B right Idea about nouns and verbs

Lesson Plan by Nick Smith
Nick Noun and Victor Verb (This lesson was originally called "Nicky" Noun and Victor
Verb. I liked that it had my name in it and decided to change that part of it.)
Three 45 minute class periods for each lesson and two one hour blocks for the final story.
Age/Grade Intended: 2nd-5th grade. For my lesson I am going to focus on third grade.
Academic Standards:
Identify and use past (he danced), present (he dances), and future (he will dance) verb tenses properly in
Performance Objectives:
After completing the lesson, students will be able to write a one or two page story that use past, present and future
tenses correctly, noting that past tense uses the -ed ending and the future tense uses the word "will", with at least
80% of their sentences in the correct tense.
Assessment: (This is taken directly from the original lesson plan, with the exception of the statements in brackets.)
Place Nick Noun and Victor Verb in a prominent place on the wall, and have the class write a story using nouns and
verbs, [or whatever other grammar you happen to be working on] from the cut-outs. [What's nice about this lesson
is that it can be used for more than nouns and verbs.] [I would look to see if all parts of speech are included that we
had been working on.]
Advanced Preparation:
Gather big paper, writing utensils, scissors and any other supplies needed so students can trace one
another for their copies of the outline. (Gardner: Bodily Kinesthetic)
Make, or find an outline of human body with body parts labeled to place on the chalkboard as the class
exercise copy. This will be Nick Noun. Make or find a second blank outline for Victor Verb. This
will serve as an idea generator of particular verbs to do with each body part.
Create magnetic verb flashcards for the chalkboard so as students come up with ideas they may place
their idea on Victor Verb. If a student comes up with an idea that you do not have a card for have them
use a sticky note to place on that body part. (Gardner: Bodily Kinesthetic)
Introduction/Motivation: Today we are going to get up out of our seats and have some fun creating
sentences with subjects and verbs. These are not going to be just any kind of sentences though. We are going to
create sentences using our different body parts as subjects and use verbs that we can do with our body. (For
example: Mr. Smith dribbled the basketball with his hands down the court.) To help us out we are going to make
two friends: Nick Noun is going to help us with the parts of the body we want to use in our sentences and our friend
Victor Verb is going to help us create some exciting verbs that we can do with those body parts for our sentences.
To begin today's lesson, we are going to first learn what past tense verbs are.
Step-by-step plan:
Mini lesson on past-tense and future tense verbs. This part of the lesson could be done over a period of
three class periods. Day One: Discussion of verb ideas and Regular past tense verbs; Day Two: Use the
verbs from previous day's discussion to introduce Irregular past tense verbs. If needed help to create more
irregular verbs; Day Three: Use verbs generated to introduce Future tense verbs. To do a bit of a review
ask the class if someone can explain in their own words what a present tense verb is. (Bloom:
Comprehension) Once day one's mini lesson is completed, transition to step two. Before doing so,
remind the students they are going to create their friends. (Time allowed: 20 minutes)
Allow children to pass out supplies necessary. (Paper, scissors) (Gardner: Bodily Kinesthetic) (Time
allowed: 2 minutes)
Have students pair up to trace each other for Nick Noun. Allow students to take turns tracing each other.
Explain that their tracings do not have to be perfect and that they should trace as quickly as possible, while
still doing their personal best. Once students are completed with the task, have them return to their seats
and label their friend Nick Noun. (Gardner: Bodily Kinesthetic) (Time allowed: No more than 10
minutes. If students complete task before, move on to next step.)
Quickly have students name body parts they think of by raising their hand. As each student thinks of a
body part, have them write it on the class friend Nick Noun. (Bloom: Knowledge; Gardner: Bodily
Kinesthetic) Once students have ran out of ideas, the teacher should point to body parts and call on people
to name them and come up to the front and label as before. Once you have allowed sufficient time, go on
to the next step. (Time allowed: 10-15 minutes)
Repeat step 2 only substituting the name Victor Verb. They may choose to switch partners if they choose.
Remind them if they choose to switch partners to do so quickly and quietly. (Same Gardner and time
Have a class discussion pointing to the body parts the class labeled in step 3, and come up with verbs that
people do with those body parts. As students come up with verbs, have them put the appropriate magnet
label on the appropriate body part of Victor Verb. If there is not a label for the action the student chooses,
allow them to create one with a sticky note. Do each day for three days focusing on each concept below.
The verbs on the magnets are present tense. I would have students change into past and future tenses.
(Bloom: Knowledge) (Time allowed: 15 minutes)
 Day 1: Review present tense verbs. Focus on regular past tense verbs. (i.e. those verbs that end in
-ed. Example: Mr. Smith kicked the soccer ball with his feet.)
 Day 2: Focus on irregular past tense verbs. (Example: Mr. Smith swam the English Channel.
Emphasize that the correct word is "swam" and not "swimmed.")
 Day 3: Focus on future tense verbs emphasizing that all future tense verbs include the word "will"
before the verb. (Example: Mr. Smith hopes that he will shoot 20 three-point baskets without
missing any.)
To assess students at each point have them write one sentence of their own for each of the three days.
The idea for the story came from the original lesson plan with more detail added by me.
At the end of the three day unit, spend Thursday and Friday having students write a 1
page story of their own using verbs that they learned over the previous three days. On
Thursday, have the students pre-write and rough draft. Spend the first part of Friday peer
editing and revising. Spend the last part of Friday handwriting or typing a final copy of
their story.
Adaptations and Enrichment:
Those students who have motor development issues: Have their two shapes cut out for them. This may
also be good for ADHD and ED students who may have trouble working with a partner.
 For LD students allow them to only write a half page story instead of a full page.
 For those students who are gifted allow them to write as much as they want. When it is time for peer
edit allow those students to work together. Do not pair a gifted student who wrote a five page paper
with an LD student who only wrote a half page and expect the LD student to read all five pages.