PROTOCOL (Draft) Interstitial Lung Disease India, Registry An Initiative of Indian Chest Society Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 1 of 35 CONTENTS Background 3 Classification of ILD 4 Diagnostic tips of various types of ILD 5 Proforma 7 How to complete the proforma? 17 Consent form 32 Investigator’s terms and conditions 33 Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 2 of 35 Background Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a crippling pulmonary disease. Many patients do not respond to any treatment and crave for oxygen even during trivial daily routine activities. Couple of decades back, ILD was considered a rare disease but now respiratory physicians are getting more and more patients of ILD. Apparently, all ILD patients look similar but there are different patterns of the disease. About 200 etiologic factors have been identified. ILD is disease of lung parenchyma. Lung parenchyma consists of alveolar walls comprising of collagen, elastin, capillary endothelium and interstitium. Broadly, the interstitium extends from the epithelium of the alveoli to the endothelium of the capillaries. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a group of disorders which involves this part of the lung. Historical names of ILD In the nineteenth century, lung fibrosis was called as ‘cirrhosis of the lung’. It was in 1944 that Louis Hamman and Arnold Rich first described pulmonary fibrosis. They reported cases which presented with subacute respiratory failure which lead to death. They performed autopsy and found that these patients had interstitial fibrosis. It was the first pathological description of interstitial fibrosis. Thus, for the next few decades ILD was known as ‘Hamman-Rich syndrome’. It was probably the disease which is identified as acute interstitial pneumonia today. However, doubts arose when clinicians identified a more chronic form of fibrosis separate from the disease described by Hamman and Rich. Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis was the term coined to describe the disease better. It is synonymous with IPF. In 1969, Liebow and Carrington differentiated interstitial lung diseases into five types usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP), desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP), bronchiolitis obliterans interstitial pneumonia (BIP), lymphoid interstitial pneumonia (LIP), and giant-cell interstitial pneumonia (GIP). In 1997, Liebow’s classification was modified with the addition of Respiratory bronchiolitis associated interstitial lung disease (RB-ILD) and Non specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP). The pattern, course and prognosis of ILD varies in different countries. In order to provide better care to the ILD patient we should have our own data. Therefore, need of ILD registry in India was felt. Classification of ILD Since there were various classifications and no standardization, ATS/ERS, in attempt to standardize the approach towards ILD, issued guidelines in 2002. ATS/ERS classified ILD under the broader group of diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD). DPLD was classified in to DPLD of known cause, idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP), granulomatous DPLD and other forms of DPLD such as LAM, histiocytosis etc. IIP was further sub-grouped as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP), acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP), respiratory bronchiolitis–associated interstitial lung disease (RB-ILD), desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP), and lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia (LIP). Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 3 of 35 American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society International Multidisciplinary Consensus Classification of the Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002;165: 277–304. Some characteristics of these ILD are as follows: DPLD of known causes: These ILD are caused by some etiologic factors such as collagen vascular disease, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drugs etc a) Collagen vascular disease associated ILD Milder than idiopathic Associated features of collagen vascular disease CT findings - UIP or NSIP pattern b) Hypersensitivity pneumonitis? Exposure to fungus like thermophilic actinomycetes and aspergillus is responsible for hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Exposure to damp walls and birds like pigeons, parrot, ducks can lead to hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia a. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) Patients are >50yrs of age, disease starts insidiously and cough and dyspnoea re main symptoms. Bibasilar Velcro crepts and restrictive defect in spirometry are found. HRCT and biopsy are characteristics. Biopsy can be avoided when diagnosis is certain in HRCT. Usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern of lung involvement CT findings – Basal, subpleural, peripheral, reticular, traction bronchiectasis, focal ground glass ( area of reticulation > ground glass) Familial IPF When more than one family member is diagnosed as having IPF it is called familial IPF. These patients have less honeycombing and less lower lobe predominance. ATS/ERS criterion for diagnosis of IPF Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 4 of 35 HRCT pattern of IPF: OFFICIAL DOCUMENT –ATS-ERS-JRS-ALAT (Raghu et al AJRCCM, March 15 2011) UIP pattern (All four features) Subpleural, basal predominance Reticulrar abnormality Honeycombing with or without traction bronchiectasis Absence of features listed as inconsistent with UIP pattern (See third column) Possible UIP pattern (All three features) Subpleural, basal predominance Reticular abnormality Absence of features listed as inconsistent with UIP pattern (See third column) Inconsistent with UIP (Any of the seven features) Upper or mid-lung predominance Peribronchovascular predominance Extensive ground glass abnormality (extent > reticular abnormality) Profuse micronodules (bilateral, predominantly upper lobes) Discrete cysts (multiple, bilateral, away from areas of honeycombing) Diffuse mosaic attenuation/ air-trapping (bilateral, in three or more lobes) Consolidation in bronchopulmonary segment(s)/ lobe (s) IIP other than IPF a) Non specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) Prognosis is better than UIP CT findings – peripheral, subpleural, basal, ground glass attenuation, consolidation Associated conditions – collagen vascular disease, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug induced pneumonitis and HIV. b) Acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP) Rapidly progressive disease Mean age of presentation – 50 yr Patient may have prodromal viral illness CT findings – progressive diffuse consolidation, ground glass, lobular sparing. c) Respiratory bronchiolitis induced interstitial lung disease (RB-ILD) Associated with cigarette smoking Intraluminal pigmented macrophages CT findings – diffuse, ground glass, centrilobular nodules, bronchial wall thickening d) Cryptogenic organising pneumonia (COP) More common in non smokers Response to corticosteroids Relapse common after stopping steroids CT findings – patchy bilateral consolidation, nodules e) Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP) Affects smokers Mean age – 45y CT findings – lower zones, peripheral, ground glass, reticular lines Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 5 of 35 f) Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia (LIP) Associated with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma & Sjogren’s syndrome CT findings – diffuse centrilobular nodules, ground glass attenuation, septal and bronchovascular thickening, thin walled cysts Granulomatous diseases Sarcoidosis Other system involvement Staging of sarcoidosis – Stage 0: Normal chest radiograph Stage 1: Hilar & mediastinal lymph node enlargement Stage 2: Lymphadenopathy & parenchymal disease Stage 3: Only parenchymal disease Stage 4: Pulmonary fibrosis CT findings – hilar lymphadenopathy, peribronchovascular nodules, parenchymal fibrosis Miscellaneous a) Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Premenopausal women Associated with – Multiple, bilateral cysts Recurrent pneumothorax Chylothorax Renal angioleiyomyomata b) Histiocytosis X Associated with cigarette smoking and farming CT findings – upper lobe & middle lobe predominance, interstitial thickening, nodules and cysts C) Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis Mean age – 20-40y CT findings – Mid & lower lobe involvement, crazy paving pattern Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 6 of 35 ILD- India Registry: Indian Chest Society (Proforma Version 4) Center code Date: …………………..… Email ……….………………………… Name of the Consultant ………………………. Mobile no. ……………..…………….. Address for correspondence …………………….…………………….…………………………………. …………………….…………………….………………………………….….….….….….….….….….…. Particulars of the patients ( for identification of the patient, not to be displayed) Name of the patient Code number Date of the birth Age and sex Mobile number Email Address Patient code number : Inclusion: Patients presenting with following 1. Respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath and cough 2. Bilateral abnormalities in X ray/HRCT scan thorax 3. Restrictive defect in Spirometry Exclusion: Any Infectious or Malignant diseases Yes No Yes Yes No No Proforma questionnaire based on patient’s history 1. Symptoms of patient Symptom Since when Any comment a) _______________________________________________________________________________ b) _______________________________________________________________________________ c) _______________________________________________________________________________ d) _______________________________________________________________________________ e) _______________________________________________________________________________ f) _______________________________________________________________________________ g) _______________________________________________________________________________ h) _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Has the patient noticed any of the following? (put in respective column) Yes No Yes No a) Weight loss g) Bruising skin b) Difficulty in swallowing h) Hand ulcers c) Dry eyes or dry mouth i) Mouth ulcers d) Rash or changes in skin j) Chest pain e) Oedema on legs k) Joint pain f) Blood in urine l) Symptoms of Gastro-oesophagial reflux (GERD) : (If yes put ) i. Indigestion __________ ii. heartburn __________ iii. acid-sour taste ____ iv. Belching __ v. bloating sensation ___ vi. cough after meals ___ vii. cough at night times/sleeping ___ Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 7 of 35 3. Has any doctor ever told him (past or known medical history) (put in respective column) Never Before ILD Treatment a) Tuberculosis b) Extra pulmonary Tuberculosis c) Hypertension d) Diabetes e) Coronary heart disease f) Heart failure g) Thyroid disease h) Stroke (CVA) i) Seizure j) Hepatitis A/ B/ C k) Hapatitis, other/unknown l) Kidney disease m) Anemia n) Eye inflammation o) Parasites (worms) p) Pneumothorax q) Pleural effusion r) Pneumonia s) Asthma t) Bronchitis u) Sinus disease v) Pulmonary hypertension Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol After ILD treatment Never Before ILD treatment w) Pulmonary embolism x) Sleep apnoea y) Lung Cancer z) GERD aa) Hiatal hernia bb) Bleeding disorder cc) Rheumatologic disease /collagen vascular disease dd) Vasculitis ee) Raynaud’s phenomenon ff) Rheumatoid arthritis, gg) lupus hh) scleroderma ii) mixed connective tissue disease jj) Sjogren’s Syndrome kk) Wegener’s, ll) Polymyositis or dermatomyositis mm) Bechet’s disease nn) Ankylosing spondylitis. oo) overlapping pp) unspecified/ unclear Others i) ii) Page 8 of 35 After ILD treatm Domestic environmental factors 4. Conditions of his/her house Yes No a) Dusts (visible) ----------------------------------------------------------------Yes No b) Molds(visible) ----------------------------------------------------------------Yes No c) Air conditioner --------------------------------------------------------------No Yes d) Cooler --------------------------------------------------------------------------No Yes e) Birds in home(caged) (Include pigeons, parrot, hen, crow, modi, No f) Any changes in house/housing conditions in recent past ---------Yes g) IF YES to changes in housing conditions, how many days, months or years before the cough and/or breathing /chest problems ___________________ 5. Does the current or past home have/had following a) Open cooking on fire wood or cow dung -----------------------------b) Cooking on kerosene stove -----------------------------------------------c) Cooking on coal -------------------------------------------------------------d) Cooking with LPG gas ----------------------------------------------------- Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No 6. Previous residential locations (Please list all locations lived for atleast 6 months.) a) Urban (District headquarter or higher) ---------------------------Yes No b) Sub urban (Tehsil HQ) ------------------------------------------------------- Yes No c) Rural-village (Panchayat HQ or lower) ---------------------------------Yes No Others ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Work environmental factors : Working outside house No Yes 8. Occupational history: Please include all occupations worked : (include dust, metal, paint, fine particles, etc) List any exposures that you feel might be related to cough/breathing /chest problems and /or not listed above? (see appendix A) Occupation Years worked Exposures _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ 9. Exposed to visibly smoky or dusty air? Yes No 10. Use of protective masks while working No Yes 10. Ever taken substance of abuse such as cannabis, opium or smoked ganza, charas etc? 11. Inhaled tobacco use? (If yes put ) Never current ever Tobacco use: Starting age Bidi Cigarette Hookah/ Chillum Chewing tobacco Alcohol Yes Ganza, charas Stopping age Quantity/Day Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol No Page 9 of 35 13. a) Medication history: Please include all medicines patient has taken especially those given in Appendix D Name of medicine patient is Starting Stopping Name of medicines patient Starting Stopping taking PRESENTLY date date has taken in the PAST date date a. l. b. m. c. n. d. o. e. p. f. q. g. r. h. s. i. t. j. u. k. v. 13. b) How many courses of antibiotics were taken in last one year? _______________ 14. Family medical history (biological): grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, first cousins, or children have any of the following lung disease? Yes No a) Asthma --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes No b) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) -------------------------------Yes No c) Sarcoidosis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------No Yes d) Bronchiectasis ------------------------------------------------------------------------No Yes e) Pulmonary fibrosis (ILD/IPF) -----------------------------------------------------Yes No f) Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ----------------------------------------------------- Yes No g) Rheumatologic disease /collagen vascular disease ( i.rheumatoid arthritis, ii. lupus, iii. scleroderma, iv. mixed connective tissue disease, v. Sjogren’s Syndrome, vi. Wegener’s, vii. Polymyositis or dermatomyositis , viii.Bechet’s disease, ix.Ankylosing spondylitis.) x .overlapping xi. unspecified/unclear____ 15. Physical examination: Face/ Head _______ Eye/ ENT ____________ Skin __________________ Joints __________ Clubbing __________ Bibasillar crackles _____ Wheeze _______________ P2 heart) _______ Pallor _____________ Icterus ________________ Lymphademopathy _____ Pulse ___________ BP _______________ JVP ___________________ Cynosis _______________ Height __________ Weight ____________ Others __________________________________________________________ 16. Investigations (Pulmonary evaluation): A. Spirometry, lung volumes and diffusing capacity Predicted Actual Post FEV1 FVC PEFR Total lung capacity RV Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 10 of 35 DLCO (corrected for hb) KCO B. ABG (while breathing air at sea level ) pH _____ pO2 _____ pCO2 _____ HCO3 _____ C. 6 minute walk test: Test performed while breathing air Yes No Test performed with supplemental Oxygen If Yes,……….l/min Yes No Distance covered in 6 minutes _____ baseline SpO2 _____ SpO2 immediately after walk ……. Reason for stopping before 6 minutes : breathless …….Fatigue….leg /joint pain ……….. Borg scale dyspnea : Rest ……… At the end of testing …….. D. Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy (When relevant) date_________ Yes No Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Findings/diagnosis i)Consistent with: alveolar hemorrhage……, proteinosis…, purulent secretions/infection… ii) Smear for acid fast bacilli, cultures for M Tb /Myc species _____________ iii) Transbronchial biopsy: specific diagnosis - granuloma ____; malignancy _____infection iv) Consistent with: sarcoidosis …..Hyperensitivity pneumonitis …, lymphangiectatic carcinoma…. E. Open /surgical /thoracoscopic lung biopsy: (If performed) Yes No date _________ i)Right lung (upper lobe/middle lobe/lower lobe) __________Left Lung(upper lobe /lingula/lower lobe ii) Pathology (surgical lung biopsy) Date____________ Yes No UIP Consistent : definite probable possible definitely not Appendix B (Per OFFICIAL DOCUMENT –ATS-ERS-JRS-ALAT (Raghu et al AJRCCM, March 15 2011) F. Chest Xray Recent: bilateral shadows present Chest Xray, old bilateral shadows present Yes No Yes No date _________ date _________ G. HRCT : 1mm cuts Yes Expiratory views Yes No No, No ; Prone & supine views Yes Report: Date of HRCT : ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ UIP: Yes No High resolution computed tomography criteria for UIP pattern in Appendix C. H. Sinus CT (Optional) ___ SINUSITIS Yes No 17. Laboratory tests (relevant): a) CBC: Hb___ Platelets___ MCV ___ DLC: N___ L___ E___ M___ B___ b) B Sugar F ___ PP ___ c) Renal : Urea __________ Creatinine __________ d) Liver function tests: Bilirubin _____ SGOT_____ SGPT ___ Hepatitis Bs __Ab__, Hepatitis C__ Ab__ e) Urinalysis: Protein _____ Sugar _____ Cast _____ Pus cells _____ f) Sputum: AFB_____ Fungus _____ Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 11 of 35 g) Collagen profile: ANA + -, RF + - , dsDNA + - , Sm + - , RNP + - , Scl 70 + - , SSA + -, SSB + - , CPK + - , Anti Jo-1 + - , ANCA + - ACE _____ EBV titer + h) HIV + i) Lymphocyte transformation testing (metals) ________________________________________ j) Mantoux test (PPD) Optional: k) Echocardiogram (Optional): Date EF __________________ Wall asymmetry _____________________ Estimated systolic PA pressure ____________________ RV dilation/thickness ________________ 18. Consultant’s impression /opinion __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A) Suspected ILD diagnosis : Yes No a. Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias (IIP) i. NSIP ii.COP iii.LIP b. IPF c. Pulmonary fibrosis of unknown cause other than IIP d. Occupational ILD e. Granulomatous diseases eg. Sarcoidosis f. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis g. ILD secondary to collagen vascular disease h. familial ILD i. Other rare ILD given in appendix D) B) Suspect active infection (Active TB or pneumonia) ____________________________________________ C) Other coexisting lung disease ______________________________________________________________ D) Comorbidities ___________________________________________________________________________ 19. Follow up of the patient: Date A. Symptoms: Improved Same Deteriorated B. New symptoms /finding/diagnosis ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ C. Investigations: FEV1 _____ FVC ______ ____________________________________________________________________________________ D. Treatment prescribed ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date A. Symptoms: Improved Same Deteriorated B. New symptoms /finding/diagnosis ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ C. Investigations: FEV1 _____ FVC ______ ____________________________________________________________________________________ D. Treatment prescribed ____________________________________________________________________________________ Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 12 of 35 Appendix A Occupations with important exposures a) Farm work : Name the crop eg. Wheat, sugar cane etc b) Mechanic: Name the job eg. automobile mechanic, electrician etc c) Carpenter: Name of the wood d) Painter e) Welder f) Laboratory worker: Name the job eg animal lab, chemistry lab etc g) Stone work: name the job eg stone mason, stone drilling/boring/ chisselling, quartz powder handling h) Pipe fitter (plumber) i) Mine : name the product eg copper mine, marble mine etc j) Foundry: name the product eg. steel product manufacturing, metal ornament making etc k) Factory: name the product eg soap factory, cotton factory, paper mill, plastic factory etc l) Bakery: name the product eg bread, biscuit, cake etc m) Exposure at farm: Birds, Feathers, Pesticides, Fertiliser n) Metal exposure: Copper, cobalt, tin , iron, aluminum etc o) Exposure to dust: Talc, pottery, silica, coal asbestos, cement, ceramic tiles etc. p) Miscellaneous: oily nose drops, paint, detergent Appendix B HISTOPATHOLOGICAL CRITERIA FOR UIP PATTERN (Per OFFICIAL DOCUMENT –ATS-ERS-JRS-ALAT (Raghu et al AJRCCM, March 15 2011) UIP Pattern (All Four Criteria) 1. Evidence of marked fibrosis/ architectural distortion, 6 honeycombing in a predominantly subpleural/ paraseptal distribution 2. Presence of patchy involvement of lung parenchyma by fibrosis 3. Presence of fibroblast foci 4. Absence of features against a diagnosis of UIP suggesting an alternate diagnosis (see D) Probable UIP Pattern 1. Evidence of marked fibrosis / architectural distortion, 6 honeycombing 2. Absence of either patchy involvement or fibroblastic foci, but not both 3. Absence of features against a diagnosis of UIP suggesting an alternate diagnosis (see D) 4. OR Honeycomb changes only Possible UIP Pattern (All Three Criteria) 1. Patchy or diffuse involvement of lung parenchyma by fibrosis, with or without interstitial inflammation 2. Absence of other criteria for UIP (see UIP PATTERN column A) 3. Absence of features against a diagnosis of UIP suggesting an alternate diagnosis (see fourth column) Not UIP Pattern (Any of the Six Criteria) 1. Hyaline membranes* 2. Organizing pneumonia*† 3. Granulomas† 4. Marked interstitial inflammatory cell infiltrate away from honeycombing 5. Predominant airway centered changes 6. Other features suggestive of an alternate diagnosis Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 13 of 35 Definition of abbreviations: HRCT 5 high-resolution computed tomography; UIP 5 usual interstitial pneumonia. * Can be associated with acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. † An isolated or occasional granuloma and/or a mild component of organizing pneumonia pattern may rarely be coexisting in lung biopsies with an otherwise UIP pattern. ‡ This scenario usually represents end-stage fibrotic lung disease where honeycombed segments have been sampled but where a UIP pattern might be present in other areas. Such areas are usually represented by overt honeycombing on HRCT and can be avoided by pre-operative targeting of biopsy sites away from these areas using HRCT. American Thoracic Society Documents 795 Appendix C HIGH-RESOLUTION COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY CRITERIA FOR UIP PATTERN (Per OFFICIAL DOCUMENT –ATS-ERSJRS-ALAT (Raghu et al AJRCCM, March 15 2011) A. UIP Pattern (All Four Features) 1. Subpleural, basal predominance 2. Reticular abnormality 3. Honeycombing with or without traction bronchiectasis 4. Absence of features listed as inconsistent with UIP pattern (see C) B. Possible UIP Pattern (All Three Features) 1. Subpleural, basal predominance 2. Reticular abnormality 3. Absence of features listed as inconsistent with UIP pattern (see C) C. Inconsistent with UIP Pattern (Any of the Seven Features) 1. Upper or mid-lung predominance 2. Peribronchovascular predominance 3. Extensive ground glass abnormality (extent .reticular abnormality) 4. Profuse micronodules (bilateral, predominantly upper lobes) 5. Discrete cysts (multiple, bilateral, away from areas of honeycombing) 6. Diffuse mosaic attenuation/air-trapping (bilateral, in three or more lobes) 7. Consolidation in bronchopulmonary segment(s)/lobe(s) Appendix D RARE ILD : Amyloid Lymphangioleiomyomatosus (LAM) Eosinophilic granuloma/Pulmonary Langerhans cell granulomatosis Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) Veno-occlusive disease Hemosiderosis Pulmonary capilaritis Lipoid pneumonia Eosinophilic pneumonia Sarcoidosis Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 14 of 35 Lymphangitic carcinomatosis Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu) Pulmonary lymphoma Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome (Often with Puerto Rican ancestry) Human Immunodeficiency Virus associated LIP Wegener’s granulomatosis known inherited conditions( e.g Neurofibromatosis;metabolic storage diseases;Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome Interstitial Lung Disease Registry, India, Protocol Page 15 of 35 Appendix D i) Antibiotics/infection treatment: a) Penicillin b) Isoniazid c) Nitrofurantoin d) Minocycline e) Sulfonamide (Trimethoprim + Sulfamethaxozole) f) Cephalosporin g) Macrlides ii) Anti-inflammatory /antifibrotic medication: a) Azathiaprine(Azoran) Colchicin b) Cyclophosphamide c) Gold salt d) Interferon (any) e) Methotrexate f) Penicillamine g) Prednisolone h) Pirfenidone i) Mycophenolate iii) Newer anti inflammatory a) Etanercept, b) Infliximab, c) Interleukins , d) Antibodies against TNFalpha, etc) iv) Medications for pulmonary hypertension : a) Sildenafil, b) Endothelin receptor antagonists, c) Prostacyclin analogues. d) Calcium channel blockers v) Cardiovascular medication: a) Amiodaron(Cordarone) b) Captopril c) Hydralazine d) Hydrochlorthizide e) Procainamide f) Sotolol vi) Cancer therapy a) Busulfan b) Bleomycin c) Cyclophosphamide d) Etoposide e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) GMCSF Mitomycin Nilutamide Chlorambucil Nitrosoureas – Radiation Vinblastine Monoclonal antibodies/receptor blockades Antihormonal Other vii) Gastrointestinal medications: a) Azulfidine b) Sulfasalzine c) Medications for stomach d) Acid peptic disease (ulcers, GERD) viii) Neurological medications: a) Bromocriptine b) Carbemazepine (Tegretol) c) L tryptophan d) Phenytoin (Dilantin). ix) Miscellaneous therapies: a) Fenfluramine/ dexfenfluramine b) Leukotriene inhibitor c) Propylthiouracil d) Bladder BCG e) Inhalers : inhaled corticosteroids inhaled beta agoists /bronchodilators f) Alternative medicines: Ayurvedic/homeopathic/ unknown/ Yoga x) Supplemental Oxygen use a) None b) Intermittent c) During sleep d) During exercise e) Number of hours _______ (Max 24 hrs) xi) Other medications: new/changes in medications prior to onset of respiratory symptoms ____________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ HOW TO FILL PROFORMA VERSION 4 ILD- India Registry: Indian Chest Society (Proforma Version 4) Center code Date: …………………..… Email ……….………………………… Name of the Consultant ………………………. Mobile no. ……………..…………….. Address for correspondence …………………….…………………….…………………………………. …………………….…………………….………………………………….….….….….….….….….….…. Particulars of the patients ( for identification of the patient, not to be displayed) Name of the patient Code number Date of the birth Age and sex Mobile number Email Address This is the information about the patient and it will not be disclosed.. Tthe data will be stored in the website and will be used by a computer program to stop enrolement of a single patient two times from the same center or from other center. The code number of the patient will be given by the recruiting center by putting numerical number after center code number. If center code is AC then patient number may be AC 1, AC2, AC3 … Patient code no. Inclusion: Patients presenting with following 1. Respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath and cough 2. Bilateral abnormalities in X ray/HRCT scan thorax 3. Restrictive defect in Spirometry Exclusion: Any Infectious or Malignant diseases Yes No Yes Yes No No On basis of Inclusion and exclusion criteria a patient suspected to have ILD can be identified and thereafter workup of the patient can be done as follows: Proforma questionnaire based on patient’s history 1. Symptoms of patient Symptom Duration Any comment a) Cough 2007 b) Dyspnoea 2008 Grade 2 c) ______________________________________________________________________________ d) ______________________________________________________________________________ e) ______________________________________________________________________________ f) _______________________________________________________________________________ g) ______________________________________________________________________________ h) ______________________________________________________________________________ Please put all the symptoms (related or unrelated) in chronological order. Instead of duration it is better to write year of onset. a. Cough: Frequency ? (Do not include clearing of throat.) a) None (at all) _____________ b) Rarely _____________________________________________ c) Everyday ________________ d) Severe attacks that interfere with activity _________________ 2. How long has s/he been coughing? Days _____ Months _____ Years _____ 3. The cough produces: (Check all that apply.) a. No expectoration _____ b. Expectoration _________ i. Mucoid _________ ii. Yellow-green _________ iii Green _________ iv. Blood tinged ______ v. Blood _____ b. Shortness of breath: Check the single number that describe the point at which S/he becomes short of breath: 0. not troubled with breathlessness except with strenuous exercise ___________________ 1. short of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill. ___________________ 2. walks slower than people of her/his age on the level because of breathlessness or S/he has to stop from breath when walking on normal pace on the level. _____________ 3. stops for breath after walking about 100 yards or after a few minutes on the level. __________ 4. too breathless to leave the house or breathless on dressing or undressing. _________________ 5. When shortness of breath began? _______years_______ Months______ 2. Has the patient noticed any of the following? (put in respective column) Yes No Yes No a) Weight loss g) Bruising skin b) Difficulty in swallowing h) Hand ulcers c) Dry eyes or dry mouth i) Mouth ulcers d) Rash or changes in skin j) Chest pain e) Oedema on legs k) Joint pain f) Blood in urine l) Symptoms of Gastro-oesophagial reflux (GERD) : (If yes put ) i. Indigestion __________ ii. heartburn __________ iii. acid-sour taste ____ iv. Belching __ v. bloating sensation ___ vi. cough after meals ___ vii. cough at night times/sleeping ___ Following symptoms may indicate presence of below mentioned causes or results of ILD a)Weight loss –Almost all symptomatic patients with ILD specially in Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE , Wegener’s granulomatosis, Tuberculosis, Cryptogenic organising pneumonia, Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis, Malignancy, Allergic granulomatosis of Churg-Strauss. b)Difficulty in swallowing- Esophageal Dysmotility in Systemic Sclerosis c) Dry eyes or dry mouth- Sjogren’s syndrome, Sarcoidosis, Systemic Sclerosis d) Rash or changes in skin- Connective tissue diseases like SLE, R A, Sarcoidosis, Wegener’s granulomatosis,Raynaud’s phenomena, Behcet’s diasease; Maculopapular rash- drug induced, CTD, amyloidosis, gaucher’s disease; Telangictasia: scleroderma; Cutaneous vasculitis; CTD e) Oedema of legs- Congestive heart failure. f) Blood in urine- Glomerulonephritis in Goodpasture’s syndrome, SLE, Wegener’s granulomatosis, Sarcoidosis g)Bruising skin –use of Steroid, vasculitis h)Hand ulcers - Systemic sclerosis, Vasculitis i) Mouth ulcers – SLE, Wegener’s granulomatosis , HIV, Behcet’s diasease j) Chest pain –Pleuritis in Wegener’s granulomatosis ,SLE ,RA k) Joint pain- Connective tissue disease like SLE ,RA , Ankylosing Spondylitis, Wegener’s granulomatosis, Sjogren’s syndrome. l) GERD – occurs in Systemic Sclerosis. Can be a cause of Aspiration pneumonia and chronic cough 3. Has any doctor ever told him (past or known medical history) (put in respective column) Never a) Tuberculosis b) Extra pulmonary Tuberculosis c) Hypertension d) Diabetes e) Coronary heart disease f) Heart failure g) Thyroid disease h) Stroke (CVA) i) Seizure j) Hepatitis A/ B/ C k) Hepatitis, other/unknown l) Kidney disease m) Anemia n) Eye inflammation o) Parasites (worms) p) Pneumothorax q) Pleural effusion r) Pneumonia s) Asthma t) Bronchitis u) Sinus disease v) Pulmonary hypertension Before ILD Treatment After ILD treatment Never w) Pulmonary embolism x) Sleep apnoea y) Lung Cancer z) GERD aa) Hiatal hernia bb) Bleeding disorder cc) Rheumatologic disease /collagen vascular disease dd) Vasculitis ee) Raynaud’s phenomenon ff) Rheumatoid arthritis, gg) lupus hh) scleroderma ii) mixed connective tissue disease jj) Sjogren’s Syndrome kk) Wegener’s, ll) Polymyositis or dermatomyositis mm) Bechet’s disease nn) Ankylosing spondylitis. oo) overlapping pp) unspecified/ unclear Others i) ii) Before ILD treatment Various diseases mentioned here are associated with specific type of ILD or starts with complication of therapy of ILD. Therefore please go through the list carefully and indicate the onset of the disease before initiation of treatment of ILD or after it. Common associations are as follows: a) Tuberculosis- associated with bronchocentric granulomatosis. Can cause lung fibrosis and restrictive pattern in PFT b) Extra pulmonary Tuberculosis c) Hypertension – occurs in Systemic Sclerosis, neurofibromatosis, diffuse alveolar hemorrage d) Diabetes-Patients more prone to get tuberculosis, more severe pneumonia and thus complications. Conversely steroids may precipitate diabetes. e) Coronary heart disease-RA, SLE f) Heart failure –Infiltrative diseases like Sarcoidosis , Systemic Sclerosis , Ankylosing Spondylitis, Symptoms and CT picture ( in lying down position ) may mimic ILD. g) Thyroid disease- Autoimmune diseases. Infiltrative disease like Systemic Sclerosis may cause hypothyroidism as well as ILD h) Stroke(CVA) – Vasculitis. Prone for Aspiration pneumonia i) Seizures_ - Tuberous Sclerosis, Neurofibromatosis, Gaucher’s disease. Prone for Aspiration pneumonia. j)Hepatitis A/B/C –Chronic active hepatitis causes ILD k) Hepatitis Other unknown l)Kidney diseases-Amylodosis, Goodpasture’s syndrome, Wegener’s granulomatosis, Connective tissue diseases,Sarcoidosis m)Anaemia-Connective tissue diseases ,Gauchers Disease, Cytotoxic drugs like Cyclophosphamide used in treatment of ILD n) Eye inflammation - Sjogren’s syndrome, Wegener’s granulomatosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, sarcoidosis o)Parasites –Eosinophilic Pneumonias p)Pneumothorax- Systemic sclerosis, RA, Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis, Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis. q)Pleural effusion- SLE, RA, Tuberculosis, Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis. r)Pneumonia- Acute interstitial pneumonia, ARDS. s)Asthma- Eosinophilic pneumonia. t)Bronchitis- Sjogren’s syndrome, inhalation of toxic fumes, organic dust. u)Sinus disease- Wegener’s granulomatosis, Allergic granulomatosis of Churg-Strauss, Sarcoidosis. v)Pulmonary Hypertension- SLE, RA, Systemic sclerosis, Sarcoidosis. w)Pulmonary embolism- chronic PE causes pulmonary hypertension and presents as dyspnoea and hypoxemia. x)Sleep apnoea- causes hypoxemia and eventually pulmonary hypertension. y)Lung cancer- Associated with Asbestosis, Inhalation of smoke of tobacco, polycyclic hydrocarbons, biomass fuel z)GERD- Systemic sclerosis, can cause aspiration pneumonia, common cause of chronic cough. aa) Hiatal hernia-cause of GERD bb) Bleeding disorder-Hermansky- Pudlak syndrome cc) Rheumatologic diseases/ Collagen vascular disease - cause ILD dd)Vasculitis- occurs in diaeases like wegener’s granulomatosis, allergic granulomatosis of Churg and Strauss, SLE, RA, Sarcoidosis etc. ee) Raynaud’s phenomena - Systemic sclerosis, SLE, RA, Dermatomyositis, polymyositis, IPF. ff) Rheumatoid arthritis, gg) lupus hh) scleroderma ii) mixed connective tissue disease jj) Sjogren’s Syndrome kk) Wegener’s, ll) Polymyositis or dermatomyositis mm) Bechet’s disease nn) Ankylosing spondylitis. oo) overlapping pp) unspecified/ unclear Others Domestic environmental factors 4. Conditions of his/her house Yes No a) Dusts (visible) ----------------------------------------------------------------Yes No b) Molds(visible) ----------------------------------------------------------------Yes No c) Air conditioner --------------------------------------------------------------No Yes d) Cooler --------------------------------------------------------------------------No Yes e) Birds in home(caged) (Include pigeons, parrot, hen, crow, modi, No f) Any changes in house/housing conditions in recent past ---------Yes g) IF YES to changes in housing conditions, how many days, months or years before the cough and/or breathing /chest problems ___________________ a) Dusts (visible) – organic dust :hypersensitivity pneumonitis like Bagassosis, Farmers lungs. dust like silica causes ILD b) Molds(visible) – hypersensitivity pneumonitis c)Air conditioner- hypersensitivity pneumonitis ( Air conditioner Lung) d )Cooler- hypersensitivity pneumonitis (Humidifier lung) e) Birds- hypersensitivity pneumonitis(Birds fancier’s lung) f)Changes in house/housing conditions may cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to molds g) To classify them into acute, subacute and chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis. 5. Does the current or past home have/had following a) Open cooking on fire wood or cow dung -----------------------------b) Cooking on kerosene stove -----------------------------------------------c) Cooking on coal -------------------------------------------------------------d) Cooking with LPG gas ----------------------------------------------------- Yes Yes Yes Yes Inorganic No No No No a) Open cooking on fire wood or cow dung-Fumes of acrolein and other aldehydes can cause mucosal irritation and decrease in lung function. To look association with ILD b) Acid fumes cause bronchitis. c) Cooking on coal- inhalation of SO2,NO2, cause chronic bronchitis d) Cooking with LPG gas- to know the frequency of LPG users 6. Previous residential locations (Please list all locations lived for atleast 6 months.) a) Urban (District headquarter or higher) ---------------------------Yes No b) Sub urban (Tehsil HQ) ------------------------------------------------------Yes No c) Rural-village (Panchayat HQ or lower) ---------------------------------Yes No Others _____________________________________________________________________________ People living in urban areas are more exposed to vehicular pollution while rural patients are more exposes to molds and many other organic dusts. 7. Work environmental factors : Working outside house No Yes 8. Occupational history: Please include all occupations worked : (include dust, metal, paint, fine particles, etc) List any exposures that you feel might be related to cough/breathing /chest problems and /or not listed above? (see appendix A) Occupation Years worked Exposures _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ 9. Exposed to visibly smoky or dusty air? 10. Use of protective masks while working Yes Yes No No Work environmental factors: Any exposure to organic or inorganic dust should be mentioned. Duration of exposure is important for ILD eg .Asbestosis develop after ten years of exposure and Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis develops after 15 to 20 years of exposure. Stone workers are prone to develop silicosis while pipe fitters may develop asbestosis. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis may develop in farmers and carpenters.. Mask may protect from inhaling dust 11. Ever taken substance of abuse such as cannabis, opium or smoked ganza, charas etc? 12. Inhaled tobacco use? (If yes put ) Never current ever Tobacco use: Starting age Bidi Cigarette Hookah/ Chillum Chewing tobacco Alcohol Yes Ganza, charas Stopping age Quantity/Day Opiates may cause lung fibrosis. Tobacco smoke may cause chronic bronchitis, fibrosis. 66% to 75% of the IPF patients are smokers. Strong association of smoking is also present in PLCH, DIP, Goodpasture’s syndrome, Respiratory bronchiolitis and pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. No 13. a) Medication history: Please include all medicines patient has taken especially those given in Appendix D Name of medicine patient Starting Stopping Name of medicines Starting Stopping is taking PRESENTLY date date patient has taken in the date date PAST a. l. b. m. c. n. d. o. e. p. f. q. g. r. h. s. i. t. j. u. k. v. Medication history – Drugs causing ILD are:-Amiodarone, acyclovir, bleomycin, busulphan, methotrexate, chlorambucil, melphalan, methysergide, nitrofurantoin, sulphonamides, aminoglycosides, opiates, hypnotics, mitomycin C, gold, polymyxins. Drugs used in treatment of ILD can also predispose many conditions such as diabetes and increased occurrence of infections. 13. b) How many courses of antibiotics were taken in last one year? _______________ 14. Family medical history (biological): grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, first cousins, or children have any of the following lung disease? Yes No a) Asthma --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes No b) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) -------------------------------Yes No c) Sarcoidosis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------No Yes d) Bronchiectasis ------------------------------------------------------------------------No Yes e) Pulmonary fibrosis (ILD/IPF) -----------------------------------------------------Yes No f) Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ----------------------------------------------------- Yes No g) Rheumatologic disease /collagen vascular disease ( i. rheumatoid arthritis, ii. lupus, iii. scleroderma, iv. mixed connective tissue disease, v. Sjogren’s Syndrome, vi. Wegener’s, vii. Polymyositis or dermatomyositis , viii. Bechet’s disease, ix. Ankylosing spondylitis x. Overlapping xi. Unspecified/unclear_ Asthma is genetically transmitted. Familial inheritance also exists in Sarcoidosis, rheumatological diseases, Tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis, Niemann-Pick disease, Gaucher’s disease, Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. Familial lung fibrosis may present as different patterns of interstitial pneumonia. Moreover, more than one family member can be affected if residing in close proximity to mines or other areas of dust exposure. 15. Physical examination: Face/ Head _______ Eye/ ENT ____________ Skin __________________ Joints __________ Clubbing __________ Bibasillar crackles _____ Wheeze _______________ P2 heart) _______ Pallor _____________ Icterus ________________ Lymphademopathy _____ Pulse __________ BP _______________ JVP ___________________ Cynosis _______________ Height _________ Weight ____________ Others _________________________________________________________ Physical examinationFace & skin- Rashes, ulcers in SLE, RA, Systemic sclerosis, Sjogren’s syndrome, Behcet’s disease, Sarcoidosis. Prolonged intake of steroids causes moon facies and easy bruising on skin. Joints – Arthritis and arthralgia in connective tissue diseases, Wegener’s granulomatosis, Sjogren’s syndrome. Clubbing-IPF, Primary biliary cirrhosis, Inflammatory bowel diseases. Bibasillar crackles- most common auscultatory finding in ILD. May also occur in CHF. Pallor- Connective tissue diseases, Gaucher’s disease, result of cytotoxic drugs. Icterus- Hepatitis(infective or drug induced), cirrhosis. Lymphadenopathy- Tuberculosis, HIV, Sarcoidosis, lymphoma, lymphocyatic interstitial pneumonia Salivary gland enlarged: sarcoidosis, lymphocyatic interstitial pneumonia Hepatosplenomegaly: Sarcoidosis,CTD, amyloidosis, lymphocyatic interstitial pneumonia JVP- Cor pulmonale, CHF 16. Investigations (Pulmonary evaluation): A. Spirometry, lung volumes and diffusing capacity Whose predicted values are being used for Indian origin ? ..worth mentioning Predicted FEV1 FVC PEFR Total lung capacity RV DLCO (corrected for hb) KCO Actual Post B. ABG (while breathing air at sea level ) pH _____ pO2 _____ pCO2 _____ HCO3 _____ C. 6 minute walk test: Test performed while breathing air Yes No Test performed with supplemental Oxygen If Yes No Yes,……….l/min Distance covered in 6 minutes _____ baseline SpO2 _____ SpO2 immediately after walk ……. Reason for stopping before 6 minutes : breathless …….Fatigue….leg /joint pain ……….. Borg scale dyspnea : Rest ……… At the end of testing …….. Spirometry would use Indian standard of predicted value. Diffusion test will measure DLco corrected for hemoglobin value D. Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy (When relevant) date_________ Yes No Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Findings/diagnosis i)Consistent with: alveolar hemorrhage……, proteinosis…, purulent secretions/infection… ii) Smear for acid fast bacilli, cultures for M Tb /Myc species _____________ iii) Transbronchial biopsy: specific diagnosis - granuloma ____; malignancy _____infection iv) Consistent with: sarcoidosis .. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis …, lymphangiectatic carcinoma…. E. Open /surgical /thoracoscopic lung biopsy: (If performed) Yes No date _________ i)Right lung (upper lobe/middle lobe/lowerlobe) __________Left Lung(upper lobe /lingula/lower lobe ii) Pathology (surgical lung biopsy) Date____________ Yes No UIP Consistent : definite probable possible definitely not Per OFFICIAL DOCUMENT –ATS-ERS-JRS-ALAT (Raghu et al AJRCCM, March 15 2011) F. Chest Xray Recent: bilateral shadows present Chest Xray, old bilateral shadows present Yes No Yes No date _________ date _________ G. HRCT : 1mm cuts Yes No ;Prone & supine views Yes No , Expiratory views Yes No Report: Date of HRCT : _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ UIP: Yes No High resolution computed tomography criteria for UIP pattern in Appendix C. Yes No H. Sinus CT (Optional) ___ SINUSITIS INVESTIGATIONS Spirometry and lung volumes- most common presentation in ILD is restrictive pattern with decreased TLC, FRC and RV. FEV1 and FVC are also decreased but FEV1/FVC is normal or increased. Obstructive pattern may also be seen particularly in LAM and Tuberous sclerosis. It also has prognostic value in IPF and NSIP. Diffusion capacity- reduced in ILD. ABG- may be normal or may show hypoxemia and respiratory alkalosis particularly during exercise as revealed after 6MWT. Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy- Bronchoalveolar lavage(BAL) findingsPulmonary alveolar proteinosis: BAL yields a cloudy, effluent that contains large amounts of periodic acid-Schiff–positive lipoproteinaceous material, as evidenced by light microscopy. 5% or more CD1a-positive cells in the BAL fluid is highly specific for the diagnosis of pulmonary Langerhan’s cell histiocytosis. BAL finding diagnose Pulmonary hemorrhage, berylliosis, hypersensitivitypneumonitis, and some pneumoconioses. BAL cell profiles are not diagnostic in idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. Excess of neutrophils: the proportions of whichcorrespond to the extent of reticular change on HRCT Excess eosinophils (more than 20%): eosinophilic lung disease Lymphocytosis above 15%: NSIP, COP, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, sarcoidosis or other granulomatous lung diseases Surgical lung biopsy- may be needed in cases of IPF, Sarcoidosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, asbestosis, lymphangitic carcinoma, PLCH. CXRay – most common presentation is bibasilar reticular pattern. Nodular or mixed pattern are also seen. HRCT – type of Scan is needed? High resolution CT (HRCT) with 1.0 mm sections is required for diagnosis of DPLD. Both inspiratory+ expiratory and supine + prone films are required. If clinical features and chest radiograph suggest hilar enlargement, then contrast is required to delineate mediastinal structures. Sinus CT- may be useful in wegener’s granulomatosis, sarcoidosis. 17. Laboratory tests (relevant): a) CBC: Hb___ Platelets___ MCV ___ DLC: N___ L___ E___ M___ B___ b) B Sugar F ___ PP ___ c) Renal : Urea __________ Creatinine __________ d) Liver function tests: Bilirubin _____ SGOT_____ SGPT ___ Hepatitis Bs __Ab__, Hepatitis C__ Ab__ e) Urinalysis: Protein _____ Sugar _____ Cast _____ Pus cells _____ f) Sputum: AFB_____ Fungus _____ g) Collagen profile: ANA + -, RF + - , dsDNA + - , Sm + - , RNP + - , Scl 70 + - , SSA + -, SSB + - , CPK + - , Anti Jo-1 + - , ANCA + - ACE _____ EBV titer + Collagen profile relevant in workup of ILD? Test Anti nuclear antibody Anti double stranded DNA (ds-DNA) Anti Smith (Sm) RF Anti Ribonucleprotein (RNP) Cytoplasmic antinuclear antibody (c-ANCA) Perinuclear antinuclear antibody (p-ANCA) Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) Anti topoisomerase Anti SSA (Ro) Anti SSB (La) Disease SLE Non specific Rheumatoid arthritis Mixed connective tissue disorder Wegner’s granulomatosis Microscopic polyangiitis Churg strauss Sarcoidosis Systemic sclerosis SLE Sjogren’s syndrome h) HIV + i) Lymphocyte transformation testing (metals) ________________________________________ j) Mantoux test (PPD) Optional: k) Echocardiogram (Optional): Date EF __________________ Wall asymmetry _____________________ Estimated systolic PA pressure ____________________ RV dilation/thickness ________________ Besides CBC showing anemia or pancytopenia (Gaucher’s disease, marrow suppression by drugs), RFT and urine examination may show nephritis or nephritic syndrome. LFT should be done for hepatitis, cirrhosis. Peripheral eosinophilia occur in eosinophilic pneumonia, Churg Strauss syndrome and drug reactions. Hypercalcemia occurs in sarcoidosis. ANCA and Anti Basement membrane antibodies are useful in vasculitis. Scl70 in systemic sclerosis, Anti Jo-1 antibodies in and raised CPK in polymyositis and dermatomyositis. ECG may show enlargement of RA,RV. Cardiac echocardiography relevant in work up of DPLD? Cardiac echocardiography is relevant because – Cor pulmonale due to chronic hypoxia Concomitant heart disease 18. Consultant’s impression /opinion _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ E) Suspected ILD diagnosis : Yes No a. Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias (IIP) i. NSIP ii. COP iii. LIP b. IPF c. Pulmonary fibrosis of unknown cause other than IIP d. Occupational ILD e. Granulomatous diseases eg. Sarcoidosis f. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis g. ILD secondary to collagen vascular disease h. familial ILD i. Other rare ILD given in appendix D) F) Suspect active infection (Active TB or pneumonia) ____________________________________________ G) Other coexisting lung disease ______________________________________________________________ H) Comorbidities ___________________________________________________________________________ 19. Follow up of the patient: Date A. Symptoms: Improved Same Deteriorated B. New symptoms /finding/diagnosis ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ C. Investigations: FEV1 _____ FVC ______ ____________________________________________________________________________________ D. Treatment prescribed ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date A. Symptoms: Improved Same Deteriorated B. New symptoms /finding/diagnosis ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ C. Investigations: FEV1 _____ FVC ______ ____________________________________________________________________________________ D. Treatment prescribed ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ PATIENT INFORMATION AND CONSENT DOCUMENT (Interstitial Lung Disease, India, Registry) Version 1.0 dated 20th Feb 2012, English ILD India Registry is an initiative of Indian Chest Society, aimed to collect epidemiological data, to understand natural course of the disease, to identify associated risk factors for improving survival of ILD patients. Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) is referred to a group of lung disorders characterized by pathological involvement of lung interstitium (meshwork of lung tissue/ space around alveoli), most of which causes progressive lung tissue scarring which is generally irreversible and may lead to Pulmonary Fibrosis. Inflammation of Interstitium is usually a diffuse process that occurs in whole of the lungs and is not limited to just one location. Hence, ILD is also known as Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease (DPLD). Dyspnea on exertion and dry cough are the primary symptoms which is followed by shortness of breath even during rest. Usually, Lung damage has already progressed to an irreversible state at the time patient notices symptoms and seeks medical advice. As far as the etiology is concerned, approximately two-thirds of the ILD cases are idiopathic (do not have a known cause), while one-third have various endogenous or exogenous cause i.e. occupational factors, infections, environmental factors, drugs and radiation. ILD can be classified according to the cause in following manner: ILD due to Known causes Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (eg, farmer’s lung, bird fancier’s disease) Pneumoconioses (eg, asbestosis, silicosis, coal worker’s pneumoconiosis) Drug-induced ILDs (eg, chemotherapeutic agents, amiodarone, nitrofurantoin) Connective tissue disease–associated ILDs (eg, Rheumatoid arthritis, polymyositis, scleroderma) Smoking-related ILDs Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis Respiratory bronchiolitis–associated ILD Desquamative interstitial pneumonia Acute eosinophilic pneumonia Radiation-induced ILDs Aspiration pneumonia Residual of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Toxic inhalation–induced ILDs (eg, cocaine, zinc chloride [smoke bomb], ammonia) Unknown causes A. Idiopathic Interstitial pneumonia a. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis b. IIP other than IPF 1. RB ILD 2. Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia 3. Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia 4. Acute interstitial pneumonia 5. Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia 6. Desqamative interstitial pneumonia B. Granulomatous diseases such as Sarcoidosis C. Miscellaneous: a. Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis b. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis c. Many other rare disorders ILD India Registry, has following objectives In order to understand this fatal disease, a network of most privileged clinical scientists in the field of Interstitial Lung Disease will be established in India. To evaluate pattern and natural course of the disease in India. To identify associated causative factors and to suggest improved methods of prevention in high risk group. To establish more advanced diagnostic and treatment plans for Interstitial Lung Disease. Methodology The ILD India Registry, is an electronic database of medical history, clinical examination, laboratory and radiological investigations of patients suffering from Interstitial Lung Disease. Clinicians volunteering to participate in the registry will be evaluated for their bio-data, ILD patient load and relevant infrastructure facilities. The selected investigators will be requested to fill the details of the prescribed proforma after obtaining written informed consent from the patient. The project will be started after obtaining approval from ethics committee. Site investigators will send completed proforma along with relevant documents such as PFT report, X-Ray chest, CT scan (preferably CD) and histopathology slides along with copy of biopsy report. The blinding process will be done by putting patient code number in place of the name. National coordinator will be responsible to manage all the data in electronic format. An independent expert panel will review data of each patient to confirm the diagnosis. The expert panel will have two radiologists, two clinicians and two histopathologists. Data of the patient along with confirmed diagnosis will be entered in the registry. Diagnostic query of the panel will be sent to the investigator, in case the diagnosis is not verified. Information of the evaluation report of the expert panel will be communicated to the submitting site investigator. All original documents will be returned to the investigators. The participating centers will also send reports of the patient coming on follow-up visits. Any unforeseen event such as death of the patient will also be informed to the registry. Expected Duration of Participation Participating patient will be part of registry till survival or termination of the project. Risks to the subject ILD India Registry is an observational study and it will collect the relevant data. Therefore, no project specific risk is associated while participating in this registry. Benefit to the subject No benefit is expected to the participating patient. Compensation Since ILD India Registry is an observational study with collection of data and thus does not involve any project specific risk. Therefore, it will not provide any sort of compensation. Financial Benefits & Reimbursements Patient will not receive any sort of financial benefits or reimbursement for his participation in the registry. All investigations and follow-up visits of the patient will be planned and scheduled by the site investigator on the basis of clinical requirement as judged by him. Confidentiality Confidentiality of records identifying the Subject will be maintained. Every patient will be provided a code number and source data will be with the investigator. Identity of the patient will not be revealed. Participant’s Rights & Responsibilities Participants have all rights to ask for any project related queries and participation is voluntary. A subject can withdraw from the registry at any time. Refusal to participate will not involve any penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled. ILD India Registry National Coordinator Contact Dr Virendra Singh (National Coordinator, ILD India Registry) Professor of Medicine Head, Division of Allergy and Pulmonary Medicine SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur Ph. +91.141.2281010 M. +91.9414051212 E mail: CONSENT FORM Subject’s Initials: _______________ Subject’s Name:_______________ Date of Birth / Age: _________________ (i) Please do initial in box (Subject) I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet for the [ ] above project and have had the opportunity to ask questions. (ii) I understand that my participation in the registry is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, without my medical care or legal rights being affected. [ ] (iii) I understand that the site investigator, others working on the investigator’s behalf, the Ethics Committee and the regulatory authorities will not need my permission to look at my health records both in respect of the current project and any further research that may be conducted in relation to it, even if I withdraw from the study. I agree to this access. However, I understand that my identity will not be revealed in any information released to third parties or published. [ ] (iv) I agree not to restrict the use of any data or results that arise from this project provided such a use is only for scientific purpose(s) [ ] (v) I agree to take part in the ILD India Registry. [ ] Signature of the Subject:___________________________ Date: _____/_____/______ Signatory’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Signature of Legally Acceptable Representative: __________________ Date: _____/_____/______ Name of LAR: __________________________________________________ Signature of the Investigator: ________________________ Date: _____/_____/______ Site Investigator’s Name: __________________________________________________ Signature of the Witness _____________________ Date:_____/_____/_______ Name of the Witness: ______________________________________________________ TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PROJECT Name : ILD India Registry Purpose of the Registry: ILD India Registry is established to collect epidemiological data, to understand natural course of the disease and to identify associated risk factors for improving survival of ILD patients. The clinical spectrum, probable etiologic agents and factors affecting natural course of the disease will be discovered. Therefore, in the long run, the ILD India Registry will serve to understand ILD better and it is intended to lead to the development of better care of ILD patients. These clinical data will be used to understand natural course of disease in view to identify all associated causative factors and to suggest improved methods of prevention in high risk group as well as to establish more advanced diagnostic and treatment plans for Interstitial Lung Disease. Ownership of the registry: The project has been initiated by Indian Chest Society. Dr Virendra Singh has been designated national coordinator of the project. Dr Virendra Singh (National Coordinator, ILD India Registry) Professor of Medicine Head, Division of Allergy and Pulmonary Medicine SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur Ph. +91.141.2281010 M. +91.9414051212 E mail: Participants: Specialists caring patients of ILD can volunteer to become collaborating centers. Method of collaboration Collaborating specialists will include patients with various forms of Interstitial Lung Disease after written informed consent. The patients will be asked the details of the questionnaire about their illness. Observations of physical examination and details of diagnostic tests will be recorded in a structured manner and stored in a database managed centrally by the registry. Site investigators will send completed proforma along with copy of relevant documents such as PFT report, X-Ray chest, CT scan (preferably CD) and histopathology slides along with copy of biopsy report. The blinding process will be done by putting patient code number in place of the name. National coordinator will be responsible to manage all the data in electronic format. Review panel: An independent expert panel will review data of each patient to confirm the diagnosis. The expert panel will have two radiologists, two clinicians, two histopathologists and statistics experts. Data of patient with confirmed diagnosis will be entered in the registry. Diagnostic query of the panel will be sent to the investigator, in case diagnosis is not verified. Information of the evaluation report of the expert panel will be communicated to the submitting site investigator. All original documents will be returned to the investigators. Follow-up reports: The participating centers will also send reports of the patient coming on follow-up visits. Any unforeseen event such as death of the patient will also be informed to the registry. Rights and obligations of Principal Investigator 1) The ownership of site specific data will stay with the respective sites. However national coordinator will play a coordinating role to pool all the data and will take responsibility for data management and data analysis. Publication rights: Individual sites may use the site specific data for presentation at the national and international meetings and for publication in the medical journals. Pooled data will be published as common paper with the authorship as follows: The participating centers and members of expert panel will be included in the list of authors of the paper. The sequence of authors will depend on number of evaluable subjects recruited by each site. The contribution of expert panel will be equal to one patient when they will evaluate data of 5 patients. Any member volunteering to write a paper will be given priority in the author’s sequence. The name of national coordinator will be the last author. 2. The Site Investigator shall be responsible for protection of the resources of ILD India Registry to the best of his knowledge and belief. Identity of the patient will not be disclosed. 3. The Site investigator is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data obtained from the patient and stored in the ILD India Registry. 4. The Site Investigator will not include any patient before ethics committee approval which is the responsibility of ILD India Registry. Site Investigator is responsible for ensuring that the patient receives sufficient and competent advice, and for obtaining the patient’s informed consent. ILD India Registry undertakes to provide the Site Investigators with specimen forms of all necessary documents (patient information & consent form). 5. The Site investigator is entitled to terminate his collaboration in the ILD India Registry at any time. However, he has to provide all relevant data collected before the date of termination to ILD India registry. 6. Since we do not have sufficient funding therefore site investigators are requested to mobilize resources to fund their activity. All courier expenses or sample transportation facilities will be provided or born by Indian chest Society. For ILD India Registry Signature Date & Place Name & Designation For the Participant Signature Date & Place Name & Designation