
Timeline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict up to 1945
Task 1: Research
a. Video: Watch the video clip from "The British Empire in Colour1" to start
developing this timeline; the URL is at the bottom of the page. (You should have
watched this before from previous homework)
b. Web: Do a Google search for "Arab-Israeli Conflict Timeline" and develop the
timeline further.
c. Textbook: Finally, compare your choices to those in our textbook readings I’ve
assigned. Did you include them all? Are there any the book misses out which you
think should have been included? Be picky about what you put in each line. Use only
those events that are worth noting and were major factor in that time period.
• Remember that you should end at 1939 (the outbreak of World War Two).
• There are 20 rows in this table, which you should treat as a maximum. Select your
events carefully.
• The completed timeline should go over no more than two sides: it is an overview
only. Use your words carefully. Don’t write an essay in each box!
• It makes sense to highlight key words / concepts in bold for revision purposes.
You should work alone on this. No group work. You may ask questions of your table
mates, but no collaboration beyond that.
Now pay close attention to this part: This is to be submitted to me via
DROPBOX or EMAIL by 11:59 p.m. today, Friday, October 18. Why? Because I’m
out of town at IB econ training and won’t be back on campus until Tuesday morning.
BUT today is the last day of the quarter and I must have this graded and entered in
Gradebook by Monday evening. So I will do my best to look at these over the
weekend before I even get back to Seoul, because that’s how I roll. This will be the
final graded assignment of the quarter, If it’s late, it will be noted as a zero in
Gradebook. There is no time for makeup at this point, so put your nose to the
grindstone and get it done. In short, when I wake up Saturday morning, my inbox
should be filled with emails from you, and it won’t hurt to include a nice message to
me as well.
This is worth 20 points.
Early Events
035 A.D.
The Jews crucify Jesus Christ and thereby make themselves enemies of Christians everywhere.
135 A.D.
The Jews are expelled from Palestine after revolting against Roman rule. They become refugees and
Palestine is gradually populated by Muslim Arabs, who – like the Jews and the Christians - regard
Jerusalem as a Holy City.
Jewish refugees all over Europe are banned from Christian trades, and treated with contempt as
'Christ Killers'. Many turn to banking, the only trade closed to Christians. This gives them a reputation
as greedy moneylenders.
At the same time, the Holy Land is torn apart by the Crusades: the clash of Christians and Muslims for
control of the area, particularly Jerusalem.
In the following centuries, many countries persecute and even expel the Jews:
• England (Jews expelled 12th Century);
• Spain (Jews expelled 15th Century);
• Russia (Jews expelled 19th Century);
• France (Jews persecuted early 20th Century).
Birth of Zionism
World War One
The British Mandate
The Arab Revolt