Richard Grotjahn*, Daniel Hodyss and Sheri Immel
Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources
University of California, Davis, CA, 95616-8627 U.S.A.
January 2001
Corresponding author email: grotjahn@ucdavis.edu
The evolution of initially localized vorticies is studied using linear and nonlinear quasi-geostrophic
channel models. Initial conditions include a single upper trough; some initial conditions also include a
single surface trough. These initial conditions are intended to simulate observed synoptic-scale
atmospheric conditions prior to extratropical cyclogenesis. A procedure is outlined for creating an initial
state having a spatially-localized trough that also remains coherent for a long time in a linear calculation.
Consequently, nonmodal growth is initially small or negligible. The initial state also has no projection onto
any normal mode, removing that growth mechanism as well. Introducing nonlinear advection can activate
normal mode and nonmodal growth. The given localized initial states activate unstable normal modes in
example nonlinear calculations. The activated normal modes grow to dominate the solution while
nonmodal growth remains comparatively small.
1. Introduction and motivation
Observed frontal cyclones form and develop in a complex flow that includes other troughs and
ridges of varying size, location, and intensity. Our understanding of the development of frontal cyclones is
shaped by conceptual and mathematical models. An example of the former is "type B cyclogenesis"
(Petterssen and Smebye, 1971) wherein a single upper level trough approaches a single lower level trough.
When a favorable position is reached that supports growth, the upper and lower features reinforce each
other (Hoskins, et al., 1985). Because individual lows appear to operate somewhat autonomously, most
synopticians likely view the interaction between an upper and lower trough to be somewhat localized in
space. While the larger environment shapes the properties of the upper and lower trough, each trough does
not appear to be one of a long wavetrain of troughs and ridges. In contrast, popular mathematical models
(e.g. Charney,1947; Eady, 1949) for normal mode baroclinic instability (BI) tend to examine wavetrains.
Similarly, studies (e.g. Farrell, 1984, Grotjahn, et. al, 1995) of nonmodal growth (NG) develop or start
with wavetrain solutions. This study also uses such simple mathematical models, but initializes them with
stable structures that remain highly localized in space in a linear calculation. The principal goal is to assess
the relative strengths of BI and NG when these stable, localized structures are placed in a nonlinear
Non-localized states are common in theoretical studies due to the mathematical simplicity. The
archetype non-localized state is a single wavenumber in the along-flow direction. In initial value studies
such as Grotjahn and Tribbia (1995) the lack of localized initial structure leads to rather ambiguous initial
conditions. An upper level trough appears to be upstream of one surface low but it is also downstream of
an adjacent low due to the use of a single zonal wavenumber in a periodic domain. This study aims to
remove that ambiguity.
Several studies have examined somewhat localized solutions. One way to create somewhat
localized solutions is to introduce zonal variation into the model. That might be done by means of a
boundary forcing (e.g. zonally-varying topography as in Grotjahn and Wang, 1990). More commonly,
somewhat localized solutions occur in studies of flows that have downstream variation such as
climatological mean flows (e.g. Frederiksen, 1983). In these studies, the eigensolutions tend to consist of a
chain of highs and lows modulated by an amplitude envelope. Another method by which BI can be
simulated with localized solutions is through the use of solitary wave disturbances (e.g. Mitsudera, 1994).
An initial condition consisting of an arbitrarily-defined localized structure, will typically develop a
spreading packet of waves during an integration forward in time. Some members of the packet may be
unstable normal modes of a corresponding linear problem. The spread may be in both directions or
primarily in one direction such as upstream: Thorncroft and Hoskins (1990; their figure 19). The result
may be largely diagnosed by projecting the initial state upon the eigenmodes to see which are present and
with what amplitude. Simmons and Hoskins (1979) include an analysis of a single trough initial condition
in spherical and Cartesian coordinates models. They analyze how this single trough spreads into an everwidening packet of waves, whose edges are related to the maximum and minimum speeds of the prescribed
flow. New troughs and ridges appear on the leading and trailing edges of the packet. Over time the new
features increase in wavelength and grow at a rate that exceeds (presumably due to NG) and then
asymptotes back down to the most unstable normal mode growth rate. Swanson and Pierrehumbert (1994)
explore nonlinear integrations using a wave packet on a baroclinically unstable jet for the initial condition.
The carrier wave has several maxima and several minima. Over time, the leading waves tend to have
longer wavelengths while shorter waves appear on the trailing end. This result is similar to linear solutions
(Simmons and Hoskins, 1979).
Our subjective impression is that individual lows in the atmosphere operate somewhat
autonomously and not as a chain of highs and lows. This notion is supported by studies which composite
observations. Grotjahn and Castello (2000) composite 300 hPa and sea level pressure (SLP) data for a
dozen developing lows. When the data are combined with the origin placed at the center of the trough, one
finds no systematic wavetrain of lows upstream or downstream. Instead, the trough starts out isolated and
only as it begins to grow does the downstream (upstream) ridge develop at the upper (lower) level. These
adjacent ridges are set up by the vertical motions within the cyclone (Grotjahn, 1996b). A similar pattern
develops in an Eady model calculation initialized by a single trough (Hakim, 2000). A similar evolution
was reproduced in a nonlinear quasi-geostrophic (QG) model integration from a quite localized initial state
(Rotunno and Bao, 1996; fig. 8). The initial state used by Rotunno and Bao has a vertical trough (no
upstream tilt) with weak adjacent highs and lows created by an inverse distance squared zonal envelope.
The envelope they use is not based on the dynamics, so there can be significant projections onto
baroclinically unstable modes and also modes of different phase speeds. Such differing speeds can allow
nonmodal growth to occur.
Observations reveal that an upper (and perhaps a lower) trough propagates with little or no
amplification for some time before cyclogenesis commences (e.g. Grotjahn, 1996a). So prior to
amplification, either the normal mode and nonmodal growth mechanisms (and other things such as
nonlinear amplification and diabatic processes) are each small or these growth mechanisms are largely
canceling. When cyclogenesis commences, all of these processes presumably come into play in varying
degrees. The scope of this study is much narrower. Here, an isolated vortex is defined that remains
coherent and stable in a linear calculation. The linearly stable vortex is subject to nonlinear advection and
is distorted; more importantly, structures develop from the nonlinear interaction that could release
nonmodal instability or excite growing normal modes. Numerous eigenstructures are activated by the
nonlinear interaction of the modes comprising the initial and subsequent states. The question to be
addressed is whether normal mode and/or nonmodal baroclinic instability are activated and to what relative
degree. This question is potentially quite broad. To limit the scope, this study emphasizes how the
localized structure is obtained and applies it to a few archetype initial conditions that attempt to simulate
observed precursors to cyclogenesis. To assess the relative strengths of NG and BI, the initial state has
negligible NG and BI at the start. The next section describes the method of constructing the initial states
and the numerical models employed. The third section describes and analyzes example linear and
nonlinear calculations. The final section presents some conclusions.
2. Experimental Design
Initial value calculations are performed using linear and nonlinear forms of a quasi-geostrophic
(QG) initial-value model. The nonlinear form of the interior QG potential vorticity (PV) equation used here
q Q 
 J ( , q )  0
x y x
where J denotes a Jacobian and the perturbation QGPV is:
q   2 
1 
 z
The boundary conditions in the vertical are:
 
dU 
 U }(
 J ( ,
) 0
x z
dz x
at z  0, ztop .
Perturbation stream function is . Upper case letters denote the prescribed basic state where U and Q/y
are only functions of z. The basic wind U reaches maximum value (~1.2 units) at the tropopause (z=1.0)
and decreases with height in the model’s stratosphere. Density () and static stability are functions of
height (z) only and are chosen to match the U.S. Standard Atmosphere (1976) midlatitude profiles.
(Grotjahn, 1980, has further details.) The equations have been made nondimensional using typical scaling
magnitudes for horizontal length (L=1000 km), vertical depth (D=10 km), speed (V=10 m/s), and
advective time scale (L/V=105 s). The parameter  = ( f0 D / {NL} )2 relates L to the Rossby radius of
deformation and so is inversely proportional to Brunt-Väisälä frequency N. The model uses Cartesian
coordinates on a midlatitude “-plane” channel having linear Coriolis variation. This model is hereafter
labeled the G model.
These equations are solved numerically as an initial value problem. The numerical model is
spectral in the horizontal, uses second-order finite differences in the vertical and uses a third order AdamsBashforth scheme for time integration. The model uses 21 levels. All fields are represented spectrally with
10 Fourier modes in x and 5 in y. The relatively small number of Fourier modes is chosen to simplify the
construction of the initial conditions.
The initial conditions used here are highly localized in space. Some care is needed in defining the
isolated initial features. Arbitrarily prescribing an isolated PV maximum in the Eady (1949) model (say)
results in a solution that will not remain isolated for long due to the eigenstructures inherent to that model.
The Eady model continuum mode eigenfunctions comprising an initial condition that is vertically localized
have sufficiently different phase speeds that dispersion causes the local structure to quickly decompose into
a chain of highs and lows. The vertical structures of individual continuum modes have greater vertical
localization when compressibility is included as it is in the G model. The G model is used precisely for this
The initial conditions (IC) are formed from continuum modes. The continuous spectrum in the G
model has eigenfunctions with localized vertical structure and similar phase speed at different
wavenumbers. Fig. 1 shows vertical profiles of amplitude for the 17 continuum modes (plus the most
unstable normal mode) at zonal wavenumber k=2.0 for a corresponding eigenvalue problem. Phase speeds
are indicated as well. The peak amplitude of a continuum mode often occurs at a level where the mode’s
phase speed is similar to the basic flow. A similar range of structures is found at other zonal wavenumbers.
For longer waves, the localized continuum modes tend to be broader than those shown in Fig. 1 and viceversa for shorter waves. These properties are used to construct initial conditions that also have localized
vertical structure and similar phase speed. Various constructions are employed here. The two IC
emphasized are upper level troughs shown in Fig. 2; one is labeled “shallow” and one “deep”. Both of
these ICs emphasize continuum modes with very little range of phase speeds and so NG is negligible in a
linear calculation. Other initial states cited here include an upper troposphere isolated trough calculated by
an alternative method and a slow-moving trough confined near the bottom boundary. Since nonlinear
calculations are emphasized, several amplitudes are tested.
The construction of an initial condition proceeds as follows. The eigenfunctions of a given
background flow are found. Next, grouping and selecting the appropriate members of the continuous
spectrum is a straightforward but tedious task. A “target level” is chosen where one desires the IC to have
largest amplitude. Next, those members of the continuous spectrum with greatest stream function
amplitude near the target level are identified for each zonal wavenumber. At each zonal wavenumber, the
member with the phase speed closest to the target phase speed is selected. This target phase speed is
initially set to the value of U at the target level. In practice, some adjustment of the target level and target
speed are needed to accommodate the properties of the discrete set of continuum modes actually present in
the eigenmodel. For example, all continuum modes used to construct the upper trough shown here have
phase speeds that differ by less than 5%. For another example, the closest phase speed match may be a
mode with two maxima in the vertical; in that case the closest match amongst modes having a single
maximum is selected. At this point one has a prototype structure consisting of a single continuum mode for
each zonal wavenumber where these modes have similar phase speed and vertical structure.
The localization in the horizontal can be done by several means. A Gaussian in x and y or similar
zonal profile can be decomposed into Fourier coefficients. These coefficients multiply the continuum
modes selected above. The result is an initial state that is meridionally, zonally, and vertically localized and
is comprised of modes having very similar phase speed.
An “alternative method” upper level trough was found by using Fourier coefficients for a Gaussian
in x and constructing the IC from continuum modes with meridional wavenumber zero. To construct the y
variation one first multiplies the x and z structure by a Gaussian variation in y. When this IC is used as is,
normal modes having y variation are present. These modes rapidly grow to dominate the solution in test
calculations. So, an additional step is employed to filter out these normal modes. The IC is projected onto
all the eigenmodes as defined in the numerical model, the amplitude for any growing or decaying normal
mode is set to zero, and the remaining projections reconstruct the initial state. The advantage of this IC is
that it simplifies the process of constructing the initial state since many fewer continuum modes need be
surveyed for use in the IC. This IC has more NG since there is no control over the phase speeds of the
continuum modes having meridional variation. In that sense it may suggest the behavior of a more general
trough than the “shallow” or “deep” ICs. However, NG remains small even in the alternative method IC.
Results are interpreted using several simple tools. In addition to displaying the perturbation fields
as they evolve over time, growth rates of various diagnostics are examined. Domain-wide integrals of total
energy (E) and RMS amplitude (L2 norm) help assess the relative importance of normal mode and
nonmodal growth. Calculation of the projection onto the set of normal and continuum modes reveals the
presence (and rate of growth) of normal modes during the time integration. Growth rates for key
eigenmodes are calculated and separated into contributions from linear growth and (when present)
nonlinear forcing. Finally, extreme values at the centers of each trough and ridge are tracked over time and
growth rates estimated for these peak values. A similar procedure was used by Simmons and Hoskins
(1979). These extrema growth rates include highs and lows that emerge during the integration as well as
those at the start. The extrema are separated into those near the tropopause and those at the surface. An
alternative is to track extrema of vorticity (Müller et al., 1989).
3. Results
The ICs are structured to have relatively little change over time in a linear calculation.
Consequently, the focus here is upon the nonlinear results, whose evolution depends upon the amplitude
assigned. Early in the evolution, the upper level trough is distorted into a NW-SE oriented axis tilt due to
the superposition of eddy and basic state winds on the S side of the trough and their cancellation on the N
side. In addition, secondary lows and highs appear adjacent to the main trough. Since no appreciable
trough or ridge appears at the surface for these IC, growth is more rapid at low levels as troughs and ridges
appear and rapidly “catch up” in amplitude to the upper feature(s). In contrast, the initial upper trough
typically had little amplitude change during the integrations described. For larger amplitude, the distortion
of the initial trough shape occurs sooner and adjoining highs and lows grow more rapidly, as well. To get a
sense of how amplitude alters the evolution, the “standard” shallow IC (shown in fig. 2a) is compared with
an IC (labeled the “doubled shallow” IC) having twice the magnitude of the standard shallow IC. Fig 3
shows results for these two shallow ICs. Also shown is the evolution of the deep IC case at tropopause and
surface levels. The other ICs have broadly similar surface evolution. Other magnitudes were examined for
the shallow, deep, and alternative method ICs than those shown here.
Time series of global growth rates for mass-integrated amplitude (L2) and total energy (E) are
discussed next. Exponential growth at a constant rate, exp(rt), would show up as a straight line at value r
for a given norm. For a normal mode, E grows at twice the rate as the root mean squared amplitude (L2)
Two means are used to assess whether significant NG is present. One technique is to calculate
global growth rates from the perturbation fields. This rate encompasses the entire domain. As individual,
adjoining highs and lows appear, the region covered by the perturbation expands. So, the behavior of
individual troughs and ridges can be obscured by the aggregate behavior seen in the global growth rate.
The second scheme addresses this issue by tracking individual troughs and ridges. Challenges arise when
tracking features. The sizes and shapes of the troughs are changing, and the troughs split and merge with
other troughs thereby making identification over time occasionally arbitrary. Our solution was to track the
values of the extrema at a single level (similar to what Simmons and Hoskins, 1979, show) as a proxy for
an amplitude norm of the individual feature. The association is approximate given the horizontal (and
vertical) scale changes that occur.
To assess the importance of NG is difficult in these simulations because the scale varies over time
as well as between the individual features. A broad characterization will be made based on how the growth
rates (either of the aggregate or of individual features) compare to normal mode values. Growth rate time
series having values exceeding the comparable (in scale) unstable normal mode indicate NG in a linear
calculation. Significant NG can be present in a linear calculation for lesser growth rates if the structure
differs significantly from the unstable normal mode (i.e. if the emerging normal mode is a tiny fraction of
the total perturbation). Here, nonlinear interaction can place amplitude into various modes. It is unclear to
what extent this can be incorporated into NG when NG is traditionally studied in a linear context.
However, later in this section growth is partitioned between linear and nonlinear terms.
The growth rates are compared to the linear normal mode values solely to make a qualitative
assessment of the amount of NG occurring. The normal mode values depend on the specified mean flow U.
So, the comparison is imperfect since the nonlinear calculations lead to local variations in the shear that
presumably increase or decrease the linear instability locally. Also, many wavenumbers are present and the
“main” one is difficult to estimate for a feature. With those caveats, the width of the upper trough in these
ICs is about ½ the zonal wavelength of the most unstable mode, i.e. the initial trough has similar horizontal
scale to the most unstable mode. The most unstable normal mode has linear growth rate 0.44. In the linear
version of this model configuration, the growth rates spectrum has a broad maximum. For absolute
wavenumber 1.5 times the most unstable wavenumber, the growth rate decreases by about 17%. At 2 times
the most unstable absolute wavenumber, the growth rate decreases by about 60%. The larger amplitude
troughs and ridges that form during the integrations all tend to have size within 1 to 1.5 times the most
unstable absolute wavenumber. Consequently, our qualitative assessment is that growth rates must be
much greater than 0.4 for NG to be considered “large” and NG is considered “moderate” for growth rates
within 20% of 0.4.
The growth rates are not shown for linear integrations of the initial conditions since they remain
small during the integration. The eigenmodes hardly interact in the linear model: the relative phase is
hardly changing between the constituent modes, so little nonmodal growth is present and each mode
individually has zero growth rate. For both upper trough ICs in Fig. 2, the global growth rates remain
essentially zero (<10-4) throughout a linear integration. Plots (not shown) of the total solution at various
times in the integration mainly show the trough propagating across the domain. The most detectable
change is the gradual appearance of adjacent highs and lows along the y=0 axis. The dispersion of
amplitude leads to a decrease in the peak value of the initial trough. The decrease of the peak trough value
is seen in nonlinear integrations (Fig 3) as well, though to a lesser extent since unstable modes are
activated. The linear growth rates for the “alternative method” IC show a “small” amount of NG since
there is a wide spread in the phase speeds of the constituent modes. Peak values during a linear integration
of the alternative method IC briefly reach 0.06 units, with small negative values prevailing during much of
the integration (see Fig. 1 in Grotjahn and Hodyss, 1999).
Growth rates are shown in Fig. 4 for nonlinear calculations using the ICs shown in Fig. 2. These
growth rates remain small as compared to linear normal mode growth rates based on the flow U. Little
growth occurs until after 6 units of time for the standard shallow IC. When the magnitude is increased the
growth occurs sooner. For example, tripling the magnitude of the standard shallow IC leads to E and L2
growth rates exceeding 0.1 units after 4 units of time. Also, for larger amplitudes the time series of E no
longer looks like a doubling of the L2 series; for example, L2 global growth exceeds E growth for the first
~5 units of time using the tripled amplitude shallow IC. The deep IC has comparable peak values (Fig 2) as
the standard shallow IC, but the deep IC develops perturbations more rapidly as seen in Figs. 3c,d. As seen
in Fig. 4b, the growth rate exceeds 0.1 after ~4 units of time for L2. After 10 units of time E and L2
growth rates oscillate about a value roughly half that of the most unstable mode for the U portion of the
flow. However, the perturbation field has covered the domain by t=10 and results are no longer applicable
to development of a localized feature. For the “alternative method” IC the growth rates time series (not
shown) are more regular, matching the linear simulation until ~3.5 units of time. After that the growth rates
grow and eventually plateau at the most unstable normal mode rate.
Our second measure of growth targets individual highs and lows. Growth rates were calculated
from the extreme values of high and low centers. Instantaneous growth rates were not calculated since they
were swamped by amplitude variations created as a center moved between grid points. To avoid this
problem, time average extrema growth rates over 0.5 units of time were estimated. These rates are shown
in Fig. 5 for selected features of the shallow and deep IC simulations. The estimates are made for all
features that could be unambiguously tracked for at least 0.5 units of time. The emergence of more and
more features as the integration proceeds is clear from the greater number of curves towards the end of the
period. The main trough in the IC is labeled “UL1” and it is clear that this trough has little growth with
time. It is also clear that surrounding features do not grow with spectacular speed. Rarely does an extrema
growth rate exceed the range for normal modes. While NG is very likely present, close inspection of the
emerging features finds upstream tilts and comparable amplification at upper and lower levels. For
example, UL2 and UL5 in Fig. 3c have companion surface lows (Fig. 3d) all of which nearly double in
magnitude between times 6 and 8. Such companion behavior is less likely for NG and more typical of
normal mode growth.
Our third scheme for measuring growth tracks the growth in amplitude of unstable normal modes
that grow to prominence after a finite time. This procedure highlights how nonlinearity creates the normal
mode instability. As the integration proceeds the most unstable modes begin to emerge. They are forced by
the nonlinear interaction (as are most if not all the eigenmodes). For the alternative method IC, nonlinear
forcing builds up the more unstable normal modes amplitude fast enough that linear exponential growth of
the unstable modes dominates within 15 units of time. Time series of the projections of unstable normal
modes onto the perturbation reveal that several unstable normal modes are strongly activated by the
nonlinear interaction of the waves. The normal modes are immediately forced by nonlinear interaction
involving the total solution. The governing equations (1) and (3) are separable into tendencies by linear
and nonlinear terms. One may project the QGPV onto individual eigenmodes to obtain time series of the
d Aj
= nlF j +  j
modal amplitudes. Thus a simple formula for the amplitude Aj of the jth normal mode may be written:
The growth rate of the jth normal mode is j . The term nlFj is the tendency from the nonlinear Jacobians in
(1) and (3); it varies slowly as the flow is distorted.
The tendency typically evolves as follows: first the tendency is roughly constant due almost
entirely to nonlinear forcing, then the mode reaches sufficient amplitude that linear exponential growth
dominates. Since growth rate is the tendency divided by the amplitude, the nonlinear term growth rate for a
normal mode starts out large and tends to decrease over time. The nonlinear tendency varies more slowly
than the growth rate.
Table 1 summarizes some linear and nonlinear growth rates of the normal modes having largest
projection at a particular time. The nonlinear forcing activates different normal modes to differing extents.
The table illustrates a range of variation over time seen in other modes by tracking the two modes having
the largest amplitudes at time 10. For the weakly unstable normal mode (#100) the nonlinear terms
dominate throughout the period keeping this mode one of the largest amplitude modes throughout the
period. The rate of nonlinear growth declines over time as this mode gains amplitude while the tendency
changes more slowly. For the moderately unstable mode (#10) the nonlinear contribution to normal mode
growth dominates at the start but quickly diminishes. After time 4, the nonlinear terms are decreasing the
amplitude of this mode. So, the nonlinear terms do not always increase the mode over time. A similar
effect prevents the most unstable mode (#1) from dominating. At time 5 the nonlinear decay is so strong
that the total growth rate for mode #1 is negative. Thus, at time 10 the most unstable mode has only the 6th
largest amplitude of the normal modes. The table reveals that a nonlinear growth rate much larger than the
normal mode growth rate can be sustained for a long time. For the deep IC many of the same modes are
again prominent and a similar wide range of growth rate time series occur.
Results from some related studies apply. Pedlosky (1981) shows that nonlinear interaction of
weakly unstable modes leads to initially rapid growth by the most unstable mode but that mode would later
decline in favor of another mode. The favored mode had larger value of a parameter that tended to be
larger for wavelengths greater than the most unstable mode. The most unstable mode is not favored in our
results either. For both the shallow and the deep ICs, the 10th, 12th , and 55th most unstable modes (having
absolute wavenumbers  = 1.43, 1.84, and 1.48 respectively) were favored more than the most unstable.
These modes have larger scale than the most unstable mode ( = 2.02). The 100th mode (Table 1) has  =
1.14. However, a couple of the normal modes favored more strongly than the most unstable mode had
smaller scale (>2.02). Hakim (2000) tracked the most unstable normal mode in a nonlinear integration of
an Eady-type model for a single-vortex IC. He finds growth similar to the linear rate during the first 30h
(~1.1 units of time here) and declining thereafter. He also concludes that “nearly all” surface development
was from activated growing normal modes. He further anticipates that stronger initial disturbances will
shorten the time of development. Malardel et al. (1993) define ICs for a nonlinear, semi-geostrophic model
by introducing “non-modal” upper level vortices above a frontal zone. What emerges in every case is
reportedly the same as when a normal mode is used for the vortex instead.
Finally, an attempt was made to reproduce a “type B” cyclogenesis situation. A separate trough
confined to the lower surface was placed various distances downstream of the upper level trough of the
“alternative method” IC. Such a calculation can be designed so that growth appears to initiate once the
upper level trough “catches up” to the lower level trough. However, some caution is advised here. In the
linear problem, the time evolution can be deduced from the projections onto the normal modes at the start.
Consequently, if the upper and lower troughs are initially juxtaposed with care, the most unstable normal
mode can be made to reach noticeable amplitude just as the upper trough reaches a point upstream from
the surface low by an amount that is similar to the normal mode phase tilt. Such a calculation looks
spectacularly like development that waits for the upper trough, but it is really a matter of careful initial
placement. By placing the upper trough even further back initially (say) the normal mode develops
significant amplitude prior to the arrival of the upper trough, instead of waiting for it to arrive. This
ambiguity provides another reason for excluding the normal modes from the initial state. In that case, only
nonlinear interactions are able to activate such modes in the solution. In our nonlinear calculations
however, development of the initial surface feature did not await the arrival of the upper trough. For an
initial zonal displacement (between upper and lower troughs) of 3 units, the upper trough passes by the
surface low and a trough behind the upper one ultimately connects with the surface low. These results
suggest that more care is needed to properly simulate the “type B” mechanism and so the calculations
described here are not shown. A similar lack of interaction between a lower and upper feature was found
by Zehnder and Keyser (1991) in a linearized Eady-type model. They conclude that the key factor is
whether the features have large enough horizontal extent so that their associated potential vorticity
anomalies are deep enough to have notable interaction as the two features pass.
4. Conclusions
Stable, isolated features can be constructed from eigenmodes and then input into an initial value
model. Mechanisms for development can be controlled in a linear sense by defining an initial feature
whose decomposition into eigenmodes: excludes baroclinically unstable normal modes and selects
continuum modes of similar phase speed. The initial conditions used consist of a vertically and zonally
isolated trough centered near tropopause level. The initial state is comprised solely of continuum modes
with phase speeds within a few percent of a target phase speed and with maximum amplitude located near
the tropopause level (nondimensional z=1.0).
It is possible to construct solutions that commence development once the upper trough arrives just
upstream of the low level feature, but care must be taken to verify if and how much that occurrence is due
to fortuitous timing of eigenmodes in the initial state. Resolving that issue was beyond the scope of this
work. The results here focus on the development of nomodal growth (NG) and baroclinically unstable
normal modes from an environment having little or none of each (in a linear sense) at the start.
Nonlinear solutions trigger unstable normal modes when meridional variation is allowed, even if
such modes were filtered out of the initial state. These modes appear first adjacent to the initial trough.
Global exponential growth (Fig. 4) develops and becomes quite obvious after a few units of model time.
The structure of the eddy distorts (Fig. 3) and baroclinically growing eddies appear in the domain. Many of
these eddies have upstream vertical axis tilts. Quantitatively, normal modes are found to have significant
amplitude when the total solution is projected onto them at various times in the integration.
The growth rates shown in the Fig. 4 are domain-wide values. However, the initial perturbation is
confined to a small area so that the initial growth of an individual trough (say) may be quite different from
the domain-wide average. As can be seen in Fig. 3, the modes spread in an irregular way from the initially
localized disturbance. So, any limited region that captures the larger amplitude features will be not only
arbitrary, but expanding in size and probably varying in shape. To avoid this ambiguity, the development
near the trough is examined in two quite different ways. First, by tracking the “extrema growth rates” of
the peak values for inidividual lows and highs, Fig. 5, similar to Simmons and Hoskins (1976). Almost
none of these extrema growth rates exceed the rate of unstable normal modes of comparable scale. Further,
there is some evidence for normal mode structure (companion amplitude changes at different levels,
maintenance of upstream tilt). The second scheme tracks the growth in amplitude of unstable normal
modes that grow to prominence after a finite time. The nonlinear contributions to the growth rate dominate
at the start (of course) as normal modes are activated. For some modes, this nonlinear growth rate can
remain large for long periods of time. The nonlinearity can also prevent dominance by the more unstable
modes from a comparable linear formulation.
Acknowledgement. This work was funded by generous support from the National Science Foundation
through grant ATM-96-15316.
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Figure captions:
Fig. 1. Amplitude profiles of every continuum mode in a matrix eigenfunction analog of the G model at
k=2.0, except for the top left plot which shows the most unstable normal mode. The eigenfunctions are
calculated using 21 levels (they are 1-dimensional) for a given meridional and zonal wavenumber.
Respective phase speeds for each mode are also given.
Fig. 2. Two initial conditions emphasized in calculations discussed here. Zonal cross sections (x vs z) and
horizontal structures (x vs y) at surface and tropopause levels for: (a) standard shallow IC and (b) deep IC.
The top row shows the pattern at the tropopause level (z=1.0) in the model. The middle row shows the
surface pattern. The bottom row is a cross section at y=0. Dashed contours indicate negative values. The
contour interval is the same in all figures.
Fig. 3. Contour plots of stream function at times t=2, 4, 6, and 8 during integrations starting from three
initial conditions (ICs). Evolution at tropopause level for the (a) “standard” shallow IC, (b) “double”
shallow IC having twice the amplitude of the standard shallow IC, and (c) deep IC. Surface evolution (d)
for the deep IC also shown. The contour interval is the same throughout. Letter labels refer to features
tracked for extrema growth rates in Fig 5.
Fig. 4. Time series of global growth rates for the nonlinear calculations using (a) standard shallow IC and
(b) deep IC. E is the total energy integral; L2 is the amplitude norm.
Fig. 5. Growth rates of selected extrema versus time. (a) upper and (b) lower levels for the standard
shallow IC. (c) upper and (d) lower levels for the deep IC. Labels refer to: tropopause level (U), surface
(S), relative minimum (L), and relative high (H). The linear growth rate of the most unstable normal mode
is 0.44; for scales similar to the troughs and ridges that develop, their corresponding linear normal mode
growth rates would be within 20% of the most unstable value.
Table 1. Instantaneous growth rates of selected normal modes. Total growth rate (“total”) and that growth
rate from just the nonlinear terms (“nonlinear”) are listed. The difference is the linear growth rate for the
indicated mode. The 2 modes with largest projection amplitude (“amplitude”) at time 10 are listed here
along with the sequence for the most unstable normal mode. “Mode #” refers to the linear instability rank;
the most unstable mode is #1, the 10th is #10, etc.
Mode #
linear growth rate = 9.03E-03
linear growth rate = 0.315331
linear growth rate = 0.434853
* growth rate not calculated