Title: Femto Stage 2 Call Flows Abstract: This contribution proposes a few stage 2 call flows to be included in section 9 of X.P0059-100. Source: Jun Wang/Chandru Sundarraman/Anand Palanigounder QUALCOMM Inc. jwang/csundarr/apg@qualcomm.com Date: Oct 27, 2008 Recommendation: Review and adopt it. Notice Contributors grant a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organization Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner’s name any Organizational Partner’s standards publication even though it may include portions of the contribution; and at the Organization Partner’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contributions or the resulting Organizational Partner’s standards publication. Contributors are also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by the contributors to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on the contributors. Contributors specifically reserve the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and nothing herein shall be construed as conferring or offering licenses or rights with respect to any intellectual property of the contributors other than provided in the copyright statement above. 2 9.1 Femto Initialization Call Flow without Redirection Figure 1 shows the initialization call flow for 1x FAP, HRPD FAP, or HRPD and 1x Hybrid FAP unless noted in the step descriptions. Public DNS Server FAP 1 S-FGW DNS Server S-FMS CSCF/MFIF Femto Powers up and initiates Neighborhood discovery; Neighborhood discovery should be completed prior to step 4 DNS Query (S-FGW) 2 3 Establish Tunnel DNS Query (FMS) 4 5 TR-069: Auto-configuration with Serving FMS. FMS configures FAP with the femto identities and provisions it with the serving CSCF and other network entities 1x RTT FAP connects to CSCF and performs IMS registration; CSCF registers FAP with MFIF 6 7 IS-801 Session to determine Femto Location TR-069: Auto-configuration with Serving FMS. If not already Configured, FMS configures FAP with location specific radio parameters 8 9 FAP is now configured and registered with the operator’s network FAP now is ready to serve MS/AT Figure 1 femto Initialization Call Flow without Redirection 1. FAP performs neighborhood discovery as specified in TSG-C document (C.S00xx). FAP reads the system parameter messages of the strongest neighboring marco cell to obtain the system information such as SID, NID, Subnet ID etc. FAP also observes the pilot channels of other neighboring cells as specified in [C.S00xx] 2. FAP performs FGW discovery through the public DNS server. 3. FAP establishes IPsec tunnel with the FGW discovered in step 2. In this step, FAP subscription authorization is also performed. 4. FAP performs FMS discovery through established IPsec tunnel. 5. FAP connects to FMS to perform FAP provisioning and configuration. FAP sends its neighborhood information during the auto-configuration stage. FAP is configured with MPC/ PDE the femto parameters and identities as defined in TBD and the IP addresses of the network elements as specified in TBD 6. FAP performs IMS registration with the CSCF. CSCF performs third party registration of FAP with the MFIF. This step only applies to 1x FAP or 1x/HRPD Hybrid FAP. 7. If the location of FAP is not accurately known, the FAP establishes an IS-801 session with the PDE as specified in [J-STD-036]. This step only applies to 1x FAP or 1x/HRPD Hybrid FAP. Position location determination for HRPD only FAP is FFS. 8. FAP reconnects to FMS with the accurate location information. If the FAP is not already configured with the location specific radio parameters and other identities, FMS completes the configuration of FAP. 9. FAP has now completed the initialization procedure and is ready to serve the MS/AT. 4 9.2 Femto Initialization Call Flow with Redirection to serving system Figure 2a shows the FAP initialization call flow with FMS redirection for 1x FAP, HRPD FAP, or HRPD and 1x Hybrid FAP unless noted in the step descriptions. FAP 1 2 Local DNS D-FGW DNS Server D-FMS S-FGW DNS Server FMS CSCF / MFIF DNS Query(DFGW) Establish Tunnel DNS Query(FMS) 3 TR-069: Auto-configuration of FAP by D-FMS: FMS redirects FAP to serving FGW/FMS 4 Close Tunnel 5 6 Establish Tunnel DNS Query (FMS) 7 8 TR-069: Auto-configuration of FAP by S-FMS: FMS provision FAP with femto identities and address of network entities 9 IMS registration of FAP with serving CSCF/ MFIF 10 11 12 IS-801 Session to determine Femto Location TR-069: Auto-configuration of FAP by S-FMS: FMS provision FAP with location specific radio parameters FAP is now configured and registered with the network.FAP turn ON its transmitter and is ready to serve MS Figure 2a femto Initialization Call Flow with Redirection Prior to step 4, FAP performs neighborhood discovery as specified in TSG-C document (C.S00xx). FAP reads the system parameter messages of the strongest neighboring marco cell to obtain the system information (such as SID, NID, BaseID, Subnet ID, etc.). FAP also observes the pilot channel of other neighboring cells. 1. After obtaining an IP address from the local/private network, FAP performs FGW discovery through the public DNS server. 2. FAP establishes IPsec tunnel with the FGW discovered in step 2. In this step, FAP subscription authorization is also performed. MPC/PDE 3. FAP performs FMS discovery through established IPsec tunnel. 4. D-FMS redirects FAP to S-FGW/S-FMS due to load balancing or due to FAP’s location closer to S-FGW/S-FMS. 5. FAP terminates the secure tunnel with the D-FGW 6. FAP establishes IPsec tunnel with the S-FGW configured by D-FMS in step 4. In this step, FAP subscription authorization is also performed. 7. FAP performs S-FMS discovery through established IPsec tunnel. 8. FAP connects to S-FMS to perform FAP auto-configuration. FAP sends its neighborhood information [obtained during Neighborhood Discovery] during this auto-configuration stage. FAP is configured with the femto parameters and identities as specified in TBD and the IP addresses of the network elements as specified in TBD 9. FAP performs IMS registration with the CSCF. CSCF performs third party registration of FAP with the MFIF. This step only applies to 1x FAP or HRPD/1x Hybrid FAP. 10. If the location of FAP is not accurately known, the FAP should establish an IS-801 session with the PDE as specified in [J-STD-036]. This step only applies to 1x FAP or 1x/HRPD Hybrid FAP. Position location determination for HRPD only FAP is FFS. 11. FAP should reconnect to FMS with the accurate location information. If the FAP is not already configured with the location specific radio parameters and other identities, FMS completes the configuration of FAP 12. FAP has now completed the initialization procedure and is ready to serve the MS 6 Figure 2b shows the FAP initialization call flow where FAP is unable to communicate its rough location with FMS redirection for 1x FAP, HRPD FAP, or HRPD and 1x Hybrid FAP unless noted in the step descriptions. FAP 1 2 Local DNS D-FGW DNS Server D-FMS S-FGW DNS Server S-FMS CSCF / MFIF DNS Query(DFGW) Establish Tunnel DNS Query(FMS) 3 TR-069: Auto Configuration by default FMS (without Neighborhood Information) 4 5 IMS registration with default CSCF/ MFIF IS 801 Session with MPC/PDE to determine Femto Location 6 TR-069: Auto Configuration with default FMS and redirection to serving FGW/FMS 7 Close Tunnel 8 9 Establish Tunnel DNS Query (FMS) 10 11 TR-069: Auto configuration with Serving FMS 12 13 IMS registration with serving CSCF/ MFIF FAP is configured and registered with network. FAP turns ON its 1x transmitter and ready to serve MS Figure 2b femto Initialization Call Flow with location determination and Redirection MPC/ PDE Prior to step 4, FAP performs neighborhood discovery as specified in TSG-C document (C.S00xx). FAP attempts to read the system parameter messages of the strongest neighboring marco cell to obtain the system information (such as SID, NID, BaseID, Subnet ID, etc.). FAP is in poor coverage and unable to read the Macro system overhead messages and may not have accurate GPS location information. 1. After obtaining an IP address from the local/private network, FAP performs FGW discovery through the public DNS server. 2. FAP establishes IPsec tunnel with the FGW discovered in step 2. In this step, FAP subscription authorization is also performed. 3. FAP performs FMS discovery through established IPsec tunnel. 4. FAP connects to FMS. D-FMS configures FAP with default FAP specific parameters and identities as specified in [TBD] and the IP addresses of network entities [CSCF, etc..] as specified in [TBD]. 5. FAP performs IMS registration with the default CSCF. Default CSCF performs third party registration of FAP with the MFIF [See X.S0059-200]. This step only applies to 1x FAP or 1x/HRPD Hybrid FAP. 6. Since the location of FAP is not accurately known, the FAP establishes an IS-801 session with the PDE as specified in [J-STD-036]. FAP obtains its location information. This step only applies to 1x FAP or 1x/HRPD Hybrid FAP. Position location determination for HRPD only FAP is FFS. 7. FAP reconnects to D-FMS with its accurate location information. If the FMS determines that the FAP needs to be served by a different FGW/FMS/CSCF/MFIF, it redirects the FAP to serving system 8. FAP terminates the secure tunnel with the D-FGW 9. FAP establishes IPsec tunnel with the S-FGW configured by D-FMS in step 7. In this step, FAP subscription authorization is also performed. 10. FAP performs S-FMS discovery through established IPsec tunnel. 11. FAP connects to S-FMS to perform FAP auto-configuration. FAP sends its accurate location information during this auto-configuration phase. FAP is configured with the femto parameters and identities as specified in TBD and the IP addresses of the network elements as specified in TBD 12. FAP performs IMS registration with the CSCF. CSCF performs third party registration of FAP with the MFIF. This step only applies to 1x FAP or 1x/HRPD Hybrid FAP. 13. FAP has now completed the initialization procedure and is ready to serve the MS/AT. 8 9.3 FGW Discovery Figure 3 shows FGW Discovery. AT Public DNS Server FAP 1. FAP forms FQDN of FGW 2. DNS Query (FQDN) 3. DNS Answer (FGW’s IP Address) Figure 3. FGW Discovery 1. The FAP generates the FQDN for the FGW. The constructed FQDN construction should be in the format of TBD (“<HRPD-subnet>.FGW.<domain-name>” or “FGW.<domainname>”), where domain name is preconfigured in the FAP. 2. The FAP sends a DNS query to the DNS Server including the FQDN. 3. The DNS server responds with a DNS answer including the FGW’s IP address. 9.4 FAP-FGW IPsec Tunnel Establishment Figure 4 shows FAP-FGW IPsec tunnel establishment. FAP Femto AAA FGW 1. Pre-configured SeGW Server cert and trusted FAP device CA certs (for FAP auth) 1. Pre-configure FAP device cert & (optionally) trusted server CA certs (for SeGW auth) 2. IKE_SA_INIT Request (HDR, SA, KE, Ni) 3.IKE_SA_INIT Response (HDR, SA, KE, Nr, CERTREQ) 4. IKE_AUTH Request (HDR, SK{IDi(FEID), CERT(FEID), CERTREQ, AUTH, SA, TSi, TSr}) 5. Verify FAP Cert & AUTH signature; verify IDi matches cert identity 8. IKE_AUTH Response (HDR, SK{IDr(FQDNofFGW), CERT(SeGW), AUTH}) 6. AAA Request (FEID) 7. AAA Response (Authorization info) 9. Verify SeGW cert & AUTH signature; verify Discovered GW ID (FQDN) matches the identity in the server cert (e.g. dNSName.SubjectAltName) IKE_SA and the first CHILD_SA is established 10.CREATE_CHILD_SA Request (HDR, SK {[N], SA, Ni, [KEi], [TSi, TSr]}) 11. CREAT_CHILD_SA Response (HDR, SK {SA, Nr, [KEr], [TSi, TSr]}) IPSec Tunnel is Established with 1st Child SA and 2nd Child SA Figure 4. IPsec Tunnel Establishment 1. FAP is assigned a device certificate during it’s manufacturing. The FAP device certificate is signed by a Certificate Authority (device certificate CA) trusted by the cdma2000 operator. The private key for the certificate is stored securely at the FAP. Similarly, the FGW is assigned a server certificate. The private key of the FGW server certificate is stored securely at the FGW. The FGW is also configured with list of the root certificates corresponding to the trusted device certificate CAs. The FAP may also be configured with the list of root CA certificates corresponding to the server certificates that the FAP will accept for the FGW. 2. The FAP initiates the IKEv2 exchange with the FGW, known as IKE_SA_INIT exchange by issuing a IKE_SA_INIT Request to negotiate cryptographic algorithms, exchange nonces and perform a DiffieHellman exchange with the FGW. In addition, using the NAT Traversal procedures outlined in section 2.23 of Error! Reference source not found., the initiator includes NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP and NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP payloads to negotiate support for UDP encapsulation. 3. The FGW responds with IKE_SA_INITI Response by choosing a cryptographic suite from the initiator's offered choices, completing the Diffie-Hellman and nonce exchange with the FAP. In addition, the FGW includes the list of FAP CA certificates that it will accept in it’s CERTREQ payload. For successful FAP authentication, the CERTREQ payload has to contain at least one CA certificate that is in the trust chain of the FAP device certificate. At this point in the negotiation, IKE_SA_INIT exchange is complete and all but the headers of all the messages that follow are encrypted and integrity protected. 10 4. FAP initiates the IKE_AUTH exchange with the FGW by setting the IDi payload to FEID, CERT payload set to the FAP device certificate corresponding to the FEID and the AUTH payload containing the signature of the previous IKE_SA_INIT Request message (in step 3) generated using the private key of the FAP device certificate. The authentication algorithm used to generate AUTH payload is also included in the AUTH payload. The FAP also includes the CERTREQ payload contains the list of CA certificates for FGW (server) authentication. . For successful FGW authentication, the CERTREQ payload has to contain at least one CA certificate that is in the trust chain of the FGW server certificate. 5. Using the CA certificate corresponding to the FAP device certificate, the FGW first verifies that the FAP device certificate in the CERT payload has not been modified and the identity included in the IDi corresponds to the identity in the FAP device certificate. If the verification is successful, using the public key of FAP device certificate, the FGW generates the expected AUTH payload and compares it with the received AUTH payload. If they match, then the authentication of the FAP is successful. Otherwise, the FGW sends IKEv2 Notification message indicating authentication failure. 6. If the network policy requires femto subscription authorization, the FGW contacts the Femto AAA to verify that the FAP identified by FEID is authorized to provide service. 7. Femto AAA responds with authorization result. If the authorization is not successful, the FGW sends IKEv2 Notification message indicating authorization failure. Otherwise, the FGW proceeds with server authentication. 8. FGW responds with the IKE_AUTH Response by setting the IDr payload to the FQDN of the FGW, CERT payload set to the FGW server certificate corresponding to the FQDN and the AUTH payload containing the signature of the IKE_SA_INIT Response message (in step 5) generated using the private key of the FGW server certificate. The authentication algorithm used to generate AUTH payload is also included in the AUTH payload. 9. Using the CA certificate corresponding to the FGW server certificate, the FAP first verifies that the FGW server certificate in the CERT payload has not been modified and the identity included in the IDi corresponds to identify in the server certificate and contains the expected FGW value as discovered during the FGW discovery procedures. If the verification is successful, using the public key FAP server certificate, the FAP generates the expected AUTH payload and compares it with the received AUTH payload. If they match, then the FGW (server) authentication is successful. This completes the IKE_AUTH exchange. An IPSec SA with first CHILD_SA has been established between the FAP and the FGW. The first CHILD_SA is used for best effort traffic, Tunnel management (Fx3), FAP Configuration messages. 10. FAP sends CREATE_CHILD_SA request for setting up 2nd CHILD_SA. 11. FGW responds with CREATE_CHILD_SA Response. The 2nd CHILD_SA is used for SIP Signaling and (HRPD) A11 Signaling and/or 1x VoIP and HRPD (A10) VoIP bearer.