A Special Publication of The Monroe Fordham Regional History Center Buffalo State College Index and Introduction to The Microfilmed Nash Papers, Rev. Dr. J. Edward 1868 - 1957 Pastor, Michigan Avenue Baptist Church (1892-1953) Buffalo, New York The Nash Papers were microfilmed in The Monroe Fordham Regional History Center Buffalo State College The 16MM film was filmed with a 34X lens Original Papers are Owned by The Michigan Street Preservation Corp. Buffalo, New York 2002 FOREWORD The Monroe Fordham Regional History Center was established at Buffalo State College by Dr. Muriel A. Howard, President, in April 2001. Its mission is to deepen the understanding of the richness of the history of the Buffalo/Niagara region. One way in which this mission can be sustained is through collaboration with vital community groups such as The Michigan Street Preservation Corporation of Buffalo, New York to make priceless collections of historical papers accessible to scholars and interested citizens alike. This initial publication of the Center is a modest contribution toward that end. This Index to the Papers of the Rev. Dr. J. Edward Nash provides guidance not only to the intellectual and cultural life of a distinguished Buffalonian, but also the rich heritage of the region’s African-American community. The Center is pleased to offer this publication to the community as the beginning of a series to promote the history of our region. E.O. Smith, Jr. Distinguished Service Professor and Chair, History and Social Studies Department Buffalo State College Russell John Maxwell Chair, Civic Advisory Board Monroe Fordham Regional History Center Buffalo State College The Microfilmed Nash Papers, Rev. Dr. J. Edward 1868 - 1957 Pastor, Michigan Avenue Baptist Church (1892-1953) Buffalo, New York The first cache of J. Edward Nash Papers that were discovered in the Nash House consisted of “approximately 140 linear feet of books and periodicals, and over 50 linear feet of manuscript materials.” The manuscript materials were rough sorted and placed in archival boxes by archivist Rodney Gorme Obien and stored in the University of Buffalo Archives. At that time, the manuscript papers totaled 31 boxes of materials. About two years after the discovery, those materials were placed on loan to the Afro-American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier to be prepared for microfilming. More materials were found at the Nash House site and were added to the original manuscript Papers. The newly discovered boxes were removed from the attic of the home by students from Kevin Cottrell’s class in the African-American Studies Department at the University of Buffalo. The entire manuscript collection was sorted, organized into file folders, indexed, and prepared for microfilming by Monroe Fordham (Professor Emeritus, Buffalo State College History Department), Mrs. Freddie M. Fordham, and Mrs. Madeline O. Scott (all members of the Afro-American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier). The listing of letters in the correspondence folders was typed by Sandy Miller, a student in Dr. Jean Richardson’s graduate history class at Buffalo State College. The materials were microfilmed in the Monroe Fordham Regional History Center at Buffalo State College. The microfilming was done by the following students; Sandy Miller, LaShawanda Ingram, Iesha Phillips, and Charita Jackson (students at Buffalo State College); Tanisha Fordham (Academy of the Sacred Heart H.S., to fulfill her community service volunteer requirement); and by Ferris McAlpine, Santosha Hayes, Nya Wielbon, and Shyvonne Holmes (students from Cottrell’s class, African-American Studies Department, University of Buffalo). All of the college students who microfilmed were paid from a grant provided by the African-American Studies Department at the University of Buffalo. The students who did the microfilming were supervised by Monroe Fordham and Dr. Felix Armfield (History Department, Buffalo State College). Armfield audiotaped an interview of Jesse Nash, Jr., a transcript of that interview is in folder #268. (Dr. Armfield also sorted, organized, indexed and microfilmed the “Frances J. Nash Papers”—a separate collection of materials). The Nash papers are part of The Buffalo Afro-American Microfilmed Collection Copies of that microfilmed collection are housed at 3 locations The North Jefferson Branch Library & Center for African-American History & Research & The Butler Library Archives, Buffalo State College & The Monroe Fordham Regional History Center, Buffalo State College 2 PREFACE Rev. Nash knew for certain that we were coming behind him, and that we would find his papers and “do the right thing” in preserving them for posterity. He may not have known our precise identities or when we would come, but in his spiritual mind, he was absolutely confident that we would come. And so, over the span of most of his life, he assembled this remarkable collection of personal papers. That very thought posed a question that puzzled me for a long time. What enabled Rev. Nash to summon the confidence, and the assurance, that the papers that he had carefully saved over a life-time would be managed and preserved in a way that would allow posterity to have access to them? The personal papers of Black Americans usually ended up on the trash heap after their demise. What enabled Rev. Nash to know with such seeming certainty that his papers would be an exception to that rule? That is an especially perplexing question when one considers the historical context of Rev. Nash’s early life. He began saving his personal papers almost a quarter of a century before Dr. Carter G. Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. Moreover, at that time, very few established historical agencies would have been even remotely interested in Afro-American history, not to mention the personal papers of a little known black man. What gave Rev. Nash the audacity to think that the papers and historical evidence of his life and times would be preserved for posterity? Certainly, there were no existing persons or agencies that were possibilities for performing that task. During the process of helping to sort through and create a filing system for his extremely large collection, I was able to read some of his letters, his sermons, poetry, speeches, and other unpublished writings. It was then that the answer to the puzzling question became clear. In my mind I posed the question to Rev. Nash: What makes you think that all of the papers and materials that you have meticulously saved for more than half-a-century will be preserved for posterity’s access after you are dead and gone I think that his answer to my question would have been simple and straightforward. “God didn’t say anything to me about preserving and preparing those materials for posterity’s access. He just instructed me to save them. In God’s own time, he will send forces to preserve them in a format that will allow posterity to access them.” And in time he did. He sent Kevin Cottrell and George K. Arthur. He sent the Michigan Street Preservation Corporation, the Afro-American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier, Buffalo State College, and numerous other entities with expertise and resources. And he will send more. For me, there is a powerful spiritual message in all of this—do the job well that providence has assigned to you, and keep the faith. God will take care of the big picture. Monroe Fordham, Professor Emeritus Department of History Buffalo State College November, 2001 3 THE NASH HOUSE The house at 36 Nash Street (Buffalo, NY) has a very special place in the 20th century history of Buffalo's African-American community. From 1925 until 1987, the residence was the homestead of the Rev. J. Edward Nash, Sr. family. Rev. Nash was the pastor of the Michigan Avenue Baptist Church from 1892 until his retirement in 1953. His widow continued to occupy the home after his death in 1957. She died in 1987. Rev. Nash's leadership and presence in Buffalo's African-American community during the first 50 years of the 20th century earned him legendary status in that community. During most of that period he was the most widely known and respected African-American in the city. Rev. Nash was involved in the efforts to bring branches of the Urban League and the NAACP to Buffalo. He was a long-time leader and treasurer of the Western New York Baptist Association. For 32 years he was secretary of the Ministers Alliance of Buffalo. That inter-racial body was one of the most influential religious groups in Buffalo. Rev. Nash called and led several community political meetings of black Buffalonians to intercede on behalf of local black citizens who were in danger of being wronged because of their race. Because he was widely respected by the city's white leadership, Rev. Nash had direct access to the mayor and other local elected officials. He often used his access to elected officials and business leaders to gain benefits for the African-American community and/or its individual citizens. Rev. Nash had a statewide and national reputation. In 1910 he was host to Booker T. Washington during Washington's meeting with "Afro-American Citizens of Buffalo." An invitation and printed program found in papers that were recently discovered in Rev. Nash's study at 36 Nash Street, indicates that the famous Tuskegee educator met with "Afro-American Citizens of Buffalo" on Thursday evening, March 10, 1910 at the Michigan Street Baptist Church. (That invitation and program are filmed in folder #434) Washington was introduced at that meeting by Rev. Nash. Washington apparently gave a second address that night at Buffalo's Westminster Methodist Church to a largely white audience of "several hundred people, who listened to an instructive exposition on the problems of the black race." The second address was reported by the Buffalo Daily Courier on March 11 in an article titled "Only Hear Worst side, Never Best Says Negro Educator." Rev. Nash was an officer in the local branch of the national Afro-American Business League (see folder #6). A close friend and former classmate of Rev. Nash at Virginia Union College was Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. (pastor of Harlem's Abyssinian Baptist Church). Rev. Powell was an occasional guest minister at the Michigan Avenue Baptist Church, and a guest in the Nash home at 36 Potter Street (now Nash Street). Rev. Powell was the guest speaker at Rev. Nash’s 50 th anniversary celebration as pastor of the Michigan Street Baptist Church (see folder # 18). The “Correspondence” folders contain many letters to and from Rev. Powell. Many of Rev. Nash's sermons and letters that are an integral part of Buffalo's AfricanAmerican community history were written in his study at 36 Nash Street. (Literally hundreds of Rev. Nash’s sermon outlines, sermons, speeches and speech notes are filmed in the microfilmed collection-see folders 337-398, and 400-406). Many of the nationally known African-American 4 leaders that Rev. Nash brought to Buffalo were house guests at 36 Nash Street. Some of the important unwritten events in the history of Buffalo's African-American community were probably first conceptualized, discussed, and set in motion in the Nash home at 36 Nash Street. (Papers from the Nash collections will certainly confirm such assumptions). In October, 1999, a delegation of members of the Michigan Street Preservation Corporation were taken on a tour of the inside of the former Nash home by Bishop William Henderson. Jesse Nash, Jr., owner of the house, had allowed Bishop Henderson to occupy the bottom floor of the Nash home since the late 1980s when the elderly Mrs. Frances J. Nash gave up residence. Members of the Michigan Street Preservation group were keenly aware of the historic significance of the Nash home, but they were not prepared for what they found inside the house. When the Michigan Street Preservation group walked into Rev. Nash's personal quarters and study, it was as though they had entered a time capsule, a time capsule that had been left by Rev. Nash himself. The furniture, typewriter, desk, victrola, and other furnishings were in good condition. His letters, papers, and books seemed undisturbed since their last use by Rev. Nash. The upstairs was a virtual museum of African-American home furnishings from the pre-WWII era. It was apparent that Mrs. Nash did not disturb the contents in her husband's “space” following his death. Bishop Henderson also kept that part of the house closed off and undisturbed after he moved in. Later the Michigan Street Preservation tour group would discuss their feelings and thinking at the moment of discovery. Even without communicating with each other, they had all reached the same conclusion. That is, that the Nash Home was a community treasure, a time capsule, and a potential community museum that should be restored, protected, and shared with the larger society. The Home and its contents was a valuable piece of the 20th century history of the Buffalo African-American community. During the weeks following the aforementioned discoveries at the Nash Home, the Michigan Street Preservation Corporation consulted with numerous authorities, including representatives from the Buffalo-Erie County Historical Society, Ted Lownie (an architect who specializes in restoring and preserving historic properties), legal advisors from Kavinoky & Cook LLP, and community leaders about steps to be taken in preserving the Nash Papers, restoring the Nash House and opening it to the public as a community museum and education facility. The Michigan Street Preservation Corporation has launched a campaign to redevelop and restore the historic neighborhood around the Nash House, which includes the Michigan Street Baptist Church (built in 1845), the site of the former Little Harlem Supper Club, the Colored Musicians Club, and the numerous dwellings that made up the once thriving community. The first priorities of the Michigan Street group are to preserve the Nash Papers. After that, they plan to restore the Nash House and create a community museum. This microfilming project completes the preservation of the Nash manuscript collection. The original papers have been placed in archival format and preserved in an acid free environment. Many of the papers are very fragile and cannot stand up to extensive use. However, the microfilmed format allows researchers to freely utilize them. The group’s architect has developed a plan for restoring the historic dwelling. They have received a grant to restore the outside, and work is scheduled to begin soon. The overall Michigan Street Preservation Corporation’s plan is being coordinated by Kevin Cottrell and George K. Arthur. Cottrell is employed by the Office of New York State 5 Parks and Historic Preservation, and George Arthur is a longtime advocate for community development and retired former President of the Buffalo Common Council. The Papers of Rev. Dr. J. Edward Nash, and those of his wife Mrs. Frances Jackson Nash, represent one of the most significant discoveries in African American historiography. The microfilmed papers are part of the Buffalo Afro-American Microfilmed Collection. Copies of that Collection are presently housed in the North Jefferson Branch Library and Center for African American History and Research; the Butler Library Archives at Buffalo State College; and The Monroe Fordham Regional History Center, Buffalo State College. Researchers are encouraged to use the collection. The original papers are owned by the Michigan Street Preservation Corporation and will eventually be part of the Nash House and Community Museum. 6 Contents of Index List of Folder Titles (folder numbers 1 – 466) pages 8 - 19. List of folders with a description of their content pages 20 - 80. Other titles in the “Buffalo Afro-American Collection” pages 81 – 82 The material is filmed by folders. The folder titles are in alphabetical order and are numbered. In most cases, the folder content is filmed in date order. The folder number appears at the top of the microfilm screen. The filming was done with a 34X lens and is in 16MM format. This complete Index is filmed at the end of microfilm roll #8. 7 FOLDER NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 FOLDER TITLE Abyssinian Baptist Church, Harlem NY Address Book Advisory Council on Negro Churches African Inland Missionaries of Buffalo Afro-American Business Company Afro-American Business League Allegany Baptist Association American Baptist Convention American Baptist Home Mission Society Anderson, Amelia G. Anniversary (Rev. Nash at Michigan Street) --20th, 1912 Anniversary – 25th, 1917 Anniversary – 28th, 1920 Anniversary – 30th, 1922 Anniversary – 35th, 1927 Anniversary – 40th, 1932 Anniversary – 45th, 1937 Anniversary – 50th, 1942 Anti-Saloon League Athlos Fraternity (Michigan Ave. YMCA) Baptist Disciple Ministers Institute Benevolence Fund Bennett Park School Benzinger, Robert Bible Verses Personalized Biographical Material on Rev. Nash Black Buffalo Church Newsletter Boddie, Rev. J.B. Book Review of Charles S. Johnson’s book on Buffalo Buffalo Adult Education Buffalo Baptist Association, 1900-1920s Buffalo Baptist Association, 1930s Buffalo Baptist Association, 1940s-1950s & n.d. Buffalo Baptist Association Statistics on Member Churches Buffalo Baptist Ministers, 1890s-1920s Buffalo Baptist Ministers, 1930s-1950s, n.d. Buffalo Baptist Ministers, Info Cards for Members – 1902-1930 Buffalo Baptist Ministers, Correspondence & Resolution, 1900-1910 Buffalo Baptist Union, 1890s-1920s Buffalo Baptist Union, 1930s-1950s, & n.d. Buffalo Bible Institute Buffalo BYPC Buffalo Church Directory, 1931 Buffalo Community (Black) Clubs Buffalo Friendship Home Buffalo Public Library 8 FOLDER NO. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 FOLDER TITLE Buffalo School of Speech Arts Buffalo Star Buffalo Urban League Buffalo’s Black Churches (1940s?) Burnside, Rev. George R. (funeral program), 1898 Business Cards Butts, Hortense Campbell, Walter Carroll, Edward Cedar Street Baptist Church Church Related Christian Culture Congress, 1905 Christian Culture Congress, 1906 Christian Culture Congress, 1909 Christian Culture Congress, 1911 Christian Culture Congress, 1912 END MICROFILM ROLL #1 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #2 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Christian Culture Congress, 1913 Christian Culture Congress, 1914 Christian Culture Congress, 1915 Christian Culture Congress, 1916 Christian Culture Congress, 1917-1918 Christian Culture Congress, 1934 Christian Heritage Citizens Committee Colgate Baptist Historical Collection Colored Republican League, 1904 Community Relations Composition Cone, Helen Gray Correspondence, 1890s (see also folder #129) Correspondence, 1900-1909 (see also folder #129) Correspondence, 1910 (see also folder #129) Correspondence, 1911 (see also folder #129) Correspondence, 1912 (see also folder #129) Correspondence, 1913 (see also folder #130) Correspondence, 1914 (see also folder #130) Correspondence, 1915 (see also folder #131) Correspondence, 1916 (see also folder #132) Correspondence, 1917 (see also folder #133) Correspondence, 1918 (see also folder #134) 9 FOLDER NO. 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 FOLDER TITLE Correspondence with WWI Soldiers (see folder #135) Correspondence, 1919 (see also folder #136) Correspondence, 1920 (see also folder #137) Correspondence, 1921 (see also folder #138) Correspondence, 1922 Correspondence, 1923 Correspondence, 1924 Correspondence, 1925 Correspondence, 1926 Correspondence, 1927 Correspondence, 1928 Correspondence, 1929 Correspondence, 1930 Correspondence, 1931 Correspondence, 1932 Correspondence, 1933 Correspondence, 1934 Correspondence, 1935 ``Correspondence, 1936 Correspondence, 1937 Correspondence, 1938 Correspondence, 1939 Correspondence, 1940 Correspondence, 1941 Correspondence, 1942 Correspondence, 1943 Correspondence with WWII Soldiers, 1943 Correspondence, 1944 Correspondence, 1945 Correspondence, 1946 Correspondence, 1947 Correspondence, 1948 Correspondence, 1949 END MICROFILM ROLL #2 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #3 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Correspondence, 1950 Correspondence, 1951 Correspondence, 1952 Correspondence, 1953 Correspondence, 1954 Correspondence, 1955 Correspondence, 1956 10 FOLDER NO. 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 FOLDER TITLE Correspondence, 1959 Correspondence, 1961-81 Correspondence, n.d. Correspondence, Before 1913 (found after previous folders for these years were filmed) Correspondence, 1913-1914 (found after previous folders for these years were filmed) Correspondence, 1915 (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Correspondence, 1916 (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Correspondence, 1917 (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Correspondence, 1918 (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Correspondence, With WWI Soldiers (found after previous folders for this period were filmed) Correspondence, 1919 (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Correspondence, 1920 (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Correspondence, 1921 (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1925 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1925 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1925 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1931 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1931 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1931 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1931 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1932 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1933 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1933 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1933 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1933 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1934 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1935 Correspondence – Post Cards, 1913 Correspondence – Post Cards, 1920s Correspondence – Post Cards, 1930s Correspondence – Post Cards, 1940s Correspondence – Post Cards, 1950s Correspondence – Post Cards, n.d. Council of Churches, 1927-1947 Crescendo Club, 1963-1981 Crime in the Buffalo Negro Community Crisis, The N.A.A.C.P. Magazine` Davis, Rev. T. Death of Rev. Nash Death of Rev. Nash DeGroat, Dr. Herman K. Dett, Nathaniel Dorsey, Leo (poem about Rev. Nash) 11 FOLDER NO. 169 170 171 172 173 174 FOLDER TITLE Dewey, Gov. Thomas Doctor of Divinity Diploma for Rev. Nash Dunbar, Paul Lawrence Durham, Rev. Henry Edison Street Baptist Church Empire Baptist Missionary Convention END MICROFILM ROLL #3 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #4 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 Empire Star Erie County Preaching Mission Faith and Freedom Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs, 1931 Financial Records First Shiloh Baptist Church (Buffalo) Friendship Baptist Church (Buffalo) Funeral Funeral Sermons of Rev. Nash Garden Club Greater Hampton Movement Goodale, Walter S. (memorial) Hardon, Harriett Hardon, Milton (legal papers) Hardon, Milton (brass band) Hardon, Milton (business related) Hardon, Milton, Correspondence Harris, Carmen (poem) Harris, Mary Jane (estate) Harty, Jeannette Head Start Henry, Edward W. Hickory Street Center Historical Drama Holmes Institute Howard University, 50th Anniversary Program Hughes, Gov. Charles Evans Humboldt Parkway Baptist Church Hutchinson Photography Club Industrial Relations Report, 1956 Interracial Committee Jackson, Raymond E. Johnson, William J. King, G.M.P. Memorial Gate 12 FOLDER NO. 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 FOLDER TITLE Language Arts List of the books on Rev. Nash’s book shelf Literature Macedonia Baptist Church Marriage Certificate Registrations Marriage and the Home Conference McGuire, Dr. Myron Memorial Memorial Center Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1850s Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1860s Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1870s Michigan Street Baptist Church—Utility Bills, 1870s Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1880s Michigan Street Baptist Church—Utility Bills, 1880s Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1890s Michigan Street Baptist Church—Utility Bills, 1890s Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1900-1909 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1910-1919 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1920s Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1930s Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1940s Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1950s Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1960s Michigan Street Baptist Church, n.d. Michigan Street Baptist Church, Church Programs, 1931-1960s Michigan Street Baptist Church, History END MICROFILM ROLL #4 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #5 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 Michigan Street Baptist Church, Membership Lists Michigan Street Baptist Church, Membership Lists Michigan Street Baptist Church, Members by Street of Residence, n.d. Michigan Street Baptist Church, Visitor’s Cards Michigan Avenue Y.M.C.A. Michigan Avenue Y.M.C.A. Event – Poster Ministers’ Wives Alliance Missionary Fund Mohawk River Baptist Association Montgomery, Isaiah T. Moral Building Poems by A.M. Thomas & A.E. Thompson Morehouse College Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, Rochester NY 13 FOLDER NO. 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 FOLDER TITLE Musicians Annual Picnic NAACP Nash, Mrs. Frances J., 1920s-1980s (*Mrs. Nash also has filmed papers) Nash, Mrs. Frances J., - Bid on Government Sewing Contract Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1914 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1915 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1916 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1917 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1918 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1919 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1920 Nash, Mrs. Frances J., - Notes from her bookkeeping class, 1909 Nash, Mrs. Frances J., - Notes from her literature class, n.d. Nash, Mrs. Frances J., Scientific Living Nash, Mrs. Frances J., Personal Nash, Jesse Choir Nash, Rev. J. Edward Questionnaire Nash, Jesse (Jr.), Correspondence from Nash, Jesse (Jr.), Correspondence to Nash, Jesse (Jr.), Interview - transcript Nash, Jesse (Jr.), Model Cities Appointment Nash, Jesse (Jr.), Personal Nash, Jesse (Jr.), School Work as a youngster Nash, Jesse (Jr.), School Work as a youngster National Baptist Convention National Scholarship Service Negro Church, 1926-1936 Negro Community (Buffalo), 1948 Negro (the) and the Census Negro Progress in N.C. Negro Theater Negro Workers in the North, 1923? Negro Youth New (the) Church Newspaper Clippings Newsletters New York Baptist Association, Receipts 1940 New York Baptist Missionary Conference, 1951-52 New York Colored Baptists Northern Baptist Convention Open (the) Door Opportunity Magazine Opportunity School Our Baptist Heritage, Sterne Pamphlets Passion Play of Buffalo 14 FOLDER NO. 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 FOLDER TITLE Peacetime Conscription Peoples Community Church, Buffalo NY Personal, 1880s-1890s Personal, 1910-1919 Personal, 1920s Personal, 1930s Personal, 1940s Personal, 1950s Personal, 1960s Personal, n.d. Photographs Pioneers of Buffalo Pleasant Grove Baptist Church (Buffalo) END MICROFILM ROLL #5 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #6 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 Poems written by Rev. Nash Poro Potter Street (20), 1920s, 1930s, and 1950s Potter Street (20), Legal Powell, Adam Clayton (sr.) Programs, 1890-1899 Programs, 1903-1919 Programs, 1921-1929 Programs, 1930-1939 Programs, 1940-1949 Programs, 1950-1959 Programs, 1960-1969 Programs, 1970-1979 Programs, 1980-1981 Programs, n.d. Progressive Herald, 1927 Property Tax Property Tax Receipts Race Relations Race Relations Sunday Reed, Myrtle Religious Related Rent Book Republican Party Resolutions Ross, Georgia Scouts 15 FOLDER NO. 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 FOLDER TITLE Second Baptist Society (Buffalo) Second Baptist Church (Fayetteville, WV) Sermon Notes Sermon Outlines, 1896 Sermon Outlines, 1897 Sermon Outlines, 1898 Sermon Outlines, 1899 Sermon Outlines, 1900 Sermon Outlines, 1901 Sermon Outlines, 1902 Sermon Outlines, 1903 Sermon Outlines, 1904 Sermon Outlines, 1905 Sermon Outlines, 1906 Sermon Outlines, 1907 Sermon Outlines, 1908 Sermon Outlines, 1909 Sermon Outlines, 1910 Sermon Outlines, 1911 Sermon Outlines, 1912 Sermon Outlines, 1913 Sermon Outlines, 1914 Sermon Outlines, 1915 Sermon Outlines, 1916 Sermon Outlines, 1917 Sermon Outlines, 1918 END MICROFILM ROLL #6 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #7 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 Sermon Outlines, 1919 Sermon Outlines, 1920 Sermon Outlines, 1921 Sermon Outlines, 1922 Sermon Outlines, 1923 Sermon Outlines, 1924 Sermon Outlines, 1925 Sermon Outlines, 1926 Sermon Outlines, 1927 Sermon Outlines, 1928 Sermon Outlines, 1929 Sermon Outlines, 1930 Sermon Outlines, 1931 Sermon Outlines, 1932 16 FOLDER NO. 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 FOLDER TITLE Sermon Outlines, 1933 Sermon Outlines, 1934 Sermon Outlines, 1935 Sermon Outlines, 1936 Sermon Outlines, 1937 Sermon Outlines, 1938 Sermon Outlines, 1939 Sermon Outlines, 1940 Sermon Outlines, 1941 Sermon Outlines, 1942 Sermon Outlines, 1943 Sermon Outlines, 1944 Sermon Outlines, 1945 Sermon Outlines, 1946 Sermon Outlines, 1947 Sermon Outlines, 1948 Sermon Outlines, 1949 Sermon Outlines, 1950 Sermon Outlines, 1951 Sermon Outlines, 1952 Sermon Outlines, 1953 Sermon Outlines, n.d. Sermons Sermons, Special Smitherman, A.J. Speech, n.d. Speech Notes, 1890s-1920s Speech Notes, 1930s-1950s Speech Notes, n.d. Speech Notes, “Long Pastorates” Speeches Speeches St. Philips Church Sunday School Sunday School Sunday School Class Books Sunday School Class Books Sunday School Treasurers Book Temperance Talbert, Mary B., Biographical Talbert, Mary B., Memorial Talbert, Mary B., Frederick Douglass Home Talbert, Mary B., Naomi Chapter #10 Talbert, Mary B., Memorial Fund Talbert, Mary B., article by Talbert, Mary B., - Letters 17 FOLDER NO. 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 FOLDER TITLE Tribute to Rev. Nash on his 70th Birthday Trinity Baptist Church (Buffalo) Tuskegee Quartet Poster United Holy Church of America United Ministers Association, Baptists & Disciples, 1938-1945 Union Baptist Church (Lackawanna NY) Urban League Value of the Church (notes) Victory Garden Plan Virginia Union Univ. Alumni Virginia Union University Walker, Sherman L. Washington, Booker T. Washington, Booker T., in Buffalo Washington D.C. (Colored) Waverly Street (184) Western New York Baptist Association, 1920s END MICROFILM ROLL #7 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #8 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 Western New York Baptist Association, 1930s Western New York Baptist Association, 1940s Western New York Baptist Association, 1950s Western New York Baptist Association, n.d. Western New York Baptist Association, Correspondence Western New York Baptist Association, Ledger Book—1924 Western New York Baptist Association, Ledger Books—1930s & 1940s White, Emma Coles White, John H. Will (1915) William Street (476-480) Williams, Al Octette Willard, Frances Memorial Willert Wading Pool Dedication WKBW Developments Women’s Club Programs, 1915—1970s Women – Vocational Opportunities for Negro Women Wright, Benjamin W. (Memories of) Wright, Henrietta Writings, 1887 Writings, 1890s Writings, 1900-1910 Writings, 1911-1920 18 FOLDER NO. 461 462 463 464 465 466 FOLDER TITLE Writings, 1930s Writings, n.d. (early 20th century) Writings, n.d. (early 20th century) Writings, n,d. (early 20th century) YMCA Young Peoples Society of Christian Education 19 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 1 Abyssinian Baptist Church, Harlem NY A youth event announcement on letterhead which shows Abyssinian Church officers, ministerial staff, church programs, etc. n.d.. 2 Address Book Two address books that contain alphabetized lists of the names and addresses of members of the Michigan Street Baptist Church. Books contain dates that indicate that the books were used during the first three decades of the 20th century. There are additional Church membership lists in folders #236, 237, and 238. 3 Advisory Council on Negro Churches The Council was created by Buffalo Baptist City Mission. This folder contains an explanation of the duties, purpose, and composition of the Council, n.d. 4 African Inland Missionaries of Buffalo Handwritten tablet with A.I.D. minutes, 1925. 5 Afro-American Business Company A 1910 “dues book” (which belonged to Rev. Nash), the organization’s “constitution and by-laws,” and officers. The booklet indicates that the AfroAmerican Business Company was a Buffalo group that was organized in 1899. Information in the next folder suggests that this group was the Buffalo branch of the national Afro-American Business League, Pre-1905. 6 Afro-American Business League A letter certifying Rev. Nash as a member and officer in the company’s Buffalo Branch. And a telegram from Booker T. Washington and T. Thomas Fortune, 1905. 7 Allegany Baptist Association Minutes of the Annual Session, 1928. 8 American Baptist Convention An announcement of a session of the American Baptist Convention at the Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1951. 9 American Baptist Home Mission Society Commissions to Rev. Nash to serve as agent in Buffalo for the years, 19011914. 10 Anderson, Amelia G. Mrs. Anderson was one of the organizers of the Buffalo Branch NAACP. Folder contains stationery listing first?? Officers of the Buffalo Branch. Also list of members of the Buffalo Branch, 1916. 20 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 11 Anniversary (Rev. Nash at Michigan Street) --20th, 1912 Printed program of Rev. Nash’s 20th anniversary at the Michigan Street Church, 1912. 12 Anniversary – 25th, 1917 Printed program of Rev. Nash’s 25th anniversary at the Michigan Street Church, 1917. 13 Anniversary – 28th, 1920 Printed program of Rev. Nash’s 28th anniversary at the Michigan Street Church, 1920. 14 Anniversary – 30th, 1922 Printed program of Rev. Nash’s 30th anniversary at the Michigan Street Church, 1922. 15 Anniversary – 35th, 1927 Printed program of Rev. Nash’s 35th anniversary at the Michigan Street Church, 1927. 16 Anniversary – 40th, 1932 Printed program of Rev. Nash’s 40th anniversary at the Michigan Street Church, 1932. 17 Anniversary – 45th, 1937 Printed program of Rev. Nash’s 45th anniversary at the Michigan Street Church, 1937. 18 Anniversary – 50th, 1942 Printed program of Rev. Nash’s 50th anniversary at the Michigan Street Church, 1942. 19 Anti-Saloon League A local resolution, promotional literature, n.d., but probably early 1920s. 20 Athlos Fraternity (Michigan Avenue YMCA) Minutes, program, and membership list of a boys club at Michigan Avenue YMCA, 1946. 21 Baptist Disciple Ministers Institute Printed program, list of officers, etc., 1930. 22 Benevolence Fund Two budget books, and a report, 1954. 21 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 23 Bennett Park School 8th grade commencement, printed program, list of class officers, etc., Jesse Jr. was on the program, 1939. 24 Benzinger, Robert Misc. materials from a contractor who did work on property own by Rev. Nash. 25 Bible Verses Personalized List of people and bible verses, n.d. 26 Biographical Material on Rev. Nash A typed biographical sketch of Rev. Nash. Probably written by him for some event, n.d. 27 Black Buffalo Church Newsletter A newsletter of some local black church, possibly First Shiloh Baptist Church, n.d. 28 Boddie, Rev. J.B. A letter and a poem sent by Rev. Boddie, 1927. 29 Book Review of Charles S. Johnson’s book on Buffalo A five page review, n.d. 30 Buffalo Adult Education “Self Survey of Instruction Given to Adults by the Buffalo Musical Foundation.” Report also highlights Buffalo adult education programs and location of centers, 1926. 31 Buffalo Baptist Association, 1900-1920s Misc. papers from the period, 1900-1920s, 32 Buffalo Baptist Association, 1930s Papers from the 1930s. 33 Buffalo Baptist Association , 1940-1950s, & n.d. Papers from the 1940s, 1950s, and n.d. 34 Buffalo Baptist Association Statistics on Member Churches Survey forms from member churches giving important information on each said church, n.d. 35 Buffalo Baptist Ministers, 1890s-1920s Papers cover the period 1890s-1920s. 22 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 36 Buffalo Baptist Ministers, 1930-1950s, and n.d. Papers cover the period 1930s-1950s, and n.d. 37 Buffalo Baptist Ministers, Info Cards for Members, 1902-1930 Info cards show officers, program for the year, dates of meetings, etc., for the given year, 1902-1930. 38 Buffalo Baptist Ministers, Correspondence & Resolution, 1900-1910 Papers cover the period, 1900-1910. 39 Buffalo Baptist Union, 1890s-1920s Papers cover the period, 1890s-1920s. 40 Buffalo Baptist Union, 1930s-1950s, & n.d. Papers cover the period, 1930s-1950s, & n.d. 41 Buffalo Bible Institute An information booklet on the Buffalo Bible Institute, 1946 & 1947. 42 Buffalo BYPC An information flyer on the Buffalo Baptist Young Peoples Conference, 1925. 43 Buffalo Church Directory, 1931 A published directory of Buffalo Churches (White and Black). The directory lists much information on each church (officers, pastor, history, etc.) and has photographs of many of the churches, 1931. 44 Buffalo Community (Black) Clubs A list of Buffalo’s black community clubs and organizations, n.d. 45 Buffalo Friendship Home An information publication of the Buffalo Friendship Home, 1944. 46 Buffalo Public Library A published history, “A Century of Service: 1836-1936.” 47 Buffalo School of Speech Arts Probably student papers of Mrs. Nash or Jesse, Jr., n.d. 48 Buffalo Star Four issues of A.J. Smitherman’s local weekly newspaper from the years, 1934, 1935, 1937, and n.d. 49 Buffalo Urban League Rev. Nash was a board member of the Buffalo Urban League. This folder contains material he was sent as a board member, 1940s. 23 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 50 Buffalo’s Black Churches A list of Buffalo’s Black churches. No date, but probably 1940s. 51 Burnside, Rev. George R. (funeral program), 1898 Funeral program of a prominent Buffalo minister, 1898. 52 Business Cards Business cards that were found throughout the Nash Papers, n.d. 53 Butts, Hortense Letters from Hortense Butts (later Mrs. Jesse Nash, Jr.) to Jesse Nash Jr., late 1940s. 54 Campbell, Walter A death certificate for Mr. Campbell, 1923. 55 Carroll, Edward Various papers pertaining to legal problems of Mr. Carroll, n.d. 56 Cedar Street Baptist Church 16th Anniversary printed program, 1919. 57 Church Related Misc. papers that are church related, but not specifically related to the Michigan Street Church, 1920s-1940s & n.d. 58 Christian Culture Congress, 1905 The Christian Culture Congress met each Sunday afternoon and was open to the entire community. There is evidence that it drew people from throughout the black community. Older Buffalonians still talk about the programs with pride. The programs were coordinated by Mrs. Mary B. Talbert and were always held at the Michigan Street Church, where Mrs. Talbert was a member. The next ten folders contain printed programs which highlight the content of the Christian Culture Congress for the years, 1905-1918. This folder contains programs from 1905. Programs were filmed in date order (January-December). 59 Christian Culture Congress, 1906 This folder contains programs from 1906. Programs were filmed in date order (January-December). 60 Christian Culture Congress, 1909 No programs were found for the years 1907 & 1908. This folder contains programs for 1909. Programs were filmed in date order (January-December). 24 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 61 Christian Culture Congress, 1911 No programs were found for 1910. This folder contains programs for 1911. Programs were filmed in date order (January-December). 62 Christian Culture Congress, 1912 This folder contains programs for 1912. Programs were filmed in date order (January-December). END MICROFILM ROLL #1 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #2 63 Christian Culture Congress, 1913 This folder contains programs for 1913. Programs were filmed in date order (January-December). 64 Christian Culture Congress, 1914 This folder contains programs for 1914. Programs were filmed in date order (January-December). 65 Christian Culture Congress, 1915 This folder contains programs for 1915. Programs were filmed in date order (January-December). 66 Christian Culture Congress, 1916 This folder contains programs for 1916. Programs were filmed in date order (January-December). 67 Christian Culture Congress, 1917-1918 This folder contains programs for the years 1917-1918. Programs were filmed in date order (January-December). 68 Christian Culture Congress, 1934 No programs were found for years after 1918. There was this note with “a question for Christian Culture Congress.” It was dated 1934. 69 Christian Heritage A published journal. This folder contains two issues, 1960 70 Citizens Committee Stationery with a list of officers and board members, n.d. 25 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 71 Colgate Baptist Historical Collection A single piece of correspondence from the Colgate Baptist institution which thanks Rev. Nash for the report that he apparently sent them. This suggests that Rev. Nash may have sent them one or more historical papers, 1932. 72 Colored Republican League, 1904 Speech of R.T. Hanson given to the Colored Republican League, 1904. 73 Community Relations Various papers from the Community Relations Committee, 1940s & 1950s. 74 Composition Probably writings of young Jesse, Jr., n.d. 75 Cone, Helen Gray An article written by Ms. Cone, n.d. NOTE: Some of the correspondence folders contain letters that were found after the following lists were compiled. The additional letters were filmed at the end of the appropriate folder. In essence, some folders contain letters that are not listed. 76 Correspondence, 1890s (also see folder #129) To Rev Nash from H. Burns, 11/1/1896 To Rev J.E. Nash from Adam Meister, 12/2/1896 To Rev J.E. Nash from Sidney Johnson, 12/2/1896 To Rev J.E. Nash from Minnie Powell, 12/2/1896 To Rev J.E. Nash from Alfred Mauiwaring, 1/29/1897 To the Dearborn Baptist from Buffalo Baptist, 11/29/1897 To Mr. Nash from C.M. Doleman, 1/11/1898 To Rev Nash from John A Porter, 1/29/1898 77 Correspondence, 1900-1909 (also see folder #129) To Rev J.E. Nash from Clinton Gibbs, 12/19/1900 To Clinton Gibbs from Rev J.E. Nash, 12/21/1900 To War Dept from J.E. Nash, 5/29/1901 To Mr. Farayette F Lang from Everett Field, 3/21/1901 To Jeanett Harty from J.E. Nash, 9/5/1902 To Rev J.E. Nash from L. Camy, 11/2/1902 To Rev J.E. Nash from C. Lee Stakweather, 11/30/1902 To Rev H. Darkin from Rev J.E. Nash, 12/14/1903 To Rev Edward J. Nash from a friend, 2/19/1904 To Rev J.E. Nash from Robert E. Tark, 11/5/1905 To Rev J.E. Nash from Mr. Talbert, 1/31/1905 To Rev J.E. Nash from Rev Rowbugs, 7/10/1905 26 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Mr. Nash from Genral Secretary,11/1/1906 To Rev J.E. Nash from AC Folson, 2/14/1907 To Rev J.E. Nash from John Waut, 3/11/1907 To Congregation from J.E. Nash, 5/ /1907 To J.E. Nash from Alvey A Adee, 4/2/1908 To Michigan Street Baptist from J.A. Harris, 5/27/1908 To W.C. Vernon from J.E. Nash, 8/31/1908 To Rev J.E. Nash from Andreio Cant, 12/30/1908 To Elihu Root from Rev J.E. Nash, 3/23/1908 To Clerk from Rev J.E. Nash, 8/27/1909 78 Correspondence, 1910 (also see folder #129) To Bro. Nash from C.V. Miller, 11/10/1910 To a friend from Rev Nash, 1910 To Layman from Rev E.J. Nash, 11/19/1910 To J.A.L. Diggs from Rev J.E. Nash, 12/21/1910 79 Correspondence, 1911 (also see folder #129) To Sister Anderson from Rev J.E. Nash, 10/31/1911 80 Correspondence, 1912 (also see folder #129) To Rev J.E. Nash from Mrs. Della Ginaga Mack, 2/23/1912 To Rev Nash from a friend, 3/19/1912 To Rev J.E. Nash from Mark P. Mossholder, 6/6/1912 To Rev J.E. Nash from Giro King, 7/26/1912 To Rev J.E. Nash from Rev W.J. Howard, 12/1912 81 Correspondence, 1913 (also see folder #130) To Rev Nash from Giro King, 2/25/1913 To Rev J.E. Nash from Chas H. Favun, 5/21/1913 To Rev J.E. Nash from friend, 6/2/1913 To Rev J.E. Nash from Richelieu, 7/14/1913 To Rev J.E. Nash from Rev H.H. Waring, 11/1/1913 To Rev J.E. Nash from a friend, 12/21/1913 82 Correspondence, 1914 (also see folder #130) To Rev J.E. Nash from William J. Howard, 2/6/1914 To Rev J.E. Nash from J.E. Briggs, 3/8/1914 To Rev J.E. Nash from Conetia King, 3/11/1914 To Rev J.E. Nash from Conetia King, 3/21/1914 To Rev J.E. Nash from A.R. Thomas, 3/23/1914 27 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev J. Edward Nash From Louise Smitthers, 4/3/1914 To Rev Nash from J.B Simpson, 4/5/1914 To Second Baptist from Carrie Foster, 4/5/1914 To Rev Nash from Rev Wm J. Howard, 4/8/1914 To Rev Nash from Rev Wm J. Howard, 4/15/1914 To Rev Nash from Rev Wm J. Howard, 4/18/1914 To Rev Nash from Rev Wm J. Howard, 4/21/1914 To Dr. Nash from Rev W.M. Alexander, 4/22/1914 To Dr. J Edward Nash from Emmet J. Scott, 4/22/1914 To Rev Nash from Eliza Mack, 4/31/1914 To Dr. Nash from Rev WJ Hackett, 5/4/1914 To Dr. Nash from Eliza Mack, 5/7/1914 To Rev J.E. Nash from Miggie Reisi Elliot, 5/17/1914 To Rev J.E. Nash from W.A. Paham, 5/25/1914 To Dr H.R. Monhouse from Dr. Nash, 8/31/1914 83 Correspondence, 1915 (also see folder #131) To Rev Henry Durham from Rev Nash, 4/29/1915 To Rev J.E. Nash from Buffalo Eletric Co, 5/26/1915 To Rev J.E. Nash from Edward I Fielark, 6/22/1915 To Rev J.E. Nash from Rev P.M Cook, 7/16/1915 84 Correspondence, 1916 (also see folder #132) To Michigan Street Baptist from Rev G.L. Davis, 2/9/1916 To Mr. Nash from Coria T Kupid, 2/21/1916 To Michigan Street Baptist from Rev J.T. Brown, 4/3/1916 To Rev J.E. Nash from S.R. Jacobs, 5/17/1916 To Rev J.E. Nash from Carl D. Case, 8/22/1916 To Rev J.E. Nash from H.W. Jones, 9/13/1916 To Coworker from Rev Nash, 9/19/1916 To Mr. George Clinton from Rev Nash, 10/23/1916 To H.A. Meldrum from Rev Nash, 10/23/1916 To Dr. Nash from Bishop College, 11/20/1916 To Rev Nash from Council of World Alliance, 12/28/1916 85 Correspondence, 1917 (also see folder #133) To Mr. J Waldron Johnson from J. Nash, 10/24/1917 To Rev Nash from Arthur Rankin, 12/12/1917 To Rev Nash from Arthur Rankin, 12/31/1917 To Assoc of Advancment of Colored People from J. Nash, 4/8/1917 28 FOLDER NO. 86 FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Correspondence, 1918 (also see folder #134) To Rev Nash from Arthur E Rankin, 1/24/1918 To Mr. Nash from Willis Grogory, 4/171918 To Mr. John Gerwan from Rev Nash, 2/3/1918 Correspondence with WWI Soldiers (see folder #135) 87 Correspondence, 1919 (see folder #136) 88 Correspondence, 1920 (also see folder #137) To Michigan Ave Baptist Church from Frances Jackson, 10/5/1920 89 Correspondence, 1921 (also see folder #138) To Rev J Edward Nash from A.H. Whitford, 6/9/1921 To Rev Nash from Ms. P. Boyhur, 10/17/1921 To Hon s. Wallace Dempsey from J.E. Nash, 11/1/1921 To Rev J.E. Nash from Clarence Macgregor, 11/3/1921 To Rev J.E. Nash from S. Wallace Dempsey, 11/3/1921 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Marshall Brown, 12/9/1921 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Jas M Mead, 1921 90 Correspondence, 1922 To Rev J. Edward Nash from A.T. Manufacturing, 5/5/1922 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Mr. E.S. Hammond, 5/18/1922 To J. Edward Nash from Lloyd Williams, 6/19/1922 To J. Edward Nash from H.D. Moreland, 7/26/1922 To Rev J. Edward Nash from General Secretary, 10/4/1922 To Rev J. Edward Nash from F. Gardiner, 11/8/1922 To Rev J.E. Nash from L. E. Washburne, 7/20/1922 91 Correspondence, 1923 To J. Edward Nash from Hassler Shouks, 7/26/1923 To Rev J.E. Nash from Elbert W. Moore, 11/1/1923 To Rev J.E. Nash from Edward P. Lapfer,11/8/1923 To Rev J.E. Nash from Alhester Ailbie, 11/15/1923 To The Sisterhood of Churches from Rev Nash, 11/22/1923 To Rev E.W. Moore from G.R. (Educ Sec), 12/20/1923 92 Correspondence, 1924 To Mrs. SW Layton from J.E. Nash, 1/9/1924 29 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Mr. WH Baylor from J.E. Nash, 1/18/1924 To the Grape Belt from J.E. Nash, 1/29/1924 To Adelaide Baptist Church from J.E. Nash, 1/29/1924 To Baptist Ministers Conference from WM Gurney, 2/4/1924 To Rev J.E. Nash from Samuel Holmes, 3/10/1924 To Rev Nash from Samuel Holmes, 3/12/1924 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Mayor Schwab, 4/4/1924 To Honi Frank K. Schwab from J.E. Nash, 4/11/1924 To Mrs. Nash from George Garner, 4/27/1924 To Miss Irene J. Graham from J. Edward Nash, 4/28/1924 To Rev Nash from Henrietta Johnson, 5/15/1924 To Rev J.E. Nash from Edwin Dahlberg, 6/10/1924 To Mosby B. McAden from Rev Nash, 9/14/1924 To Rev Nash from Chuch Member, 1924 93 Correspondence, 1925 To Univ of Buffalo Endow. Fund from Michigan Street Church, 1/1/1925 To Rev Nash from I. S. Kneeland, 2/13/1925 To Rev Nash fromJudson A. Penerman, 3/9/1925 To Rev Nash from Rev R. Hamilton, 3/10/1925 To Rev Nash from A. K. Hidley, 3/10/1925 To Dr. Nash from John R. Riley, 3/11/1925 To Rev J. Edward Nash from J. Scott Ebersole, 3/11/1925 To Rev Nash from Rev H.M. Smith, 3/11/1925 To Rev Nash from Mrs. George Williams, 3/12/1925 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Sister E. Kaddy, 3/12/1925 To Rev Nash from Charles E. Kempton, 3/12/1925 To Dr. Nash from Arthur B. Fowler, 3/13/1925 To Rev J. Nash from Rev E. Umbach, 3/16/1925 To Dr. J.E. Nash from J.B. Simpson, 3/17/1925 To Frances Nash from Veal, 3/23/1925 To Dr. J.E. Nash from Oscar A. Field, 3/26/1925 To Dr. Nash from W.E. Lawson, 4/14/1925 To Mrs. Nash from Isadore Schachtel, 4/30/1925 To Mr. and Mrs. Nash from Mrs. C.E. Cuff, 5/2/1925 To Rev Nash from A.C Matthews, 6/2/1925 To Dr. Nash from J.B. Simpson, 6/5/1925 To Mrs. A.W. Bourne from Rev Nash, 9/21/1925 To Michigan Ave. Church from Rev Nash, 10/7/1925 To Rev J.E. Nash from Mr. and Mrs. Wright, 10/8/1925 To Rev Nash from Anna E. Doleman, 12/29/1925 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from May Peters, 1925 30 FOLDER NO. 94 FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Correspondence, 1926 To Edison Street Baptist Church from Rev Nash, 1/21/1926 To Brotherhood and Household of Faith, from J. Nash, 1/22/1926 To Rev Nash from Mrs. Emma Kneeland, 1/28/1926 To Rev J. Ed. Nash from A. Clayton Powell, 3/6/1926 To Mr. John Tranter from Rev Nash, 3/16/1926 To Mrs. Henrietta Wright from Rev Nash, 3/19/1926 To Mrs. Pearl Clark Lewis from Rev Nash, 7/30/1926 To Mr. Henry S. Lawson from Rev Nash, 8/31/1926 To Mr. J. Thomas Cohen from Rev Nash, 9/2/1926 To Mr. Lee Thompson from J.E. Nash, 9/6/1926 To Mr. Clifford A. Gringe from Rev Nash, 9/9/1926 To Rev H. Tyse Jones from Rev Nash, 9/10/1926 To Rev A.F. Houser from Rev Nash, 9/14/1926 To Mr. W.B. Calahan from Rev Nash, 9/14/26 To Mr. & Mrs. J.W Caldwell from Rev Nash, 9/29/1926 To Mr. Callahan from Rev Nash, 10/8/1926 To Mr. W.B. Callahan from Rev. Nash, 10/18/1926 To Rev J.B. Beddie from Rev Nash, 10/28/1926 To Rev. J.B. Beddie from Rev Nash, 11/3/1926 To Rev Nash from Harold Strlesworth, 2/4/1926 To Rev Nash from S.V. Cohen, 2/12/1926 To Dr. Nash from Wallace E. McCoy, 2/22/1926 To Betty Strebe from Frances Nash, 3/15/1926 To Mrs. Nash from Mrs. Hedstrom, 1926 To the Pastor from Sylvia Clark, 10/1926 95 Correspondence, 1927 To Rev Nash from Cindy Gulick, 1/18/1927 To Mrs. Frances Nash from John Lzrell, 1/21/1927 To Mr. Harry S. Myers fromJ. Edward Nash,1/24/1927 To Mr. George Ferrest from Rev Nash, 1/27/1927 To Mrs. Nash from S.U.C.A. 2/22/1927 To Rev Nash from Gordon H. Simpson, 3/1927 To Hon. Calvin P. Coolidge from J. Edward Nash, 3/21/1927 To Rev J.E. Nash from Gordon Simpson, 3/26/1927 To Rev Nash from Gordon H. Simpson, 4/11/1927 To Rev J.E. Nash from Claude M. Siple, 4/20/1927 To Mr. Milton Harden from J.E. Nash, 6/24/1927 To Buffalo Ministers Association from Ralph Stewart, 9/29/1927 To Rev J.E. Nash from J. A. Alexander, 11/15/1927 31 FOLDER NO. 96 FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Correspondence, 1928 To Mr. J. Ed. Nash from George L. Forrest, 1/11/1928 To The Ministers Conference from J. Ed. Nash, 5/7/1928 To The Ministers Conference from J. E. Nash, 5/23/1928 To Rev J. Nash from W.O. Liddy, 5/24/1928 To Rev Nash from J.H. Housar, 6/13/1928 To Rev J. Edward Nash fromWalter Kennedy, 7/17/1928 To Rev E. J. Echols and Family from Rev Nash, 11/3/1928 97 Correspondence, 1929 To Dr. East from J.E. Nash, 1/13/1929 To Rev J.E. Nash from Arthur Borum, 5/12/1929 To Dr. Jesse E. Nash from Joesph Thebaud, 5/25/1929 To Committee from Michigan Street Church, 6/12/1929 To Rev J.E. Nash from A.H.W. (YMCA), 7/8/1929 To Dr. Jesse Nash from R.T. Hartmann, 8/1/1929 To Miss Nannie Burroughs from Rev Nash, 8/20/1929 To Mrs. Daisy Lampkin from Rev Nash, 9/28/1929 To Baptist Ministers from J. Nash, 9/30/1929 To YWCA, Buffalo from Rev J.E. Nash, 11/11/1929 To Dr. Nash from Jarries A. Farrar, 12/9/1929 98 Correspondence, 1930 To The Art Committee from Rev J. Nash, 1/21/1930 To Rev J. Nash from William J. Sernoffsky, 2/4/1930 To Rev Holland Button from Dorothy G. Ramedell, 4/11/1930 To J. Nash from Louis H. Harriman, 6/12/1930 To Mrs. Daisy Lampkin from Rev Nash, 9/3/1930 To Mrs. Alfred S. Priddie from Rev Nash, 9/9/1930 To Mr. William S. Glore from Rev Nash, 11/10/1930 99 Correspondence, 1931 To the Baptist Ministers Association from A.B. Hargonl, 1/14/1931 To Rev Nash from Henry W. Warmick, 1/21/1931 To Rev Nash from Henry Warmick, 2/10/1931 To Rev Nash from Lillian Long, 2/25/1931 To Rev and Mrs. C.R. Hammel from Rev Nash, 4/8/1931 To Rev Nash from Mary Cardwell, 4/14/1931 To Rev J.E. Nash from Austin J. Roche, 4/20/ 1931 To Rev J.E. Nash from C.M. Doleman, 4/28/1931 To Mr. Charles Doleman from Rev Nash, 4/29/1931 To Rev Nash from William G. Warmick, 5/24/1930 To Central YMCA from Rev Nash, 5/26/1930 32 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev Nash from Curtis T.L. Dabney, 5/26/1931 To Rev Nash from William Warmick, 9/9/1931 To Rev Nash from David Dahlstrom, 10/8/1931 To Rev Brown from Rev Nash, 11/13/1931 To William H. Jackson from William L. Evans, 12/17/1931 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from F.I. Brown, 1931 100 Correspondence, 1932 To Michigan Ave Baptist from Rev. S.O.B. Johnson, 2/21/1932 To George Garner from Rev Nash, 2/26/1932 To Mrs. Frances Nash from Mildred, 3/18/1932 To Mrs. Nash from Philmore Brown, 4/18/1932 To Mrs. Nash from George Garner, 3/24/1932 To Captain Julian from Mrs. Nash, 4/9/1932 To Rev Nash from E.C. Hartwell, 4/13/1932 To Mr. and Mrs. Garner from Rev Nash, 4/18/1932 To Rev J.E. Nash from D. Wright, 4/20/1932 To Rev Nash from Ernest Naylor, 4/29/1932 To Rev Nash from William Henderson, 5/4/1932 To J. Edward Nash from A.L.Seyse, 5/6/1932 To Rev Nash from John Naylor, 5/31/1932 To Rev J.E. Nash from A.C. Powell, 6/6/1932 To Rev A.C. Powell from Rev Nash, 6/8/1932 To Dr. Nash from A.C. Powell, 6/14/1932 To Ed Nash from Oliver Schafer, 6/26/1932 To Edward Nash from Osmond H. Brown, 6/28/1932 To Dr. Nash from A.C. Powell, 6/29/1932 To Dr. Nash from Richard Boynton, 6/30/1932 To Rev Nash from George R. Sims, 7/2/1932 To Rev Nash from James B. Adams, 7/11/1932 To Dr. Nash from Volney P. Kinne, 7/14/1932 To Rev Nash from A.C. Powell, 8/18/1932 To Mrs. Nash from AL., 10/3/1932 To Dr. Nash from Mrs. Ada Griffin, 10/20/1932 To Dr. Nash from Benjamin Love, 11/13/1932 To Dr. J. Edward Nash from S. Miller, 12/28/1932 101 Correspondence, 1933 To Mrs. J.E. Nash from F.G. Reynolds, 3/10/1933 To Rev J.E. Nash from Daniel W. Streeter, 3/29/1933 To Dr. Nash from Rev B.J. Davies, 5/7/1933 To Mr. Krull from Rev J.E. Nash, 5/19/1933 To Catherini from Frances Nash, 8/23/1933 To Mr. Lance Zavity from Rev Nash, 9/22/1933 33 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev Nash from Robert W. Bingham, 12/26/1933 102 Correspondence, 1934 To Rev Nash from C.O. Rogers, 1/30/1934 To Rev Nash from Mrs. C.M. Coleman, 5/17/1934 To Dr. Nash from C.V. Dett, 5/18/1934 To Mr. Harrison from Rev Nash 5/19/1934 To Rev Nash from Mrs. P.B. Parker 5/24/1934 To Rev Nash from Mrs. Mary E Davidson 7/14/1934 To Rev Nash from Frank X. Schwab 9/10/1934 To Rev Nash from C. Doleman 10/4/1934 To Mrs. Vestilia Nash Saulters from Cousin 11/8/1934 103 Correspondence, 1935 To Rev Nash from E. Lacy 5/11/1935 104 Correspondence, 1936 To Mr. Nash from HK Delvos 2/15/1936 To Dr. DeGroat from Rev Nash 2/17/1936 To Rev S.O.B. Johnson from Rev Nash 3/3/1936 To Rev Nash from John Peck, 3/4/1936 To Rev A M Thompson D.D. from Rev Nash 7/21/1936 To Home Dennara Loan Corp From Rev Nash 7/21/1936 To Rev Nash from John E.Selkirk 8/26/1936 To Hon Andrew Meany from Rev Nash, 9/2/1936 To Rev Dr. Smith from Rev Nash 10/8/1936 To Rev Nash from George Zimmerman 10/13/1936 To Mrs. Rosa Davis from Rev Nash 10/26/1936 To Dr Lee Patterson from Rev Nash 10/20/1936 To Hon Meaney from Rev Nash 11/24/1936 To Rev J.E. Nash from Herman K. DeGroat 12/7/1936 To Dr. Herman K DeGroat from Rev Nash 12/8/1936 105 Correspondence, 1937 To Mr. J.E. Nash from Vestitia Saulter 1/3/1937 To Rev Nash from Herman DeGroat 1/18/1937 To Dr. Herman DeGroat M.D. from Rev Nash 1/19/1937 To Rev Nash from Rev J.W. Welch 1937 To Dr. H.W. DeGroat from Rev Nash 3/26/1937 To Rev Nash from Dr. H.W. DeGroat 4/3/1937 To Rev Nash from Dr. H.W. DeGroat 4/5/1937 To Dr. H.W. DeGroat from Rev Nash 5/5/1937 34 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev Nash from Buffalo Baptist Assoc 5/26/1937 To Dr. Nash from Vestilia Saulter 5/30/1937 To Friends and Fellow Citizens in the Kingdom of God from Rev Nash 6/10/1937 To Rev Nash from Neal 8/271937 To Rev J.E. Nash from Dr. Alden Smith 9/25/1937 To Rev Nash from E.C Muskopf 10/6/1937 To Rev J.E. Nash from E.C. Muskopf 10/2/1937 To Rev Nash from Rev JB Williams 11/3/1937 106 Correspondence, 1938 To Dr. J Nash from Lloyd V Plummer 1/10/1938 To Rev Nash from Stranger 2/2/1938 To the Board of Trustees from Theresa A. Greene 2/3/1938 To Dr. Nash from Committee On Negro Work 2/3/1938 To Rev Nash from H.H. Johnson 4/15/1938 To Rev Nash from Ida D. Harbush 7/6/1938 107 Correspondence, 1939 To Bro. Charles H. Howes and Son from J. Nash 2/20/1939 To Rev J. Nash from Marion Phillips 4/5/1939 To Rev J Nash from J.B Castellini 5/21/1939 To Rev J.E. Nash from Walter S. Goodale 5/29/1939 To Dr. Davidevich from Walter S. Goodale 6/1/1939 To Rev Edward Nash from Robert W. McNulty 6/22/1939 To J. Edward Nash from Thomas W.H. Jeacock 7/13/1939 To Dr. J.E. Nash from Edward Henry 8/10/1939 To Rev Nash from Mildred 9/8/1939 To Rev Nash from Mildred 10/9/1939 To Mrs. Catherine A. Saunders from Mary McCleod Bethune10/23/1939 To Rev Nash from Kemper Harreld 10/25/1939 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Gwendolyn Green 11/1/1939 To Dr. Nash from Rove Griffith Johnson 11/17/1939 To Mrs. Catherine Saunders from Mary McCleod Bethune 11/21/1939 To Rev J. Nash from Frank Harter 12/6/1939 108 Correspondence, 1940 To Rev J.E. Nash from William J. Butler 1/16/1940 To Rev J.E. Nash from H. William Pollack 2/8/1940 To Rev J.E. Nash from Benito Howard Collins 1940 To Rev J.E. Nash from Jennie Moton 2/21/1940 To Rev Nash from B. Gwedolyn Green 3/13/1940 To Rev Neal Crawford from Rev Nash 4/10/1940 To Rev Nash from M. Talbert 5/4/1940 35 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev Nash from Marguerite Modak 5/22/1940 To Rev Nash from Fred G. Sinsel 7/29/1940 To Mrs. Carl O. Grasber from J.E. Nash 8/8/1940 To Rev and Mrs. Scott from Moses Scott 8/16/1940 To Rev Nash from Gwendolyn Greene 12/4/1940 109 Correspondence, 1941 To Mr. Nash from John Hayes 1/18/1941 To Dr. J Nash from Lloyd V. Plummer 1/22/1941 To Rev Nash from Adolph Stewart 1/27/1941 To Dr Nash from Theodore 1/29/1941 To Dr Nash from Henry H. Lewis 2/5/1941 To Rev Nash from Walter S Goodale 2/7/1941 To Rev Nash from Rev Bruce Swift 2/10/1941 To Rev Nash from Elmer Sipple 3/11/1941 To Rev E.J. Nash from Winston V. Marrow 4/21/1941 To Edward Nash from Mrs. C.M. Britt 4/21/1941 To Rev Nash from Jane Pfuffia 4/22/1941 To Rev J. Edward Nash from G.H. Pugino 4/30/1941 To Rev Nash from Gwendolyn Greene 5/7/1941 To Rev Nash from Julia Sylvalui 5/19/1941 To Rev Nash from Arthur D. Britt 6/9/1941 To Dr. George A Cole from Rev Nash 6/17/1941 To Rev S. Ferrall from Rev Nash 6/17/1941 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Annie Doleman 7/8/1941 To Buffalo Baptist Church from John Oliver 7/13/1941 To Rev Nash from Hickory Street Center 7/21/1941 To Candidates from Baptist J.E. Nash 7/29/1941 To Rev Nash from Fred Boon 8/14/1941 To Rev Nash from Daniel Greene 8/23/1941 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Elizabeth Jones 9/26/1941 To Dr. F.G. Casne from Rev Nash 9/29/1941 To Rev J.E. Nash from Andrea McDaniel 10/23/1941 To Rev J.E. Nash from Elizabeth Richardson 10/30/1941 To Rev J.E. Nash from Leroy P. Farmer 12/3/1941 To Rev Nash from Austin Roche 12/10/1941 To Mr. Nash from John Haynes Holmes 12/18/1941 110 Correspondence, 1942 To Rev Nash from Raymond Jackson 1/15/1942 To Mr Jesse Nash from Miss Beulah Jackson 1/28/1942 To Dr. J. Nash from Mack Williams 3/10/1942 To Rev J. Nash from Ada Olden Vail 3/11/1942 To Mrs. Nash from Bessie B. Jones 3/10/1942 36 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev Nash from John Knight 3/13/1942 To Rev Nash from James Namack 3/17/1942 To Dr. J.E. Nash from A. Clayton Powell 3/18/1942 To Rev Nash from Alma M Brooks 3/23/1942 To Rev Nash from Shirley Kidd, 3/24/1942 To Rev Nash from Alma M Brooks, 3/30/1942 To Dr. Nash from Elizabeth Talbert 4/1/1942 To Rev Nash from Thelma H. Anderson 4/1/1942 To Rev Nash from Luther Williams 4/1/1942 To Rev Nash from Alma Brooks 4/6/1942 To Rev Nash from Alfred F. Beiter 4/9/1942 To Rev Nash from Mrs. Irene Allen 4/10/1942 To Rev Nash from Anna M Brooks 4/13/1942 To Rev Nash from Ruth Davies 4/22/1942 To Rev Nash from Alma M. Brooks 4/22/1942 To Rev Ed. J. Nash from G.W. Leighbody 4/24/1942 To Rev Ed Nash from Wm. Jackson 4/25/1942 To Rev Ed J. nash from Alexander Gale 5/7/1942 To Rev Nash from Alma Brooks 5/11/1942 To Mr. J.E. Nash from Smith, Kendall, Pedersen 5/14/1942 To Mrs. Nash from Mrs. Jean W. Gisson 5/15/1942 To Mrs. Nash from F. Meittlefehldt 5/18/1942 To Rev Nash from Edwin J. Ferrett 5/25/1942 To Rev Nash from Ross W. Sanderson 5/27/1942 To Rev J.E. Nash from Vera S. Mumblo 6/1/1942 To Rev J. Edward Nash from William L Evans, 6/4/1942 To Rev Nash from Alfreda Cannon 6/5/1942 To Rev J.E. Nash from Horace Reed 6/8/1942 To Mr. S.H. Lawson from Esther Gortzaneau 6/9/1942 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Vera Crawford 6/15/1942 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Paul Creola 6/17/1942 To Rev Dr. J. Nash from AC Powell 6/23/1942 To Rev J. Nash from Gladys Lawrence 6/25/1942 To Rev Nash from Edwin Jaeckle 7/1/1942 To Rev Nash from Klepfer Brothers 7/2/1942 To Rev Nash from James E. Mason 7/2/1942 To Rev J.E. Nash from AC Powell 7/3/1942 To Dr. J.E. Nash from I.L. Scruggs 7/11/1942 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Mr. Anthony Jackson 9/30/1942 To Rev Edward Nash from Cousin Maime 10/2/1942 To Rev E. Nash from William Gregory 10/4/1942 To Mr. and Mrs Nash from Marguerit Smith 11/7/1942 To Rev E. Nash from Helen Edmund 11/10 1942 37 FOLDER NO. 111 FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Correspondence, 1943 To Rev. Nash from General Comm. , 1/17/1943 To Rev. Nash from A.C. Powell, 2/3/1943 To Dr. Nash from K.W. Williams, 2/10/1943 To Rev. Nash from William Whilop, 3/2/1943 To Rev. Nash from Mrs. Jackson, 3/9/1943 To Rev. Nash from Pvt. Harry Dover, 3/28/1943 To Rev. Nash from William Wilcox, 4/5/1943 To Rev. Nash from Capt. Will Gregory, 4/11/1943 To Rev. Nash from Calvin, 4/30/1943 To Rev. Nash from Pvt. William Wilcox, 5/4/1943 To Rev. Nash from Elizabeth Jones, 5/5/1943 To Rev. Nash from Oscar Hall, 5/5/1943 To Rev. Nash from Leon Wilcox, 5/5/1943 To Rev. Nash from Leon Wilcox, 6/16/1943 To Rev. Nash from Leon Wilcox, 7/2/1943 To Rev. Nash from Alan C. Howard 7/12/1943 To Rev. Nash from Oscar Hall Jr., 7/13/1943 To Rev. Nash from Oscar Hall, 8/3/1943 To Rev. Nash from Harold Martin, 8/6/1943 To Rev. Nash from Leon Wilcox, 8/12/1943 To Rev. Nash from James Womack, 8/20/1943 To Rev. Nash from Lloyd James, 8/23/1943 To Rev. Nash from Harold Martin, 8/30/1943 To Rev. Nash from Mrs. C.J. Jones, 9/7/1943 To Rev. Nash from Oscar Hall, 9/16/1943 To Rev. and Mrs. Nash from Leroy, 9/23/1943 To Rev. Nash and Members from Leon Wilcox, 10/4/1943 To Rev. Edward Nash from Wallie H. Freeman, 10/10/1943 To Rev. Nash from Gwendolyn Greene, 10/10/1943 To Rev. Nash from Oscar Hall, 10/14/1943 To Rev. Nash from William Hollis, 10/22/1943 To Candidates of Baptism from Rev. Nash, 10/1943 To Rev. J.E. Nash from Brother Earl, 10/1943 To Rev. Nash from Harold Martin, 11/1943 To Rev. Nash from Earl W. Groves, 11/25/1943 To Rev. Nash from Harry Dover, 11/25/1943 To Rev. Nash from Leon Wilcox, 11/28/1943 To Michigan Ave Church from John Cureton, 11/1943 To Rev. Nash from Alan Howard, 11/28/1943 To Rev. Nash from William Gregory, 11/28/1943 To Rev. Nash from Calvin Wilcox, 11/29/1943 To Rev. Nash from Harold Martin, 11/29/1943 To Rev. Nash from James Crawford, 11/30/1943 To Rev. and Mrs. Nash and M.A.B. Church from L. Wilcox, 12/2/1943 38 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev. Nash from Kenneth Martin, 12/12/1943 112 Correspondence with Soldiers, 1943 This folder contains correspondence from soldiers to Rev. Nash. The letters indicate that many of the soldiers were members of the Michigan Street Church. These letters often contained photographs of soldiers, often in army life poses. (Photographs are filmed in folder # 305. The actual photographs are preserved in binders that are in the possession of the Michigan Street Preservation Corp.) There may also be correspondence to and from soldiers in other folders. 113 Correspondence, 1944 To Rev. Nash from Leon Wilcox, 1/5/1944 To Rev. Nash from Charles C. Scott, 1/11/1944 To Rev. Nash from Charles C. Scott, 1/15/1944 To Dr. Edward Nash from Arthur Cavitt, 1/18/1944 To Dr. J.E. Nash from John W. Pontius, 1/24/1944 To Rev. Nash from William Hallis, 1/30/1944 To Rev. Nash from A. Clayton Powell, 2/9/1944 To Rev. Nash from Harold Martin, 2/14/1944 To Rev. Nash from Alice Washington Scanton, 2/23/1943 To J. Edward Nash from M.F. Clay, 2/28/1944 To Rev. Nash from Cornelia Snyder, 3/1/1944 To Dr. J.E. Nash from A.C. Powell, 3/2/1944 To Rev. Nash from E. Calley, 3/7/1944 To Rev. Nash from Leon Wilcox, 3/9/1944 To Rev. Nash and Members from Walter Johnstone, 3/13/1944 To Rev. Nash from St. Philips Church, 3/15/1944 To Dr. Nash from Rev. O.H. Brown, 3/23/1944 To Rev. J.E. Nash from Leon J. DuBois, 3/24/1944 To Rev. Nash from Walter Johnstone, 3/28/1944 To Rev. Nash from Casey Hall, 3/31/1944 To Members and Friends from Leon Wilcox, 4/1/1944 To Rev. Nash from E.S. Davidson, 4/4/1944 To Rev. and Members from Leon Wilcox, 4/9/1944 To Rev. and Mrs. Nash from Elizabeth Jones, 4/10/1944 To Rev. Nash from Jamey Womack, 4/20/1944 To Rev. Nash from William Wilcox, 5/10/1944 To Rev. Nash and Members from Oscar Hall, 5/10/1944 To Rev. Nash from Harley Patterson, 5/12/1944 To Rev. Nash from Harold Martin, 5/22/1944 To Rev. Nash from Moses Lilliard, 5/23/1944 To Rev. Nash from Fred Koehler, 5/1944 To Rev. Nash from Vianna C. Snyder, 6/5/1944 To Rev. Nash from Fred Vuland, 6/6/1944 39 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev. Nash from William Wilcox, 6/7/1944 To Rev. Nash from Harry Almapstam, 6/1944 To Rev. Nash from Rufus Christopher, 6/15/1944 To Council of WNY Association from Rev. Warfield, 6/1944 To Rev. Nash from Ulysses Dyer, 6/23/1944 To Rev. Nash from George Wilson, 7/19/1944 To Rev. Nash from Mrs. Mary Best, 7/25/1944 To Rev. and Mrs. Nash from Samuel Leftivich, 8/14/1944 To Rev. and Mrs. Nash from Alma Brooks, 8/17/1944 To Rev. Nash from Oscar Hall, 8/21/1944 To Rev. J.E. Nash from H. Edward Whitaker, 8/28/1944 To Rev. J.E. Nash from Jas. V. Doleman, 9/8/1944 To Comrade, Friend, Brother from Rev Nash, 10/1/1944 To Dr. J.E. Nash from Mrs. Mande Konola, 10/1/1944 To Rev Nash from Rose Mary, 10/6/1944 To Rev Nash from Warren Colley, 10/12/1944 To Rev Nash from Luther Williams, 10/13/1944 To Rev Nash from Bill Gregory, 10/16/1944 To Rev Nash from Harry B. Dover, 10/18/1044 To Rev Nash from William Hollins, 10/23/1944 To Rev Nash from Harold Martin, 10/28/1944 To Dr. Nash from Ernest, 10/29/1944 To Rev Edward Nash from Lula Sessum, 10/30/1944 To Rev J.E. Nash from John A. Bethel, 10/31/1944 To Church Membership from Father Huston, 10/31/1944 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from James O. Sessum, 11/1/1944 To Rev Nash from S. Leftwich, 11/1/1944 To Rev J.E. Nash from Earl Greene, 11/2/1944 To Rev Nash from Oscar Hall Jr., 11/2/1944 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Cleveland Pond, 11/25/1944 To Rev Nash from Cleveland Pond, 11/25/1944 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Elizabeth Jones, 12/1/1944 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Leon Wilcox, 12/1/1944 To Rev J.E. Nash from Matilda Watson, 12/4/1944 To Rev J.E. Nash from H.C. Bartholomew, 12/6/1944 To Rev Nash from Leon Wilcox, 12/25/1944 To Rev Nash from James O. Sessum, 12/29/1944 114 Correspondence, 1945 To Rev Nash from Earl W. Graves, 1/6/1945 To Rev Nash from Paul P. Creola, 1/19/1945 To Rev Nash from Myrtle M. Anderson, 1/26/1945 To Rev and Mrs. Nance from Marcella, 2/5/1945 To Rev Nance from Elizabeth Washington, 2/7/1945 To Rev J.E. Nash from Paul E. Lockwood, 2/23/1945 40 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev Nash from Earl W. Groves, 3/8/1945 To Rev Nash from Christine Fudge, 3/15/1945 To Rev Nash and Members from Oscar Hall Jr., 3/17/1945 To Rev Nash and Members from Samuel Ceyuld, 3/19/1945 To Western NY Baptist from V.A. Mason, 3/22/1945 To Rev Nash from Lt. C.W. Wilcox, 1945 To Rev Nash from Earl W. Groves, 4/8/1945 To Rev Nash and Members from William Wilcox, 4/24/1945 To Rev Nash from Bettie S. Anderson, 4/24/1945 To Rev J.E. Nash from Harlan M. Frost, 4/25/1945 To Rev. George Nanter from Rev Nash, 5/8/1945 To Rev Nash from J.H. McDavis, 5/9/1945 To Rev Nash from William Wilcox, 5/14/1945 To Rev Nash from Calvin W. Wiley, 5/16/1945 To Rev Nash from Earl W. Groves, 5/29/1945 To Rev Nash from Mary Green, 6/4/1945 To Rev Nash from Hope R. Stevens, 6/5/1945 To Rev Nash from Theresa W. Green, 6/18/1945 To Rev John Edward Nash from William Pasquette, 7/1/1945 To Rev Nash from Charles Glasfow, 7/9/1945 To Rev Nash from Herbert Johnson, 7/10/1945 To Rev Nash from Mrs. James O. Sessum, 7/12/1945 To Rev Nash from Leon Wilcox, 7/16/1945 To Rev Nash from Leon Wilcox, 7/20/1945 To Rev Nash from Leon Wilcox, 7/28/1945 To Rev Nash from Walter Johnstone Jr., 7/29/1945 To Rev Nash from Oscar Hall, 8/29/1945 To Rev Nash from Leon Wilcox, 8/31/1945 To Rev Nash from Charles Glasfow, 9/6/1945 To Rev Nash from Mrs. Bessie Colley, 9/8/1945 To Rev Nash from John W. Annas, 9/1945 To Rev Nash from Ada Older Vail, 9/27/1945 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Louise Leftwick, 10/5/1945 To Rev Nash from Walter Johnstone Jr. 10/6/1945 To Rev Nash from Calvin W. Wilcox, 10/16/1945 To Rev Nash from Andrew Turuea, 10/30/1945 To Rev Nash from James A. Sessum, 11/10/1945 To Rev Nash from Christina, 12/7/1945 To Rev Nash from Elizabeth Jones, 12/12/1945 To Rev Nash from Chris E. Lawson, 12/31/1945 Resolution, (n.d.) !945? At least 50 additional letters were discovered for 1945 after the above list was compiled. The additional letters are mostly, but not exclusively, carbons of letters written by Rev. Nash. The additional letters are filmed at the end of the folder. 41 FOLDER NO. 115 FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Correspondence, 1946 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Louise Leftwick 1/26/1946 To Rev Nash from Gladys E. Brown, 3/1/1946 To Rev Nash from J.B. Brandon, 4/5/1946 To Rev Nash from Amelia McSaunders, 4/6/1946 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Louise Leftwick, 4/22/1946 To Rev Nash from Horace Reed, 4/22/1946 To Rev Nash from Rev R.E. Warfield, 4/23/1946 To J. Nash from Elizabeth Washington, 5/2/1946 To Mr. Nash from William B. Lipphard, 5/6/1946 To Rev Nash from Lola Bell, 5/10/1946 To Rev Nash from A.C. Powell, 5/11/1946 To Rev J.E. Nash from Henry A. Boyd, 5/16/1946 To Rev J. Ed. Nash from Rev G.H. Coffey, 5/20/1946 To Rev Nash from O. Turner, 6/1/1946 To J.E. Nash from Cornellia Snyder, 6/2/1946 To J.E. Nash from Elizabeth Washington, 6/3/1946 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Rose M. Reed, 6/13/1946 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Louise Leftwick, 6/16/1946 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Luther Williams, 7/14/1946 To Rev Nash from E.J.B., 7/18/1946 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Emma R. Williams, 7/21/1946 To Rev J.E. Nash from Marion M. Frost, 8/2/1946 To Rev Nash from Father Huston, 8/11/1946 To Rev J.E. Nash from James Doleman, 10/6/1946 To Rev Nash from E. Webster, 10/7/1946 To Rev Nash from Henry H. Jones, 10/15/1946 To Rev Nash from Gladys Brown, 11/3/1946 To J. Nash from Cornelia Snyders, 11/13/1946 To Mr. And Mrs. Nash from Charlotte Hancock, 11/17/1946 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Louise Leftwick, 11/26/1946 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Brother Bailey, 12/23/1946 To Rev Nash from Mrs. Ilene Allen, 12/29/1946 To J. Nash from Cornelia Snyder, 12/30/1946 At least 50 additional letters were discovered for 1946 after the above list was compiled. The additional letters are mostly, but not exclusively, carbons of letters written by Rev. Nash. The additional letters are filmed at the end of the folder. 116 Correspondence, 1947 To Rev Nash from Henry A. Reed, 1/7/1947 To Rev Nash from J.M. Ellison, 1/27/1947 42 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Louise Leftwick, 2/3/1947 To Rev E. Nash from Paul W. Adams, 2/19/1947 To Mr. Sears from McAlpers, 2/24/1947 To Rev Nash from Marguerite Jeter, 3/6/1947 To Dr. Nash from Rev Gaiters, 3/11/1947 To Rev Nash from Alice Smothers, 3/14/1947 To Rev J.E. Nash from Edwin Jaeckle, 3/24/1947 To Mrs. Nash from Maizey Paliney, 3/26/1947 To 1947 Campaign Commission from William Lloyd Imos, 4/3/1947 To Bishop Nash from Greek War Relief, 4/28/1947 To Dr. J. Edward Nash from Harry Bridwell, 4/30/1947 To Dr. Nash from D & Laura Munty, 5/5/1947 To Rev J. Nash from Charles Obersheimer, 5/6/1947 To Rev J.E. Nash from S. Leslie Reed, 5/6/1947 To J.E. Nash from Dr. Horton, 5/13/1947 To J.E. Nash from Arthur S. Anderson, 5/14/1947 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from A.J. Smitherman, 5/27/1947 To Rev. W.W. Williams from A.L. Miller, 6/2/1947 To Rev E. Nash from James A. Doleman, 6/3/1947 To Rev Nash from Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, 6/6/1947 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Gloria, 6/13/1947 To Rev Nash from Rev Dale Dargitz, 6/14/1947 To Rev Nash from Anna Anderson, 6/15/1947 To Dr. J.E. Nash from Mrs. Margaret McOsker, 6/17/1947 To Rev Nash from Rena Lewis, 6/19/1947 To Rev Nash from Elizabeth Richardson, 6/22/1947 To Rev Nash from Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, 7/7/1947 To Dr. Nash from Dave Green, 7/18/1947 To Dr. J. Edward Nash from Clarence Howard, 7/28/1947 To Rev J. Edward Nash from George M. Brown, 8/6/1947 To Rev. J. Edward Nash from Cornelia Snyder, 8/28/1947 To Executive Board from Leroy Farmer, chr., 9/1947 To Rev J.E. Nash from A. Newton Service, 10/9/1947 To Rev Nash from Raymond Frances Harvey, 10/14/1947 To Rev Nash from Mrs. Charles Bell, 11/1947 To Mr. James Storer from Eleanor Drishane, 11/25/1947 To Rev Nash from G.N. Sumpter, 12/17/1947 To Rev Nash from Russell N. Service, 12/23/1947 More than 30 additional letters were discovered for 1947 after the above list was compiled. The additional letters are mostly, but not exclusively, carbons of letters written by Rev. Nash. The additional letters are filmed at the end of the folder. 43 FOLDER NO. 117 FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Correspondence, 1948 To Alumni and Friends from S.H. Brown, 1/9/1948 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Louise Leftwich, 1/12/1948 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Rose Sumpter, 1/20/1948 To Rev Nash from E.Wibb, 1/21/1948 To Dr. Nash from Raymond F. Harvey, 1/27/1948 To Rev Edw. Nash from Viola Demorest, 1/30/1948 To Dr. Nash from Arthur Lacey, 2/11/1948 To Rev Nash from John Roggs, 3/29/1948 To Rev J.E. Nash from J. Ralph Davie, 4/1/1948 To Rev Nash from Guy Emery Shipler, 4/2/1948 To Rev Nash from J.M. Ellision, 4/3/1948 To Rev Nash from Paul A. Collyer, 4/6/1948 To Rev Nash from Willis V. Dorwald, 4/19/1948 To Rev Nash from Charles H. Diefendorf, 4/19/1948 To Rev Nash from Richard H. Dixon, Pastor, 5/5/1948 To Rev Nash from Alfred B. Butts, 5/6/1948 To Rev Nash from Joesph Albrecht, 5/14/1948 To Rev Nash from Willis Dorwald, 5/15/1948 To Rev Nash from Arthur E. Rankin, 5/16/1948 To Rev Nash from Mrs. Ella Rafally, 5/16/1948 To Rev Nash from Henry A. Wallace, 5/17/1948 To Rev Nash from J.M. Ellis, 5/9/1948 To Rev Nash from Henry A. Boyd, 5/25/1948 To Rev Nash from J. Ralph Davie, 5/29/1948 To Rev Nash from Louis A. Keating, 6/1948 To Rev J. Nash from James H. Doleman, 6/1/1948 To Rev Nash from Mrs. James Ford, 6/4/1948 To Dr. J.E. Nash from Bliss J. Youker, 6/4 1948 To Rev Nash from Henry A Boyd, 6/5/1948 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Joesph Albrecht, 6/8/1948 To Rev Nash from E. Franklin Jackson, 6/18/1948 To Rev Nash from George Provost, 6/24/1948 To Rev Nash from Mrs. Joesph L. Heedsen, 6/29/1948 To Rev Nash from Amelia, 6/30/1948 To Rev Nash from Rev R.E.Warfield, 7/3/1948 To Dr. J.E. Nash from Joesph Albrecht, 7/3/1948 To Rev Nash from Walter A. Kendall, 7/7/1948 To Rev Nash from A. Kendall, 8/18/1948 To Rev Nash from Elmer J. Tropman, 8/18/1948 To Rev Nash from Dale Dargitz, 8/23/1948 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Mitchell Johnson, 8/30/1948 To Rev Nash from J.A. Albrecht, 9/1/1948 To Rev Nash from Carmen Hare, 9/2/1948 To Rev Nash from M. Boyhim, 9/6/1948 44 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev J. Edward Nash from Frederick Painton, 9/10/1948 To Dr. Nash from J.A. Albrecht, 9/15/1948 To Rev Nash from Jessica Smith, 9/15/1948 To Rev Nash from Rev. J.H. McDavis, 9/17/1948 To Rev Nash from J. Albrecht, 9/21/1948 To Rev Nash from St. Paul’s Cathedral, 10/5/1948 To Rev Nash from William Evans, 10/13/1948 To Rev Nash from U.L. Ogden, 10/23/1948 To Dr. and Mrs. Nash from Ken and Mrs. Jeter, 10/23/1948 To Rev Nash from Mazie Dalaney, 11/23/1948 To Rev Nash from Helen Crawford, 12/1/1948 To Rev Nash from Margaret A. Harrell, 12/9/1948 To Rev Nash from Flora Stensil, 12/10/1948 To Rev Nash from John Foy, 12/30/1948 To Rev Nash from Henry Wood, 1948 At least 40 additional letters were discovered for 1948 after the above list was compiled. The additional letters are mostly, but not exclusively, carbons of letters written by Rev. Nash. The additional letters are filmed at the end of the folder. 118 Correspondence, 1949 To Rev Nash from Edward G. Adams, 1/11/1949 To Rev Nash from Henry Boyd, 1/12/1949 To Rev Nash from Edward G. Adams, 1/17/1949 To Rev Nash from Wm. Harllee Bordeaux, 2/1949 To Rev Dr. J.E. Nash from C.L. Payne, 2/16/1949 To Rev Dr. J.E. Nash from Edward Welles, 2/17/1949 To Mr. McPherson from Rev Nash, 2/17/1949 To the Board of Directors from Ralph Conners, 3/1/1949 To Rev J.E. Nash from Lois Moore, 3/2/1949 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Ruth Alexander, 3/6/1949 To Rev Nash from William Evans, 3/10/1949 To Rev Nash from Anthony F. Tauriello, 3/17/1949 To Mrs. Minnie Jackson from J.E. Nash, 3/21/1949 To Rev J.E. Nash from Dorisanne Weimer, 3/23/1949 To Rev J.E. Nash from S.S. Feldman, 3/29/1949 To Rev Nash from Clark Neal, 3/30/1949 To Teachers and All Others From Barton Bean, 4/2/1949 To Mrs. Anne Anderson from Rev J. Nash, 4/6/1949 To Rev Nash from Mason Bryant, 4/20/1949 To Rev Nash from Christian Civic League, 5/3/1949 To Rev Nash from Robert H. Beaver, 5/28/1949 To the Dean from J. Edward Nash, 5/31/1949 To Rev Dr. C.R. Miller from J.E. Nash, 6/2/1949 45 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Father Huston from J.E. Nash, 6/9/1949 To Rev Nash from Clark Ingham, 6/1949 To Mr. Opshur James Doleman from Rev Nash, 6/13/1949 To Mrs. Howard Collins from Rev Nash, 6/13/1949 To Rev and Mrs. Palmer Huntz from Rev Nash, 6/14/1949 To Mrs. Anna Anderson from J.E. Nash, 6/15/1949 To Eugene Berg from Rev Nash, 6/20/1949 To Whom it May Concern from Rev Nash, 6/25/1949 To Dr. and Mrs. J.E. Nash from Nicholas Hood, 6/28/1949 To Miss Dolores Bierg from Rev Nash, 6/29/1949 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Luther Williams, 7/1/1949 To Bishop Scaife from Rev J.E. Nash, 7/18/1949 To Rev Frost from Rev Nash, 7/18/1949 To Rev S.S. Felder from Rev Nash, 7/25/1949 To Dr. A.J. Smitherman from Rev Edw. Nash, 8/3/1949 To Mr. James U. Doleman from J. Edw. Nash, 8/22/1949 To Mrs. Mildred Edwards from Edward Nash, 8/25/1949 To Benjamin Wyatt from J.E. Nash, 9/1/1949 To Rev Nash from Bro. Charles S. Fling, 9/4/1949 To Whom it May Concern from J. Nash, 9/20/1949 To Rev Nash from Edgar Westbrook, 9/27/1949 To Rev Nash from Coleman Ryder, 9/28/1949 To The Minister and Program Chairman from Milton Stauffer, 9/29/1949 To Rev Nash from Forest Lawn, 9/1/1949 To Mrs. Cornelia Snider from Rev Nash, 10/5/1949 To Luther Williams from Rev Nash, 10/19/1949 To Buffalo Council from Victor Einach, 10/20/1949 To Mr. Philip Savage from Rev Nash, 10/22/1949 To Whom May It May Concern from Rev Nash, 11/8/1949 To Mrs. Rankrishama Modak to Rev Nash, 11/14/1949 To Rev Nash from Tauriello, 12/14/1949 To Mrs. Charles Snyder from Rev Nash, 12/16/1949 To Mr. Vincint Shitt from J.E. Nash, 12/17/1949 To Ruth B. Alexander from J.E. Nash, 12/19/1949 To Rev J. Nash from Philip Savage, 12/20/1949 To Rev Nash from Special Com., 1949 To Rev Nash from Crusade for Christ, 1949 To Rev Nash from A. Patterson, 1949 At least 15 additional letters were discovered for 1949 after the above list was compiled. The additional letters are mostly, but not exclusively, carbons of letters written by Rev. Nash. The additional letters are filmed at the end of the folder. END MICROFILM ROLL #2 46 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #3 119 Correspondence, 1950 To Mr. Philip Savage from Rev Nash, 1/3/1950 To Whom It May Concern from Rev Nash, 1/30/1950 To Rev Henry Habrit from J.E. Nash, 2/13/1950 To Rev Nash from Robert McNulty, 2/23/1950 To Mrs. J.H. Lawson from J.E. Nash, 3/21/1950 To Mrs. Amelia Sanders from J. Nash, 4/12/1950 To Attorney J.E. Ellis from Rev Nash, 4/12/1950 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Louise Leftwick, 5/1950 To Rev E.J. Nash from Connie Howard, 5/3/1950 To James Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 5/12/1950 To Mrs. Corneila Snider from J.E. Nash, 5/12/1950 To the Social Security Agency from J.E. Nash, 5/13/1950 To Rev Nash from Ruth Smalley, 5/18/1950 To Rev Nash and Family from Anna Anderson, 5/21/1950 To Rev Robert Davies from J.E. Nash, 5/24/1950 To Rev Nash from William Black, 5/24/1950 To Miss Ruth Smalley from Rev Nash, 5/31/1950 To Mr. William Black 7221 from Rev Nash, 6/1/1950 To Whom It May Concern from Rev J.E. Nash, 6/4/1950 To Octogenarion Luncheon from J. Edward Nash, 6/6/1950 To Louise Leftwick from Frances Nash, 6/8/1950 To Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson from Rev Nash, 6/8/1950 To Mrs. Bertha Collins from Rev and Mrs. Nash, 6/9/1950 To Rev Nash from James Dombrowski, 6/12/1950 To Ministers from Harlan M. Frost, 6/20/1950 To the Michigan Street Baptist Church from Helen Krewcun, 7/6/1950 To Rev A.C. Powell from J. Edward Nash, 7/10/1950 To Rev James H. Marshall from J. Edward Nash, 7/10/1950 To Mr. James Upshur Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 7/14/1950 To Mrs. Cornelia Doleman Snider from J.E. Nash, 7/14/1950 To Amelia H. Sanders, from J.E. Nash, 7/14.1950 To Mrs. Martha Howard Collins from J.E. Nash, 7/14/1950 To the Editors of The Secret Place from J.E. Nash, 7/20/1950 To Rev S. David Sikes from Rev J. Edward Nash, 7/24/1950 To Mr. Walter J. Lake from Rev J. Edward Nash, 7/24/1950 To Rev. Harlan M. Frost from J. Edward Nash, 8/7/1950 To Mr. William L. Evans from J. Edward Nash, 8/14/1950 To Rev David Sikes from J. Edward Nash, 8/16/1950 To Mr. R.H. Bailey from J. Edward Nash, 8/22/1950 To Rev David S. Sikes from J. Edward Nash, 8/22/1950 To Rev. J. Edward Nash from Rev S. David Sikes, 8/24/1950 To Rev S. David Sikes from J. Edward Nash, 8/30/1950 47 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Whom It May Concern from J. Edward Nash, 9/1/1950 To the International Institute from J. E. Nash, 9/1/1950 To the International Institute from J. E. Nash, 9/2/1950 To the First Baptist Church from J. Edward Nash, 9/6/1950 To Rev J. E. Nash from Ralph R. Rott, 9/14/1950 To Rev and Mrs. E. Page from J. Edward Nash, 9/18/1950 To Mrs. Pinkie Page from J. Edward Nash, 9/18/1950 To Rev Franklin L. Crutchlow from Rev Nash, 9/1950 To Rev Mordecai Johnson from Rev J. Edward Nash, 9/30/1950 To Rev Nash from Charles William Sheriff, 10/2/1950 To Rev Nash from Ralph R. Rott, 10/2/1950 To Rev J. E. Nash from Henry Smith Leiper, 10/2/1950 To Rev Harlan M. Frost from J. Edward Nash, 10/2/1950 To Rev Nash from N.E. Webster, 10/9/1950 To Whom It May Concern from J. E. Nash, 10/9/1950 To Rev S.S. Feldman from J. E. Nash, 10/9/1950 To Rev F.N. Darling from J. E. Nash, 10/11/1950 To Mr. Charles William Sheriff from J. E. Nash, 10/11/1950 To Mr. Nash from Mordecai Johnson, 10/12/1950 To Mr. Nash from Jun Pegs, 10/17/1950 To the Lions Blind Fund from J. Edward Nash, 10/20/1950 To the First Baptist Church from J. E. Nash, 10/24/1950 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Wm. R. Hill, 10/28/1950 To Rev R.C. Craven from Rev Nash, 11/15/1950 To Rev Nash from Albert G. Butzer, 11/22/1950 To Whom It May Concern from J. E. Nash, 11/29/1950 To Those in Authority from J. Edward Nash, 12/4/1950 To J. Nash, Jr. from Rev J. E. Nash, 12/6/1950 To Robert D. Davies from J. Edward Nash, 12/8/1950 To Friends from J. Edward Nash, 12/9/1950 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from J. Nash, Jr., 12/12/1950 To J. Nash, Jr. from J. E. Nash and E.P. Kelly, 12/13/1950 To Rev J. Edward Nash, 12/15/1950 To Mr. Roswell F.Thompson from J. Edward Nash, 12/20/1950 To Lt. Col. William Maltby from J. Edward Nash, 12/20/1950 To Dr. Nash from Ruby S. Darje, 12/22/1950 To Mrs. James Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 12/30/1950 To Mrs. Cornelia D. Snider from J. Edward Nash, 12/30 1950 To Mr. Charles Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 12/30/1950 To Rev. J. E. Nash and Members from Mrs. Ora Anderson, 12/1950 Three (3) additional letters were discovered for 1950 after the above list was compiled. The additional letters are filmed at the end of the folder. 48 FOLDER NO. 120 FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Correspondence, 1951 To Mr. Philip Savage from J. Edward Nash, 1/1/1951 To Rev Nash Sr. from Jessie Nash Jr., 1/2/1951 To Agency Executives from Francis Smith, 1/2/1951 To RTC J. Nash from Rev and Mrs. Nash, 1/10/1951 To Rev Nash from Daniel W. Streeter, 1/12/1951 To RTC J. Nash from J. Edward Nash,1/24/1951 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from J.Nash Jr., 1/30/1951 To J. Edward Nash from Rev John H. McDavis, 2/21/1951 To Rev J. E.Nash from W. Morgan Kendall, 2/24/1951 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Jessie Nash Jr., 2/26/1951 To Rev C. Allyn Russell from J. Edward Nash, 3/8/1951 To Rev & Mrs Nash from Jesse Nash Jr., 3/19/1951 To Rev C. Allen Russell from J. Edward Nash, 3/19/1951 To Buffalo Council and Friends from Victor Einach, 3/28/1951 To Mr. Arthur Cavitt from J. Edward Nash, 3/28/1951 To Mrs. Benjamin Morse from J. E. Nash, 3/29/1951 To Whom It May Concern from J. E. Nash, 4/23/1951 To S.S. Feldman from J. Edward Nash, 4/25/1951 To Mr. James Doleman from J. Edward Nash,5/8/1951 To Robert from J. Edward Nash, 5/9/1951 To Louise from J. Edward Nash, 5/9/1951 To Sister Logan from J. Edward Nash, 5/9/1951 To Jessie Nash Jr. from J. Edward Nash, 5/9/1951 To Rev Ralph Miller from J. Edward Nash, 5/10/1951 To Rev S.D. Proctor from J. Edward Nash, 5/14/1951 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Samuel D. Proctor, 5/22/1951 To Mr. James Anderson and Wife from J. Nash, 5/23/1951 To Chaplin Booker T. Davis from J. Edward Nash, 5/23/1951 To Mrs. Cornelia D. Snyder from J. Edward Nash, 5/23/1951 To Mrs. Rose Josey Burton from J. Edward Nash, 5/23/1951 To Dr. J. E. Nash from Dr. J. M. Ellison, 5/30/1951 To Pvt. Robert O. Davis from J. Edward Nash, 5/30/1951 To Mr. Alfred B. Price from S.H. Brown, 5/31/1951 To Booker T. Davis from J.E. Davis, 5/31/1951 To Rev Nash from Israel H. Moss, 6/1/1951 To Dr. O.R. Miller from J. Edward Nash, 6/4/1951 To Mr. E.C. Draher from J. Edward Nash, 6/8/1951 To Mrs. Fred White from J. Edward Nash, 6/21/1951 To Mr. James Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 6/21/1951 To Rev Harlan M. Frost from J. Edward Nash, 6/23/1951 To Mr. V.P. Bourne Vanneck from J. Edward Nash, 6/23/1951 To Rev Chris S. Lawson from J. Edward Nash, 6/27/1951 To Rev S. Stewart from J. Edward Nash, 7/7/1951 To Rev King D. Reddick from J. Edward Nash, 7/25/1951 49 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Jessie Nash Jr., 7/25/1951 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Jimmy, Thebma, and Family, 7/30/1951 To Rev and Mrs. J. Nash from James E.W. Stewart, 7/30/1951 To Cpl. J. Nash Jr. from J. Nash Sr., 8/2/1951 To Louise Leftwick from Rev and Mrs. Nash, 8/15/1951 To Mr. James E. Doleman from J.E. Nash, 8/16/1951 To Mrs. Cornelia Snyder from J.E., 8/16/1951 To Jessie N. Jr. from Hortense Nash, 8/1951 To Rev J.E. Nash from Jessie Nash Jr., 8/31/1951 To Rev Siebe S. Feldman from J. Edward Nash, 9/3/1951 To Rev T. Davis from J. Edward Nash, 9/3/1951 To Mr. A. Newton Service from J. Edward Nash, 9/3/1951 To Cpl. Jessie Nash from J. Edward Nash, 9/8/1951 To nay Church of Same Faith as Ours from J.E. Nash, 9/12/1951 To Cpl. Jessie Nash from J. Edward Nash, 9/20/1951 To Mr. J. Carlise McDonald from J. Edward Nash, 9/29/1951 To Rev H. Whitaker from J. Edward Nash, 10/10/1951 To Cpl. Jessie Nash Jr. from J. Edward Nash, 11/2/1951 To Mr. Harley Dollinger from J. Edward Nash, 11/7/1951 To Mr. James Upshur Doleman from J.E. Nash, 11/19/1951 To Mrs. Cornelia V. Snyder from J. Edward Nash, 11/19/1951 To Cpl. J. Nash Jr. from J. Edward Nash, 11/19/1951 To Dora Thornto from Rev and Mrs. Nash, 11/23/1951 To Cpl. J. Edward Nash Jr. from J.E. Nash Sr., 12/11/1951 To Rev J.E. Nash from Paul P. Creola, 1951 To Rev J.E. Nash from Alex Dubowick, 1951 To Rev J.E. Nash from R. Lewis Johnson, 1951 Five (5) additional letters were discovered for 1951 after the above list was compiled. The additional letters are filmed at the end of the folder. 121 Correspondence, 1952 To Mr. Philip S. Savage from J.E. Nash, 1/3/1952 To Mr. Walter A. Kendall from J. Edward Nash, 1/10/1952 To Cpl. J. Edward Nash Jr. from J. Edward Nash Sr., 1/23/1952 To Mr. Brown from J. Edward Nash, 2/16/1952 To Cpl. Jessie Nash Jr. from J. Edward Nash, 3/14/1952 To Mr. James D. Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 1952 To Hon. Carlton A. Fisher from J. Edward Nash, 3/20/1952 To Rev Nash from Leeland Jones Jr., 4/3/1952 To Mrs. Helen Edmunds from J. Edward Nash,4/7/1952 To Mr. Walter A. Kendall from J. Edward Nash, 4/7/1952 To Rev C.C. Stamps from J. Edward Nash, 4/7/1952 To Miss Shirley Silbert from J. Edward Nash, 4/24/1952 To Cpl. J. Nash from J. Edward Nash, 5/8/1952 50 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Mrs. Donald C. O’Connor from J. Edward Nash, 5/26/1952 To Cpl. Jessie Nash Jr. from J. Edward Nash, 6/9/1952 To Miss Shirley Washington from J. Edward Nash, 6/9/1952 To Mrs. Cornelia Snyder from J. Edward Nash, 6/17/1952 To Mr. James U. Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 6/18/1952 To Mr. Dana B. Hellings from J. Edward Nash, 7/3/1952 To Mrs. Elizabeth Rainey from J. Edward Nash, 7/3/1952 To NYS Housing Rent Comm. from J. Edward Nash, 7/7/1952 To Rev Seib. S. Feldman from J. Edward Nash, 7/14/1952 To Mrs. Ameila M.D. Saunders from J. Edward Nash, 7/24/1952 To J. Edward Nash from M.C. Doyle, 8/8/1952 To Mrs. Cornelia V. Snyder from J. Edward Nash, 8/11/1952 To Rev Chris Lawson from J. Edward Nash, 8/11/1952 To Mr. James Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 8/12/1952 To Mr. Donald William Jones from J.E. Nash, 8/13/1952 To Dr. M.C. Doyle from J. Edward Nash, 9/9/1952 To the Commanding from J. Edward Nash, 9/17/1952 To Rev A.J. Philips from J. Edward Nash, 9/24/1952 To Whom it May Concern from J. Edward Nash, 10/16/1952 To Mr. Henry Deichman from J.E. Nash, 10/25/1952 To the Michigan Ave. Church from Edward Stripp, 10/26/1952 To Rev S.S. Feldman from J. Edward Nash, 11/6/1952 To Rev and Mrs. Harlan Frost from Mr. and Mrs. Nash, 12/3/1952 To Rev Nash from Philip S. Savage, 1952 Eight (8) additional letters were discovered for 1952 after the above list was compiled. The additional letters are filmed at the end of the folder. 122 Correspondence, 1953 To Rev S.G. Feldman from J. Edward Nash, 1/6/1953 To Rev Nash from Helen Edmunds, 1/12/1953 To Rev Chris Lawson from J. Edward Nash, 1/17/1953 To Who It May Concern from J. Edward Nash, 1/30/1953 To Mr Vanvolkenburg from J. Edward Nash, 1/30/1953 To Miss Natalie Perry from J. Edward Nash, 1/30/1953 To The University of Buffalo from J. Edward Nash, 2/10/1953 To Mrs. Theresa G. Evans fro J. Edward Nash, 3/18/1953 To Dr. Nash from William L. Evans, 5/18/1953 To Bible House Inc. from J. Edward Nash, 5/14/1953 To Rev J. Edward Nash from Helen Kreweum, 5/20/1953 To Mrs. Cornelia Snider from J. Edward Nash, 5/21/1953 To Mr. James U. Doleman from J. Edward Nash5/21/53 To Mrs. Booker T. Brooks from J. Edward Nash, 5/29/1953 To Missionary Presidents from Mrs. Emma B. Alexander, 6/20/1953 To Rev. J. Edward Nash from Charles W. Holloran, 6/30/53 51 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Mr. Charles W. Holloran from J. Edward Nash, 7/7/1953 To J. Upshur Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 7/7/1953 To Mrs. Elizabeth Washington from J. Edward Nash, 7/7/1953 To Mr. Preston Smith from J. Edward Nash, 7/15/1953 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Thelma H. Anderson, 7/29/1953 To Mrs. Elsie Marie Evans from J. Edward Nash, 8/1/1953 To Mr. G. Lee Edwards fro J. Edward Nash, 8/10/1953 To Mrs. Elizabeth Washington from J. Edward Nash, 8/18/1953 To Mr. James U. Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 8/19/1953 To Mr. Charles N. Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 9/17/53 To Miss A. Knozky from J. Edward Nash, 9/23/1953 To Mr. Emil Jackson from J. Edward Nash, 9/23/1953 To Mrs. Elizabeth Washington from J. Edward Nash, 11/4/1953 To Rev. Robert O. Davis from J. Edward Nash, 11/4/1953 To Mrs. Amelia McDaniel Saunders from J. Edward Nash, 11/5/1953 To Mr. Leland Jones from J. Edward Nash, 11/29/1953 To Mrs. Helen Crawford from J.Edward Nash, 11/29/1953 To Rev. Ellison from J. Edward Nash, 1953 To Rev. Ellison from J. Edward Nash, 1953 To Rev. King D. Reading from J. Edward Nash,1953 Ten (10) additional letters were discovered for 1953 after the above list was compiled. The additional letters are filmed at the end of the folder. 123 Correspondence, 1954 To George W. Wannaker from J. Edward Nash, 1/13/1954 To Whom It May Concern from J. Edward Nash, 1/21/1954 To Whom It May Concern from J. Edward Nash, 1/21/1954 To Whom It May Concern from J. Edward Nash, 1/21/1954 To Rev Ralph Johnson from J. Edward Nash, 1/27/1954 To Rev Edward D. McNeal[ly?] from J. Edward Nash, 1/27/1954 To Col. Maltby & Mr. Wilbur Glover from J. Edward Nash, 2/5/1954 To Mrs. Vogelsong from J. Edward Nash, 2/5/1954 To Rev Nash from Alma________, 2/10/1954 To James U. Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 2/15/1954 To Mrs. Raymond Banas from J. Edward Nash, 3/20/1954 To Charles S. Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 3/25/1954 To Mr. James U. Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 3/25/1954 To Mrs. Elizabwth Washington from J. Edward Nash, 3/25/1954 To Col. William Maltby from J. Edward Nash, 4/1/1954 To Mr. Ruffion from J. Edward Nash, 4/1/1954 To Mrs. Vogelsong from J. Edward Nash, 4/1/1954 To Mrs. Donald E. Taylor from J. Edward Nash,5/12/1954 To Mrs. Donald E. Taylor from J. Edward Nash,5/12/1954 To Mrs. Amelia Doleman Proctor from J. Edward Nash, 6/10/1954 52 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS To Mrs. Barnard Nash Johnson from J. Edward Nash, 6/10/1954 To Mrs. Amelia Saunders from J. Edward Nash, 6/10/1954 To Mr. Charles M. Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 6/12/1954 To Howard University from J. Edward Nash, 8/28/1954 To Rev Nash from Daniel Streeter, 8/28/1954 To Daniel Streeter from J. Edward Nash, 8/28/1954 To Elizabeth Washington from J. Edward Nash, 9/15/1954 To Messers Doleman, Proctor & Families from J. Edward Nash, 9/16/1954 To Mr. Charles Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 10/27/1954 To Mrs. Oliver C. Payne from J. Edward Nash, 1954 To YMCA Secretary from J. Edward Nash, 1954 Twenty (20) additional letters were discovered for 1954 after the above list was compiled. Most of the letters are carbons of letters written to different persons by Mrs. Frances Nash. The additional letters are filmed at the end of the folder. 124 Correspondence, 1955 To Rev Porter W. Phillips from Rev Kenneth A. Bowen, 2/28/1955 To Rev. Samuel Proctor from J. Edward Nash, 5/2/1955 To Mr. James U. Doleman from J. Edward Nash, 5/28/1955 To Rev & Mrs. Nash from V. Wallace Michael, 9/21/1955 125 Correspondence, 1956 To Board of Directors, Buffalo Urban League from William L. Evans, 1/11/1956 To Rev and Mrs. Nash from Amelia Proctor, 9/7/1956 To Rev Nash from Rev H. Davey, 9/15/1956 To Rev Davey from Rev J. Edward Nash, 10/6/1956 To Mr. William L. Evans from J. Edward Nash, 11/13/1956 Rev. J. Edward Nash died in 1957. All of the correspondence after 1957 was to or from Mrs. Frances J. Nash. 126 Correspondence, 1959 To Friends in the Local Church from Mrs. Walter S. Corrie, 1959 127 Correspondence, 1961-81 All of the correspondence in this folder is to or from Mrs. Frances Nash 53 FOLDER NO. 128 FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Correspondence, n.d. The correspondence in this folder was not dated. 129 Correspondence, Before 1913 (found after previous folders for these years were filmed) Letters in this folder were discovered after the previous folders for these years were filmed. The dates range from the 1880s – 1912. The letters are filmed in date order. 130 Correspondence, 1913-1914, (found after previous folders for these years were filmed) Letters in this folder were discovered after the previous folders for these years were filmed. The dates range from 1913 – 1914. The letters were filmed in date order. 131 Correspondence, 1915, (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Letters in this folder were discovered after the previous folder for this year was filmed. The letters are all from 1915 and are filmed in date order. 132 Correspondence, 1916, (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Letters in this folder were discovered after the previous folder for this year was filmed. The letters are all from 1916 and are filmed in date order. 133 Correspondence, 1917, (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Letters in this folder were discovered after the previous folder for this year was filmed. The letters are all from 1917 and are filmed in date order. 134 Correspondence, 1918, (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Letters in this folder were discovered after the previous folder for this year was filmed. The letters are all from 1918 and are filmed in date order. 135 Correspondence, With WWI Soldiers, (found after previous letters for this period were filmed) Letters in this folder were discovered after the previous folders for this period were filmed. The letters are filmed in date order. 54 FOLDER NO. 136 FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Correspondence, 1919 (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Letters in this folder were discovered after the previous folder for this year was filmed. The letters are filmed in date order. 137 Correspondence, 1920, (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Letters in this folder were discovered after the previous folder for this year was filmed. The letters are filmed in date order. 138 Correspondence, 1921, (found after previous folder for this year was filmed) Letters in this folder were discovered after the previous folder for this year was filmed. The letters are filmed in date order. 139 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1925 140 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1925 141 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1925 142 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1931 143 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1931 144 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1931 145 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1931 146 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1932 147 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1933 148 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1933 149 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1933 150 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1933 151 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1934 152 Correspondence – Christmas Cards, 1935 153 Correspondence – Post Cards, 1913 55 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 154 Correspondence – Post Cards, 1920s 155 Correspondence – Post Cards, 1930s 156 Correspondence – Post Cards, 1940s 157 Correspondence – Post Cards, 1950s 158 Correspondence – Post Cards, n.d. 159 Council of Churches, 1927-1947 Approximately two linear inches thick, this folder contains correspondence, reports, promotional and other informational materials, 1927-1947. 160 Crescendo Club, 1963-1981 The Chescendo Club was the Buffalo branch of National Association of Negro Musicians. The folder contains an informational booklet, printed programs, and newsletters, 1963-1981. 161 Crime in the Buffalo Negro Community A report, 1948. 162 Crisis, The N.A.A.C.P. Magazine` Five issues, one from Dec. 1929, and four issues from 1937. 163 Davis, Rev. T. A printed program for his second anniversary at Friendship Baptist Church, 1931 Death of Rev. Nash Letters of condolence, and a funeral guest book, 1957. 164 165 Death of Rev. Nash Telegrams sent to the family, 1957. 166 DeGroat, Dr. Herman K. Degroat was a local white physician who sent regular contributions to the Michigan Street Baptist Church. The folder contains correspondence between DeGroat and Rev. Nash, mid 1930s. Some DeGroat correspondence may also be found in other correspondence folders. 167 Dett, Nathaniel Promotional material advertising Detts collected works. Dett was a native of Niagara Falls, n.d. 168 Dorsey, Leo (poem about Rev. Nash) A poem about Rev. Nash, 1937. 56 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 169 Dewey, Gov. Thomas A list of the Black men that Dewey appointed to political office, n.d. 170 Doctor of Divinity Diploma for Rev. Nash The diploma, 1912. 171 Dunbar, Paul Lawrence A list of his collected works, and an article written by Mrs. Dunbar, 1907. 172 Durham, Rev. Henry Program of the memorial for Rev. Durham, 1936. 173 Edison Street Baptist Church The first Italian Baptist Church. This folder contains the 40th anniversary printed program, 1936. 174 Empire Baptist Missionary Convention A souvenir program for the 64th Annual Session of the Empire Baptist Association, 1959. END MICROFILM ROLL #3 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #4 175 Empire Star Four issues of the weekly Buffalo African-American newspaper, 1940, 1949, 1954, and 1955. 176 Erie County Preaching Mission Material advertising a session of the Preaching Mission, 1945. 177 Faith and Freedom A monthly publication. The folder contains 8 issues from 1950. 178 Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs, 1931 Folder contains a tablet with a handwritten list of members and minutes from several meetings, 1931, faded text. 179 Financial Records A box of tablets, and ledger books showing financial matters pertaining to the Michigan Street Baptist Church and the Nash Household. Some are badly deteriorated. Some things were too fragile to film. Some not showing a date, but most are very early 20th century. 57 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 180 First Shiloh Baptist Church (Buffalo) A historical souvenir booklet , 1916-1945, 1945 181 Friendship Baptist Church (Buffalo) A printed program of the second anniversary of Rev. T. Davis, 1931. 182 Funeral Numerous funeral programs for deceased members of the Michigan Street Church. A wide range of dates. 183 Funeral Sermons of Rev. Nash Funeral sermons preached by Rev. Nash, Various dates. 184 Garden Club Mrs. Nash was a member of a garden club. This folder contains correspondence, information sheets, etc., 1940s. 185 Greater Hampton Movement This folder contains a Hampton Institute Fundraising pamphlet that features the history of the institution and some information about the school and its philosophy, with a forward by one of its most famous graduates—Booker T. Washington, n.d., but probably early 20th century. 186 Goodale, Walter S. (memorial) A printed program of a memorial service for W.S. Goodale, 1941. 187 Hardon, Harriet She was the wife of Milton Hardon (mother of Mrs. Nash?). She died in 1943. This folder contains the funeral guest book, 1943. 188 Hardon, Milton (legal papers) Mr. Hardon was the step-father of Mrs. Frances J. Nash. In the 1920s he operated a shoe shine parlor. He reportedly had a lifelong ambition to be a Buffalo policeman, but never got the chance. This folder contains numerous legal papers, 19teens-1920s. 189 Hardon, Milton (brass band) During the 20s, Mr. Hardon started a boys brass band for the youth of the community. This folder contains a tablet with a list of the instruments in that band, n.d. 190 Hardon, Milton (business related) Papers that are mostly business related to his shoe shine parlor, 1920s. 58 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 191 Hardon, Milton, Correspondence Correspondence written to Mr. Hardon, 1900-1950s. 192 Harris, Carmen (poem) A poem, 1962. 193 Harris, Mary Jane (estate) Legal papers pertaining to Ms. Harris’ estate, 1897. 194 Harty, Jeannette Papers from Ms. Harty’s saving and loan account, 1901. 195 Head Start After her husband died and in her later years, Mrs. Frances Nash was a senior aide with the School 12 Head Start Program. This folder contains a few related papers that she received from the Head Start Office. She is on the list of aides, 1960s or 1970s. 196 Henry, Edward W. A young Buffalonian who graduated from the Howard University School of law in 1896. He was a class speaker in the graduation ceremonies. This folder contains a printed program from that graduation event, 1896. 197 Hickory Street Center Folder contains correspondence, printed programs and a newsletter, 1932. 198 Historical Drama Two handwritten historical plays, n.d. 199 Holmes Insititute A History of the Institute, 1917-1946. 200 Howard University, 50th Anniversary Program A printed program from Howard University’s 50th Anniversary celebration. 201 Hughes, Gov. Charles Evans An invitation to an event attended by Gov. Hughes at the Buffalo Armory, 1908. 202 Humboldt Parkway Baptist Church After Rev. Nash died, the Michigan Street Church congregation moved to a different facility and became the Humboldt Parkway Baptist Church. This folder contains the printed souvenir 135th Anniversary program of that congregation. 59 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 203 Hutchinson Photography Club This was a high school club to which Jesse, Jr. was a member. The folder contains a list of members and a constitution, 1947. 204 Industrial Relations Report, 1956 A nine page report,1956. 205 Interracial Committee A copy of a resolution, n.d. 206 Jackson, Raymond E. Raymond Jackson was the brother of Mrs. Frances J. Nash. Mr. Jackson was a founder of the Colored Musicians Union in Buffalo, a traveling agent for the A F of L, and a 33rd degree Mason. This folder contains a souvenir program for a testimonial dinner honoring Mr. Jackson, 1980. 207 Johnson, William J. An insurance application that contains lots of personal information on Mr. Johnson. 208 King, G.M.P. Memorial Gate Rev. Nash was a graduate of Virginia Union Univ. That school also graduated many of the people who would become race leaders in the first half of the 20th century. G.M.P. King was apparently a very popular teacher at the school who had retired by 1913. Rev. Nash launched a campaign to get former alumni of the school to contribute money to build a monument to Mr. King. This folder contains much of the correspondence from that campaign. There are letters from many of the prominent alumni who sent money and/or letters of encouragement to Rev. Nash. Rev. Nash convinced Booker T. Washington to serve on an honorary committee that supported the idea, 1913 and 1914. The folder also contains the speech that Rev. Nash gave at the memorial dedication. Some correspondence on this topic may also be found in other folders. 209 Language Arts A notebook that probably belonged to Mrs. Nash when she was a student, n.d. 210 List of the books on Rev. Nash’s book shelf A list of books on the book shelf of the Nash Library, late 19th or early 20th century. 211 Literature A tablet with handwritten poems by noted black poets, n.d. 212 Macedonia Baptist Church Church program with a picture of Macedonia Church, 1974. 60 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 213 Marriage Certificate Registrations Marriage Certificate Registrations of marriages performed by Rev. Nash. Dates range from 1890s-1950s. 214 Marriage and the Home Conference A three page bibliography and a two page report, 1929. 215 McGuire, Dr. Myron Announcing a testimonial dinner for Mr. McGuire. Also a flyer showing that the Labor Party endorses his candidacy for Ellicott District Councilman, n.d. 216 Memorial A newsletter containing a memorial tribute to Rev. Nash, n.d. 217 Memorial Center A printed program for the Annual Memorial Center Student Choir. 218 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1850s Various papers related to the Church for the designated years. 219 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1860s Various papers related to the Church for the designated years. 220 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1870s Various papers related to the Church for the designated years. 221 Michigan Street Baptist Church—Utility Bills, 1870s This folder contains utility bills for the church during the decade of the 1870s. The bills are listed by year. 222 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1880s Various papers related to the Church for the designated years. 223 Michigan Street Baptist Church—Utility Bills, 1880s This folder contains utility bills for the Church during the decade of the 1880s. The bills are listed by year. 224 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1890s Various papers related to the Church for the designated year. 225 Michigan Street Baptist Church—Utility Bills, 1890s This folder contains utility bills for the Church during the decade of the 1890s. The bills are listed by year. 226 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1900-1909 Various papers related to the Church for the designated year. 61 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 227 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1910-1919 Various papers related to the Church for the designated year. 228 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1920s Various papers related to the Church for the designated year. 229 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1930s Various papers related to the Church for the designated year. 230 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1940s Various papers related to the Church for the designated year. 231 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1950s Various papers related to the Church for the designated year. 232 Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1960s Various papers related to the Church for the designated year. 233 Michigan Street Baptist Church, n.d. Various papers related to the Church, n.d. 234 Michigan Street Baptist Church, Church Programs, 1931-1960s Numerous church programs for the designated years. Programs are filmed in date order. 235 Michigan Street Baptist Church, History Three Histories of the Church: (1) A history of the church written in 1908 by William Talbert; (2) A history of the “Origins of the Michigan Street Church,” written in 1997 by Monroe Fordham; and (3) A newspaper clipping depicting the history of the Church, n.d. END MICROFILM ROLL #4 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #5 236 Michigan Street Baptist Church, Membership Lists An old address ledger with a hand written listing of names and addresses of members and the dates that some of them joined, n.d. Additional Church membership lists are in folders #2, 237, and 238. 237 Michigan Street Baptist Church, Membership Lists Two typed lists with names and addresses, n.d. Additional Church membership lists are in folders #2, 236, and 238. 62 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 238 Michigan Street Baptist Church, Members by Street of Residence, n.d. A hand written list of names of members by the Street that they lived on, n.d. Additional Church membership lists are in folders #2, 236, and 237. 239 Michigan Street Baptist Church, Visitor’s Cards A 5 inch thick stack of cards. Each card lists a name and address of a visitor to the Church, n.d. 240 Michigan Avenue Y.M.C.A. Newsletter, proposal for religious instruction, correspondence, list of church donors, and other papers pertaining to the Michigan Avenue Y., 1920s-1950s. 241 Michigan Avenue Y.M.C.A. Event – Poster The poster advertises a Michigan Y concert featuring the soprano singer Rose Mary Green, 1949. 242 Ministers’ Wives Alliance Various papers, 1930s. 243 Missionary Fund Financial papers, n.d. 244 Mohawk River Baptist Association A book of minutes for 1928. 245 Montgomery, Isaiah T. Montgomery founded the all-black town of Mound Bayou, Mississippi. This folder contains a one page biographical sketch, n.d. 246 Moral Building Poems by A.M. Thomas & A.E. Thompson A book of poems, n.d. 247 Morehouse College Several pamphlets, n.d. 248 Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, Rochester NY Souvenir programs and a brief historical sketch, 1930s. 249 Musicians Annual Picnic “Complete Report on the Picnic,” 1948. 250 NAACP Correspondence, list of members on program committee, one sheet dated 1939. Other materials are not dated. 63 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 251 Nash, Mrs. Frances J., 1920s-1980s (*Mrs. Nash also has filmed papers) Various papers from the years 1920s-1980s. 252 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Bid on Government Sewing Contract A bid proposal and a rejection letter on a government sewing contract during the WWII years. 253 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1914 Five personal letters written to Frances Jackson (her maiden name) in 1914. The letters are in date order. Researchers should also look for other letters to or from Mrs. Nash in the “correspondence folders.” 254 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1915 Seventeen personal letters written to Frances Jackson (her maiden name) in 1915. The letters are in date order. Researchers should also look for other letters to or from Mrs. Nash in the “correspondence folders.” 255 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1916 Twenty personal letters written to Frances Jackson (her maiden name) in 1916. The letters are in date order. Researchers should also look for other letters to or from Mrs. Nash in the “correspondence folders.” 256 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1917 Thirty-seven personal letters written to Frances Jackson (her maiden name) in 1917. The letters are in date order. Researchers should also look for other letters to or from Mrs. Nash in the “correspondence folders.” 257 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1918 Eighteen personal letters written to Frances Jackson (her maiden name) in 1918. The letters are in date order. Researchers should also look for other letters to or from Mrs. Nash in the “correspondence folders.” 258 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1919 Fourteen personal letters written to Frances Jackson (her maiden name) in 1919. The letters are in date order. Researchers should also look for other letters to or from Mrs. Nash in the “correspondence folders.” 259 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Correspondence, 1920 Twenty-two personal letters written to Frances Jackson (her maiden name) in 1920. The letters are in date order. Researchers should also look for other letters to or from Mrs. Nash in the “correspondence folders.” 260 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Notes from her bookkeeping class, 1909. Materials from Miss Frances Jackson’s bookkeeping or accounting class. 64 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 261 Nash, Mrs. Frances J. – Notes from her literature class, n.d. Notes that Miss Frances Jackson took in a literature class. 262 Nash, Mrs. Frances J., Scientific Living Correspondence to Mrs. Nash from “Scientific Living.” 1960s 263 Nash, Mrs. Frances J., Personal Personal , 1920s-1980s. A few letters that were not filmed in the above folders. Researchers should also look for other letters to or from Mrs. Nash in the “correspondence folders.” 264 Nash, Jesse Choir Printed programs and several other papers, n.d. 265 Nash, Rev. J. Edward Questionnaire A questionnaire sent to Rev. Nash, n.d. 266 Nash, Jesse (Jr.), Correspondence from Correspondence from Jesse, Jr. to his parents, 1948-1953. Some correspondence from Jesse, Jr., may also be in “Correspondence” folders. 267 Nash, Jesse (Jr.), Correspondence to Correspondence from his parents and others to Jesse, Jr., 1940s & 1950s. 268 Nash, Jesse (Jr.), Interview – transcript This folder contains the transcript of a taped interview of Prof. Jesse Nash, Jr.. The interview was conducted in October, 2001 by Dr. Felix Armfield, Department of history, Buffalo State College. 269 Nash, Jesse (Jr.), Model Cities Appointment News clipping on his appointment to Director of Buffalo Model Cities, 1967. 270 Nash, Jesse (Jr.), Personal Papers cover a range of dates. 271 Nash, Jesse (Jr.), School Work as a youngster Papers from Jesse, Jr’s early life in grade school, n.d. 272 Nash, Jesse (Jr.), School Work as a youngster Papers from Jesse,Jr’s. early life in grade school, n.d. 273 National Baptist Convention Printed programs, pamphlets, and other material, 1920s –1930s 65 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 274 National Scholarship Service Four page information report, n.d. 275 Negro Church, 1926-1936 Report by U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1941. 276 Negro Community (Buffalo), 1948 A report of the Buffalo Urban League, 1948. 277 Negro (the) and the Census A report by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1940. 278 Negro Progress in N.C. A pamphlet dated 1950. 279 Negro Theater Two printed programs dated 1933. 280 Negro Workers in the North, 1923? Several bulletins, 1923? 281 Negro Youth Information sheet, n.d. 282 New (the) Church Four page report, n.d. 283 Newspaper Clippings Badly deteriorated newspaper clippings, most are not dated. 284 Newsletters Several newsletters, 1928, 1946, & 1947. 285 New York Baptist Association, Receipts 1940 Financial records, 1940. 286 New York Baptist Missionary Conference, 1951-52 Published Reports, 1951-52. 287 New York Colored Baptists Printed programs for two state conventions, 1944 & 1945 288 Northern Baptist Convention Several documents, 1948 & 1949. 66 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 289 Open (the) Door A newsletter, 1929. 290 Opportunity Magazine This was the official magazine of the National Urban League. This folder contains 4 issues from 1923. 291 Opportunity School A church newsletter that has a speech by Rev. Nash, 1939. 292 Our Baptist Heritage, Sterne An address of Frederick Sterne, n.d. 293 Pamphlets One missionary pamphlet, 1934. 294 Passion Play of Buffalo The folder contains a printed program for a play that was performed at Canisius College in 1923. 295 Peacetime Conscription Satirical cartoons that make light of peacetime conscription. 296 Peoples Community Church, Buffalo NY A souvenir program for the 10th anniversary, Rev. D.M. Byrd, Pastor, 1948. 297 Personal, 1880s-1890s Numerous personal papers of Rev. Nash from designated time period. 298 Personal, 1910-1919 Numerous personal papers of Rev. Nash from designated time period. 299 Personal, 1920s Numerous personal papers of Rev. Nash from designated time period. 300 Personal, 1930s Numerous personal papers of Rev. Nash from designated time period. 301 Personal, 1940s Numerous personal papers of Rev. Nash from designated time period. 302 Personal, 1950s Numerous personal papers of Rev. Nash from designated time period. 67 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 303 Personal, 1960s Numerous personal papers of Rev. Nash from designated time period. 304 Personal, n.d. Numerous personal papers of Rev. Nash that are not dated. 305 Photographs Only the 5”x7”, and 8”x10” photographs were microfilmed. The five binders of photographs are preserved in clear sleeves and three ring photograph binders. Those are in the possession of the Michigan Street Preservation Corporation. 306 Pioneers of Buffalo A publication on prominent Buffalonians in the history of the city. Rev. Nash and the Michigan Street Church are featured on p. 34-36. 307 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church (Buffalo) 24th Anniversary printed program, 1950. END MICROFILM ROLL #5 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #6 308 Poems written by Rev. Nash Some of the poems are dated and some are not. They cover the period from 1900-1950. 309 Poro Numerous handwritten pages of poetry and prose, n.d. 310 Potter Street (20), 1920s, 1930s, and 1950s 20 Potter Street was the former home of Mrs. Nash (before marriage). This folder contains numerous papers, mostly about maintenance, for the period, 1920s-1950s. 311 Potter Street (20), Legal Legal documents for the same house, 1890s-1930s 312 Powell, Adam Clayton (sr.) “The attitude of Jesus toward world problems,” an address delivered at the annual meeting of the NAACP held at St. Marks A.M.E. Church, NYC, January 3, 1932. 68 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 313 Programs, 1890-1899 Note: The following “Program” folders contain printed programs from various community events for the years designated. These are probably programs that Rev. Nash and/or his wife attended. Some were Michigan Street Baptist Church programs and some were sponsored by other community organizations. A few were printed programs of testimonials or similar events honoring prominent Buffalo African Americans of that particular time period. 314 Programs, 1903-1919 Printed programs from various community events for the years designated. 315 Programs, 1921-1929 Printed programs from various community events for the years designated. 316 Programs, 1930-1939 Printed programs from various community events for the years designated. 317 Programs, 1940-1949 Printed programs from various community events for the years designated. 318 Programs, 1950-1959 Printed programs from various community events for the years designated. 319 Programs, 1960-1969 Printed programs from various community events for the years designated. 320 Programs, 1970-1979 Printed programs from various community events for the years designated. 321 Programs, 1980-1981 Printed programs from various community events for the years designated. 322 Programs, n.d. Printed programs from various community events for the years designated. 323 Progressive Herald, 1927 Seven issues of the community news weekly, 1927. 324 Property Tax 1940s and 1950s. 325 Property Tax Receipts For 1924. 69 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 326 Race Relations Numerous printed materials, plus a handwritten speech entitled “The Church and Interracial Relations.” (May be a speech of Mrs. Nash, this is not Rev. Nash’s handwriting). 327 Race Relations Sunday Information packets to help pastors craft sermons and teaching for “Race Relations Sunday.” 328 Reed, Myrtle An excerpt from her publication, n.d. 329 Religious Related Various publications that relate to religion. 330 Rent Book “Alma Berg – Frances Nash” Rent Book, 1942. 331 Republican Party Various papers connecting Rev. Nash to the Republican Party. 332 Resolutions Various resolutions of governmental bodies citing Rev. Nash’s achievements, 1950s. 333 Ross, Georgia Legal papers on her estate, 1916. 334 Scouts A Printed program, 1949. 335 Second Baptist Society (Buffalo) The original name for the Michigan Street Baptist congregation, when it was founded in the 1830s, was the Second Baptist Society. This folder contains an original handwritten resolution, 1844. The original was too fragile to handle more than once. The document was copied, and the copy was filmed. This folder also contains deeds and other legal papers from the pre-Civil War period. 336 Second Baptist Church (Fayetteville, WV) A printed program. 337 Sermon Notes Misc. sermon notes, most are dated 1930s. 70 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 338 Sermon Outlines, 1896 Folder contains 28 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 339 Sermon Outlines, 1897 Folder contains 106 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 340 Sermon Outlines, 1898 Folder contains 79 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 341 Sermon Outlines, 1899 Folder contains 44 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 342 Sermon Outlines, 1900 Folder contains 30 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 343 Sermon Outlines, 1901 Folder contains 26 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 344 Sermon Outlines, 1902 Folder contains 36 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 345 Sermon Outlines, 1903 Folder contains 32 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 346 Sermon Outlines, 1904 Folder contains 33 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 347 Sermon Outlines, 1905 Folder contains 33 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 348 Sermon Outlines, 1906 Folder contains 43 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 349 Sermon Outlines, 1907 Folder contains 35 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 350 Sermon Outlines, 1908 Folder contains 16 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 351 Sermon Outlines, 1909 Folder contains 26 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 352 Sermon Outlines, 1910 Folder contains 20 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 71 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 353 Sermon Outlines, 1911 Folder contains 38 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 354 Sermon Outlines, 1912 Folder contains 36 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 355 Sermon Outlines, 1913 Folder contains 43 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 356 Sermon Outlines, 1914 Folder contains 40 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 357 Sermon Outlines, 1915 Folder contains 42 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 358 Sermon Outlines, 1916 Folder contains 35 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 359 Sermon Outlines, 1917 Folder contains 30 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 360 Sermon Outlines, 1918 Folder contains 58 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. END MICROFILM ROLL #6 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #7 361 Sermon Outlines, 1919 Folder contains 59 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 362 Sermon Outlines, 1920 Folder contains 30 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 363 Sermon Outlines, 1921 Folder contains 42 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 364 Sermon Outlines, 1922 Folder contains 51 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 365 Sermon Outlines, 1923 Folder contains 56 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 366 Sermon Outlines, 1924 Folder contains 54 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 72 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 367 Sermon Outlines, 1925 Folder contains 48 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 368 Sermon Outlines, 1926 Folder contains 52 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 369 Sermon Outlines, 1927 Folder contains 47 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 370 Sermon Outlines, 1928 Folder contains 41 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 371 Sermon Outlines, 1929 Folder contains 40 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 372 Sermon Outlines, 1930 Folder contains 26 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 373 Sermon Outlines, 1931 Folder contains 26 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 374 Sermon Outlines, 1932 Folder contains 73 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 375 Sermon Outlines, 1933 Folder contains 30 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 376 Sermon Outlines, 1934 Folder contains 48 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 377 Sermon Outlines, 1935 Folder contains 53 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 378 Sermon Outlines, 1936 Folder contains 58 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 379 Sermon Outlines, 1937 Folder contains 65 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 380 Sermon Outlines, 1938 Folder contains 64 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 381 Sermon Outlines, 1939 Folder contains 59 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 73 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 382 Sermon Outlines, 1940 Folder contains 56 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 383 Sermon Outlines, 1941 Folder contains 59 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 384 Sermon Outlines, 1942 Folder contains 24 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 385 Sermon Outlines, 1943 Folder contains 41 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 386 Sermon Outlines, 1944 Folder contains 37 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 387 Sermon Outlines, 1945 Folder contains 56 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 388 Sermon Outlines, 1946 Folder contains 26 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 389 Sermon Outlines, 1947 Folder contains 40 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 390 Sermon Outlines, 1948 Folder contains 25 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 391 Sermon Outlines, 1949 Folder contains 26 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 392 Sermon Outlines, 1950 Folder contains 26 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 393 Sermon Outlines, 1951 Folder contains 28 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 394 Sermon Outlines, 1952 Folder contains 27 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 395 Sermon Outlines, 1953 Folder contains 9 sermon outlines. The sermons are filmed in date order. 396 Sermon Outlines, n.d. Folder contains 39 sermon outlines that are not dated. 74 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 397 Sermons Contains 3 sermons that are not filmed with other folders. 398 Sermons, Special Folder contains 19 sermons for special occasions. 399 Smitherman, A.J. Smitherman edited the Buffalo African American weekly newspaper the Empire Star (sometimes also called the Buffalo Star). A few copies of those papers are in folder #48 and folder #175. Smitherman had a reputation as an excellent writer. This folder contains a book of his poetry with a foreword by Rev. Nash and a Mr. Charles Diebold, 1951. The folder also contains two typed pages with two additional poems, 1931 &1943. 400 Speech, n.d. A speech by Rev. William Evans, n.d. 401 Speech Notes, 1890s-1920s Secular speeches and speech notes, 1890s-1920s. 402 Speech Notes, 1930s-1950s Secular speeches and speech notes, 1930-1950s. 403 Speech Notes, n.d. Lots of speeches!!! This folder is about 2” thick. About all of the speeches and speech notes are handwritten. None are dated, but all are probably late 19th and very early 20th century. 404 Speech Notes, “Long Pastorates” A speech entitled, “The Secret and Value of Long Pastorates,” n.d. 405 Speeches Speech notes from religious and secular speeches not included in other folders. 406 Speeches Speech notes from religious and secular speeches not included in other folders. 407 St. Philips Church Two church programs, 1973 & 1978. 408 Sunday School Two composition books with Sunday School class information, n.d. 75 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 409 Sunday School Various papers pertaining to Sunday classes, n.d. 410 Sunday School Class Books Rev. Nash taught a Sunday School class. This folder contains class books (attendance) for 1896, 1898, 1903, 1905, and 1907. Some books are not dated. 411 Sunday School Class Books Folder contains class books for Rev. Nash’s class for the years1897, 1904, 1912, 1915, 1916, and 1919. Some books are not dated. 412 Sunday School Treasurers Book Sunday School treasurers book for 1917; and information on Frederick Douglass Memorial Home. 413 Temperance Information sheet, “Suggestions for teaching on temperance,” n.d. 414 Talbert, Mary B., Biographical Biographical material and a picture, 1902. 415 Talbert, Mary B., Memorial Various materials on memorial programs for Mary B. Talbert, 1920s & 1930s. 416 Talbert, Mary B., Frederick Douglass Home Souvenir program of Dedicatory Exercises of Frederick Douglass Memorial Home, 1922. Mrs. Talbert was president of the national Colored women’s organization which campaigned for the establishment of the Douglass Home. 417 Talbert, Mary B., Naomi Chapter #10 This folder contains a printed program for the 45th Anniversary celebration of Naomi Chapter #10, p.h.o.e.s.. According to the printed program, the chapter was founded in 1904 by Mrs. Talbert, 1949. 418 Talbert, Mary B., Memorial Fund Various materials on an effort to establish a Mary Talbert Memorial. 419 Talbert, Mary B., article by An article written by Mary Talbert for a book on “Negro Literature,” 1902. 420 Talbert, Mary B., Personal Several pieces of correspondence to and from Mary Talbert; Several pieces of literature about her speaking engagements, 1917-1920. Some correspondence from Mary Talbert to Rev. Nash may also be in “Correspondence” folders for the years 1900 – 1920. 76 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 421 Tribute to Rev. Nash on his 70th Birthday Poetry and prose written by Ms. C. Jackson, 1933. 422 Trinity Baptist Church (Buffalo) A slinger advertising the purchase of property by Trinity Church, n.d. 423 Tuskegee Quartet Poster The poster advertises a concert featuring the quartet at Buffalo’s First Presbyterian Church, June 9, 19??. 424 United Holy Church of America Two church programs, 1940. 425 United Ministers Association, Baptists & Disciples, 1938-1945 A book containing minutes for the years, 1938-1945. 426 Union Baptist Church (Lackawanna NY) A printed church program, 1941. 427 Urban League Rev. Nash was a board member of the Buffalo Urban League. This folder contains numerous pieces of literature from the Buffalo and National Urban League, 1940s & 1950s. 428 Value of the Church (notes) Notes from several speeches on this topic, n.d. 429 Victory Garden Plan A proposal sponsored by numerous community groups to use city owned lots for victory gardens, n.d. Mrs. Nash was a big advocate for victory gardens. 430 Virginia Union Univ. Alumni A publication listing famous Virginia Union alumni. 431 Virginia Union University Various publications and other printed matter relating to Virginia Union. 432 Walker, Sherman L. A printed program of an “Anniversary Celebration honoring Supervisor and Mrs. Sherman Lewis Walker for their thirteen years of consistant service to Buffalo and Erie County Inhabitants,” June 8, 1947. 433 Washington, Booker T. An article written by Booker T. Washington, “The American Negro and his Economic Value,” 1900. 77 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 434 Washington, Booker T., in Buffalo A printed program of B.T. Washington’s appearance at the Michigan Street Baptist Church, 1910. 435 Washington D.C. (Colored) A book entitled A Historical, Biographical, and Statistical Study of Colored Washiongton, 1901. 436 Waverly Street (184) This property was apparently owned by Mrs. Nash. Folder contains numerous pieces of legal correspondence, 1961. 437 Western New York Baptist Association, 1920s Various papers pertaining to the Western New York Baptist Association for the years listed. END MICROFILM ROLL #7 BEGIN MICROFILM ROLL #8 438 Western New York Baptist Association, 1930s Various papers pertaining to the Western New York Baptist Association for the years listed. 439 Western New York Baptist Association, 1940s Various papers pertaining to the Western New York Baptist Association for the years listed. 440 Western New York Baptist Association, 1950s Various papers pertaining to the Western New York Baptist Association for the years listed. 441 Western New York Baptist Association, n.d. Various papers pertaining to the Western New York Baptist Association, n.d. 442 Western New York Baptist Association, Correspondence Correspondence and other printed material, 1940s. 443 Western New York Baptist Association, Ledger Book—1924 A ledger book, 1924. 78 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 444 Western New York Baptist Association, Ledger Books—1930s & 1940s Ledger books. 1930s & 1940s 445 White, Emma Coles Various legal documents and letters pertaining to the estate of Ms. White, 1928-29. 446 White, John H. Electric bills for Mr. White at 476 William Street, 1930s. 447 Will (1915) A will for Rev. Nash dated 1915. 448 William Street (476-480) A Michigan Street Baptist Church proposal to lease property on William Street to use as a community center, 1935. 449 Williams, Al Octette Promotional material, n.d. 450 Willard, Frances Memorial Proposal to establish a memorial for Ms. Willard for her leadership in the national temperance movement, 1924. 451 Willert Wading Pool Dedication A printed program of the dedicating ceremony . Rev. Nash gave the invocation, 1938. 452 WKBW Developments A pamphlet, 1946. 453 Women’s Club Programs, 1920s—1970s Various printed programs from Women’s’ clubs’ events, 1920s-1970s. 454 Women – Vocational Opportunities for Negro Women A pamphlet published by Lloyd’s Memorial Church, n.d. 455 Wright, Benjamin W. (Memories of) “Memories of Benjamin W. Wright.” Twenty or so pages of hand written notes in a diary format. The document was written by an old man around 1904. He relates some of his memories of life in Buffalo between the late 1850s and early 20th century. The context clues suggest that the man was an African American. He provides numerous insights about life in Buffalo during those years. 79 FOLDER NO. FOLDER TITLE & DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 456 Wright, Henrietta An account book labeled, “Mrs. Henrietta Wright’s Account. Many handwritten entries, 1921. 457 Writings, 1887 Personal writings of Rev. Nash that are dated for the specified period. 458 Writings, 1890s Personal writings of Rev. Nash that are dated for the specified period. 459 Writings, 1900-1910 Personal writings of Rev. Nash that are dated for the specified period. 460 Writings, 1911-1920 Personal writings of Rev. Nash that are dated for the specified period. 461 Writings, 1930s Personal writings of Rev. Nash that are dated for the specified period. 462 Writings, n.d. (early 20th century) Personal writings of Rev. Nash that are not dated, but are from the early 20th century. 463 Writings, n.d. (early 20th century) More personal writings of Rev. Nash that are not dated, but are probably from the early 20th century. 464 Writings, n.d. (early 20th century) More personal writings of Rev. Nash that are not dated, but are probably from the early 20th century. 465 YMCA Various materials pertaining to the Buffalo YMCA 466 Young Peoples Society of Christian Education Four pamphlets outlining the purpose, history, and constitution of the Young Peoples Society of Christian Education. This entire Index is filmed at the end of microfilm roll #8 80 Buffalo Afro-American Collection Microfilmed Local History Records During the past three decades, the Afro-American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier, Inc., working in conjunction with the History Department at Buffalo State College, has attempted to preserve historical records and papers pertaining to the Western New York AfroAmerican community on microfilm. That microfilming project has served as a model for small community historical agencies with limited operating budgets. The microfilmed records are deposited at three locations; the North Jefferson Branch Library and Center for Local AfroAmerican History and Research (332 E. Utica, Buffalo, NY 14208); Butler Library, Buffalo State College; and the Monroe Fordham Regional History Center, Buffalo State College. The following titles are held at those three locations: B.U.I.L.D. of Buffalo challenge to license renewal of radio stations WNIA and WSAY, 1975-1976. Includes the proceedings of hearings, plus supporting documents. 3 rolls. Buffalo Cooperative Economic Society Records; Plus Personal Papers of Dr. and Mrs. E.E. Nelson. (The Society was founded in the 1920s and survived through the 1960s). 3 rolls. Niagara Community Center Association (Niagara Falls, NY) Records and Papers, 1927-1977. 1 roll. B.U.I.L.D. of Buffalo, New York, Corporate Records and Papers, 1967-1975. 5 rolls. The Colored Musicians Union of Buffalo, Additional Records and Papers, 1917-1960s. 4 rolls. The African World Newspaper, October, 1970September, 1975. Partial roll. On same roll ATTICA NOW. (Misc. papers and publications of a Buffalo based prison reform activist group, 1970s. Partial roll. 1 roll Urban League of Buffalo, Corporate Records and Papers, 1927-1977. 1 roll. St. Phillips Episcopal Church Records and Papers, 1860s-1970s. 1 roll. **Urban League of Buffalo (series 2), Misc. Buffalo Urban League Papers and Reports that were not filmed with the above collection. On same roll George W. Smith Memorabilia filmed on other part of roll. Partial roll. 1 roll. Michigan Avenue Y.M.C.A. Records and Papers, 1926-mid 1960s. Partial roll. On same roll Dr. Anna Porter Burrell Papers, 1940s-1970s. Partial roll. 1 roll. The Colored Musicians Union of Buffalo, New York, Records and Papers, 1917-1975. 1 roll. Highland Avenue Neighborhood Corporation, 19801984. 1 roll. Black Revolutionary Action Movement, 1960s. Political literature and other papers and records from the files of Mr. Ernest Allen. 1 roll. Raphael DuBard Papers, 1950s-1970s. 2 rolls. R. Nathaniel Dett Papers, 1882-1943. Partial roll. On same roll Buffalo Challenger, April 1968 - August 1970. Partial Roll. 1 roll. Buffalo Criterion, 1940 - January 1, 1999. 18 rolls. Bethel A.M.E. Church of Buffalo, Records and Papers, 1920s-1960s. 3 rolls. Buffalo Challenger Newspaper, Vol.1 No.1 April 11, 1963 - October 21, 1998. (missing Jan. 1964-June 81 1965). April 1968 - August 1970 filmed with Nathaniel Dett Papers. 16 rolls. New York African American Institute, 1986-1991. 1 roll. Thomas Papers, Carolyn Bernice McClester, 1940s1980s. 2 rolls. Afro-Americans in New York Life and History, Vol. No. 1 (Jan. 1977) - Vol. 20, No. 2 (July 1996). 1 roll. Buffalo Affirmative Action Commitee, Proceedings, correspondence, etc., 1973-1978. Partial roll. Grace Manor Nursing Home Founding Committee Papers, 1989-1993. 1 roll. Noles Papers, Eva, 1940s-1980s. 4 rolls. Michigan Street Preservation Corporation Papers, 1996-1998. 1 roll. Housing Opportunities Made Equal (H.O.M.E.) Records and Papers, 1963-1985. 4 rolls. UPDATE of collection, 1985-1995, 2 rolls. Acker, Daniel Papers. President of Buffalo Branch NAACP from 1972 until his death in 1997. 1 roll. **Smith Memorabilia, George W.,1927-1977. Partial roll. (filmed with Urban League papers, Series 2). Erie County LINKS: Records and Papers; 1987-2000. On same roll Mary Crosby Chappelle: Misc. speech notes, a one year diary, and personal reflections and comments on various themes. 1 roll. Institute for Peoples Enterprises, Records and Papers, 1960s-1980s. 2 rolls. First Shiloh Baptist Church Records and Papers, 1917-1980s. 6 rolls. Fordham Papers, Monroe: Personal and Professional Files, and files on numerous Community Organizations, 1960s-1999. 3 rolls. Buffalo Hispanic Newspapers and Misc. Materials, 1975-1981. 1 roll. Buffalo Branch N.A.A.C.P.: Misc. papers from the files of . Dates range from the 1960s-1990s. 1roll. Buffalo LINKS Organization, Records and Papers, 1954 - 1988. 3 rolls. Nash Papers, Frances Jackson, (wife of Rev. J. Edward Nash of Buffalo NY): Papers from the files of. 1 roll. Community Food Center of Western New York, Historical Records and Papers, 1980s. 1 roll. Nash Papers, Rev. Dr. J. Edward. Personal papers cover the period late, 19th century – 1950s. 8 rolls. Hunter Papers, Juanita K.. The files of Mrs. Hunter during her tenure as president of the New York State Nurses Association. Mid 1980s - 1990. 2 rolls. Addendum, more records that were discovered and filmed later, index of new records included, 2 rolls. Last revised 12/01 African American Studies Department, Buffalo State College, 1969-1989. 3 rolls. Jesse Thomas Dunson Papers. 1 roll. Black Faculty and Staff Association Papers, Buffalo State College, 1974-1989. 1 roll. Afro-American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier Papers, 1972-1993. Two rolls, each roll has its own index. 2 rolls. Ellicott District Coalition, Misc. Papers, 1968-1982. partial roll. 82