Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page

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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page
1. Read HTML and XHTML Tutorial 1: HTML 1.03 Developing a Basic Web
Page: Creating a Web Page for Stephen Dube’s Chemistry Classes
Make sure you download your data files for your Test #1 such as the following: go to
www.course.com this was done earlier:
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
2. Read Tutorial 1: HTML3, HTML 4, HTML5, HTML 6, HTML7, HTML8,
HTML9, HTML 10 FIGURE 1-5 – The Chemistry Class handout, HTML 11,
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
1. Ensure that you can access your data files from your zip drive, usb flash drive or
A: drive.
2. Carat a new document with a text editor such as: word or note pad or FrontPage
3. HTML 15: Type the following using FrontPage or Word or Note Pad. If you use
note pad or word processing please copy and page your HTML Code to
Front Page such as:
Word processing:
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
Note Pad:
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
4. Using your text editor such as frontpage, note pad or word, save your file as
chem.html in the tutorial.01/tutorial folder where your Data Files are stored, but do
not close your text editor. The text you typed should look similar to the text
displayed in Figure 1-6.
Initial HTML Code in chem.htm
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
4. HTML 16 – To view Stephen’s Web Page:
5. Start your browser. You do not need to be connected to the Internet to view local
files stored on your computer or disk.
6. After your browser loads it’s home page, open the chem.html file that you saved
in the tutorial.01/tutorial folder.
Such as:
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
5. READ HTML 17: Working with Block-Level Elements and Creating Headings
such as: <hy>content</hy> noted the <hy> is an open and </hy> is a close tag
with the / and open tag is without a / <hy>
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
6. READ HTML 14 and Type using front page:
The Structure of an HTML File: Now that we’ve studied the general syntax of
HTML tags, we’ll create our first HTML Document. The most fundamental element
is the HTML DOCUMENT itself. WE MARK THIS ELEMENT USING THE TWOSIDED <html> tag as follows:
The opening <html> tag marks the start of an HTML document , and the closing
</html> tag tells a browser when it has reached the end of that HTML
document. Anything between these two tags makes up the content of the
document, including all other elements, text, and comments.
An HTML document is divided into two sections: the head and the body. The head
element contains information about the document – for example, the document’s
title, or keywords that a search engine on the Web might use to identify this document
for other users. The content o fthe head element is not displayed within the Web
page, but Web Browsers may use it in other ways; for example, Web browsers
usually display a documents title in the title bar.
The body element contains all of the content to be displayed in the Web page. It can
also contain code that tells the browser how to render that content.
To mark the head and body elements, you use the <head> and <body> tags as
Note that the body element is placed after the head element.
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
The first thing we’ll add to the document’s head is the page title, also know as the
Title Element. A given document can include only one title element. You create a
title by inserting the two-sided <title> tag within the documents head. Since Stephen
wants to give his page the title, “Mr. Dube’s Chemistry Classes”, our HTLM code
now looks like this:
<title>Mr. Dube’s Chemistry Classes</title>
The technique of placing one element within another is called nesting. When one
element contains another, you must close the inside element before the outside
element, as shown in the code above. It would not be correct to close the outside
element before closing the inside one, as in the following code sample:
<head><title>Mr. Dube’s Chemistry Classes</head></title>
Now that you’ve seen how to insert HTML tags, let’s start crating the chemistry Web
Page. In addition to the above code, we’ll also add a comment at specifies the page’s
purpose and author, as well as the current date.
7. READ HTML 17: FIGURE 1 – 8: html headings
8. HTML 18 – HTML Headings
This is an h1 heading
This is an h2 heading
This is an h3 heading
This is an h5 heading
This is an h6 heading
9. Inserting a Heading
To define a heading use they syntax
where y is a heading number 1 through 6, and content is the content of the heading.
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
10. HTML 19: To Add heading to the Chemistry file:
11. To Add Heading to the Chemistry file:
1. Using your text editor, open chem.htm, if it is not currently open.
2. Place the insertion point after the <body> tag, press the ENTER key to move the
next line, and then type the following lines of code:
<h1 style=”text-align: center”>Mr. Dube’s Chemistry Classes</h1>
<h2 style=”text-align: center”>at Robert Service High School</h2>
<h2>Chemistry Classes</h2>
<h2>Class Policies</h2>
Note: See Figure 1-9: Displays the revised code. To make it easier for you to follow
the changes to the HTML file, new and modified text in the figures is highlighted in
red. This will not be the case in your own text files.
HTML 20: FIGURE 1-9 Entering Heading Elements:
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
3. Save your changes to D:\tutorial.01\tutorial\chem..html. You can leave your text
editor open.
Now view the revised page in your Web Browser IE.
To display the revised version of the chemistry page:
1. Return to your Web browser. Note that the previous version of chem.htm
probably appears in the browser window.
2. To view the revised page, click View on the menu bar, and then click Refresh. If
you are using a Netscape browser, you will need to click view and then click
Trouble? If you closed the browser or the file in the last set of steps, reopen your
browser and the chem.htm file.
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
The updated Web Page looks like figure – 1-10
Figure 1-10: Heading as they appear in the browser: In order for your HTML
command to show exactly like it’s preview below do the following:
1. Type your HTML command in Note Pad. Then, Edit, Select All, copy and
paste to Frontpage (HTML) TAB.
2. Go to Front Page (HTML) – TAB and Paste your HTML Code from Note
Pad is listed below.
3. Go to Front Page (PREVIEW) – TAB (your screen shot should look like the
following listed below:
FIGURE 1-10: HEADING as they appear in the browser:
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
12. HTML 21: Creating Paragraphs:
The Next step is to enter text information for each section. As you saw earlier, you
can insert a paragraph electne using the <p> tag as follows:
Where content is the content of the paragraph. When a browser encounters the
opening <p> tag , it starts a new line with a blank space above it, separating the new
paragraph from the preceding element. In earlier versions of HTML when standards
were not firmly fixed, Web authors would often include only the opening <p> tag,
omitting the closing tag entirely.
While many browsers still allow this, your Web pages display more reliably if you
consistently use the closing tag. Additionally, if you wish to write XHTML –
compliant Code then you must include the closing tag.
Creating a Paragraphs: To create a paragraph, use the syntax:
Where content is the content of the paragraph.
To enter paragraph text:
1. Return to chem..htm in your text editor such as Notepad, word or Front Page.
2. Place the insertion point at the end of the line that creates the h2 heading, “at
Robert Service High School”, and press the Enter key to crated a blank line.
3. Type the following text in notepad and copy to Front Page:
<p>Welcome to the Robert service High School Chemistry Web page.
Here you’ll learn more about our chemistry classes and our policies.</p>
4. Press the Enter Key to insert a blank line below the paragraph.
Note: that a blank line is not required for the text to display correctly in your
browser. However, adding this space makes it easier for you to read the code by
separating the first paragraph from the heading that follows. See Figure 1-11.
Inserting the first pargraph – Figure 1-11
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
5. Save your changes to chem..htm.
6. Using your Web browser, refresh or reload chem..htm to view the new
paragraph. See figure 1-12.
13. HTML AND XHTML 22 and HTML 23:paragraph in the browser
Hypertext Markup Language and Extensible Hypertext Markup Language
Figure 1-12: First paragraph in the browser:
To Enter the remaining paragraphs:
1. Return to the chem..htm file in your text editor such as notepad, word or
2. Below the h3 heading “Grading,” insert the following three paragraphs:
<p>Homework: is worth 5 to 10 points and will be given
daily. A quiz consisting of 1 or 2 homework problems from the previous
week may be given in place of homework.</p>
<p>Tests and Quizzes: Quizzes are worth 10 to 25 points and will be
given at least once a month. Tests are worth up to 100 points and
will be given three times each quarter.</p>
<p>Labs: Labs are worth 10 to 30 points and will be graded on
safety, participation, and write-up. Reports should be neatly
written or typed. Research projects will also be assigned throughout the
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
3. Below the h3 heading “Appointments,” insert the following paragraph:
<p>You can meet with Mrs. Bordallo before 6:00 p.m. or after class or during
hours in room D8. Do not hesitate to ask for help! It can be very hard to
catch up with your test #1
and Test #2 if your fall behind. Please make an effort to complete Test #1 and
Test #2.
Thank you, Mrs. Lily C. Bordallo, BAED/VTSE/Computer Technology, AS Computer
Science and Certificate,
Pursuing a Master Degree in Supervision and Manage/Online Teaching and Learning
in Education Thank you.</p>
4. Below the h3 heading
“safety,” insert the following paragraph:
<p>Labs are completed weekly. Because of the potential danger on any
lab exercise, you will follow the highest standards of conduct.
Misbehavior can result in dismissal from the lab.</p>
5. Save your changes to the file:
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Test #1: Tutorial 1: Developing a Basic Web Page:HTML AND XHTML
6. Return to your Web browser and refresh or reload chem.htm to view the new
7. Figure 1-14 displays gthe revised version.
14: HTML AND XHTML 24: Creating Lists