Publications Record
Date: July 2015
REFEREED Publications * Significant Publication R Refereed Publication
** Co-authored with Graduate Student(s)
(a) Journals
* R2010Gurstein, P. and **S. Vilches, “The Just City for Whom?: Re-conceiving Active
Citizenship for Lone Mothers in Canada,” Gender, Place and Culture Vol 17(4):
August: 421 - 436.
*R2009 Gurstein, P, J. **O’Neill and **M. Petersen, “Outsourcing to further Human
Development: The Case of a Social Enterprise in Cambodia and Laos” in Special
Theme Issue, “Work beyond Boundaries,” (P. Gurstein, Editor),
Journal of
Architectural and Planning Research – JAPR Vol. 26(4): Winter: 276 – 286.
Gurstein, P. and **L. Tate, “Global Sourcing and Community Change” in Special
Theme Issue, “Work beyond Boundaries,” (P. Gurstein, Editor),
Journal of
Architectural and Planning Research – JAPR Vol. 26(4): Winter: 287 – 300.
*R2007Gurstein, P., “Navigating the Seamless Environment in the Global Supply Chain:
Implications for Canadian Regions and Workers,”
Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation Vol 1(2): Summer: 76-97. (Journal issue published independently as book U. Huws (ed.) Defragmenting: towards a critical understanding of the new global division of labour. London UK: Merlin Press and Toronto ONT: Fernwood Publishing. 208 pp.)
R Gurstein, P. “Interface: Commentary – Multimedia and Planning,” Planning Theory &
Practice Vol. 8 (1): March: 112-114.
*R2005 Gurstein, P. and D. Small. “From Housing to Home: Reflexive Management for those Deemed Hard to House,” Housing Studies Vol. 20 (5): September: 717-735.
*R 2003 Gurstein, P., C. Novato and **S. Ross. “Youth Participation in Planning: Strategies for
Social Action,”
Canadian Journal of Urban Research Vol.12 (2) Winter: 249-274.
R Condon, P., P. Gurstein and **J. Proft. “The Urban Design Studio as a Catalyst for
Change: Fresh Eyes on Gibsons, Fall, 2001,” Landscape Review 8(1) August: 39-51.
*R 2000 Angeles, L. and P. Gurstein, “Planning for Participatory Capacity Development: The
Challenges of Participation and North-South Partnership in Capacity-Building Projects,”
Canadian Journal of Development Studies , Vol. No. XXI, Special Issue: 447-478.
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 2
*R 1998 Gurstein, P., “Gender, Class, and Race in the Invisible Worksite: Disaggregating the
Homeworker Population,”
Gender, Technology and Development , 2:2(May-August):
*R 1996 Gurstein, P., "Gender Sensitive Community Planning: A Case Study of the Planning
Ourselves In Project," Canadian Journal for Urban Research , 5:2(December): 199-219.
*R Gurstein, P., "Planning for Telework and Home-Based Employment: Reconsidering the
Home/Work Separation," Journal of Planning Education and Research , 15: 3: 212-224.
R 1993 Gurstein, P., "Making New Communities: Problems and Potential," Landscape and
Urban Planning: An International Journal of Landscape Ecology, Landscape Planning and Landscape Design , 26: 55-66.
*R Gurstein, P. and **J. Curry, "Implementing Concepts of Sustainable Community
Planning: A Case Study of Bamberton, British Columbia,” Plan Canada (March): 7-15.
*R1991Gurstein, P., "Working at Home and Living at Home: Emerging Scenarios,"
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research , 8:2 (Summer): 164-180.
(b) Books
*R2007 Gurstein, P. and Angeles, L. (Editors) Learning Civil Societies: Shifting Contexts for
Democratic Planning and Governance . Toronto ONT: University of Toronto Press, 356 pp.
*R2001Gurstein, P. Wired to the World, Chained to the Home: Telework in Daily Life.
Vancouver BC: UBC Press, 246 pp.
* R 2015 Vilches. S. and P. Gurstein, “Reconceptualizing Social Planning: A Case Study of the Spatialized Impacts of Urban Poverty for Lone Parent, Female Headed
Families in Vancouver, BC,” in R. Thomas (ed.), Planning Canada: A Case
Study Approach . Oxford Canada Press (in press).
*R 2013Gurstein, P. “Social Equity in the Network Society: Implications for Communities” in N.
Carmon and S. Fainstein (eds.), Policy, Planning and People: Promoting Justice in
Urban Development. Philadelphia PA: University of Pennsylvania Press: 161 – 182.
*R 2011 Gurstein, P., J. Pulkingham and **S. Vilches. “Chapter 8 - Challenging policies for lone mothers: Reflections on, and insights from, longitudinal qualitative interviewing” in W. Frisby and G. Creese (eds.),
Feminist Community Research:
Case Studies and Methodologies.
Vancouver, BC: UBC Press: 127 – 146.
R 2010 Butterwick, S. and P. Gurstein. “Chapter 13 - Community-Based Action Research as Community Engagement: Tales from the Field” in H. Schuetze and P. Inman
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 3
(eds.) The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities . London
UK: NIACE: 213 – 230.
*R2010 Gurstein, P. “Chapter 11 - Seeing and Being Seen: The Potential of Multimedia as a Reflexive Planning Methodology,” in L. Sandercock and G. Attili (eds.),
Multimedia Explorations in Urban Policy and Planning: Beyond the
Flatlands . London, UK: Springer Publishing Co.: 209 - 222.
*R2009 Gurstein, P. and **S. Vilches. “Re-Visioning the Environment of Support for Lone
Mothers in Extreme Poverty,” in M. Cohen and J. Pulkingham (eds.),
Public Policy For
Women: The State, Income Security, and Labour . Toronto ONT: University of Toronto
Press: 226-247.
*R2007 Gurstein, P. “Creating Digital Public Space: Implications for Deliberative Engagement,” in P. Gurstein and L. Angeles, (eds.) Learning Civil Societies: Shifting Context for
Democratic Planning and Governance. Toronto ONT: University of Toronto Press: 89-
Angeles, L. and P. Gurstein, “Introduction,” in P. Gurstein and L. Angeles, (eds.)
Learning Civil Societies: Shifting Context for Democratic Planning and Governance.
Toronto ONT: University of Toronto Press: 3-22.
R1990 Gurstein, P., "The Home as Information Factory: The Changing Role of the Home for
Home-based Workers," in On Architecture, the City and Technology , M. Angelil (ed.),
Stoneham, MA.: Butterworth-Heinemann: 128-130.
(c) Conference Proceedings
R2014 Gurstein, P. and M. Young. “ Just Housing Provision: Contested Urban Space and
Resource Distribution,” UPE 11 Proceedings, Steering Urban Transformations,
11 th
Symposium of International Urban Planning Environment Association: 1081
– 1090.
2013 Gurstein, P. and M. Young, “Housing Justice: A Human Rights Approach,” World
Academy of Science and Technology 76: 74-80. April, Venice, Italy.
R2007 Gurstein, P., “Contextualising workers’ lives in the global supply chain: case studies to and from Canada,” in Proceedings of
The transformation of work in a global knowledge economy: towards a conceptual framework, First WORKS conference: Chania, Greece, U. Huws, A. Dhudwar and S. Dahlmann (eds.)
Leuven, Belgium: HIVA - Work and Organisation Sector. (Web published:
: 209 – 229.)
R1998 Gurstein, P., “The Gendered Experiences of North American Home-Based Information
Workers: What Can Be Learned for Asian Workers?” in Proceedings of Regional
Conference, Gender and Technology in Asia, AIT-GASAT Asia. (Web published: , 16pp.)
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 4
R1991 Gurstein, P., "The Electronic Cottage: Implications for the Meaning of the Home," in The
Meaning of the Traditional Home and Manifestations of Cultural Change, Vol. 26/IASTE
WP 26-91 , N. Alsayyad (ed.). University of California, Berkeley: Center for
Environmental Design Research., 21 pp.
R1987 Gurstein, P., "Urban Space in the Context of a Third World City: A Case Study of the
Historic District of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia," in Public Environments/Les
Environnements Public: EDRA 18 Proceedings , J. Harvey (ed.): 160-165.
(d) Other
Refereed Edited Volumes or Series
*R2007 Gurstein, P. and S. Murray with **A. Datta and **M. Albert , “From Public Servants to
Corporate Employees: The BC Government’s Alternative Service Delivery Plan in
Practice,” Vancouver, BC: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 50 pp., October. rvants.pdf
*R1995Gurstein, P., "The Role of Urban Design in the Creation of Sustainable Communities," in Issues in Canadian Urban Design: Occasional Paper 33 , C. Charette (ed.) University of Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies: 45-61.
R1992 Gurstein, P., "A Sense of Structure: What is Missing from the Concept of Place?"
Person-Environment Theory Series , (Fall) University of California, Berkeley: Center for
Environmental Design Research, 21 pp.
Theme Issue of Refereed Journal
*R2009 Gurstein, P., (Editor) Special Theme Issue, “Work beyond Boundaries,” in
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research – JAPR Vol. 26(4): Winter.
Gurstein, P., “Work beyond Boundaries,” Introduction in Special Theme Issue,
“Work beyond Boundaries,” (P. Gurstein, Editor),
Journal of Architectural and
Planning Research – JAPR Vol. 26(4): Winter: 271 - 275.
Published Interview
R2000 Discipline and Place Collective (R. Clavell, G. Creese, S. Gunew, P. Gurstein, G. Pratt,
L. Roman, B.Ross, R. M. San Juan, and P.Vertinksy), “The Limits of Liberalism: A
Conversation with Lisa Lowe, Renata Salecl and Tony Threadgold,”
Anglistica, Vol. 4,
No.1 (Transitions Theme).
R1997 Discipline and Place Collective (R. Clavell, G. Creese, S. Gunew, P. Gurstein, G. Pratt,
L. Roman, B.Ross, R. M. San Juan, and P.Vertinksy), “Moving Spaces/ Firm
Groundings: An Interview with Rey Chow,”
Environment and Planning D: Society and
Space 15: 509-532.
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 5
(a) Journals and Edited Volumes or Series ** Co-authored with Graduate Student(s)
2012 Gurstein, P., “Influencing Policy Development through Research
Interdisciplinarity,” INK: A CFIS Journal . .
2009 **Hofer, N. and P. Gurstein, “Provisions for Affordable Homeownership and
Rental Options in British Columbia: An International Review of Policies and
Strategies,” Victoria, BC: BC Government, 98 pp. + Appendices (August). development/housing-research
2008 Gurstein, P. and M. Goldberg (with S. Fuller, P. Kershaw, J. Pulkingham and S.
Vilches**), “Precarious & Vulnerable: Lone Mothers on Income Assistance,”
Burnaby BC: SPARC, 23 pp. (December).
2006 **Vilches, S. and P. Gurstein, “Income Assistance Rules Exhaust Women’s Resources,”
SPARC News . Vol. 23, No. 2, Spring: 20-21.
2005 **Tate, L. and P. Gurstein, “Outsourcing: What is the Impact on Regional Economic
Development?” Municipal World, Vol. 115, No. 6, June: 19-22.
1995 Gurstein, P., "Planning for Telework and Home-Based Employment: A Canadian Survey on Integrating Work into Residential Environments," Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation and University of British Columbia, 64 pp and Appendices.
Gurstein, P., "Summary Report - Planning for Telework and Home-Based Employment:
A Canadian Survey on Integrating Work into Residential Environments," Ottawa: Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation and University of British Columbia, 14 pp.
1994 Gurstein, P., "Telework and its Impact on Urban Form," The Intensification Report ,
Canadian Urban Institute, No. 11: 22-24, Nov./Dec.
Andrew, C., P. Gurstein, F. Klodawsky, B. Moore Milroy, J. McClain, L. Peake, D. Rose and G. Werkerle, "Canadian Women and Cities," Working Paper Series (April). Ottawa:
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 28 pp.
1993 Gurstein, P. and D. Vanderburgh, "Indicators of Liveability for Housing Environments,"
Indicators of Quality of Life, Health and Well-Being in Social Housing, Paper No.2
(June) Ottawa: Centre for Future Studies in Housing and Living Environments, Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 44 pp. and Appendices.
Gurstein, P., "Change and Continuity in Urban Built Environments: Heritage
Conservation Approaches and Cultural Responsiveness," Sociological Review of
Vietnam , 3(43): 41-46. (Translated into Vietnamese)
1989 Gurstein, P., "Emerging Scenarios of Home in the Information Society." WP 04-89.
University of California, Berkeley: Center for Environmental Design Research, 28 pp.
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 6
1984 Gurstein, P. (with Octagon Consulting Services), "Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design in Multiple Family Housing, Richmond, BC," Ottawa: Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation Information Centre, 74 pp.
Gurstein, P., "Traditional Chinese Shophouses of Peninsular Malaysia," UIA-
International Architect , 6: 22-23.
1982 Gurstein, P., "Housing for Downtown," Architects Forum , 2:4 (Sept.-Oct.): 20-21.
1981 Gurstein, P., "Fantasies: Restaurants," Architects Forum , 1:3 (July-August): 12-17.
1976 Gurstein, P., "Habitat 76 Themes - Housing, Land, Lifestyles, the Marketplace,
Technology, Transportation and Communication, Planetary Birthright and Planning,"
Habitat Guide , 1:3 (June): 7-10; 23-26.
Gurstein, P. and F. Muntean, "Cluster Housing: A Radical Approach to Low Cost
Housing," Makara , 1:4 (June): 36-39.
Book Reviews
2001 Gurstein, P., High Technology and Low Income Communities: Prospects for the Positive
Use of Advanced Information Technology,
Donald A. Schön, Bish Sanyal and William J.
Mitchell, editors, Cambridge MASS/ London UK: MIT Press, 1999, 411 pp., in
Canadian Journal of Urban Research 10:2 (Winter):338-339.
1993 Gurstein, P., A Place to Belong: Community Order and Everyday
Space in Calvert, Newfoundland , Gerald L. Pocius, Athens, Georgia: University of
Georgia Press, 1991, 250 pp., in Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 4:11
1992 Gurstein, P., Living in a Man-Made World: Gender Assumptions in Modern Housing
Design , Marion Roberts, London: Routledge, Chapman and Hall, 1991, 177 pp., in
Environment and Planning D: Space and Society . 10:4 (August): 485-486.
Gurstein, P., Social Aspects of Solid Waste Recovery in Asian Cities
#15, Christine Furedy, Toronto: York University, Urban Studies Program, 1990, 52 pp., in Canadian Journal of Urban Research , 1:1 (June): 115-116.
, Urban Studies W.P.
(b) Books
1998 Currie, D., N. Gayle and P. Gurstein, (eds.)
Learning to Write: Women’s Studies in
Development . Vancouver: Collective Press, 192 pp.
1994 Gurstein, P. (with Planning Ourselves In Group), (eds.) Planning Ourselves In: Women and the Community Planning Process - A Tool Kit for Women and Planners . Vancouver:
SPARC, 28 pp.
1985 Kasi, P., P. Gurstein and J. Dale, (eds.) Kuala Lumpur's Golden Triangle - Ideas, Issues and Alternatives . Kuala Lumpur: Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia, 44 pp.
P. Gurstein
Publications Record
Page 7
Gurstein, P. “Country Report – Canada,” in
Collaboration @Work: The 2006 Report on
New Working Environments and Practices. Luxembourg: European Commission on
Information Society and Media. October: 49 – 50.
2005 Gurstein, P., and **L. Tate. “Country Report - Canada,” in Collaboration
@Work: The 2005 Report on New Working Environments and Practices.
Luxembourg: European Commission on Information Society and Media.
October: 74 – 77.
2004 Gurstein, P., “Flexible Arbeit: Kristallisation von Gender, Klasse, Ethnizität und
Bürgerschaft (Flexible Labour: The Intersection of Gender, Class, Ethnicity and
Citizenship),” in
Insider und Outsider, Hans Georg Zilian (ed.), Mering, Austria: Rainer
Hampp Verlag: 77-89.
1998 Gurstein, P., "Gender Sensitive Community Planning: A Case Study of the Planning
Ourselves in Project,” (editted form) in
Learning to Write: Women’s Studies in
Development, D. Currie, D., N. Gayle and P. Gurstein, (eds), Vancouver: Collective
Press: 111-128.
1993 Gurstein, P., "Planning for Equity: Inner-City Development in Canadian Cities," in Old
City's Renewal: Planning, Design and Research , Institute of Architectural and Urban
Studies, Tsinghua University (ed.). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press: 84 - 93.
(Abstract translated into Chinese)
(b) Conference Proceedings
2011 Gurstein, P. and **T. Fink, “BC Affordable Housing Research and Action
Roundtable Proceedings – Kelowna,” UBC-O,Kelowna, BC, Feb. 18: 19pp.
2010 Gurstein, P. and **T. Fink, BC Affordable Housing Research and Action
Roundtable Proceedings – Vancouver,” UBC, Vancouver, BC, Dec. 3: 33 pp.
2007 Goldberg, M. and P. Gurstein, “Research, Mobilization, and Advocacy: Effective
Collaboration,” Abstract in Proceedings of
Mobilizing Partnerships for Social Change –
CCPH (Community-Campus Partnerships for Health) 10 th Annual Conference, Toronto,
ON: 128-129.
2003 Gurstein, P., “Deliberative Decision-Making.” In Proceedings of CCPA-BC Municipal
"Think Tank" on Municipal Governance, Vancouver, BC, 2 pp.
Gurstein, P., “Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: Telework and Gender Issues.” In
Conference on Real Work in a Virtual World: The Human Impact of Organisational
Transformation in a Digital Global Economy Proceedings , FORBA, Vienna, Austria, 9 pp.
2002 Gurstein, P., “Is Telework a Planning Issue?” in Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP)
P. Gurstein
Publications Record
Annual Conference Proceedings , Vancouver, BC, 18 pp.
Page 8
Gurstein, P., “Teleworkers as Flexible Labour: Implications for Identity and Strategies for Intervention,” in
The World, The Workplace and We the Workers (WWWe) Conference
Proceedings , Higher Institute of Labour Studies and the Department of Sociology,
University of Leuven, Brussels, Belgium, 21 pp.
2001 Gurstein, P. and E. de Castro, “Democratizing Water Issues: Community-Based
Watershed Management in Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil,” in
2001: A Spatial Odyssey -
Conference Proceedings of Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) 2001 Conference .
Ottawa , Ont.: CIP: 310-313.
1997 Gurstein, P., “Gender Perspectives and Sustainability,” in Socio-Economic Aspects of
Environmental Management: Comparative Experience from Southeast Asia, G.
Hainsworth and Trang Nguyen (eds.). Research Monographs No. 13 – 15. Vancouver:
UBC Centre for Southeast Asian Research: 163-166.
Gurstein, P. "Housing Surveys as a Gauge of Social Change: A Case Study of a Survey on the Impact of Telework and Home-Based Employment on Homes and Communities," in Proceedings of International Symposium on “Housing Surveys: Theories and
Methods ,” C. Després and D. Piché (eds.), Québec, Canada: CRAD, Université Laval:
1995 Gurstein, P. and **G. Ferguson, (eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Gender and Development Network Workshop , Vancouver: UBC Centre for Human Settlements,
26 pp.
Gurstein, P., "Doing Collaborative Research: Issues and Potential," Abstract in Gurstein,
P. and G. Ferguson (eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Gender and
Development Network Workshop , Vancouver: UBC Centre for Human Settlements: 15-
Gurstein, P., "Telework Impact: Housing and Design," in Telework '94 Symposium: The
Evolution of a New Culture, Ottawa: Government of Canada: 173-179.
1994 Gurstein, P. and **G. Ferguson, (eds.) Proceedings of the First International Gender and Development Network Workshop , Vancouver: UBC Centre for Human Settlements,
34 pp.
Gurstein, P., "Reconceiving the Local and the Global: Perspectives on Gender Sensitive
Planning," Abstract in Gurstein, P. and G. Ferguson (eds.), Proceedings of the First
International Gender and Development Network Workshop , Vancouver: UBC Centre for
Human Settlements: 23-24.
Gurstein, P. and **V. Geary, (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop Learning and
Connecting: Women as Agents of Change in their Communities , Vancouver: UBC Centre for Human Settlements, 24 pp.
Gurstein, P., “Examining Sustainable Development Issues: Three Videos on Housing,
Transportation and the Environment,” Abstract in Banking on Design - EDRA 25
Proceedings, A. Seidel (ed.) San Antonio, Texas: EDRA: 285.
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 9
1993 Gurstein, P. "Emotional Power of Place," Abstract in Power by Design - EDRA 24
Proceedings , R. Feldman, G. Hardie and D. Saile, (eds.), Chicago, Illinois: EDRA: 257.
1992 Horwitz, J., G. Cranz, and P.Gurstein, "Envisioning Desirable Futures: Does It Require
New Skills?" Abstract in Equitable and Sustainable Habitats - EDRA 23 Proceedings, E.
Arias and M. Gross (eds.), Boulder, Colorado: EDRA: 337.
1990 Gurstein, P., "Home-based Work: Its Consequences for Home Environments," Abstract in
Housing Debates: Urban Challenges - Fourth International Research Conference on
Housing , Paris, France: CILOG: C30.
1988 Franck, K., J. Robinson, P. Gurstein and N. Floyd, "Women's Voices in Environmental
Design Research," Abstract in Lawrence, D., R. Habe, A. Hacker and D. Sherrod, (eds.)
People’s Needs/Planet Management - EDRA 19,
Los Angeles, California: EDRA: 301.
(d) Other
Opinion Editorials
2015 Gurstein, P., “Vancouver needs a city-wide plan to manage growth,” Vancouver Sun , Feb.
27: nage+growth/10848859/story.html
2014 Gurstein, P., “What Needs to Be Done to End Homelessness,” Vancouver Sun , May 3:
2011 Gurstein, P. and H. Rotberg, “Have we lost our moral compass?: It has become obvious that it was not just outsiders and anarchists taking part in the riots after
Game 7,” Vancouver Sun , June 24: A 15. tory.html#ixzz1QD1bAPMh
Gurstein, P., “Affordable Housing: Shouldn’t this be an Election Issue?”
Vancouver Sun , April 27. tion+Issue/4679045/story.html
Busby, P. and P. Gurstein, “Insular megacasino would add no value to Vancouver's downtown businesses,” Vancouver Observer , April 8.
2007 Gurstein, P., “Public Jobs Went Private, Work Life Soured,” The Tyee, October
Gurstein, P. and H. Rotberg, “Affordability Crisis Spreads Wider,”
Vancouver Sun , Feb.
4: C5.
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 10
2005 Gurstein, P., “eWork – Seeking A Better Understanding of the Implications on Canadian
Industry,” Opinion Editorial, 3 pp. (Excerpted in Ottawa Business Journal, IT World and other publications).
2012 Gurstein, P. “ A City-wide Physical and Land Use Plan: A Commentary and Questions,”
Vancouver City Planning Commission.
Encyclopedia Contribution
2005 Gurstein, P. “Telecommuting,” in Encyclopedia of the City , R. Caves (ed.) London
UK: Routledge, 2 pp.
2005 Gurstein, P. (ed.) EMERGENCE Canada Newsletter . Vol. 2, No. 1, 4 pp.
2004 Gurstein, P. (ed.) EMERGENCE Canada Newsletter . Vol. 1, No. 1 (January), 4 pp.
1997 Gurstein, P. (ed.), FRAP-Net News , Vol. 3, No.1 (April), 16 pp.
1995 **Gurstein, P. and C. Bullen (eds.), FRAP-Net News , Vol. 1, No., 2 (Dec.), 8 pp.
**Gurstein, P. and G. Ferguson (eds.), FRAP-Net News , Vol. 1, No., 1 (June), 8 pp.
1994 Gurstein, P., "From Research to Policy: A Gender and Development Network,"
SEASPAN ,Vol.II, No.2, (Winter):3.
Gurstein, P., "EDRA Membership Survey 1993/94,"
XXV, No. 2, 1994: 7,13.
Design Research News (DRN) , Vol.
1993 Gurstein, P., "Planning Ourselves In: An Update on Women and the Community
Planning Process," PIBC News (October): 6,13.
1992 Gurstein, P., "Working at Home and Living at Home: Emerging Possibilities," Planning
Action (May): 2-3.
**Gurstein, P. and J. Curry, "Planning a Sustainable Community: Bamberton, BC,"
Planning Action (August): 5-6.
Technical reports (including UBC technical reports and consulting reports for sponsoring agencies)
2015 Gurstein, P., K. Patten and P. Rao, “The Future of Public Housing: Trends in
Public Housing Internationally.” May:18 pp.
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 11
2014 Housing Justice Project (P. Gurstein and A. Lesnikowski), “Non-Market Rental
Housing and Community Amenity Contributions.” Dec.: 11pp.
Housing Justice Project (P. Gurstein and M. Mendoza). “Metro Vancouver Housing
Affordability Survey.” June: 16 pp.
2013 Gurstein, P., S. Goldberg and N. Kainer-Persov, “Case Studies of Israeli
Affordable Housing Initiatives - Summary Report of Case Studies for Course -
Affordable Housing Policies and Strategies: An International Survey ,” The
Technion, Haifa, Israel, December, 22 pp.
2012 Gurstein, P. et al. “Expanding the boundaries:Community-based research and the
Generation of knowledge - A discussion paper Prepared by the VP Research CBR
Taskforce, UBC, Vancouver, BC, May, 7 pp.
Gurstein, P. et al. “Mayor’s Task Force on Housing Affordability Academic
Working Group – Summary Report,” City of Vancouver, BC, May, 6 pp.
Gurstein, P. et al. “Mayor’s Task Force on Housing Affordability Academic
Working Group –
,” City of Vancouver, BC, May, 6 pp.
2009 Gurstein, P. and B. Osborne, “Consultants’ Report on the Master of
Environmental Studies (MES) and the PhD Programs in the Faculty of
Environmental Studies (FES) at York University,” Ontario Council on Graduate
Studies, May, 17 pp.
2008 Gurstein, P. and M. Goldberg with S. Fuller, P. Kershaw, J. Pulkingham and **S.
Vilches, “Precarious and Vulnerable: Lone Mothers on Income Assistance,”
Vancouver, BC: SPARC, 23 pp.
Lee, M., E. Villagomez, P. Gurstein, D. Eby and E. Wyly, “Affordable
EcoDensity: Making Affordable Housing a Core Principle of Vancouver’s
EcoDensity Charter,” Submission by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives to Vancouver City Council, 16 pp. e_Pubs/bc_2008/affordable_ecodensity.pdf
2005 Gurstein, P., **C. Mochrie and K. Wennekes (assisted by U. Huws) . “A
Preliminary Report on Canada’s Competitive Challenges towards Advancing a
Successful Global Sourcing Strategy,” Ottawa, ONT.: CATA, April, 27 pp.
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 12
2004 Gurstein, P., “End Of Project Report for CIDA Tier 2 Project: Education for
Democratic Planning: Sri Lanka, June 10, 1997 to December 31, 2003,” Ottawa,
ONT.: AUCC/ CIDA, 51 pp.
2002 UBC Urban Studio Report, “Two Neighbourhood Patterns,” Schools of Community and
Regional Planning and the Landscape Architecture Program under direction of Professors
P. Condon and P. Gurstein, CD Rom and Web site:
2001 UBC Urban Studio Report, “Scenes on Hastings,” Schools of Architecture, Community and Regional Planning and the Landscape Architecture Program under direction of
Professors P. Condon, P. Gurstein, M. Lewis and A. Shakarchi, CD Rom and Web site:
2000 UBC Urban Studio Report, “Fresh Eyes on Gibsons,” Schools of Architecture,
Community and Regional Planning and the Landscape Architecture Program under direction of Professors P. Condon, P. Gurstein and R. Walkey, 183 pp. and Web site:
Gurstein, P. and J. Wolfe, “Appraisal of the Proposed Master’s Program in Urban Design
Studies (MUDS) and the Proposed Field in Urban Design in the Planning Program at the
University of Toronto,” Ontario Council on Graduate Studies, May, 8 pp.
1998 The Sheltair Group Inc. (in Association with P. Gurstein et al), “Visions, Tools and
Targets: Environmentally Sustainable Development Guidelines for Southeast False
Creek,” City of Vancouver Planning Department, 193 pp. and Appendices.
1996 Gurstein, P., “Live/Work Study: Experiences and Challenges for Potential Developments in Vancouver,” City of Vancouver Planning Department, 18 pp. and Appendices.
1995 Gurstein, P., "Planning for Telework and Home-Based Employment: A Canadian Survey on Integrating Work into Residential Environments," Centre for Future Studies in
Housing and Living Environments, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Ottawa,
ONT., (published as CMHC Working Paper - see above), 64 pp. and Appendices.
Gurstein, P., "Summary Report - Planning for Telework and Home-Based Employment:
A Canadian Survey on Integrating Work into Residential Environments," Centre for
Future Studies in Housing and Living Environments, Canada Mortgage and Housing
Corporation, Ottawa, ONT., (published as CMHC Working Paper - see above), 14 pp.
Gay, R. and P. Gurstein, "Renewing Deep Springs' Physical Plant: Planning and
Architectural Ideas," Deep Springs College, Deep Springs, CA, 17 pp.
1994 Gurstein, P., "EDRA Membership Survey 1993/94," Environmental Design Research
Association, 16 pp. and Appendices. (summary published - see above).
Andrew, C., P. Gurstein, F. Klodawsky, B. Moore Milroy, J. McClain, L. Peake, D. Rose and G. Werkerle, "Canadian Women and Cities: Canada's Position Paper for the OECD
Conference on Women and the City," Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
International Relations Division, Ottawa, ONT., 46 pp. (published as CMHC Working
Paper - see above).
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 13
1993 Gurstein, P. and D. Vanderburgh, "Development of Indicators of Quality of Life, Health and Well-Being in Canada Social Housing: Indicators of Liveability for Housing
Environments," Centre for Future Studies in Housing and Living Environments, Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 44 pp. and Appendices. (published as CMHC
Working Paper - see above).
Gurstein, P., "Home-Based Businesses in the Greater Vancouver Regional District: Their
Impact on Municipalities," Regional Economic Development Subcommittee, Greater
Vancouver Regional District, 14 pp.
1991 Gurstein, P., "Resident Survey of Albany Village," University of California, Berkeley
Office of Property Development, 90 pp.
1988 Gurstein, P., (with Rowe and Associates, Consultants Ltd.), "The Stoney Health Needs
Assessment Study - Morley Reserve, Alberta," Health and Social Services Committee,
Stoney Tribal Administration, 52 pp.
Gurstein, P., "Central Area Planning in Ten Major North American Cities," City of
Vancouver Planning Department, 23 pp.
Gurstein, P., "Social and Cultural Emphasis - College of Environmental Design,"
University of California, Berkeley: Center for Environmental Design Research, 16 pp.
1987 Gurstein, P., "Exercising and Socializing: Assessment of Amenities under the
Exclusionary Zoning Provision in the City of Vancouver," City of Vancouver Social
Planning Department, 65 pp.
1986 Gurstein, P. and B. Patel, "Central Glade Development: Options for the Library
Expansion," Campus Planning Study Group, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 21 pp.
Gurstein, P., (with Rowe and Associates, Consultants Ltd.), "Evaluation of Regional
Residential Support Homes for Alcohol and Drug Programs" BC Ministry of Health, vol.
1, 34 pp.; vol. 2, 50 pp.; vol. 3, 55 pp.; Vol. 4, 48 pp.; vol 5, 52 pp.
1985 Gurstein, P., "A Handbook: Malaysian Architectural Heritage Survey," Badan Warisan,
Malaysia (Heritage of Malaysia Trust), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 103 pp.
Asanoumi, Y., P. Gurstein, A. Kendall, M. Leaf, E. Lum, and D. Vanderburgh, "Kroeber
Hall Study," Campus Planning Study Group, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 22 pp.
1984 Gurstein, P. (with Octagon Consulting Services) "Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design in Multiple Family Housing, Richmond, BC," Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation External Research Program, 74 pp. (published as CMHC
Working Paper - see above).
1983 Gurstein, P. and W. Rowe, "Amenities in Multiple Family Residential and Commercial
Developments," Richmond Planning Department, 134 pp.
Gurstein, P. and W. Rowe, "Centre Pointe Development Social Impact Study," Block
Bros. Development Ltd., 66 pp.
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 14
1981 Gurstein, P. (with Thompson, Berwick, Pratt and Partners) "Master Plan: Penticton
Regional Hospital," BC Ministry of Health, 120 pp.
1980 Gurstein, P. (with David Hyams and Associates Ltd.) "Grouphome Source Book,"
Alberta Housing and Public Works, 128 pp.
1978 Vischer, J., P. Gurstein and M. Quance, "Housing Families at High Densities," City of
Vancouver Planning Department, 120 pp.
1977 Gurstein, P., "The Home Television Presence in the Classroom," Education Research
Institute of BC, 23 pp.
1975 Gurstein, P., S. Huzel and G. Onley, "Women's Urban Issues in Vancouver," Federal
Ministry of State for Urban Affairs, 62 pp.
Gurstein, P. and N. Hood, "Housing Needs of One Parent Families," BC Department of
Human Resources and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 97 pp.
Films, Videos and Slide Shows
2008 **Global Work, Local Lives. Executive Producer and Co-Writer. Video on
Global Sourcing. Links for Part 1 and 2:
1993 It's My Home, Unlocking the Gridlock, and Gross Domestic Product: Our Household
Waste. Co-Executive Producer, Rogers Cable and Vancouver City Plan Ideas Fair.
Three videos on housing, transportation and the environment prepared by UBC SCARP students and Film students. (Won Province of BC Award of Excellence for Community
Broadcasting as part of City Plan Series).
1987 Prairie Women. Researcher, National Film Board. Film documentary on women in the early farm movement.
1982 Bitter Medicine. Associate Producer and Researcher, CBC and the National Film Board.
Film documentary on the history of Medicare in Canada and the current crisis in
1980 Design for Independence. Researcher, Alberta Access. T.V. series on issues facing disabled people.
Carpenters. Researcher, Alberta Access. T.V. show on non-traditional occupations for women.
P. Gurstein
Publications Record Page 15
1979 Housing Families at High Densities. Producer, National Housing Design Council.
Slide/tape show.
1977 A Case for Public Broadcasting. Co-Producer, Association for Public Broadcasting in
BC. Slide/tape show.
1974 False Creek - Where is it Going? Producer, Metromedia. Video documentary for
Community T.V., Vancouver.
Fairview Slopes - We Want to Stay. Producer, Metromedia, Video documentary for
Community T.V., Vancouver.
Architectural Design and Urban Design
Have worked on design and programming projects for housing, office buildings, and hospitals and mixed-use urban design projects in Canada, USA, Nepal, Israel, and
2015 Gurstein, P. and A. Lesnikowski, “Models for Addressing Affordable Housing in
Vancouver,BC: The Municipal Role.” Submitted to Journal of Housing and Built
Environment , May, 24 pp.
2014 Gurstein, P., A. Erfan and M. Young, “Community-based research as “principled opportunism”: A way forward balancing pitfalls and benefits.” Submitted to
Action Reseach , August, 23 pp.
Gurstein, P. and T. Hutton (co-editors), “Reclaiming Vancouverism:
Regionalism, Equity, Resilience & Confronting the threat of decline.” (Edited book by SCARP Faculty).
Gurstein, P. and A. Lesnikowski, “Models for Addressing Affordable Housing:
The Municipal Role.” (revising conference paper for publication).
Gurstein, P., C. Fialkoff and E. Silverman, “Housing Affordability Strategies in
Canada and Israel: The Role of the City.” (revising conference paper for publication).
Gurstein, P. and M. Young, “Housing Justice: A Human Rights Approach,”
(revising conference paper for publication).