CHE 322 CHAPTER5_CAL CHAPTER 5 CALIBRATIONS, STANDARDIZATIONS, AND BLANK CORRECTIONS A. CALIBRATING SIGNALS B. STANDARDIZING METHODS C. LINEAR REGRESSION 1 CHE 322 A. CHAPTER5_CAL CALIBRATING SIGNALS Goal of calibration To detect and correct for systematic errors. y b0 b1 x Periodic calibration of equipment and instruments is highly recommended, because the response of most instruments changes with time as a result of wear, operators’ abuse, change in room conditions (temperature, moisture, dust, etc…). Operator/ personal error must and should be minimized by care and selfdiscipline in checking instrument readings, notebook entries, calculations, etc… Balance calibration ***Correction of mass for the buoyancy of air 1 1 WV Wa 1 Do DW WV : Wa : Do : DW : 0.0012 object's true weight in vacuo object's weight in air object's density density of calibrating weights 0.0012 g cm 3 : density of air under laboratory conditions 2 CHE 322 CHAPTER5_CAL Spectrophotometer calibration Problem 4.18 60.06 ppm K2Cr2O7 in 0.0050 M H2SO4 has a known absorbance of 0.640 at 350.0 nm. A l C extinction coefficient/ molar absorptivity S. Ebel, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 1992, 324, 769 Wavelength (nm) 233 Absorbance of K2Cr2O7 (60.06 mg/L) in 5.0 mM H2SO4 in 1-cm cell 0.748 0.010 257 0.865 0.010 313 0.292 0.010 350 0.640 0.010 3 CHE 322 CHAPTER5_CAL STANDARDIZING METHODS Determine k experimentally Determine the relationship between the measured signal/ response and the amount of analyte. Measure the signals of standard materials B.1 Primary and Secondary Standards A primary standard: reagent of known purity and composition, so that the mass or volume determined is an accurate measure of the number of moles of the reagent. Important requirements for a primary standard 1) High purity Established methods for confirming purity should be available. Have been carefully analyzed by supplier and the assay is printed on the container label. 2) Atmospheric stability: stable in solid or solution form during long-term storage 3) Not hygroscopic A secondary standard is a reagent of composition determined by use of a primary standard. Several secondary standards are hygroscopic or hydrated reagents. 4 CHE 322 CHAPTER5_CAL Some Common Primary standards (Appendix 2, P729) (National Institute of Standards and Technology/ NIST) Zinc Zn metal Strong reducing agent for (Cd, Cu) Magnesium Mg metal Potassium bromide Calcium carbonate KBr 119.01 CaCO3 100.09 Acid-Base and Redox Standards Reagent Formula KHC8H4O4 FW (g/mol) 204.23 Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (KHP) Sodium carbonate Sodium Oxalate Standard acid Na2CO3 106.00 Standard base Na2C2O4 134.00 Potassium Dichromate Potassium Bromide Potassium iodide K2Cr2O7 294.19 Reducing agent (used to standardize permanganate solutions) Oxidizing agent KBr 119.01 KI 166.00 Mild reducing agent Potassium iodate KIO3 214.00 Oxidizing agent Reagent grade chemicals Reagent conforming to standards set by the American Chemical Society. Must be used to prepare primary and secondary standards. Preparation of Standard Solutions By weighing and dissolving solid standard material or by serial dilutions of a stock solution. Sources of errors: mass determination, volumetric glassware calibration, dilutions. 5 CHE 322 B.2 CHAPTER5_CAL Single Point Standardization A single standard solution used to determine k S k s tan d Cs Assumptions a) proper 'blank' has been used b) k is constant throughout the full range of concentration of interest. B.3 Multiple-Point Standardization A least three standard solutions are used, and the signal measured is plotted against the concentration to generate a calibration curve. B.3.1 External Standards Standards are analyzed in the absence of the matrix of the sample to determine k. The signal generated by a sample containing the analyte is measured to obtain the concentration. Signal versus [analyte] in standards can be: 1. Linear (normal calibration curve) with 0 intercept and with intercept 0 Sstd= kCs Sstd= kCs + Sreag 2. Nonlinear Limitation: differences between the standards matrix and sample matrix may introduce systematic errors. Solution: Use matrix matching or use standard addition method 6 CHE 322 CHAPTER5_CAL B.3.2 Standards Additions (A) Single point standard addition V S samp kC A o Vf V V S spike k (C A o C std std ) Vf Vf CA S samp C std Vstd Vo ( S spike S samp ) 7 CHE 322 CHAPTER5_CAL (B) Multiple-point standard addition Spike a series of sample with increasing amounts of standard. The measured signal ( S spike ) is given by equation kC AVo kC sVs Vf Vf Plot S spike versus Vs S spike Slope = k y-intercept = kC AVo Vf x-intercept = C AVo Cs Slope V f CA kCs Vf Cs y int ercept V f C AVo y int ercept C s Slope Vo Limitation: a standard addition calibration curve can not be used for other samples. 8 CHE 322 CHAPTER5_CAL B.3.3 Internal Standard Internal standard is a known amount of a compound different from the analyte added to the unknown. The signal from the unknown is compared to the signal from the internal standard to find out how much analyte is present. Useful when the sample analyzed or the instrument response varies slightly from run to run for reasons that are difficult to control. e.g. -sample concentration changes during the analysis -Non-controlled Instrumental drifts Requirements 1) must not react with analyte or matrix 2) its signal must not overlap with the analyte signal 3) but have properties very similar to those of the analyte Example: Problem 5.10 9 CHE 322 B. CHAPTER5_CAL LINEAR REGRESSION AND CALIBRATION CURVES What is the best straight line through calibration data? Least square method: minimize the sum of the squares of the residuals C.1 UNWEIGHTED LINEAR REGRESSION WITH ERROR IN Y Errors in y are not dependent on value of x. All standards contribute equally to the error in the regression analysis d i yi (b0 b1 xi ) residual error d i2 yi b0 b1 xi 2 n d i2 i 1 Assumptions 1) error about regression is due to indeterminate errors affecting the values of the signal measured (y). 2) inderteminate errors on the y values are similar and normally distributed 3) errors on y values do not depend on the value of x 4) errors on standards are similar and much smaller than error on y. Results S xx xi x S yy yi y 2 xi xi2 n 2 2 2 yi yi n S xy xi x yi y xi yi b1 2 xi y i n S xy S xx b0 y b1 x 10 CHE 322 CHAPTER5_CAL Standard deviation about regression sr S yy b02 S xx n2 yi b0 b1 xi 2 n2 Standard deviation of the slope s r2 S xx sb 1 Standard deviation of the intercept sb s r 0 xi2 n xi2 xi 2 Confidence Intervals 1 b1 tsb 1 0 b0 tsb 0 Standard deviation on a calculated x value y b0 x x b1 s sx r b1 m 2 yx y 1 1 2 m n b2 x x i 1 number of replicate measurements Confidence interval for the analyte's concentration x x ts x t for (n-2) degrees of freedom 11 CHE 322 C.2 CHAPTER5_CAL WEIGHTED LINEAR REGRESSION WITH ERRORS IN Y C.2.1 Checking the validity of the assumptions used for unweighed linear regression analysis Plot residuals versus x. C.2.2 When error in y depends on x b1 b0 wi n wi xi yi wi xi wi yi n wi xi2 wi xi 2 wi yi b1 wi xi n nsi 2 si 2 si : standard deviation of y i Read example 5.13 12 CHE 322 C.3 CHAPTER5_CAL CURVILINEAR AND MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION Curvilinear 1) linearize relationship between the two variables take log, reciprocal, square roots, exponentials 2) Use nonlinear regression Multivariate S meas k AC A k I C I S reag 13 CHE 322 D CHAPTER5_CAL BLANK CORRECTIONS Blank solutions: solutions containing reagents and solvents used in analysis but 'no deliberatly added analyte. Typical blanks measure the response of the analytical method to impurities and interfering species in reagents. Blanks correct for constant sources of errors An optimal Blank must correct for 1) Solvent effects 2) Reagent effects 3) Effects of interactions between analyte and sample matrix Types of blank corrections 1) Calibration blank (CB) Missing matrix 2) Reagent blank (RB) Missing analyte 3) CB and RB Missing analyte and matrix interactions 4) Total Youden Blank/ true blank correction Signal versus samples of different sizes Suggested problems 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.13 Homework (40 points) 5.12 14