Levels of attainment: BUILDING BRIDGES - I CAN STATEMENTS LEARNING ABOUT RELIGION: Knowledge and understanding of: Level 1 (AT1i) (AT1ii) (AT1iii) belief, teachings and sources celebration & ritual social and moral practices & way of life I can recognise that stories about Jesus and his friends are religious stories. I can use some religious I can recognise how Isaiah words in a sorry prayer. tells us to behave. LEARNING FROM RELIGION: Reflection on meaning (AT2i) (AT2ii) engagement with own and others’ beliefs and values engagement with own and others’ beliefs and values I can talk about my own I can say what I wonder experiences and feelings about having special about having friends. friends. I know what Jesus said about putting others first. 2 I can retell special stories I can use religious words I can describe how Paul about Jesus and his and phrases to describe a told us to live like Jesus. friends. simple examination of conscience and write/say a sorry prayer. I can ask and respond to questions about my own and others’ experiences and feelings about friendships. I can ask questions about what I and others wonder about friendship and forgiveness and realise that some of these questions are difficult to answer. 3 I can make links between religious stories about Jesus and the Christian belief in forgiveness. I can show how feelings and beliefs about forgiveness affect my behaviour and the behaviour of others. I can compare my own and others’ ideas about questions on forgiveness which are difficult to answer. I can give reasons for the importance of the Penitential Rite during the Eucharist. I can say why Christians examine their consciences and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Levels of attainment: BUILDING BRIDGES – I CAN STATEMENTS LEARNING ABOUT RELIGION: Knowledge and understanding of: Level LEARNING FROM RELIGION: Reflection on meaning (AT2i) (AT2ii) (AT1i) (AT1ii) (AT1iii) belief, teachings and sources celebration & ritual social and moral practices & way of life engagement with own and others’ beliefs and values engagement with own and others’ beliefs and values 4 I can describe and show an understanding of scripture stories and Church teaching on forgiveness, linking them with Christian beliefs. I can use religious terms to show understanding of the Penitential Rite at Mass, individual Confession and a Penitential Service. I can show understanding of how belief in Christ’s teachings on forgiveness shapes life. I can show how my own and others’ decisions are informed by belief in God’s forgiveness. I can engage with and respond to questions related to forgiveness in the light of religious teaching. 5 I can identify sources of the belief in recognising sins of omission and God’s forgiveness. I can describe and explain the meaning and purpose of a variety of forms of Penitential worship – e.g. Penitential Rite at Mass, individual confession and a Penitential Liturgy. I can identify similarities and differences between people’s responses to issues about forgiveness because of their religious belief. I can explain what beliefs and values inspire and influence me and others linked to my learning about sin and forgiveness. I can demonstrate how religious beliefs and teaching on forgiveness and sin give some explanation of the meaning and purpose of life.