A. Course justification
The purpose of this course is to provide students expertise in both insect neurobiology and
the molecular techniques used to study animal nervous systems. This background and
expertise is necessary for students interested in understanding and studying the molecular and
physiological mechanisms underlying insect behavior, and these topics are not currently
covered in detail in any other course offered in the Entomology, Genetics and Zoology
Departments. This course will appeal to students who are interested in neurobiology, animal
behavior, and molecular and genomic techniques. In terms of neurobiology, this course will
cover the sensory processing systems in the insect brain (visual, olfactory, gustatory, and
mechanosensory) as well as learning and memory and circadian rhythm. Each process will
be considered at the behavioral, anatomical, neural, and genetic level. Students will also
become familiar with techniques in molecular genetics, genomics, and neurobiology (cell
culture expression systems, in situ hybridization, cDNA library screening, microarrays,
quantitative trait loci analysis, quantitative real-time PCR, RNAi, Drosophila transgenics,
calcium imaging, electrophysiology, etc.) The students will learn how to properly apply
these techniques to answer scientific questions, as well as the advantages and disadvantages
of each method. Finally, these topics will be covered using current scientific literature,
thereby ensuring students have a cutting-edge understanding of the topics and techniques.
When the course was offered in Spring 2006, six graduate students from the Department of
Entomology, six graduate students from the Department of Genetics, and two graduate
students from the Department of Zoology enrolled. In addition, three undergraduates
enrolled. Thus, this course is broadly appealing to students across multiple departments, and
offers topics that are not covered in other classes.
B. Past Enrollment (ENT 591/791)
Spring Semester 2006: 17 students
C. Resources
No additional resources are needed
D. Consultation with other departments
This course was developed with input from faculty in the Department of Genetics. See
attached letter.
Insect Neurogenomics…1
A. Instructor:
Office hours:
Christina Grozinger
2315 Gardner Hall
Wed and Fri, 2:00-3:30, Gardner 3214
Thur 2-3 pm; Gardner 2315
B. Course prerequisites:
Graduate-level coursework in molecular biology (ie, GN701 Molecular Genetics). Senior
undergraduate students – please contact the instructor prior to enrolling for permission to
C. Student learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, the students will be able too:
explain the functions of different sensory systems in the insect brain (olfactory, gustatory,
learning and memory, visual, geotaxis)
explain techniques used to characterize function of specific systems (electrophysiology,
calcium imaging, in situ hybridization, bioinformatics, cell culture, Drosophila
transgenics, cDNA library screening, quantitative trait loci mapping, microarrays,
RNAi, quantitative real-time PCR)
explain functions and characterization of genes relevant for sensory processing
explain the molecular and neurobiological bases of behavior in a wide variety of insect
design a team powerpoint presentation
understand and interpret current scientific literature in this field
discuss advanced topics in this field in discussion sections following each lecture
Catalog description:
Sensory processing systems in the insect brain (visual, olfactory, gustatory,
andmechanosensory), learning and memory and circadian rhythm. Each process will be
considered at the behavioral, anatomical, neural, and genetic level. Examples will be drawn
from multiple insect species, using recent studies. Techniques: quantitative real-time PCR,
microarrays, mapping quantitative trait loci, Drosophila transgenics, RNAi, imaging
neuronal activity, etc.
Insect Neurogenomics…2
D. Textbooks:
There is no required textbook. The following books will be placed on reserve in the D.H.
Hill library:
The Insects: Structure and Function. RF Chapman. 1998.
Methods in Insect Sensory Neuroscience. T. Christensen. 2005
A Primer of Genome Science. Gibson and Muse. 2002
Molecular Cloning: A laboratory manual. Vol 1-3. J. Sambrook. 2001.
Reprints of current papers to be provided online by the instructor. The following is a sample of
papers the students were required to read in 2006:
Froy et al 2003 Science 300 1303-1305.
Meyer et al. Science 2005. 311(5758): 226 – 229
Warrant et al. 2004. Curr Bio 14:1309-1318
Kim et al. 2003. Nature 424:81.
Hallem et al 2004 Nature 427:212.
Galizia and Mendel 2000 Current Op in Neurobio 10:504.
Bray and Amrein. 2003. Neuron 39:1019.
Guirfa at el 2001 Nature 410: 930.
Powerpoint files of the outlines of the lecture presentation will be available following the
lectures on the course webpage.
For each class, after one hour of lecture the students will be divided into small groups for 30
minute discussion sections. The discussion will involve questions related to the lecture material
that will be provided by the instructor, but are also intended to give the students an opportunity
to review all of the lecture material.
E. Organization and Scope:
Week 1
Overview of insect brain; anatomy, types of neurons
Electrophysiology, signal transduction in neurons – Prof. Bob Grossfeld
Week 2
Circadian rhythm
General rhythms
Gene networks
Techniques to identify gene networks
Circadian rhythm
Neurons involved in regulating circadian rhythm
Speciation by per mutants
Insect Neurogenomics…3
Week 3
Anatomy of eye and ocelli
Nocturnal adaptation
Photoreceptors (types of opsins)
Polarized light sensing (monarchs)
Optic flow
Week 4
Mechanosensory neurons
Tactile information, flight
Locust differentiation
Exam (20%)
Week 5
Olfactory receptors
General structure
Identification in mammals (degenerative PCR)
Identification in Drosophila (bioinformatics)
Coding properties (electrophysiology; multiple ligands,
activate/inactive cells)
Antennal lobes, Mushroom bodies
Organization of system (anatomical)
Ca imaging techniques (honey bees)
Spatio-temporal coding
Week 6
Pheromones – overview
Primer and releaser, volatile, contact
Examples (moths, flies, bees, ants)
QTL in Heliothis for pheromone detection and production
Week 7
Pheromone receptors
Identification in Bombyx, Heliothis, Manduca
cDNA library screening, expression in cell culture, transgenic expression
in insects
Structure and function of PBPs
Regulation of gene expression by pheromones
Microarrays, bees
Insect Neurogenomics…4
Week 8
Modulation of the pheromone signal
Macroglomerular complex in antennal lobe
Altering signal (moths)
Neuromodulation (bees)
Exam (20%)
Week 9
Spring Break
Week 10
Gustatory system – overview
Anatomy (SOG)
Receptors (structure, attractive and repellent neurons)
Pheromone receptor in Drosophila
Labeled line neurons, CO2 receptor (structural conservation and evolution)
Week 11
Modulation of gustation
Nutrient modulation
Hug neuropeptide
Malvolio (Drosophila, bees)
Learning and memory
Week 12
Learning and memory (miscellaneous)
Learning and memory
Genetic approaches to finding memory traces in the brain
“motivation” and memory
Week 13
Genes involved in memory
Exam (20%)
Week 14-16 Student presentations
F. Projected schedule of reading assignments:
There will be 1-2 papers from the current literature for each class. Papers will be distributed 2
days prior to the lecture.
Insect Neurogenomics…5
G. Projected schedule of exams: See above
H. How grades are determined:
Exams (3):
60%, 20% each
Presentation: 40%
Students will be divided into groups of three for the presentations. The
presentations will be ~45 min long, 15 min per student. Topics will be selected
and presented to the instructor as abstracts 3 weeks prior to the start of the
presentations, in order for the instructor to gauge the suitability of the topic. The
topic should include three of the following areas: genes, neural networks,
molecular techniques, and behavior. Students will evaluate each other’s
presentations using a score sheet. Nonpresenting students will write questions on
notecards for discussions following the presentations.
The presentation grade will divided into the following sections:
Abstract (5%)
Topic suitability (10%):
Integration of presentation (20%)
Individual score (45%): based on class evaluation forms of organization,
pace, presence
Answering questions during presentation (10%)
Participation during other students’ presentations (ie, asking questions and
being present, see attendance section below) (10%)
Final grades will be assigned using the following scale:
Grade decisions for borderline students (+/- 2%) will be based on class participation,
effort, improvement, etc. The course average for Spring 2006 was 90%.
Insect Neurogenomics…6
I. Policy on incomplete grades or late assignments.
See below
J. Policy on Attendance, Excused Absences, Missed Work
Attendance is expected for all of the lectures, and for all of the student presentations.
Students who are absent without an appropriate excuse from the student presentations
will lose points on the “participation” section of their presentation grade. If a student
unexpectedly cannot be present for his/her own presentation due to illness or emergency,
the presentation will be rescheduled.
If you miss an exam, I will need a letter documenting the reason. Makeup tests can only
be given for reasons such as illness, family emergency, participation in a Universitysponsored event, required court attendance or military duty, or religious observances as
certified by the Department of Student Development.
If you know you will be absent on a test date, you must clear the absence with me in
advance and schedule a makeup date. In the case of an unanticipated absence on a test
date, you must give me documentation and schedule a makeup date as soon as possible.
See the University policies.
NCSU policy, including what constitutes an 'Excused Absence,' is at this link.
K. Academic Integrity
Students are required to follow the NCSU policy available at "Academic dishonesty is
the giving, taking, or presenting of information or material by a student that unethically
or fraudulently aids oneself or another on any work which is to be considered in the
determination of a grade or the completion of academic requirements or the enhancement
of that student's record or academic career." (NCSU Code of Student Conduct)
The Student Affairs web site has more information
Utilization implication of the Honor Pledge
"I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test or assignment."
Expectations concerning honesty in the completion of test and assignments.
This has been outlined above
Insect Neurogenomics…7
L. Students with Disabilities.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In
order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with
Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 5157653. For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with
disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Further Information:
NCSU Academic Regulations can be found at
Further information on the course will be found online in a WolfWare Course Locker.
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