DRS - Dr RJN Baker & Partners Practice

Thursday 9th January 2014 7.00pm
Attendees: Dr Stephen Hiscock, Joan Hayward-Surry, Harry Brett,
Robert Spiteri, Deborah Ridley, Jillian Reeves, Karen Sadler,
Julia Williams, Adrian Fletcher, Howard Norton, Eirwan
Keogh, Denis Keogh, Dr Jack Baker, Dr Asha Swamy, Roy
Sainsbury, Harry Tanna, Debbie Dennis, Cheryl Kirby, Lynn
Apologies: Hannah Barton-Brown, Beverley Egan, Dianne Blowes,
Dorothy King, John Peck, Wendy Atkin, Richard Holsgrove
1) Welcome, Introductions and apologies
 Wendy Atkin is leaving the group
2) DNAs
 Members of PRG shocked at how many DNAs there are
 Other practices put costs on posters of how much money a DNA costs the
 Age range of patients that DNA? By knowing this it would not resolve the
issue, JW – will audit
 If a patient DNAs on more than one occasion in the last 12 months an
informal warning letter is sent. If DNA occurs again it is discussed with the
patient’s GP as there could be a medical reason. Persistent DNAs may lead
to removing patient from practice list
 Patients receive texts for appointments, you can reply to this text if
necessary to cancel. JW – this has been looked into and it is not possible to
reply to a text
 JW - Look at space on text message to remove website address and add
text re cancelling appointments. It is not possible to reply to the text
received. We have added text re phoning the surgery to cancel the
 JHS – create poster re costs, forward to PRG members for approval
3) Waiting times for Physiotherapy
 JHS – take question to CCG – Outcome:- this is all now commissioned
through Southend Hospital, and held at various locations around the area.
The commissioners are not aware of any delays beyond the 6 week
guideline and any cases need to be advised with full details.
4) Obesity
 Not much in place to combat obesity
 Any chance of prescribing exercise? Prescription for Health?
 Waterside used to run a program, and there was also a referral system to
the Rosemary Conley organisation
 JHS – take question to CCG – Outcome:- When a review of these services
was carried out it was discovered that either patients did not bother to
attend after 1 or 2, or if they did, within 6 months they had reverted to the
same situation as before they went. It was therefore not felt to be a good
use of fund. This does sit under Public Health, which now comes under the
local authorities, however the commissioners will query this again with
their colleagues there.
Queue length on phones
 PRG members wife was 19th in queue
 Max is 20 then cut off
 Tried to balance number of calls on the old 0844 number and 01268 number
 10 lines in, still only 6 receptionists to answer calls
 IPhone online app created, android app to follow
 KAS – Advertise on line booking more
 JW – Find out if can text message re online service to patients
 KAS/JW – Message on phone queuing system re online booking
 Hiscock – 1453 patients registered for online booking, 1437 patients active,
12.96% of practice population
 Patel – 1145 patients registered for online booking, 1140 patients active,
18% of practice population
PRG Notice Board
 KAS – put up notice in other reception areas so patients aware of board
 Up to group to decide what goes on it
 Minutes from last meeting should be displayed
 Costs displayed
 How patients contact PRG if they have a comment, in envelope addressed to
PRG and practice can pass on
 Date of next meeting displayed
 Perhaps a ‘Did you know’ poster, hot topics are DNAs and Online booking
 RS – Roy volunteered to create a ‘We want you’ poster
 Group should be taking on minutes and creating the agenda
 JHS – happy to create the agenda but needs suggestions
 Email addresses with be BCC so kept confidential
 DD and DR – Debbie and Deborah have volunteered to take the minutes
Joint Meeting
 Members voted to continue with joint meetings
 More people attend, wider range of views
 KAS will give JHS email addresses
 JHS to provide info from CCG meeting, to be included in minutes (Please
see next page)
 Website appears to be faster than normal
 Next survey – what do members want to ask? Usually done in August as
quieter in the practice. Last time volunteers came in to give out the surveys
 JW – attach copy of last survey to minutes
 Action point for all members – Think of topic for survey
 JHS - Agenda items for next meeting
Next meeting Tuesday 8th April 7pm
CCG: Clinical Commissioning Group
CRG: Clinical Reference Group
PRG: Patient Reference Group
DNA: Did not attend
Highlights from CCG meetings over last 3 months
The Equality & Diversity agenda in South Essex is to be branded as ‘Access for All’ to
better express the inclusive provision of services.
6 months into the financial year, a review showed there would be a £2.7m
overspend. Considerable work has been done on this and thanks to work on both
the hospital contract and prescribing changes this has now been reduced to £1.5m.
Further work continues to reach the balance.
The second public event was much better attended, but opportunities for future
engagement with the public will be considered, possibly by utilising other public
events planned by other organisations e.g. voluntary groups to capture a wider
The winter pressure campaign has been put in place and services will be made
available through the CCG and associated websites, posters etc. Part of the
campaign includes pushing NHS111 to avoid unnecessary A&E visits (see poster
A commissioning case for a community based cardiology diagnostic service is being
reviewed, which will create an alternative referral pathway for patients who require
a 24 hour heart monitor.
The Chair of the CRG confirmed he was stepping down and nominations were
requested for the post, which will be reviewed, and a new Chair should be in place
by February.
The Essex wide review of stroke services is underway, and 3 (specialist) Hyper Acute
Stroke units are proposed in Southend, Colchester and Chelmsford.
The Royal College of GPs is encouraging patients and public to help identify training
needs for doctors. Suggestions in the group included Chronic Fatigue Syndrome;
early detection and intervention in mental health; Learning difficulties and how to
approach patients in an effective way; improved communication with patients.
Other services being reviewed for efficiency and/or cost effectiveness include:
Glaucoma Referral Refinement; intermediate care for dementia patients; community
based dermatology services; improvements to Day Assessment Unit; Care Homes;
creation of a Surgical Assessment Unit and maybe a Cancer Assessment Unit.
Finally the Service Restriction policy is being reviewed and will shortly be available
on line through the website. Basically this lists conditions that the NHS does not
fund except in specific circumstances, and the policy details the strict criteria that
needs to be met.
Full copies of all the minutes are available on the CCG website at