Psychology MA/PhD Graduate Program – Clinical Psychology Stream Canadian Psychological Association Core Area Review Form Student Name: Student Number: In order to meet the breadth requirements for accreditation with the Canadian Psychological Association, students must have completed either: a) 2 senior undergraduate classes or b) 1 graduate class in the first four core areas below (see reverse side for course classification). Students must have 1 class at the undergraduate or graduate level fulfilling the historical and scientific foundations core area. Please identify undergraduate courses below that may fulfill such requirements. In those areas not met at the undergraduate level, please identify the planned courses to be taken at the graduate level. If the graduate course number to be taken is not yet known, please indicate “TBA.” As graduate courses are completed, please obtain the original submission of this form from the Program Administrator, add any new graduate courses completed on the same form, and resubmit this form to the DCT for approval. UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOUR Course No. Undergraduate Course Title Core Area Met Course No. Course No. Course No. Course No. DCT Initials Course No. Course No. DCT Initials Date: _____________________ Graduate Course Title DCT Initials Date: _____________________ Graduate Course Title DCT Initials Signature, Director of Training: ________________________ Date: _____________________ HISTORICAL AND SCIEN TIFIC FOUNDATIONS Undergraduate Course Title Core Area Met Graduate Course Title Signature, Director of Training: ________________________ INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOUR Undergraduate Course Title Core Area Met Course No. Signature, Director of Training: ________________________ SOCIAL BASES OF BEHA VIOUR Undergraduate Course Title Core Area Met Graduate Course Title Signature, Director of Training: ________________________ Date: _____________________ COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF B EHAVIOUR Undergraduate Course Title Core Area Met Course No. Course No. Graduate Course Title Signature, Director of Training: ________________________ DCT Initials Date: _____________________ Classification of Ryerson Graduate Electives by Core Areas According to the CPA Accreditation Guidelines, each student must successfully complete at least one half-year graduate course or a two-semester (or two, one-semester) or senior undergraduate course in the following 5 core content areas: 1. Biological bases of behaviour (e.g., physiological psychology, comparative psychology, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology) 2. Cognitive-affective bases of behaviour (e.g., learning, sensation, perception, cognition, thinking, motivation, emotion) 3. Social bases of behaviour (e.g., social psychology; cultural, ethnic, and group processes; sex roles; organizational and systems theory) 4. Individual behaviour (e.g., personality theory, human development, individual differences, abnormal psychology) 5. Historical and scientific foundations of general psychology (this content area can be fulfilled with a one-semester, senior undergraduate course) Biological Bases of Behaviour PS8507 Cognitive Neuroscience PS8706 Clinical Psychopharmacology PS8705 Clinical Neuropsychology PS8531 Anatomy of the Human Brain PS8534 Special Topics in Biopsychology Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behaviour PS8501 Special Topics in Cognition PS8506 Perception and Cognitive Ergonomics PS8507 Cognitive Neuroscience PS8512 Learning, Plasticity, Memory PS8519 Social Cognition PS8520 Socio-Cognitive Development PS8524 Perception and Action PS8526 Special Topics in Perception PS8532 Cognitive Aging PS8707 Cognition and Psychopathology Social Bases of Behaviour PS8504 Special Topics in Social Psych PS8509 Culture and Identity PS8511 Gender and Health PS8515 Psychology of Aging PS8516 Psychology and Law PS8519 Social Cognition PS8520 Socio-Cognitive Development PS8521 Urban Psychology PS8530 Psychology of Body Image Individual Behaviour PS8502 Special Topics in Developmental Psych PS8503 Special Topics in Health Psychology* PS8505 Advances in Health Psychology PS8510 Early Development PS8530 Psychology of Body Image PS8701 Special Topics in Clinical Psych PS8703 Anxiety Disorders PS8704 Behav Disorders in Children PS8707 Cognition and Psychopathology PS8708 Eating Disorders PS8709 Directed Readings: Clin Psych* PS8711 Child and Adolescent Treatment PS8712 Mood Disorders Historical and Scientific Foundations PS9101 History of Psychology *This course is most likely to count toward the Individual Behaviour requirement, but depending on the specific topics covered, it may count toward other core requirements. Revised April 8, 2014