Tasks for the Problem Session on RTSD 17.04.2003


Tasks for the Problem Session on RTSD 17.04.2003


Build Gantt diagram for 1-processor SPT schedule, calculate throughput

Let’s assume that we have L=5 tasks with execution times of (2,3,5,4,2) which enter uni-processor at moment t=0. SPT algorithm orders tasks in the ascending of execution time order: this sequence of tasks numbers is (1,5,2,4,3), and tasks are assigned for execution in such order:

1 1 5 5 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3

In the figure above time axis corresponding to processor’s behavior is represented as a stripe, time units are boxes of this stripe, inside each box is shown number of the task which is executed by processor in corresponding period of time. So, task 1 will terminate at moment 2, task 5 – at moment 4, task 2 – at moment 7, task 4 – at moment 11, task 3 – at moment 16. Average time of staying of tasks in the system will be sum of these times divided by 5:

ATS=(2+4+7+11+16)/5=40/5=8 units_of_time per task, this reflects mean time required for the task to leave the system. Throughput is average number of tasks leaving system per time unit, and may be calculated as 1/ATS=1/8 task will system per unit of time. SPT schedule provides optimal value of ATS, and respectively, of throughput.


Build Gantt diagram for 1-processor round-robin schedule, calculate throughput

Let’s consider the same conditions as in the previous exercise 1, but now we are to use round-robin discipline to assign tasks. This corresponds to allowance of interruption of execution of the current task after expiration of time quantum. We assume that time quantum is equal to time unit. Tasks are assigned one by one in circular manner:

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 3 4 3

We see that after getting 1 st

2 quantum of time 1 st

and 5 th

task terminated at moments

6 and 10 respectively, task 2 terminated at moment 11, task 4 terminated at moment

15, and task 5 terminated at moment 16. We see that tasks with less execution time left system earlier than larger tasks, this corresponds to SPT idea but as far as exact times are not used for making decisions while scheduling, results are worse than in

SPT schedule:

ATS=(6+10+11+15+16)/5=58/5=11.6 time units per task

Throughput=1/ATS=1/11.6 tasks leave system per time unit

In priority preemptive systems tasks of higher priority interrupt lower priority tasks.

System with 2 priority levels – high, low is a foreground-background system, in which foreground tasks preempt background tasks.


Consider priority preemptive system with 3 tasks – t1, t2, t3, having execution times 40, 20, 30 and priorities – 3,1,2 respectively (priority of level 1 is highest).

They arrive in moments 1,2,3 respectively. What is the time to complete task


Task 1 will run in time [1,2], then it will be preempted by task 2 of priority 1, this task will run for 20 units without preemptions as of highest priority in interval [2,22], then will start execution of task 3, which entered the system at moment 3 and waited for execution together with interrupted task 1. Task 3 will be executed in interval

[22,52]. Task 1 will be resumed at moment 52 and will run for its rest 39 time units until moment 91. So, task 1 will require to complete 90 time units, task 2 – 20, task 3

– 49 (time from entering till exiting of the system).


Should a task be allowed to interrupt itself?

Why not? If we assume, that tasks of the previous exercise are interruption handlers, we see that while handling one interruption signal there may come again interruption signal of other, as exercise 3, level of priority and from the other source, or of the same level of priority, and from the same source. This situation corresponds to possible bursts of requests for serving. They may be queued on the level of controller, or by allowing of interrupting itself we shall have in memory stack sequence of interrupted calls. Of course, if such bursts will be for long period, stack may be overflowed and this may cause failure of the system. So, self interrupting may be allowed, but run-time stack size is to be designed taking into account maximal possible depth of interruptions, and size of stack required for each context switch.


What criteria are needed to determine the size of the run-time stack in a multipleinterrupt system? What safety precautions are necessary?

This is a question, connected with a previous exercise. For designing run-time stack we are to multiply maximal possible depth of interruptions by size of context for switching saved in stack each time of interruption occurs. For safety precautions, this figure is to be increased by size of one or two more interruptions.


What is the worst response time for the background process in a foregroundbackground system in which the background requires 100 milliseconds to complete, foreground task executes every 50 milliseconds and requires 25 milliseconds to complete, and context switching requires no more than 100 microseconds (recall that background task may be preempted)

The worst case for execution of the background process when it will try to start simultaneously with next start of foreground task. Lets assume that at moment 0 was issued request for background (B) task.



50 ms



24.8 ms


In the figure above F time axis shows time usage by F task, B time axis is for B task,

Switch time line shows time necessary for context switch. Task B starts at moment 0, it is assumed that 0.1 ms were to switch context to it from operating system mode; just at this moment foreground (F) task request was issued. So, 0.1 ms will be required for context switching, 25 ms F task will run, 0.1 ms are to switch again to B task. So, next start time of serving of B now is 25.3 ms, and next request for F task will occur at moment 50.1 ms, up to this moment B task will work really for 50.1-

25.3 = 24.8 ms. So, each 50 ms period of time B task will get 24.8 ms of processor time. To get 100 ms of processor time it will be necessary to wait for (100 div

24.8)=4 full 50 ms periods, and the last 5 th

period for getting rest 0.8 ms will be also needed, but not full. So, in 4 full periods B task will work for 99.2 ms. In the 5 th period it will wait for 25.2 ms for context switching to F, execution of F, switching back to B, then it will terminate in 0.8 ms. So, total time to complete B task will be:

0.1+4*50+25.2+0.8=226.1 ms


Implement counting semaphore with a help of binary

If assume MaxSem to be maximal value of CountSem, BinSem – binary semaphore initiated by 1, shared by multiple processes, then





End;//definition of count semaphore type, uses predefined type TQueue


BinSem:TBinSem=1;//definition of global binary semaphore, uses predefined type

//TBinSem, is initialized by 1

P(TCountSemaphore CountSem){


If (CountSem.Value>=1){

Dec(CountSem.value); //decrement semaphore value





Call Dispatcher to suspend current process;



V(TCountSemaphore CountSem){



If(CountSem.value<MaxSem)inc(CountSem.value);//increment semaphore value


Delete some process from CountSem.Queue;

Call dispatcher to activate this process;




//Pseudocode uses both Pascal and C constructs


Why it is not wise to disable interruptions before the while loop in the following implementation of P-operation on binary semaphore S:

Procedure P(var S:Boolean);


While s=false do;



Procedure V(var s:Boolean);




If to disable interruptions before while loop:

Procedure P(var S:Boolean);





While s=false do;


End; //It is a Pascal code then in the case of false value of s it couldn’t be set to 1 because control yielding will not be allowed, and deadlock could happen. From the other hand, if to disable interrupts after while loop and before assignment, it is not reasonable if assume assignment implemented by 1 machine instruction. In general case, several commands are required to implement assignment. But after cycle while and before

disabling of interruptions control may be yielded to another process and it will also watch s=true. So, disable interruptions after while is useless. But without such disabling we can get several processes watching the same not-modified yet value of s.

What to do? Solution follows:

Procedure P(var S:Boolean);


While true do begin //infinite loop

While s=false do;//wait for true value of s

//this loop is made with enabled interrupts!

Asm //disable interruptions



If s then begin //again check for true value

S:=false; //reset if s was true


Sti //enable interruptions


Break //exit infinite loop

End //end of then branch


Sti //enable interruptions

End; //here we come if s became false in between while loop and interrupt


End //end of infinite loop

End;//end of P


Implement a pipe mechanism of inter-processes communications using circular buffer and semaphores. Consider non-blocking interactions

Produce Consume


CircularBuffer will be of N places of information portions (bytes, sectors, blocks, etc.).

We shall have 2 pointers associated with CircularBuffer: Head, Tail. Head will point to position where next portion of information is to be written, Tail will point to position from which next portion of information is to be read. After reading, we assume this portion of information not available any more for other requests, and place in which it was may be reused after read operation terminated. Circular means that after write into 1 st position we shall write into 2 nd

and so on, after write in the last N-th position we shall try to write in the 1 st position; similar for reading. Places for next read and write will be indicated by Tail and Head respectively. For circulating we shall use (x mod N) operation (remainder after integer division by N).

Simultaneous reading and writing are prohibited, for this sake we shall use binary semaphore BufferSem, initialized by 1.

Pascal code follows:


N=20; //buffer on 20 places


Tail:integer=1;//Head and Tail at first show to the same position, that corresponds to

//empty buffer state


Buffer=array[1..N] of Elements;//type of buffer


BufferSem: BinSemaphore;//global semaphore variable shared by several processes


function WriteBuff( Info:element):integer;//return -1 if no place to write



If Head mod N+1<>Tail then begin //there is space for next write

Head:=head mod N+1;


WriteBuf:=0;//successfully wrote



WriteBuff:=-1;//no space in buffer


End; function ReadBuff( var Info:element):integer;//return -1 if buffer is empty



If Tail<>Head then begin //buffer is not empty


Tail:= Tail mod N+1;

ReadBuf:=0;//successfully read



ReadBuff:=-1;//empty buffer



Producer will use

If WriteBuff(information)=0 then begin

Work in the case of successful write operation


Else begin

Work in the case of not writing successfully


Similarly, Consumer will not be blocked in the case of absence information in the buffer.
