Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Annual Progress Report and
Individual Development Plan (IDP) for
LRI Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Associates
1. This form is to be sent to the Mentor and Trainee TWO MONTHS in advance of the reappointment date.
2. The evaluation process must be completed within ONE MONTH of initial receipt.
3. Within ONE WEEK of receiving this IDP form the Trainee (Postdoctoral Fellow or Research Associate)
must complete fields A1-A9 on page 1, answer questions B1-B5 on page 2 and email the IDP form to the
4. Within ONE WEEK of receiving the IDP form from the Trainee, the Mentor should complete the Mentor
Responses on page 3 (questions C1-C3) and the Evaluation Metrics Tables (Tables 1 and 2) on page 4.
5. Preferably within the following week the Mentor and Trainee should meet to discuss the entire IDP.
Discussion related comments from the Trainee can be entered in field D1 at the bottom of page 4.
Discussion related comments from the Mentor can be entered in field D2 at the bottom of page 4.
6. The Mentor and Trainee should digitally sign the completed form at the bottom of page 1.
7. The signed, completed form should be printed to PDF format and the Mentor should email the PDF to
both the Trainee and the Department Administrator.
A1. Trainee Name: {Type Trainee Name Here}
A2. Trainee Email:
{Type Trainee Email Address Here}
A3. Department:
Select Department from Drop-Down Menu
Review Date: MM/DD/YYYY
A4. Mentor Name: {Type Mentor Name Here}
A5. Mentor Phone: {Type Mentor Phone Number Here}
A6. Mentor Email: {Type Mentor Email Address Here}
A7. How many total years have you spent as a Postdoc and/or Research Associate?
A8. How many years have you spent in your current lab?
A9. Appointment / Reappointment Dates {Date: MM/DD/YYYY} to {Date: MM/DD/YYYY}
In lieu of a signature, typing your name in the fields below is a digital signature that
indicates you acknowledge having completed and discussed this form.
{Date: MM/DD/YYYY}
Mentor Digital Signature: {Mentor types name here}
{Date: MM/DD/YYYY}
Trainee Digital Signature: {Trainee types name here}
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NOTE: This document is privileged communication, to be completed by Staff Mentor with the Trainee. The document must be
signed by both Mentor and Trainee and submitted with reappointment request.
Individual Development Plan Questions for the Trainee:
B1. What are your accomplishments over the past year? (publications, projects, fellowships, conference
presentations, etc.) What progress did you make on your goals for the past year? Did you encounter any
setbacks or unanticipated challenges?
{type Trainee response here}
B2. What are your expectations and anticipated goals for the next year? (publications, projects, additional
training, conferences, fellowships, etc.)
{type Trainee response here}
B3. What are your career goals and what steps are you taking to achieve these goals?
{type Trainee response here}
B4. Within the context of your research and your laboratory, what resources or opportunities do you need to
achieve your career goals? (training, teaching, special projects, etc.)
{type Trainee response here}
B5. Are you developing contacts with faculty members other than your PI/Mentor who can advise and assist
you with career development? Who would you ask for a letter of recommendation?
{type Trainee response here}
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NOTE: This document is privileged communication, to be completed by Staff Mentor with the Trainee. The document must be
signed by both Mentor and Trainee and submitted with reappointment request.
Individual Development Plan Questions for the Mentor:
C1. Mentor’s response to Trainee answers for question B1 (accomplishments over the past year):
{type Mentor response here}
C2. Mentor’s response to Trainee answers for questions B2 and B3 (next year’s goals and career goals):
{type Mentor response here}
C3. Mentor’s response to Trainee answers for questions B4 and B5 (expectations for laboratory, resources,
opportunities and networking for career development) and additional comments:
{type Mentor response here}
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NOTE: This document is privileged communication, to be completed by Staff Mentor with the Trainee. The document must be
signed by both Mentor and Trainee and submitted with reappointment request.
Table 1: Annual Trainee Evaluation Metrics (to be completed by the Mentor):
Areas for evaluation
Expectations Expectations Improvement
Research ability and potential
{type Mentor comments here}
Knowledge in chosen field,
familiarity with literature
{type Mentor comments here}
Written communication skills
{type Mentor comments here}
Verbal communication skills
{type Mentor comments here}
Self-reliance and
{type Mentor comments here}
Motivation and perseverance
in pursuing goals
{type Mentor comments here}
Ability to plan and conduct
research, organize data
{type Mentor comments here}
Ability to work as a member
of a research team
{type Mentor comments here}
Imagination, originality,
{type Mentor comments here}
Laboratory skills and
techniques, if relevant
{type Mentor comments here}
Clinical proficiency, if
{type Mentor comments here}
Table 2: Overall progress during the past year
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Additional comments or concerns raised during discussion of the IDP and Annual Evaluation:
D1. {type Trainee comments here}
D2. {type Mentor comments here}
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NOTE: This document is privileged communication, to be completed by Staff Mentor with the Trainee. The document must be
signed by both Mentor and Trainee and submitted with reappointment request.