Supplementary Table 2: Summary of gene expression profiling studies conducted on human biosamples from patients with PD Study Samples Tissue preparation Cell sample RNA quality control Platform Zheng et al.1* Middleton-1: 10 PD; 8 controls Middleton-2: 10 PD; 10 controls Middleton-3: 8 PD, 8 controls Subclinical PD: 16 with subclinical Lewy bodies; 17 controls 15 PD; 7 normal controls ; 1 MS Middleton-1/2: Frozen Middleton-3: EBVtransformed peripheral lymphocytes Middleton-1/2: LCM of dopaminergic neurons from SNpc and neurons from globus pallidus interna Middleton-3: Lymphoblastoid cells Subclinical PD: LCM of dopaminergic neurons from SNpc Electrophoresis Frozen Mixed-cell sample from lateral and medial SN and the SFG Electrophoresis Middleton-1/2/3: Affymetrix HG U133 plus 2.0 (~55,000 transcripts) Subclinical PD: Illumina HumanHT-12v3 (>25,000 genes) Affymetrix HG U133AB (~33,000 genes) Vogt et al4 8 PD; 8 MSA; 8 normal controls Frozen Mixed-cell sample from putamen, cerebellum and occipital cortex. Electrophoresis Affymetrix HG U133A (~14,500 genes) Hauser et al5 6 PD; 2 PSP; 1 FTD with parkinsonism; 5 normal controls 15 PD with dyskinesia; 16 PD without dyskinesia, 32 normal controls Frozen Mixed-cell sample from SN and surrounding midbrain Affymetrix HG U133A Frozen Mixed cell sample from putamen 3’:5’ ratio of <5 from the actual microarray Electrophoresis 15 PD; 15 normal controls Frozen Mixed-cell sample from SN, putamen and Brodmann area 9 Electrophoresis; ribosomal ratio ≥1.5 Affymetrix HG U133A Moran et al3 Naydenov et al6 Zhang et al7 1 Affymetrix HG U133A 2.0 (~38,500 genes) Measure of differential expression (no. of differentially expressed genes in disease versus control) Genes rank ordered by their association with PD Enrichment analysis Validation Gene set enrichment analysis2 QRT-PCR in independent samples; overexpression of PGC1α tested in cell models of PD T-test, P <0.001; FC ≥100%; BH multiple test correction (489↓ and 81↑) Multiway ANOVA; FWER controlling multiple test correction (40 in putamen, 88 in cerebellum, 38 in occipital cortex) T-test, P <0.05 (142, majority downregulated) ANOVA and ANCOVA with age and postmortem interval as covariates; BH multiple test correction; post-hoc ttest; P ≤0.05 One-way ANOVA; BH multiple test correction (329) Percentage of genes within functional categories None QRT-PCR None None Fisher’s exact test None Pathstat8 RT-PCR and semiquantitative RTPCR; ISH QRT-PCR; IHC CantutiCastelvetri et al9 8 PD; 8 normal controls Frozen LCM of dopaminergic neurons from SNpc Electrophoresis Affymetrix Human X3P (~47,000 genes) Simunovic et al10 10 PD and 9 controls Frozen LCM of dopaminergic neurons of SNpc Electrophoresis Affymetrix HG U133A Stamper et al11 13 PD with dementia; 15 PD without dementia; 14 normal controls 50 PD; 55 normal and disease controls Frozen LCM of layer V–VI pyramidal neurons from posterior cingulate Affymetrix HG U133 plus 2.0 PAXgene tubes Venous blood 5 idiopathic PD, 3 LRRK2 PD, 1 asymptomatic LRRK2 mutation carrier, 5 normal controls 10 LRRK2 PD, 1 asymptomatic LRRK2 mutation carrier, 7 normal controls, additional sample from 40 pooled controls 12 idiopathic PD, 7 controls Frozen Mixed-cell sample from putamen 1% Tris-acetate EDTA gel to check range of transcript sizes Electrophoresis and RNA 6000 Nanochip Electrophoresis Sodium citrate tube Monocytes removed from whole blood Frozen Elstner et al19 11 PD, 11 agematched controls, 8 young controls Matigian et al 20 Mar et al21 Scherzer et al12 Botta-Orfila et al 13 Mutez et al17 Durrenberger et al18 SAM 2.0 with FDR <11% (102↓ and 186↑ in females; 232↓ and 60↑ in males) Multiway ANOVA, FDR 10% (465↓ and 580↑) T-tests, P value <0.01; FC >2 (21 cognitively normal, 73 in PD with dementia) SAM with FDR 3% (22) Fisher’s exact test QRT-PCR Modified Fisher’s exact test QRT-PCR None QRT-PCR from different cells isolated from the same tissue QRT-PCR Affymetrix 1.0 Exon Limma; FC >2; BH multiple test correction (232 in idiopathic PD) DAVID bioinformatics resources14,15, Fisher’s exact test, Onto-tools16 QRT-PCR Electrophoresis Agilent Human 44K (~44,000 genes) Welch t-test, P <0.05; FC >2 (132) Fisher’s exact test QRT-PCR Mixed cell sample from SNpc Electrophoresis Student t-test, P <0.01; Multiple test correction Gene set enrichment analysis2 QRT-PCR Frozen LCM of dopaminergic neurons of SNpc Electrophoresis Illumina HumanRef-8 v2 BeadChip (>22,000 probes) Illumina WG6v1 BeadChip (>20,000 genes) Fisher’s exact test; BH multiple test correction FDR 5% None 19 PD, 9 schizophrenia and 14 controls Neurosphere preparation from nasal biopsy Olfactory-neurosphere-derived cells Electrophoresis Illumina HumanRef-8 v2 BeadChip (>22,000 probes) ANOVA, P <0.05; BH multiple test correction (750↓ and 435↑ in PD;147↓ and 109↑with age) Two-way ANOVA, P <0.05; BH multiple test correction (514) QRT-PCR 13 PD, 9 schizophrenia and Neurosphere preparation Olfactory neurosphere derived cells Electrophoresis Illumina HumanRef-8 v2 Fisher’s exact test, DAVID bioinformatics resources14,15 GOstats (version 2.14.0), P <0.05 2 Affymetrix HG U133A Compared numbers of genes with given None None 11 controls from nasal biopsy Miller et al22 6 PD (6 SN,4 striatum), 8 controls (8 SN, 4 striatum) Frozen Mixed-cell sample from SN and/or striatum Electrophoresis Papapetrpoulos et al23 22 PD, 23 controls Frozen 28S:18S ratio Shehadeh et al24 17 PD, 11 controls PAXgene tubes Mixed-cell sample from SN, ventral tegmental area, Brodmann area 35, insular, amygdala, nucleus basalis, caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens, globus pallidus, mediodorsal thalamus, pulvinar, subthalamic nucleus, trigeminal nucleus, cerebellar hemisphere, cerebellar vermis, dorsal raphe, locus coeruleus, hypothalamus, reticular formation, hippocampus Venous blood Bossers et al25 4 PD, 4 controls Frozen Mixed-cell sample from spared areas of SN Electrophoresis Electrophoresis BeadChip (>22,000 targets) and v3 (>25,000 targets) CodeLink Human UniSet 20 K bioarray (20,469 probes) Affymetrix HG U133 plus 2.0 variability in disease and control groups by Chi-squared test, P <0.001 Student t-test, P <0.01; FC >1.5 (211↓ and 112↑ in SN; 1,036 in striatum) One-way ANOVA, P <0.05; FC >1.3 Affymetrix 1.0 Exon Gene level: one-way ANOVA, P <0.05; FC >2 (58) Exon level: splicing ANOVA, P <0.05, BH multiple testing correction, filtered splicing index 0.87 (218) Limma, P <0.05. Bonferroni multiple test correction None QRT-PCR, IHC None QRT-PCR GeneSpring GX 10 QRT-PCR Agilent 22k 60mer Functional Class QRT-PCR oligonucleotide Scoring Method26 array (~22,5000 probe sets) *Only studies not published elsewhere are described. Abbreviations: ANCOVA, analysis of covariance; ANOVA, analysis of variance; BH, Benjamini–Hochberg; DAVID, Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; FC, fold change; FDR, false discovery rate; FTD, frontotemporal dementia; FWER, familywise error rate; IHC, immunohistochemistry; ISH, in situ hybridization; LCM, laser capture microdissection; LRRK2, leucine-rich repeat kinase 2; MS, multiple sclerosis; MSA, multiple system atrophy; PD, Parkinson disease; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; QRT, quantitative reverse transcription; RT, reverse transcription; SAM, significance analysis of microarrays; SFG, superior fusiform gyrus; SN, substantia nigra; SNpc, substantia nigra pars compacta. 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