Mr. Sarka 2014-2015 This year at Duncan MacMillan High I will be teaching English 10, English 11, and Healthy Living 7. I will also be one of our Resource teachers, and the Junior High Support Teacher. Junior High Support works collaboratively with school personnel, parents and students in the design, implementation and review of Adaptations and Individualized Program Plans (IPPS) assists parents and other professionals in planning effective transitions for students with special needs works with students to be successful academically, socially and behaviorally works directly with students on individualized programming outcomes assists students in their development of self- advocacy skills works as a liaison between junior high students, staff members, and administration Resource Teacher works collaboratively with school personnel, parents and students in the design, implementation and review of Adaptations and Individualized Program Plans (IPPS) assists parents and other professionals in planning effective transitions for students with special needs tracks and reports student progress with meeting individualized outcomes works directly with students on individualized programming outcomes assists students in their development of self- advocacy skills Classroom Teacher (English 10, English 11, Healthy Living 7) Deliver curriculum outcomes as mandated by the province of Nova Scotia. Diversify curriculum to meet the individual needs of those enrolled in my classes. Work with students on an individual basis to achieve their goals. Communicate with parents or guardians. Work collaboratively with the school planning team, administration, resource teachers, other classroom teachers, and students to implement IPPs and adaptations as needed and mandated. Your student’s assessments will be updated on PowerSchool regularly. Please review PowerSchool on a regular basis to monitor your student’s success. Please email or phone for further clarification if needed. Helpful Information: Public School Outcomes are statements of what students are expected to know and be able to do at various points in their school career. These can be Public School Program (PSP) Outcomes, or they can be ”individualized”, and developed specifically for an individual student. Parents are valued members of their child’s Program Planning Team. At the end of September/beginning of October, parents will be invited to share information about their child’s strengths, learning needs and aspirations at a Program Planning Team meeting. Based on information gathered by the team, individualized outcomes will be developed. The Program Planning Team will then review the Individualized Program Plan (IPP) document at least twice annually (November/December) and May/June). Progress towards achievement of the outcomes is recorded on each report card. Visit the Nova Scotia Department of Education’s website for relevant documents that can be downloaded and/or ordered including: Gifted Education and Talent Development Guide Program Planning Process: Parent Guide Special Education Policy Supporting Student Success: Fact Sheet Series Transition Planning for Students with Special Needs: The Early Years through to Adult Life Assessment and Evaluation When reporting on the achievement of students on Individual Program Plans (IPPS), evaluations will be based on a student’s progress in meeting the individualized outcomes outlined on the IPP. Recommended services and supports, roles and responsibilities and review dates are outlined in the Individualized Program Plan. Evaluation and assessment information is gathered and shared from a variety of sources and contexts with members of the student’s Program Planning Team including teachers, parents and other professionals. Methods of evaluation include but are not limited to: formal and informal observations, task analysis, portfolios, developmental inventories and checklists, work samples, rubrics, interviews and conferences, functional behavioural analysis and formalized assessments. “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” –Nelson Mandela- For More Information Contact: Mr. Kyle Sarka Duncan MacMillan High School Phone: 902.885.2777 Ext: 1227