WESTFIELD PATIENT FORUM COFFEE & CAKE MORNING HELD ON SATURDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER 2014 AT THE REGINALD CENTRE, LEEDS. This was well attended. There were members of PRG, member of Practice Champions, Heather Nelson representing BH1 and Fusion Café, a joint project of Westfield Medical centre and BH1, and Vic, Pharmacist from Lloyds Pharmacy (local chemist). Representing the Practice was Susan Bates-Patrick, Sue Wilson (practice nurse) and Dr Babu. Many of the PRG Group had brought food in terms of cakes, fruits and nibbles. The practice too provided refreshments and nibbles. Dr Babu welcomed all the participants and thanked them for their support and generosity with time and contributions. It was followed by short talks by Heather Nelson of Fusion Café, Robina of Practice Champions, Ralph Claxton of PRG and Vic, Pharmacist. It was very pleasing to see how well it was attended and everyone being very enthusiastic and helpful. Next PRG Meeting will be Saturday 17th January at 10:15am