Responsibilities Checklist

Earth, Environmental and Physical Sciences (EEPS)
Master’s Program
Graduate Studies Responsibilities Checklist
version 3/10.1
STUDENT NAME: _________________________ myWSU ID:___________________
FIRST SEMESTER OF ENROLLMENT: _____________________________________
AREA OF CONCENTRATION: ____________________________________________
** Maintain and update this document throughout your graduate studies in the EEPS
program. You should meet with the graduate coordinator each semester in addition to
your advisor to note and synchronize changes to this document. This form is meant to
track your progress and to simplify and expedite your graduate studies.
I. Deficiency Coursework
List all deficiency coursework required for completion of your EEPS degree. If you were
admitted on a conditional or probationary status, then you will most likely have
deficiencies. A list of deficiencies should be attached with your letter of admission into
the program. You should remove these deficiencies early in your tenure as a graduate
student. If you are unsure if you have course deficiencies, contact the EEPS graduate
coordinator immediately. Write out all course deficiencies and check when completed.
II. EEPS Graduate Plan of Study
You should choose a plan of study for the EEPS degree by the end of your first semester
of enrollment. The options are thesis, internship, or non-thesis (research or courseworkonly) for degree completion. See below for description of each plan. All students, no
matter which plan of study they choose, must take 18 hours of 700-800 level graduate
coursework in order to graduate. Three interdisciplinary EEPS courses must be taken as
part of the 18 hours of 700-800 level coursework. These courses are EEPS 700
(Technical Sessions; must be taken twice), EEPS 701 (Computer Methods in Science),
and EEPS 721 (Current Issues in Environmental Science).
Thesis research is recommended for students who will pursue PhD study. Students
seeking professional employment after graduation may also choose to pursue the thesis
option. Requirements for this option are:
(1) The student must present a research proposal to the EEPS faculty to ensure that
the research has merit and can be completed in a reasonable period of time.
(2) The student must write a thesis.
(3) The student must give a public oral defense.
(4) A total of 30 credit hours are required, among which a maximum of 6 thesis credit
hours (EEPS/GEOL 890 Thesis or equivalent) can be counted toward the degree.
One hour of EEPS 702 (Research Methods) is also required.
Students wishing to gain interdisciplinary and/or professional skills in the fields covered
by the EEPS program can participate in applied and/or basic research internship projects
with industry or government agencies. Requirements for this option are:
(1) Enrollment in internship projects requires an approved proposal
(2) Completion of an internship for graduation requires a formal oral presentation of
the internship “research”
(3) Submission of a advisor-approved final report
(4) A total of 33 credit hours are required, among which a maximum of 6 internship
credit hours (EEPS 889) can be counted toward the degree.
This option is an alternative to thesis research or internship for degree requirements. Two
plans of study are available under this option:
* PLAN A - Students are not required to take research courses, and a total of 36
credit hours is required. This plan is recommended for students who do not desire
a career in industry or postsecondary education.
* PLAN B - Students are required to take research courses and conduct research
under the supervision of an EEPS faculty member. Requirements for this option
(1) The student must present a research proposal to the EEPS faculty to ensure that
the research has merit and can be completed in a reasonable period of time.
(2) The student must write a report.
(3) The student must give a public oral defense of research.
(4) A total of 33 credit hours, among which a maximum of 3 research credit hours
(GEOL 800 Research in Geology or equivalent) can be counted toward the
degree. One hour of EEPS 702 Research Methods is also required.
(5) An advisor-approved, final report.
Mark your selected EEPS Plan of Study (check one)
Thesis Option
Internship Option
Non-Thesis (Plan A – coursework only)
Non-Thesis (Plan B - research)
III. Advisor Selection
All students should select an advisor before the end of their first semester in the
program. You must visit with all faculty members in the department before you make
your final selection of an advisor. This ensures that you have a broad understanding of
the research and mentoring strategies of each of the faculty. This is particularly important
for those students enrolled in the thesis, internship and non-thesis (plan B) options.
**For student pursuing research in Geology:
Ask each faculty member to sign and verify that you have met with them to discuss their
research and mentoring strategies:
Dr. Collette Burke _____________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. Hongsheng Cao ____________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. John Gries ________________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. Salvatore Mazzullo _________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. William Parcell ____________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. Wan Yang ________________________________________ Date: _____________
**For students pursuing research in Physics:
Ask each faculty member to sign and verify that you have met with them to discuss their
research and mentoring strategies:
Dr. James Ho __________________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. Elizabeth Behrman __________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. Hussein Hamdeh ____________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. Nickolas Solomey ___________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. Jason Ferguson _____________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. Syed Taher ________________________________________ Date: _____________
Dr. Holger Meyer ______________________________________ Date: _____________
IV. (a) Thesis Research Checklist
For students who have selected the Thesis Option for their graduate plan of study.
Check box and time stamp when each item is completed.
Select an advisor. Advisor Name:____________________________
Select thesis committee members (four total members). Date:_____________
Member 1:_________________________
Member 2:_________________________
Member 3 (External): _________________________
Define research topic with advisor. Date:_____________
Research Title: _____________________________________________________
Present a research proposal to the EEPS faculty before end of second semester
after reaching full-standing status
Submit Plan of Study Form to Graduate School following completion of 12
hours of coursework
Complete 30 credit hours including a max of 6 hrs EEPS 890 (Thesis) and 1 hr
EEPS 702 (Research Methods)
Present public oral defense to WSU faculty of thesis project (must submit
Request for Oral Defense Form to the Graduate School)
Completion of thesis writing and filing with graduate coordinator
Submit “Application for Degree Form” to Graduate School the semester that
you are graduating.
IV (b) Internship Research Checklist
For students who have selected the Internship Option for their graduate plan of study.
Check box and time stamp when each item is completed.
Select an advisor before end of first semester.
Advisor Name:__________________________ Date:_____________
Select an internship topic with student’s employer. Date:_____________
Research Title: ____________________________________________________
Present internship proposal to the EEPS faculty before end of second semester
after reaching full-standing status
Approved proposal filed with advisor and graduate coordinator before end of
second semester after reaching full-standing status
Submit Plan of Study Form to Graduate School following completion of 12
hours of coursework
Complete 33 credit hours including a maximum of 6 hrs EEPS 889 (Internship)
Formal oral presentation of the internship “research” to WSU faculty
Advisor-approved final report submitted to graduate coordinator
Submit “Application for Degree Form” to Graduate School the semester that
you are graduating.
IV (b) Non-Thesis Plan A (Coursework-Only) Checklist
For students who have selected the Non-Theis Plan A Option for their graduate plan of
Check box and time stamp when each item is completed.
Meet with Graduate Coordinator (default advisor) to discuss coursework and
career goals.
Submit Plan of Study Form to Graduate School following completion of 12
hours of coursework
Complete of 36 credit hours (see Graduate School Plan of Study below)
Successfully complete comprehensive examination of coursework (see EEPS
grad coordinator for more information)
Submit “Application for Degree Form” to Graduate School the semester that
you are graduating.
IV (b) Non-Thesis Plan B (Research) Checklist
For students who have selected the Non-Thesis Plan B Option for their graduate plan of
Check box and time stamp when each item is completed.
Select an advisor.
Advisor Name:__________________________ Date:_____________
Select a research topic before end of second enrolled semester.
Research Title:__________________________________________________
Present a research proposal to the EEPS faculty before end of second semester
after reaching full-standing status
Submit Plan of Study Form to Graduate School following completion of 12
hours of coursework
Present public oral defense of research project (must submit Request for Oral
Defense Form to the Graduate School)
Submit advisor-approved, final report to EEPS graduate coordinator.
Complete 33 credit hours including a max of 3 hrs Geol 800 (Research in
Geology) and 1 hr EEPS 702 (Research Methods)
Submit “Application for Degree Form” to Graduate School the semester that
you are graduating.
Students in all program options should have their advisor and graduate coordinator sign
below indicating they have reviewed this checklist and it appears that the requirements
have been met for the department and the EEPS graduate program.
Graduate Coordinator ________________________________Date____________
VI. Graduate School’s Plan of Study Instructions
• One copy should be filed in the Graduate School office following the completion of 12
hours of degree work (24 hours for Master’s of Fine Arts), but no later than the 20th day
of classes during fall or spring or 10th day of classes of the 8 week summer session.
• Your graduate coordinator must include major and completion codes.
• All courses must be listed and for masters, 60% of the total hours must be at the 700
level or above.
• Do not list excess hours since all hours listed will be considered part of the degree
• Include institution name for courses being transferred into the program.
• Identify additions or deletions to previously approved plan by placing A or D in the
revision column.
• Substitutions for required courses must be indicated on the plan and must cover
equivalent subject matter.
• All students, no matter which plan of study they choose, must take 18 hours of 700-800
level graduate coursework in order to graduate. This must be indicated on the Plan of
Study form. Three interdisciplinary EEPS courses must also be taken as part of the 18
hours of 700-800 level coursework. These courses are EEPS 700 (Technical Sessions;
must be taken twice), EEPS 701 (Computer Methods in Science), and EEPS 721 (Current
Methods in Environmental Science).
VII. Graduate School Graduate Requirements and Information:
The items listed below must be met before you can graduate from WSU.
All items are explained in detail in the Graduate Bulletin and website.
• Formal admission to the appropriate degree program.
• Satisfactory completion of conditions of admission.
• An approved Plan of Study on file in the Graduate School.
• Satisfactory completion of prerequisite, tool or language courses.
• An Application for Degree/Exit Survey Form on file with the Graduate School.
• Appropriate enrollment in the semester of graduation.
• Removal of all prior semester incomplete grades, including thesis hours.
• Completion of all requirements (courses, project, comprehensive exams, thesis,
dissertation, validations, etc.).
• Submission of the ETD following approval by Graduate School.
• Cumulative graduate GPA of at least 3.0 for all WSU courses on the Plan of Study and
for all WSU graduate work.
Graduation and Commencement Information:
Degrees are conferred at the close of summer (July), fall (December), and spring (May)
semesters. Official transcripts and diplomas are available approximately eight weeks
after conferral, and may be ordered from the transcript office. Their website is:
Commencement ceremonies are held only in December and May. Participation is allowed
as follows:
Degree Awarded in:
Master’s in December
Master’s in May
Master’s in July
Doctoral in December
Doctoral in May
Doctoral in Summer
You will walk in this Commencement:
Preceding May or Following December
December following award