Minutes - Patient Reference Group Meeting Tuesday 18th November 2014 – 1pm Apologies: Louise Marley, Pauline Benn Cross, Juliet Gane, Alan Gane & Kay Larkin. Attended: Sue Hannah, Gillian Troughton, Susan Hunter, Kirsty Morley. (1) Sue Hannah from Health Watch Cumbria Attended to introduce herself and Healthwatch Cumbria, meet the group and gain some understanding into the role of the PRG at Distington Surgery. Email: info@healthwatchcumbria.co.uk Website: www.healthwatchcumbria.co.uk (2) New staff/leavers Leavers Nurse Laura McKeown Apprentice Thomas Metcalfe New Staff Apprentices Emily Fitzsimmons & Rachel Cunningham both working towards an NVQ level 2 in Business Administration. Emily within the team in the dispensary and Rachel within the reception and admin teams. Recruitment of another nurse – Hope to have a new member of the nursing team in place by Christmas 2014. (3) MJOG (Patient text messaging service) Some problems recently which we were aware of and have rectified and there was also further feedback from the group. Action 1. Kirsty to forward this feedback to the reception manager and to inform the group at the next meeting as to the action taken. (4) Patient Survey Discussed as to what the group would like to include on the next patient survey. The system in which to be seen by any of the nurses for any chronic conditions, as this has now been in place for over a year. Online booking. At the last survey a number of patients stated an online booking service for appointments would be beneficial to them. An online booking system is now in place so to ask questions around that, are patients aware this is available, do they use it, what do they like, what do they not like. Patient Group – Highlight the group, encourage new members to join, if we met at a different time/day would this encourage patients to join? Etc. The group could not think of anything else at this point in time and it was agreed that should they think of something they would like to include they will email or telephone Kirsty with any suggestions Telephone 01946 830 207 Email: Kirsty.morley@GP-A82023.nhs.uk (5) Any other business A well person drop in clinic suggested where patients can drop in to see a nurse and then if need be a doctor is also available if required. Action 2. Kirsty agreed to take this suggestion to partners for consideration and feedback to the group at the next meeting. Texting to landline – The group felt this would be a good idea/how do patients feel about this/cost implications. Action 3. Kirsty to pass this on to Kerri the Practice Manager to discuss re the cost implications and to go from there and feedback to group at next meeting. Date of the next meeting agreed: Wednesday 4th March 2015 at 1pm.