Year 3 Knowledge Transfer Involving HQP Project 01 Optimization

Project 01
Optimization of Nanoscale Interfaces in Organic PV Active Layers
Journal Publications (Published)
Imin, P.; Imit, M.; Adronov, A. “Supramolecular Functionalization of Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes (SWNTs) with a Photoisomerizable Conjugated Polymer” Macromolecules 2012, 45,
Journal Publications (Submitted)
Skupov, K.; Adronov, A “Effect of carbon nanotube incorporation into polythiophene-fullerene based
organic solar cells” Synthetic Metals, 2012, submitted.
Project 02
Improving Organic Solar Cell Efficiency Using Low Band Gap Polymers and Tandem Devices
Journal Publications (Published)
P. Berrouard, S. Dufresne, A. Pron, J. Veilleux, M. Leclerc, '' Low-Cost Synthesis and Physical
Characterization of Thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione-Based Polymers'' J. Org. Chem., 2012, 77, 81678173.
J. Jo, A. Pron, P. Berrouard, W. L. Leong, J. D. Yuen, J. S. Moon, M. Leclerc, A. J. Heeger, ''A New
terthiophene-Thienopyrrolodione Copolymer-Based Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cell with High OpenCircuit Voltage'', Adv. Energy Mater., 2012, doi: 10.1002/aenm.201200350.
Pron, P. Berrouard, M. Leclerc, '' Thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione-based polymers for opto-electronic
applications'', Macromol. Chem. Phys. (Trend article), 2012, doi:10.1002/macp.201200549.
Journals Publications (Submitted)
F. Grenier, P. Berrouard, J.- R. Pouliot, H.-R. Tseng, A. J. Heeger, M. Leclerc, ''Synthesis of New Low
Bandgap n-Type Isoindigo Copolymers'', Polym. Chem., 2012, submitted.
Presentations (Poster)
J. Laflamme Janssen, B. Rousseau, N. Bérubé, G. Antonius, M. Côté, Faster G0W0 implementation for
more accurate photovoltaic material design. Journée annuelle du Regroupement Québécois pour les
Matériaux de Pointe, Montréal, Mai 25th, 2012.
Project 03
Highly Efficient Low-Cost Polymeric Solar Cells
Journal Publications (Published)
S. Beaupré, A. Pron, S. H. Drouin, A. Najari, L. Mercier, A. Robitaille, M. Leclerc, ''Thieno, Furo and
selenopheno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione copolymers: effect of the heteroatom on electro-optical
properties'' Macromolecules, 2012, 45, 6906-6914.
P. Berrouard, S. Dufresne, A. Pron, J. Veilleux, M. Leclerc, '' Low-Cost Synthesis and Physical
Characterization of Thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione-Based Polymers'' J. Org. Chem., 2012, 77, 81678173.
AW.-H. Hao, C. Wang, G. Qian, Z. Y. Wang, “(Z)-1,1-Dicyano-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-(1-hexylpyridin1-ium-4-yl)prop-2-en-1-ide”, Acta Cryst. 2012, E68, o82.
W. Li , B. J. Worfolk , P. Li , T. C. Hauger , K. D. Harris, J. M. Buriak ‘’Self-assembly of
carboxylated polythiophene nanowires for improved bulk heterojunction morphology in polymer solar
cells’’ J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 11354-11363.
G. Qian, J. Qi, J. A. Davey, J. S. Wright, Z. Y. Wang, “A Family of Diazapentalene Chromophores and
Narrow-Bandgap Polymers: Synthesis, Halochromism, Halofluorism, and Visible-Near Infrared
Photodetectivity”, Chem. Mater. 2012. 24, 2364–2372. DOI: 10.1021/cm300938s
G. Qian, J. P. Gao, Z. Y. Wang, “Near-Infrared Chemiluminescence Tunable from 900 nm to 1700 nm
from Narrow-Bandgap Compounds and Polymers”, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 6426-6428.
G. Qian, J. Qi, Z. Y. Wang, “Low-Bandgap Polymers Containing the Diazapentalene Chromophore for
Potential Use in Photovoltaic Devices”, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 12867-12873. DOI:
Journal Publications (Submitted)
N. Bérubé, V. Gosselin, J. Gaudreau and M. Côté, “Designing polymers for photovoltaic applications
using ab initio calculations”, Journal of Physics Chemistry – C, 2012, submitted.
F. Grenier, P. Berrouard, J.- R. Pouliot, H.-R. Tseng, A. J. Heeger, M. Leclerc, ''Synthesis of New Low
Bandgap n-Type Isoindigo Copolymers'', Polym. Chem., 2012, submitted.
J.-R. Pouliot, L. G. Mercier, S. Caron, M. Leclerc, '' Accessing new DPP-based copolymers by direct
heteroarylation polymerization'', Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2012, submitted
Presentations (Invited)
Mario Leclerc, Electrochemical Society Spring Meeting, Plastic Solar Cells, April 27 th 2012, Varennes.
Mario Leclerc, 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference, New Polymers for Plastic Solar Cells, May 2012,
Mario Leclerc, Int. Conf. Synthetic Metals, New Polymers for Plastic Solar Cells, July 9th 2012,
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, U.S.A.
Mario Leclerc, DRDC Valcartier, Polymères Électroactifs et Photoactifs, September 19th 2012,
Worfolk, B.J. "Air-Stable Organic Photovoltaics". Invited talk at Yale University, New Haven, CN,
September 2012.
Presentations (Oral)
Conference presentation: Next Generation Solar, Montreal, May 14 and 15, 2012: N. Bérubé and M.
Côté, “Organic Solar Cells: How Can the Theory Guide the Experiment?” (contributed talk, winner of
the best student presentation)
B.J. Worfolk, T.C. Hauger, K.D. Harris, S. Beaupré, M. Leclerc, J.M. Buriak. “Air-Stable and
Efficient Low Bandgap Plastic Solar Cells”. Presented at Next Generation Solar 2012 – Photovoltaics
Canada, Montreal, QC, May 14 and 15, 2012.
Departmental seminar: Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS-EMT), Varennes, Québec,
May 25, 2012 : M. Côté (Included work done by N. Bérubé), “Du plastique à l’énergie solaire”.
Z.Y. Wang, G. Qian, D. Li and H. Abu, “Synthesis and Properties of Low Bandgap Chromogenic
Polymers”, 95th CSC Conference, Calgary, May 26-30, 2012.
Buriak, J. M.; Chen, Q.; Harris, K. D.; Leclerc, M.; Beaupré, S. "Long Lived Stable, Organic
Photovoltaics". Presented at 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, AB, May
May 26-30, 2012.
Harris, K. D.; Worfolk, B. J.; Li, W.; Li, P.; Hauger, T. C.; Luber, E. J.; Buriak, J. M. "Carboxylated
Polythiophene Nanowires for Improved Morphology in Organic Photovoltaics". Presented at 95th
Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, AB, May 26-30, 2012.
B.J. Worfolk, T.C. Hauger, J.M. Buriak, K.D. Harris, S. Beaupré, M. Leclerc. “Precise Work Function
Control of Cathodic Buffer Layers for Air Stable Organic Photovoltaics”. Presented at 95th Canadian
Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, AB, May 26-30, 2012.
B.J. Worfolk, J.G. Tait, S.A. Maloney, J.M. Buriak, K.D. Harris. “Mechanically Robust Spray Coated
Polymeric Transparent Electrodes”. Presented at 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition,
Calgary, AB, May 26-30, 2012.
Presentations (Poster)
Conference poster: Next Generation Solar, Montreal, May 14 and 15, 2012: H. Antaya, Y. Zhou, M.
Côté, M. Ernzerhof, “Design of new functionals for calculation of exchange energy”
B.J. Worfolk, W. Li, K.D. Harris, J.M. Buriak. “Fast Self-Assembly of Polymer Nanowires for
Efficient Plastic Solar Cells”. Presented at Next Generation Solar 2012 – Photovoltaics Canada,
Montreal, QC, May 14-15, 2012.
B.J. Worfolk, J.M. LaForge, M.J. Brett, J.M. Buriak. “Structure and Surface Chemistry Control of
Pyrite FeS2 Thin Films”. Presented at 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary,
AB, May 26-30, 2012.
B.J. Worfolk, M. Thomas, D.A. Rider, R.T. Tucker, K.M. Krause, A. Lalany, M.T. Taschuk, M.J.
Brett, J.M> Buriak. “Glancing Angle Deposition as a Fabrication Technique for Organic
Photovoltaics”. Presented at 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, AB, May
26-30, 2012.
Project 04
Metal Oxide/Organic Hybrid Solar Cells
Journal Publications (Published)
M. Wang, J-P Sun, S. Suei, and I.G. Hill, “Optimizing the photovoltage of polymer/zinc oxide hybrid
solar cells by calcium doping”, Journal of Applied Physics 112, 044511, August 2012.
Presentations (Oral)
H. Anwar and I. Hill, “Precious-Metal Free Dye Sensitized Solar Cells”, Presented at Next Generation
Solar 2012 – Photovoltaics Canada, Montreal, QC, May 2012.
M. Wang and I. Hill, “Effect of Interfacial Modification on Photovoltaic Properties on Hybrid Solar
Cells” Presented at Next Generation Solar 2012 – Photovoltaics Canada, Montreal, QC, May 2012.
Project 05
Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS) Nanowires for Photovoltaic Applications
 New project with no publications.
Project 06
Optimization of Nanoscale Interfaces in Organic PV Active Layers
Journal Publications
J.G. Van Dijken and M.J. Brett, “Dry etching of copper phthalocyanine thin films: effects on
morphology and surface stoichiometry”, Molecules 17(9), 10119-10130 (Aug 2012).
Journal Publications (Accepted)
R.T. Tucker, A.L. Beaudry, J.M. Laforge, M.T. Taschuk and M.J. Brett, “A little ribbing: flux
starvation engineering for rippled ITO nanotree branches”, accepted August 10, 2012 by Applied
Physics Letters (10 manuscript pages; 4 figures; 1 supplementary figure; manuscript nr: L12-10143).
Presentations (Oral)
R.T. Tucker, D.A. Rider, J.G. Van Dijken, M. Thomas, B.J. Worfolk, A. Lalany, M.D. Fleischauer,
M.T. Taschuk, K.D. Harris, J.M. Buriak and M.J. Brett, “Nanostructured organic photovoltaic
architectures via glancing angle deposition”, oral presentation at Next Generation Solar (Photovoltaics
Canada), Montreal, QC, Canada, May 14-15, 2012.
Presentations (Poster)
A.L. Beaudry R.T. Tucker, J.M. LaForge, M.T. Taschuk and M.J. Brett, “Vapour liquid solid glancing
angle deposition of indium tin oxide nanowhiskers”, poster presentation at Next Generation Solar
(Photovoltaics Canada), Montreal, QC, Canada, May 14-15, 2012.
J.M. LaForge, B.J. Worfolk, J.M. Buriak and M.J. Brett, “Morphological control of sulfurized iron
pyrite with nanostructured iron precursors”, poster presentation at Next Generation Solar
(Photovoltaics Canada), Montreal, QC, Canada, May 14-15, 2012.
B.J. Worfolk, R.T. Tucker, M. Thomas, D.A. Rider, A. Lalany, M.T. Taschuk, K.D. Harris, M.J. Brett
and J.M. Buriak, “Glancing angle deposition as a fabrication technique for organic photovoltaics”,
poster presentation at the 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, AB, Canada,
May 26-30, 2012. .
B.J. Worfolk, J.M. LaForge, M.J. Brett and J.M. Buriak, “Nanostructure and surface energy control of
iron pyrite thin films for photovoltaics”, poster presentation at the 95th Canadian Chemistry
Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, AB, Canada, May 26-30, 2012. .
Project 07
Novel High Efficiency Materials for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs); An Aim at
Commercialization within Canada
New project with no publication.
Project 08
Third Generation Spectral Engineering for Increased Solar Cell Efficiencies
Presentations (Oral)
Modeling down-conversion and down-shifter layers for enhanced silicon solar cell performance, A. M.
Gabr, R.M. Beal, A. Walker, J. F. Wheeldon, J. Sacks, R. M. Savidge, T. J. Hall, R. N. Kleiman and K.
Hinzer, 3rd Canadian Photovoltaics Conference, Montreal, QC, May 14-15, 2012 (oral).
Spectral engineering via silicon nanocrystals embedded in silicon-rich silicon oxide thin-films for
photovoltaic applications, Justin Sacks, Peter Mascher, and Rafael Kleiman, 3rd Canadian
Photovoltaics Conference, Montreal, QC, May 14-15, 2012 (oral).
Presentations (Poster)
Oxygen-dependent Cerium Photoluminescence in LPCVD Si3N4, R. M. Savidge, J. Anstey, D.
Stevanovic, R. N. Kleiman and A. P. Knights, 221st ECS Meeting, Seattle, WA May 6-11, 2012 (oral).
Modeling Down-Conversion and Down-Shifting for Photovoltaic Applications, A. M. Gabr, R. M.
Beal, A. Walker, J. F. Wheeldon, J. Sacks, R. M. Savidge, T. J. Hall, R. N. Kleiman and K. Hinzer,
Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), pp 000048-000052
Quantum Efficiency Measurements of Down-Shifting Using Silicon Nanocrystals for Photovoltaic
Applications, Sacks, J, Savidge, R. M., Gabr, A., Walker, A., Beal, R., Wheeldon, J., Knights, A. P.,
Mascher, P., Hinzer, K. and Kleiman, R. N., Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists
Conference (PVSC), pp 000092-000096 (2012).
Network in the Media (Online)
Spectral Engineering Using Silicon Nanocrystals Grown by ECR-PECVD for Photovoltaic
Applications, Justin Sacks, MASc thesis, McMaster University, September 2012.
Down-shifting of Light by Ion Implanted Samples for Photovoltaic Applications, Rachel Savidge,
MASc thesis, McMaster University, September 2012.
Project 09
Nanowire Photovoltaics
Journal Articles (Published):
A.C.E Chia, M. Tirado, Y. Li, S. Zhao, Z. Mi, D. Comedi and R.R. LaPierre, “Electrical transport and
optical model of GaAs-AlInP core-shell nanowires”, J. Appl. Phys. 111 (2012) 094319.
A.C.E. Chia and R.R. LaPierre, “Surface depletion and electrical transport model of AlInP-passivated
GaAs nanowires”, J. Appl. Phys. 112 (2012) 063705.
C. Liu, O. Salehzadeh, P. J. Poole, S. P. Watkins, and K. L. Kavanagh, “Insights into semiconductor
nanowire conductivity using electrodeposition”, Semiconductor Science and Technology 27, 105020
O. Salehzadeh, K.L. Kavanagh, and S.P Watkins, “Controlled axial and radial Te-doping of GaAs
nanowires”, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 054324 (2012).
N. Tajik, A.C.E. Chia and R.R. LaPierre, “Improved conductivity and long-term stability of sulfurpassivated n-GaAs nanowires”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 (2012) 203122.
Journal Articles (Submitted):
A.C.E. Chia and R.R. LaPierre, “Unlocking doping and compositional profiles of nanowire ensembles
using SIMS”, J. Appl. Phys. (submitted, 2012).
O. Salehzadeh, K. L. Kavanagh, and S. P. Watkins, "Growth and strain relaxation of GaAs (GaP)/GaSb
core/shell nanowires", in preparation.
Journal Articles (Accepted):
O. Salehzadeh, X. Zhang, B.D. Gates, K.L. Kavanagh, S.P. Watkins, “p-type doping of GaAs
nanowires using carbon”, accepted in J. Appl. Physics, Aug. 2012.
Presentations (Invited):
R.R. LaPierre, A.C.E. Chia, C.M. Haapamaki, N. Tajik, Y. Li, S. Zhao, and Z. Mi, “Passivation of IIIV Nanowires for Optoelectronics”, 221st Electrochemical Society Meeting (May 6 - 10, 2012, Seattle,
S.P. Watkins (with content from O. Salehzadeh), "Metalorganic chemical vapour deposition of
semiconductor nanowires", Canadian Chemistry Conference, Calgary, 28 May 2012.
Presentations (Oral):
Oral Presentation, A. Ahktari-Zavareh, O.Salehzadeh, S. Alagha, S.P. Watkins, and K.L. Kavanagh,
“BEEM and in situ SEM nanoprobe measurements of Au-GaAs Nanowires”, Spring PCSI meeting,
Santa Fe, NM, January 22, 2012.
Oral Presentation, J.P. Boulanger, Y. Hu, S. Gibson and R.R. LaPierre, “Nanowire photovoltaics from
the bottom-up”, Next Generation Solar Photovoltaics Canada National Scientific Conference 2012
(May 14-15, 2012, Montreal, Canada).
Second Prize for Best Oral Presentation, A.C.E Chia, Y. Li, S. Zhao, Z. Mi and R.R. LaPierre,
“Surface passivation of gallium arsenide nanowires for photovoltaic applications”, Next Generation
Solar Photovoltaics Canada National Scientific Conference 2012 (May 14-15, 2012, Montreal,
Oral Presentation, O. Salehzadeh, K. L. Kavanagh, and S. P. Watkins, "Controlled n- and p-type
doping of GaAs nanowires", Photovoltaics Canada, National Conference, May 2012
Oral Presentation, J. Boulanger and R.R. LaPierre, “Investigation of Au-assisted VLS nanowire growth
behavior across GaAs/GaP hetero-interfaces”, 6th Nanowire Growth Workshop (June 4 - 6, 2012, St.
Petersburg, Russia).
Oral Presentation, A.C.E. Chia and R.R. LaPierre, “Surface passivation of GaAs nanowires”, 24 th
Canadian Materials Science Conference (June 5 - 8, 2012, University of Western Ontario).
Oral Presentation, A. Ahktari-Zavareh, S. Alagha, O. Salehzadeh, S. P. Watkins, and K. L. Kavanagh,
“BEEM and in situ SEM nanoprobe measurements of Au/Cr/ GaAs Nanowires”, International
Conference on Nanoscience + Technology (ICN+T2012) –, July 23-27, 2012, Paris
Oral Presentation, O. Salehzadeh, K.L. Kavanagh, S.P. Watkins, “Controlled n- and p-type doping of
GaAs nanowires”, oral presentation, International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, Santa
Barbara, August 29, 2012.
Oral Presentation, S. Zhao, Z. Mi, Md. G. Kibria, and S. Fathololoumi, “Optical and electrical
transport properties of intrinsic InN nanowires,” 17th International Conference on Molecular Beam
Epitaxy, Nara, Japan, Sept. 23-28, 2012.
Oral Presentation, O. Salehzadeh, K.L. Kavanagh, and S.P. Watkins, “Te-Doping of GaAs Nanowires
Grown by MOVPE”, International Conference on Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Busan, Korea,
Presentations (Poster)
Poster Presentation, A.C.E. Chia and R.R. LaPierre, “Surface passivation of GaAs nanowires”,
International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (July 29 - August 3, 2012, ETH Zurich).
Poster Presentation, J.P. Boulanger and R.R. LaPierre, “Gold-assisted VLS nanowire growth behavior
in GaAs, GaP, and mixed GaAs/GaP structures”, 3rd Annual Nano Ontario Conference 2012 (Oct. 1112, 2012, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada).
Poster Presentation, A.C.E. Chia, J.P. Boulanger and R.R. LaPierre, “SIMS analysis of III-V
nanowires”, 3rd Annual Nano Ontario Conference 2012 (Oct. 11-12, 2012, University of Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada).
Project 10
Advanced Thin Silicon High Efficiency Device Integrations
Journal Publications (Published)
Zahidur R. Chowdhury, Kevin Cho, and Nazir P. Kherani, “High-Quality Surface Passivation of
Silicon Using Native Oxide and Silicon Nitride Layers”, Applied Physics Letters 101 021601 (2012).
Paul O'Brien; Yang Yang; Alongkarn Chutinan; Pratish Mahtani; Keith Leong; Daniel Puzzo;
Leonardo Bonifacio; Chen-Wei Lin; Geoffrey Ozin; Nazir Kherani, “Selectively Transparent and
Conducting Photonic Crystal Solar Spectrum Splitters Made of Alternating Sputtered Indium-Tin
Oxide and Spin-Coated Silica Nanoparticle Layers for Enhanced Photovoltaics”, Solar Energy
Materials and Solar Cells, DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2012.03.005 (2012).
Journal Publications (Submitted)
Erik Janssen, Joshua Rideout, Martin Gerber and Rafael Kleiman, “Silicon membrane approach for
high-efficiency ultra-thin single-crystalline silicon solar cells with advanced light-trapping features”, in
Journals Publications (Accepted)
Dmitri S. Stepanov, Nazir P. Kherani, “Optimal hydrogenated amorphous silicon/silicon nitride bilayer
passivation of n-type crystalline silicon using response surface methodology”, Applied Physics Letters
(in press, 2012).
Presentations (Oral)
Zahidur R. Chowdhury, Dmitri Stepanov, Davit Yeghikyan and Nazir P. Kherani, “Excellent Low
Temperature Passivation Scheme With Reduced Optical Absorption for Back Amorphous-Crystalline
Silicon Heterojunction (BACH) Photovoltaic Device”, 38 th IEEE PVSC (2012).
K. Kumar, K.C. Lee, J. Nogami, P.R. Herman, N.P. Kherani, “Ultrafast Laser Direct Hard-Mask
Writing For High Performance Inverted-Pyramidal Texturing of Silicon”, 38th IEEE PVSC (2012).
Presentations (Poster)
Erik Janssen and Rafael Kleiman, “Novel Process Flow and Cell Architecture for 10 µm Thick
Membrane Single-crystalline Silicon Solar Cells”, Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic
Specialists Conference (PVSC), pp 001205-001208, (2012).
Knowledge Generation and Mobilization (Patents Filed)
N.P. Kherani, AKM Zahidur R. Chowdhury, “Passivation of Silicon Surfaces using Intermediate UltraThin Silicon Oxide Layer and Outer Passivating Dielectric Layer”, US Provisional Patent Application,
Application No. 61646085 (2012).
P.G. O’Brien, D.P. Puzzo, N.P. Kherani, G.A. Ozin, A. Chutinan, Z. Lu, M. Helander, “Transparent
conductive porous nanocomposites and methods of fabrication thereof”, European Patent Application,
F-25628/EP (Apr 2012).
P.G. O’Brien, D.P. Puzzo, N.P. Kherani, G.A. Ozin, A. Chutinan, Z. Lu, M. Helander, “Transparent
conductive porous nanocomposites and methods of fabrication thereof”, US Patent Application,
13/502,348 (Apr 2012).
Project 11
Novel III-V and I-III-VI Based Multi-Junction Solar Cells
Journal Publications (Submitted)
Walker, O. Thériault, J. F. Wheeldon, K. Hinzer. “The effects of absorption and recombination on
quantum dot multi-junction solar cell efficiency,” submitted to the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, July
13th 2012.
Presentations (Oral)
O. Thériault, A. Walker, J. F. Wheeldon, K. Hinzer. “Effects of quantum dot layers o the behaviour of
multijunction solar cell operation under concentrated illumination,” Oral presentation and proceeding
from the 8th International Conference on Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems (CPV-8) in Toledo,
Spain, April 2012.
O. Thériault, A. Walker, J. F. Wheeldon, K. Hinzer. “Simulated quantum dot enhanced multijunction
solar cell for increased efficiency over concentration,” Oral presentation at the Next Generation Solar
Photovoltaics Canada Scientific Conference in Montreal, Canada, May 2012.
Walker, A. Coathup, O. Thériault, H. M. Myers, J. F. Wheeldon, S. Park, Z. Mi, I. Shih, K. Hinzer.
“Modeling Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells for applications in multi-junction solar cell technologies,” Oral
presentation at the Next Generation Solar Photovoltaics Canada Scientific Conference in Montreal,
Canada, May 2012.
F. Bouchard, A. Walker, J. F. Wheeldon, O. Thériault, K. Hinzer. “An alternative multi-junction solar
cell design consisting of GaInP/InGaAs/Cu(In,Ga)Se2,” Abstract submitted to the Canadian
Undergraduate Physics Conference in Vancouver, Canada, October 2012.
Project 12
Cell Design for Window and Skylight Applications
Journal Publication (Published)
Aïch, B. R., Lu, J., Beaupré, S., Leclerc, M., Tao, Y., '' Control of the active layer nanomorphology by
using co-additives towards high-performance bulk heterojunction solar cells'', Org. Electron., 2012, 13,
1736-1741, (referred). No Network HQP…
Allard, N., Najari, A., Pouliot, J.-R., Pron,A., Grenier, F., Leclerc, M., '' Easy and versatile synthesis of
new poly(thieno[3,4-d]thiazole)s'' Polym. Chem, 2012, 3, 2875-2879, (referred).
Paraecattil, A., Beaupré, S., Leclerc, M., Moser, J.-E., Banerji, N., ''Intensity Dependent Femtosecond
Dynamics in a PBDTTPD-Based Solar Cell Material'' J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2012, 3, 2952-2958,
(referred). No Network HQP…
Journal Publications (Submitted)
Tian, L., Fathi, E., Tarighat, R., Sivoththaman, S., “Nanocrystalline silicon deposited at high rate and
low temperature using a modified inductively coupled plasma”, to be submitted for Applied Physics
Letters (expected submission: November 2012).
Presentations (Poster)
Kapsis, K., Chen, Y., Athienitis, A.K., Fazio, P., “Experimental and Full Scale Studies of
Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) Systems”, Next Generation Solar 2012 Photovoltaics Canada, 14-15 May, 2012. (Montreal)/ (published).
Knowledge Generation and Mobilization (Patents Filed)
Mahmoudysepehr M. and Sivoththaman S., “Nanoplasmonic pattern grid film transparent
conductive electrodes”, United States Provisional Patent, 61/676,919, July 2012.
Project 13
Photovoltaics and the Transition to a Carbon-Neutral Energy System in Canada
Presentations (Oral)
Langlois, S., Rosenbloom, D. & Meadowcroft, J. (2012, May). PV Policy in 2012: A comparative
analysis of Ontario and Germany and reflections on current challenges. Paper presented at Next
Generation Solar 2012 – Photovoltaics Canada – Third National Scientific Conference, Montreal,
Network in the media (Online)
Gibb, S. (2012). Photovoltaics and the Transition to a Carbon-Neutral Energy System in Canada.
School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University. <>
Rosenbloom, D. (2012, September). Update from European PVSEC. Photovoltaic Innovation Network.
Langlois, S., Rosenbloom, D. (2012). Policy Brief: A Strategy for BIPV in Canada. School of Public
Policy and Administration, Carleton University.
Rosenbloom, D., Langlois, S. & Meadowcroft, J. (2012). PV Policy Frameworks: Lessons from
Domestic and International Policy Engagement with Photovoltaics. School of Public Policy and
Administration, Carleton University.
A simultaneous academic and mainstream media release is currently being pursued for the Policy
Brief: A Strategy for BIPV in Canada.
Project 14
Novel Homojunction Thin-film Photovoltaic Devices Based on Nanostructured Cu(In,Al)S2
Materials Synthesized Using an Innovative Colloidal Method
New project and no publications yet.