Successful Learner

Touch School Achievement Ladder
Step 1
Step 2
Subjects (Outcomes/Experiences)
 I can explain the most important things I
have learned.
 I have set myself a challenge. I am going to
try to do something I can’t do now.
 I can use basic literacy and numeracy
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can use role-play, art, dance or music to
tell stories or show feelings.
 I enjoy listening to other people’s ideas or
 I can group things together and explain my
Ethos and life of the school
 With support from my teacher, I can share
my learning.
 I can take part in [school committees]
activities that support the wider life of
the school.
Personal Achievement
 I can tell you something I have learned.
 I can share my work and ask people what
they think of it. (teacher/peers)
 I can set myself a challenge and can try to
do something new.
Subjects (Outcomes/Experiences )
 I can make appropriate decisions about the
best method to demonstrate my learning.
 I have chosen one of the things I am not
good at and have identified myself how to
make it better.
 With increased confidence (independence)
I can use my literacy and numeracy skills.
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can come up with an idea, and explain it
fully. I can use someone else’s ideas and
add to them.
 I can join ideas together to create new
 I can show how ideas are liked together
and make connections in my learning, e.g.
use mindmaps, spidergrams, etc
Ethos and life of the school
 I can present my work to a wider audience.
 I can share and participate in the wider
life of the school.
Personal Achievement
 I can reflect on my learning and identify
what I am good at and what I am not so
good at.
 I can decide on a personal challenge and
know what I need to do to achieve it.
 When I give or receive feedback about my
work I am positive, truthful and helpful.
 I know everything I do has good parts and
parts which can be improved.
 I can show I learn from my mistakes.
Subjects (outcomes and experiences)
 I can think and talk about how my learning
in school helps me in school, at home and in
my community.
 I can solve problems eg. how can we solve
the problem of people leaving our play
corner in a mess
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can work well with other children in a
 I can take part in class projects where I
have a special job to do. Eg Winter Blanket
Appeal/Christmas Post.
Subjects (outcomes and experiences)
 I can link my learning to my life out of
school and how I can use it to help my
 I can solve real life problems with
increasing independence and know when I
should seek help
Step 3
Successful Learner
Subjects (Outcomes/Experiences)
 I can independently prepare a ‘product’ of
my learning to display, e.g. posters,
powerpoint, writing, artwork, etc.
 I can experiment and use different
approaches to my learning. I can set
myself new challenges and find ways of
achieving them.
 I can apply literacy and numeracy skills
across the curriculum
Learning Across the Curriculum
 When solving problems I can come up with
up with a variety ideas and then work out
which one is best.
 I can make links between things I have
learnt in different contexts.
Ethos and life of the school
 I can present work I have planned and
resourced myself, to an audience.
 I can present and take a leading role with
the wider life of the school.
Personal Achievement
 I can experiment and use a variety of
approaches to my learning so that I can
challenge myself and increase my range of
 I can work out what went well and what
went wrong with the way I approached my
learning. I can listen to and use feedback
from others to help improve my learning.
 I trust that feedback given to me from
others is balanced, honest and helps me
Effective Contributors
Ethos and Life of the School
 I can give ideas about how to make our
school better.
 I can give ideas to the school committees
and help changes happen.
Personal Achievement
 I can be a leader in a group without being
 I can take part in a service or
performance, with an audience out with
just my class.
 I can achieve HT / DHT award for working
with others
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can demonstrate group work skills
consistently, showing respect and
encouragement for others.
 I can participate in and show a level of
success with enterprise activities
Ethos and Life of the School
 I can contribute relevant ideas to class
discussions about our school
 I can contribute relevant ideas and
suggestions to school committees
Personal Achievement
 I can be a leader in a group encouraging
everyone to take a role, keeping to time
and achieving the set target.
 I can contribute to planning and
performing items at a service or
 I can achieve HT / DHT award for working
for the good of others.
Subjects (outcomes and experiences)
 I can demonstrate an understanding of the
relevance of current learning to my
present and future life
 I am able to use a range of problem solving
skills independently
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can demonstrate high level group work
skills consistently
 I can participate in and show a level of
success with enterprise activities, with
elements beyond immediate class
Ethos and Life of the School
 I can work with and relate to children and
adults to improve our school and our
 I can take a named role, with a specific
remit, on school committees.
 I can take responsibility for welcoming
visitors to our school or confidently
showing them around.
Personal Achievement
 I can demonstrate leadership as a project
manager or by showing a good level of
initiative or organisation or budget
 I can achieve HT / DHT award for seeking
opportunities to working with others for
the good of all.
Responsible Citizens
Subjects (Outcomes/Experiences)
 If the way someone is treated is unfair I
can ask them about it and help them feel
 I can participate in a celebration which is
uniquely Scottish
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can use other people’s ideas as well as my
 In reflection, at the end of a topic I can
make a list of things I have found out and
say which one is most important
Ethos and life of the school
 I can show respect for others over a
sustained period of time
 I can demonstrate either the Golden Rules
or Class Charter in ‘every day’ behaviour
 I have held a class responsibility over a
period eg. Milk, messenger etc
Personal Achievement
 I can achieve HT or DHT award for
showing friendship OR support for others
OR behaving responsibly
 I can participate successfully in an event
or activity which involves others in school
or wider community
Subjects (Outcomes/Experiences)
 I can identify issues of injustice which I
come across and suggest ways to overcome
 As a Scottish citizen I can give my opinion
relating to life in modern day Scotland
(economic, political and cultural)
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can look at things from different
 I can gather evidence to help me reach a
Ethos and life of the school
 I can show respect for others over a
sustained period of time
 Through sustained demonstration of
behaviour, I can show an understanding of
the Golden Rules / Class Charter
 I have held a class responsibility over a
sustained period
Personal Achievement
 I can achieve HT or DHT award for
showing friendship OR support for others
OR behaving responsibly
 I am involved in a community activity eg.
Brownies, Cubs
 I have been involved in a fundraising or
enterprise activity which has benefited a
charity or local community
Subjects (Outcomes/Experiences)
 I have achieved DHT award for agreed
termly focus
 I can prepare a planned talk to an audience
and listen to the talk of others
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can use Cool in School strategies
 I can demonstrate my understanding of
health and wellbeing by the choices I make
 I can accept when I mistake and know I
can do things to make it better
Subjects (Outcomes/Experiences)
 I have achieved DHT award for agreed
termly focus
 I can demonstrate good presentation skills,
using different media to a large audience
eg. Class. Provide feedback to others on
talks they have given
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can use Cool in School strategies
independently and make appropriate
decisions about when an adult’s help is
 I can demonstrate my understanding of
health and wellbeing by the choices I make
 I can accept when I make a mistake and
begin to take responsibility for my
mistakes and know I can make things
Ethos and life of the school
 I have taken part in an exhibition or
production in which my work was included
along with that of others, for people
outwith my class
 I can share with others,
Personal Achievement
 I am organised and prepared to learn and
can follow my class weekly timetable
 I can take action to limit the risks to
myself and others
 I have achieved HT award for
organisational skills OR for leadership
Subjects (Outcomes/Experiences)
 Within a global context, I can identify
issues of injustice and suggest ways to
overcome this
 I can demonstrate my understanding of
Scotland’s place in the world – in 2 or more
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can give an opinion having considered a
variety of perspectives
 I can evaluate evidence, stay objective and
reach conclusions
Ethos and life of the school
 I can show respect for others over a
sustained period of time
 Through sustained commitment to the
class charter I can act as a role model to
others throughout the school
 I have held a school level responsibility
over a sustained period – school messenger,
buddy, dinner book, tuck shop etc
Personal Achievement
 I can achieve HT or DHT award for
showing friendship OR support for others
OR behaving responsibly
 I have shown sustained involvement in a
community activity (either length or time
or number of activities)
 I have been involved in the planning and
implementation of a fundraising or
enterprise activity which has benefited a
charity or local community
Confident Individual
Ethos and life of the school
 I can tell other people in my class about
the clubs and committees I belong to and
why I enjoy them
 I can participate, enthusiastically, in
healthy lifestyle activities
 I can encourage others in my class to be
healthy eg. Making poster to remind others
to wash their hands
Personal Achievement
 I can be organised in a way which means I
can finish my work in class and at home
 I am aware of my own personal safety and
the safety of others around me
 I have achieved HT Award for presenting
skills OR for keeping trying and not giving
Subjects (Outcomes/Experiences)
 I have achieved DHT award for agreed
termly focus
 I can prepare a planned and structured
talk to a wider audience, using previous
feedback to improve my presentation skills
 I can give effective feedback to others to
support their improvement
Learning Across the Curriculum
 I can use Cool in School strategies
independently in a range of situations and
promote the use of these strategies with
 I can demonstrate my understanding of
health and wellbeing by the choices I make
 I can take responsibility for my mistakes
and learn from these
Ethos and life of the school
 I have represented my school in a learning
event whereby I was challenged to try
something new
Personal Achievement
 I can use a diary to manage my time
 I have carried out basic risk assessments
and made relevant decisions to complete a
planned learning activity
 I have achieve HT award for resilience OR
initiative OR leadership skills
For an award to be completed children must be able to demonstrate achievement in 50% or
more bullet points in all 4 aspects of the curriculum.
Step 1 - P1/2
Step 2 – P3-5
Step 3 – P6/7