T H E I M PA C T O F C L I M AT E C H A N G E O N A C L I M AT E SEVERITY INDEX Background Phillips and Crowe (1984) defined a Climate Severity Index for Canadians (CSI) to measure the impact of climate on human comfort and well-being and the risk of certain climatic hazards to human health and life on a scale from 0 to 100. They calculated their CSI for a large number of Canadian locations and published tables and maps showing how the index varies across the country (see Figure at left. In general it varies strongly from south to north and from coastal areas to inland. Canada’s least severe climates (i.e. low values of CSI) are found on southeastern Vancouver Island, the Okanagan Valley of British Reproduced below from original Reproduced from Phillips and Crowe 1984)Phillips and Crowe Columbia, southern Alberta Report, 1984). and southern Ontario and the most severe (i.e. high values of CSI) are found in the Arctic Archipelago. Phillips and Crowe used data from 1941-1970 but there is clear evidence that the Canadian climate has changed since then (i.e. it has become warmer and wetter in most regions), which raises the question of how climate severity as represented by the CSI may have changed. Perhaps even more interesting is the question of the impact of climate changes expected in the future as a result of increasing levels of atmospheric green house gases. These questions and the problems that arise in solving them are typical of those that arise regarding the impacts of climate change on a whole range of issues important to Canadians. The problems include the need for weather elements that are not readily available from today’s climate models as well as disparities in space and time scales between those that are available and those that are needed for impact studies. This article presents the results of recalculations of the Climate Severity Index using more recent data for a sample of Canadian locations showing how it has changed even since the original calculation was made. In addition, it presents a scenario 1 of possible future CSI change associated with a climate change scenario from the Canadian coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model2. This article is based on a larger study carried out with funding from the Climate Change Action Fund, the results of which are available as a CICS technical report (Murdock and Lee, 2001) The Climate Severity Index The Phillips and Crowe CSI is a weighted combination of a number of climatic subindices or indicators measuring different factors of climate stress and hazard to human beings. It is important to note that it was not designed to measure other types of climate severity that could be important to the ecology or the economy, some of which could represent indirect hazards to human well-being. Table 1 shows the sub-indices of the CSI, the type of climate data used to calculate them and their contribution to the overall CSI. Phillips and Crowe experimented with several different weighting schemes for the sub-indices and showed that the ranking of Canadian locations was little changed for a range of reasonable choices, especially for locations with CSIs near the extremes of the range of CSI. Their chosen scheme gives half the weight to winter and summer discomfort factors and half to all the others (psychological factors, hazard factors and outdoor mobility factors). The largest single contribution is for winter discomfort, which is consistent with the fact that Canadians are frequently driven to flee their own country for warmer climes to the south, but they rarely flee to the north to escape oppressive heat! Phillips and Crowe used arbitrary tables of points for various ranges (not shown here) of the input variables (see last column description Table 1) to calculate the sub-indices for the CSI. The range of points for each sub-index was scaled by its chosen contribution to the overall CSI. Recalculation of the Climate Severity Index using more recent hourly data Phillips and Crowe used daily data for 146 stations for the latest 30-yr climatological period available to them (1941-1970) and hourly data for a ten-year ‘time-window’ (1957-1966). For this particular study, a data set of hourly data for a 15-station sub-set of the original 146 for the period 1953-1995 was available. This is a record somewhat longer in time (43 years) but with much poorer geographic coverage. In order to verify the methodology, the CSI was recalculated using a time-window of this data (1953-1970) The term “Scenario” has a number of usages: 1) in a general context it means a plausible description of the future 2) an emission scenario is a projection of future emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols 3) a climate scenario refers to the ‘future climate’ projected by a climate model of a future time period, this latter definition depending upon the particular emission scenario which is used to guide the future state of the climate model. 1 A climate model is a mathematical representation of the principal physical and chemical processes of the earth’s climate system found in the oceans, atmosphere, cryosphere and surface-atmosphere interface. 2 closest to the one used by Phillips and Crowe. Details of the calculation can be found in Murdock and Lee. The results are shown in Table 2. The recalculated values for 19531970 are quite similar to the original ones with only minor differences, likely due to the difference in time period, some known problems with the interpretation of some of the observations and other minor discrepancies. Then the calculations were repeated for the time-windows (1953-1980) and (19611990), also shown in Table 2. It is apparent from the table that at most of the stations the CSIs for more recent time periods are smaller (i.e. less severe). This is because temperatures, especially winter minimum temperatures, were gradually increasing through the period and because the CSI is heavily weighted towards cold season discomfort associated with low values of temperature. The reduction in winter discomfort outweighs the increase in summer discomfort, at least as they are represented in the CSI. Recalculation of the Climate Severity Index using only daily data A necessary step towards examining the changes in CSI using climate model outputs for future periods was to deal with the discrepancy in time scale between climate model outputs and the data required to calculate the CSI. Many of the Table 1 variables require hourly data but hourly data are not generally available from models. Consequently it was necessary to devise methods to estimate these variables using only the daily (average) values. This was done either by using a statistical model of daily variation or by statistically relating the parameters required for the sub-index to daily variables. The 15station data set of hourly data for the period 1953-1995 was used to generate the statistical relations. For sub-indices needing hourly temperature and humidity, a simple regeneration of synthetic hourly values using the monthly mean diurnal cycle, calculated for each month of the calendar year, averaged over all the years of the data set, gave indices very close to those using real hourly data. For the frequency of strong winds, a linear regression of the number of hours per day having wind speed greater than 30.6 km/h against daily average wind speed was found to be satisfactory. For wind chill, hourly wind chill values were calculated from hourly values of wind speed and temperature. Then the daily frequency of hourly wind chill exceeding the threshold value was regressed against wind chill calculated from the daily mean values of wind and temperature. This produced a relation that reproduced the wind chill index reasonably well for most stations, using only the daily values of wind and temperature. Table 2 shows a comparison of CSI computed only from daily station data and CSI calculated using the full hourly data set. The agreement is satisfactory, if not perfect, indicating that the estimation of needed hourly parameters from daily values was adequate, at least for purposes of calculating the CSI. It shows the same decrease with time as later data is used. Calculation of the CSI using modelled Climate Scenario data A second step necessary for examining the changes in CSI using climate model scenarios for future periods is to deal with the discrepancy in space scale between climate model outputs and the data required to calculate the CSI. When station data is used, the result reflects all of the climatic factors affecting the station, including micro-climatic influences such as local topographic effects, proximity to large bodies of open water, etc. These effects can vary substantially over distances of just a few tens of kilometres. None of this variability is directly represented in climate model outputs on a 400 km grid nor is it represented in the 15-station sample of station CSI that we had available. However if we assume that the micro-scale variability is largely independent of the large-scale climate we can derive a map of future CSI by adding a coarse-scale change field computed from model data to the original fine-scale data of Phillips and Crowe. In order to produce low (coarse) resolution maps of CSI and its expected change, a (historical) baseline CSI field on model grid points was calculated using daily data from a climate model for the period 1961-1995. Such data were available only for one simulation run3 with the Canadian CGCM1 (coupled general circulation model version 1; Boer et al., 2000) using greenhouse gas and sulphate aerosol forcing (GHG+A1 4). The emissions scenario5 used for this simulation was the so-called ‘IS92a’ (Leggett et al., 1992) scenario, a ‘middle-of-the-road’ scenario. For this period the CSI for the 15 stations calculated from daily station data as explained above was also available. The next step was to calculate the CSI for the three time slices recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for use in climate scenario studies: 2010-2039, 2040-2069, and 2070-2099. The difference fields between the CSI of each of these three time slices and the model-simulated 1961-1995 baseline CSI were then applied to the baseline CSI in order to obtain CSI scenarios for the future time periods. The calculation of CSI on the model grid involved a number of complications. For some of the factors, i.e. frequency of thunder, fog, blowing snow and freezing precipitation, there was no useful information available in the model climate scenarios. For these factors we interpolated or assigned sub-index values to the grid points based on the values for nearby stations and held them fixed for all future time periods. For other factors requiring relations between hourly and daily values at grid points, the necessary relations were interpolated from nearby stations to the grid points. These station-specific relations were available only for the baseline period and hence they too were held fixed for the future periods. The term ‘simulation run’ refers to a particular set of initial conditions and assumptions about the future atmosphere which are used guide the climate model as it simulates the future atmosphere and climate 3 4 This refers to the first of three simulation runs that were made with the model using the same scenario of Greenhouse Gas and sulphate Aerosol forcing but slightly different initial conditions. 5 Emission scenarios are projections of the future emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols which have been formulated by international scientists who consider different assumptions about the future growth of the world’s population, economic activity, and use of fossil fuels Figures 1, 2 and 3 show the calculated changes of CSI on the model grid for the three future time periods. These change maps reflect only the influence of changes in those sub-indices that depend directly (or indirectly, using relations that were assumed invariant) on the scenario-based temperature, precipitation, humidity and wind changes. Nevertheless, they do reflect the contribution of the most heavily weighted factors. The missing factors, related to changes in the risk of severe weather events, could be important for the other components of climate severity. In principle, they could (and should) be made available in future climate scenarios. In the meantime, the changes in CSI that we have calculated can be considered to be a reasonable indicator of the changes in human discomfort associated with currently available climate change scenarios. The change maps indicate that everywhere in Canada the climate will become less severe, at least in terms of human comfort, as the climate warms in response to the enhanced greenhouse effect. Scenarios of Future CSI at Station Locations Table 3 shows the result of adding the coarse scale changes from Figs. 1-3 to the baseline CSIs at our sample of stations. Comparing the values for the future timewindows with those for the baseline period we can see that at all stations the CSI gets smaller with time, most noticeably at those stations with severe climates to start with. Ottawa may end up feeling like Toronto, for example, while Iqaluit may end up feeling like Yellowknife. Although these results were for just one run of one climate model for one emissions scenario, they illustrate the general trend found for other climate change scenarios (see Murdock and Lee for details). The study also illustrates some of the problems and pitfalls of using climate change scenarios for impact studies. Conclusions The good news from this study is that the future climate of Canada will likely produce less personal discomfort for Canadians as a result of the warming associated with increasing green house gases in the atmosphere. The bad news is that although it has been speculated that the climate could become more hazardous as a result of an increasing frequency of severe weather events, this study provides no information on that score. In order to shed more light on that question we will need higher resolution climate models and the ability to output and archive more information, particularly information on the frequency of extreme events. Further details including a visual presentation and the technical report may be found at www.cics.uvic.ca/severity ■ Table 1. Indices and Sub-Indices comprising the Climate Severity Index (CSI), adapted from Phillips and Crowe (1984) Sub-Index Winter Discomfort Index % of CSI Description 35 Wind Chill 15 Length of Winter 10 Severity of Winter 10 Summer Discomfort Index Humidex 15 5 Length of Summer 2.5 Warmth of Summer Dampness 2.5 5 Psychological Index Darkness Sunshine Wet Days Fog Hazard Index Strong Winds 20 7 5 5 3 20 6 Mean percentage of time in January that wind chill exceeds 1400 Wm2 Number of months with mean daily temperature less than 0ºC Mean daily temperature of coldest month Mean percentage of days with humidex greater than 30C for an hour or more – highest 10-day value Number of months with mean daily temperature of 10C or greater Mean daily temperature of warmest month Mean July wet-bulb depression Dependence of darkness on latitude Mean annual number of hours with bright sunshine Mean annual number of days with measurable precipitation Absolute frequency of hours with fog Thunderstorms 2 Mean percentage frequency of wind equal to or greater than 19 MPH (30.6 km/h) - average of January and July Absolute frequency of hours with thunder Blowing Snow 8 Absolute frequency of hours with blowing snow Snowfall 4 Mean winter snowfall Outdoor Mobility Index Snowfall Visibility Freezing Precipitation 10 2 4 4 Mean winter snowfall Absolute frequency of hours with fog, rain, or snow Absolute frequency of hours with freezing precipitation Table 2. Recalculated station CSI using later data and comparison with the original CSI. The columns labelled hourly and daily refer to the type of data used. Station Victoria Calgary Toronto Prince George Ottawa Whitehorse Fort McMurray Regina Fort Simpson Kapuskasing Yellowknife St John’s Iqaluit Baker Lake Churchill Original CSI 1940-1971 15 35 36 38 44 46 46 49 53 55 57 59 76 79 82 Recalculated 1953-1970 hourly daily 15 16 33 30 32 37 37 36 39 48 40 36 45 43 46 51 47 49 55 58 57 55 59 59 69 70 80 75 83 81 Recalculated 1953-1980 hourly daily 15 15 32 31 32 37 39 34 39 46 41 36 41 40 46 50 47 47 55 56 53 51 59 60 68 69 75 74 81 78 Recalculated 1961-1990 hourly daily 14 15 29 28 31 36 33 33 38 45 37 34 38 37 42 45 46 45 53 55 52 50 57 58 69 69 78 78 80 79 Table 3. Scenarios of future CSI calculated from climate scenario data Station Victoria Calgary Toronto Prince George Ottawa Whitehorse Fort McMurray Regina Fort Simpson Kapuskasing Yellowknife St John’s Iqaluit Baker Lake Churchill Original CSI 15 35 36 38 44 46 46 49 53 55 57 59 76 79 82 2010-2039 14 29 31 35 39 44 43 47 51 52 54 55 72 76 76 2040-2069 12 26 27 29 37 41 40 44 49 49 50 54 71 74 73 Figure 1. Change in CSI between 1961-1995 and 2010-2039 2070-2099 15 24 25 24 37 39 41 42 47 46 47 47 64 69 66 Figure 2. Change in CSI between 1961-1995 and 2040-2069 Figure 3. Change in CSI between 1961-1995 and 2070-2099 Figure 4. CSI 1961-1995 Figure 5. CSI 2010-2039 Figure 6. CSI 2040-2069 Figure 7. CSI 2070-2099