
The Pakistan Stroke Society (PSS) in collaboration with Neurology research and awareness program
(NARF) has taken the initiative of raising the awareness in the worldwide fight against stroke.
According to the World Health Organization, approximately 15 million people suffer a stroke each year.
Stroke is the second leading cause of death for people above the age of 60 and the fifth leading cause in
people aged 15 to 59. It also affects children, including newborns. Each year, nearly six million people
die from stroke. In fact, stroke is responsible for more deaths annually than those attributed to AIDS,
tuberculosis and malaria altogether. Stroke is also the leading cause of long-term disability, irrespective of
age, gender, ethnicity or country.
The PSS aims to reduce the local burden of stroke through prevention, acute treatment and long-term care
and other stroke-related conditions.
As a part of the World Stroke Campaign, PSS will raise awareness about World Stroke Day to take place
on October 29, 2013 and will support additional World Stroke Organization efforts to share key messages
and important information about stroke prevention and treatments through Social Media, Pamphlets,
Posters and Educational efforts.
This would be the first time that Pakistan is taking very active part in creating awareness about stroke. In
this year’s campaign “Because I Care” PSS will be doing different activities across the nation to spread
awareness. PSS is dedicated to improving the health of patients and supporting WSO in efforts to increase
awareness of stroke is a natural extension of their mission.
Following are the activities which PSS will be rolling out on this very occasion:
1) CME in Karachi at JPMC involving Dr. M. Wassay (AKUH), Dr. Shaukat (JPMC), Dr. Abdul
Malik, Dr. Mughis Sherani (AKUH).
2) CME in Lahore involving Dr. Khursheed Qasuri & Dr. Athar
3) CME in Islamabad at PIMS involving Dr. Arsalan & Dr. Mahmona.
4) CME in Faisalabad at Allied Hospital under the supervision of Dr. Jawed & Dr. Tahir.
5) CME in Larkana at CMC under the supervision of Dr. Alam Ibrahim.
6) CME in Multan at Nashtar Hospital.
The PSS is calling on its Fellow colleagues and partners to share and remind individuals about these
important steps in preventing stroke:
1. Know their personal risk factors: high blood pressure, diabetes, and high blood cholesterol.
2. Be physically active and exercise regularly. Attain and maintain a healthy body weight.
3. Maintain a healthy diet high in fruit and vegetable and low in salt, sugar, saturated and trans fats
to stay a healthy state and keep blood pressure low.
4. Limit alcohol consumption.
5. Avoid cigarette smoke. And, if they smoke, to seek help to stop now.
6. Learn to recognize the warning signs of a stroke.
PSS and NARF has joined hands with Pharmevo (Pvt.) Ltd. to raise the word of awareness in the fight
against stroke.