PHED 349: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN ALTERNATIVE ENFIRONMENTS TERM PLANNING CALENDAR >>>as of 03.10.01 This Planning Calendar will be posted on the class website. It is the student’s responsibility to review the website for any updates or changes to this calendar. Each update will feature the words…”as of”…followed by the most current date of revision”. Also available to the class is a special Alternative Environments bulletin board immediately adjacent to the double glass doors leading to the Aquatic Centre. This board will feature related articles to the course content. Following is a list of the units of study for the term including recommended readings from the three course textbooks and the electronic text. They will be noted as #1, #2, #3 or #4 , as presented on page one of this course outline. Readings for each unit are to be completed prior to the class. If there is a reading from any of the course resources, it will be specifically identified. September Class already completed 9 (T) (KN B: 128) Unit I: Orientation to class: Distribution of Course Outline; class communications; course objectives; attendance; site locations; linkage with KN 321. + Unit II: Why alternative environments Readings: #1: Chapter 10: pp 218-228; #2: Chapter 1; Chapter 3: pp 44-59; Chapter 6: pp 145; Chapter 10: pp 263-264; #3: Program of Studies: pp 1-33; Planning: page 42; Appendix A: pp 223-224; #4: pp 1-10 and pages 16. 23, 44, 50, 52, 53, 58, 60, 62 Class already completed 11 (R) (KN B 128) Unit II: continued: Developing philosophical foundations for teaching physical education in alternative environments Class already completed 16 (T) (KN B 128) Unit II…continued: Is the risk worth taking? Class already completed 18 (R) (KN B 128) Unit II…concluded: Risk management & must knows + The Risk Management Assessment assignment explained: due date: Oct 16 Class already completed 23 (T) (Gold Gym) Unit III: Skill Acquisition …biomechanical principles for general movement efficiency; …the analysis of skill performance: maturation, mechanical efficiency or technical knowledge … assessing participant skill level proficiency. (7 stages) …determining a starting point for teaching a skill …skill vs concept: what works best? Readings: #1: Chapters 2, 3, 4 & 10: pp 208-218; #2: Chapters 4, 5 and 13; #3: pp 35-42 1 PHED 349 Term Planning Calendar As of: 03.10.01 Continued… Class already completed 25 (R) (Aquatic Centre: classroom KN A 167 & pool) Unit III: continued Developing a teaching hierarchy for a physical skill or concept utilizing the aquatic curriculum as an model … the aquatic curriculum (beginning, intermediate and advanced modules of aquatic skills) … pre-assessment techniques: maturation, mechanical efficiency or technical knowledge … selection of a starting point; … progressive learning sequencing: the KUTZ theory (beginning skills); Class already completed 30 (T) (Aquatic Centre: classroom KN A 167 & pool)) Unit III… continued: … equipment and resources … effective communications: VAK (visual, auditory and kinesethic) … the initial learning experience and effective use of demonstrations … learning methods: discovery, guided discovery, command October 2 (R) (Aquatic Centre: classroom KN A 167 & pool) Unit III…continued … practicing: individual vs massed practices; repetitions; … formations … monitoring … feedback and motivation + The Teaching Assessment/Observation Report assignment explained: due date >> Oct 30 7 (T) (Aquatic Centre: classroom KN A 167 & pool) Unit III: concluded: Performance Assessment Techniques: Teacher and/or student techniques in the aquatic environment + Teaching an Aquatic Skill assignment explained: due dates: Nov 18 >> Nov 27 Readings: #1: Chapter 11; #2: Chapter 11; #3: ;Appendix B: pp 231-273 9 (R) (KN B 128)) Unit IV: Developing effective lesson plans for physical education + The Lesson Plan assignment explained: due date >> November 13 Readings: #1: #2: pp170-177; #3: pp 215-230 14 (T) (site TBA) Unit V: Utilizing “initiative games” in alternative environments + Teaching of an Initiative Games Skill assignment explained: due dates: Nov 18 >> Nov 27 Readings: #1: Chapter 17; #4: page 44 16 (R) (KN B 128) Organizational Day for preparation of model teaching in an Alternative environment: Rock Climbing and an Aquatic Sport + Risk Management Assessment assignment DUE 2 PHED 349 Term Planning Calendar As of: 03.10.01 Continued… 21 (T) (OPC climbing wall and Aquatic Centre) Model Teaching an activity in the Alternative Environments: Rock Climbing & an Aquatic Sport Participation, observation and debriefing: 50% of the class at each site for two days…and then rotate 23 (R) (OPC climbing wall and Aquatic Centre) Model Teaching an activity in the Alternative Environments: Rock Climbing & an Aquatic Sport Participation, observation and debriefing: 50% of the class at each site for two days…and then rotate 28 (T) (OPC climbing wall and Aquatic Centre) Model Teaching an activity in the Alternative Environments: Rock Climbing & an Aquatic Sport Participation, observation and debriefing: 50% of the class at each site for two days…and then rotate 30 (R) (OPC climbing wall and Aquatic Centre) Model Teaching an activity in the Alternative Environments: Rock Climbing & an Aquatic Sport Participation, observation and debriefing: 50% of the class at each site for two days…and then rotate + Teaching Assessment/Observation Report DUE November 4 (T) Preparation Day for Student Use: pool or initiative games areas 6 (R) Preparation Day for Student Use: pool or initiative games areas 11 (T) NO CLASS: Remembrance Day Holiday & Reading Day 13 (R) (KN B 128) Course Examination: all class content and assigned readings + Lesson Plan Assignment DUE 18 (T) Skill Teaching: Day 1 of 4: pool and initiative games area 20 (R) Skill Teaching: Day 2 of 4: pool and initiative games area 25 (T) Skill Teaching: Day 3 of 4: pool and initiative games area 27 (R) Skill Teaching: Day 4 of 4: pool and initiative games area December 2 (T) (KN B 128) LAST DAY OF CLASS: Examination de-brief; class feedback; teacher evaluations; a look ahead to winter term 4 (R) NO CLASS 3 4