

Propaganda in Science School Textbooks

Many science school textbook published in the last 40 years have been filled with lies promoting the evolution theory. These lies have been proven wrong but are continually being taught as fact! People should confront public school members with this information and demand that students be taught real science, and remove the lies!

Fossils Are Not Evidence Of Evolution!

The very existence of millions of fossils found in all parts of the world more likely indicates that there was a worldwide flood. Animals and plants that die today do not become fossils unless they are buried rapidly under layers of mud. Textbooks often state that “fossil evidence shows that organisms have been changing continuously since life first apperared on earth.” Statements like this are not scientifically valid. Nobody can know this as a fact of science since no one observed the formation of life or new life forms. No one has ever documented a genuine transitional fossil linking different kinds of animals. If the fossil remains of an animal are found in the ground, there is no way to know if it had any descendants! Many textbooks claim that missing links (transitional fossils) have been found. This is not true! Many so-called missing links such as “Piltdown Man,” “Nebraska Man,”

“Neanderthal Man,” and “Lucy” have been proven to be frauds or misinterpreted. No missing links exist between different kinds of animals, as many evolutionists have admitted. Most fossils discoverd are made up of incomplete and fragmented bone pieces. All the drawings and interpretations of “ape-men” in textbooks are based on imagination!

Vestigial Organs?

Many school textbooks say vestigial (no longer functional) organs are evidence of evolution because they serve no purpose. Some examples of claimed vestigial organs include the human tailbone, appendix, and the pelvis of a whale. Some textbooks say the pelvic bones of whales are vestigial and prove they used to walk on land, and evolved from land dwelling animals. This is a lie! Those pelvic bones are anchor points for muscles to attach to and are needed for whales to reproduce. Those bones have nothing to do with whales walking on land. The appendix plays a role in antibody production and protects part of the intestine from infections and tumor growths. There are no vestigial organs! Evolutionists don’t seem to realize that this type of evidence is the opposite of what they need to prove their theory. Vestigial organs (if they existed) would be examples of losing something, not gaining something!

Natural Selection or Survival Of The Fittest? It is true that nature selects the strongest species to survive. This does not however explain the origin of the species, nor can this process create anything new. Survival of the fittest does not explain the arrival of the fittest! If a factory produces cars and you throw out the bad ones and select the good ones, how long will this selection process take for a good car to turn into an airplane? It will never happen! In the same way, natural selection will only keep the species stronger; it will not create a different kind nor explain the origin of the kind.

Mutations : No known mutation has ever produced a life form with more complexity than its ancestors! There is no new information added to a mutation, only scrambled information that already exists in the gene code. Example, you can scramble up the letters of the word CHRISTMAS and get all sorts of new words. But you are never going to get

XEROX, ZEBRA or QUEEN out of CHRISTMAS because the letters aren’t available. Real mutations would give new information, not just reshuffling existing information.

Similarities do not prove common ancestors. Textbooks say chimps and humans have 97% similar DNA, then come to a conclusion that they have a common ancestor. This conclusion is not scientific, but a belief that promotes the evolution theory. This could be evidence that God created different life forms with similar characteristics, just like a carpenter creates different houses with similar designs. To think similarities between different life forms is evidence of common ancestry is questionable logic. Any two things can have similarities depending on what you want to compare!

There Is No Evidence Of Macro-Evolution! Micro-evolution teaches that there are variations within kinds, such as dogs producing a variety of dogs. Micro-evolution is factual science because it can be tested and observed. There are limits to the variations though. You may get a big dog or a little dog, but it’s still a dog! Macro-evolution teaches that animals can produce different kinds of animals, such as an ape producing a human. School textbooks give examples of micro-evolution and say it will add up to macro-evolution. No evidence supports this! Macro-evolution has never been observed in nature, the laboratory, or the fossil record, and is therefore believed by faith, not science!

Dinosaurs Lived With People!

Many believe dinosaurs became extinct millions of years before people were around. The reason so many people believe this is because that’s all they’ve been told their whole life. Textbooks make statements like “dinosaurs lived millions of years before man was around” with no evidence supporting it! Some people believe dinosaurs and people lived together. In order to make a logical conclusion when dinosaurs actually lived, we should look at all the evidence.

There is more evidence dinosaurs lived with people, then there is evidence that dinosaurs lived before people!

Dinosaur wasn’t a word until 1841. Before that time, they were known as dragons. There are thousands of dragon stories throughout history. Encyclopedias in the 1500’s describe dragons as rare living animals. There are many ancient drawings and artifacts of dinosaurs found all over the world. In 1496 the Bishop of Carlisle, Richard Bell, was buried in

Carlisle Cathedral in the U.K. His tomb is inlaid with brass, with 2 long necked dinosaurs engraved upon it. The

Vikings in 1000 A.D. carved dragons as their figure heads on the front of their ships. In Cambodia, a Buddhist temple called Ta Prohm was constructed in 1186 and contains a carving of a stegosaurus dinosaur. In 1571, Spanish adventurers found over 1100 Ceremonial Burial Stones in tombs in Peru. Hundreds of these stones have realistic and accurate depiction of dinosaurs. The city of Nerluc, France was renamed to Tarasque in honor of the dragon killed there. In 300 B.C, Alexander the Great reported that his soldiers were scared by dragons when they conquered part of

India. Marco Polo, who lived in China for 17 years, reported in 1271 A.D. that the emperor raised dragons to pull his chariots in parades. How would people in ancient times know about dinosaurs if they never lived together?

Roman mosaic from about 200 A.D.

Buddhist Temple constructed in 1186. One of the Burial Stones Mesopotamian cylinder seal from Peru dated at 1571. dated at 3300 B.C.

Richard Bell’s tomb dated at 1496 Living coelacanth! Supposedly became extinct This animal (plesiosaur?) has a 20 foot long neck.

65 million years ago with the dinosaurs. Washed up on Monterey Bay California in 1925.

Research For Yourself and you will see strong historical evidence proving dinosaurs lived with people. If you want more information about dinosaurs in human history, including pictures, then go to

Geologic Column is supposed to be layers (strata) of the earth representing different time periods laid down over billions of years. Many scientists though understand that nearly all of the earth’s layers were formed rapidly during a global flood. The general lack of erosion between the layers and the existence of many fossilized trees that extend straight up through many different layers indicate that these layers were not formed slowly over billions of years.

Textbooks arrange life forms from so-called simple to complex and give an age to each rock layer, based on how long evolutionists think it would take these life forms to evolve from one kind into another. Today, evolutionists date the rock strata by the fossils they contain, then turn around and date the fossils by the strata they are in! This is called circular reasoning! Even if fossils were found in order from so-called simple to complex, (and they are not) it would not prove the evolution theory. The geologic column cannot be found anywhere in the world, except in the textbooks!

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