Term 1 Learning Directory 2010

Art / Craft
8 - 14
14 - 15
Children and Family
15 - 18
18 - 21
22 - 24
Dancing, Drama and Singing
24 - 27
Driver Training
Emergency and First Aid
27 - 29
Environment and Sustainability 29
30 - 34
Hair and Beauty
35 - 36
Health and Wellbeing
37 - 41
History / Antiques
41 - 43
43 - 44
Martial Arts
44 - 46
Melton U3A
46 - 48
Online Learning
Social Activities
50 - 51
51 - 52
53 - 55
Tutoring / Tuition
56 - 57
Vocational Training
57 - 63
Writing / Public Speaking
63 - 64
Youth Services
64 - 65
Message from the Mayor
Welcome to the January 2014 edition of Melton
City Council’s Learning Directory.
Firstly, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish
everyone a Happy New Year. I hope you all had a
safe Christmas and that 2014 is prosperous and
joyous for each of you.
Summer is a wonderful time of year to learn a new
skill, get out and meet new people or take up a
hobby. Maybe you’ve made a New Year’s
resolution to get fit or learn a new language?
Melton City Council’s Learning Directory lists a
broad and interesting range of recreational and
learning opportunities designed to suit the needs
and interests of residents across our community.
There really is something for everyone.
Continuing your lifelong learning is an important
way to maintain an active, healthy and happy
lifestyle. The courses listed in this directory not
only provide a way to develop new skills or build on
existing knowledge, but they also offer the
opportunity to meet new people and discover new
The courses and workshops listed in this directory
are suitable for people of all ages and all skill levels.
No matter where your interests lie, I encourage you
to register for a class or workshop and get involved.
Courses and classes are really popular though, so
be sure to register early to avoid disappointment.
For more information about classes please contact
Council’s Learning Development Officer on 9747
Cr Bob Turner
City of Melton
Melton City Council
Learning Directory
PO Box 21 Melton VIC 3337
E: csu@melton.vic.gov.au
P: 9747 7200
F: 9743 9970
Alphabetical listing of Learning Providers included in this Learning Directory
8361 9791 and 0425 745 780
Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
9-19 the Parade Caroline Springs
9747 5327
Caroline Springs Library
See Melton City Council Library Service
Alcoholics Anonymous
1300 222 222 www.aatimes.org.au
Chi Ball
Caroline Springs Leisure Centre 9-19 the Parade
9747 5327
Al-Anon Family Groups
9642 3330 or 1300 AlAnon (1300 252 666)
Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria
1300 269 438 or 9830 0533
arcmail@arcvic.com.au or www.arcvic.com.au
Arnis de Mano
Melton Waves Leisure Centre
George Malizia 9390 9585 or 0411 159 409
Art of Defence Australia (ADA) Pty Ltd
0407 320 333 or artofdefence@yahoo.com
Australian Apprenticeship Access Program
Contact: Mark Orrill T: 0421 230 724
Email: marko@djerriwarrh.org
Australia Active Aim
278 Harkness Road, Melton
0435 448 227 or 5342 4368
Bellydance Inspiration
Julia 0403 647 382
Melton Uniting Church, Yuille Street Melton
Blazing Saddles Bootscooters
Guide Hall Yuille Street Melton 9747 9040
Bodystyle World of Health and Fitness
41 McKenzie Street Melton 9747 0671
Bubbles Playgroup
Melton City Council 9747 7200
Cardmaking for Adults
Janet McKinney 0425 852 735
Caroline Springs Animal Welfare Network
Rana Hales, President 0410 315 808
Clans O’the West Highland Pipe Band Inc.
Robyne Undy 0413 270 412
Confidence and Clarity Tutoring
Sarah Merry 0420 928 359
Creative Therapeutic Encounters
Cath Meeson 0421 850 297
Culinary Skills Australia
Caroline Springs Corporate Centre
Level 3, Suite 24, 242-244 Caroline Springs Boulevard,
Caroline Springs Vic 3023
1300 933 330 or www.culinaryskillsaustralia.com.au
Customised Training
1300 275 282
www.ctcs.com.au / info@ctcs.com.au
Dance Space Performing Arts
Kayley Williams 0412 778 174
Dancesport Westside
9746 0788
1/21 Reserve Road Melton (next to Storage King)
DanceWest Studios
0412 381 576
Diggers Rest Burras Walking Group
Arnel Davis 0401 664 568
Recreation Reserve Diggers Rest
Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road Melton 8746 1000
info@djerriwarrh.org or www.djerriwarrh.org.au
Dragonfly Scrapbooking
Lynne 9743 6439
Drum Kit Tuition
Troy Grech 0402 063 454
Page 3
Alphabetical listing of Learning Providers included in this Learning Directory
Edtrack Education Institute
Mano Perera 9010 6133 or 0405 297 297
edtrackeducation@gmail.com or visit www.edtrack.info
Hillside Carers Group
Gaisha Laida 9747 5310
Extraordinary Receptionist Training
0418 999 375 or jrextra09@gmail.com
Hillside Community Centre
Recreation Reserve, Royal Crescent Hillside 9449 8027
Family History
Deb 9747 3320
Fit Mania Group Fitness Training
Joyce on 0407 055 231 or fitmania@ymail.com
Studio 5, 1021 Western Highway Caroline Springs
Friends of the Melton Botanic Garden
Secretary Janet 0408 170 070
Friends of Toolern Creek - Making a Difference
Lyn Holdsworth 9747 0525 or 0412 321 848
PO Box 1520 Melton West 3337
Galactic Dance & Events Australia
4/4 Norton Drive Melton
Andrew Micallef 9743 7773
Gamblers Anonymous
Head Office 9696 6108
Get Activated- Stay Motivated!
Caroline Springs Leisure Centre 9-19 the Parade
Melton Indoor Recreation Centre, Coburns Rd
9747 5327
Gordon McKenzie
9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
3 Buckle Road Melton
Green Diggers Garden Group
Kathleen 9740 1951
Diggers Rest Bowling Club
Gymnastics Unlimited Caroline Springs
Factory 3 / 4 Waigani Avenue Ravenhall
0421 017 750 or 8338 8673
Hey Dee Ho Music
Sandee Facy 1300 139 631
“LIKE” us on Facebook:
i Play
Caroline Springs Leisure Centre Caroline Springs
9747 5327
ICP Educational Institute
40 Camp Street Ballarat 5333 6160
info@icp.edu.au or www.icp.edu.au
Instyle Dance Company
9743 8595 or 0416 126 697
4/14 Harrison Crt, Melton
info@instyledance.com.au or
JDC Performing Arts Studios
Director Jason Di Cicco 0412 656 003
JDC Pilates Australia
Sinasi Alak 0402 562 233
Jennifer Valls
0425 753 807 valls@bigpond.com
Kaszazz. Scrapbooking, Card Making and Off The Page
Tracey 0410 665 098
Khaki Rebels Youth Groups
Wayne Jones 0448 532 151
PO Box 486 Melton 3337
Blackwood Community Hall Melton
Kids Fit Kinder Gym
Caroline Springs Leisure Centre 9-19 the Parade
Melton Indoor Recreation Centre, Coburns Rd
9747 5327
Kinda Kinder
Barb Riley on 9919 7523
Dorothy 0425 826 205
kindermusik@pianoandorgan.com.au or
Page 4
Alphabetical listing of Learning Providers included in this Learning Directory
Kyokushin Karate
Wendy Walsh 0425 849 715
Melton Cancer Support Group
9743 5044 or mcsgroup@y7mail.com
Melton Health Barries Road Melton
Kip McGrath Education Centres Caroline Springs
Level 2 / 13-15 Lake St Caroline Springs VIC 3023
8358 5777 or carolinesprings@kipmcgrath.com.au
Michelle Doyle
Melton Cycling Club
Melton Cycling Club 0407 285 970
Caroline Springs Education Centre
Zakiah Zainy, Instructor
0431 649 853 or zakiahzainy@hotmail.com
Caroline Springs North Education Centre
Bonnita Lobo, Instructor
0415 627 773
kumonspringside@gmail.com or www.kumon.com.au
Melton District Tennis Association
Trudy Miles 9743 7540
info@meltontennis.com or www.meltontennis.com
Melton Family History Group Inc
Deb 9747 3320
Melton Garden Club
9746 6441 or 0419 005 895
Melton City Council Library Service
Kyu Shin Do Kai - Karate
0412 094 946 or andrew@kyushindokai.com
Coburn Primary School Gymnasium
Richard Road Melton South
Caroline Springs Library
193-199 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs
9747 5300 then press 2 or library@melton.vic.gov.au
Melton Library and Learning Hub
31-35 McKenzie Street, Melton
9747 5300 then press 1 or library@melton.vic.gov.au
Ladies of Melton Craft Group
Sandra Cordy 9743 7759
Melton Library & Learning Hub
Melton Lifestylers Walking Group
Rod Stephens 9743 5882 or 0422 854 510
Lai Taekwon-Do
Melton Primary School Gymnasium
Unitt Street Melton
0408 495 498 or 0411 733 697 or
0412 716 264
Melton Machine Knitting Club
9743 6334
ATCO Building - Melton Uniting Church
19 Yuille Street Melton
Lifestylers Nordic Walking
Roslyn Grech 0413 305 970
Barbara Richards 0407 556 178
Melmarsh Prostate Cancer Support Group
Bob Mead 0468 903 060 or www.mpcsg.org
Melton Bowerbirds
Karen Ellis 0403 202 273
Melton Bushwalkers Inc.
9743 7441
Melton Bacchus Marsh Diabetes Support Group
9743 6488
Djerriwarrh Health Services
Melton Community Health Centre
Corner Yuille and High Streets Melton
Melton Calisthenics Club
Lesley 9743 0434 or 0417 386 419
Melton Men’s Shed
76 Reserve Road Willows Historical Park Melton
9971 5106 or www.melton.vic.gov.au/mensshed
Melton Movers Exercise Class
Debbie Wren 0412 101 398
Guide Hall, Yuille Street Melton
Melton Music
9971 5734 or lessons@meltonmusic.com.au
Unit 1/11 Glenville Drive Melton
Melton Recreation Centre
Coburn’s Road, Melton
Melton City Council 9747 5327
Melton City Council Triple P Program
Individual ‘one on one’ appointments and / or Group
sessions, contact Myffanwy phone 9743 5068
Melton City Council Youth Services
9747 7200
Page 5
Alphabetical listing of Learning Providers included in this Learning Directory
Melton City Council
9747 7200 or www.melton.vic.gov.au
232 High St Melton
Peter Faux Dance Ensemble
9743 7130 or 0418 337 810
Reserve Road Melton
Melton South Community Centre Inc
9747 8576 or msccentr@bigpond.net.au
26 Exford Rd Melton South - www.meltonsouth.org.au
PhysiPole Studios Melton
PhysiPole Studios - 17a Exford Rd, Melton South
Jenny 0403 943 447
Melton Taekwondo Centre
George Malizia 9390 9585 or 0411 159 409
Melton Waves Leisure Centre Coburn’s Road Melton
Play & Grow Playgroup for Mothers Experiencing PND
Melton City Council 9747 7200
Melton Toastmasters
Melton Library and Learning Hub
Joanne Philippe 0425 800 026
Melton Yoga
53 Unitt Street Melton
Caroline 0403 822 446 or meltonyoga@ihug.com.au
Melton U3A Inc, For Over 50’s
John Bermingham, President 9743 2048
www.u3amelton.com or email
Rear of Victoria University,
Entrance 1 (behind Building 3)
Rees Road Melton South
Melton Visitor Information Centre
9747 7300 or visitor@melton.vic.gov.au
323 High Street Melton or www.melton.vic.gov.au
Melton Waves Leisure Centre
9747 4333 or www.meltonwaves.com.au
206 Coburns Road Melton
Mini Maestros
Classes in Caroline Springs and Hillside
Mary Rose and Vanessa 0423 733 218
Morton Homestead
7-17 Morton Boulevard Taylors Hill
9449 8027 or 9747 7200
Original Okinawa Karate Australia
Caroline Springs
Felix Johansson 0433 400 531
Practical Health Victoria
23-240-242 Caroline Springs Boulevard
Caroline Springs. 3023
1300 799 610
Practical Outcomes
Caroline Springs Corporate Centre
Level 3, Suite 24, 242-244 Caroline Springs Boulevard
Caroline Springs Vic 3023
1300 799 610 info@practicaloutcomes.com.au
Ready Steady Go Kids
Caroline Springs, Melton and Bacchus Marsh
1300 766 892
Remedial Maths and English
English call Christine 9746 9220
Maths call Carmel 9747 0803
Rhythm in Movement
Danny Conlon
0402 283 015 or 9747 8279
Shindo Karate Academy
Anne-Cherie Noble 0425 759 164
DJ Cunningham Centre
Showtime School of Dance
0419 560 413
Factory 6, 64 Rebecca Drive Caroline Springs
Strength Training 1&2
Caroline Springs Leisure Centre 9-19 the Parade
9747 5327
Overeaters Anonymous
Joanie 0437 237 285
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Alphabetical listing of Learning Providers included in this Learning Directory
New Star Art
Marina Gu
0425 139 033
Parkinson’s Support Kororoit Group
Parkinsons Victoria
9581 8700 or Info@parkinsons-vic.org.au
Scrapbooking for Adults
Janet McKinney 0425 852 735
Stevenson House, Caroline Springs
Scrapbooking for Children
Janet McKinney 0425 852 735
Stevenson House, Caroline Springs
Selling For a Living
Aden Carter 0409 525 368
Springs Stitchers
Janet McKinney 0425 852 735
Stevenson House, Caroline Springs
Stevenson House Caroline Springs
9363 5137
10 Stevenson Crescent Caroline Springs
Stroke Support Group - Bacchus Marsh / Melton
Suzanne 9743 4677
SunRanges Twins Plus Inc
President Connie Sonerson 9513 0035
sunranges@amba.org.au or
Supersonics Singing and Dancing School
Venues at Hillside, Delahey and Keilor
9337 8983 or 0438 627 876
Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
@ Taylors Hill Youth & Community Centre
9747 5424 or taylorshillhouse@melton.vic.gov.au
121 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill
Tall Poppy Coaching and Training
0425 750 933 or hutch2000@gmail.com
3 Pavleka Street Hillside
The Ballerina Co.
Jacqueline Barsenbach, Principal 0409 861 863
or www.theballerinaco.com.au
The Light House ‘The House of Light’
Rev. Gordon McKenzie and Rev. Jennifer Valls
9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
‘The Bluestone’ 66 - 76 Palmerston Street Melton
info@thelighthousethehouseoflight.org or
T.O.W.N Club
Catherine Brincau 0416 612 517
Donna Spark 0409 237 818
Westwood Guitars Music Tuition
9746 6667
Wordsmiths of Melton Writers Workshop
Les Stillman 0407 820 868
Lisa Filkin 0402 323 722
Zumba Fitness by Elizabeth and Alana
Elizabeth 0419 551 299 or Alana 0424 161 077
Zumba Fitness with Ling
Ling 0402 466 733
Tai Chi for Arthritis
DJ Cunningham Centre - Tuesdays
Fred Davies 9746 1247
Taylors Hill Natural Therapies
9449 0164
Page 7
Adult Art including Life Drawing
Have fun and experiment with painting, collage, simple
printmaking and a range of techniques and art
materials to explore your creativity. This friendly and
informal course is for everyone. The last two weeks will
be all about Life Drawing including live models. Learn
about proportion and the structure of the human form
and develop skills of drawing the figure in space and in
Venue: Stevenson House
Tuesday 11 February - 1 April 2014
From 7.00pm – 9.00pm
$110.00 (8 lessons) plus up to $20.00 for
materials to purchase during the course
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Art 4 Kids
Children will have a chance to experience and develop
their skills in a number of different art forms. Classes
are designed for fun and to build children’s confidence.
For 8 - 12 year olds only. Bring along your art smock.
Hillside Community Centre
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Wednesday 12 February – 2 April 2014
From 4.00pm –5.30pm (8 Classes)
Contact: T 9449 8027 or 9747 7200
Taylors Hill Youth & Community Centre
Venue: Taylors Hill Youth & Community Centre
Tuesday 11 February – 1 April 2014
From 4.00pm – 5.30pm (8 classes)
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Stevenson House
Venue: Stevenson House
Monday 10 February - 31 March 2014
(Excl 10 March 2014)
From 4.00pm – 5.30pm (7 classes)
$65.00 (Bookings essential)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Artistic Tots
Artistic Tots allows children and caregivers to learn,
create, and most importantly, have fun together. This
stimulating 8 week program encourages expression and
fun through colour, drawing, painting and craft. This
program is designed to inspire home based activities
and help support children develop important school
readiness skills. For 2- 5 year olds and their caregivers.
Tuesday 11 February – 1 April 2014
From 10.00am – 11.00am (8 classes)
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Basic Woodwork - Introduction To
Find out about different power tools, their functions
and care. Discover new skills including bevels, skirting,
sanding and how to professionally finish your projects.
Venue: Melton Men’s Shed Willows Historical Park
Mondays from 9.30am – 3.00pm
$20.00 per Project
Contact: Melton Men’s Shed T 9971 5106
Beginners Jewellery Making
Got beads? Don’t know where to begin? This beginner’s
jewellery making class is perfect if you are looking to
get started in the world of jewellery making. Learn the
tricks of the trade for creating your own bracelets and
necklaces. All materials are supplied and suitable for all
ages (children need to be accompanied by a parent/
Venue Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Saturday 22 March from 9.30am – 12.00pm
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Bridal Floristry
Learn wiring and taping techniques, flower arranging
and design. Using fresh flowers including roses, you will
make Buttonholes, Corsages and Bouquets.
Friday 14 March – 28 March 2014
From 10.00am – 12.00pm (3 sessions)
$110.00 or $105.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Page 8
Card Making for Adults
You will have the opportunity of making at least 3
handcrafted greetings cards from carefully prepared
samples. New technique will be taught at each class.
Venue: Stevenson House
10 Stevenson Crescent, Caroline Springs
Second Saturday of each month
From 1.00pm – 3.30pm
Bookings are essential
$15.00 per person ($25.00 for 2 adults from
the same family) per session
Contact: Scrapbooking and card making at
Drawing and Painting for kids
This class is tailored for children aged 8 – 12 years old.
Children will have fun whilst developing their skills in
drawing and painting in an engaging and creative
environment. See requirement list – some materials are
Thursday 6 February – 27 March 2014
From 3.45pm – 5.00pm (8 sessions)
$95.00 or $90.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
DIY Projects (Father and Son Night)
Venue: Melton Men’s Shed, Willows Historical Park
Tuesday evenings from 4.00pm - 9.00pm
Contact: Melton Men’s Shed T 9971 5106
Community Projects
Venue: Melton Men’s Shed, Willows Historical Park
Mondays from 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Contact: Melton Men’s Shed T 9971 5106
For mature aged people, 50 years and over. Keep your
hands and mind active by joining us at U3A.
Contact: Shirley Hogan T 9746 6207
Creativity Coaching for all Creatives/Artists
Creativity coaching for musicians, visual artists, writers,
dancers, performers and creative’s for any and all issues
related to craft.
Venue: Melton South Community Centre the Studio
Call for details, 1 on 1 or group workshops
Dates: By demand, varies group work / private
Concession available
Waged & Concession
Contact: Catherine Creative Therapeutic Encounters
T 0421 850 297
Creative Photography Workshop
Learn the tips and tricks of taking amazing photos and
how to utilise your SLR camera features and taking
photos under guidance. BYO Camera. Notes included
on a CD.
Sunday 30 March 2014
From 10.00am - 4.00pm (1 session)
$85.00 or $80.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
DIY Woodworking Projects
Venue: Melton Men’s Shed, Willows Historical Park
Mondays from 10.00am - 3.00pm
Tuesday evenings from 4.00pm - 9.00pm
Wednesdays from 10.00am – 3.00pm
Contact: Melton Men’s Shed T 9971 5106
Dragonfly Scrapbooking
Venue: 12 Galilee Boulevard, Melton West
Date: Fortnightly on Saturdays from 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Cost: $25.00 which covers your project and afternoon
Contact: Lynne Nagy T 9743 6439
E dragonflyscrapbooking@yahoo.com.au
Shop: Open on Saturdays from 9am to 12 noon or by
Dragonfly Scrapbooking Retreat @ Lake Dewar,
Myrniong, 10-12 October 2014. Full cost is $275 which
includes all meals and accommodation from 5.00pm
Friday to 4.00pm Sunday; competitions; retreat layout;
Queen of the Crop; loads of fun and relaxation. An
amazing, relaxing time with a fun group of ladies. Single
rooms available on a first-come first-in basis. Taking
bookings now.
Retreat @ Grange Country Retreat, Lancefield: 25-27
July 2014 – Full cost $340 per person twin-share or
$400 for a single room and includes all meals;
accommodation in a motel room; competitions; retreat
layout; Queen of the Crop, etc. Send me an email or
check out my website for further details
www.dragonflyscrapbooking.com.au. A few places still
Easter Bunny Towel Craft
Learn how to make a delightful Easter Bunny from a
hand towel and face washers. Everything is supplied &
choose your own colours.
Sunday 6 April 2014
From 10.30am – 11.45am (1 session)
$21.00 or $18.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Page 9
Easter Floral Centrepiece
Come along and make this spectacular Easter
Centrepiece using long lasting elegant flowers in the
colours of Easter. Perfect for the Easter table.
Sunday 6 April 2014
From 3.30pm – 5.30pm (1 session)
$50.00 or $45.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Floral Art
Each week take home a professional looking box design
using a variety of fresh flowers, foliage and accessories.
Friday 21 February – 7 March 2014
From 10.00am – 12.00pm (3 sessions)
$100.00 or $95.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Floristry Industry Taster
Ideal for those interested in a career in floristry. Take
designs home weekly. Work with a variety of flowers,
foliages and accessories. Learn how to create box,
native flower and bowl arrangements, wreaths, table
centres, handheld sheafs, posies, corsages and
buttonholes. On completion, may be used for
employment or further studies.
Sunday 9 February – 6 April 2014
From 12.30pm – 3.00pm (8 Sessions)
$110.00 or $90.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Home Decorating and Design
This fun practical & interactive 4 hr class on Style,
Design & Decoration will inspire you with simple
techniques to transform any room in your home. Simple
tips & tricks of the trade to use time & time again. Class
includes all materials.
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Sunday 23 February 2014
From 9.00am – 1.00pm
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Intro to Wire Sculpting
Create your own contemporary sculpture using
different grades and wire types. Use your own ideas or
be guided by your Tutor.
Sunday 6 April 2014
From 11.00am - 4.30pm (1 session)
$70.00 or $65.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Mini Crafters – Hair Clips
Perfect for little hands and big hands too! Mini Crafters
introduces parents to easy crafts that they can make
with their little ones aged 3-5 years. Exploring with felts
and fabrics you will work with your little one to create
their own unique hair clips. Something that they can
keep for themselves, or make as a present for family or
friends (parental assistance required, all supplies
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Wednesday 12 February 2014
From 9.30am – 11.00am
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Floral Extravaganza
Learn to make big boxed design flower arrangements
using large exotic flowers, luscious foliages, fibres, bark
and accessories. Take your design home weekly.
Sunday 16 March - 30 March 2014
From 3.00pm – 5.00pm (3 sessions)
$145.00 or $140.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Hebel Sculpting – Introduction to
Hebel is soft, light and easy to carve into beautiful
indoor or outdoor art. Use your own ideas or be guided
by your Tutor. Everything is supplied.
Sunday 2 March 2014
From 11.00am - 4.30pm (1 Session)
$70.00 or $65.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Mini Crafters – Hat Creations
Whether they would like a princess tiara, a pirate hat or
a special Easter bonnet, this fun interactive mini
crafters session allows your child to let their
imagination go wild. Designed for 3-5 year olds and
their parents. (parental assistance required, all supplies
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Wednesday 9 April 2014
From 9.30am – 11.30am
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Page 10
Mosaics – Introduction to
Learn the processes involved in Mosaics. First complete
a sample piece to practice the basic principles and then
go onto completing your own wall plaque. Everything is
supplied. See display.
Saturday 15 February - 22 March 2014
From 9.30am – 12.00pm (5 sessions)
$125.00 or $120.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Jewellery Making Workshop
Learn how to create and design your own Jewellery
with beads, wire twists and more. Make earrings, a
Necklace or a Bracelet.
Sunday 23 March 2014
From 10.30am - 1.00pm (1 session)
$38.00 or $33.00 concession all inclusive
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Knit and Chat Group
Come and discover or re-discover your creative talents
in a friendly environment.
Venue: Melton Library and Caroline Springs Library
Contact: Melton City Council Library Service
T 9747 5300 for Melton press 1
Or Caroline Springs press 2
Ladies of Melton Craft Group
A variety of sewing, knitting, crochet, patchwork or just
to have a chat. Contact us before attending.
Venue: Melton Library
Second Tuesday of each month
From 10.00am – 3.00pm
Contact: Ladies of Melton Craft Group T 9743 7759
Leadlight - Introduction
This will teach you the techniques and basics to
complete a starter project such as a mobile or small
Saturday 15 February – 29 March 2014
From 1.00pm – 3.30pm (6 sessions)
$95.00 or $88.00 concession - Includes a
starter kit of a glasscutter and all materials
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Kaszazz - Stamp.Scrap.Embellish
We are all about creative fun with like minded paper
crafters. Scrapbooking, Card Making & “Off The Page”
projects for beginners and beyond. Scrap ‘N’ Card Day
get-togethers are held every 6 weeks. Email your name
and address to tmburn@bigpond.net.au to join my
mailing list to be advised of upcoming classes. On line
catalogue available to view all products.
Crafty Women’s Weekend Getaway- 24th & 25th May
2014. Total cost $210, Includes all meals & 4 Star Hotel
accommodation, private scrapping/ card making room.
$50 non refundable deposit to secure your booking.
Contact Tracey on 0410 665 098 for further details.
Venue: Tracey’s Home & Hall in Melton
From $20.00, includes all materials
Contact: Tracey Burn T 0410 665 098
Learn to Draw
For mature aged people, 50 years and over. Come and
join us and keep your mind and hands active. More
Melton U3A activities listed under Social Activities Melton U3A
Venue: Rear of Victoria University’s Melton Campus
(behind building 3), Rees Road, Entrance 1
Tuesday 9.30am - 12.00pm
Contact: Melton U3A Inc, For the Over 50’s
John Bermingham T 9743 2048
Kids Drawing Class
New Star Art specialises in developing the full potential
in students through a unique art education program
which is based on key eastern and western art
education systems. New Star Art offers an extensive
range of courses for students from 3.5 years to 12 years
old. For more information, please check the school
website: www.newstarart.com
Venue: Springside Children’s Community Centre
Caroline Springs
Every Saturday within the School Term
Contact: Marina Gu T 0425 139 033
Life Drawing
Designed for beginners to advanced students. Students
will explore and develop an understanding of the frame
and form of the figure. It will include an examination of
the skeletal and muscular structure of the body.
Students will learn about proportion and the structure
of the human form and develop skills of drawing the
figure in space and in motion. This is run for 2 weeks as
part of the Adult Art class.
Venue: Stevenson House
Tuesday 25 March – 1 April 2014
From 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Page 11
Learn to Sew
Learn how to use / maintain sewing machines,
overlockers. Sew zips, buttonholes, patterns, fix hems.
Monday 3 February – 31 March 2014
(excl 10 March 2014)
From 7.00pm - 9.00pm (8 lessons)
Friday 31 January – 4 April 2014
From 9.30am -12.00pm (10 lessons)
Friday 31 January – 4 April 2014
From 7.00pm - 9.00pm (10 lessons)
Monday $50.00, Friday daytime $65.00 and
Friday night $60.00
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Painting in Oils & Acrylics
For mature aged people, 50 years and over. Come and
join us and keep your mind and hands active. More
Melton U3A activities listed under Social Activities Melton U3A
Venue Rear of Victoria University’s Melton Campus
(behind building 3), Rees Road, Entrance 1
Wednesday 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Contact: Melton U3A Inc, For the Over 50’s
John Birmingham T 9743 2048
Making Handmade Books
Produce a series of handmade books, from a flash
fiction or poetry collection on elegantly folded pages, to
a 64-page, perfect bound (by hand) journal or diary.
Novice and expert books makers of all ages welcome.
Includes all materials and a take-home pack to continue
book making.
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Monday 24 February – 31 March 2014
(Excluding 10 March 2014)
From 6.30pm – 8.00pm (5 weeks)
Costs: $50.00
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Melton Bowerbirds
This on-line group is local to the City of Melton and
surrounds. It promotes and showcases ideas and
projects for the creative reuse of collected materials.
Members post about their passion for Re-using, Remaking, and Re-styling. The group suits people who are
creative and who also have an interest in thrift and a
sustainable lifestyle.
Venue: Online open Facebook group
Search for Melton Bowerbirds in Facebook at
365 days per year / all times
Costs: Nil cost to participate but must have internet
access and be joined to Facebook
Contact: Karen Ellis T 0403 202 273
Paint “N” Plaster
Learn how enjoyable it is to paint moulded plaster
shapes with lots of designs to choose from. Great for
decorating the home or garden. Everything is supplied
Sunday 16 March 2014
From 10.00am – 12.00pm (1 session)
$23.00 or $18.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Painting – Oils & Acrylics Beginners Class
Ever wanted to paint a Masterpiece? Join this friendly
and relaxed class and learn the basic techniques to get
you started. Bring your own materials.
Thursday 6 February – 27 March 2014
From 6.30pm – 8.30pm (8 sessions)
$95.00 or $90.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Painting in Water Colours & Pastels
For mature aged people, 50 years and over. Come and
join us and keep your mind and hands active. New
classes and new tutors introduced throughout 2012
with updates advertised in monthly U3A newsletter.
Venue: Rear of Victoria University’s Melton Campus
(behind building 3), Rees Road, Entrance 1
Wednesdays from 9.30am - 12.00noon
Contact: Melton U3A Inc, For the Over 50’s
John Birmingham T 9743 2048
Picture Framing Workshop
Includes design, layout techniques, cutting timber
mouldings, mount boards and more. BYO A4 photo,
painting or other item and take it home professionally
framed. What a great idea for a very personal gift.
Sunday 16 March 2014
From 11.00am - 4.30pm (1 Session)
$70.00 or $65.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Page 12
Sewing for Kids
Learn basic sewing techniques using a sewing machine,
as a starting point to making your own clothes. Kids will
work on different projects as their skills improve. No
experience required. Suitable for kids 10 -13 years old.
Sewing machines provided.
Venue: Stevenson House
Friday 14 February – 21 March 2014
From 4.00pm – 5.30pm (6 weeks)
$70.00 plus $10.00 - $15.00 for materials
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 1537
Scrapbooking and Card Making Classes
Come and meet new people and learn new skills at our
monthly scrapbooking and card making classes. Classes
are held 2nd Friday night every month. We also host 2
retreats every year! With costs around $260.00 for 4
full days; you won’t want to miss out! For further
information www.scrapeverything.com.au
Venue: 3 Cassia Road, Melton
Second Friday Night of Month
Contact: Katherine Prefol T 0422 233 053
Scrapbooking for Adults and Mothers/Daughters 8yrs
BYO photos only - everything else is supplied (papers,
embellishments, double-sided tape, stickers, paper
trimmers, variety of alphabets using Sizzix machines).
Venue: Stevenson House
10 Stevenson Crescent, Caroline Springs
Second Saturday of each month
From 9.00am – 12noon - Bookings essential
$15.00 per person ($25.00 for 2 people from
the same immediate family) per session
Contact: Scrapbooking and Card making at
Scrapbooking for Children
For children aged 8-12 yrs (boys and girls). Children
need to provide their own album and photos each
session. Other materials, including papers, double-sided
tape, embellishments, stickers etc. are provided. Mini
special projects will be held monthly.
Venue: Stevenson House
10 Stevenson Crescent, Caroline Springs
One Saturday of the month from 9.30am 1.00pm (dates available on request)
February to November - Bookings essential
$15.00 ($25.00 for 2 children from same
Contact: Scrapbooking for Children at
Sewing Made Easy
Includes laying out and cutting from patterns and
making a children’s track suit or other small garment.
Discover lots of tips on seams, zips and how to finish off
if you don’t have an overlocker. BYO Machine and
materials. Some material is for sale.
Friday 21 February – 28 March 2014
From 1.00pm – 3.00pm (6 sessions)
$65.00 or $55.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Soy Candle Making
Come along and make your own soy fragranced candle
in a glass holder, a plain soy candle in a Mosaic glass
holder and four tea lights. Soy is 100% natural and
burns 50% longer than paraffin candles. Includes Notes.
Sunday 30 March 2014
From 10.00am – 12.30pm (1 session)
$72.00 or $67.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Soft Toy / Mobile Making
Seeing a child play with something you have personally
made is incredibly rewarding. This class will see you
making fun and stimulating soft toys such as elephants
and owls to share with the little ones in your life. These
toys can be used for free play or adapted to create your
own simple mobile. By gaining the skills to create your
own toys you will be able to change the objects
frequently therefore holding your baby’s interest for
longer (BYO sewing machine, all other material
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Wednesday 26 March & 2 April 2014
From 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Springs Stitchers
BYO projects of patchwork/quilting, sewing, knitting,
crocheting, embroidery and meet with other ladies for a
couple of hours twice a month.
Venue: Stevenson House
10 Stevenson Crescent, Caroline Springs
2nd Thursday and 4th Monday Evening
From 7.30pm – 9.30pm
$5.00 per session
Contact: Janet McKinney T 0425 852 735
Page 13
Soap Making – Cold Compressed Method
Learn to make your own soap with the right balance of
bubbles, creaminess & moisturiser, which is free from
harmful ingredients. Choose your fragrance and take
home 1kg (12 bars) of soap as well as a reusable
wooden log mould (valued at $30.00) See requirement
Sunday 23 March 2014
From 10.00am – 12.30pm (1 session)
$72.00 or $67.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Undestanding Colour and How to Use It
An interactive 4hr class on colour theories, elements &
principles. Learn Simple tricks of the trade on how to
use them in your own spaces at home. Class includes all
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Sunday 23 March 2014
From 9.00am – 1.00pm
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Willows Quilting Group Melton
Do you enjoy quilting, embroidery, cross stitch or
sewing? Come along to our group meetings.
Venue: Dunvegan Cottage, Willows Historic Reserve
1st & 3rd Wednesday evening
From 7.00pm - 9.30pm
2nd & 4th Wednesday morning
From 9.00am - 12.00pm
Contact: Maree T 0448 430 828 / Barbara T 9747 0054
Business - Certificate III in Business Administration
Djerriwarrh is offering an environment to suit people
wanting to fit in study with their busy life style.
Includes customer service and complaints, producing
business documents, conducting online transactions,
maintaining financial records, and many other skills to
get you started in a small business or working in a team
in a business environment. Certificate IV provides you
with the necessary skills for middle management in
business/office/administration environments.
Venue: 239 Station Road Melton
Semester 1, 2014
Days: Wednesdays Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Business - Certificate IV in Business Administration
Djerriwarrh is offering an environment to suit people
wanting to fit in study with their busy life style.
Includes customer service and complaints, producing
business documents, conducting online transactions,
maintaining financial records, and many other skills to
get you started in a small business or working in a team
in a business environment. Certificate IV provides you
with the necessary skills for middle management in
business/office/administration environments.
Venue: 239 Station Road Melton
Semester 1, 2014
Days: Wednesdays
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Page 14
Business Planning Basics Seminar
Thinking ahead is the surest way to identify potential
issues for your business before they become problems,
but what is involved in effective planning?
Small Business Victoria’s Business Planning Basics
seminar will help you clarify where your business is
now, where you want it to be, and the steps you will
need to take to get there. During this introductory
seminar, you will work on your own concise business
plan to ensure your new venture is heading in the right
Venue: Caroline Springs Library
193-201 Caroline Springs Blvd
Wednesday 12 March 2014
From 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Contact: Jeremy Liddy T 9747 7200
Extraordinary Receptionist Training Workshop
This training will give you the confidence, enthusiasm
and a positive attitude to apply for a job as a
receptionist. This workshop was developed as there is a
gap in the job market for receptionists with
extraordinary values / skills. We also train your staff in
the workplace.
Venue: Caroline Springs Civic Centre Library 193-201
Caroline Springs Boulevard Caroline Springs
Comprehensive one day workshop Contact for
times and dates
Contact: Extraordinary Receptionist Training on
T 0418 999 375 or E jrextra09@gmail.com
Introduction to Business (DEES2013022)
Includes customer service and complaints, producing
business documents, conducting online transactions,
maintaining financial records, and many other skills to
get you started in a small business or working in a team
in a business environment.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
Term 1, 2014
Days: Mondays Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Starting Your Business Workshop
However good your business idea, taking the plunge
and starting your own business can be a daunting
process. Making the right moves at this early stage can
help set your new business on the road to success.
Offering clear, straightforward advice and a free
mentoring session from an experienced business
adviser, Small Business Victoria’s Starting Your Business
workshop covers all the essentials. From carrying out a
feasibility study and determining the best company
structure to preparing a business plan, you will leave
this workshop with a clearer idea of how your business
will look.
Venue: Melton Community Hall
232 High Street, Melton
Wednesday 19 February 2014
From 6.00pm – 9.30pm
Contact: Jeremy Liddy T 9747 7200
Baby Massage for Newborns to 18 months
Learn massage techniques from a qualified instructor
certified by the Infant Massage Information Service.
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Wednesday 12 February - 5 March 2014
From 9.30am - 11.00am (4 weeks)
$120.00 or $135.00 with booklet and DVD
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Computer Game Design for Beginners
Avoid unnecessary jargon and complex programming!
Learn how to create your own game on an easy-to-use
program and share it with your friends. Ideal for
enthusiastic 8-12 year old computer users with little or
no experience in game design.
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Monday 10 February – 31 March 2014
(Excluding 10 March 2014)
From 4.00pm – 5.30pm (7 weeks)
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Page 15
Grandparents and Kinship Carers Group
The Grandparents and Kinship Group provide support
for grandparents, aunties, uncles, nieces, nephews or
friends who care for children that can no longer live
with their parents. The group meets over lunch to
share mutual experiences. Guest speakers are invited to
the group on a regular basis.
Venue: Melton City Council
Ongoing last Wednesday of each month
From 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Contact: Melton City Council Deborah Richards
T 9747 7200
Imagination Magic
Imagination Magic is a Melton City Council run
performing arts and literacy program for babies,
toddlers and pre-school children, and their parents.
To secure your place or for more information, please
contact Customer Services on 9747 7200.
Venue: Caroline Springs Civic Centre and Library
Melton Community Hall
Thursday – Once a month at each venue
Gold Coin Donation
Contact: Customer Service T 9747 7200
Korean Mothers Group
A group for Korean speaking mothers to meet and
socialise, with activities for children.
Meets Tuesdays 10.00am - 12.00pm
$20.00 per family per term
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Kid Fit Kinder Gym
Kid Fit Kinder Gym is a program for children 5 and
under and their parents to experience the fun of group
exercise, games and fitness. Parent participation is
Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Venue: The Parade Caroline Springs
$6.00 per session
Dates: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Classes
Contact: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre T 9747 5327
Melton Indoor Recreation Centre
Venue: Coburns Road
$6.00 per session
Dates: Thursday Classes
Contact: Nicole or Margaret T 9747 5327
Kindermusik is a world leading music and movement
program for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers up to
the age of five. It is learning through movement,
singing, playing instruments, drama and play. We teach
children music so they can become better learners.
Venue: Springside Community Centre, Caroline
February through to December
Contact: Kindermusik
Dorothy Di Lullo T 0425 826 205
Kinda Kinder
A preschool program with a reading focus for children
who don’t attend kinder. Parents and carers will take an
active role in each activity and for them to take
activities home to play with their children later.
Venue: Will be offered at a number of schools and
other locations throughout the City
20 week sessions will be held once a week
(Tuesdays) for approximately 60 - 90 minutes
Contact: Kinda Kinder Natalie T 9919 2037
Kid Fit Kinder Gym (Baby Gym)
Kids Fit Kinder Gym is a program for children 2 and
under and their parents to experience the fun of group
exercise, games and fitness. Parent participation is
Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Venue: The Parade Caroline Springs
$6.00 per session
Dates: Wednesday 11.30am, Friday 10.00am,
11.00am and 12.00pm
Contact: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre T 9747 5327
Melton Indoor Recreation Centre
Venue: Coburns Road
$6.00 per session
Dates: Thursday 9.30am
Contact: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre T 9747 5327
Kids Exercise
Our qualified instructor gets 5-13 year olds moving for
45 minutes. Teaching them some skills with physical
activity whilst having loads of fun and making some
new friends.
Venue: Bodystyle World of Health & Fitness
$5.00 per class
Dates: Contact reception for schedule
Contact: Bodystyle T 9747 0671
Page 16
Melton Toy Library
Offers a range of quality and educationally sound toys
suitable for children aged 0 - 6. Toys can be borrowed
fortnightly with the option of renewal. We also have a
range of parenting and early childhood resource books.
Venue: Brookfield Community Centre,
Blackdog Drive Melton South and
Springside Children’s and Community Centre
22-55 Becca Way, Caroline Springs
Contact: Melton Toy Library
T 9747 7200 or 0413 015 903
Mini Maestros
Mini Maestros offers fun and educational music classes
for children from ages 6 months to 5 years. Mini
Maestros helps children to foster an appreciation of
music to last a lifetime. Classes enhance children's
development while having fun. Singing, dancing, playing
percussion instruments and musical games stimulate
children's creativity and imagination. Visit
www.minimaestros.com.au for more information.
Venue: Springside Community Pavilion, Banchory
Community Centre, Caroline Springs Library
During school term throughout 2014
From $14.00 per class
Contact: Mary Rose or Vanessa T 0423 733 218
Bubbles Playgroup - for children with additional needs
Venue: DJ Cunningham Centre,
29 - 41 Exford Road Melton South
Free - Morning Tea is provided
Contact: For times and days of operation please
contact the SPPI Officer, Melton City Council
T 9747 7200 E playgroups@melton.vic.gov.au
Comfort Playgroup
Is designed to accommodate needs of children (birth to
5 years) with Allergies and Anaphylaxis. The session will
run for 1 hour and has a NO FOOD policy. Siblings are
Fridays 9.15am – 10.45am
Venue: Claret Ash Blvd Melton West
Gold Coin Donation
Contact: Mihiri Yeluri T 0400 087 186
Japanese Speaking Playgroup
Mondays, school terms from 4.00pm - 6.00pm
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Hillside Playgroup
Monday - Thursday 9.15am - 11.15am
Wednesday 11.15am - 1.15pm
$40.00 per term
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Multiple Birth - SunRanges Twins Plus Inc.
Support services for new and expectant multiple birth
families by linking them to the Australian Multiple Birth
Association and offering local support in weekly
playgroup and monthly coffee mornings. Provides
members with a monthly newsletter, social event,
information nights, equipment hire, and a library.
Venue: Various locations throughout Melton
Please call for details
Costs: Yearly Membership costs $40.00
Contact: SunRanges Twins Plus Inc
T 9513 0035
Mandarin Speaking Playgroup
Fridays from 10.30am - 12.30pm
$20.00 per family per term
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Aqua Playgroup - Mums and Bubs
A great way for Mums to relax next to their kids while
their kids have fun in a friendly and safe environment
and to meet other Mums. Your child / children learn
social interaction before they go to school.
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Monday, Wednesday from 10.00am - 11.30am
Thursday and Friday from 9.30am – 11.00am
$5.80 per child each session
Contact: Melton Waves Leisure Centre T 9747 4333
Ready Steady Go Kids
Ready Steady Go Kids is Australia's largest and most
reputable multi-sport and exercise program for preschoolers (aged 2.5-6 years). Our high quality, physiodesigned program teaches children the fundamentals of
10 different sports in a fun, non-competitive, teambased environment. Our classes run for 45 minutes and
there are 5 sports covered each term.
Venue: Caroline Springs, Melton & Bacchus Marsh
Monday – Saturday, during school term
FREE Trial Class
Contact: Ready Steady Go Kids T 1300 766 892
Melton South Playgroup
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
$20.00 per term
Wednesday from 9.30am - 11.30am
(School Term)
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Page 17
Children 2yrs – 8yrs will stretch their imaginations with
Yogabugs, embarking on engaging adventures that
come to life through yoga inspired moves. The many
benefits include improved fitness, flexibility,
coordination, improved focus, concentration and
memory. Breathing and relaxation techniques that
conclude each session, release anxieties, improve
confidence and self esteem, and allow children to feel
settled encouraging more restful sleep. Children love
being a Yogabug (and parents will enjoy themselves
Venue: Springside Community Centre Caroline Springs
Arnold’s Creek Community Centre Melton
Dates: During School Term
$12.00 – $15.00 per class (first class free)
Contact: Lisa Filkin T 0402 323 722
Absolute Beginners
An opportunity for all ages with little or no computer
skills at all. Develop your confidence and learn the
essential operations of a computer. Also touch on the
basics of Microsoft Office. BYO USB Stick.
Monday 3 February – 31 March 2014
From 6.30pm – 9.00pm (8 sessions)
Friday 7 February – 28 March 2014
From 9.30am – 12.00pm (8 sessions)
$60.00 or $45.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Blogging for Beginners
Publish your thoughts and have a voice on the web, join
the blogosphere today! Be guided through the process
of creating a blog, attracting readership and keeping
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Monday 10 February – 17 March 2014
(Excluding 10 March 2014)
From 9.30am – 11.00am (5 weeks)
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Computers for Absolute Beginners
Come and learn how to use a computer. This course is
aimed at those who have no experience with
Venue: Stevenson House
Monday 3 February – 31 March 2014
(excl 10 March 2014)
From 9.30am – 12.00pm
$60.00 (8 Classes)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Digital Cameras Made Easy & Paint Shop Pro
Discover all about your camera. Learn how to take
great photos and understand your camera’s features.
Download and organise your photos and learn how to
edit these photos using Paint Shop Pro. BYO Camera
and Cord. Manual is included.
Monday 3 February – 31 March 2014
From 12.30pm – 3.00pm (8 sessions)
$60.00 or $45.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
EBAY Workshop
eBay is the worldwide market place and is a fabulous
place to shop. Buy those hard to find or everyday items
or sell your unwanted items. Come along and learn
how to buy, sell and bargain. It will be hands on class
and all notes will be provided.
Wednesday 19 & 26 February 2014
From 6.30pm – 9.00pm (2 sessions)
$60.00 or $50.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Internet Skills
Learn how to use the internet to access web addresses,
use search engines to research information.
Communicate using email. Manage your incoming
messages, create, send and reply. Open attachments
and send attachments with your outgoing email.
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Monday 24 February – 24 March 2014
(Excluding 10 March 2014)
From 6.30pm – 9.00pm (6 classes)
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Page 18
Internet and Technology Skills
Learn how to use the Internet to access web addresses
and to research information. You will also learn how to
set up email accounts and manage your messages. In
addition some of the sessions will provide instruction in
a range of new technologies.
Venue: Caroline Springs Library
$5.50 per session or $4.40 for concession
Contact: Melton City Council Library Service
T 9747 5300 Press 2 for Caroline Springs
Introduction to Computers - For Absolute Beginners
This is a great course that covers the basics skills
necessary to use a computer. The course covers:
Launching programs, Windows Explorer, Internet
Explorer, Moving and Sizing Windows, Customizing
Windows 7, Using the Control Panel, My Documents
and My Computer, Using the Recycle Bin, Printer, Files,
Folders and Drives and using the Help and Support
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Tuesday 11 February – 1 April 2014
From 12.30pm – 3.00pm (8 Classes)
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Introduction to Computers DEES2014021
This structured course covers email, internet and
general computer functions. Get started searching on
the internet and sending and receiving emails.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road Melton 3337
5 February 2014
Days: Mondays
Time: 9.00am – 12.30pm
$75.00 or $50.00 concession
Workbooks are optional at $40.00 per book
Government Funding may be available for
eligible applicants.
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T (03) 8746 1000
Introduction to Computers Level 1 (DEES2013001A)
This structured course covers email, internet and
general computer functions. Get started searching
on the internet and sending and receiving emails.
Venue: 239 Station Road, Melton
Semester 1, 2014
Days: Mondays
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Introduction to Microsoft Excel
In this 4 week course you will learn how to create
spread sheets, graphs and perform mathematical
equations using formulas.
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Wednesday 12 February – 5 March 2014
From 6.30pm – 9.00pm (4 Classes)
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Intermediate Microsoft Excel
This course will teach you everything you need to know
to become a confident user of Microsoft Excel 2010.
Some of the areas being covered include creating
charts, basic formula writing and absolute cell
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Wednesday 12 March – 2 April 2014
From 6.30pm – 9.00pm (4 Classes)
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Introduction to Microsoft Word
In this 4 week course you will learn to create files, basic
editing tools, file management, how to apply borders
and shading to documents and sections of text as well
as line spacing and the use of tabs. This course is for
people who have not used Word 2010
Venue: Stevenson House
Saturday 8 February – 1 March 2014
From 10.00am – 12.30pm
$30.00 (4 Classes)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Intermediate Microsoft Word
This course is designed for those who have completed
the Introduction to Word course. It covers text boxes,
headers and footers, using styles, everyday formatting,
templates, tables (including using formulas) bullets,
numbering and WordArt.
Venue: Stevenson House
Saturday 8 March – 29 March 2014
From 10.00am – 12.30pm (4 Classes)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Page 19
IPad/Tablet - Introduction to
Learn how to get the most out of using all the functions
and features of your IPAD or Tablet. Learn how to
download apps, personalise your device and lots more.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Includes Notes
Wednesday 12 & 19 March 2014
From 6.30pm – 9.00pm (2 sessions)
$60.00 or $50.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Microsoft Office Suite (2010)
For those who have basic computer skills wanting to
learn about popular Microsoft Office programs such as
Word, Excel, Publisher and PowerPoint. Manual is
Thursday 6 February – 27 March 2014
From 12.30pm – 3.00pm (8 sessions)
$60.00 or $45.00 concession BYO USB Stick
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Manual Bookkeeping
This course will teach you debits and credits and is a
recommended pre-requisite to enrolling in an
Introductory MYOB computer course. Areas included
are accounting, legislation and statutory responsibilities
for small business, double-entry accounting terms and
concepts, journals, posting transactions to the general
ledger, subsidiary ledgers - debtors and creditors, and
bank reconciliation.
Venue: Stevenson House
Thursday 13 February – 6 March 2014
From 9.30am – 3.00pm (4 lessons)
Last lesson finishes at 12.00pm
$145.00 (includes manual valued at $40.00)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Microsoft Word 2010
A comprehensive course designed to take you from a
beginner’s level to a confident user of Microsoft Word.
Covers creating documents, working with text, cutting,
copying, formatting, font, setting up page layout, using
simple tables and printing features.
Tuesday 4 February – 25 March 2014
From 9.30am – 12.00pm (8 sessions)
$60.00 or $45.00 concession, BYO USB Stick
Contact Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Manual Bookkeeping
Learn to keep a basic set of books. This comprehensive
course covers Ledgers, Invoices, GST, Journals, Payroll
and much more. Ideal pathway if you want to do MYOB.
Manual is included.
Thursday 6 February – 27 March 2014
From 9.30am - 11.30am (8 sessions)
$65.00 or $45.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Microsoft Excel 2010
A comprehensive course designed to take you from a
beginner level to a confident user of Microsoft Excel.
Discover how to create spreadsheets for use in the
home or office. Track your budgets and accounts. Learn
simple formulas which will make your calculations
simple and effective.
Thursday 6 February – 27 March 2014
From 12.30pm – 3.00pm (8 Sessions)
$60.00 or $45.00 concession, BYO USB Stick
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
MYOB – “Mind Your Own Business' Accounting”
In this MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) course,
students will start establishing their business by
creating a chart of accounts, setting up customers,
suppliers and inventories. Please note: participants
need the pre-requisite of our manual bookkeeping
course or previous bookkeeping experience.
Thursday 6 March - 27 March 2014
From 9.30am – 3.00pm (4 lessons)
First class starts at 12.30pm
Thursday 13 February – 20 March 2014
From 6.30pm – 9.30pm (6 lessons)
$145.00 (includes manual valued at $40)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Mind Your Own Business (MYOB) V19- Introduction To
Learn to establish a business by creating a chart of
accounts, setting up customers, suppliers and
inventories. Includes invoicing, reconciliation, GST and
BAS. Bookkeeping and computer literacy are a
requirement. BYO USB Stick.
Monday 3 February – 17 March 2014
From 9.30am – 12.30pm (6 sessions)
Tuesday 4 February – 11 March 2014
From 6.00pm - 9.00pm (6 sessions)
$95.00 or $70.00 concession, Includes manual
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Page 20
Mind Your Own Business (MYOB) V19 Including Payroll
- Introduction To
Learn to establish a business by creating a chart of
accounts, setting up customers, suppliers and
inventories. Includes invoicing, reconciliation, GST and
BAS. Includes Payroll component including Super and
Year End activities. Bookkeeping and computer literacy
are a requirement. BYO USB Stick. Includes manual
Monday 3 February – 31 March 2014
From 9.30am – 12.30pm (8 sessions)
Tuesday 4 February – 25 March 2014
From 6.00pm - 9.00pm (8 sessions)
$160.00 or $120.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community T 9747 8576
Power Point
This course looks at the basic fundamentals of the
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 2010 package.
PowerPoint 2010 allows you to create dynamic and
exciting presentations that will make your
presentations look professional in an easy to use
format. For those who have some basic skills in other
Microsoft applications.
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Monday 24 February - 24 March 2014
(Excluding 10 March 2014)
From 12.30pm - 3.00pm (4 sessions)
Contact: Hillside Community Centre 9449 8027
Repair & Upgrade Computers – Software
This 20 hour hands on course focuses on computer
SOFTWARE. Save on costly computer repairs, upgrades
and down time by doing your own. Use as a pathway to
further IT studies or employment opportunities.
Manual is included.
Friday 7 February – 28 March 2014
From 12.30pm - 3.00pm (8 sessions)
$70.00 or $50.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
SLR Camera Workshop
Learn all about the SLR Camera in this workshop.
Understand its advantages and ability for creative
photography and information on useful accessories. .
BYO camera. Notes are included on CD.
Sunday 23 March 2014
From 10.00am – 4.00pm (1 session)
$85.00 or $80.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Social Media Communications (Email, Internet,
Facebook & Skype)
A comprehensive course which covers all you need to
know about emailing, how to use the internet, how to
setup and use Facebook as well as how to setup and
use Skype to communicate with others
Tuesday 4 February - 25 March 2014
From 12.30pm – 3.00pm (8 sessions)
$60.00 or $45.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Social Media for Writers, Bloggers and Businesses
Learn the strengths and weaknesses of popular social
media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn,
Google+, Flickr) and how to use them to promote
yourself, your creative pursuits and/ or your business.
This is a hands-on workshop in a computer lab and
includes lots of take-home material. No experience
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Monday 24 February – 31 March 2014
From 11.30am – 12.30pm (5 weeks)
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
U3A Computers
For mature aged people, 50 years and over. Come and
join us and keep your mind and hands active. More
Melton U3A activities listed under Social Activities Melton U3A.
Venue: Rear of Victoria University’s Melton Campus
(behind building 3), Rees Road, Entrance 1
Mondays from 10.00am - 12.00pm
Tuesdays from 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Contact: U3A - Thelma (Monday Class) T 9743 7452
or John (Tuesday Class) T 9743 2048
Web Site Design - Introduction To
Learn how to design, build and publish your very own
Website on the Internet. Ideal if you have a business or
involved with a community project. Returning students
Tuesday 4 February – 25 March 2014
From 6.30pm - 9.00pm (8 sessions)
$65.00 or $45.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Page 21
Cupcakes-Advanced Decorating
A more advanced level with harder designs, such as
baskets. Take 6 decorated Cupcakes home on the day
See requirements list.
Saturday 22 March 2014
From 12.30pm – 3.00pm (1 session)
$42.00 or $37.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Basic Cooking Class for Blokes
Join a group of like-minded blokes who come together
on a regular basis to socialise, cook affordable and
nutritious meals, and enjoy a relaxed feed with one
Venue: Melton Men’s Shed, Willows Historical Park
Tuesdays from 9.30am - 12.30pm
Contact: Melton Men’s Shed T 9971 5106
Basic Cooking and Life Skills for Youth
Learn the following skills: Learn how to cook on a low
budget, how to cook for one with quick and easy meal
Ideas, a variety of cooking methods, how to read and
understand simple recipes, how to work through
application processes such as applying for a Health Care
Card or your Learners etc. and develop your resume
writing and job interview skills.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road Melton
11 February 2014
Days: Tuesdays Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Cake Decorating – Beginner Level
Learn the skills to decorate cakes, learn to ice, make
plunger flowers, roses and much more. See display
photo in the Office. See requirement list.
Sunday 9 February – 2 March 2014
From 9.30am - 12.00pm (4 sessions)
$110.00 or $105.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Chocolate Making Worksop
Using quality professional chocolate, learn to make dark
chocolate with two types of ganache fillings, Mendiants
which are chocolate discs with nuts and fruit, as well as
milk chocolates. Held in a Commercial Kitchen
Sunday 23 February 2014
From 1.00pm – 4.00pm (1 session)
$69.00 or $64.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Cooking 4 Kids
These classes are designed for budding Junior
MasterChefs aged 8-12 years. Kids get to learn cooking
skills, increase their awareness of nutrition and sample
the results. Classes are run by an accredited dietician.
Venue: Taylors Hill Youth & Community Centre
24 February – 20 March 2014
From 4.30pm – 6.00pm (6 classes)
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Taster Coffee Shop Skills
Learn how to use an espresso coffee machine, make
sandwiches, focaccias, slices, cakes and desserts in an
operational commercial kitchen. Ideal skills to assist
you in gaining employment in a coffee shop/cafe.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road Melton
13 February 2014
Days: Thursdays Time: 9.30am – 2.00pm
$70.00 or $50.00 concession
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Cooking with European Flavours
Experience the flavours, aromas and culture of Europe
over 6 weeks as you learn how to cook unique dishes
from different European countries. Not only will you
learn to cook tasty, fresh and easy European meals that
the whole family will enjoy, but you will learn about the
health benefits of common ingredients used in
European cooking.
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Thursday 13 February – 20 March 2014
From 6.30pm – 8.00pm (6 weeks)
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Page 22
CSAWN's Ethical Shopping Tours
Learn to decipher product labels and avoid nasty animal
by-products, chemicals and products tested on animals.
Each participant receives a show bag with preferred
product lists, shopping guides and other goodies. Tours
go for approximately one hour. Minimum of 5 people
required for each tour.
Venue: CS Square Shopping Centre (a group of 5 or
more, we will conduct the tour at the shop of
your choice)
Call us to book a date and time
$5.00 donation
Contact: Caroline Springs Animal Welfare Network
T 0410 315 808 or www.csawn.org
Gluten Free Cooking
Whether you're just learning to eat gluten-free, or
trying to cook for a gluten-intolerant friend or family
member this hands on cooking class run by an
accredited dietician will give you the tools you need to
get started with gluten free cooking as well as ideas and
inspiration to transform recipes and dishes.
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Monday 24 February – 31 March 2014
(Excluding 10 March 2014)
From 6.30pm – 8.00pm (5 weeks)
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Cupcake Decorating - Beginners
Cupcakes are popular for every occasion such as
birthdays, weddings, baby showers and christening and
also a great idea for bonbonniere. Learn the many
ideas and designs involved in decorating cupcakes.
Take 6 cupcakes home on the day. See requirements list
Saturday 22 February 2014
From 12.30pm - 3.00pm (1 session)
$40.00 or $35.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Make Your Own Chinese Dumplings
Come along and make these authentic Chinese
Dumplings which can be used as part of a variety of
dishes. Everything is supplied.
Sunday 23 February 2014
From 1.00pm – 3.00pm (1 session)
$25.00 or $20.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Éclair Making Workshop
Indulge your taste buds and learn to make these
delicious treats which could be the hit of your next High
Tea. Made with choux pastry and a delectable
flavoured pastry cream. Includes chocolate and coffee
flavours. Held in a Commercial Kitchen
Sunday 16 March 2014
From 1.00pm – 4.00pm (1 session)
$45.00 or $40.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
French Macaroons
Discover these popular French sweet treats. Perfected
over centuries, learn how to make these meringue
biscuits with some beautiful fillings. You will make ten
on the day. Held in a Commercial Kitchen
Sunday 23 March 2014
From 1.00pm – 4.00pm (1 session)
$45.00 or $40.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Make Your Own Spring Rolls
Come along and make these authentic Spring Rolls.
Learn to make Savoury as well as Sweet ones.
Everything is supplied.
Sunday 16 February 2014
From 1.00pm – 3.00pm (1 session)
$25.00 or $20.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Pakistani and Indian Cooking
This class aims to provide an understanding of the use
of traditional spices and cooking of popular traditional
Pakistani and Indian cuisines.
Wednesday 12 February – 2 April 2014
From 7.00pm - 9.00pm (8 lessons)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Page 23
Kids Birthday Cakes
This program is in partnership with Taylors Hill
Community Centre and will involve;
Teaching people a variety of cake making skills
-Teaching people how to mould birthday cakes into a
variety of shapes and animals etc.
-Teaching people a variety of cake decorating
techniques etc.
TBA Days: TBA Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Enquire by phone
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Thai Cooking
Stunning classic Thai cooking of amazing diversity, both
traditional and unusual dishes. In this hands-on Thai
cooking course you will discover this distinctive and
paradoxical style of cooking. Learn to create traditional
Thai dishes from Thai fresh ingredients following your
friendly instructor. At the end you can spend time
tasting and enjoying your own prepared food. During
the course you will learn up to 5 to 6 popular Thai
dishes. Come along and enjoy!
Tuesday 18 February - 4 March 2014
From 10.00am – 1.00pm (3 lessons)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Mozzarella and Ricotta
Make your own Mozzarella to take home and see a
demonstration of Ricotta being made. Breadsticks
provided for tasting. See requirement list.
Sunday 2 March 2014
From 1.00pm – 4.00pm (1 session)
$55.00 or $50.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Acting Classes
We hold weekly classes for Adults, teens and kids
where you can learn the craft of screen acting and
techniques for delivering compelling performances.
Venue: 41 McKenzie Street, Melton
Please call for details
Cost per month
Teen $117.00, Kids $107.00
Contact: Screen Actors Australia Belinda Sharp
T 0431 284 181
Ballroom & Latin Dancing Classes
Adults, teenagers and children from 2 years. Classes
and private lessons. Bridal and school groups also
available. Qualified Dancesport coaches teaching Salsa,
Cha Cha, Tango, Waltz and more. Classes- pay as you
go, no joining fees or uniforms. Parents welcome to
watch. Great way to get fit, meet new people. Disabled
classes also available.
Venue: Dancesport Westside, 1/21 Reserve Road
Melton (next to Storage King)
Please call for details
$9.00 per class
Contact: Dancesport Westside T 9746 0788
Bellydance Inspiration
Learn Bellydance with a professional teacher and
performer. This class is for women of all ages and
shapes. Improve your fitness, posture and health with
lots of fun. Bellydance is a great way to reduce stress.
Venue: Melton Uniting Church, Yuille Street Melton
Every Monday and Wednesday
From 7.30pm – 8.30pm
$10.00 per class (1 Hour)
Contact: Bellydance Inspiration
Julia T 0403 647 382
Blazing Saddles Bootscooters
A fun way to exercise that is good for improving
mobility and cardiovascular function. Classes are fun
and conducted in a happy environment. Suitable for
those with ailments such as arthritis, diabetes, heart
Venue: Guide Hall - Yuille Street, Melton
Monday Nights 7.00pm – Beginner Class
Thursday Mornings 10.00am - Beginner Class
$8.00 for all classes
Contact: Blazing Saddles Bootscooters
T 9747 9040 or T 0418 185 397
Dance Space Performing Arts
Dance Space performing arts owned by Miss Kayley
Williams teaches children both boys and girls from the
ages 3-16 all facets of dance including ballet, tap, jazz,
and hip hop. DSPA is a family orientated school where
friendliness and fun are their main objectives.
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Please call for details
Costs: $110.00 per school term, discounts available
to families enrolling two or more students
Contact: Dance Space Performing Arts T 0412 778 174
Page 24
Dancewest Studios
No exams, competitions or costume sewing. Students
from age 4yrs and up develop discipline, selfconfidence, good attitude, posture, and a stepping
stone into the performing industry. End of year concert
is held at a local auditorium and local performances
showcasing your child’s advancement. Teaching and
achieving for 20 years. Learn the latest styles including
Singing, Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap, Classical ballet and Ladies
beginner Burlesque by our professionally trained,
student and qualified teachers. Private lessons
available. NEW for 2014 -Beginner group guitar lessons
ages 10yrs +. 2014 Enrolments Now open and will close
January 20, call or email now for your information pack,
class sizes are limited. Boys welcome.
Venue: Banchory Grove Community Centre Hillside
Mondays and Wednesdays from 4.30pm
Pre-school Thursday and Saturday morning
All inclusive term rates / Conditions apply
Family discounts apply
Complimentary concert DVD
Contact: Dancewest Studios T 0412 381 576
Drama Workshops
North by Northwest and West by Northwest Drama
Groups. Create original plays and unearth your inner
actor in weekly classes in theatre and drama. Regular
performances and free excursions to see the pros in
Venue: NNW @ Taylors Hill Youth and Community
Centre, 121 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill &
WNW @ Melton Youth Centre, 193 Barries Rd,
NNW Mondays 4.30pm -6.30pm
WNW Wednesdays 4.30pm - 6.00pm
(during school term)
Contact: Melton Youth Services
Sean Kavanagh T 9747 5393 or
Galactic Dance & Events Australia
Galactic Dance & Events Australia creates a
professional, yet fun environment for children of all
ages and abilities to participate in the magic of show
business. We do this by having professional and
qualified staff teaching students from the age of 3+.
Galactic Dance have 2 fully equipped dance studios
which provide a safe environment for all students to
learn an array of styles including Jazz, Tap, Ballet,
Contemporary, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre and
Acrobatics. From the beginner to the serious dance
enthusiast, Galactic Dance has the class for you.
Venue: 4/4 Norton Drive Melton
Enrolling Now
Contact: Andrew Micallef T 9743 7773
Gymnastics Unlimited Caroline Springs
Fully equipped and affiliated Gymnastics Club.
Competitive gymnastics 5 - 18, recreation gymnastics 515 years, kinder gym 2-5 years, adult classes, birthday
parties, acrobatics personal and group training,
trampoline and tumbling classes, school holiday
program, new groups starting up.
Venue: Factory 3/4 Waigani Avenue Ravenhall
First lesson Free for Kinder and Recreation
Contact: Gymnastics Unlimited Caroline Springs
T 0421 017 750 or 8338 8673
Hip Hop Dance Workshops
Weekly hip hop classes at Melton Youth Centre and
Taylors Hill Youth and Community Centre
Melton 4.00pm – 5.00pm Wednesdays
Taylors Hill 4.30pm – 5.30pm Tuesdays
Contact: Katriona (Taylors Hill) or Kayla (Melton)
T 9747 5373
Instyle Dance Company
Instyle offers classes in jazz, hip hop, commercial funk,
acrobatics, tap, ballet, lyrical and contemporary from 3
years and up. Students are trained for examinations
(optional), competitions, promotional and professional
work. Professional and qualified teachers are dedicated
in turning out quality dancers who want to pursue a
career in dance. We also cater for fun and fitness. Mrs
Kelly Cimbaljevic is fully qualified and recognised by the
Venue: 4/14 Harrison Ct, Melton
Various, please call to discuss
Contact: Instyle Dance Company
T 9743 8595 or 0416 126 697
Page 25
JDC Performing Arts Studios
Dance | Sing | Act | Perform
JDC specialise in a wide variety of classes, programs and
courses from introductory right through to advanced
level also offering an exclusive talent agency on
campus. Our aim is to ensure each student receives top
training and tuition from all of our experienced and fully
qualified teachers currently working within the
entertainment industry.
Venue: 9/1037 - 1043 Western Highway
Ravenhall (Caroline Springs) VIC 3023
School Term
Class packages available
Age – 2 Years Old to Adult
Contact: Director – Jason Di Cicco T 0412 656 003
Latin and Ballroom Dancing
Dancing is great fun and a terrific form of exercise. If
you enjoy “Dancing with the Stars”, then this is for you.
Learn traditional dances such as Waltzes, Foxtrots as
well as the Cha Cha, Salsa, Tango or Samba and more.
Tuesday 4 February – 25 March 2014
From 7.00pm - 8.00pm (8 Sessions)
Tuesday 4 February – 25 March 2014
From 8.00pm - 9.00pm (8 Sessions)
$89.00 or $84.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Melton Calisthenics Club
Includes dance, drama, singing and apparatus. Great for
beginners who are looking to develop overall physical
fitness and flexibility. Classes 3 years and upwards. No
maximum limit on age. We have ladies over 50 years,
without experience. We love new members and offer
one free lesson so come along and see what we do!
Venue: Factory 4/61 Reserve Road Melton
Contact: Melton Calisthenics Club
T 9743 0434 or 0417 386 419
Melton Melody Makers - Melton South Community
Singing Group
If you enjoy singing and would like to meet others who
do, then come along and join in the fun at the centre.
You will learn new songs and how to use them to
entertain. Your leader is very experienced.
Tuesday mornings 10.00am - 11.00am
(Excluding school holidays)
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Melton Music
Music tuition with specialised teachers at an affordable
price. All instruments. All ages. Individual and group
lessons. Exam Preparation, Performance Opportunities
and Recording Studio available.
Venue: 1/11 Glenville Drive, Melton
Please call for details
Costs: Discounts apply when you enrol and pay in
the first 2 weeks of term
Contact: Melton Music T 9971 5734
Peter Faux Dance Ensemble
Students progressing through graded syllabus and
technique work develop and demonstrate genuine
confidence from practical skills and performance. Learn
good posture, grooming, self-discipline and self-belief.
Suitable for 3 year olds through to adults. Includes
kindy dance (3yo+), hip hop, classical, jazz, tap,
character, Floor Barre, Pilates and Garuda (mat and
equipment) contemporary and workshop classes.
Venue: Dance Ensemble Studios 1/53 Reserve Road
Classes held Monday to Saturday
January through to December
Pay per class or by term for discount
Multiple class discounts available
Contact: Peter Faux Dance Ensemble
T 9743 7130 or 0418 337 810
Showtime School of Dance - Caroline Springs
Learn jazz, tap, hip-hop, classical ballet, singing. Exams
for classical and tap available. Boys’ only hip-hop class,
competition troupe classes and solo work offered.
Midyear cabaret and end of year concert.
Venue: Factory 1, 27 Fuller Road, Ravenhall
Please call for details
Contact: Showtime School of Dance T 0419 560 413
Page 26
Supersonics Singing and Dancing School
Specialty classes in Fairy Ballet, Dance and Movement
(2-4 year old) Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Cecchetti Ballet,
Contemporary, Song and Dance, Private Singing
Lessons. Exams in Cecchetti Ballet and Modern CSTD.
Venue: Hillside
Monday to Friday from 4.00pm - 9.00pm
Saturday from 9.00am - 1.00pm
Costs: Classes range from $10.00 - $15.00 and varies
for specialty classes
Contact: Supersonics Singing and Dancing School
T 9337 8983 or 0438 627 876
The Ballerina Co.
Imagine, Dream, Dance at The Ballerina Co., with
classes in ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop and cheerleading.
Ages 3 years and up welcome.
Free trial class available for all new students.
Venue: 3rd Melton Scout Hall
Cnr Smith and Henry Street, Melton
School Terms
Various - Please call for a Prospectus
Contact: The Ballerina Co – Jacqueline Barsenbach
T 0409 861 863
Drink Driver Assessments
Have you lost your Licence for Drink Driving?
Before attending court you may require assessments.
Assessments are conducted every Thursday. Bookings
are compulsory.
Contact Djerriwarrh for further advice and information
on your relicensing requirements.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
Dates: Weekly
Days: Thursdays / Bookings compulsory
Enquire by phone
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Drink Driver Education Course
Have you lost your Licence for Drink Driving?
Before attending court, you will need to complete an 8
Hour Education course and you may require further
Assessments. Courses are conducted once a month and
assessments are conducted every Thursday.
Contact Djerriwarrh for further advice and information
on your relicensing requirements.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
Monthly courses available
Nights: Thursdays Time: 5.45pm – 9.45pm
$185.00 or $157.00 with concession
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Course in Anaphylaxis Awareness
This course will give you the skills and knowledge to
recognise the signs and symptoms of an allergic
reaction to manage and treat the reaction and also
understand and implement an anaphylaxis plan. You
will also be taught how to minimise the risk of an
allergic reaction and also how to administer an Epipen.
Culinary Skills Australia – Code 22099VIC
Venue: Caroline Springs
Continuous Enrolments
Contact: Culinary Skills Australia
Keri T 1300 933 330
Melton South Community Centre
Anaphylaxis CODE 22099VIC
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
Saturday 1 March 2014
From 10.00am - 12.00pm (1 session)
$55.00 or $50.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Practical Outcomes – Code 22099VIC
Venue: Caroline Springs
Continuous Enrolments
Contact: Practical Outcomes Keri T 1300 799 610
Page 27
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) HLTFACPR201A
This course is designed to teach the knowledge and
skills necessary to maintain breathing and circulation in
an adult, child or infant following cardiac arrest.
Content includes chain of survival, performing CPR,
demonstrating the use of an automated external
defibrillator, special techniques for children and infants
and infection control.
Melton South Community Centre
Asthma (21886VIC)
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
Saturday 1 March 2014
From 12.30pm - 3.30pm (1 session)
$60.00 or $55.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Culinary Skills Australia
Venue: Caroline Springs
Every 2 weeks
Contact Culinary Skills Australia
Keri T 1300 799 610
Practical Health Victoria
Venue: Caroline Springs and Melton
Continuous enrolments / Can also be done in
your workplace, sporting club or social club
(minimum numbers apply)
Contact Practical Health Victoria
Keri T 1300 799 610
Melton South Community Centre
Perform CPR (HLTCPR211A)
Saturday 15 February 2014
From 10.00am - 12.00pm (1 Session)
Saturday 15 March 2014
From 10.00am - 12.00pm (1 session)
$65.00 or $ 60.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Provide Basic Emergency Life Support (HLTFA211A)
Nationally accredited course to gain skills and
knowledge to recognise and respond to life threatening
emergencies using basic life support measures only
Culinary Skills Australia
Venue: Caroline Springs
Various Dates including 16 January, 6
February, 8 February, 20 March and 23 March
Contact Culinary Skills Australia
Keri T 1300 933 330
Practical Health Victoria
Venue: Caroline Springs
Every 2 weeks
Contact: Practical Health Victoria
Keri T 1300 799 610
Emergency Asthma Management (21886VIC)
This nationally accredited course will ensure you know
what to do in case of an emergency. It also enables an
organisation to legally hold blue reliever medication in a
First Aid kit. Needs to be updated every three years.
Can be used for Workplace, Child Care, Schools and
Practical Health Victoria
Venue: Caroline Springs
Various Dates
Contact: Practical Health Victoria
Keri T 1300 799 610
Culinary Skills Australia
Venue: Caroline Springs and Melton
Continuous enrolments / can also be done at
your workplace, sporting club or social group
(minimum numbers apply)
Contact Culinary Skills Australia
Keri T 1300 933 310
Page 28
Apply First Aid (HLTFA311A) - Nationally Accredited
Nationally accredited course which enables you to
perform life-saving first aid. Covers C.P.R, burns,
medical conditions, eye injuries, shock, over exposure
to heat and cold, specific occupational injuries, soft
tissues injuries, fractures, spinal injuries, wound care,
content of first aid kits.
Friends of Toolern Creek Garden Club
Learn about what local indigenous plants are planted in
Melton. We plant and clean up every Monday. The
plants include grasses, ground covers, shrubs and trees
and drought resistant plants.
Venue: Toolern Creek Tamar Drive and Raymond
Street Melton South
Every Monday from 10.00am
Contact: Friends of Toolern Creek - Lyn Holdsworth
T 9747 0525 or 0412 321 848
Melton South Community Centre HLTFA311A Senior
Apply First Aid
The theory is completed in a workbook prior to
attending. On the day you will learn the practical and
tested on both.
Saturday 15 February 2014
From 10.00am - 4.00pm (1 session)
Saturday 15 March 2014
From 10.00am - 4.00pm (1 session)
$120.00 or $115.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Horticulture Taster
This course aims to increase your Horticulture skills and
knowledge leading to further training and employment.
This course will teach students the following skills; How
to drought proof a garden, what plants are best suited
to the current climate, propagation techniques,
composting, pruning, soil improvement, weed control
and pest management etc.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
Term 1, 2014
Days: TBA Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
$25.00 or $10.00 concession
(Eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Practical Outcomes
Venue: Caroline Springs
Courses held every fortnight / we can also
deliver in your workplace for 10 or more
people. The course includes CPR
Contact: Practical Outcomes
Keri T 1300 799 610
Practical Health Victoria
Venue: Caroline Springs
Classes held every fortnight / we can also
deliver in your workplace for 10 or more
people. This course includes CPR
Contact: Practical Health Victoria
Keri T 1300 933 330
Friends of the Melton Botanic Garden
Come and meet other people helping to establish a
Botanic Garden in Melton. We have guest speakers at
our meetings, and tours during the year. Planting and
weeding days take place at the Melton Botanic Garden
in Tullidge Street. Morning tea is provided at all events.
Venue: DJ Cunningham Centre
29 - 41 Exford Road Melton South
Second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm
Contact: Friends of the Melton Botanic Garden
T 0408 170 070
Melton Sustainable Living Group
The MSLG are a non-profit community group that
provides practical knowledge and fellowship for
sustainable living, including: energy efficiency around
the home, growing your own food garden, the 3Rs
(reduce, reuse, and recycle), renewable energy
and rainwater harvesting.
Venue: Varies
Every third Saturday of the month
Annual membership $20.00
Contact: Stacey - Group President T 9743 6127
Page 29
Breeze Rides for Women
This woman’s only cycling group is aimed at the
beginner to early intermediate rides. Learn Valuable
cycling skills, bike setup and maintenance. We travel on
quiet roads and shared pathways. These sessions are
run by a qualified Austcycle coach. All fitness levels
accepted, must be over 16yrs.
Venue: Melton
Once a month
Contact: Samantha Sutton T 0420 417 978
Bodystyle World of Health and Fitness
At Bodystyle your fitness and well being is our number
one priority. We’re committed to bringing you quality
services and expertise to assist you in attaining your
goals, and design your programs with an individual
approach and cater for all- teenagers, adults and
mature age.
Venue: Bodystyle - World of Health and Fitness
41 McKenzie Street, Melton
Dates: Monday to Thursday 6.00am - 10.00pm
Friday 6.00am – 9.00pm
Saturday 7.00am - 3.00pm
Sunday 9.00am - 1.00pm
Contact: Bodystyle T 9747 0671
Friends of Toolern Creek - Walking Group
Walk for an hour along the Toolern Creek. Our walks
suit all abilities. Children are welcome with their family.
Venue: Tamar Drive and Raymond Street Melton
Meet every Monday at 10.00am
Contact: Friends of Toolern Creek - Lyn Holdsworth
T 9747 0525 or 0412 321 848
GEMS Class – Gentle Exercise To Music for Seniors
Classes are ongoing throughout the year and consist of
gentle aerobics, mild strength training and some Tai Chi
(chair based work is included)
Melton Community Health
Venue: Melton Health - Barries Road Melton
Conference Room 1 & 2
Wednesdays from 10.30am – 11.30am
$3.00 per session
Contact: Melton Community Health T 8746 1100
Casual Play
Play on the basketball courts with your friends, BYO ball
or you can borrow one with a photo ID. Must have nonmarking shoes.
Venue: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (school term)
School holiday times vary from 3.30pm 4.30pm
Contact: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre T 9747 5327
Diggers Rest Burras Walking Group
Exercise in a safe environment for all community
members. Don’t forget to bring a drink bottle.
Venue: Diggers Rest Burras Sports Club Diggers Rest
Recreation Reserve, Diggers Rest
Sunday from 6.00pm
Duration is 30 to 40 minutes
Contact: Diggers Rest Burras Walking Group
T 0401 664 568
Gentle Exercise for Mature aged Persons
Melton U3A offers gentle exercise sessions for mature
aged people. So come along and keep yourself fit.
Venue: Rear of Victoria University, Rees Road Melton
Contact: John Bermingham T 9743 2048
Caroline Springs
Venue: Caesia Gardens
Thursdays from 10.30am – 11.30am
$3.00 per session
Contact: Melton Community Health T 8746 1100
JDC Pilates Australia
Pilate’s @ JDC incorporates a balanced way of working
by combining ballet movement with contemporary
Benefits: Calorie burning - Tone and shaping of the
body - Look and feel thinner - Good alignment Strengthen abdominal muscle - Improve flexibility Achieve a stronger core - and more!
Venue: 9/1037 - 1043 Western Highway
Ravenhall (Caroline Springs) VIC 3023
School Term
FIRST CLASS FREE! - Class packages available
Contact: JDC Pilates Australia
Sinasi Alak T 0402 562 233
Page 30
Group Fitness Classes
Highly motivated group fitness instructors will take your
health and fitness to the next level with a variety of
classes on offer! We have classes for all ages and fitness
levels, from beginners to advanced, older adults to kid’s
Venue: Bodystyle – World of Health and Fitness
41 McKenzie Street
Dates: Please pick up a schedule from reception
Group fitness classes are included in
membership packages or can be attended on
a casual basis
Contact Bodystyle T 9747 0671
Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Dates: Classes run seven days per week
Monday – Friday 6.00am - 9.00pm
Saturday 8.30am and 10.30am
Sunday 9.30am - 11.30am
Contact: Melton Waves Leisure Centre T 9747 4333
Chi ball
Chiball is a unique blend of Tai Chi, Qi-gong, modified
Yoga and meditation.
Venue: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Tuesdays from 11.00am – 12.00pm
$5.00 per session per school term
Contact: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre T 9747 5327
Kid Fit Kinder Gym
Kids Fit Kinder Gym is a program for children 5 and
under and their parents to experience the fun of group
exercise, games and fitness. Parent participation is
Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Venue: The Parade, Caroline Springs
Dates: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Classes
$6.00 per session
Contact: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre T 9747 5327
for session times
Melton Indoor Recreation Centre
Venue: Coburns Road, Melton
Thursday Classes
$6.00 per session
Contact: Nicole or Margaret T 9747 5327
for session times
Kids Get Active and Teen Gym
Catering for the child that wants to try everything and
gets bored with doing the same thing every week.
Come and try and enjoy the variety. Different activities
such as bootcamp, boxing and circuit will keep the
children entertained and fit at the same time.
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Mondays and Wednesdays
From 4.00pm – 5.00pm (Excl School Holidays)
Contact: Melton Waves Leisure Centre T 9747 4333
Lifestylers Nordic Walking
Nordic Walking for people aged 50yrs+
Walking with the Nordic poles offers many benefits,
including assisting with balance, improved posture,
burning more calories than walking without poles and
there’s less impact on joints. Bring your own Poles or
hire or buy them from us.
Taylors Hill
Venue: Taylors Hill
Tuesdays from 9.30am – 10.30am
Contact: Roslyn Grech T 0413 305 970
Fridays from 9.30am – 10.30am
Barbara Richards T 0407 556 178
Mature Aged Fitness Class
A mature age fitness class, which combines a variety of
age appropriate cardio and resistance exercise. These
classes are for mature aged participants or anyone after
a beginners level exercise program.
Venue: Bodystyle - World of Health and Fitness
41 McKenzie Street Melton
Contact Centre reception for schedule
Group fitness classes are included in
membership packages or can be attended on
a casual basis
Contact: Bodystyle T 9747 0671
Melton Bushwalkers Inc.
You need to be fairly fit for these walks. They are
Minimum 10km. Various grades of walks from easy to
hard. Walkers must be fit enough to deal with walk
grade selected. An annual program is available.
Please contact for details
or refer to website for further details
Contact: Melton Bushwalkers Inc. T 9743 7441
Page 31
Melton Cycling Club - Coffee n Chat Ride
This one hour ride averages 18-22 kms and targets
novice riders and those cyclists returning to the sport.
Venue: Leaves from the Hannah Watts car park
Every Sunday morning at 8.00am
Contact: Melton Cycling Club T 0407 285 970
Melton Movers - Exercise Class
Low impact exercise class for people wanting to
improve co-ordination and cardiovascular fitness in a
fun and friendly environment. No age limit, mature
adults welcome. *Please Note: any person with a
medical condition must provide a Doctor’s Certificate
clearing them for participation in the class.
Venue: Guide Hall, Yuille Street Melton
Mondays from 9.30am - 10.30am
$8.00 per class
Contact: Debbie Wren T 0412 101 398
Melton Cycling Club – Rides
Regular club rides of varying distances at moderate
pace. Check club website for further details.
Venue: Meet outside Jolly Miller
Every Saturday
Meet at 7.00am, Leave at 7.15am
Contact: Melton Cycling Club T 0407 285 970
Melton Lifestylers Walking Group
Being physically active as we age can make all the
difference to living happier and healthier. The
Lifestylers Walking Group offers some valuable exercise
with a fantastic group of people to meet and socialise
with as well. We walk many different routes across
Melton Township and beyond, and our walks are for 4560 minutes. With a large group of people of all abilities
involved, you can walk at your own pace. The Lifestylers
Walking Group is another Ageing Well in Melton activity
Venue: Various locations around Melton Township
Meet every Thursday 9.15am for 9.30am start
Contact: Rod Stephens T 9743 5882
Melton Men’s Shed – Walking Group
Sheddies meet at the Men’s Shed for a cup of
coffee/tea then head out at an easy pace along local
walking tracks. This group is ideal for blokes who want
to start exercising but don’t want to do it on their own.
Venue: Melton Men’s Shed, Willows Historical Park
Fridays from 9.30am - 11.00am
Contact: Melton Men’s Shed T 9971 5106
Melton Waves Health Club / Gym
A great Health club with friendly fully qualified staff.
Get a personalised program catered to your goals and
needs to kick start a healthier, fitter you.
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Dates: Open 7 days a week
Monday to Friday from 6.00am - 9.00pm
Saturday and Sunday 8.00am - 6.00pm
Casual and Membership prices on request
Contact: Melton Waves Leisure Centre T 9747 4333
Personal Training
We cater for all individuals, if you feel like you want to
go the extra mile; our personal training is like no other!
It is never too late to start a fitness program regardless
of age, size, and fitness level or health condition.
Venue: Bodystyle - World of Health and Fitness
41 McKenzie Street Melton
Price on application
Contact: Bodystyle T 9747 0671
Fit Mania
Venue: Fit Mania Group Fitness Training
Contact: Fit Mania Group Fitness Training
T 0407 055 231
Melton Men’s Shed – On Ya Bike
Sheddies meet at the Men’s Shed for a cup of
coffee/tea then head out along the bike track. Rides
around Melton and Taylors Hills are typically a distance
of 10-15 km, ridden at your own pace. Ideal for
beginners. Every month the group tackles popular bike
trails in the region. No charge to participate.
Venue: Melton Men’s Shed, Willows Historical Park
Fridays from 9.30am
Contact: Melton Men’s Shed T 9971 5106
Melton Waves Personal Training
Fantastic Fully Qualified Personal Trainers that have
enough motivation for everybody! Get a Personal
Trainer to help you help yourself to get to your goals
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Open 7 days a week
Monday to Friday from 6.00am - 9.00pm
Saturday and Sunday 8.00am - 6.00pm
Casual and Membership prices on request
Contact: Melton Waves Leisure Centre T 9747 4333
Page 32
Develop better health through postural alignment, with
a Traditional Pilates workout for the whole body, using
Pilates & Garuda equipment, breathing and centring
principles to tone and trim, improve strength and
flexibility, create a balanced posture and general
wellbeing. Great for relieving lumbar pain and freedom
of movement. Suitable for 12 years old to adults.
Peter Faux Dance Ensemble
Venue: Dance Ensemble Studios
1/53 Reserve Road Melton
Monday to Saturday - January to December
Pay per session or 5 session fees (discount)
Contact: Peter Faux T 9743 7130 or 0418 337 810
Small Group Personal Training
Bring your own group or join in with a group. An
affordable, fun way for participants to get motivated &
train together. Groups are kept small, giving everyone
that personal training quality attention.
Venue: Studio 5, 1021 Western Highway Caroline
Springs (left at Stratco off Ballarat Road)
Dates: Timetable on our website
$15.00 for 1 hour session
Contact: Fitmania T 0407 055 231
Strength Training 1
All ages and levels welcome. A class designed to include
free weights to your workout routine to assist in the
improvement of lean muscle and body strength.
Venue: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Tuesday from 9.30am – 10.30am
$5.00 per session per school term
Contact: Margaret T 9747 5356
Venue: Bodystyle - 41 McKenzie Street
Dates: Please pick up a schedule from reception
Between $8.00 and $12.00
Contact: Bodystyle T 9747 0671
Pole Fitness for Women and Men
Pole fitness for Women and Men. Get fit, strong and
build self confidence. Our fun, safe and encouraging
studio will have you pushing your body to do things you
never thought possible. No experience necessary. Small
class sizes. Casual or 8 week terms. Visit our website for
more info. www.physipolestudios.com.au
Venue: PhysiPole Studios, 17a Exford Rd, Melton
New courses starting January 13 & March 10
Classes from $15.00, 8 week courses $190.00
Contact: PhysiPole Studios Melton
Jenny T 0403 943 447
Rhythm in Movement
This class is a highly motivational Music to Movement
exercise program based on workouts with rhythm. It
consists of a Zumba Style warm up followed by a full
upper and lower body toning program. Based on the
ability of the participants the class breaks into a Circuit
Workout. This can involve Gym, Boxercise (light boxing
exercise) and muscle toning. Also includes some very
important coordination and balance workouts. This is a
class for all ages, exercising your level and challenging
yourself as well. Bring a friend; bring yourself, and most
of all HAVE FUN. Wear loose fitting clothes, runners
Dates: Mondays and Wednesdays
From 9.30am - 10.30am
Venue: The Gap, 5 Graham Street Melton
Contact: Danny Conlan (Qualified Fitness Instructor
and Personal Trainer)
T 0402 283 015 or 9747 8279
Strength Training 2
All ages welcome. A higher intense class designed to
include free weights and cardiovascular challenges to
your workout routine, to assist in the improvement of
lean muscle and body strength.
Venue: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Thursday 10.30am – 11.30am
$5.00 per session per school term
Contact: Margaret T 9747 5356
Seniors Pump Classes
A 45 minute session of mild strength training, light
weights with barbell.
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Wednesdays at 12.30pm
Contact: Melton Waves Leisure Centre T 9747 4333
Tai Chi
A series of slow controlled movements or postures
designed to improve stress management, anxiety,
arthritis, help with fatigue, joint stiffness and muscle
tension. Poor posture balance and co-ordination should
all see an improvement as well as helping to lower
blood pressure.
Venue: Bodystyle – World of Health and Fitness
41 McKenzie Street
Dates: Please pick up a schedule from reception
Group fitness classes are included in
membership packages or can be attended on
a casual basis
Contact Bodystyle T 9747 0671
Page 33
Tai Chi for Arthritis
Tai chi is an ancient and gentle exercise form; it involves
slow, controlled movements to improve flexibility,
muscle strength, balance and fitness and is ideal for
people living with arthritis. Tai chi is something people
of any age can learn. The movements of Tai chi are slow
and gentle and you can work at your own level.
Tai Chi for Arthritis is another Ageing Well in Melton
Venue: DJ Cunningham Centre
29 - 41 Exford Rd, Melton South
Tuesdays from 1.00pm - 2.15pm
$2.00 per session
Contact: Fred Davis T 9746 1247
Zumba Fitness with Ling
GET FIT and HAVE FUN with my exhilarating ZUMBA
fitness program. Classes are suitable for all fitness
Venue: Banchory Community Centre, Hillside
Dates: Monday & Thursday 8.00pm
Casual $8.00
Contact: Ling T 0402 466 733
Zumba Fitness with Elisabet & Alana
Zumba Fitness Fun hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy to
follow moves create a one of a kind fitness program
that will blow you away! This is an absolute blast!
Beginners to advanced.
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7.30pm
Contact: Elisabet T 0419 551 299
Or Alana T 0424 161 077
Build Your Own Veggie Box
Learn hands on how to build a veggie box from start to
finish, including soil preparation, sleepers and planting.
Sunday 23 February 2014
From 10.00am - 3.00pm (1 session)
$55.00 or $50.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Green Diggers Garden Group
The group shares gardening tips, information and plant
cuttings etc.
Venue: Diggers Rest Bowling Club
Calder Hwy, Diggers Rest
First Sunday of each month (Excl Jan & Sep)
From 2.00pm – 3.30pm
Contact: Kathleen T 9740 1951
Garden Design (Made Easy)
Do you have a bare front yard or backyard? Don’t know
where to start? Learn to design a beautiful garden from
scratch. Information provided on paths/paving,
retaining walls, plant and tree selection and more. All
notes provided.
Sunday 2 March 2014
From 10.00am - 3.00pm
$50.00 or $45.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Horticulture Taster
This course aims to increase your Horticulture skills and
knowledge leading to further training and employment.
This course will teach students the following skills; How
to drought proof a garden, what plants are best suited
to the current climate, propagation techniques,
composting, pruning, soil improvement, weed control
and pest management etc.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
Term 1, 2014
Days: TBA Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
$25.00 or $10.00 concession
(Eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Melton Garden Club
A non-profit community group providing meetings with
speakers on gardening subjects, we have bus trips,
dinners and other social activities related to gardening.
Venue: DJ Cunningham Centre
29 - 41 Exford Road, Melton South
Monthly - Every fourth Wednesday at 7.30pm
Contact: Melton Garden Club
T 0419 005 895 or 9746 6441
Melton Men’s Shed Gardening Group
The Men’s Shed garden provides a chance to learn
some basic gardening skills, find out about what it takes
to get a veggie patch going at home, maybe you’re
looking for some great water-saving ideas for your
existing garden or learn how to build a raised garden
Venue: Melton Men’s Shed, Willows Historical Park
Wednesdays from 10.00am - 12.30pm
Contact: Melton Men’s Shed T 9971 5106
Page 34
Easy Professional Make-Up
Covers hygienic preparation, product knowledge,
contouring and framing the face, 5 minute makeover,
big beautiful bright eyes, Smokey eyes and a full
professional makeover made easy. Learn lots of tricks
from our professional make-up artist. Use of all skin
care products and make-up are included in the price.
Certificate of Participation provided.
Tuesday 11 February 2014 or
Saturday 8 February 2014
From 12.30pm - 3.00pm (1 session)
$45.00 or $40.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Beauty Industry Taster Course
This Taster Course is for those interested in a career in
Beauty. Learn the skills necessary to perform an Indian
Head Massage, Easy Professional Makeup, Body
Waxing, Lash Perming, Lash & Brow Tinting, French
Manicure and Pedicure and Gel Nails. Includes some
kits and a certificate of completion. May lead to
employment or further studies.
Tuesday 11 February – 4 March 2014
From 10.00am (4 sessions)
$115.00 or $90.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Express Eyelash Extensions
Learn all about permanent and temporary lash
extensions. Includes before and after care, removal of
lashes, hygiene and contra-indication. A kit including
different types of lashes and a Certificate of
Participation are provided.
Saturday 15 March 2014 or
Tuesday 11 March 2014
From 1.30pm – 4.30pm (1 session)
$95.00 or $90.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community T 9747 8576
Body Waxing
A great course to learn how to body wax using both
strip and hot wax. Covers the do’s and don’ts, before
and after care, hygiene, under arm, bikini, legs, arms,
lip, chin and brow reshaping. Includes a full take home
kit with wax pot and Certificate of Participation
Tuesday 18 February 2014 or
Saturday 15 February 2014
From 10.00am - 2.30pm (1 session each)
$115.00 or $ 110.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Easy Acrylic Nails
Covers product knowledge, hygiene, after care advice,
contra-indication, tip and acrylic application, nail repair,
refills, removal of nails, plus loads of new nail art and
PANS (Perfect Acrylic Nail System). Hi-gloss no file
acrylics are used. A Kit and a Certificate of Participation
are provided.
Tuesday 18 & 25 March 2014
From 10.00am - 3.00pm (2 sessions)
Saturday 22 & 29 March 2014
From 10.00am - 3.00pm (2 sessions)
$142.00 or $ 137.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
French Manicure and Pedicure
Learn to do a French Manicure and Pedicure including
scrub, mask ,Nail Art and after care advice. Includes Kit
and Certificate of Participation.
Tuesday 25 February 2014 or
Saturday 22 February 2014
From 1.30pm - 4.30pm (1 session)
$55.00 or $50.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Gel Nail Workshop
A terrific workshop to learn the skills in applying the
popular Gel Nails. Includes NEW permanent coloured
polish - no dry time required. Kit includes products and
UV lamp (this is the 9 volt professional lamp), Manual
and Certificate of Participation
Tuesday 4 March 2014 or
Saturday 1 March 2014
From 10.00am - 3.00pm (1 session each)
$150.00 or $145.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Page 35
Hairdressing Industry Taster Course – Kit Included
Ideal for those interested in a career in Hairdressing.
Covers the skills required for basic cutting, washing,
blow-drying, and applying foils. On completion may
lead to a Salon Assistant position, Apprenticeship or
further studies. Childcare is available. Limited spaces. In
partnership with Djerriwarrh Community & Education
Monday 10 February – 24 March 2014
From 9.30am – 12.30pm (6 sessions)
$95.00 or $70.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Hairdressing Taster
Learn a variety of braiding techniques. Learn how to do
medium length hair styling including: hot iron curling,
blow waving, cutting, learn how to shampoo and
prepare a client and learn how to select products. Use
this opportunity to try hairdressing out before you
decide to look for a position as an Apprentice or
commit to further studies. Limited spaces are available.
Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
10 February 2014
Days: Mondays
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
$95.00 or $70.00 concession
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Hillside Community Centre
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Recreation Reserve, Royal Crescent
5 February 2014
Days: Saturdays Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
$95.00 or $70.00 concession
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Lashes and Brows
First learn how to perm lashes, then to tint brows and
lashes and then how to shape eyebrows. A Kit and a
Certificate of Participation provided.
Tuesday 25 February 2014
From 10.00am - 1.00pm (1 session)
Saturday 22 February 2014
From 10.00am - 1.00pm (1 session)
$80.00 or $75.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Personal Styling
Have you ever wanted to learn how to choose the
colours that are right for you? Would you like to know
how to choose clothes that suit your lifestyle?
Do you wish you could understand your body shape, so
you can make better wardrobe, hair style and accessory
choices? The “Your Complete Look” program can teach
you what clothes to wear and can improve the way you
feel about yourself
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Saturday 1 March 2014
From 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Shellac – Tacular Manicures
Find out what all the buzz is about and treat yourself to
a shellac manicure. This ‘hands-on’ workshop will guide
you through the process of a basic manicure including
shaping and preparing nails and will involve applying
shellac polish to nails. Join us and elevate your nails to
'Shellac-tacular? (includes all materials)
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Saturday 15 March from 9.00am – 12.00pm or
Tuesday 18 February from 6.00pm – 9.00pm
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Spray Tanning
This is a great course to learn how to Spray Tan the easy
way. There will be before and after advice as well as
Contra-indication. Kit includes spray tan solution, hair
caps, barrier cream, gloves, body scrub, tan extender
and lots of disposables. Certificate of Participation
provided. Limited places so don’t miss out!
Tuesday 11 March 2014 or
Saturday 15 March 2014
From 10.00am - 1.00pm (1 session)
$75.00 or $70.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Page 36
Beginners Meditation
Learn basic meditation techniques that will help relieve
stress, tension.
Venue: Moreton Homestead
Wednesday 12 February – 2 April 2014
From 7.00pm – 8.00pm (8 sessions)
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Creative Arts Therapy Group
Explore, Grow, Heal, Discover. Give yourself time to be,
through varied forms of creative arts therapy,
meditation, mandalas, vision boards, mask making,
drawing, painting, collage, many possibilities
Venue: Melton South Community Centre The Studio
Dates: Mondays 1.30pm or 7.00pm
Refer to website
$25.00 per session / Group consults
Bring a friend discount / Bookings Essential
Contact: Catherine Creative Therapeutic Encounters
T 0421 850 297
Clinical Pilates
Are you suffering from a disc herniation, disc bulge, disc
prolapse or sacroiliac joint injury? A 1-to-1 Clinical
Pilates session can help you achieve consistent and
lasting results so you get back to doing the things you
want to be able to do, just like a normal person.
Venue: Melton Yoga 53 Unitt Street Melton
Dates & Costs: visit www.meltonyoga.com.au
Contact: Melton Yoga Caroline T 0403 822 446
Connect with the Angels
Angels are beings of love and light, and can help us in
many aspects of our daily lives. This insightful Course
aims to give you a connection and confidence to work
with your Angels.
Friday 7 March – 28 March 2014
From 7.00pm – 9.00pm (4 sessions)
$65.00 or $60.00 Concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
The Creative Arts, Environment and Healing
Introductory talks and experiential exercises exploring
the role of the arts in health and wellness. Also looking
at how nature can assist the healing and wellness
process.( In partnership with Friends of Toolern Creek)
Venue: Melton Library
Dates: Refer website
By donation
Contact: Catherine Creative Therapeutic Encounters
T 0421 850 297
Women’s Gentle Yoga
Suitable for those who haven’t done yoga before and
also for pregnant mums. Please bring your own mat and
towel. Bookings essential – Limited numbers. We also
have general and advanced classes available.
Venue: Caroline Springs Library
Thursday 30 January – 20 March 2014
From 5.00pm - 6.00pm
$48.00 (8 classes)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137 or 9747 7200
Indian Head Massage
Learn this age-old art of massaging the head to achieve
a state of total relaxation and calmness. Covers scalp,
neck and shoulders. Discover how to perform these
simple, effective techniques. Certificate of Participation.
Tuesday 11 February 2014
From 10.00am - 12.00pm (1 session)
Saturday 8 February 2014
From 10.00am - 12.00pm (1 session)
$25.00 or $20.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
It’s all in your MIND – The Art of Positive Thinking
What we are today is the result of our thoughts in the
past. Therefore what we think now will influence our
future. In this course we cover how we can use the
power of thinking in a creative way and to observe our
thoughts so we can control them and eliminate those
that are negative.
You will learn:
- To focus on the solution opposed to the
- To use creative ways to observe our thoughts so
we can control them and eliminate those that
are negative.
- The importance of self communication and the
ways your mind affects your relationships.
Venue: Caroline Springs Library
Saturday 15 February 2014
From 10.00am – 4.00pm
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Page 37
Learn Spiritual Healing – 2 Day Course
Learn how to reduce stress, anxiety, and sadness in
your life. Empower yourself easily; learn how to remove
negative energy and negative feelings. Reduce stress in
a matter of minutes, learn about chakras. Meditation
and much more! 2 Saturdays from 9.00am – 5.00pm.
Dates to be advised please call for more info.
Venue: Taylors Hill
Contact: info@taylorshillnaturaltherapies.com.au
T 9449 0164
Gentle Yoga for Seniors
This very gently yoga class is designed for seniors. Yoga
will help increase flexibility and help deal with stress
and depression.
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Saturday 1 February – 5 April 2014
From 12.15pm – 1.15pm
$2.00 per class
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Mixed Yoga
A class for men and women. Improve your health and
wellbeing by toning muscles, increasing suppleness,
improving concentration and relieving stress.
Venue: Morton Homestead
Monday 3 February – 31 March 2014
(Excluding 10 March 2014)
From 7.30pm – 8.30pm
Tuesday 4 February – 1 April 2014
From 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Monday $48.00 (8 classes)
Tuesday $54.00 (9 classes)
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Private Yoga Classes
Do you feel a little self conscious about joining a yoga
class, not flexible enough, haven’t done any physical
exercise for a while? Then why not try a private class to
get your confidence up. Classes available for one person
or for small groups.
Venue: Melton
Dates: Contact for details
Contact: Leisa Kirk T 0408 934 656
E leisakirk@hotmail.com
Psychic Development Circle
Your Tutor Travis will guide you with amazing
techniques in taking the first step to developing your
inner gifts and embrace your abilities.
Friday 7 February – 28 February 2014
From 7.00pm – 9.00pm (4 sessions)
$65.00 or $60.00 Concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Reiki - Level One
Reiki is both a powerful and a beautiful method of
healing, which is beneficial to everyone, so take the first
step in becoming a Reiki Healer and learn from an
experienced and spiritual Reiki Master / Teacher of
sixteen years standing: Jennifer Valls.
Venue: 3 Buckle Road Melton
Two-day workshop
$150.00 - Course Includes comprehensive
manual and certificate
Contact: Jennifer Valls T 9743 7603 or 0425 753 807
Reiki One
Learning all fundamentals of this powerful and natural
healing modality, you will acquire knowledge of the
human energetic and emotional body, receive the
attunement to become the channel of this energy, and
discover methods to heal yourself, your loved ones,
even your pets.
Venue : 2 Cromwell Close Melton
Date : 2 Day Course
Cost :
$150 inc. manual and certificate upon
completion. Discount to Concession Holders
Contact : Paula Henley or Angels Hands T 0402 224 716
Reiki Two
For those with already Reiki 1 accreditation, Reiki 2
opens additional energy centres and connects you to a
greater volume of Reiki Energy. During the course, you
will be given an attunement, and also given three
sacred symbols, each having a specific function. These
symbols can then be used as a focus to enable you to
strengthen mental and emotional healing and to send
absentee healing.
Venue : 2 Cromwell Close Melton
Date : 2 Day Course
Cost :
$180.00 including manual and certificate upon
completion. Discount to Concession Holders.
Contact: Paula Henley or Angels Hands T 0402 224 716
Page 38
Reiki Level Two - Open to those who have completed
Reiki I
Further enhance your Reiki Healing Gifts and bring
additional Love and Healing into your Life, by becoming
a more-refined Channel of the Divine Gift of Reiki with
Experienced and Spiritual Reiki Master / Teacher of
sixteen years standing: Jennifer Valls. Reiki level two
also opens you to the beautiful gift of sending absent –
Venue: 3 Buckle Road, Melton
Two-day workshop
$180.00 - Includes comprehensive manual and
Contact: Jennifer Valls T 9743 7603 or 0425 753 807
Spiritual Development Circle
A friendly, relaxed group of like-minded people
meditating, learning and growing together with the goal
of embracing spirituality
Venue: The Bluestone 66 Palmerston St, Melton
Wednesday from 5.00pm – 6.00pm
Contact: Jennifer Valls T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Take it Personally
By understanding who you are and what motivates you,
you can make better choices in your life and experience
real happiness as a result. During this fun and
empowering 90 minute workshop, you’ll learn some
really cool stuff to transform your life including:
ï‚· 7 belief types
ï‚· the 6 core human needs and
ï‚· 4 personality types (Which one are you?)
22 February 2014
$29.00 per person
Contact: Christian Anderson T 0403 913 213
T.O.W.N Club
We are a weight loss support group. We meet every
Tuesday to discuss topics and ideas on losing weight.
We are all on the same journey and together we will
achieve our goal.
Venue: Darlingsford Barn, Darlingsford Blvd Melton
Every Tuesday 6.00pm
Joining fee $40.00, weekly fee $5.00
Contact: Catherine Brincau T 0416 612 517
Donna Spark 0409 237 818
Women’s Yoga for all levels
Improve your health and wellbeing by toning up your
muscles, increasing suppleness, improve concentration
and relieving stress. As well as classes for all levels at
Stevenson House and Caroline Springs Library, we have
a Gentle Yoga class which is suitable for beginners and
also pregnant mums, and an Advanced class which is
suitable for those who have been practicing yoga for
awhile (definitely not for beginners). Please bring your
own mat and towel. Bookings essential – Limited
Stevenson House
Monday 3 February – 31 March 2014
All levels from 11.45am – 12.45pm
Or 1.00pm – 2.00pm
$48.00 (8 classes)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Caroline Springs Library
Thursday 30 January – 20 March 2014
Gentle Yoga from 5.00pm - 6.00pm
All levels from 6.15pm - 7.15pm
Advanced from 7.30pm – 8.30pm
$48.00 (8 classes)
Contact: Stevenson House Caroline Springs
T 9363 5137
Yoga - Melton Yoga – Beginners Yoga
MY Beginners Yoga is for students who have never done
yoga before. Completion of a term of Beginners classes
is a pre-requisite for entry into General classes. Classes
run per school term. Bookings are essential.
Venue: Melton Yoga 53 Unitt Street Melton
Dates & Costs: visit www.meltonyoga.com.au
Contact: Melton Yoga Caroline T 0403 822 446
Yoga - Melton Yoga – General Yoga
MY General Yoga caters for all experience levels, from
beginners (who have completed a term of MY
Beginners classes) through to students with an
established Yoga practice.
Venue: Melton Yoga 53 Unitt Street Melton
Dates & Costs: visit www.meltonyoga.com.au
Contact: Melton Yoga Caroline T 0403 822 446
Page 39
Yoga - Melton Yoga - Gentle Yoga
MY Gentle Yoga - a gentle stretch and a longer
relaxation. Gentle yoga is particularly suitable for
seniors and students who haven’t exercised for a while
and would like to get back into regular exercise, or who
are living with or recovering from injury or illness or
joint restrictions.
Venue: Melton Yoga 53 Unitt Street Melton
Dates & Costs: visit www.meltonyoga.com.au
Contact: Melton Yoga Caroline T 0403 822 466
Yoga - Melton Yoga - Kids Yoga
MY Kids Yoga - suitable for children aged 8 to 12 years.
Your children learn poses that build strength, stamina,
flexibility, and confidence! They also learn techniques
which help them develop mental and emotional peace
in a fun and safe environment. Kid’s classes run per
school term. Bookings are essential.
Venue: Melton Yoga 53 Unitt Street, Melton
From 4.00pm – 5.00pm
Costs: $10.00 per child
Contact: Melton Yoga Caroline T 0403 822 446
Yoga - Melton Yoga – Mindfulness Meditation
MY Mindfulness Meditations offer the opportunity to
sit in silence and meditate with a group of like-minded
people. Come and experience Mindfulness Meditation
in a peaceful, spiritually inspiring environment.
Venue: Melton Yoga 53 Unitt Street Melton
Fridays 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Gold Coin Donation
Contact: Melton Yoga Caroline T 0403 822 446
Yoga - Melton Yoga – Private Yoga Classes
MY PYC: 1-to-1 Yoga allows you to ask all the questions
you need to ask but often don’t get a chance to. Come
away with a completely personalised yoga program
designed for your body and goals.
Venue: Melton Yoga 53 Unitt Street Melton
Dates & Costs: visit www.meltonyoga.com.au
Contact: Melton Yoga Caroline T 0403 822 446
Yoga - Melton Yoga – Prenatal Yoga
MY Prenatal Yoga combines gentle asana, relaxation
and meditation with breath work. These classes are
suitable for any stage of your pregnancy. Come along
for an hour of precious Me Time.
Venue: Melton Yoga 53 Unitt Street Melton
visit www.meltonyoga.com.au
Costs: visit www.meltonyoga.com.au
Contact: Melton Yoga Caroline T 0403 822 446
Yoga - Melton Yoga – Yoga for the Bigger Body
MY Yoga ++ (Yoga for the bigger body) classes are
designed for students challenged by extra weight.
Venue: Melton Yoga 53 Unitt Street Melton
Date & Costs: visit www.meltonyoga.com.au
Contact: Melton Yoga Caroline T 0403 822 446
Yoga Classes
Based on the principle that the body and breath are
closely linked to the mind. Maintaining an even breath
and keeping the body strong and steady in yoga
postures creates harmony between body and mind and
is used to balance the body, mind and intellect.
Venue: Bodystyle – World of Health and Fitness
41 McKenzie Street Melton
Dates: Contact Centre reception for schedule
Group fitness classes included in membership
packages or can be attended on a casual basis
Contact: Bodystyle T 9747 0671
Melton Yoga – MY
Venue: Melton Yoga 53 Unitt Street Melton
Dates & Costs: visit www.meltonyoga.com.au
Contact: Melton Yoga Caroline T 0403 822 446
Yoga Class
Taylors Hill Natural Therapies are now offering
residents of Taylors Hill and neighbouring areas Yoga,
Learn how to reduce stress, anxiety, and sadness
improve flexibility and strengthen your body mind and
spirit with Yoga. For all Enquires contact us in the clinic.
Venue: Taylors Hill
Contact: info@taylorshillnaturaltherapies.com.au
T 9449 0164
Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy is a holistic approach to healing. It looks at
all aspects of one’s life from the physical to the
emotional, adapting yoga practices to the personal
needs of each person. Yoga Therapy encourages you to
play an active role in your own healing resulting in
improved health and lifestyle.
Contact: Leisa Kirk T 0408 934 656
E leisakirk@hotmail.com
Page 40
ZENITH Omega TM Healing
Introductory sessions about Zenith Omega. A powerful
healing modality using light/colour, sound and sacred
geometry. Compatible with Reiki and body based
practices. Pre-cursor to Level 1. (Weekend workshop
$240.00 by demand only)
Venue: Call for details
Dates: Please call for details
Introduction session, by donation
Available for demonstration bookings
Level 1 $240.00
Contact: Catherine Creative Therapeutic Encounters
T 0421 850 297
Researching Your Family History
Melton Family History Group Inc
A friendly group of people providing assistance and
support for anyone wanting to trace their family history
and find lost ancestors at information sessions. Group
Meetings 2nd Thursday each month 6.45pm.
Venue: Melton Library and Learning Hub
Each Wednesday from 10.00am – 12.00pm
Contact: Deb T 9747 3320
Genealogy for Beginners
Learn how to research information for your family tree.
The Saturday Class will be held at the Melton Library.
Monday 17 & 24 March 2014 and
Saturday 29 March 2014
Mondays from 6.30pm – 9.00pm (2 sessions)
Saturdays from 12.00pm – 2.00pm (1 session)
$30.00 or $25.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Heritage Walks
On this self-guided walking trail you will be taken on a
journey through more than 150 years of European
History. You will explore Melton’s heritage streetscapes
and learn about the pioneers who shaped the town
from its early days. Local volunteers are also available
to guide you along this trail, bookings are essential.
Venue: Melton Visitor Information Centre – The Old
Melton Visitor Information Centre is open
daily, 9.00am - 5.00pm - Self guided tour
brochure available or bookings essential for
guided walks
Contact: Melton Visitor Information Centre
T 9747 7300
Australia History
For mature aged people. Come and join us and keep
your mind active as we study various stages of
Australian history.
Venue: Rear of Victoria University, Rees Road Melton
Thursdays from 10.00am - 11.30am
Contact: Carolyn MacGavin T 9743 6924
or John Bermingham T 9743 2048
The Australian Apprenticeship Access Program
The program is not just about training, or an
Apprenticeship, it’s about giving you the skills you need
to start building your future.
Past programs include:
ï‚· Introduction to Warehousing
ï‚· Go Hospitality & Retail
ï‚· Introduction to Aged Care & Disability
The Australian Apprenticeships Access Program
includes free
ï‚· Apprenticeship and job preparation advice
ï‚· Industry training
ï‚· Connections with actual employers
ï‚· On-the-job support to help you settle in for
your first 13 weeks
The Australian Apprenticeships Access Program is
funded by the Australian Government.
*Eligibility criteria applies
Venue: 239 Station Road, Melton
Expression of interest for Term 1, 2014
Free for eligible participants
Contact: Mark Orrill T 0421 230 724
Government Funded Training
Practical Outcomes, Practical Health Victoria and
Culinary Skills Australia have been a proud resident of
the City of Melton since 2006. We are approved
provider of subsidised training courses under the
‘Securing Jobs for Your Future’, a Victorian Government
initiative. We specialise in Children’s Services,
Hospitality and Health training. We pride ourselves on
being flexible for our students and we assist in finding
placements and work.
Culinary Skills Australia – Training the Chefs of
Venue: Caroline Springs
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria)
Contact: Culinary Skills Australia Ollie T 1300 933 330
Page 41
Practical Outcomes - Specialising in Children’s Services
Venue: Caroline Springs
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria)
Contact: Practical Outcomes Keri T 1300 799 610
Practical Health Victoria – specialising in Aged Care,
Disability and Health Specific Programmes
Venue: Caroline Springs
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility Criteria)
Contact: Keri 1300 799 610
Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
Specialising in Community Services with over 80%
success in placing students on completion of
qualification. Currently offering qualifications in Aged
Care, Home and Community Care, Education Support,
Children’s Services and Disability. Also specialise in
Certificate II in Hairdressing, Certificate II in Hospitality
(Kitchen Operations), introduction to Business,
Certificate III in Business Administration and IV in
Business Administration. Now also expanding English
courses and currently delivering
CGEA and ESL qualifications – entry level to Certificate
IV. Multiple options available with all accredited
qualifications provided with government funding to
eligible applicants.
Venue: Melton, Caroline Springs and Sunbury
Semester 1, 2014
Days: TBA Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Personal Development Training - Feel Inspired!
Training that is fun, exciting and informative that is
easily retained, awards to each attendee upon
conclusion, games, small gifts and handouts all
attendees can take back to continue their learning.
Learn to have confidence and believe in yourself,
finding you and working with your special needs, goal
setting, personal presentation, motivation and stress
Venue: 278 Harkness Road Melton
$350.00pp all inclusive 6 week course,
handouts, gifts and prizes. Limited spaces
Contact: Australian Active Aim
T 0435 448 227 or 5342 4368
Return to work
This course will increase your knowledge of the
employer market criteria required to successfully obtain
employment. You will learn how to successfully compile
a resume and cover letter, participate in mock
interviews, be supported in applying for positions, how
to dress appropriately for interviews and will
participate in confidence building exercises.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
Term 1, 2014
Days: TBA Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
$25.00 or $10.00 concession
Government Funding may be available for
eligible applicants.
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Return to work – Job Readiness
This program is in partnership with Taylors Hill
Community Centre and will involve;
-Teaching people the various career options
-Assisting people with resume development and cover
job ready skills
-Build personal confidence through various activities
and the course will cover goal setting
-The course will teach people how to have a work/ life
Venue: Taylors Hill Community Centre
121 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill
TBA Days: TBA Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Enquire by phone
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Skills for Employment and Education Program
Interested in free literacy, numeracy and English
language classes? Registered with Centrelink or Job
Network? The Skills for Employment and Education
Program provides eligible jobseekers training to
improve their reading, writing and numeracy skills as a
pathway to employment and further training. LLNP is
funded by the Australian Government, Department of
Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary
Education (Innovation).
Venue: Melton and Sunshine
Term 1, 2014
Days: Monday to Friday
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
Melton T 8746 1000 or Sunshine T 9009 7900
Page 42
Swim Instructors Wanted - Melton Waves Leisure
Dive into a new career.
Are you looking for a career change?
Want to return to the workforce?
Work hours around your children’s school?
This could be for you, qualified teachers are in high
demand and there are genuine work opportunities that
are both enjoyable and rewarding. Course Held
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Please contact
From 8.00am – 12.00pm
Contact: Melton Waves Leisure Centre T 9747 4333
AUSLAN (Signing) Introduction To
Learn easy, proven ways to communicate with the deaf
or those with a hearing impairment. A fun course that
includes numbers, phrases and more. Ideal for parents
or those seeking employment.
Saturday 22 February – 29 March 2014
From 12.00pm - 3.30pm (5 Sessions)
$65.00 or $45.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Certificate I to IV in English as a Second Language (ESL)
English as Second Language (ESL) literacy and numeracy
courses at differing levels (Course, Certificate I,
Certificate II, Certificate III and Certificate IV) designed
to develop English language, academic and literacy
skills. Improve your English for life and employment
through helping you gain general language skills in
reading and writing needed for everyday life and the
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
Term 1, 2014
Days: 2 days per week
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
English Conversation Classes for Adults
Come along and improve your English speaking, reading
and writing skills.
Venue: Melton Library and Learning Hub
Caroline Springs Library
Melton Library and Learning Hub
31 McKenzie Street, Melton
Monday 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Thursday 9.30am – 11.30am
During School Term
Caroline Springs Library
193 - 201 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs
Tuesday 9.30am – 11.30am
Wednesday 9.30am – 11.30am
Friday 1.30pm – 3.30pm
During School Term
Contact: Melton City Council Library Service
9747 5300 for Melton 1 or Caroline Springs 2
Get Talking to New Residents
The course aims to increase your level of English to be
able to communicate more effectively in day to day
situations by developing your speaking, listening,
reading and writing skills. Learn English in a fun and
relaxed way by using sewing machines to create all of
your favourite garments and crafts.
Venue: 239 Station Road Melton
Semester 1, 2014
Days: TBA Time: 10.30am - 3.00pm
$10.00 concession or $20.00 full fee
Plus materials $20.00
Government funding may be available for
eligible applicants.
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Introduction to English for Women
This course is delivered in partnership with the City of
Melton for Women wanting to improve their literacy
and numeracy skills leading to further training and
employment. This course will assist students to improve
their speaking, reading and writing skills in a relaxed
and friendly environment.
Venue: Caroline Springs Library
193 - 201 Caroline Springs Blvd
3 February 2014
Days: Mondays & Fridays
Time: 9.00am – 1.00pm
$25.00 or $10.00 concession
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Page 43
Learn English with Technology
Increase your English literacy skills through computers
leading to further education and/or employment.
Computers will be used as a method to increase your
English skills in basic computer software, social media,
internet and email.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road Melton
6 February 2014
Days: Thursdays and Fridays
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
$25.00 or $10.00 concession
Government Funding may be available for
eligible applicants.
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Learn Conversational French
For Mature aged people Melton U3A offers a weekly
course in speaking French. Come along and keep your
mind active.
Venue: Rear of Victoria University, Rees Road Melton
Wednesdays 12.00pm – 1.00pm
Contact: John Bermingham T 9743 2048
Learn a New Language
A great opportunity if you want to travel or seek
employment in the Tourism or Hospitality Industries.
The following classes are small, friendly and fun. Classes
with a (1) cover basic grammar, language and
conversation. Classes with a (2), (3) or (4) are more indepth.
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
8 Weeks $98.00 or $90.00 concession
French – for Travellers
Ok, so you are off to France, wouldn’t it be good to
have some basic language skills to help you along the
way. You may want to ask for directions, order a meal,
find the nearest hospital or doctor and lots of other
basic information.
Wednesday 5 February – 26 March 2014
From 7.00pm - 9.00pm (8 Sessions)
German Beginners (1)
Wednesday 5 February – 26 March 2014
From 7.00pm - 9.00pm (8 Sessions)
Japanese Beginners (1)
Wednesday 5 February – 26 March 2014
From 7.00pm - 9.00pm (8 Sessions)
Korean Beginners (1)
Tuesday 4 February – 25 March 2014
From 7.00pm - 9.00pm (8 Sessions)
Spanish Beginners (1)
Monday 3 February – 31 March 2014
From 6.30pm – 8.30pm (8 Sessions)
Spanish Beginners (3)
Thursday 6 February – 27 March 2014
From 6.30pm – 8.30pm (8 Sessions)
Spanish Beginners (5)
Tuesday 4 February – 25 March 2014
From 6.30pm – 8.30pm (8 Sessions)
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Art of Defence Australia (ADA) Pty Ltd
Specialised children’s karate classes. Learn self defence,
increase your personal confidence and have fun all at
the same time. www.artofdefence.com.au
Venue: Arnolds Creek Community Centre
Claret Ash Boulevard West Melton
Taylors Hill Primary School Gym
40 Loddon Drive, Taylors Hill
Tuesdays from 4.00pm (beginners) Melton
Fridays from 4.00pm (beginners) Taylors Hill
Costs: $145.00 per term - 2 free sessions for
everyone, free karate uniform on joining
Contact: Art of Defence Australia (ADA) Pty Ltd
T 0407 320 333
Kyokushin Karate
Self defence state national international competition all
ages 3 and up.
Venue: Hillside Primary School
Monday and Friday from 6.30pm – 8.00pm
$10.00 a lesson or $50.00 a month
Contact: Wendy Walsh T 0425 849 715
Page 44
Kyu Shin Do Kai - Karate
Learning Karate allows you to develop and improve
many aspects of yourself both physically and mentally.
Not only do you learn self defence, but you develop
fitness, self discipline and self confidence. We offer
classes that cater to young children of between the
ages of 5 and 7 and classes for older children and
adults. Blocks, kicks, punches, sparring, forms, partner
work, fitness conditioning, self defence, a great aerobic
and anaerobic work out!
Venue: Coburn Primary School Gym, Richard Road
Melton South
Monday and Wednesday
From 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Saturday mornings from 10.00am - 11.30am
Costs: $7.00 per session, Family discounts available
Contact: Kyu Shin Do Kai Karate T 0412 094 946
Lai Taekwon-Do
Melton Lai Taekwon-Do self defence has the added
benefits of increase in fitness, flexibility, selfconfidence, awareness, coordination and helps to
Increase concentration learning skills. Suited for all ages
from 5 years to adult seniors, Instructors are Official
I.T.F. Taekwon-Do accredited.
Melton Primary School (Gymnasium)
Unitt Street Melton
Rockbank Community Hall Leakes Road
January through to December
Melton: Adults & Seniors Tuesday and Thursday
From 6.30pm -8.00pm
Pee Wee 6.00pm – 6.30pm
Rockbank: Monday and Wednesday
From 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Contact: Lai Taekwon-Do
T 0408 495 498 or 0411 733 697 or
0412 716 264
Confidently neutralise physical and life conflict without
resorting to violence. Ki Aikido breeds calmness under
pressure and a resilient, peaceful character. Master
posture, breath and focus. Develop awareness, respect,
immovable positivity and mind / body unity. Ideal for
all ages and fitness levels. A disciplined, friendly
atmosphere with personal attention from an instructor
trained by top Japanese masters.
Venue: Caroline Springs
Dates: Children (6-12) classes, Teen/Adults classes
4 days per week. Daytime and private lessons
also available, please call to discuss.
Contact: Aikido T 8361 9791 or 0425 745 780
Melton Taekwondo Centre
Taekwondo classes, 7th Dan, qualified instructor George
Malizia with over 40 years of martial art experience.
Self defence, fitness, competition and a learn with fun
focus. Also available Phillipino stick fighting ‘Arnis de
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Mondays and Wednesdays
Contact: Melton Taekwondo Centre
T 9390 9585 or 0411 159 409
Metamorphica Martial Arts
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu a core focus of Mixed Martial Arts and
made famous by the UFC. Combined with striking
techniques from various styles and fitness conditioning
techniques taught by qualified and experienced
instructors. Self defence, competition, fun or fitness the
change you’re looking for is here at Metamorphica.
Venue: Factory 1 / 29 Reserve Road Melton
Please call for details
Contact: Metamorphica Martial Arts T 8015 6209
Original Okinawa Karate Australia
Positive thinking, confidence, cooperation and respect
for others are some of the qualities people achieve
through studying karate-do. The ultimate goal of karate
study is physical and mental self-improvement. Shidokan Shorin Ryu Karate-do teaches self-defense through
the practice of Forms / Application, Kumite (Two
persons exercise practicing basic punch, kick & block)
Venue: Springside Children's Community Centre
22-50 Becca Way Caroline Springs
Mondays and Thursdays
From 7.00pm- 8.00pm
Contact: Original Okinawa Karate Australia
Felix Johansson T 0433 400 531 or
Shindo Karate Academy
Shindo enjoys a reputation as one of Victoria’s premier
martial arts schools. Our tailored children’s programs,
including our renowned Little Ninjas program (4-6yr
olds) have taught thousands of children life skills and a
positive attitude towards achieving their best through
Venue: DJ Cunningham Centre
Dates: Thursdays and Fridays
Contact: Shindo Karate
Anne-Cherie Noble T 0425 759 164
Page 45
Shúshin Kai Goju Ryu Karate
"I have been too many clubs in the area and have found
this club to be something special. With a unique balance
of tradition, fitness, self defence and philosophy. You
can be confident that these experienced instructors will
guide you on your karate journey." - Sean C.
- More than just karate, but a way of improving and
adding value to your life.
- Development of strong moral character and self
- Explore and master karate techniques
- Always a new challenge. Spiritual" and physical
Venue: Banchory Community Centre,
Banchory Avenue Hillside
Tuesdays and Thursdays
From 7.00pm - 8.00pm for juniors
(aged between 8 and 11 years)
From 7.00pm - 9.00pm for seniors
(aged 12 years and over)
Contact: Shúshin Kai Goju Ryu Karate
Graeme McConnell-Brown
T 9330 4630 M 0419 894 800
For mature aged people, 50 years and over. Come and
join us and keep your mind and hands active. New
classes and new tutors introduced throughout 2012
with updates advertised in monthly U3A newsletter.
Venue: Rear of Victoria University’s Melton Campus
(behind building 3), Rees Road, Entrance 1
Membership $40.00 due in February
Class attendance $2.00 each class
Contact: Melton U3A Inc, For the Over 50’s
John Bermingham President T 9743 2048
Australia History
Thursday 10.00am - 11.30am
Carolyn MacGavin T 9743 6924
Computers - Beginners
Mondays 10.00am - 12.00pm
Thelma Fear T 9743 7452
Computers – Email & Internet
Tuesday 1.00pm – 4.00pm
John Bermingham T 9743 2048
Thursday 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Shirley Hogan T 9746 6207
Creative Writing
Monday 1.00pm - 3.00pm
John Bermingham 9743 2048
Gentle Exercise
Thursday 11.30am - 12.30pm
John Bermingham T 9743 2048
Learn to Draw
Tuesday 9.30am - 12.00pm
John Birmingham T 9743 2048
Learn to Play Cards
Tuesday 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Anne Wright T 9746 7758
Painting in Oils & Acrylics
Wednesday 1.00pm - 4.00pm
John Birmingham T 9743 2048
Painting in Water Colours
Wednesday 9.30am - 12.00pm
John Birmingham T 9743 2048
Reading for Pleasure
Fridays 10.00am - 12.00pm
Noel Clark T 9743 4396
Scrabble and board games
Wednesday 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Anne Wright T 9746 7758
Learn to speak French
Wednesday 12.00pm – 1.00pm
John Bermingham T 9743 2048
Voice training and exercise
Thursday 1.00pm-2.00pm
John Bermingham T 9743 2048
Acoustic Guitar – Beginners (Kids or Adults)
Come along and learn the basics of playing the Guitar in
all styles in a relaxed group. Your Tutor has 20+ years
live and recording experience. BYO Guitar
Tuesday 4 February – 25 March 2014
4.00pm–5.00pm for 7-10 yr olds (8 sessions)
5.00pm-6.00pm for 7-10 yr olds (8 sessions)
6.00pm–7.00pm for 11-15 yr olds (8 sessions)
7.00pm – 8.00pm for Adults (8 sessions)
$95.00 or $90.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Page 46
Creative Coaching for all Musicians, Singers
Creative coaching for all musicians, singers, songwriters,
for issues related to craft.
Venue: Call for details - 1 on 1 or group workshops
Dates: Refer to website or call
Waged and Concession
Contact: Catherine Creative Therapeutic Encounters
T 0421 850 297
Clans O’the West Highland Pipe Band Inc
Learn bagpipes or drums
The band is a highland pipe band, playing bagpipes and
drums. We are a non competitive band and play for
community events in a social atmosphere eg. Anzac
Day, Australia Day, Djerriwarrh Festival, various
agricultural shows and festivals. Yearly membership
includes public liability insurance, tuition, uniform and
instruments where possible. If you love the sound of
bagpipes and have always wanted to learn, give us a
Venue: Rockbank Hall, Old Leakes Road, Rockbank
Dates: Wednesday evenings
From 7.30pm – 9.30pm all year round
$10.00 per year while learning
$30.00 per year if you can already play an
Contact: Robyne Undy
T 0413 270 412
Flute and Piano Lessons
Learn to play the flute or the piano from the very
beginning or continue on to the next stage with a
qualified teacher who has been successfully teaching a
full studio of students for 11 years and has recently
moved to the Melton area. Preparation for AMEB
exams is available.
Venue: Studio located in Melton West
Weekly Lessons
$25.00 per half hour lesson
Contact: Katie Apps T 9747 3260
Gordon McKenzie - Piano Accompanist
Experienced Piano-Accompanist with international
concert-stage experience. Available for AMEB music
examinations (Registered and qualified music teacher
with over 40 years professional experience).
By appointment
Venue: 3 Buckle Road Melton
Contact: Gordon McKenzie
T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Hey Dee Ho Music
A fun, interactive music and movement program for
preschoolers, toddlers and babies aged 0 - 5 years.
Venue: Hillside Community Centre
Monday mornings from 10.30am
Contact: Hey Dee Ho Music T 1300 139 631
Drum Kit Tuition
We offer 1 on 1 drum lessons both in our studio, which
is located in Burnside Heights or online via Skype. For
more information please visit
Venue: Online or in studio (Burnside Heights)
By appointment from website
Available on website
Contact: Troy T 0402 063 454
Gordon McKenzie - Music Tuition and Coaching
Piano; Music-Theory; Electronic-Organ; Singing
(Classical and Theatre but not Pop) Tuition, AMEB
Examinations and Piano Accompaniment for
examinations, registered and qualified music-teacher
with over 40 years of experience. Beginners to Diploma
and Degree levels. Specialised Coaching available
By appointment
Venue: 3 Buckle Road Melton
Contact: Gordon McKenzie
T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Kindermusik is a world leading music and movement
program for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers up to
the age of five. It is learning through movement,
singing, playing instruments, drama and play. We teach
children music so they can become better learners.
Venue: Springside Community Centre, Caroline
February through to December
Contact: Kindermusik
Dorothy Di Lullo T 0425 826 205
Page 47
Melton Music
Music tuition with specialised teachers at an affordable
price. All Instruments, All Ages.
Individual and group lessons. Exam Preparation,
Performance Opportunities and Recording Studio
Venue: 1/11 Glenville Drive, Melton
Please call for details
Discounts apply when you enrol and pay in
the first 2 weeks of term
Contact Melton Music T 9971 5734
Mini Maestros
Mini Maestros offers fun and educational music classes
for children from ages 6 months to 5 years. Mini
Maestros helps children to foster an appreciation of
music to last a lifetime. Classes enhance children's
development while having fun. Singing, dancing, playing
percussion instruments and musical games stimulate
children's creativity and imagination. Visit
www.minimaestros.com.au for more information.
Venue: Springside Community Pavilion, Banchory
Community Centre, Caroline Springs Library
During school term throughout 2014
From $14.00 per class
Contact: Mary Rose or Vanessa T 0423 733 218
Piano class for kids and adults
Professional piano lessons and music theory with Julia.
Preparation for AMEB piano practical and music theory
examinations. All grades from beginners to advanced.
Highly experienced Russian trained piano teacher and
Venue: 12 Skipton Street, Kurunjang
By Appointment
$25.00 per 30 minutes
Contact: Julia Waddell 0403 647 382
Ever wanted to learn to write your own songs? I
can help you get started with the basics. Whether for
personal expression, to hone your skills, as a form of
therapy and personal growth, I can aid you as a
Musician, songwriter and Creative Arts Therapist.
Venue: Melton South Community Centre – The Studio
Dates: Refer to website, Expressions of interest
Introductory Workshop $25.00
Contact: Catherine Creative Therapeutic Encounters
T 0421 850 297
Westwood Music Tuition
Westwood music tuition available for, Guitar, Bass
guitar, Ukulele, Banjo, Beginner Mandolin, Piano,
Singing, Drums, Violin. All tuition by professional
teachers. AMEB examination available. Half hour or
Hourly lessons available.
Please call for details
Venue: 46 Smith Street Melton next to Westwood
Guitars and Music Instruments
Contact: Westwood Music Tuition Barry T 9746 6667
Melton City Council has another fantastic electronic
resource: Universal Class, a suite of over 500 online
education courses, accessible via the Library website
24/7, topics are as varied as Arts, Business, Computing,
Photography, stress Management, Wedding planning
and much much more. This resource is available to all
library members so get online today.
Website: www.melton.vic.gov.au/elearning
Dates: Self Paced
Free resource available to all library members
Contact: Melton or Caroline Springs Library Staff
T 9747 5300
Sluice Music and Education Centre
Tuition available in Violin for beginners through to
university entrance auditions preparation. Learners of
all ages welcome. Offering: AMEB Music Theory/Craft,
Harmony and Counterpoint up to university entrance
level. Specialist in providing tuition in all areas of VCE
Music Performance (Solo and Group) and VET Music
(Technical Production).
Venue: Melton
Contact: Sluice Music and Education Centre
T 9743 2615
Page 48
Learn the world’s most popular card game. No
knowledge of cards is necessary. Partnership Available
Venue: Kurunjang House (Kurunjang Tennis Club)
corner Centenary Avenue and Kurunjang Drive
Contact: Melton Bridge Club T 9743 4852
Child Protection
This workshop is ideal for anyone who works with
children and wants an increased awareness of child
Venue: Caroline Springs
Thursday 6 March 2014
From 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Contact Practical Outcomes Keri T 1300 799 610
Play Spaces
This workshop is ideal for people working in children’s
service, parents and caregivers. Discover amazing play
spaces for children that don’t have to cost a fortune!
Venue: Caroline Springs
Thursday 13 and 27 March 2014
(Attend both workshops)
From 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Contact Practical Outcomes Kristina T 1300 799 610
Relaxed routines and interacting with children
This workshop is ideal for parents to be, parents and
people working with young babies and children. We will
cover topics such as environments and child
Venue: Caroline Springs
Tuesday 11 March 2014
From 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Contact Practical Outcomes Keri T 1300 799 610
Book Club
Come and meet others to have a good discussion on
particular books.
Venue: Melton Library and Learning Hub
Caroline Springs Library
Melton Library and Learning Hub –
Every second Tuesday of the month
From 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Caroline Springs Library –
Every first Friday of the month
From 10.00am - 11.00am
$50.00 annual subscription
Contact: Melton City Council Library Service
9747 5300 for Melton 1 or Caroline Springs 2
Learning to Play Cards
For mature aged people, 50 years and over. Come and
join us and keep your mind and hands active. More
Melton U3A activities listed under Social Activities Melton U3A
Venue: Rear of Victoria University’s Melton Campus
(behind building 3), Rees Road, Entrance 1
Tuesday from 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Contact: Melton U3A Inc, For the Over 50’s
John Bermingham T 9743 2048
Melton Men’s Shed – Fun Fridays
Come together every Friday for a cup of coffee/tea and
unwind with mates. The card table is rolled out for a
rowdy game of Uka, and our 7’ Eddie Charlton pool
table get features heavily in the day’s activities. There
are board & computer games, darts, and free internet
access. Available to registered Sheddies.
Venue: Melton Men’s Shed, Willows Historical Park
Fridays from 9.30am - 1.00pm
Contact: Melton Men’s Shed T 9971 5106
For mature aged people, 50 years and over. Come and
join us and keep your mind and hands active. More
Melton U3A activities listed under Social Activities Melton U3A
Venue: Rear of Victoria University’s Melton Campus
(behind building 3), Rees Road, Entrance 1
Wednesdays from 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Contact: Melton U3A Inc, For the Over 50’s
Ann Wright T 9746 7758
Page 49
Beginners Meditation
Learn basic meditation techniques that will help relieve
stress, tension, weariness and nervousness. Helps to
relieve insomnia, anxiety and brings calmness.
Venue: Moreton Homestead
Wednesday 12 February – 2 April 2014
From 7.00pm – 8.00pm (8 sessions)
Contact: Hillside Community Centre T 9449 8027
Development Circle (Closed-Circle)
With Jennifer Valls
This is available to those aspiring to further develop
their mediumistic skills, with a desire for platform
performance. The emphasis is on “proof of survival”
and “spirit readings”.
Venue: 3 Buckle Road Melton
Thursdays from 1.00pm - 3.00pm (Ongoing)
$15.00 per weekly session, Bookings essential
Contact: Jennifer Valls
T 9743 7603 or 0425 753 807
Feng Shui – A Spiritual Workshop with Sally Fischmann
Feng Shui helps bring health and balance to your life!
Every facet of your daily life, including your home and
your garden, hugely-benefits from the application of
Feng Shui. Learn about this important skill, in this
outstanding workshop presented by international
expert, Sally Fischman!
this interactive Workshop!
15 February 2014
From 1.00pm - 4.00pm
$25.00 or $20.00 for Members
Contact: The Light House “The House of Light”
T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Healing Circle
Aid your physical and spiritual well-being. Benefit from
the Divine Gift of Hands-On Spiritual Healing in a
Spiritualist Church and Healing Sanctuary, with Spiritual
Healers working with Pure and Divine Light.
Every Sunday from 12.30pm - 1.30pm
Contact: The Light House “The House of Light”
T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Learn to meditate with confidence in this in-depth
course. Release stress and develop your inner peace in
these guided lesions.
Thursday 6 February – 27 March 2014
From 10.00am – 11.00am (8 sessions)
$65.00 or $60.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Meditation and Spiritual Development Classes
Intermediate and Advanced
Enhance and bring peace, harmony, balance and
calmness into your life. Meditation helps raise your
awareness and helps you think and function more
clearly. Meditation helps overcome nervousness and
helps relieve stress, insomnia and anxiety.
Venue: 3 Buckle Road Melton
Weekly on Wednesdays and Thursdays
From 10.30am - 12.00pm
And on Thursdays from 7.30pm - 9.30pm
$12.00 mornings and $15.00 nights
Bookings are essential
Contact: Jennifer Valls
T 9743 7603 or 0425 753 807
Meditation Group Classes
Learn to deal with stress easily and let go of negative
thoughts and feelings towards yourself and others.
Have a more peaceful stress free life. We have all levels
of students attending. We have a brand new class
starting on Mondays at 9:30am enquires welcomed so
please call the clinic for more info. We also have classes
on Monday evenings and Thursday evening (Bookings
essential) $10 per class prepaid terms. Spots very
Venue: Taylors Hill
Contact: info@taylorshillnaturaltherapies.com.au
T 9449 0164
Open Spiritual Development Circle
Learn to communicate with the World of Spirit, Spirit
Guides, Angels and Loved-Ones and develop your
spiritual abilities in a safe and balanced way. Receive
and observe Spirit Readings as you bathe in The Healing
Light. All of this and much more with Jennifer Valls and
Gordon McKenzie.
Venue: The Bluestone, 66 Palmerston Street, Melton
Wednesdays from 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Contact: The Light House “The House of Light”
T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Page 50
Scrying – A Spiritual Workshop with Elizabeth
Scrying is the practice of looking into a translucent ball
or other material with the belief that things can be
seen, such as spiritual visions and less often for
purposes of divination or fortune-telling. Scrying has
been used in many cultures in the belief that it can
divine the past, present, or future. Scrying is actively
used by many cultures and belief systems and is not
limited to one tradition or ideology.
Learn about this fascinating subject, in this exciting
workshop with the very popular, Elizabeth Cameron!
15 March 2014 from 1.00pm - 4.00pm
$25.00 or $20.00 for Members
Contact: The Light House “The House of Light”
T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Spiritual Growth and Development Circle
Let Jennifer Valls teach and guide you in a friendly,
relaxed group of like-minded people, meditating,
learning and growing together, with the goal of
embracing spirituality.
Venue: The Bluestone, 66 Palmerston St, Melton
Wednesdays from 5.00pm - 6.00pm
$8.00 – Open to everyone
Contact: The Light House “The House of Light”
T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Spiritual / Hands-On Healing
Benefit from the Divine Gift of Hands-On Spiritual
Healing in a Spiritualist Church and Healing Sanctuary.
Aid Your Physical and Spiritual Well-Being.
Venue: The Light House ‘The House of Light’
66 - 76 Palmerston Street, Melton
Every Sunday from 12.30pm
Contact: The Light House “The House of Light”
T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Spiritual and Personal Development Workshops
A range of workshops on spiritual subjects including
tarot, telepathy, meditation, chakras, trance,
numerology, mediumship and much more.
Venue: The Light House ‘The House of Light’
66 - 76 Palmerston Street, Melton
Third Saturday of each month
From 1.00pm - 4.00pm
$25.00 or $20.00 for Members
Contact: The Light House “The House of Light”
T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Tarot Cards - Beginners
Learn how to read Tarot Cards whilst developing your
skills, confidence and psychic abilities. BYO Cards. No
experience necessary.
Monday 3 February - 31 March 2014
From 7.00pm – 9.00pm (8 session)
$95.00 or $90.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Transfiguration – A Spiritual Workshop with Charles
Much has been written upon the fascinating subject of
Transfiguration, or Metamorphosis! This is your
opportunity to attend a very-enlightening spiritual
workshop with experienced host, Charles Hope and to
gain greater awareness, knowledge and understanding
of the miracles associated with and being a part of
18 January 2014 from 1.00pm - 4.00pm
$25.00 or $20.00 for Members
Contact: The Light House T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Understanding “The core of Spirituality”
Experienced Spiritual Master providing guidance in all
universal aspects including Basic Reiki to Mastery and
Pranic Healing. Learn the Art of Tarot, Crystals and
Pendulums. Learn to connect with your Guides as well
as the Art of Spirit Healing, Mediumship including Proof
of Survival, Spiritual Symbology, The Chakra System,
DreamWorks, Physical Mediumship and much more.
Venue: Melton
Weekly on Fridays from 31 January 2014
Prepaid $150.00 per School Term
Contact: Maria T 0405 114 639 or email:
Cardio Tennis
Cardio Tennis is a fun, social, group tennis-fitness
program. You don’t have to be Rafael Nadal or Sam
Stosur to enjoy the energising workout that is Cardio
Tennis! Constant movement is the focus as a Tennis
Australia qualified coach guides you through a series of
fun and heart-pumping drills that cater for all abilities
and fitness levels. Adult and Kids sessions available also.
Venues: Arnolds Creek, Eynesbury, Hillside and
Melton South
Classes run most days
Contact: SPORSCI Tennis Academy T 0429 887 753
Page 51
Get Activated - Stay Motivated!!
Opportunity for the kids and adults to get busy and try a
range of sporting opportunities under the one roof. Get
active with basketball, soccer, hockey, karate,
gymnastics, rugby, arts and crafts, Kindergym, golf and
many more sports varying from holiday season to
Venue: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Melton Indoor Recreation Centre
Wednesdays of the school holidays only
$4.00 per child, Adults Free
Contact: Nicole or Margaret T 9747 5327
It’s a Knock Out!
This is a round robin sporting event where teams
register to play 3 different sports Basketball, Indoor
Soccer and Volleyball and eliminate other teams and
become “It’s a Knock Out” Champions.
All skill levels are welcome as it is a social event with a
competitive edge.
Venue: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Melton Indoor Recreation Centre
Fridays of the school holidays only
$6.00 per player / Grade 3 – Year 8
Contact: Nicole or Margaret T 9747 5327
Melton District Tennis Association
Coordinates competition tennis and runs participation
program all year round. Information about all things
tennis including programs, competitions, qualified
tennis coaches and clubs in the Melton and surrounding
Venue: Various Locations in Melton
Competitions and Programs run most days
Contact: Melton District Tennis Association
T 9743 7540
SPORSCI Tennis Academy
We have been in operation since 2002 and conduct our
programs at four great facilities. The Academy
specialises in all areas of tennis coaching starting with
our MLC Tennis Hot Shots program all the way through
to our Adult Cardio Tennis Classes.
Venues: Arnolds Creek, Eynesbury, Hillside and
Melton South
Programs and classes available 6 days a week
Contact: SPORSCI Tennis Academy T 0429 887 753
Swimming Programs – Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Contact: Melton Waves Leisure Centre T 9747 4333
Junior Lifeguard Club
Junior Lifeguard program incorporates traditional
swimming lessons, along with survival skills,
lifeguarding skills, problem solving and team building, in
a safe, fun and controlled environment.
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Dates: Evening group times
$13.50 per session
KickStart Swimming Program
The program provides lessons for children with specific
learning and communication needs, such as those with
autism and intellectual disability. Lessons are designed
to develop skills in water familiarisation, water safety,
breath control and swimming skills.
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
13 Kickstart sessions offered each week
Learn to Swim
It’s never too early or too late to learn to Swim and
Survive. For children 6 months old to adult classes.
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Dates: 7 Days a week - Day and Night time classes
Starting from $10.75 per class
Swim and Survive Programs
Programs for Primary and Secondary Schools ranging
from 4 - 10 day Intensive swim programs to Fun days
which include Aqua Classes, Activates, Water Polo
Games, Waves Olympics and much more.
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Dates: Monday to Friday from 9.00am - 3.00pm
Swimming Squad
Melton Waves has a fantastic Swimming Squad for the
junior swimmer all the way to State and National Levels.
Venue: Melton Waves Leisure Centre
Dates: Times of sessions per week varies depending
on your aim and your purpose of being
Table Tennis – Caroline Springs
Social table tennis is at the Caroline Springs Leisure
Centre. If you’re looking for a game just come down to
the centre, no need to register. Bring a friend or find a
partner to play with on the night. Bats and balls are
provided for no extra cost!
Venue: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Fridays from 7.30pm – 9.30pm
$5.00 per adult & 2.50 per child
Contact: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre T 9747 5327
Page 52
Hands of Friendship Group
A happy, friendly place to work on your craft projects,
and learn new skills and meet others with similar ideas.
Every first, third and fifth Tuesday of the
month from 10.00am - 12.00pm
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Alcoholics Anonymous - AA
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community House
239 Station Road Melton
Now meets at the centre weekly
Contact: Alcoholics Anonymous T 1300 222 222
Al-Anon Family Groups
Meetings for family and friends who share their
experience, strength and hope whose lives have been
affected by someone they love who has a drinking
problem. Al-Anon family groups offer help, hope and
recovery. At all meetings anonymity and confidentiality
is observed. There are no fees or dues.
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
Address: 26 Exford Road, Melton South (Opp CFA)
Friday evenings from 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Contact: Al-Anon Help Line
T – 9642 3330 or 1300(AlAnon)
(1300 252 666)
W - www.al-anon.alateen.org/australia
Anxiety Disorders Support Group
For people with anxiety disorders. Discussing symptoms
and self help ideas/strategies in a relaxed and
understanding environment.
Venue: Hillside Community Centre,
Recreation Reserve, Royal Crescent, Hillside
First Tuesday of each month
From 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Contact: Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria
T 1300 269 438 or 9830 0533
Diabetes Chat Group - Free
Venue: Djerriwarrh Health Service corner
High and Yuille Streets Melton - Room 67
Third Thursday of the month
From 10.00am - 12.00pm
Contact: Melton Bacchus Marsh Diabetes Chat Group
T 9747 8538
Gamblers Anonymous (G.A.)
A group for those who feel they need support and
Contact: Gamblers Anonymous (G.A) T 9696 6108
Hillside Carers Group
The Hillside carers group is for people caring for a
family member or friend with an illness or disability.
The group meets once a month over a cuppa, have
relevant guest speakers, go on outings to interesting
places, be involved in special events, go on bus tours
and much more.
Venue: 121 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill
Third Monday of the month
Contact: Hillside Carers Group
Gaisha Laida T 9747 5310
iCare Special Needs Group Inc.
A parent/child support group that meets weekly to
discuss disability issues. iCare allows parents/carers to
give and receive both emotional and practical support,
respite and exchange information.
Venue: Springside Community Pavilion, 22-50 Becca
Way Caroline Springs 3023
10.00am - 12.00pm every Friday during school
terms (except public holidays)
$10.00 annual membership fee
Contact: Pepsi Gulen President T 0434 140 620
Melton Bacchus Marsh Diabetes Support Group
A support group for people in the community who have
diabetes or are at risk of diabetes, family members,
partners and carers. Accreted Diabetes educator is in
Venue: Djerriwarrh Health Services - Room 67
First Thursday of month
From 10.00am - 12.00pm
Gold coin donation
Contact: Melton Bacchus Marsh Diabetes Support
Group T 9743 6488
Page 53
Melton Carers Group
The Melton carers group is for people caring for a
family member or friend with an illness or disability.
The group meets once a month over a cuppa, have
relevant guest speakers, go on outings to interesting
places, be involved in special events, go on bus tours
and much more.
Venue: 5 McKenzie Street, Melton
Fourth Wednesday of the month
Contact: Melton Carers Group
Gaisha Laida T 9747 5310
Multiple Birth - SunRanges Twins Plus Inc.
Support services for new and expectant multiple birth
families by linking them to the Australian Multiple Birth
Association and offering local support in weekly
playgroup and monthly coffee mornings. Provides
members with a monthly newsletter, social event,
information nights, equipment hire, and a library.
Venue: Various locations throughout Melton
Please call for details
Costs: Yearly Membership costs $40.00
Contact: SunRanges Twins Plus Inc T 9513 0035
Neighbourhood Group
This group offers friendship, company, guest speakers,
craft and game days. All welcome.
Every Wednesday from 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Melton Cancer Support Group
Come and meet members of your community who are
all experiencing their journey whether as a cancer
patient, carer, family or friend. Relaxed and friendly
Venue: Melton Health 195 Barries Road, Melton
Dates: Second Tuesday of every month at 10.30am
Contact: Melton Cancer Support Group Inc
T 9743 5044 or mcsgroup@y7mail.com
Melton Men’s Shed
For men to share their skills and experiences, have a
chat, work on projects that benefit the local community
or DIY, learn more about men's health and well being.
Activities include woodwork, cooking, gardening, bike
riding group, walking group, cards, monthly bus trips, or
just drop in for a coffee & chat.
Venue: Melton Men’s Shed, Willows Historical Park
76 Reserve Road, Melton
Dates: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Call for a Membership Pack and Program
Contact: Melton Men’s Shed T 9971 5106
Melton TOWN club
A non-profit group to support members to take weight
off naturally and maintain it.
Venue: Darlingsford Barn, Darlingsford Blvd, Melton
Every Tuesday evening from 6:00pm – 7.30pm
$5.00 per week
Contact: Wendy T 0434 519 665 or 0417 131 011
Parkinson’s Support Kororoit Group
New members are welcome to join us at our Coffee and
Chat meetings. We offer a supportive environment for
people with Parkinson’s, their family and friends. We
enjoy guest speakers, receive information, share
experiences, have support, and encouragement from
people with similar needs.
Venue: Melton Baptist Church
2nd Thursday of the month
Contact: Parkinson’s Victoria
T 03 9581 8700
Overeaters Anonymous
Is food a problem for you?
Do you eat when you’re not hungry? Do you binge,
purge or restrict? Is weight affecting your Life?
No dues, fees, weigh-ins or diets.
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
Mondays from 2.00pm - 3.00pm
Contact: Joanie T 0437 237 285
Parents without Partners – Melton Branch
Parents without Partners is a social / support group for
single parents in Melton. The group meets on
Wednesday nights for a coffee and chat. Social
functions are held most weekends for both adults and
children. All ages are welcome, and all members are
encouraged to participate. Membership fee is $5.50.
Venue: Melton
Contact: Kellie 0419 872 794
Page 54
Partners of People with Anxiety and Depression
Support Group
Providing support and information for partners of
people with OCD, Social Anxiety, Panic, Agoraphobia,
Generalised Anxiety, Hoarding, Tricho, BDD and
Venue: Caroline Springs Library Meeting Room
193-201 Caroline Springs Blvd
Third Thursday of each month
From 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Contact: Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria
T 1300 269 438 or 9830 0533
Supported Playgroup and Parent Groups (SPPI)
Playgroups facilitated and supported by Melton City
Council under the Victorian State Government SPPI
Initiative. These playgroups provide a safe, caring and
stimulating environment where young children can
learn through play.
Bubbles: for children with additional needs
(see Playgroups)
Play and Grow: for mothers experiencing PND
(see Playgroups)
Contact: For times and days of operation please
contact the SPPI Officer, Melton City Council
T 9747 7200 E playgroups@melton.vic.gov.au
Melmarsh Prostate Cancer Support Group
Providing support and assistance to those touched by
prostate cancer to rebuild their lives allowing survivors
or those living with it to be part of a caring community
to have opportunities to learn by sharing experiences.
Venue: Melton Library
Dates: First Thursday of month at 7.00pm
and third Wednesday of month at 10.00am
Contact: Melmarsh Prostate Cancer Support Group
Bob Mead T 0468 903 060 www.mpcsg.org
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program - It’s Never Too
Early to Learn What to Expect.
For parents of children 18 months to 5 years. Maternal
and Child Health Nurses who have additional training
conduct these individual and group sessions.
Participants learn strategies to enable them to build
positive relationships with their children, teach new
skills, encourage desirable behaviour and manage
Contact: Melton City Council Triple P Program
Myffanwy for individual sessions T 9743 5068
Ann for group sessions T 9746 6830
Stroke Support Group - Bacchus Marsh / Melton
For stroke survivors and their carers, offering informal,
friendly, meetings to allow individuals to understand
that they are not alone. Also offering fun outings.
Venue: Melton Health
Barries Road Melton - Meeting Room 1
First Wednesday of the month (Feb - Nov)
From 2:00pm – 4:00pm
$1.00 per month donation
Contact: Stoke Support Group
Bacchus Marsh / Melton T 9743 4677
Success Coaching
A process made by aligning a person with their purpose,
consciously setting desired goals, designing strategies
to achieve these goals, setting milestones to ensure a
person is on track, setting action steps, uncovering
what’s in the way and what can be done differently.
Please contact for dates
This session $10.00 (usually worth $125.00)
Contact: Tall Poppy Coaching and Training
T 0425 750 933
Tuning In To Kids
Would you like to learn how to talk better with your
child, better at understanding your child, help your
child learn to manage their emotions, prevent
behaviour problems in your child, teach your child to
deal with conflict? We show you how to help your child
develop emotional intelligence.
Venue: Community Room 1 Springside Children's and
Community Centre, Becca Way,
Caroline Springs
Free - Light refreshments provided
Contact: Tuning In To Kids T 9747 7200
Page 55
Edtrack Education Institute
Edtrack Education conduct (www.edtrack.info) Maths,
Science, English for Year 2 – VCE students,
NAPLAN/SEAL and Year 8 Selective school exams / Year
6 Scholarship exams for gifted students and all
programs runs by VIT registered experience School
teachers. We are helping Students to develop their
potentials beyond the level of their school curriculum
while building up the level of confidence.
**Special Diagnostic programs to improve maths skills!
**Homework help
Venue: Brookside Community Centre Caroline Springs
Every Saturday 1.30pm, Monday 4.00pm and
Wednesday 4.00pm
Starting from $30.00ph and family discount
up to 15% for two or more students +5% extra
discount for Health Care Card Holders
Contact: Edtrack Education Institute
T 9010 6133 or M 0405 297 297
Institute of Mathematics
Maths is an incredibly challenging course, but it can be
made fun, engaging and passable. Providing private
coaching to the students of all level and ages. (primary,
secondary and VCE) in maths. Individual attention is
given to each student. Lessons are provided according
to students need. One to one coaching is also available
Venue: 59 the Crossing, Caroline Springs
Monday to Friday from 4.00pm -7.00pm
duration of each session is 60 minutes
Contact: Tina T 0450 175 185
Kumon Math and English Study Program
Kumon helps children master the fundamental skills
essential to their overall academic performance in all
grades!! Children are trained to work with speed and
accuracy through individualised instruction tailored to
each child’s ability. Our goal is to make every student an
“Advanced Student”
Kumon Caroline Springs North Education Centre
Venue: Springside Children’s Community Centre
All year
$120.00 per month per subject
Contact: Bonnita Lobo T 0415 627 773
E kumonspringside@gmail.com
Confidence and Clarity Tutoring – Times Tables
Memorisation of times tables from 1 to 12,
multiplication algorithms and worded problem
proficiency in a fun and challenging environment. Call
or email to express your interest and enrol for the
upcoming term. To ensure quality of service only 4 to
12 students will be admitted.
Venue: Melton Library & Learning Hub
(to be confirmed)
Saturdays from 10.30am – 12.00pm
90 minutes per session, 12 in total
$35.00 per session
Minimum payment, 6 lessons $210.00
Contact: Sarah Merry T 0420 928 359
Gordon McKenzie - Music Tuition and Coaching
Piano; Music-Theory; Electronic-Organ; Singing
(Classical and Theatre but not Pop) Tuition, AMEB
Examinations and Piano Accompaniment for
examinations, registered and qualified music-teacher
with over 40 years of experience. Beginners to Diploma
and Degree Levels. Specialised Coaching Available.
By appointment
Venue: 3 Buckle Road Melton
Contact: Gordon McKenzie
T 9743 7603 or 0402 144 844
Kumon Caroline Springs Education Centre:
Venue Stevenson House
10 Stevenson Crescent Caroline Springs
Mondays and Thursdays
From 3.30pm – 6.30pm
(Up to 45 minutes per subject)
$120.00 per month per subject
Contact: Zakiah Zainy T 0431 649 853
E zakiahzainy@hotmail.com
Page 56
Kip McGrath Education Centres
Our personalised Kip-English and Kip-Maths programs
help students overcome learning obstacles by giving
them a much-needed boost of confidence. Start today
and receive a FREE educational assessment. All our
tutors have educational qualifications, teaching
experience in Victorian schools and are VIT registered.
We are members of the Australian Tutoring Association.
Venue: Level 2 / 13-15 Lake Street, Caroline Springs
During school term and holiday programs in
January and July.
$55.00 per 80-minute session, which includes
combined reading, spelling, comprehension,
English and/or maths tuition and two free
progress reports each year. 5% discount
applies when paying for 10 sessions in
advance. $2 per week discount applies when
paying by bank account or credit card. 10%
discount applies for holiday programs run in
January and July school holidays
Contact: Kip McGrath Education Centres
Michelle Doyle T 8358 5777
Melton Music
Music tuition with specialised teachers at an affordable
price. All instruments. All ages. Individual and group
lessons. Exam Preparation, Performance Opportunities
and Recording Studio available.
Venue: 1/11 Glenville Drive Melton
Please call for details
Discounts apply when you enrol and pay in
the first 2 weeks of term
Contact: Melton Music T 9971 5734
Remedial Maths and English
Available for Preps to Year 9 tutors have more than 10
years experience in this field.
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
Available Mondays and Wednesdays after
Contact: Remedial Maths and English
English call Christine T 9746 9220
Maths call Carmel T 9747 0803
Sluice Music and Education Centre
Academic tutoring - literacy and numeracy Prep to Year
9. Secondary mathematics. Holiday Program -V.C.E.
preparation courses offered over the summer holidays.
Get ready for V.C.E. and get a head start in all your
classes. Qualified, experienced and professional
Contact: Sluice Music and Education Centre
T 9743 2615
Refer to Melton U3A
Aged Care – Certificate III (CHC30212)
This course is designed to provide you with the skills
and knowledge to work as one of the following;
Personal Care worker, Home Care Assistant, Nursing
Venue: Caroline Springs
Early February / Continuous Enrolments
Government Funding Available if Eligible
Contact: Practical Health Victoria
Keri T 1300 933 310
Dual Qualification
CHC30312 CIII in Home and Community Care
CHC30212 CIII in Aged Care
Dual qualification is for those interested in becoming a
Home Care Assistant, Nursing Assistant or Personal Care
Assistant. Learn how to support older people maintain
their independence, provide support to people living
with dementia, meet personal care needs and follow
safety procedures for the delivery of direct care.
Successful completion will qualify you to work in
residential facilities.
Venue: Melton and Caroline Springs
Dates: 14 January 2014
Days: 3 days per week, includes placement
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Page 57
Building and Construction (Building) Certificate IV
Looking to become a registered building practitioner?
This nationally recognised qualification will assist with
your application. Gain the skills and knowledge needed
by professional builders in the low-rise residential
sector, including running a successful business and
taking overall responsibility for the construction of
residential buildings.
Venue: Melton Secondary College, Coburns Rd
Tuesday and Thursday Evenings
From 5.30pm – 9.00pm
March through to September
$3,400 HIA Member / $4,600 Non Member
Contact HIA training to discuss government
supported training opportunities
Contact: HIA Neil Dingey T 03 9280 8200
Business Administration Training
Introduction to Business
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who
perform a range of mainly routine tasks using limited
practical skills and fundamental operational knowledge
in a defined context, working under direct supervision.
It is designed for students who are seeking to gain an
understanding of business fundamentals within the
Australian context and who may be interested in
gaining employment at an entry level administrative or
customer service role.
Certificate III in Business Administration
This Certificate III in Business Administration reflects
the role of individuals who apply a broad range of
administrative competencies in various work contexts,
using some discretion and judgment. They may provide
technical advice and support to a team. The
qualification includes general administrative and IT
competencies such as word processing, keyboarding,
scheduling and utilising a range of software packages to
produce documents and databases.
Certificate IV in Business Administration
The Certificate IV in Business Administration has been
created to provide training for the Clerical
Administrative sector. It will provide you with the skills
to oversee an office, make decisions on administrative
matters and provide supervision and advice to
colleagues. We provide you with the training to further
develop your administrative skills and increase your
knowledge base in a wide variety of administrative
contexts. You will apply solutions to a defined range of
unpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate
information from a variety of sources. You will be
equipped to provide leadership and guidance to others
with some limited responsibility for the output of
Venue: 239 Station Road, Melton
Dates: Semester 1, 2014
Days: TBA Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Carpentry Workshop
This workshop covers basic carpentry skills, looking
after tools, basic maintenance tips and skills.
Venue: Mens Shed
Willows Historical Park, 76 Reserve Road,
Semester 1, 2014
Days: Mondays
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Enquire by Phone
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T (03) 8746 1000
Children’s Services CHC30712 - Certificate III
This qualification enables you to plan experiences and
provide care to children, facilitating their leisure and
play and enabling you to foster children’s development.
Graduates may work under direct supervision and, in
some settings, may also have limited supervisory
responsibilities of volunteers. You are required to have
an understanding of a range of cultures and work with
local communities in the provision of services.
Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
Venue: Melton & Caroline Springs
Dates: 3 February 2014
Days: 3 Days per week, includes placement
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Practical Outcomes
Venue: Caroline Springs
28th January orientation – then one day a
week class and two days placement which we
find for you.
(Centrelink - Full time study)
Also flexible delivery model – talk to us and
see what we can do.
Subsidised training available if eligible
Contact: Practical Outcomes Keri T 1300 799 610
Page 58
Children’s Services CHC50912 - Diploma
This qualification follows on from the Certificate III in
Children’s Services. This qualification allows you to work
as a room leader.
Venue: Caroline Springs
Continuous Enrolments – flexible delivery
Subsidised training available
Contact: Practical Outcomes Keri T 1300 799 610
School Aged Care – Certificate IV (CHC41212)
Working in before or after school childcare is rewarding
and fun. It is a great option for school leavers, uni
students, parents and older people – really anyone who
enjoys working with school aged children!
Venue: Caroline Springs
Ongoing enrolments
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria)
Contact: Practical Outcomes Kristina T 1300 799 610
Children’s Services Certificate III CHC30712, Diploma
CHC50908, Advanced Diploma CHC60208
Certificate III (CHC30712), Diploma (Early Childhood
education & Care)(CHC50908), Advanced Diploma
These programs have been specifically designed to
allow participants the flexibility to complete the course
at their own pace within and 18 month period.
Venue: Onsite / Workplace training
Government Funding Available
Contact: Customised Training T 1300 275 282
W: www.ctcs.com.au E info@ctcs.com.au
f: https://www.facebook.com/askctcs
Coffee Perfection (SITHFAB012A) Accredited
Discover the art of choosing the correct coffee or tea to
suit the occasion. You will learn the use of a commercial
coffee machine and the skills of herbal infusion. The
course may assist you to gain employment or to
impress your dinner guests.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road Melton
Term 1, 2014
Days: TBA Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Construction (OHS) Induction
This course provides the knowledge and skills required
for the construction industries OH&S induction training
and registration as required by Work Safe
Venue: 45 Bakery Square, Melton
Contact: ICP Educational Institute Jackie T 5333 6160
Community Service – Certificate III (CHC20108)
Designed to help clients who need to improve their
literacy, basic maths and general education skills. The
course provides educational pathways to employment,
further study and community engagement and may be
used as a pathway qualification into community
services work. Electives are from the Certificate II in
Community Services and provide an appropriate
pathway into work or further study in Children’s
Services or the Aged Care sector.
Venue: 239 Station Road Melton
6 February 2014
Days: TBA Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Construction Induction (White Card) CPCCOHS1001A
A WorkSafe Victoria Construction Induction Card (White
Card) is required by all tradesperson’s, including
contract employees, trades assistants and office staff
prior to working on a construction site.
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
Course dates updated regularly, contact ATTA
for details
$120.00 (or $115 concession Inc GST)
Contact: Liz Walcott ATTA Course Manager
T 9741 3595
Disability Certificate IV (CHC40312)
Make a living by making a difference in someone’s life.
Disability workers change the lives of people they work
with, making this occupation extremely rewarding. This
Certificate IV in Disability course is designed for those
who are interested in working with people with
Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
Venue: 239 Station Road, Melton
Term 1, 2014
Days: 3 days per week, includes placement
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Page 59
Practical Health Victoria
Venue: Caroline Springs
Ongoing enrolments – Starting Early February
Government Funding Available if Eligible
Contact: Practical Health Victoria
Keri T 1300 933 310
Certificate of Education Support – Integration Aide /
Teacher Aide – Monash University
Supporting students who have additional learning
needs in primary, secondary and specialist settings. The
course aims to equip participants with the skills and
knowledge to support students who have additional
learning needs to access the curriculum. The Certificate
is recognised by the Faculty of Education to the value of
six credit points towards further study at
undergraduate level.
Venue: Caroline Springs Civic Centre Library
February 18, 25 March 4, 11, 18
April 22, 29 May 6
Tuesdays, 1 day a week over 8 weeks
From 9.00am – 3.30pm
Please Contact
Contact: Juliette Coloca T 9905 2700 or 9905 2911
Education Support – Certificate III (CHC30812)
This nationally accredited qualification is suited to those
aspiring to work in the education sector or those
already employed within the education sector as an
Integration Aide, Teachers Aide or Education Support
Worker. It will provide participants with the skills,
knowledge and attributes essential in supporting
teachers and assisting students with special needs.
Venue: Melton and Caroline Springs
3 February 2014
Days: 3 days per week (includes placement)
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
Eligibility criteria applies
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Extraordinary Receptionist Training Workshop
Start your Receptionist career today get the skills and
confidence you need with our comprehensive one day
receptionist training workshop. The ERT workshop was
developed as there is a gap in the market for
receptionists with extraordinary values/skills. We also
train your staff in the workplace.
Venue: Caroline Springs Civic Centre / Library
One day workshop
Contact: Extraordinary Receptionist Training
T 0418 999 375 or E jrextra09@gmail.com
Follow Workplace Hygiene
Accredited Unit SITXOHSOO2A
Designed to meet the requirements of Victoria's food
safety laws with respect to food handlers. It covers
basic food hygiene practices in order to prevent food
poisoning and food spoilage. HLTFS207B Follow basic
food safety practices. SITXOHS002A Follow workplace
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
Dates: Term 1, 2014
Nights: Tuesdays Time: 6.00pm – 10.00pm
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Food Handlers Certificate Accredited Unit
Designed to meet the requirements of Victoria's food
safety laws with respect to food handlers. It covers
basic food hygiene practices in order to prevent food
poisoning and food spoilage. HLTFS207B Follow basic
food safety practices. SITXOHS002A Follow workplace
Culinary Skills Australia
Venue: Melton and Caroline Springs
Dates: Various dates / we can also deliver in your
workplace, sporting club etc for groups of 10
or more
Contact: Culinary Skills Australia
Keri T 1300 933 330
ICP Educational Institute
Venue: 45 Bakery Square Melton
Please contact for details
Contact: ICP Educational Institute Jackie T 5333 6160
Practical Outcomes
Venue: Melton and Caroline Springs
Various Dates/ we can also deliver in your
workplace, sporting club etc for groups of 10
or more
Contact: Practical Outcomes Keri T 1300 799 610
Page 60
Food Safety Supervisor (SITXFSA201, HLTFS309C,
Oversee the day to day implementation of food safety
in the workplace. HLTFS309C Apply and Monitor Food
Safety Requirements HLTFS310C. SITXFSA201A
Participate in Safe Food Handling Practices. This course
is designed to provide participants with an extensive
knowledge of the requirements of Food Safety
Supervisors in the workplace. All food businesses will
need to nominate a food safety supervisor to make sure
they meet these requirements.
Culinary Skills Australia
Venue: Caroline Springs
Dates: Various Dates / done in class with a chef
training/ can also be done on site with your
chef, cook (call for pricing)
$150.00 – Includes food handling
Contact: Culinary Skills Australia
Keri T 1300 933 330
Practical Outcomes
Venue: Caroline Springs
Various dates (done in class with a chef
Contact: Practical Outcomes Keri T 1300 799 310
Hairdressing - Certificate II
On successful completion of this course you will have a
pathway into either a Hairdressing apprenticeship or
Certificate III in Hairdressing. Learn various techniques,
products and basic skills required in the hairdressing
Venue: 239 Station Road, Melton
Term 1, 2014
Days: 3 days per week
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(eligibility criteria)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Horticulture - Certificate II (AHC20410)
The Certificate II in Horticulture provides students with
the skills and abilities appropriate to meet the needs of
the various sectors within the horticultural industry.
The essential units are designed to develop the
students’ generic workplace skills which are highly
valued by employers. These include understanding
industry and health and safety requirements, and being
able to participate in environmentally sustainable work
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
Term 1, 2014
Days: TBA Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T8746 1000
Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) (SIT308O7) - Cert III
Designed for people who currently work as a cook in a
commercial kitchen or people who are interested in
completing their apprenticeship to become a qualified
chef. Students learn what it takes to be successful as a
chef in the growing hospitality industry.
Venue: Caroline Springs and Melton
Ongoing enrolments and workplace training
Subsidised training available
(eligibility criteria)
Contact: Culinary Skills Australia Ollie T 1300 933 330
Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) (SIT20307) –
Certificate II
This course focuses on your basic food handling skills,
how to work safely and effectively in the kitchen, basic
cookery methods and customer and colleague
interactions. It is an opportunity for you to expand your
skill set or gain a better understanding of the hospitality
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road, Melton
5 February 2014
Days: 3 days per week
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Subsidised training available
(Eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Introduction to Community Services (DEES2013023)
Start your career in the Community Services Industry.
Learn about the various career options in Disability;
Aged Care and Children Services fields.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road Melton
Term 1, 2014
Days: TBA Time: 11.30am – 2.30pm
Enquire by Phone
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Page 61
Licence to Erect, Alter and Dismantle Scaffolding –
ATTA's experienced assessors deliver expert knowledge
skills training so you're prepared for today’s site safety
expectations and gain skills that are relevant to current
working conditions and site culture.
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
Course dates updated regularly, contact ATTA
for details
$600.00 (or $590 concession Inc GST)
Contact: Liz Walcott ATTA Course Manager
T 9741 3595
Licence to Operate a Forklift Truck – TLILIC2001A
Our High Risk Work Licences are widely used in the
construction industry and used by electricians,
plumbers, engineers, store persons, painters,
maintenance workers and in retail.
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
Course dates updated regularly, contact ATTA
for details
$285.00 (or $280 concession Inc GST)
Contact: Liz Walcott ATTA Course Manager
T 9741 3595
Licence to Operate boom type Elevating Work
Platform (11m+) – TLILIC2005A
Whether you’re experienced or never used the
equipment before, ATTA’s skilled trainers can help you
to gain the licence qualifications you need to gain
employment or further your career and earning
Venue: Melton South Community Centre
Course dates updated regularly, contact ATTA
for details
$385.00 (or $380 concession Inc GST)
Contact: Liz Walcott ATTA Course Manager
T 9741 3595
Responsible Service of Alcohol - Liquor Licensing
If you intend to work in the hospitality industry
requiring you to serve alcohol, you need to complete
this nationally accredited course. This will broaden your
employment opportunities and qualifications. Providing
the following information; characteristics of excessive
consumption; who is responsible; facts about alcohol
and strategies for refusal of service. This course has to
be done face to face in Victoria.
Culinary Skills Australia
Venue: Caroline Springs
Dates: Various Dates / Can be delivered in the
workplace or sporting club for groups of 10 or
Contact: Culinary Skills Australia
Keri T 1300 933 330
Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
Venue: 239 Station Road, Melton
Term 1, 2014
Night: Tuesdays Time: 6.00pm – 10.00pm
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
ICP Educational Institute
Venue: 45 Bakery Square Melton
Please call to advice
Contact: ICP Educational Institute Jackie T 5333 6160
Practical Outcomes
Venue: Caroline Springs
Various Dates / we can also deliver in your
workplace or sporting club for groups of 10 or
Contact: Practical Outcomes Keri T 1300 799 610
Selling For a Living
Understanding the sales process is vital to secure
employment in a customer service role, account
management role or a direct sales role in retail or out
on the road, ‘Selling for a Living’ will provide the skills
needed for anyone looking to get into a sales position
or for those already in sales that are looking to enhance
their career. The basics of marketing are covered and
how marketing is linked to selling prospecting and
presentations are discussed through to CRM and adding
Venue: Please call for details
Dates: Wednesday February 19 2014
From 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Contact: Aden Carter T 0409 525 368
Page 62
Supporting Literacy Strategies in Primary Schools
Monash University
This course aims to provide Education Support Staff,
parents and classroom helpers with practical strategies
that support learning for primary school students who
are struggling with literacy. It is designed to give
participants an understanding of the literacy
methodologies used in classrooms.
Venue: Caroline Springs Civic Centre Library
Dates: February 12, 19 from 9.00am – 3.30pm
February 26 from 5.30pm – 8.30pm
Wednesdays, 2 days and 1 evening
Please contact
Contact: Juliette Coloca T 9905 2700 or 9905 2911
Training and Assessment - Certificate IV (TAE40110)
Designed for people currently working as trainers and
assessors and those who aspire to become an engaging
workplace trainer and assessor. This course will provide
you with the necessary skills to lead others and
professionally deliver accredited training. This training
is delivered with funding made available by the
Commonwealth and Victorian Governments.
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education
239 Station Road Melton
Dates: 4 February 2014
Days: 1 day per week or 2 nights per week
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm or 6.00pm – 10.00pm
Subsidised training available
(eligibility criteria applies)
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education
Services T 8746 1000
Work Safely in the Construction Industry
A WorkSafe Victoria Construction (CI) is compulsory for
those working in the Construction Industry. Includes
the Whitecard processing fee.
Saturday 5 April 2014
From 10.00am - 2.00pm (1 session)
$120.00 or $115.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Creative Writing
For mature aged people, 50 years and over .Keep your
mind active by joining us at U3A.
Venue: Rear of Victoria University’s Melton Campus
(behind building 3), Rees Road, Entrance 1
Mondays 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Contact: Melton U3A Inc, For the Over 50’s
John Bermingham President T 9743 2048
Introduction to Creative Writing
Do you have a story inside you, yearning to be told?
Frustrated your story won’t come out when you are
sitting at the computer? Join this workshop and be
guided through the creative writing process, and learn
how to get into the right mood, silence your inner critic
and keep the words flowing. Ideal for 16+ year old
beginners and emerging writers.
Venue: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
Monday 24 February – 31 March 2014
(Excluding 10 March 2014)
From 1.00pm – 2.30pm (5 weeks)
Contact: Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House
T 9747 5424
Public Speaking and Leadership
Looking to improve your speaking and leadership skills?
Ignite your career? Win that job interview? Overcome
your fear of public speaking with this self-paced
program that allows you to build speaking skills and
confidence with each speaking assignment in a
supportive club.
Venue: Melton Library and Learning Hub
Cameron Training Room
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month
From 6.30pm – 8.30pm
$20.00 joining fee (includes manuals and
learning materials) $70.00 for 6 months
membership. Guests welcome at no charge
Contact: Melton Toastmasters
Joanne Philippe T 0425 800 026
Reading for Pleasure
For mature aged people, 50 years and over. Come and
join us and keep your mind and hands active. New
classes and new tutors introduced throughout 2011
with updates advertised in monthly U3A newsletter.
More Melton U3A activities listed under Social Activities
- Melton U3A
Venue: Victoria University’s Melton Campus
Fridays from 10.00am - 12.00pm
Contact: Melton U3A Inc, For the Over 50’s
Noel Clarke T 9743 4396
Voice training and exercise for mature aged people
Learn how to use and project your voice when speaking
with a trained speech instructor.
Venue: Rear of Victoria University’s Melton Campus
(behind building 3), Rees Road, Entrance 1
Mondays from 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Contact: Melton U3A Inc, For the Over 50’s
John Bermingham President T 9743 2048
Page 63
Writers Group @ Caroline Springs Library
Writing shouldn't be a solitary pursuit. Writing groups
create a network of writing friends that can offer
support, advice and fresh approach to writing and
Venue: Caroline Springs Library
Wednesday evenings from 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Contact: Caroline Springs Library T 9747 5300 press 2
A FREE active program for Youth. With sports such as
Basketball, Soccer, Table Tennis and Badminton on
offer. Supervised by Leisure and Youth Services Staff.
We highly encourage all youth to come along to this
interactive program, get to learn new skills and make
new friends.
Wordsmiths of Melton Writers Workshop
A supportive critiquing group for beginning, emerging
and established writers across all genres, with monthly
writing skill development workshops covering all topics
from first draft to publication. Contact before attending
for further information.
Venue: Melton Library and Learning Hub
Fortnightly on Wednesdays
From 1.00pm - 3.00pm
(Excl the first Wednesday in each month)
Contact: Wordsmiths of Melton Writers Workshop
Les Stillman T 0407 820 868
Writing & Publishing Taster
Ideal for those interested in a career in writing and/or
publishing. You will learn all aspects of professional
writing, including novels, short stories, writing for
children and speech writing. Course also includes
interviewing skills and the publishing process. Special
guest speakers will give you the benefit of their
experience as well. On completion, it may lead to
further studies or help create employment
Monday 3 February – 31 March 2014
From 12.30pm – 3.00pm (8 sessions)
$75.00 or $60.00 concession
Contact: Melton South Community Centre
T 9747 8576
Hip Hop Dance Workshops
Weekly hip hop classes at Melton Youth Centre and
Taylors Hill Youth and Community Centre
Melton 4.00pm – 5.00pm Wednesdays
Taylors Hill 4.30pm – 5.30pm Tuesdays
Contact: Katriona (Taylors Hill) or Kayla (Melton)
T 9747 5373
Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Venue: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre
Thursday 3.30pm – 5.30pm (School term only)
Contact: T 9747 5327
Melton Indoor Recreation Centre
Venue: Melton Indoor Recreation Centre
Monday 3.30pm – 5.30pm (School term only)
Contact: T 9747 5327
Intellectual Disability Performance Workshop
Melton Youth Performing Arts Crew (MYPAC) – Drama,
music and dance for young people with an intellectual
Venue: Melton Youth Services 193 Barries Rd Melton
(Transport to workshops available)
Saturday Fortnightly Workshops
From 9.30am – 12.00pm during School Term
Contact: Community Care and Inclusion Intake
T 9747 7320 or email
Khaki Rebels Youth Groups
Youth groups for children with mild to major
disabilities. Siblings and friends may also join. Providing
social support, peer group interaction, learning
opportunities, positive experiences, builds confidence,
expanded horizons enabling them to be active in their
community and accepted in more integrated settings,
outings to movies, disco nights, swimming, tenpin
Bowls, laser tag and McDonalds /KFC etc. as well as
camps. The youth members are educated in basic life
skills. We can assist with minor personal care needs as
we do have trained leaders in the field. In Australia all
Donations of $2.00 or more donated to our Group is
now a Tax Deductible Item.
Venue: Blackwood Community Hall Melton
Friday nights from 7.00pm - 8.30pm
(times may change for outings)
Ages 5 - U/18 cost $130 per family
school term
Contact: Khaki Rebels Youth Groups Officer
T 0448 532 151 Youth Co-coordinator
T 0422 833 262 or
E melton@khakirebels.org.au
W http://www.khaki-rebels.org.au/
Page 64
L2P Learner Driver Mentor Program - Melton /
Moorabool Learner Driver Volunteer Mentor Program
Djerriwarrh offer the L2P program to young people
aged 16 – 20 who have no suitable mentor or vehicle
allowing them to gain the mandatory 120 hours of
driving practice required before applying for their
probationary licence. Eligible young people are offered
a number of professional driving lessons and then with
the generosity of a volunteer supervisor mentor the
opportunity to obtain the 120 hours of driving practice
in a vehicle supplied by Djerriwarrh. If you are 16 -20
and need assistance please call 8746 1000 to assess
your eligibility. If you have one hour a week to spare
and are interested in becoming a Vicroads trained
volunteer supervising mentor please call.
Venue: City of Melton or Shire of Moorabool
Ongoing Days: Various Times: Various
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Melton Music Guitar Group
Learn to play guitar in a fun and lively group setting. For
ages 12-25. Guitars are provided and available for hire.
Beginner and advanced players all welcome.
Performances and recording sessions just some of the
activities in this group. Drop in sessions, just come on
the day!
Venue: Melton Youth Services 193 Barries Road
Thursdays from 4.00pm - 5.00pm
$2.00 per person per class/ 10 per term
Contact: Melton Music T 9971 5734
Youth Connections
The Youth Connections Program offers individual case
management and a range of activities e.g.: Street Arts,
RAP classes and Life Skills Programs for young people
aged 13- 19 who have left school, or who are thinking
of leaving school. Youth Connections staff work with
young people to assist them in addressing a wide range
of barriers to continuing or in reengaging in educational
Venue: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
239 Station Road Melton
97 Main Road West St Albans
266 Hampshire Road Sunshine
Days: Monday to Friday
Times: 9.00am– 5.00pm
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Youth Life Skills
Learn the following skills: Learn how to cook on a low
budget, how to cook for one with quick and easy meal
ideas, a variety of cooking methods and how to read
and understand simple recipes. This is a Youth
Semester 1, 2014
Tuesdays from 9.30am – 3.00pm
Enquire by phone
Contact: Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services
T 8746 1000
Scout Groups
Scouting encourages youth to grow through adventure
by experiencing new challenges, making new friends,
building confidence, taking responsibility for
themselves and exploring their own abilities and
interests. Scouting allows youth to have a go, try their
best and learn by doing. Scouting is open to all young
people across all cultural backgrounds, with the
following age groups: 6-7 (Joeys), 8-10 (Cubs), 10-14
(Scouts), 14-17 (Venturers) and 18-26 (Rovers). The
most important thing to remember - Scouts have fun!
Venue: Melton, Diggers Rest, Caroline Springs (see
website for your closest group)
Youth aged 6 - 26, and Leaders/helpers
(aged 18+)
Contact: T 1800 726 881
W http://www.vicscouts.com.au/groups.html
Page 65
The City of Melton provides this Learning Directory as a service to its residents and has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information provided in this
publication is accurate at the time of being published and Council may not have necessarily independently verified the contents. The City of Melton does not in any
way endorse the services or the activities contained within the publication. Before participating in a course or activity, all residents should make their own enquiries
about all aspects of the course or activity they are interested in to satisfy themselves as to the suitability of the course or activity, instructors, costs and any other
pertinent matters. Council will also not be held liable for any changes, alterations, price variations, withdrawals of training by a provider, inaccuracies, or any other
aspect as a result of this publication.