HIGH-MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPES AS A MODEL OBJECT FOR ODSERVATION OF TRANS-BOUNDARY AEROSOL TRANSFER T.M. Kuderina Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow 119017, 29 Staromonetniy pereulok, Russia e-mail: tmkud@yandex.ru High-mountain landscapes of biosphere reserves, located in Caucasian and Altai mountains, has been studied to determine the influence of the aerial migration from deserted plains of the Central Asia on the mountain systems. To determine this impact the aerosol samples were collected on autonomous landscapes that were positioned on windward slopes at the altitude of 1500–2000 meters above the sea level. Results of observations during three summer and autumn periods are discussed. Due to the climate change the has increased. Aerial migration of fine-grained substances in the “plains – mountains” system has grown. High-mountain protected areas as model keys for experimental study of the regional and global transboundary transfer of substances present the main interest. Natural and political transboundary position of the Caucasus and Katun reserves is an important factor in the study of the natural environment transformation. They are located in the eastern Europe and central part of Eurasia respectively, in the mountain systems surrounded by plains, and may be used as a natural laboratory for the study of the global and regional processes of the high-mountain landscapes transformation. The impact factors causing landscapes’ transformation in the Caucasus and Katun reserves currently include yearly alteration of air temperature, change of precipitation, increase of atmosphere dustiness, intensifying of ice thawing, increase in transboundary aerosol transport, change of hydrological regime and chemistry of river waters, increase of anthropogenic influence, loss of biological diversity, transformation of vegetation at altitudinal belts, and etc. The Caucasus and Katun mountain biosphere reserves located at the same latitude may be characterized by background geochemical conditions. Western wind direction prevails in the moderate climatic belt of Eurasia. Presence of high-mountain landscapes located at altitude 2000 m and higher allowed to measure atmospheric aerosol above the boundary layer of surface atmosphere (Fig 1, 2). Influence of other landscape components was also taken into consideration, which is rather low under those conditions however. The performed measurements allow comparison of aerosol chemistry in the European and Asiatic parts of Russia with the consideration of air masses movement. Assessment of the natural conditions and ecosystem services provided by the state biosphere reserves was made on the basis of the methodological approaches of the International Programme “Millenium Ecosystem Assessment”. Within the monitoring of the current status of the natural environments performed during field works at the Caucasus and Altai a radiation survey was also performed at the territory of the Caucasus and Katun biosphere reserves (Table 1). Landscape-geochemical monitoring of natural high-mountain reservations included study of the following landscape components: soil and grounds, surface water and groundwater, vegetation, atmospheric precipitation and aerosols. To determine this impact the aerosol samples were collected on autonomous landscapes that were positioned on windward slopes at the altitude of 1500–2000 meters above the sea level. Assessment of fine-grained aerosol content in the high-mountain landscapes was based on the methods of landscape-geochemical study (1,3). Table 1. Geographic coordinates, altitudes and date of field measurements. Places of observation Western Caucasus, Dzhuga Mountain Kavminvody, Bolshoe Sedlo Mountain Elbrus area, Shatzhatmaz Mountain Altai, Katun ridge Geographic coordinates, altitude N 43º53,015´ Е 40º27,708´ 2199 m N 43º53,259´ Е 42º47,485´ 1380 m N 43º44,379´ Е 42º39,574´ 2083 m N 49º43, 815´ Е 85º59,686´ 2530 m Date of measurements August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 July 2010 Aerosol sampling was performed in accordance with the method of definition of microelements mass concentration in the atmosphere aerosols of background landscapes on filters AFA-XA-20 by the field aspiration sampler designed in the aerosol laboratory of Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry. GEOS Meteorological Station and Thermochron DS1922L simultaneously recorded temperature and humidity of the air, cloudiness, speed and direction of the wind. Chemical composition of the aerosol was revealed by the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Results of the global space monitoring were also used for calculating reverse trajectories of air masses in the study period. Analysis of chemistry of the atmospheric aerosol during western air masses transfer in the background high-mountain landscapes of the Northern Caucasus and Altai (Table 2) reveled elements of the global and local importance (2). Table 2. Content of elements in the aerosol air in the Northern Caucasus and Altai, (%). Chemical element Al Si S Li Na Mg K Rb Sr Cs Ba Са Se Sb Sc Fe Co Ni Caucasus Bolshoe Dzhuga Sedlo Shatzhatmaz Mountain Mountain Mountain Elements of global occurrence 3,66195 14,81228 4,15936 9,18212 28,26840 0,95608 41,40892 13,16687 40,23784 0,00980 0,01254 0,01242 38,82500 8,05076 48,08016 1,09817 3,49110 5,34387 0,13404 0,07471 0,00059 0,13517 0,14840 0,02721 3,83642 24,23265 4,07972 Elements of regional and local occurrence 0,00198 0,84213 Altai 12,459 20,055 12,459 20,055 6,878 4,219 5,568 0,033 0,141 0,002 0,259 18,540 0,024 0,003 0,067 6,216 0,006 0,146 Cu Zn Y Zr Cd Hg Pb Sn 1,71539 0,00299 0,01493 0,01462 0,64026 2,17866 0,03715 0,00083 0,02157 0,01875 0,13451 0,712 0,212 0,009 0,017 0,003 0,291 0,038 Atmospheric aerosol above the boundary layer on the Caucasus contains considerable amount of salts (Na, S) which are probably of marine origin. Surface atmosphere of Kavminvody (Bolshoe Sedlo Mountain) contains various elements. With air masses movement to the east, to Altai, they get enriched with terrigenic elements (Al, Si, Li). Elements of regional occurrence including heavy metals may be used as indicators of technogenic impact of the surrounding industrial areas on the high-mountain areas of the Caucasus and Altai. For the purpose of landscape-geochemical monitoring the Clarke’s concentration (CC) of elements in soil of the study area were calculated, as well as aerosol concentration coefficients (CAC) relative to Earth crust. In the studied mountain soils and crystalline rocks the CCs are low. Most of the elements are in the dispersed state. Soils and rocks of the Mountain Altai are rich in polymetals which are common for the Ore Altai geochemical province Analysis of the chemical composition of the fine-dispersed aerosols due to transfer of the air masses from the plains of the Central Asia toward studied high-mount regions showed that main element of the global significance is Clarke’s concentration (CC) of the sulfur. In Altai region CC value for sulfur varied from 470 up to 740 and in Caucasus it varied from 480 up to 830. Increased CC values for sodium (2-9) and calcium (3-5) were observed in Altai, and for calcium (4-11) and potassium (2-3) in Caucasus. Accumulation of these elements on mountain’s slopes is in a close relationship to the global transfer of the air masses from salty plains of the Central Asia to the studied territories. Lithium is a typical lithogenic element for natural mountain landscapes. In Caucasus and Altai regions its CC level varies from 4-5 to 6-7 correspondingly. However, as significant regional and local indicators for Altai natural reservation has been shown scandium with CC level around 40, and for Caucasus territory titanium (6-17) and chrome (50-105). Origin of these heavy metals, found in mountain aerosols in high concentrations, cannot be simply explained thus demanding further investigation. There are several possible mechanisms of their accumulation in natural mountain reservation that may exist. It could be combination of some natural processes, industrial mountain activity and refinery plants, and long way aerosol transfer. Conclusions Current transformations of the environment cause acceleration of the natural and human-induced desertification and land degrading in the Eurasia’s landscapes. Feedback mechanisms in the system “mountains – plains” are growing which results in the atmospheric transfer of elements to higher altitudes. Obtained data indicate that high-mountain landscapes are good models for studying of regional and global geochemical fluxes and environment alteration. International cooperation and efforts for studying such territories would be very useful. Bibliography 1. Glazovskaya M.A. Geochemistry of natural and technogenic landscapes. Moscow. Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University. Second edition. 2007. 350 pp. 2. Ivanov V.V. Ecological geochemistry of elements. Handbook (in 6 volumes). Moscow. “Ekologiya”. 1994-1998. 3. Perelman A.I. & Kasimov N.S. Geochemistry of the landscape. Moscow. Astreya-2000. 1999. 768 pp. Fig 1. The view from the saddle of Elbrus on the northern piedmont plains. The height of the boundary layer – 2000 m. Beshtau Mountain 1400 m a.s.l. Fig 2. The movement of air masses enriched with aerosol to the field station of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Shatzhatmaz Mountain.