A CLIMATE RESILIENT MEKONG PROJECT TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM ON PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT AT MEKONG RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES: CASE FOR BUON TUA SRAH AND BUON KUOP DAM IN VIETNAM Submitted by: A Climate Resilient Mekong Project Major Initial Funder: Project Coordinator: Prepared by: Golder and Associates 44 Union Boulevard, Suite 300, Lakewood, Colorado, USA 80228 T: +1 (303) 980-0540 ; F: +1 (303) 985-2080 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT AT MEKONG RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES 1.0 INTRODUCTION This technical memorandum presents the outcome of a preliminary study of sediment management for some of the proposed and existing dams along the Mekong River and its tributaries. The objective of the study is to identify practical methods for passing as much sediment as possible through cascades of dams. This study evaluates the sediment management plans for Buon Tua Srah, Buon Kuop, Sre Pok 3 and Sre Pok 4 dams are existing dams in Vietnam. Sediment management techniques that are considered include drawdown flushing (Atkins, 1996), sluicing, density current venting (Morris and Fan, 1998), dredging, dry excavation, hydrosuction sediment removal system (HSRS) (Hotchkiss and Huang, 1995), the inline sediment collector device, and bypassing. The Reservoir Conservation (RESCON) model (Palmieri et. al., 2003) has been applied to assess the feasibility of some of the methods (drawdown flushing, dredging, HSRS, and excavation). Feasibility of other methods is assessed by hand calculation and using engineering judgment based on the reservoir type and size and other available data (i.e., sediment and flow data). 2.0 MEKONG RIVER Mekong River Sediment Management 2 2.1 Sre Pok River, Vietnam An existing series of hydropower dams along Sre Pok River in Vietnam consists of the Buon Tua Srah Dam, located at the most upstream reach of Sre Pok River, with the Buon Kuop, Dray Hlinh1/2, Sre Pok 3 and Sre Pok 4 Dams downstream. 2.1.1 Buon Tua Srah Dam The catchment area upstream of Buon Tua Srah Dam is relatively small (2,930 km 2) compared to the catchment area of all other downstream projects (areas > 8,000 km 2). The Buon Tua Srah reservoir is large compared to its inflow; with a capacity inflow ratio of 0.25. Its estimated trapping efficiency exceeds 90%. Therefore, it is anticipated that majority of the sediment entering the Buon Tua Srah reservoir is trapped. Buon Tua Srah Reservoir statistics are given in Table 21. Table 21 Reservoir Information of proposed Buon Tua Srah Dam Item Reservoir capacity Bottom width of the dam Top level of the reservoir Minimum bed level Available head Reservoir length Mean inflow Mean annual sediment inflow Units Value tons/year 787.0 1,630 487.5 441.8 45.7 45,700 99.5 530,700 By using RESCON, flushing feasibility is evaluated as follows: Table 22 Feasibility of Buon Kuop Reservoir Flushing Flushing Flow LTCR SBR Result Average Flow (217 m3/s) 1.5 times of average flow 2 times of average flow 0.08 14.6 15.1 15.5 Criterion >1.0 For all assumed flushing flow magnitudes flushing is not deemed technically feasible (LTCR is much smaller than 0.35). The best way to manage sediment at Buon Tua Srah Dam could be by using the inline sediment collector system, which may be installed across the river within the delta of deposited sediment, in the upstream reach of the reservoir. c:\users\gannandale\documents\golder associates\brief case\113-82352 nhi mekong river\1-workgroups\annandale\vietnam\reports\mekong_tech_memo_final draft_gwa.docx Mekong River Sediment Management 3 2.1.2 Buon Kuop Dam The Buon Tau Srah, Buon Kuop, Dray Hlinh 1/2, Sre Pok 3 and Sre Pok 4 Dams are located in the upstream reach of the Sre Pok River in Vietnam. The salient features of the cascade of dams are presented in Table 27, including their trap efficiencies, the long term capacity ratios (LTCR) and sediment balance ratios (SBR). The latter information was determined using the RESCON method. Table 23 Salient Features of Existing Hydropower Projects along Sre Pok River, Vietnam Dam Buon Tua Srah Buon Kuop Dray Hlinh 1/2 Sre Pok 3 Sre Pok 4 Catchment area, km2 2,930 7,980 8,880 9,410 9,523 Mean annual flow, m3/s 99.5 217.0 241.0 251.0 253.0 Dam height, m 83.0 34.0 7.0 52.4 25.0 Dam length, m 1,041.1 1,828.0 242.0 1,510.0 410.0 Full supply level, masl 487.5 412.0 302.0 272.0 206.0 Minimum operating level, masl 467.5 409.0 299.0 267.0 202.5 Tail water level, masl 430.5 304.2 280.8 207.5 185.0 Bottom elev. of dam, masl 440.0 390.0 290.0 241.0 188.0 Vol. of reservoir, mill m3 787.0 36.5 2.9 223.0 27.0 Reservoir length, m 35,700 2,800 2,600 13,200 5,000 Bottom width of reservoir, m 1,630.0 1,380.0 - 1,510.0 410.0 Design head, m 47.0 95.0 18.5 62.5 20.0 Hydropower design flow (m3/s) 204.9 316.0 101.0 396.6 468.9 86 280 16 220 70 Energy production, GWh 358.4 1,459 94 1,002 299.0 Date of Commissioning 2009 2009 2007 2009 2009 530,700 1,464,500 2,253,010 2,728,900 714,995 Trap efficiency (%) 95% 22% 0.0% 75% 11% Flushing discharge (m3/s) 99.5 217.0 241.0 251.0 253.0 LTCR 0.08 0.14 - 0.23 0.46 SBR 14.6 10.6 - 4.39 60.8 Installed capacity, MW Net sediment inflow, tons/yr c:\users\gannandale\documents\golder associates\brief case\113-82352 nhi mekong river\1-workgroups\annandale\vietnam\reports\mekong_tech_memo_final draft_gwa.docx Mekong River Sediment Management 4 The information in Table 23 indicates that Buon Trau Srah (trap efficiency = 95%) and Sre Pok 3 (trap efficiency = 75%) Dams will capture the majority of sediment discharging into them, while Buon Kuop (trap efficiency = 22%), Dray Hlinh 1/2 (trap efficiency ~ 0%) and Sre Pok 4 (trap efficiency = 11%) Dams will likely allow most of the inflowing sediment to pass through. Based on cost considerations it is deemed undesirable to pass sediment through Buon Trau Srah Dam. At 13.2km the reservoir of Sre Pok 3 Dam, the second largest in the cascade, is much shorter than that of Buon Trau Srah (35.7km). Although the SBR for Sre Pok 3 Dam is large, the long-term capacity ratio (LTCR) is only 23% (less than the criterion of 35%). This means that implementation of drawdown flushing at Sre Pok 3 Reservoir is undesirable. However, it might be possible to cost-effectively dredge deposited sediment from Sre Pok 3 Reservoir for discharge downstream. The reason for this is that the Sre Pok 3 Reservoir contains a deep canyon-like feature, which embraces the original river course. The embankment dam is located at the end of this canyon (Figure 14). The confining nature of the canyon will force the majority of the sediment flowing into the reservoir to deposit within it. This configuration may effectively limit dredging to the extents of the canyon-like feature. The opinion is expressed that the most cost-effective way to pass sediment through the Sre Pok River cascade of dams will likely consist of dredging deposited sediment from Sre Pok 3 Reservoir and, preferably, discharging it downstream of Sre Pok 4 Dam. This approach may result in a significant portion of the sediment flowing in the Sre Pok River, downstream of Buon Trau Srah Dam, to be discharged downstream of Sre Pok 4 Dam for delivery to Cambodia. The sediment pass-through may therefore consist of about 80% of the sediment flowing into Buon Kuop Dam to naturally pass through to Dray Hlinh 1/2. The very low trap efficiency of Dray Hlinh 1/2 will lead to almost all the sediment flowing into it to pass through, downstream to Sre Pok 3 Dam. About 75% (possibly more) of the sediment flowing into Sre Pok 3 Dam will deposit within it. To pass sediment through Sre Pok 3 Dam it will be necessary to dredge a significant portion of the deposited sediment for discharge downstream. It is desirable to discharge that sediment downstream of Sre Pok 4 Dam. The reason for this is that the incremental catchment between Sre Pok 3 and 4 Dams are fairly small, resulting in the incremental natural flow being small as well. It may therefore be difficult to successfully execute drawdown flushing in Sre Pok 4 Dam if the material dredged from Sre Pok 3 Dam is discharged into that reservoir. c:\users\gannandale\documents\golder associates\brief case\113-82352 nhi mekong river\1-workgroups\annandale\vietnam\reports\mekong_tech_memo_final draft_gwa.docx Mekong River Sediment Management 5 Figure 14. Sre Pok 3 Dam and Reservoir, indicating location of deep channel. c:\users\gannandale\documents\golder associates\brief case\113-82352 nhi mekong river\1-workgroups\annandale\vietnam\reports\mekong_tech_memo_final draft_gwa.docx Mekong River Sediment Management 6 3.0 CONCLUSION In the upstream reach of Sre Pok River in Vietnam, there exist five hydropower dams in series— Buon Tua Srah, Buon Kuop, Dray Hlinh1/2, Sre Pok 3, and Sre Pok4. None of these dams have low-level outlet and therefore majority of the sediment is trapped in these reservoirs. By using RESCON, sediment management option(s) for each case is studied. Buon Tua Srah is located at the most upstream reach. The catchment area contributing to this reservoir is relatively small. It is expected that most of the sediment entering to this reservoir is trapped. Dredging is a feasible sediment management option for this reservoir. In addition, inline sediment collector system may be installed at the upstream reach of the reservoir. The second dam in series after Buon Tua Srah is Buon Kuop. The reservoir length of Buon Kuop is less than 3 km and HSRS is the most feasible option for sediment management at this reservoir. Mekong River Sediment Management Golder Associates Inc. 25 Sept 25, 2012 113-82352 It is logical to sluice sediment through Dray Hlinh 1/2 dam, which is a low head power plant. Next in series after Dray Hlinh 1/2 is Sre Pok 3, which is comparatively a large reservoir. It is 13 km long and there is no sediment passing facility from the dam at present. RESCON model shows dredging as the most effective sediment management option. Another existing dam is Sre Pok 4, which is located immediately downstream of Sre Pok 3. The sediment management at Sre Pok 4 depends on the strategies applied at Sre Pok 3. If sediment is dredged from Sre Pok 3, then the dredged sediment may be added to the system downstream of Sre Pok 4. In such a case, there may be a minimal sediment management needed at Sre Pok 4. The best alternative at Sre Pok 4 is also dredging due to lack of low level outlet at the dam. There are few other projects under consideration along Sre Pok River, such as Duo Xuyen upstream of Buon Tua Srah, Lower Sre Pok 4 and Lower Sre Pok 3, both downstream of Sre Pok 4 and in Cambodia. This study has not covered sediment management plans for these three projects. 4.0 REFERENCES Brune, G.M., 1953. Trap Efficiency of Reservoirs. Trans. of American Geophysical Union 34(3), 407-418. Morris, G.L., and Fan, J. 1998. Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Hotchkiss, R. H., and Xi, H. 1995. Hydrosuction Sediment Removal System (HSRS): Principals and Field Test. J. of Hydr. Res. Pp 479-489. Atkinsin, E. 1996. The Feasibility of Flushing Sediment from Reservoirs, TDR Project R5839, Rep. OD 137. HR Wallingford. Palmeiri, A., Shah F., Annandale, G. W., and Dinar, A. 2003. Reservoir Conservation, Volume I. The RESCON Approach. World Bank. c:\users\gannandale\documents\golder associates\brief case\113-82352 nhi mekong river\1-workgroups\annandale\vietnam\reports\mekong_tech_memo_final draft_gwa.docx Attachment 1: Sediment Management Options for Lower Sre Pok Dam Name Technique Flushing Flushing (alternative) Lower Sre Pok Phase I Start (no. of years after commissioning) 19 Phase II start (no. of years after commiss ioning) Empty 30 30 HSRS Technically not feasible Dredging Immediate Excavation Sluicing Sediment Collector 71 141 Power Reduction (%) Duration (days) Phase I Frequency (yr) Phase II Frequency (yr) Phase I Sediment Removed (m3) Phase II Sediment Removed (m3) Remove Refill 15 30 100 19 11 15,598,192 9,255,432 ‐ 365 ‐ 0 1 1 841,403 841,403 ‐ 730 ‐ 100 71 70 58,898,203 58,898,203 May not feasible flushing is the feasible May not be appropriate because system is too large for this technique Attachment 2: Sediment Management Options for Buon Kuop Reservoir Dam Name Buon Kuop Technique Phase I Start (no. of years after commissioning) 18 Phase II start (no. of years after commissi oning) 25 Power Reduction (%) Duration (days) Empty Remove Refill 15 3 15 100 15 2 15 100 (yr) Phase I Sediment Removed (m3) Phase II Sediment Removed (m3) 7 2,722,150 2,013,656 Phase I Frequency Phase II Frequency (yr) 18 Flushing Flushing (alternative) immediate HSRS immediate 1 ‐ 365 ‐ 0 1 1 261,456 261,456 Dredging immediate 1 ‐ 365 ‐ 0 1 1 335,160 335,160 Excavation 45 89 ‐ 180 ‐ 100 37 37 12,400,915 12,400,915 Sluicing Sediment Collector immediate 1 ‐ 365 ‐ 0 1 1 205,030 205,030 1,464,500 Attachment 3: Sediment Management Options for Buon Tua Srah Reservoir Dam Name Buon Tua Srah Technique Phase I Start (no. of years after commissioning) Phase II start (no. of years after commissioning) Flushing Flushing (alternative) Technically not feasible HSRS Technically not feasible Dredging Excavation Sluicing Sediment Collector Power Reduction (%) Duration (days) Empty Remove Refill Phase I Frequency (yr) Phase II Frequency (yr) Phase I Sediment Removed (m3) Phase II Sediment Removed (m3) Technically not feasible immediate 1 ‐ 365 ‐ 0 1 1 414,382 414,382 299 338 ‐ 730 ‐ 100 299 38 663,099,644 678,846,177 1 ‐ 365 ‐ 0 1 1 74,298 74,298 Technically not feasible immediate Attachment 4: Sediment Management Options for Sre Pok 3 Reservoir Dam Name Technique Flushing Flushing (alternative) HSRS Sre Pok 3 Dredging Excavation Sluicing Sediment Collector Phase I Start (no. of years after commissioning) Phase II start (no. of years after commissi oning) 9 14 Power Reduction (%) Duration (days) Empty Remove Refill 15 3 15 100 15 3 15 100 (yr) Phase I Sediment Removed (m3) Phase II Sediment Removed (m3) 9 5 12,318,725 7,089,153 Phase I Frequency Phase II Frequency (yr) Technically not feasible immediate 1 ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 1 1 1,417,831 1,417,831 299 338 ‐ 730 ‐ 100 299 38 60,966,717 60,966,717 Technically not feasible Technically not feasible due to large river size Attachment 5: Sediment Management Options for Sre Pok 4 Reservoir Dam Name Technique Flushing Flushing (alternative) HSRS Sre Pok 4 Dredging Excavation Sluicing Sediment Collector Phase I Start (no. of years after commissioning) Phase II start (no. of years after commissi oning) 68 81 Power Reduction (%) Duration (days) Empty Remove Refill 15 3 15 100 15 3 15 100 (yr) Phase I Sediment Removed (m3) Phase II Sediment Removed (m3) 68 13 4,954,190 1,295,426 Phase I Frequency Phase II Frequency (yr) Technically not feasible immediate 1 ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 1 1 99,648 99,648 88 176 ‐ 730 ‐ 100 88 88 8,769,039 8,769,039 Technically not feasible