Inamori Fellowship Program APPLICATION The Inamori Foundation’s Kyoto Prize recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to society ( SDSU is the host of the Kyoto Laureate lectures each year and, in keeping with the goals of the Inamori Foundation, will recognize superior scholarship and contribution through graduate fellowships. The Inamori Fellowship Program will make ten awards annually in the amount of $5,000 to the most qualified, degree-seeking SDSU graduate students. Applicants must have at least two semesters remaining in their program. Awards may be used to supplement income, buy out of teaching obligations, and cover travel or related expenses. Criteria for Review A subcommittee of the Student Research Committee will review and rate applications based on merit. The primary criteria used to evaluate applications are: Academic background (undergraduate and graduate record) Scholarly accomplishments (e.g., awards, publications, presentations) Work completed and planned Training environment (The committee is interested in the physical facilities that you have access to including library resources, lab equipment (if applicable), office/performance space, computing resources. In addition, the availability of time you have to focus on your research and pursuit of your degree is important. Overall productivity of the research group is also an area that would be considered "environment.") Faculty mentor recommendation Application Package Components 1. Applicant Information 2. Academic background and accomplishments (1 page bio-sketch) 3. Program of Study – work completed and planned (maximum 300 words) 4. Training environment (maximum of 300 words) 5. Faculty mentor letter of support Submission Complete the application including required signatures. Scan and save as a single lowresolution PDF file (files exceeding 5 MB and multiple PDF files will not be accepted) and email the document to the Division of Research Affairs ( No paper submissions will be accepted. Applications must be received by October 15, 2010. Awards will be announced in late November. Do not include this page with your application Inamori Fellowship Application Instructions: Complete each section of this application. Do not exceed word limits. 1. Applicant Information Last Name First Name College Department Units completed Program GPA Phone Email Red ID # Faculty Mentor Degree Objective Mentor’s Email I presently receive support from other sources (e.g., scholarship, faculty mentor’s grant, financial aid): Yes _________ No ________ Other Support Yes ____ No ___ 2. Academic background and accomplishments (a one-page narrative summary of your professional /educational achievements, GPAs, presentations, publications, affiliations, areas of interest, etc.): 3. Program of Study – Work completed and planned (maximum 300 words): 4. Training Environment: Describe resources, time and productivity of lab/center (maximum 300 words): 5. Append/scan faculty mentor letter of support. Applicant’s Signature: Date: Faculty Mentor Signature: Your signature acknowledges your review and recommendation of this application. Faculty Mentor: Date: