PEAK 100 key items

General Notes From Spence Rogers PEAK Learning System
For the full system go to PEAK Learning System Site:
Below are the notes I (Benjamin Coffin, ESE Teacher, Osceola Middle) wrote during my second (2007)
two week PEAK Learning System Summer Institute. I added a few items from 2006 and I put them into
general categories. Other people liked them, so I have put them out here for anyone who wants to read,
use, copy ect. Please give credit not just to me, but to Spence Rogers PEAK Learning System. As I use the
system, I will update the notes on my web site:
Basically PEAK is the understanding of student needs, motivation, learning and
long term retention, to plan and manage classroom instruction and management.
Six Keys (When Broken Students Shut Down!)
1) Safety, (Learning will stop if student does not feel safe)
2) Success, (Actions are driven by need to be successful)
3) Fun & Enjoyment, (Break up stress of learning, ex: movement)
4) Freedom & Independence, (Pick choices willing to give student)
5) Valued Purpose, (Students need something to work towards)
6) Love & Belonging (Develop Trust Ex: Call student first not parent)
Make six cards one for each of six keys.
Put picture and words showing how each key applies to you.
Next, put them in order of importance to them.
Each will have different order.
Spence’s cards had these phrases on them.
Valued Purpose-Its worth my effort
Success-Past present future for real
Love and Belonging-Being included
Safety-From fear and harm
Freedom and Independence-Choice, self motive, Anonymity
Fun and enjoyment- I like it!
Homework defend claim that my drawing accurately matches the definitions in section C.
Other wise no learning will occur.
Students write on post it one positive and one negative event where there keys were
broken and met by teacher or authority figure.
-Stress that they only put things they are willing to let others read.
-They list on post it the key that was met or broken.
Motivation through Avoid Failure and SuccessThings for which I’m motivated to…
Avoid Failure
-Sci Fi
-Neat hand writing
Emotions that go with…
Avoid Failure
Actions when motivated to…
Avoid Failure
-Fake illness
-Try harder
-Acting up
-Work until done
-Refuse to try
-Get help
-Put others down
-Edit my work
What needs to be done to teach me when I …
Avoid Failure
To Succeed
-Pay me
-Just give me a chance to show what I can do
-Inspire me
-Challenge me
-Never embarrass me
-Let me figure it out
I realize not everyone loves the subjects I teach. I realize I still have to teach it to
Some students are motivated by grades, points ect.
Students are motivated by grades until they learn they can not get them.
“What motivates you?
What stops your being motivated?
What can YOU do to help YOU be motivated?
How can I help YOU motivate YOURSELF?”
By: Benjamin Coffin
My Commitments To You…
I know to teach you requires’ me to engage you, be positive and provide unrelenting
coaching till standards are met.
Do not as students to make promises to you.
Be motivated to succeed, NOT to avoid failure.
Work toward mastery not just to get it done or pass.
If you opt out you opt to not succeed to succeed you need to opt in.
The knowledge is still valuable, what will motivate you to learn it other than grades?
Learn to make decisions on how to balance our lives so we can be successful in the things
that are important to us.
***If you have a teacher who you do not like, do the work anyway, because in the world
of work you have to be able to deal with employers or work that you do not like to do.
You never know when you are going to need to use it.
**Get over it and do your work. Welcome to the real world.
*Why do I need to know this? How is it relevant? Do I need to know this? Will it be on
The real question is. “This is relevant to whom?” Most will never need it, but the content
will be very important to some people. What are the most important skills for my
students and/or to get to meet their goal such as get a regular diploma? Also in the real
world whatever skills their employer says they need to get or keep there job they need to
know how to learn them. A high school diploma says you know how to learn! This
skill is needed to get a high school diploma and if you are lucky it will be one of the skills
you need in life. My job is to give you the opportunity to learn this skill your job is to
show you can learn the skill.
Knowledge is doubling every two years. To survive you need to know how to learn and
do whatever new task or skill life will throw your way. A high school diploma says you
know how to learn.
If you work for McDonalds and you have to know 5 things before you can work the
register. How many do you have to know? All 5! You work and you learn until you
know it.
This is working for masteryRubric for A
Rubric for B
Not mastered yet.
If you want to live in my world this is what you mist do.
**Establish Culture where following directions is the norm!**
Take Command-Deep strong voice
-Approach them
-Stand Tall
-Give just one command at a time!
-Use clear specific and brief language
-Do not ask permission
-Feel confident, project confidence
-Take command, the class is yours!
4 Parts of Command
1. Give start time
2. Clarify Launch Buttons
3. State Directions
4. Push Launch Buttons
Pause - Like a remote freeze till I am ready for you to go.
Strategies and Tips for students who do not follow directions-Get their attention
-Give the start time
-Launch Buttons
Directions-Use clear launch buttons
-One direction at a time (or have them write them down.)
-Pause until each step is done
-Use deflected directions
Launch Buttons-I promise to be patient and wait for launch buttons!
-In 10 seconds
-When I say go… ok go!
-When the music starts
-Wait till I say go and then … ok go!
Deflected Directions-Please make certain everyone has …
-Check that everyone around you is on page…
-Confirm each person in your group has the same understanding of the directions.
Mother of all Questions-please turn to the people at your table and make certain we all have same
Distributive Practice- (M-36)
Memory- Repetition and Emotion ex:9/11 result in learning
Review notes of prior learning.
**When you are certain they know information then you test them. This reduces the
retest and increases group and individual master of content.
*Every test is a cumulative test of content taught during that year. Each test does not
have to test everything, just parts of it rotated around the tests. It avoids the “learn and
dump” mentality. It is coaching until standards are met. Teach to objectives and long
term understanding.
***Remind then that FCAT will test them up to three years after we go over it. They
have to learn for long term understanding.
**Example pilot who has learned everything but the landing part.
Parallel Assessments- (N-1) also Science section p60 has examples.
Same questions different order
Same format, look style
Neither has true false or multiple Choice
Questions used different numbers or elements
Dame directions, objectives and score boxes.
Questions are same difficulty.
Strategies for gauging the readiness of students for testing.
Mastery Building activities such as Jeopardy
Concept Cards
Survey with feet
Warm Ups
Use Assessment to Teach-
Use full Books Spence Rogers RecommendsTrain Smart by Rick Allen
Wrote two books similar, but on says adults and other students.
Green Book of Songs
Allows you to look up songs by words in the song
Has a web site
Harry Wong
Everything and anything he wrote
Conscious Classroom Management by Rick Smith
Not sit down cover to cover, but resource book. (Things to try)
Teaching Tips by Spence Rogers
Art of Creative Lettering by Becky Higgins
Teaching and Training Techniques
PEAK and Content Posters listed on Spence Rogers PEAK Learning Systems Web Site
Get books cheaper with things like Amazon and
Solution Stations-Check Work
-Get solutions (Not just answer it shows process)
-Get Hints (Formulas, Hint Cards, Knowledge Wall Can Be Used As This)
Hint Cards- on folded 3 x 5 card. Name/Vocab Word on outside inside has definition,
formula picture ect. One period students make cards next period can use them and add
more as needed.
Homework Coupon- K-2 to K-4
Self Directed LicenseStudents who have proven they will do the things needed to be done.
Not necessarily an A student
When student has earned it they have to ask you for one and show why they have
earned it. It gives privileges such as go to bathroom when needed, skip an assignment
once per six weeks whenever they might need it.
Have students picture printed on it with digital camera
Grading-Student Mastery Log for Each Objective
GP (Guided Practice) Assignments (1-3 Grades)
IP (Independent Practice ) Assignments (1-3 Grades)
PA (Parallel Assessment) Assignments-(2 Grades)
-Highest Grade Gets x4 (or more) Quiz Weight in Grade Book
-Lowest Grade Gets x1 Review (Retention) Weight in Grade Book
-Explain to students “Use and Value” of Retention Learning.
-Can Earn Retake Obj. Quiz when turn in (IP) Corrective Loop Activity
-Corrective Loop is a reteaching activity
-Qualifier- Must turn it in to get to do Quiz version C.
-Retake during lunch, before/after school or during enrichment act.
Qualifier is an assignment not a score needed to be done to take quiz.
Enrichment Activity- available for each student who met mastery score of at least 80%.
Meeting Mastery- Score of 80% or Higher on Each Objective for Group.
Each Objective Group can have a Linked Enrichment Activity retention review. (Gives
opportunity to put in nice to know, but not essential learning or higher level work based
upon objective) for Retention Review. Students who have not met mastery or been
absent can use this time to do make up, corrective work or doing quizzes.
Corrective Loops- (N-14 to N-17) reteaching activity
(Please see Unit (Rita’s) for examples: P74-77, p84-85)
Corrective Loops have 2 Parts
-Reteaching (Might o Might not involve Teacher)
Corrective Loops are Qualifiers for P.A’s (forms B,C)
-Corrective Work is Worth = 0 Points
-Staple Corrective Work to Form B or C.
Practice Stations J-77 to J-79
Spence Roger suggests 80-90 of grade is based upon assessments.
0 vs. a grade of less than 80%- (ie. non mastery)
If it is a standard that is absolutely required, teacher can chose to put a zero rather than
give non mastery grade in grade book. Two options:
1) Change grade after report cards and update grade with data prep.
2) Move grade for that objective (for student or class as needed) to next marking period.
Build test from items on your study guide.
(Study Guide-all things that might be on test.)
Obj. 1
Facts 1-18
Test A
Test B
Test C
Obj. 2
Facts 1-7
Test A
Test B
Test C
Obj. 3
Facts 1-10
Test A
Test B
Test C
Pre Test & Post Test- (Use carefully it can do more damage then help!)
It is to tell us if and what they do not know. Put one question per objective, but have
don’t know and tell them it is a very acceptable answer. That if they do the test it is an
automatic hundred since its objective is for them to tell me what they do not know as well
as what they know. Pre test can be created on and it will grade it for you and
analyze all the data. You can give test at middle and end of year to show growth.
Learning Requires ProcessingTo put learning into long term memory in a way that can be used they need to process.
J-59 to J-65
Ask questions after every point
Open ended (questions with one correct answer may only engage one student)
Deflected (What would someone think is the correct answer to this?)
Projecting (What might be…? What could be…? Turn them into class and group
If you do one answer questions ask them or others to explain why it is write.
Instructor Science Breakout (Mrs. Vasquez)
Go Over My Commitments to You- (at end of year and at other times)
-Get out list of my commitments
-Go over them with students
-Ask did I meet them
-How can I do better?
-Can do as written survey that they need to answer with complete sentences.
-Can use to improve class and in evaluating your teaching.
??? Should you ask them to evaluate themselves using their commitments to you???
If so have it be for themselves or if they are willing they can share with you.
Rules in Old Books Apply in Old Books
New Books use New Rules!!!
Things to RememberActions are driven by the need to be successful (the need to be successful)
(People are Motivated to Avoid Failure or Succeed)
Reach ahead for concepts to sprinkle now?
If a student has never see a car before they will have a massively harder time learning
than one who has been in cars and watching parents driving all their lives.
In our text books they often do not introduce basic concepts until we get to that chapter.
Teach out and grab concept that is a week or two head and introduce it today. Then add
little bits about it until you get to that section. This is the essence of distributive practice.
Use Choral Response to Continue to Sprinkle concept:
“In a little while we will be studying this formula. By it is a crazy looking one. It is
called the quadratic formula. Say it with me. Say it again. Now, one more time! Ok
lesson done.” Go onto something else. Next day reshow it “Hay kids do you remember
this? What is it? Say again? One more time? Next day what was this?” I read it to
them. Now read it over with everyone three time. Make it into a quick rhyme as
everyone repeats it in unison. Repeat for few days till they can say it as you turn off
overhead. Finally work a problem and say this is a heads up.
Dates of Follow Up Sessions 2007-2008 School Year for Pinellas County:
Sat Sept. 8 6hours
Thurs. Sept. 27 3 hours
Thurs. Oct. 25 3 hours
Sat, Jan. 19 6 hours
Thurs. Feb. 28 3hours
Sat April 26
Watch for motivation and learning/assess folders on outlook for further info?
Break out session Tools for Lowering Resistance with At Risk StudentsInspiration WallTeach process outside of our content
Nothing learned from lecture unless students get to wrestle with content 2-5 min.
Poster must be socially morally and physically acceptable, do we understand this.
If it is illegal for the school it is illegal for you.
Fall 7 times get up 8!
If you want to lead the orchestra you have to turn your back on the crowd!
Life is a stage so get your act together.
Love fades slowly.
The best things in life are worth fighting for.
Be strong live happy if you don’t you will be unhappy.
I have a head ach ie: don’t feel like working. You know what will make that feel
better (math/science/drama)
Make mini poster on 3 x 5 card that will stay up all year long. Have it hold words
of wisdom that you live by. Open house have parents make one for their students to
inspire them when they are low or struggling.
Alternate ideas:
Feet on ceiling
Butcher paper
Paint ceiling tiles
Inspiration book
Power point
Personal FlagsTeaches icons, analogies, metaphors, difference of state vs. county.
Flags have pictures, that represent things about that county.
They represent ideas- another word for pictures that mean an idea is icon.
They can make a personal flag that represent them.
They need to have a legend.
The students walk around and each student tells what each icon represents.
Ask for it to incorporate not just part of who they are but all of who they are.
Talk about audience behavior.
Talk about presenter behavior.
Knowledge Wall- Library of information, concepts facts definitions formulas.
Kid managed.
Probably someone should have this up on the wall.
Monitor wall to check info is correct.
Being smart is knowing where to find it.
Test can not bring anything to write with or on.
They can go to wall as often as needed.
Must get permission to get out of seat to go to wall.
Knowledge Folders – As knowledge wall, but each student has and is responsible for
what is in their own folder. During test each student can get up and check their folder for
data/reminders they might need. Must ask and get permission. They can not take
anything to write with or on. They can go look in folder as often as needed with
permission. Advantage over knowledge wall- individual responsibility, avoids bottle
necks at knowledge wall, less clutter, easier to manage, does not use up wall space, great
for teacher who has multiple preps or travels. Disadvantage not all students have equal
note taking skills. Suggestion prior to test have students check out each other folders and
see if there is anything they should transfer to their folder.
Students judge my success -Did I meet my commitments-writing activity. Students go
though each item on my commitment list and write sentence about how well I met them.
Teach the best you can.
H1 has examples of commitments
Knowledge Banks-Binder of knowledge students might need.
RelationshipsContent posters- Put boarder around poster of different color.
Process Outside of Content- Develop 28/3 background knowledge. Develop
background knowledge.
Auto Biography
Teacher wrote story about themselves.
Used it to open up to students, for writing essay analysis, to get students to open up.
Interviews & Introductions************************************************************************
Conductor Video- Produced by Katalina Groth about Benjamin Zander*First rule of leadership remember rule number six.
Rule number six don’t take your needs so seriously.
**You need the resources of every person in an organization, so the ability to spark the
ability of each of those people gives you access to everyone in the organization.
Conductor vs. Dominator -New way of leadership. Balances work of group to make
music vs. noise. Job is to speak possibilities, to facilitate development.
**Today power is not individual strength it is the ability to make other people powerful.
Power depends upon making other people powerful.
Inspire- Enroll everyone in the vision.
****In today’s society the source of wealth and power is less the tangibles to be hunted
for than knowledge, ideas and inspiration to be learned and discovered. See/make new
pathways. Speak possibilities. Look for shining eyes! Rethink what you do everyday.
Give everyone an A! From beginning of the year they have an A. They have to write
letters why they got an A. I go an A because…
“Getting an A is a possibility to live into, not a standard to live up to.”
Everyone can make a difference in whatever organization they are a part of.
The conductor of an orchestra does not make a sound. He depends upon his power by
making other people powerful. If eyes are lit up we are getting it. If eyes are not lit up
what should I change? (Similarly the teacher is the one person in the classroom who does
not take the FCAT!)
**Your doing this well, but it could be even better. Try this…
***Your barriers do not have to be there!
Perfection is not to be made at the cost of music.
**Write on sheet of paper remember to do your practice!
You are a conduit for the music.
Speak possibility
**Enroll every voice in the vision
Quiet the voice in the head
*Lead from wherever you stand
White paper-get a suggestion from everyone in orchestra.
***Whenever you have a winner and a loser you have downward spiral thinking.
Someone has to lose.
Rescue Station- Help!
Give each student a piece of paper with a letter on it.
This makes groups and decides which problem their group will start at.
Post 12 problems around room at eye level.
Put answers a foot above them on separate paper.
If math put on an FCAT grid paper.
Students fold paper hotdog then try fold.
This makes six squares per side.
All questions must be written.
All work must be shown.
All answers must be highlighted.
All members of group must turn in their own work in own hand writing
No one in group gets credit if anyone in group does not turn in paper totally filled in.
If everyone turns it in correct everyone gets a hundred.
If even one paper has one box not filled in no one in group gets credit.
Rescue station has all twelve problems worked out in detail.
(I will put reason for steps if possible)
You can not take paper or pencil to rescue station.
All questions have letter.
Letter decides what group you are in and problem you start at.
they tell what problem each student is working at and who is in what group.
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Answer 12
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3
Answer 4
Osceola web site Jim Gunnin
Will post all the search and rescues he has made including FCAT grid sheet.
Other uses besides math. Conversions metric to standard, Punnett Square. Spanish
picture word that matches picture. Word problem find equation used to solve. Body
systems. Era of time match era and event. Picture with Amendment. Art picture with
style or type.
“Multiple Choice Analyzing”
Goal students learn to read stem (Question) and learn to eliminate distracters
(wrong answers) so they have the best answer left or the best two answers left to
guess between.
Students need skill of not just which is the best choice (v. the right choice).
Cups Activity-(Why to narrow down)
5 cups, 4 cups 3 cups, 2 cups are in groups around room.
Students line up at set of cups that will give them the best chance to get the prize.
Explain that everyone gets a prize if they pick the group with the highest chance of
getting prize.
Analyzing Multiple Choice Activities:
1. Model using simple content problem that every student would know to show process.
2. Model using two to three harder problems.
3. Have they analyze problem as group.
4. Model & assign group problem for week or so to confirm understanding of process.
5. Assign one problem for individuals to analyze as homework then go over in group.
6. Place emphasis upon why each is wrong, not best or is best.
7. Use this to teach and build knowledge about distracters not just about question.
8. Emphasis detail over speed at first then work for speed.
Example One: Order the outer planets in order of largest to smallest.
Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus
Jupiter is largest
Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus
Pluto is not a planet
Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter
Jupiter is largest
Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
Is Uranus smallest?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Is Neptune smallest
Example Two: During the 20th century, the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of
Education of Topeka that:
For more information on this topic send email to:
Email address:
Specific Learning Activities
Fortune Teller- (foldable, makes 8 choices)
-cause effect
-cell review
-Author work
-Problem answer
Museum WalkGroups up to four go from station to station with notes or text listing things someone
might want to know about listed question or topic. Each group adds at least one fact, idea
or suggestion not currently listed.
Topic cards held up by students. Students move to each of the topics.
Scientific Process
Water cycle
Characteristics of waves.
Lab safety
Metric system
Characteristics of Life
Steps of Mitosis
Partner ReviewMesa Verde
Red River
The Rules
-Review a full 5 minutes
-One person at a time
-Switch on Command
-Avoid repeats
-No Questions
-No Answers
***Musical Quiz (Uses Tests to teach)
-students start quiz then part way through they stop stand and without paper go get or
look at whatever they need to be ready to finish test. Including looking at what other
students have so far written on there tests. Do not use with mult. choice. It is best with
complete sentence answer questions.
***Goal is to just learn it not just be tested on it. It is not cheating if I tell them they can
go get answer.
Frisbee fun- (Can alternate balloon, beach ball, paper trash can) (p29-30 science packet
Set up guidelines and safety parameters.
Ex: Not at head, how to block, if can opt out, only when music on.
Start throwing them for a song then have everyone pick one up. Make groups:
By color (groups of 2-4) Might result in two groups of same color.
Alternately you could number them or make groups with one of each color.
By alternating you can break up groups.
Each group answers question, goes to lab station, gets topic or project.
Frisbee quiz prep
-Tape 3x5 card or printed question on Frisbee.
-Give list of questions after activity for those who want it to study.
Cartoon SurveyPut up pictures/cartoon
Group analyses how it ties into content
Ex: link to keys, mitosis, constitution ect.
-Set cartoon- explain content read caption as you turn overhead on.
Museum of Prior Knowledge- Have the kids develop a museum of prior knowledge.
-Teach them about docents (person at museum who explains what is in it.)
-Teach them about corporate spies (a.k.a. museum researchers)
-Send out spies and when they come back the docent has to explain what
they found for the museum.
Active participation*Give animal to each student as group they have to decide how to divide a million dollars
to dealing/caring for each animal. Example save the panther. Then slim mold no one
ever wants it. Then tell them that it has been discovered that the
*Probe to send to planet of ecclesial body in the solar system. We have enough to do
three. Then tell them one is a fly buy. One is an orbiter long term satellite. The third is
a probe that can fly down to and take samples. It can even go to a gas giant or the sun.
Student teacher survey of teacher: (Rate teacher 1-4 as anonymous feed back)
Broad and deep relevant content base. Highly skilled and effective with a variety
of approaches, strategies and techniques. Takes responsibility for learning. Takes
extensive steps and makes expert shifts on behalf of learners’ success..
Fairly knowledgeable skilled and effective.
Has some knowledge of content and a few limited instructional strategies and
Covers the content. Has struggles with classroom management. Works required
Strategy Ideas Our group came up with while learning about how to do DP’s has flaws.
DP: Three Group Suggested Strategies:
Warm Up – 5 question. Day one review, day two test A, day three test B day
four test C. Everyone does each set of questions, (Can have students
exchange papers) and with green pens write down not just the correct answer
but all the correct steps. Student gets credit for best grade on all Warm Ups,
but unless absent are required to do all Warm ups.
Four unit quiz- give study sheet A and test form 1. Quiz is broken down into
four sections of 5 questions each. One and two would be from last quiz for
students to show retention of knowledge or as retest for students who need
retest. All students take test for long them development, but for some the first
two are a retention review grade and the next two are quiz grade, If not
passing then first two might be quiz and three and four are counted as review
grade. Require all students to have one of each. A quiz and a review or
retention review. For students needing make up or not passing second quiz
can do extra review sheet and have extra two sections on next test.
Have lab days where students rotate around lab stations and have one of the
lab stations be completion of an individual review folder. Each student takes
DP card quiz when they feel they have mastered unit. No more then ten
minutes per DP. Go to separate station where only green pen can be used to
use key to check work. If they do not pass they take a review sheet from
station. Then retake when ready using quiz version 2 or 3 as needed.
Examples for video clip of Low SESGive me a little time to talk and take a little time to think. Then talk with someone about
what you see on the poster. Ready set go!
Please thank your partner. Lets make some predictions. What is magic 3. Where do you
see three? About ten more seconds. 5,4,3,2,1. Ok. Three things are easy to remember.
Three paragraphs to essays,
Three examples,
Use three types of post it’s to build graphic organizer.
Key Notes- Student or teacher made set of key facts needed for lessons.
Mult chart, sample problems, formulas, conversions, definitions, flow chart of process,
reminders, hints, please excuse my dear aunt sally. Negative number rules.
-Example problem for each section to be covered during year with one they have to work
as year goes on. Example list can be on going as each unit covered or provided by
teacher at beginning of year. It can be used on end of year or unit tests?
On Task
Student directed or owned
Teacher directed or owned
Actively developed
Actions only
Application of knowledge
knowledge is only taken in not applied
No Thought
Consider data
See Date
Did you think? Question? Care?
That’s Engagement
FCAT only measures what your students produce not what the teacher does.
MusicPlay song for passing. Students know how long they have to get somewhere.
Ex Bright side of the road Van Marrison song.
Get them up and moving- Guide through movement to get blood flowing, wake them up
and as a squeeze and release activity.
Data songs need to use melody the students know. They need to be learning content not
beet. For this reason students will often use current music melodies.
-Explain use of mid level beats vs. low or fast.
-Simplistic beats are often best.
Beats per minute affects achievement. (85-130 is generally best.
-To low, lowers energy (Sometimes this is useful)
-To fast, lowers achievement by distracting though process.
Music students are supposed to compose. Ask them to make song and they can turn them
in for composition credit.
Ways music might be a benefit in the classroom.
Miscellaneous ItemsDarden grants- for little things for the classroom.
*Wrong-If student is told they got answer wrong can shut down for up to 20 min.
Corn Dog Days- Mr. Coffin is his own substitute today.
Jokes- Are ok but avoid sarcasm!
Good Joke- How far can a dog run into the woods? (Half way because after that he is
running out of the woods.)
Bad Joke- Has sarcasm or embarrasses student (They get it wrong.)
Giving gifts -- You know that is a really good color on you.
-Students NEED complements and we need to get past our hesitation to give.
-We need to avoid all sarcasm in our complements
-Our students need to learn how to give complements.
Use agenda -to introduce topic and initial Big Ideas, Start of Incremental Development
and Assess Prior Knowledge.
Teach processes first, slows content at first, but saves time latter.
Use simple words with each $5 word use a basic word to help build definition links.
Use of profanity- is often weak mind with insufficient knowledge to express themselves
any other way.
*Practice makes permanent- but needs to be delayed until it is learned.
**What is risk analysis? Risk analysis is the ability to judge not only if something is
dangerous, but how dangerous it is. Most human beings brains do not finish developing
full risk analysis until they are 18-21.
**Integrity- is doing what you promise.
-Only promise what you can keep.
Help me make this a safe place!
- People want to be helpful.
28/3 - Explain what 28times in/3weeks is. Research on how the brain works.
Things that lower 28/3
-Use of cartoons and quotes to teach. (Encourages group discussion debate higher
order thinking.) (Motivation and Learning p133)
-Getting out of seat, moving while responding discussing content.
Reward those who are on time- If you made it back in time say, YES! (or Oh Yea!)
Excellent Books with resources and ideasRichard Allen Impact Teaching
Anything by Wong
Motivation and Learning BookChapters 2,3,4
Ways to mix kids up.
P101 eye movement
Parent Letters-(Samples s-2 & s-3) Parent participation & understanding is important.
Group Activities*Steps Back (J-19)– Prepare for fast and smooth restart
QuoteOur beliefs are based on our experiences…
Spence Rogers
What might someone say are the implications of this from a students’ viewpoint?
…from a teachers need to understand students behavior.
*Best way to turn around a negative student is to give them some chances to be
successful? (Kids must experience success to believe they can be.)
*Focus on managing context of the instruction not the behavior.
Opt Out- can opt out of anything that is not a demonstration of learning
Process Observer- I can have them sit and on 3x5 card write out what they learned.
Qualifier- Required content- (ex: lab) must to be completed prior to take test.
***100% of time students are in my room they need to be learning.
*Call first test a rehearsal, if pass great, but try to do even better on 2nd test. (Ex: Kaplan)
**Teach process with something they already know. It does not need to be content. In
fact it might be best if not school content.
*When I say “What I want you to do” Students say “It is all about you”