very fine grain, excellent rock cleavage slate glossy satiny sheen phyllite platy or scaly appearance due to visible mica crystals schist banded rock with alternating dark and light minerals common gneiss predominantly dark minerals amphibolite may look banded due to interbedded shales marble green with slippery feel serpeninite fine-grained, dark, dense, dull rock hornfels only forms by contact metamorphism hornfels will effervesce in dilute HCl marble conchoidal fracture, low specific gravity parent rock was basalt or gabbro anthracite amphibolite parent rock was peridotite parent rock was shale serpeninite slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, hornfels parent rock was granite gneiss parent rock was limestone or dolostone marble parent rock was sandstone quartzite parent rock was peat or bituminous coal anthracite low-grade metamorphism of shale slate crenulations common phyllite parent rock not important nonfoliated rock composed of calcite hornfels marble foliated rock slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, amphibolite nonfoliated rock marble, quartzite, serpentinite, hornfels, anthracite, amphibolite soft rock used for statues hard nonfoliated rock composed of silica marble quartzite California State Rock serpentinite primarily composed of one mineral serpentinite, marble, quartzite