual After WOL -56700 -55621 -54670 -55151 -55334 -53780 -52015 -49514 -47602 -47067 -46808 -46942 -46712 -45673 -44640 -44001 -44233 -44418 -44558 -41246 -37431 -33752 -30746 -27841 Mechanical 7245 7373 7501 7629 7757 7884 8012 8140 8268 8396 8524 8651 8779 8907 9035 9163 9290 9418 9546 9674 9802 9930 10058 10200 As indicated in Section 2.1, the input should be applied separately as a fourth order polynomial of the stress distribution from [1], and the net section bending should be provided individually. The stress distribution including the axial stress due to pressure, steady-state thermal, and residual stress due to the inside surface weld repair (prior to the weld overlay (WOL)) is provided in Figure 2-4. The stress distribution after the WOL is provided in Figure 2-5. The stress distribution though the thickness of the butt weld is what will be used to evaluate flaws. It can be observed in Figure 2-5 that after the WOL is applied, the entire butt weld is put into compression. Word Version 6.1 Figure 2-4: Stress Distribution for Normal Operating Conditions (650°F) (Before WOL) Figure 2-5: Stress Distribution for Normal Operating Conditions (650°F) (After WOL) Word Version 6.1 2.3 Crack Growth Methodology and Growth Laws Crack growth in Alloy 82/182 welds is described in MRP-115 [3], which is a public document available through EPRI. The Alloy 82/182 growth rates from [3] also match those available for Alloy 82/182 in Section C-8511 of Section XI of the ASME Code [4]. Specifically, it provides the following equations: Equation 2-3: Alloy 182 Growth Rate at 617°F More generically: Equation 2-4: Generic Alloy 182 Growth Rate where: adot = crack growth rate at temperature T in in/h Qg = thermal activation energy for crack growth (31.0 kcal/mole) R = universal gas constant (1.103x10-3 kcal/mole-°R) T = absolute operating temperature at location of crack (°R) Tref = absolute reference temperature used to normalize data (1076.67°R) α = power-law constant (2.47x10-7) falloy = 1.0 for Alloy 182 and 1/2.6 for Alloy 82 forient = 1.0 K = crack tip stress intensity factor (ksi√in) β = exponent = 1.6 Additionally, for the purpose of comparison, the growth rate for stainless steel available in Section C-8520 of [4] was also used to predict growth. This allows observation of the increased predicted crack growth in Alloy 82/182 welds versus typical stainless steel components. The crack growth is performed in 1 month intervals or __ month intervals, depending on the set of calculations. 1 month intervals were adequate for the calculations using the stainless steel growth rate, however the allowable operating period is significantly reduced when using the Alloy 82/182 growth rate, and a shorter interval was used to provide more data points over the shortened operating period. All crack calculations start with a flaw that is 10% through the wall of the component. Word Version 6.1 2.4 Limiting Flaw Depth Methodology The flaw depth can be limited by two things: 1. The stress intensity factor when compared to fracture toughness. 2. A limit load evaluation, which ensures that the remaining cross section of the component does not experience plastic collapse. Therefore, in this set of calculations, the stress intensity factor is compared to a fracture toughness. The fracture toughness of Alloy 82/182 is not readily available, but based on literature [] it is expected to be high compared to other materials. In order to come up with a conservative value for use in these calculations, a fracture toughness of 150 ksi√in is obtained from [5]. This corresponds to stainless steel. For these calculations, a safety factor of 3 will be applied to this fracture toughness and a value of 50 ksi√in will be used going forward. Additionally, allowable flaw depths are established based on limit load per Article C-5000 of [4]. MORE DETAIL The most limiting allowable flaw depth, as determined by stress intensity factor or limit load calculation per Article C-5000 of [4], is used to establish the final allowable flaw depth for a given flaw and loading. Word Version 6.1 3.0 Results and Discussion 3.1 Calculation of Stress Intensity Factor KI Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2 provide the stress intensity factors as a function of the flaw depth. Figure 3-1: Stress Intensity Factor vs. Flaw Depth for Mechanical Loads Only Word Version 6.1 Figure 3-2: Stress Intensity Factor vs. Flaw Depth for Combined Mechanical, Thermal, and Residual Loads Word Version 6.1 3.2 Calculation of Stress Corrosion Cracking Growth Figure 3-3: Stainless Steel Growth Rate Calculations - Mechanical Only Figure 3-4: Stainless Steel Growth Rate Calculations (AR = 2) - Mechanical Only Word Version 6.1 Figure 3-5: Stainless Steel Growth Rate Calculations (AR = 4) - Mechanical Only Figure 3-6: Stainless Steel Growth Rate Calculations (AR = 8) - Mechanical Only Word Version 6.1 Figure 3-7: Stainless Steel Growth Rate Calculations - Mechanical + Thermal + Residual Figure 3-8: Stainless Steel Growth Rate Calculations (AR = 2) - Mechanical + Thermal + Residual Word Version 6.1 Figure 3-9: Stainless Steel Growth Rate Calculations (AR = 4) - Mechanical + Thermal + Residual Figure 3-10: Stainless Steel Growth Rate Calculations (AR = 8) - Mechanical + Thermal + Residual Word Version 6.1 4.0 Summary and Conclusion 5.0 References 1. Wu, Ya T, “Residual Stress Study at the Dissimilar Metal Butt Weld due to the Weld Overlay Repair on 2 inch Nozzle Using ANSYS,” Rensselear Polytechnic institute, Hartford, CT, April 2012. 2. API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, “Fitness-for-Service,” Annex C, “Compendium of Stress Intensity Factor Solutions,” June 5, 2007. 3. Materials Reliability Program Crack Growth Rates for Evaluating Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking (PWSCC) of Alloy 82, 182, and 132 Welds (MRP-115), EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2004. 1006696. 4. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 2010. 5. BWR-VIP-76NP, Revision 1: BWR Vessel and Internals Project, BWR Core Shroud Inspection and Flaw Evaluation Guidelines. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2011. 1022843NP. 6. 7. Word Version 6.1 Word Version 6.1