Calontir Calon ILoI dated 2012-02-19 (Comment) Grüezen! Unto all

Calontir Calon ILoI dated 2012-02-19 (Comment)
Unto all who receive this letter, please consider these, the most recent submission items for Calontir, for
comment. I beg indulgence for any errors on this, my 1st Kingdom Letter of Intent.
1: Aline Archer - New Name (Correct) (Comment) & New
Badge (Correct) (Comment)
(Fieldless) On an open scroll argent a sheaf of three arrows
Submitter desires a feminine name.
No major changes.
Documentation summary
Aline: This name is found in the article Feminine Given Names
in A Dictionary of English Surnames by Talen Gwynek, used in
1428. Found at
Archer: This name is found as a byname in the article An Index to the 1523 Subsidy Roll for York and
Ainsty, England by Karen Larsdotter. Found at
2: Aline Archer - New Name (Correct) (Comment) & New Device
(Correct) (Comment)
Per bend sable and azure, a talbot passant Or and an open scroll argent.
No major changes.
The above submission has images. To view them, see the URLs below:
3: Angharad de Painscastle - New Name (Correct)
(Comment) & New Badge (Correct) (Comment)
(Fieldless) On a lozenge purpure, a tower argent charged with
a goute de sange
Submitter desires a feminine name.
Meaning (Would like the name to mean Angharad of
Painscastle) most important.
Documentation summary
Angharad: This name is found in the article Names of Women
of the Brythonic North in the 5-7th Centuries by Tangwystyl verch Morgan Glasvryn, found at and Women's Names in thr First Half of 16th
Century Wales by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, found at
de: This is found in the article A simple Guide to Constructing 13th Century Welsh Names by Tangwystyl
verch Morgan Glasvryn, found at Latin "de" is
sometimes used before place names, such as Alan de Ruthin.
Painscastle: Found at; attached. Gives a date of 1231 for the
town name and notes that the castle was built in 1251.
The above submission has images. To view them, see the URLs below:
4: Angharad de Painscastle - New Name (Correct) (Comment) & New Device (Correct) (Comment)
Per pale argent, sable and purpure in pale a horse's head erased sable and a tower argent charged with a
goutte de sangue
4: Balin Kendrick - Resub Badge (Correct) (Comment)
OSCAR finds the name registered exactly as it appears in
February of 2007, via Calontir
(Fieldless) A candle azure enflammed Or
Was 1st returned on February 2007 LoAR due to identification
issues. Was returned at Kingdom in March 2010 due to the
emblazon [(Fieldless) On a candle azure, flamed, a cross
throughout Or] being too similar to the flag of Sweden, which
is protected armory. This submission fixes both problems.
5: Calontir, Kingdom of - New Badge (Correct) (Comment)
OSCAR finds the name registered exactly as it appears in
December of 1983, via Calontir
Purpure, a saltire triple-parted and fretted between four pairs
of shears in cross, heads to center, Or
This submission is to be associated with Calontir Fiber Guild
6: Dragano della Vigna - New Name (Correct) (Comment)
Submitter desires a masculine name.
Language (Marco Polo era of Venice) most important.
Culture most important.
Summary of documentation
Dragano: Given name dated to 14th century s.n. Dragano in Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names
by Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek, found at Last
accessed 9/5/2011. Documents attached to submission.
della Vigna: Surname dated to 1300 s.n. della Vigna (in the V-section) of Italian Family Names from the
Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532 by Aryanhwy merch Catmael, found at
http:/// Last accessed 9/5/2011. Documents
attached to submission.
7: Gwydion ap Iohannes Matauc - New Name (Correct)
(Comment) & New Device (Correct) (Comment)
Per chevron Or and sable, a dragon passant gules and an Ionic
column Or
Submitter desires a masculine name.
No major changes.
Sound most important.
Summary of documentation
Gwydion: noted as SCA-compatible on the February 1989
LoAR. Also listed in the Compleat Anachronist #66 A Welsh
Miscellany by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, which
noted the name under "Men's Given Names" on p. 31, col. 2.
Copy of this document not included in submission.
ap: means "son of" or "male descendant of"
Iohannes: Found in the article A Simple Guide to Constructing 13th Century Welsh Names by Tangwystyl
verch Morgant Glasvryn, found at
Matauc: Found in the article The First Thousand Years of British Names - Appendices IV and V by
Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, found at
8: Gwydion ap Iohannes Matauc - New Badge (Correct)
OSCAR is unable to find the name, either registered or
Per chevron throughout Or and sable, an Ionic column Or
This submission is to be associated with Gwydion ap Iohannes
9: Kay of Gordon - Resub Device (Correct) (Comment)
OSCAR finds the name registered exactly as it appears in
September of 2010, via Calontir
Per pale azure and vert, a turtle rampant gorged with a county
coronet and in chief two ivy leaves Or
Awarded County on September 18, 2010 by the Kingdom of
10: Kay of Gordon - New Badge (Correct) (Comment)
OSCAR finds the name registered exactly as it appears in
September of 2010, via Calontir
This submission is to be associated with Kay of Gordon
11: Meryk ap Cadell - New Name (Correct) (Comment) &
New Device (Correct) (Comment)
Per pale sable and Or, a wolf's head cabossed between six
arrows in annulo, fletchings to center counterchanged
Submitter desires a masculine name.
Spelling (Client wishes to say away from spellings like Meurig
or Meuric since it looks too much like Maurice.) most
Summary of documentation
The name Ivan ap Grono ap Meryk was found in the extract of the Patents Roll for William Herbert, knight,
dated 1547 on p. 457 in Records of the County Borough of Cardiff edited John Hobson Matthews. Found at
The name James ap Meryk is found in entry 27 on p. 208 of Pedes Finium: or, Fines Relating to the County
of Surrey, Levied in The King's Court from the Seventh Year of Richard I. to the End of the Reign of Henry
VII extracted and edited by Frank B. Lewis, B.A. Set during the reign of Henry VII, around 1485-1509.
Found at
&sa=X&ei=W1pBT4a CHarj0QHuhHmBw&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22james%20ap%20meryk%22&f=false
The name Trahan ap Jevan ap Meryk is found on p. 76 in Membrane 21, dated Jan. 20, 1462 in
Westminster in the Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office from the Great
Britain Public Record Office. Found at
dar+of+the+pat ent+rolls&hl=en&sa=X&ei=9FtBTa9H8rb0QG98eXLDg&ved=0CDcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=ap%20jevan&f=false
Meryk was previously registered in Nov. 1982 (Meryk Haraldsen, West) and April 1997 (Meryk the
Rogue, East).
ap: "son of" or "male descendent of"
Found in the article The First Thousand Years of British Names, Appendices IV and V by Tangwystyl verch
Morgant Glasvryn. Found at
Name is noted on a Welsh gravestone in Precedents of Bruce of Mistholme under the heading of
DOCUMENTATION: [Iestyn ap Cadfael ap Ianto ap Danno ap Richard ap Owen ap Rhys o'r Cwm]. Lord
Hund noted the use of a Welsh gravestone of similarly lenghty name (John ap Robert ap Porth ap Daffyd ap
Gruffydd ap Daffyd Vaughan ap Blethyn ap Gruffydd ap Meredith ap Jerworth ap Llewellyn ap Jerom ap
Heilin ap Cowryd ap Cadwan ap Alawgwa ap Cadell of Powys, born 1547). Found at
12: Meryk ap Cadell - New Badge (Correct) (Comment)
OSCAR is unable to find the name, either registered or
13: Ostwald Konrad Riese Toten - Resub Name Change
(Correct) (Comment) & Resub Device (Correct) (Comment)
OSCAR NOTE: the old name was registered in in September
of 2010, via Calontir.
Very, a bear rampant gorged with a county coronet Or between
two flaunches argent, each charged with a halberd blade to
center vert
Old Item: Ostwald Konrad Riese Tod, to be released.
Submitter desires a masculine name.
No changes.
Summary of documentationRiese Toten: From the September 2010 LoAR-it stated that Riese Toten would be registerable as well. The
client would like to have his name changed from Ostwald Konrad Riese Tod to Ostwald Konrad Riese
Toten since that is closer to his previous submission of "von Riesetoten." Complete LoAR comments can
be found at Printout of appropriate decision was
attached to submission.
Awarded County on September 18, 2010 by the Kingdom of Calontir
14: Ostwald Konrad Riese Toten - New Badge (Correct)
OSCAR is unable to find the name, either registered or
(Fieldless) A bear rampant maintaining a halberd argent
15: Óttarr Surtsson - Resub Device (Correct) (Comment)
OSCAR is unable to find the name, either registered or
Per pale embattled Or and vert an eye irised vert, sclera gules
Returned by Laurel in the October 2011 LoAR:
This device is returned because the argent eye does not have
good contrast with the Or portion of the field on which it lies.
Per precedent:
We hereby rule that that there is no proper tincture for eyes. We
will no longer worry about tiny details such as the eyelashes (if
present) or the pupil: those are considered unblazoned artistic details. The tinctures of the sclera (the
"white" of the eye) and the iris may be specified in blazon; contrast against the field will be judged by the
sclera's tincture. [Nov 2007 LoAR Cover Letter]
This submission addresses this problem.
16: Sibilla Swaine - New Name (Correct) (Comment) & New
Device (Correct) (Comment)
Please consider the following possible conflicts identified by
OSCAR (many will not be conflicts): Sabah al-Zaman(9/2002),
Sibeal O'hOgáin (8/1990)
Azure semy-de-lys, and on a pile issuant from dexter argent a
raven sable
Submitter desires a feminine name.
Sound most important.
Summary of documentationSibilla: Listed in the article 16th Century Gloucestershire Names by Aryanhwy merch Catmael. Found at
Swaine: Surname listed in a marriage record on 9-30-1574 in the article Names Found in Minchinhampton,
Gloucestershire Marriage Registers 1566-1600 by Aryanhwy merch Catmael. Found at
17: Suzanne de la Ferté - New Badge (Correct)
OSCAR finds the name registered exactly as it appears in
February of 1998, via Ansteorra
(Fieldless) On a cauldron azure, a needle inverted and an
artist's brush in saltir argent
18: Theobald College - New Branch Name (Correct) (Comment) & New Device (Correct) (Comment)
Sable, a fess wavy azure fimbriated argent between a laurel wreath and a tyger rampant Or
Summary of DocumentationSee attachment for name documentation listing. It's extremely thorough!
Populace petition was included in name submission.
Populace petition was inicluded with the device submission.
The above submission has images. To view them, see the URLs
19: Þorkell hvalmagi - New Name (Correct) (Comment) &
New Device (Correct) (Comment)
Þorkell hvalmagi
Submitter desires a masculine name.
No major changes.
Summary of documentationÞorkell:
The name Þorkell Mani is on p. 17 in Landnama Book of
Iceland by T. Ellwood. Hard copy was sent with submission but
can also be found here:"landnama+book+of+ic
Þorkell was also found in the article Viking Names Found in Landnámabók by ARyanhwy merch Catmael,
under masculine names. Hard copy was sent with submission but can also be found here:
The name hvalmagi is on p. 102 in Landnáma og Egils saga by Bj{o"}n Magnússon Ólsen. Hard copy was
sent with submission but can also be found here:
This name was also found in the article Viking Names Found in Landnámabók by ARyanhwy merch
Catmael. Hard copy was sent with submission but can also be found here:
20: Vladek Sasul - New Name (Correct) (Comment) & New
Device (Correct) (Comment)
Per bend purpure and sable, a serpent involved in annulo
Submitter desires a masculine name.
No major changes.
Sound most important.
Summary of documentationVladek:
Vladek (m) - "to rule"
Name was found in Dictionary of Period Russian Names by Paul Goldschmidt in section VL-Y. S.n. Vars:
Wladek. 1415 [Mor 41]. Found at
Sasul 1 1578-1582 'the [Transylvanian] Saxon'
Name was found by submitter in the article Names from the Royal Lines of Moldavia and Wallachia by
Aryanhwy merch Catmael. No hard copy was submitted, and a 404 error comes up when the site,, was accessed on February 19, 2012.
Thank you for your learned assistance. Commentary on these submissions is due preferably no later than 19
March 2012, AS XLVII. Please send them electronically to my email address ( or via
regular mail to my address listed in the Mews.
Ich hilfe,
Brigida, Saker