ILEX Accredited Centre Application Centre

Accredited Centre Application Form
Issued March 2012
We are pleased that you are interested in becoming a CILEx Accredited Centre
and we look forward to working in partnership with you in the future. Please
complete the form and submit it, along with relevant supporting documents and
the CILEx accredited centre fee, to the below address:
Pauline Scrivener
Centre Liaison Officer
Kempston Manor
MK42 7AB
If your centre has more than one site, you will be required to provide relevant
information for each site. Please note that in this instance only one annual
accreditation fee will be charged to your centre.
Should you have any queries regarding completion of the application
form, please contact the CILEx Centre Liaison Officer.
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1. Centre Details
Centre’s name:
Type of organisation (e.g. FE College, Private Training Provider, University,
Sixth Form College etc.):
Centre’s UK register of learning providers UK provider reference number
(UKPRN) if known:
Head of Centre name and contact details:
Centre’s address (including post code) and contact details (including
telephone, email & website):
Delivery address of CILEx programmes same as above?
If no, please provide the address for each site in the space below and relevant
details in Sections 2 to 7 of this form.
Centre’s application includes subcontractors/satellite sites? YES
If yes, please provide the address for each site in the space below and relevant
details in Sections 2 to 7 of this form.
Other accreditations held by your Centre/satellite site(s) including but not
limited to: Awarding Organisations, Quality Assurance Agency (QAA),
Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), British Accreditation Council,
Accreditation UK:
How will CILEx programmes be funded? (E.g. will students be required to pay
for the programme costs and/or will your centre receive public funding?)
Please tick boxes as appropriate:
Self funding
Employer funding (wholly)
Employer funding (part)
Public funding
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(specify below)
2. CILEx Programmes of Learning
Why do you want to deliver CILEx programmes and what demand has been
Title of CILEx programmes your Centre intends to deliver
3. Centre Staff
Course coordination/programme manager’s name and contact details at the
Centre/satellite site(s):
CILEx Tutor(s) name(s) and contact details based at the Centre/satellite
CILEx Tutor/s qualifications and experience:
What managerial resource is in place to support the CILEx programmes to be
delivered by the Centre?
4. Centre Resources
What resources and facilities will be available to CILEx Learners at your
Centre/satellite site(s)?
5. Examinations
Examination Officer’s name(s) and contact details (including details relating
to any satellite sites):
Examination Venue(s) details (including details relating to any satellite sites):
What measures and facilities are in place to deliver and maintain security of
CILEx examinations/assessments (including satellite sites)?
6. Professional Skills Units
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What internal quality assurance procedures have you in place to verify that
Learners’ assessments are valid and are submitted in accordance with
CILEx’s requirements? (If you have a policy/procedure document relating to
this entry please leave the below box blank and submit the document only).
7. Centre Documents in Support of Application
To confirm that your centre has the appropriate arrangements and
documentation relating to policies, procedures and requirements in place,
please provide CILEx with centre documentation applicable to Learners
addressing the following:
Employment and Public Liability Insurance
Health and Safety Policy
Data Protection Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy, compliant with current Equalities Law and
which includes the centre’s policy for the provision of
Reasonable Adjustments for Learners where appropriate
Complaints Procedure
Internal Centre Malpractice Procedures
Internal Centre Appeals Procedures
Internal quality assurance/internal verification procedures (applicable to
Professional Skills units)
Learner Handbook or equivalent information
(Please indicate where documents are
relevant policies)
cross referenced (e.g. Learner Handbook contains all
How will your centre ensure CILEx Learners are aware of the below CILEx
Policies and Procedures?
CILEx Examination Regulations
CILEx Professional Skills Regulations
CILEx Examination Registration Regulations
Guidance for Candidates: Reasonable Adjustment and Special
CILEx Results Enquiries and Appeals Procedures
CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Student Malpractice
CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Accredited Centre
Malpractice or Maladministration
CILEx Annual Schedule – Key Dates and Deadlines
CILEx Guide for Exemption Applications
CILEx Qualification Handbooks
CILEx Unit Specification Handbooks
7. Private Training Providers only:
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Please ensure the following documents are submitted with your application:
Copies of centre approval(s) from relevant accrediting organisations (e.g.
QAA, ISI, British Accreditation Council, Accreditation UK etc.)
A copy of your last business accounts (please inform us if you are unable
to provide accounts because your centre is new)
A copy of your business plan
The name and addresses of the organisation’s directors or equivalent
(home and business)
If your centre is wishing to accept students from outside the EEA on CILEx
programmes of learning, we will require you to submit your centre’s Home
Office approval for foreign students relating to Highly Trusted Sponsor
8. Payment/return details
The accreditation fees for the academic year 2012/2013 are:
Sixth Form/Community College/Further Education/Higher Education
Private training providers:
Please confirm the centre’s preferred method of payment of the CILEx
Accredited Centre annual fee.
o Cheque
☐ (payable to The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives)
☐ (forward a copy of BACs payment notification)
Please complete Section B Centre Agreement/Declaration before
submitting your application form to CILEx
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CILEx Accredited Centre Agreement
1. The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives
2. [Insert name and address of centre]
This agreement will be in place from the date of agreement by both parties and will
remain in place for a period of 5 years. This agreement can be terminated by either
party, in writing with at least 3 months notice.
This agreement is for the purpose of clearly specifying the role and responsibilities of a
centre in their dealings with CILEx. By signing this agreement the centre confirms their
understanding of the terms and conditions and agrees to adhere to the requirements
herein. The terms specified in this agreement will be referred to where there is any
dispute or disagreement relating to the role and responsibilities of a CILEx centre.
Centre means an organisation undertaking the delivery of qualification and assessments
(and potentially other activities) to Learners on behalf of an awarding organisation.
Centres are typically educational institutions and private training providers.
Awarding Organisation (CILEx) means an organisation recognised by Ofqual in
respect of the General Conditions of Recognition (May 2011) and award or authentication
of a specified qualification, or description of qualification.
The Centre hereby agrees that it will:
(1) CILEx policies and procedures
 Ensure centre staff are familiar with and adhere to the following CILEx policy
documentation and guidance all available from the CILEx website
o CILEx Examination Regulations
o CILEx Professional Skills Regulations
o CILEx Examination Registration Regulations
o Instructions to Examination Centres and Invigilators
o CILEx Results Enquiries and Appeals Procedures
o CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Student Malpractice
o CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Accredited Centre
Malpractice or Maladministration
o CILEx Guidance for Candidates: Reasonable Adjustment and Special
o CILEx Annual Schedule – Key Deadlines and Dates
o CILEx Guide for Exemption Applications
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CILEx Level 3 and Level 6 Qualifications Handbooks
CILEx Level 3 and Level 6 Qualifications - Unit Specifications
CILEx Professional Skills Units – Tutor and Candidate Materials and guidance
(2) CILEx programmes of learning
 Ensure CILEx programmes follow the syllabus as detailed in the relevant CILEx Unit
Specification, are adequately resourced and adhere to the following:
o Structured into delivery sessions that cover relevant topics and subject matter,
incorporate time for lost lectures and revision and the assessment of students’
o Comply with assessment requirements in accordance with the CILEx
qualification(s) requirements.
o Are reviewed at least annually.
(3) Learner registration
 Ensure adequate assessments of Learner’s existing skills, knowledge and
understanding is made prior to registration on CILEx programmes.
 Work towards the full implementation of all the requirements associated with
qualifications accredited to the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). This
includes arrangements for the acquisition of Unique Learner Numbers (ULNs) for
Learners, and the development of systems and processes necessary to ensure that
students’ QCF achievements and their associated credit are both tracked and
(4) Learner information and support
 Provide Learners with accurate and up to date information and guidance, including a
Learner Handbook or similar information pack, at the start of an CILEx programme
covering the following:
o Centre enrolment procedures and induction programme
o Programme structure and syllabus coverage
o Programme tutor contact details
o Learner induction programme
o Timetable
o Learning support available to Learners including reasonable adjustments
o CILEx examination registration procedure and relevant dates
o CILEx Professional Skills units submission procedure and relevant dates
o Programme fees
o Learner conduct and attendance requirements
o Cancellation rules
o Centre complaints procedure for Learners
o Centre facilities/resources
o CILEx contacts
o Details of any Learner representative groups and meetings
o Internal centre malpractice procedures
o Internal centre appeals procedures
Ensure Learners are familiar with the following CILEx policy and guidance documents
available from the CILEx website:
o CILEx Examination Regulations
o CILEx Professional Skills Regulations
o CILEx Examination Registration Regulations
o CILEx Results Enquiries and Appeals Procedures
o CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Student Malpractice
o Guidance for Candidates: Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration
o CILEx Level 3 and Level 6 Qualifications Handbooks
o CILEx Level 3 and Level 6 Qualifications – Unit Specification Handbooks
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o CILEx Annual Schedule – Key Deadlines and Dates
o CILEx Guide for Exemption Applications
Gain feedback from Learners regarding the centre’s CILEx programmes through
satisfaction questionnaires and Learner representative groups.
(5) Centre staff
 Retain a workforce of appropriate size and competence to undertake the
management and delivery of the qualification.
 Ensure CILEx Tutors hold a recognised qualification in Law, such as CILEx
Fellow/Graduate, or a Law degree and have obtained or are working towards an
accredited teaching qualification.
 Provide CILEx Tutors with appropriate inductions and continuing professional
development, including attending CILEx training events, to ensure that they can
maintain their expertise and competence to deliver the CILEx qualifications.
(6) Centre resources
 Have adequate systems and resources in place, including staff, sufficient managerial
resources, finances, equipment, materials and software, to support the delivery of
the CILEx qualifications.
 Ensure all equipment and accommodation used for the purpose of qualification
delivery and assessment complies with the requirements of Health and Safety
regulations and current Equalities Law and any successor legislation. Required
resources facilities include:
o Lecture room(s)
o Private study room(s)
o Learning resources and IT facilities are relevant and current
o Refreshments facilities
o Examinations venue (with appropriate provision for invigilation and security or
make alternative arrangements)
o Facilities to protect the security and confidentiality of assessment materials and
records, including examination question papers, examination scripts and
Professional Skills assessments before, during and after the assessment has
taken place.
(7) Sub-contractors/satellite sites
 Have an appropriate and effective system for the management of all sub-contracted
services and that all policies and requirements referred to within the CILEx
Accredited Centre Handbook will apply to all satellites affiliated to the centre, for
example, remote assessment sites or delivery points.
 Have appropriate arrangements and agreements in place with any third parties or
suppliers who provide goods or services to the centre which contribute to the delivery
and/or assessment of the qualification.
(8) Retention of records
 Keep complete and accurate records for at least three years from the end of the year
to which they relate, for all CILEx qualifications and make these available to CILEx
upon request. These include (but are not limited to):
o Learner attendance
o Learner performance
o Learner assessments and related feedback
o Learner feedback
 Have appropriate measures to ensure students’ personal data is held in accordance
with current Data Protection legislation.
(9) Examinations
 Encourage Learners to register for their examinations in line with CILEx procedures
and the Key Deadlines and Dates as published by CILEx.
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Provide suitable facilities for CILEx Learners to sit all examinations for all units taught
at the centre. This includes suitable accommodation, desks and chairs.
Ensure that the delivery of CILEx examinations conforms to the following documents:
o CILEx Examination Regulations
o CILEx Instructions to Examination Centres and Invigilators.
Maintain the security and integrity of CILEx examinations:
o Take receipt of examination/assessment material and hold securely until the time
of the scheduled examination/assessment
o Ensure CILEx Tutors and teaching staff are not permitted to have access to the
examination materials before, during and after the examinations and are not
present during examinations
o Confirm each Learner’s identity in accordance with CILEx procedures prior to the
examination taking place
o Returning the completed examination/assessment materials and Invigilator’s
report Forms to CILEx at the end of each examination
o Report any incidence of potential examination malpractice by Learners and/or
centre staff immediately to CILEx.
Make arrangements to put in place (as far as is reasonably practicable) CILEx
approved reasonable adjustments for Learners as detailed in Guidance for
Candidates: Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration.
Confirm examination venue details on an annual basis and inform CILEx immediately
of any changes to examination venues.
(10) Professional Skills Units
 Encourage Learners to register to have their Professional Skills assessments
submitted in line with CILEx procedures and the Key Deadlines and Dates as
published by CILEx.
 Tutors adhere to the requirements relating to the delivery, registration and
submission of the Professional Skills units as detailed in:
o Qualifications Handbooks
o Professional Skills Units: Tutor Guidance and Candidate Materials
o Professional Skills Unit Specifications
o Professional Skills Regulations
 Ensure internal quality assurance (internal verification) procedures are in place which
quality assure and standardise assessment decisions across the centre before work is
dispatched to CILEx for external moderation.
 Conduct the assessments for the Professional Skills Units in accordance with the
CILEx Professional Skills Regulations.
 Report any incidence of potential Professional Skills malpractice by Learners and/or
centre staff immediately to CILEx.
 Maintain the security and integrity of the Professional Skills Units and materials in
accordance with the Professional Skills Units: Tutor Guidance and Candidate
 Make arrangements to put in place (as far as is reasonably practicable) CILEx
approved reasonable adjustments for Learners as detailed in Guidance for
Candidates: Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration.
(11) Equality and diversity
 Undertake the delivery of the qualification in accordance with current Equalities Law
and CILEx’s reasonable adjustment policy.
 Ensure that there are no unnecessary barriers in the access to learning and that the
special needs of individual Learners are met in relation to learning and assessment.
(12) Malpractice and maladministration
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Have in place robust procedures for preventing and investigating incidents of
malpractice or maladministration.
Take all reasonable steps to prevent incidents of malpractice or maladministration
occurring including implementing actions or measures directed by CILEx after the
completion of a malpractice or maladministration investigation.
Promptly notify CILEx of any incidents of malpractice or maladministration in line
with the requirements of CILEx’s policy and procedures as detailed in:
o CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Student Malpractice
o CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Accredited Centre
Malpractice and Maladministration
Provide access to documents, records, data, staff, third parties, Learners, satellite
centres or any other resources required by CILEx during an investigation of
malpractice or maladministration.
(13) Regulatory and legal obligations
 Take all reasonable steps to ensure that CILEx is able to comply with the General
Conditions of Recognition.
 Comply with all relevant law, regulatory criteria and codes of practice as updated and
amended from time to time, including the General Conditions of Recognition.
 Provide CILEx and the regulatory authorities, on reasonable notice, with access to
premises, people, information, documentation and records as required, and to fully
cooperate with CILEx’s monitoring activities, including but not limited to providing
access to any premises used (including satellite sites).
(14) CILEx monitoring activities
 Assist CILEx in carrying out any reasonable monitoring activities as part of the
centre’s on-going CILEx Accredited Centre status and comply with CILEx’s risk
monitoring procedures as detailed in the CILEx Accredited Centre Handbook and
sanctions as set out in the CILEx Centre Withdrawal Policy.
 Contact CILEx immediately in the event of any risks identified relating to the delivery
of the centre’s CILEx programmes of learning.
(15) Withdrawal of approval and interests of learners
 Cooperate fully with CILEx in cases where either the Centre or CILEx decides it needs
to withdraw the centre from its role in delivering the qualification irrespective of
whether the withdrawal is voluntary or not.
 Take all reasonable steps to protect the interests of Learners in any withdrawal of the
centre (whether voluntary or not) from its role in delivering a CILEx qualification in
line with the CILEx Centre Withdrawal Policy.
(16) CILEx centre accreditation fees
 Make payment of all valid invoices presented by CILEx within the stated terms and
CILEx hereby agrees that it will:
Set-out all the requirements with which the centre must comply in order to continue
to deliver the CILEx qualifications. These requirements can be found within the
Agreement, the CILEx Accredited Centre Handbook and associated CILEx policies
and procedures.
Answer accurately, fully and within reasonable time any reasonable enquiries
received from Users of the qualifications.
Provide effective guidance to the centre in respect of the delivery of qualifications
which the centre undertakes.
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Upon request, provide the centre with guidance on how to best prevent, investigate
and deal with malpractice or maladministration.
Provide information in relation to:
o The policy for issuing invoices, payment of invoices and the retention and content
of invoices
o The sanctions policy to be applied in cases where centres fail to comply with the
CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements
o A written complaints procedure
o Information on the appeals process to enable the results of assessments to be
o A published specification for each of the qualifications made available.
o Published details of the arrangements for making reasonable adjustments
o Published details of the arrangements for giving special consideration
o Published details of CILEx key dates and deadlines
o Published details of the expected dates for timescales for the issue of results.
Comply with the requirements of data protection legislation in relation to all personal
data supplied by the centre.
Comply with the requirements of current Equalities Law.
Specify a process to be followed in any withdrawal of the centre (whether voluntary
or not) from its role in delivering a qualification, or from qualification/centre
approval in general.
Take all reasonable steps to protect the interests of Learners where the centre
withdraws from the delivery of the qualification.
Publish and make available to the centre a sanctions policy to be applied in the
event that the centre fails to comply with CILEx requirements. Details on the full
range of possible sanctions for accredited centres can be found in Appendix C of the
CILEx Accredited Centre Handbook.
I, the undersigned, declare that the centre understands that this is an enforceable
agreement between the centre and CILEx. I further understand and agree that this
agreement applies for the whole period of time during which the Centre operates as an
‘approved’ centre of CILEx and CILEx has the right to issue updates and amendments to
the agreement from time to time.
I accept that if the centre defaults on the commitments made in this application it may
lead to the removal of qualification approval and possibly centre recognition status in line
with CILEx’s sanctions policy.
I declare that I am authorised by the centre to supply the information given above and,
at the date of signing, the information provided is a true and accurate record to the best
of my knowledge. I further declare that I am authorised by the centre to sign this
agreement on behalf of the Centre.
The parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the ‘date of
agreement’ specified below. I agree to act in accordance with the requirements specified
in this agreement.
Signed for and on behalf of
[Centre] by:
Signed for and on behalf of
CILEx by:
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DATE OF AGREEMENT: ______________________________________________
AGREEMENT END DATE: _____________________________________________
Subject to your centre’s continued compliance with the CILEx Accredited
Centre Requirements, and payment of the annual accredited centre fee, your
CILEx accredited centre status will continue until the agreement end date as
specified above.
Please apply for re-accreditation a minimum of 28 working days before the
agreement end date.
Please submit your completed application form, relevant
supporting documents and the CILEx accredited centre
fee, to the below address:
Pauline Scrivener
Centre Liaison Officer
Kempston Manor
MK42 7AB
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