Sonoran Medical Centers Laser Treatment Questionnaire Patient name:__________________________________ Do you have any tattoos? No Yes If yes, please list location: ____________________________________ _____________________________________________ Have you received laser treatment before? No Yes DOB:________________ Date: ___________________ Home Phone: (_____)______________________ Area(s) to be treated today:_______________________ If yes, please list when you had it done, what you had done and how your skin reacted to the treatment. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Allergies: Drug Make-up Food Skin Have you ever received a cosmetic peel/cosmetic Please list: _______________________________ procedure before? No Yes If so, please list when Medications you are currently taking and the dosages: you had it done, what you had done and how your skin (Please include any antibiotics, birth control pills, iron reacted to the treatment._________________________ supplements, gold therapy, coumadin, herbal _____________________________________________ supplements and oral or injectable steroids.) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Do any of your meds cause sensitivity to sun? Previous unwanted hair removal history, if applicable. No Yes __________________________________ Please check all that apply Are you, or have you ever used Retin-A or Accutane? Wax epilation Electrolysis Bleaching Shaving No Yes Dates:____________________________ Nair, Epilstop Nothing Do you have a history of any autoimmune disease or an Mechanical epilation (tweezing) Where do you tweeze immune disorder that would impair your healing and how often? ________________________________ process? Please describe:________________________ Are you prone to genital herpes break outs? No Yes Cold Sores? No Yes Do you have any venereal diseases? No Yes If so, what are they? ______________________________ Are you pregnant? No Yes Due Date: _________ In order of Importance, please rank your interest in the following (low 1 2 3 4 5 high) Reduction of lines and wrinkles: ______ Reduction of Brown spots/sun damage/hyper pigmentation: ______ Reduction of oil/acne: ______ Acne scars diminished: ______ Reduction of redness/ rosacea: ______ Do you have a history of Keloids/Hypertrophic Scars? No Yes When a scar appears on your skin is it significantly dark in color? No Yes What is your hair type? Coarse Fine What is your skin type? Oily Normal Dry Sensitive Combination What are you hoping to improve with your skin? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Do you have any implants/injectables/permanent makeup? No Yes If so, please list:_________________ _____________________________________________ Please answer yes or no for the following Are you currently using moisturizer? No Yes Do you use SPF daily? No Yes Do you wear contact lenses? No Yes Do you do facials at home? No Yes * We do not recommend laser therapy if any of the below conditions exist. Please check any conditions that describe your current health. _______ Pregnancy _______ Nursing females _______ Photosensitivity disorders _______ Herpes (active) _______ Shingles (active) _______ Seizure disorders triggered by light _______ Bacterial infections Comments___________________________________