Meteorite Impacts-Topic-Shocked Minerals2

!Meteorite Impact References-by Topic-Shocked Minerals-Continued
*Englehardt, W. von, & Stoffler, D., 1968, Stages of shock metamorphism in the
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materials (B.M. French and N.M. Short, eds), p. 159-168, Mono, Baltimore.
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*Gibbons, R.V., Horz, J., Thompson, T.D., and Ahrens, T.J., 1975, Controlled shock
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*Gibbons, R.V., Kieffer, S.W., Schad, R.B., Horz, F., and Thompson, T.D., 1975,
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*Glikson, A.Y., 1976, Earliest Precambrian ultramafic-mafic volcanic rocks: ancient
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*Gold, D.P., and Tuttle, O.F., 1966, Program, Conference on Shock Metamorphism of
Natural Materials,: Greenbelt, MD, (April 16, 1966).
*Grieve, R.A.F., 1980, Impact bombardment and its role in proto-continental growth on
the early earth: Precambrian Res., v. 10, p. 217-247.
*Grieve, R.A.F., Langenhorst, F., and Stoffler, D., 1996, Shock metamorphism of quartz
in nature and experiment, II- significance in geoscience: Meteoritics and Planetary
Science, v.31, p. 6-35.
*Grieve, R.A.F., and Robertson, P.B., 1979, The terrestrial cratering record: Icarus, v. 38,
p. 212-229.
*Griggs, D.T., and Blacic, J.D., 1964, The strength of quartz in the ductile regime (abs):
EOS (Trans. AGU), v. 45, p. 102-103.
*Hartung, J.B., 1968, Application of the potassium argon method to the dating of
shocked rocks: Ph.D. thesis, Rice University, Houston, TX.
*Hartung, J.B., Dence, M.R., and Adams, J.A.S., 1971, Potassium-argon dating of shockmetamorphosed rocks from the Brent impact crater, Ontario, Canada: Jour. of Geophys.
Res., v. 76, n. 23, p. 5437-5448.
*Hobbs, B.E., Blacic, J.D., and Griggs, D.T., 1966, Planar deformation features in waterweakened quartz (abstr), EOS (Trans AGU), v. 47, n. 3, p. 494.
*Hobbs, B.E., 1966, Stress relaxation in single crystals of quartz (abstr): EOS (Trans
AGU), v. 47, n. 3, p. 493-494.
*Horz, F., 1968, Statistical measurements of deformation structures and refractive indices
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(B.M. French and N.M. Short, Eds.) p. 243-254, Mono, Baltimore.
*Horz, F. and Quaide, W.L., 1973, Debze-Scherrer investigation of experimentally
shocked silicates: The Moon, v. 6, p. 45-82.
*Horz, F., 1968, Statistical measurement of deformation structures and refractive indices
in experimentally shock loaded quartz: in- French, B.M. and Short, N.M., eds., Shock
metamorphism of natural materials: Baltimore, Mono Book Corporation, p. 243-254.
*Huffman, A.R., Brown, J.M., Carter, N.L., and Reimold, W.U., 1993, The
microstructure response of quartz and feldspar under shock loading at variable
temperastures: Jour. Geophys. Res., v.98, p. 22,171-22,197.
*Huffman, A.R., Crockett, J.H. and Carter N.L., 1988, Iridium, shocked minerals and
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Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic Ocean (abs.): International Conference on Global
Catastrophes in Earth History, Snowbird, Utah, Oct. 1988.
*Huffman, A.R., and Reimold, W.U., 1996, Experimental constraints on shock-induced
microstructures in naturally deformed silicates: Tectonophysics, v.256, p. 165-217.
*Izett, G.A., 1987, The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary interval, Raton Basin,
Colorado and New Mexico, and its content of shock-metamorphosed minerals:
Implications concerning the K-T boundary impact-extinction theory: USGA Open-File
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*Jahn, B., Floran, R.J., and Simonds, C.H., 1978, Rb-Sr. isochron age of the
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*Jeanloz, R., Ahrens, T.J., Lally, J.S., Nord, S.L., Jr., Christie, J.M., and Hauer, A.H.,
1977, Shock produced olivene glass: First observation: Science, v. 1977, p. 457-459
*Kunk, M.J., 1990, 40Ar/39Ar age spectra of shocked microcline from the central uplift
of the Manson impact structure support, a link with the K-T boundary (abstr): Abstracts Geol. Soc. of Australia: in- Seventh International Conference on Geochronology:
Cosmochronology and isotope geology (Wm. Compston), 275, 1990, p. 57.
*Lambert, P., 1977, The Rochechouart crater shock zoning study: Earth Planet, Sci.
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*Lilly, P.A., 1981, Shock metamorphism in the Vredefort Collar: Evidence for internal
shock sources: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 85, p. 10689-10700.
*Lyons, J.B., Officer, C.B., Borella, P.E., and Lahodynsky, R., 1993, Planar lamellar
substructures in quartz: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v.119, p. 4310440.
*Manconi, J.W., and Mc Dougall, D.J., 1970, Thermal activation energy of shocked and
strained quartz: American Mineral., v. 55, p. 398-402
*Mc Dougall, D.J., 1970, Natural thermoluminescence of calcareous rocks from the
Charlevoix (Mabaie) structure: Meteoritics, v. 5, n. 2, p. 75-83, June 30, 1970.
*Mc Intyre, D.B., 1962, Impact metamorphism at Clearwater Lake, Quebec (abstr): Jour.
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*Millman, P. M., 1971, The space scars of Earth: Nature, v. 232, p. 161-164.
*Milton, D.J., and De Carli, P.S., 1963, Maskelynite: formation by explosive shock:
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*Muller, W.F., and De Fourneaux, M., 1968, Deformationsstrukturen in Quartz al
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Geophys., v. 34, p. 483.
*Offield, T.W., and Pohn, H.A., 1971, Style and sequence of deformation of the
Decaturville, Missouri impact structure: Meteoritics, v. 6, n. 4. p. 296-297.
*O'Keefe, J.D., and Ahrens, T.J., 1975, Shock effects from a large impact on the Moon:
Proc. 6th Lunar Sci. Conf., p. 2831-2844.
*Onorato, P.I.K., Uhlmann, D.R., and Simonds, C.H., 1978, The thermal history of the
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*Ostertag, R., 1978, Continuous deposits of the Ries Craters, Germany: Meteoritics, v.
13, n. 4, p. 594-595.
*Owen, M.R. and Anders, M.H., 1988, Evidence from cathodluminescence for nonvolcanic origin of shocked quartz at the Cretaceous Tertiary boundary: Nature, v. 334, p.
*Papunen, H., 1969, Possible impact metamorphic textures in the erratics of the Lake
Saaksjarvic area in southwestern Finland: Bull, Geol. Soc., Finland, v.41, p.151-155.
*Reimold, W.V., 1986, Textures of experimentally shocked (5.1-35 Ga) Witwatersrand
quartzite: Lunar and Planetary Science, v. 17, p. 703-704.
*Reimold, W.V., and Horz, F., 1986, Experimental shock metamorphism of
Witwatersrand quartzite: Johannesburg, International Earth Science Congress, p. 53-57.
*Reimold, W.V., 1988, Shock experiments with preheated Witwatersrand quartzite and
the Vredefort microdeformation controversy: Houston, Texas, 19th Lunar and Planetary
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*Reimold, W.V., and SToffler, D., 1978, Experimental shock metamorphism of dunitic
rocks: in- Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas.
*Robertson, P.B., and Grieve, R.A.F., 1977, Shock attenuation at terrestrial impact
structures: in- D.J.Roddy, R.O. Pepin and R.B. Merrill (eds.), Impact and Explosion
Cratering, Pergamon, New York, 1977, p. 687-702.
*Robertson, P.B., 1975, Zones of shock metamorphism at the Charlevoix impact
structure, Quebec: Bull. Geol. Assoc. Amer., v. 86, p. 1630-1638.
*Robertson, P.B., 1975, Zones of shock metamorphism at the Charlevoix impact
structure, Quebec: GSA Bull., v. 86, p. 1630-1638.
*Roddy, D.J., 1966, Carbonate deformation at a probable impact crater at Flynn Creek,
Tennessee (abstr): EOS (Trans. AGU), v. 47, n. 3, p. 493-494.
*Rondot, J., 1971, Impactite of the Charlevoix structure, Quebec, Canada: Jour. of
Geophys. Research, v. 76, n. 23, p. 5414-5423.
*Roy, D.W., 1968, Refraction of a shock wave passing through a cross folded crystalline
basement: Meteoritics, v. 4, n. 4, p. 292-293.
*Sage, R.P., 1978, Diatremes and shock features in Precambrian rocks at the Slate
Islands, northeastern Lake Superior: GSA Bull., v. 89, p. 1529-1540.
*Short, N.M., and Bunch, T.E., 1968, A worldwide inventory of features characteristics
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*Schaal R.B. and Horz, F., 1977, Shock metamorphism of lunar and terrestrial basalts:
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*Short, N.M. and Bunch, T.E., 1968, A worldwide inventory of features characteristic of
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*Shrock, R.R., and Malott, C.A., 1933, The Kentland area of disturbed Ordovician rocks
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*Stoffler, D., 1972, Deformation and transformation of rock-forming minerals by natural
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*Stoffler, D., 1974, Deformation and transformation of rock-forming minerals by natural
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*Stoffler, D., and Hornemann, V., 1972, Quartz and feldspar glasses produced by natural
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*Stoffler, D., Wedekind, J.A., Polkowski, G., and Gault, D.E., 1972, Experimental
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*Thomas, M.D., Innes, M.J.S., Dence, M.R., Grieve, R.A.F., and Robertson, P.B. 1977,
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