8’th january 9-12 to decide on topics/focus area. 23 mars – 24 mars Upscaling seminar BOREHOLE IMAGE DATA BASE Of The Norwegian Continental Shelf Quality Checked With the main key results Proposal to NPD (Stavanger) And to the main Petroleum Companies Operating in Norway By Abdelkader SAADALLAH Dr. SAADALLAH GEOCONSULTANT Stavanger (Norway) abdelk-s@online.no Enhanced Reservoir Characterisation Based upon Borehole Images/Dipmeter Data NCS: Borehole Image Data Base FOREWORD This is a project proposed to NPD and to the main Oil Companies operating in Norway. The aim of the project is to create a sound data base of the borehole images logs (i.e., electric as FMS, FMI, STAR, EMI &/or acoustic as UBI, CBIL, CAST...and density images) available in NPD, &/or available in companies. It is intended to QC and process the data, and to generate images in an appropriate format (cgm-file) with a quick study aiming to deliver the key results, the whole output in CDmedia. Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 3 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base 1. INTRODUCTION Borehole image data (electrical, acoustic and density) are a valuable source to get a better understanding of the reservoir and therefore to improve oil recovery. The challenges with these data types are that processing and interpretation are not widely spread among geoscientists involved in reservoir characterisation. It is often a matter of highly specialised Geoscientists, implementing specialised software. In addition the results need to be crosschecked with other data sources. The interpretation needs structural and sedimentological backgrounds. In other words a lot of intelligence and works need to be invested to get out-put and data-results that can be quickly and understandable used in further interpretations. It is well known, in any field of sciences and techniques that more you experience better it is. This is more accurate in borehole imaging. The author of this proposal (author and co-author of more than 60 reports, articles...) has accumulated a significant experience in borehole imaging that can be quickly summarised as following: during six (6) years, thirty (30) projects with final reports concerning more than fifty (50) wells from different areas were carried out; from North Sea –Norwegian and Danish Sectors- (Varg, Svale, Valdemar, Lulita/Harald, Dan, and Fram Fields); from Qatar (Al-Shaheen Field); from Saudi Arabia (Gawar Field); from Iran (South Pars and Zagros fields); these case studies concern reservoirs where the main challenges are related to structural, fracture, matrix and/or sedimentological issues, such as paleocurrent directions; borehole images data studied are from FMI, FMS, CBIL, STAR, UBI and CAST tools; experience in the use of software packages: RECALL, GEOFRAME and TERRASTATION; articles and presentations concerning borehole imaging; a book in progress about borehole imaging; the whole experience is detailed in the CV appended at the end of this proposal. From this experience important elements were learned regarding the data, the methodology used, the main key results needed, and the main ways to present the key results. A quick introduction to these notions will lead to a presentation of the main objectives of this project. 2. BOREHOLE IMAGING DATA BASE: a complete data base I noticed that a lot of time was spent in several contacts with colleagues involved in companies dealing with nearly every project carried out, to collect data in the one hand, and in the other hand often the data was often incomplete and therefore has to be completed. The Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 4 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base concerned company is often obliged to order once more from the logging company the data, and often the whole package of data, which means more costs and more time lost. All that can be avoided from start by recording once for all a complete borehole imaging data base. First off, the data of any borehole imaging has to contain in addition to the main imaging data (conductivity, acoustic and density) the necessary data as following: orientation data of the log images; caliper log; log survey of the borehole; the GR of the image-log run; the GR from another wireline-source; main and repeat sections; reservoir zonation; corephotos are very useful and other wireline logs. 3. DATA QC-ed, PROCESSED and IMAGES GENERATED: it is not a big deal of job to be added Once the data is loaded there is not a big deal of specialised job to be done to QC the data, to process it and generate the images. QC-ing data is a process that has to be done in several stages of the process from loading to the final interpretation. First off, QC-ing image log data should be done while and just after finalising the loading task. A second QC-ing step is to check with the survey logs from other sources, another QC-ing will follow after processing and the following one once the images are generated. Finally, once the results of the interpretation will be integrated with other data while modelling the field. A QC report will mention the main key features of the data and will give a final statement about the image quality. The main parameter used for processing and for generating images has to be reported and kept for the same reservoir to consistently make it easy for the correlation. 4. KEY RESULTS ADDED TO THE DATA BASE: they are considered as data for other inputs For several geoscientists from borehole imaging logs there are a couple of result-data they need as an input for further processing and interpretations. It is possible to add theses resultdata with the borehole images data. It is well known that image logs is a continuation of dipmeter data and so they are run at least to get dip measurement. In this respect, there are two notions important to get at hand as a result-data: paleohorizontal dip and the structural dip. The paleohorizontal dip is very important for the paleocurrent directions and for structural purposes. It is considered to illustrate the rotation or the uplift of the geological formations since they deposited. The methodology applied has to be described in details, because it is related to the interpretation of the area of the well, which is very linked to the sum of Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 5 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base knowledge and data accumulated at the moment. This interpretation generally changes in the future, since more data will be added. The structural dip can be used to correlate with seismic and/or for construction of cross sections. It concerns the formations and/or specific horizons. The methodology used has also to be described. In addition to these main results it is useful to give a quick glance to the following key features, without details, just to inform that they are available and if needed it is possible to carry out further study, including a systematic picking of the concerned planar features. It is about: faults, fractures, the matrix and the paleocurrent directions. What it is useful and quickly done is a zonation indicating intervals of interest with the presence of these features. The final key feature to be added is the presence of in-situ stress features (borehole breakout and induced tensile fracture), using an appropriate zonation of the borehole images and an appropriate track plotting the calipers. 5. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROJECT: Software package, data needed, out put delivered, timing and cost Software package: The project will be carried out implementing RECALL (already available in Saadallah Geoconsultant Company). The author has accumulated a significant experience using this software. Data and conditions requested as input Image logs in CD, Other logs: surveys logs, GR from wireline, reservoir zonation and/or geological zonation, corephotos are very useful too. A contact person from the operating team and company of the field is necessary. The job will be carried out in Saadallah Geoconsultant place (Stavanger). The output: In a CD per well containing: A read-me file (world.doc) describing the contains of the CD, A composite plot (cgm.file) at scale of 1:10 with specific track: depth, orientation curves of the borehole and of the tool, shapes of the borehole (with longitudinal and transversal cross sections), GR from both sources, images, geological planar features picked (sedimentological and structural), zonation tracks (image quality, reservoir zonation, cross bedding zonation, fault zonation, fracture zonation, in-situ stress zonation, and specific features related to the matrix or any interesting feature), and the comment track. The header of the composite plot will contain the key information: Company-name, fieldname, well-name, top-bottom of the logged section and of the reservoir, formation name, and main results (image quality, paleohorizontal dip and comment, structural dip and comment, comment about faults, fractures, matrix, cross bedding, and in-situ stress features). A summary composite plot (cgm.file) at scale of 1:200 to sum up the information within the composite plot at 1:10. The unprocessed and processed data with the interpreted results A final short report (world.doc) describing the data (unprocessed and processed), the output, the results with the methodology used and some particular comment and/or necessary information. Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 6 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base Timing: Time needed is as following (an approximation) per well: 2 days for: Loading, Processing, Generating Images and QC; 1 day for picking the key sedimentological planar features; 1 day for picking the key structural planar features; 1 day for zonation and generating plots; 1 day for reporting. Cost: The daily rate per day is 10 000 NOK (Including the use of RECALL software, and the record of the data on CD Media). Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 7 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base 6. CURRICULUM VITAE GENERAL INFORMATION Name Date of birth Nationality Languages Profession E-mail Tel. Address Abdelkader Saadallah 12th January 1944 Algerian English, French, Arabic and Norwegian Structural Geologist – Borehole Images/Dipmeter interpretation abdelk-s@online.no 00 47 51 53 83 82 Misjonsveien, 39 N-4024 Stavanger (Norway) EDUCATION 1992 Doctorate (‘Doctorat ès Sciences’) in Structural Geology, (Cf. No. 8 in publication list). 1981 Doctorate (‘These de 3 ème cycle’) in Structural Geology, 1970 First postgraduate diploma (‘Diplome d’Etude Approfondie’) in Structural Geology), (Cf. No. 6 in publication list). Geologist University of Algiers (Cf. No. 7 in publication list). 1969 CAREER SUMMARY 2003 2001 – 2002 2000 – 2001 1999 - 2000 1996 - 1999 Saadallah Geoconsultant with RECALL software in-house (Laptop) 1995 – 1996 Université de Franche-Comté Laboratoire de Géologie Structurale et Appliquée Besançon, France. Professor Laboratoire de Tectonophysique CNRS Montpellier, France Researcher University of Algiers Professor/researcher director Sonatrach and BP Consultant University of Algiers Associate professor/researcher Member of the National Research Council of Algeria Leader of a research team (Structural studies and mapping of the crystalline massif of Greater Kabylia, Algeria) Sonatrach Consultant Organiser of the first and the second National Seminar of Earth Sciences -“SNST”, Algiers. 1994 – 1995 1993 – 1994 1993 - 1994 1973 – 1993 1982 - 1991 1977 - 1978 1975 - 1976 Aker Geo Petroleum Services: Associated consultant Geo Norge: Associated consultant Saadallah Geoconsultant Baker Hughes Structural geologist (previously Z&S Geologi) Stavanger, Norway: Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 8 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base 1974 - 1977 1972 - 1970 1967 - 1969 University of Algiers, Geological Institute Director Professor of sciences in a secondary school, Algiers. Total-Sonatrach oil company, in Sahara (Algeria) Assistant geologist in drilling (student) during summer EXPERIENCE 2003 2001 - 2002: 2000 - 2001: 1999 - 2000 1996 - 1999 1995 - 1996 1994 - 1995 1993 - 1994 1993 - 1994 1973 – 1993 1977 - 1980 Saadallah GeoConsultant Dipmeter/images data: processing and interpretation Aker Geo Petroleum Services Associated Creating and managing a data base of Well data of Tampen Area using GEOFRAME software on UNIX Workstation Processing and Interpretation of FMI implementing GEOFRAME with focus on paleocurrent directions. Fracture studies of reservoir based on FMI data using RECALL software. Presentation at SIS Forum 2002 Madrid. Article in “Oil & Gas North Africa Magazine” Geo Norge Associated Processing and Interpretation of Borehole Images and Dipmeter, Completion Log & plot implementing TERRASTATION II Software on Unix workstation; Core Goniometry and Data management implementing FRESCO in Shell. Presentation “Borehole Imaging: Overview” in NFES Stavanger (October 2000). Saadallah GeoConsultant (Organisasjonsnummer: 981 042 840) Since September consultant in Stavanger, Norway Baker Hughes Structural geologist (previously Z&S Geologi) Stavanger, Norway: Interpretation of Borehole Images (electric and acoustic: FMI, FMS, CBIL, STAR) and Dipmeter of wells from North Sea, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. I studied bout 150,000 ft of Images logs in different geologic contexts. The main purpose was fracture studies of reservoir. Université de Franche-Comté Laboratoire de Géologie Structurale et Appliquée Besançon, France. Professor Laboratoire de Tectonophysique CNRS Montpellier, France Researcher University of Algiers Professor/researcher director Sonatrach and British Petroleum Consultant as expert structural geologist during field investigations in Northern Algeria and the Saharan Atlasic range. University of Algiers Associate professor/researcher Member of the National Research Council of Algeria helping planning and defining research targets concerning geology and their several implications in industry. Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 9 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base 1982 – 1991 Leader of a research team (Structural studies and mapping of the crystalline massif of Greater Kabylia, Algeria) and supervisor "Thèse de Magister" of 5 students. Member of the IGCP 27 (previously IGCP 5) during the period 1980-1991, I participated to several Annual Field Meetings in Caucasus, Yugoslavia, France and Spain. Organiser of the Annual Field Meeting in the North Algeria in 1990, leading the field trip, seminary, presenting crosssections and a Guide Book of the field trip. 30 geologists from 14 countries attended the field trip. Sonatrach Consultant as expert structural geologist during field investigations in Southern Algeria, Paleozoic cover in Sahara. Organiser of the first and the second National Seminar of Earth Sciences “SNST”, Algiers. University of Algiers, Geological Institute Director Managing courses and research. Professor of sciences in a secondary school, Algiers. Total-Sonatrach oil company, in Sahara (Algeria) Assistant geologist during 2 summers on a drilling program 1977 – 1978 1975 – 1976 1974 – 1977 1972 – 1970 1967 - 1969 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Year 2001 2000 1998 1998 1998 Title GeoFrame: Data loading and management Terrastation (loading, processing, interpretation, borehole images) Team Baker Hughes Technical organisational seminar Borehole Image Processing (recall) Core analysis Organizer Aker Geo Petroleum Services Terrasciences Baker Hughes Z & S Geosciences Z & S Geosciences FIELD TRIPS 1991 1985 1984 1982 1981 1978 Cross Section of the Betics (Spain) Cross Section of the Alps (France – Italy) Cross Section of the Dinarides (Yugoslavia) Cross Section of the Caucasus (Russia) Field Trip: Cross Section of the Pyrenees (France) Photogeology: Interpretation and mapping IGCP University of Grenoble (France) IGCP IGCP IGCP CNRS, Montpellier (France) COMPUTER SOFTWARE SKILLS Personal Computer Office Systems: Microsoft Office: UNIX LINUX Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Freehand, Illustrator GeoFrame, Recall, Terrastation, SDI-Montage, Fresco Recall, Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 10 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base PUBLICATIONS – COMMUNICATIONS – REPORTS – MAPS - THESES – SUPERVISED THESES Reports, Presentations & Publications done as an independent consultant SAADALLAH GEOCONSULTANT (Stavanger) in 2003 63- Report (2003): Revision and Re-interpretation of dipmeter/images data of eleven (11) wells of Varg Field (Norway). Report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures for PERTRA AS PGS (Oslo); Implementing GEOFRAME Software. Reports, Presentations & Publications about BOREHOLE IMAGING done as GeoConsultant associated of Aker Geo Petroleum Services (Stavanger) in 2001-2002 62- Report (2002): FMS data of AZ-184 Well (Ahwaz Field, Iran): Identification of Geological Planar Features and Interpretation Focussed on Fracture Study. Report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures, for Statoil (Stavanger); Implementing RECALL Software 61- Report (2002): FMI data of Wells SPO-1, 2 and 3 (South Pars Field, Iran), Identification of Geological Planar Features and Interpretation Focussed on Fracture & Vuggy Matrix Studies. Correlation between the three wells. Report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures, for Statoil (Stavanger); Implementing RECALL Software. 60- Report (2002): CAST data of Well MN-281 (Marun Field, Iran) (2002), Identification of Geological Planar Features and Interpretation Focussed on Fracture Study & in situ Feature Analysis. Report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures; for Statoil (Stavanger); Implementing RECALL Software. 59- Report (2002): CAST data of Well MN-278 (Marun Field, Iran) (2002), Identification of Geological Planar Features and Interpretation Focussed on Fracture Study & in situ Feature Analysis. Report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures; for Statoil (Stavanger); Implementing RECALL Software. 58- Report (2002): FMI data of Well BH-121 (Bibi-Hakimeh Field, Iran) (2002), Identification of Geological Planar Features and Interpretation Focussed on Fracture Study. Report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures; for Statoil (Stavanger); Implementing RECALL Software. 57- Report (2002): FMS data of Well MN-181 (Marun Field, Iran) (2002), Identification of Geological Planar Features and Interpretation Focussed on Fracture Study. Report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures; for Statoil (Stavanger); Implementing RECALL Software. 56- Article in “Oil & Gas North Africa Magazine” March & April (2002): Borehole Imaging: Part 1 of 2: Borehole Map & Imaging Tools, Part 2 of 2: QC, Processing & Interpretation. 55- Report (2002): Well 6608/10-6, FMI Data: Processing and Interpretation with a Particular Emphasis on Paleocurrent Directions. Implementing GEOFRAME, report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures, for Statoil (Stavanger). Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 11 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base 54- Report (2002): Well BH-90D (Iran) (2002), Identification of Geological Planar Features and Interpretation Focussed on Fracture Study. Report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures; Implementing RECALL Software, for Statoil (Stavanger). 53- Presentation at SIS 2002 (Madrid) (2002): Paleocurrent Directions in Sandstone Deposits: Methodology, Workflow and Benefits of FMI Interpretation using GeoFrame. A Case Study. 52- Report (2002): Well BH-116 (Iran), Identification of Geological Planar Features and Interpretation Focussed on Fracture Study. Report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures; Implementing RECALL Software, for Statoil (Stavanger). 51- Report (2002): Well 6608/10-7, FMI Data: Processing and Interpretation with a Particular Emphasis on Paleocurrent Directions. Implementing GEOFRAME, report with Fig. Tables and Enclosures, for Statoil (Stavanger). Reports about Core Goniometry, Completion Plot & Presentation done as GeoConsultant associated of Geo Norge (Stavanger) in 2000-2001 50- Borehole Imaging: overview; Conference done at NFES Stavanger, 4th October, 2000. Abstract and Illustrations available in the web site www.nfes.org 49- Core Goniometry for the well 6507/5-3, Snadd Prospect for BPAmoco. 48- Completion Plots of 4 wells for Norsk Agip implementing TERRASTATION II software. Reports about Structural and Fracture studies of Reservoir using BOREHOLE IMAGES Data done in Z & S Geosciences Stavanger in 1997-1999. The aims of the investigations were structural and fracture studies of reservoir. I studied about 150,000 ft of electric and acoustic Images logs (FMI, FMS, CBIL and STAR) and petrophysics logs in different geologic contexts: North Sea, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The studies were done on UNIX workstation implementing RECALL software. The results were reported in 19 reports (with enclosures and illustrations) and I improved the interpretation by three news methods: -1) Bedding-Plane-Correlation, to constrain further geologic cross-sections in a reservoir drilled horizontally -2) Direction of Maximum Fracturing in a reservoir, defined by stereo-projection to help finding the best direction for a drill to encounter the maximum fluid flow in a fractured reservoir, -3) A new kind of 3D-Structural map, using a fictive surface named well-topography by drawing the iso-TVDSS curves. I was just attempting to publish this new method waiting for the authorisations of Baker Atlas Geosciences and the oil company client.. Concerning the specific problem known as “Super-K zones” in Ghawar Field (Saudi Arabia) I contributed to its study by 8 reports trying to define role of fractures and high porosity layers in high Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 12 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base fluid flow rates of oil or/and water. The identification of in-situ features to define the direction of the maximum horizontal stress and its relationships with the main fracture strike sets. 47- Height (8) reports concerning 9 wells located in Alshaheen Field (Qatar) describing the identification of geological features, focussing on fractures and faults, structural interpretation and fracture analysis (stereograghic analysis, fracture densities…) of electric images (FMS and FMI) for Maersk (Qatar). The cumulated length is circa 90,500 ft. Every report is 20 to 30 pages with 10 to 20 figures and 10 to 20 enclosures (composite plots, geological map, cross section, different kind of maps illustrating different aspects of fracturing and faulting). 46- Seven (7) reports concerning 7 wells located in Ghawar Field (Saudi Arabia) for Saudi Aramco: Structural interpretation and fracture analysis of acoustic images (CBIL) and STAR. Relationships with flow rates of oil and/or water and super K-Zones were attempted. The cumulated length is circa 9,000 ft. Reports are circa 10-20 pages with some figures and enclosures. 45- One (1) report concerning 3 wells located in Valdemar Field (Danish sector of North Sea) for Maersk Olie og Gas (Copenhagen): Structural interpretation and fracture analysis of electric images (FMI & FMS), 26p, Fig. 52, Enclosures 15 particularly 3D-Structural map of the field. The cumulated length is circa 9200 ft. 44- One (1) report concerning a Quick interpretation and Structural Analysis of Dipmeter Data (HEXDIP) of a well located in a Wildcat Field in South Viking Graben (Norwegian Sector) in North Sea for Norske Agip. 478 m Length. 15 p, 16 Fig., 2 Encl. 43- One (1) report concerning 3 wells located in Lulita/Harald Field (Danish sector of North Sea) for Maersk olie og Gas (Copenhagen): Processing and geological interpretation of Dipmeter (SHDT) and electric images (FMI) 2220 ft length, 22p, 48 Fig. and 5 Encl. 42- One (1) report concerning 1 well located in Dan Field (Danish sector of North Sea) for Maersk Olie og Gas (Copenhagen): Structural interpretation and fracture analysis of electric images (FMI) 6868 ft length, 26p, 10 Fig, 11 Encl. 41- Co-author one (1) report concerning 6 wells located in the Fram Field (Norwegian Sector) processing and interpretation of Dipmeter, FMI and FMS data for Norsk Hydro. 72 p, xx Fig., xx Enclosures. The cumulated length is circa 3700 ft. Geological and Structural Maps (1976-1992) 40- Saadallah, (1992) Geological maps of the Grande Kabylie massif (Algeria) three sheets at the scale of 1:50,000. Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 13 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base 39- Saadallah, A., (1981) Geological map of the Algiers crystalline massif (Algeria) at the scale of 1: 25,000. 38- Attar A., Saadallah, A., Froukhi, R. and Ghandriche, H., 1978. Geological map of the Tafâssasset Paleozoic basin (Saharan) at the scale of 1:500,000. Sonatrach, Alger 37- Saadallah, A. 1976; About 50% of a geological map of Tiririne at the scale of 1:200,000 in the Precambrian basement of Hoggar (South of Algeria). Reports (Engeering Geology, 1978 & Hydrogeology, 1993) 36- Saadallah, A. 1993; La couverture calcaire du Djurdjura : un immense réservoir d’eau. Rapport inedit pour le Ministère de l’hydraulique Alger pp. 3. Carte HT1:100,000. 35- Saadallah, A., 1978; Esquisse géotechnique de la région de Bouzaréah (Alger). Rapport inédit avec carte H.T. 1:5,000 pp. 20 pour le compte de COMEDOR (Alger). (CRAG- Univ. Alger). Articles in Periodicals Reviewed by Experts (Structural Geology; 1971-1996) 34- Saadallah, A. and Caby, R. 1996; Alpine extensional detachment tectonics in the Grande Kabylie metamorphic core complex of the Maghrebides (northern Algeria). Tectonophysics 267 : 257-273. 33- Saadallah, A. Belhai, D., Djellit, H. and Seddik, N.1996; Coulissage dextre entre zones interne et externe des Maghrébides, et structuration en fleur de la Dorsale calcaire du Djurdjura (Algérie). Geodinamica Acta 9, 4, 177-188. 32- Saadallah, A. and Caby, R., 1994; Structuration et exhumation des massifs cristallins des Maghrébides (Algérie) : les effets de la distension méditerranéenne. Bull. Serv. géol. Algérie. Vol. 5, n° 1, pp. 81-87. 31- Belhai, D., Merle, O. and Saadallah, A., 1990; Transpression dextre à l'Eocène supérieur dans la Chaîne des Maghrébides (massif du Chenoua, Algérie) C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 310: 795-800. 30- Monié, P., Maluski, H., Saadallah, A. and Caby, R., 1988; New 39Ar-40Ar ages of Hercynian and Alpine thermotectonic events in Grande Kabylie (Algeria). Tectonophysics 152 : 53-69. 29- Monié, P., Maluski, H., Caby, R. and Saadallah, A. 1982; Age à 85 Ma par la méthode 39 Ar-40 Ar du métamorphisme de haute température du massif d'Alger. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 295 : 935-938 28- Bertrand, J.M., Caby, R., Ducrot, J., Lancelot, J., Moussine-Pouchkine,A. and Saadallah, A. 1978; The late Pan-African linear fold belt of Eastern Hoggar (Algeria). Geology, structural development, U-Pb geochronology, tectonic implications for the Hoggar shield. Precambr. Res., 7/4 : 349-376. Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 14 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base 27- Collomb, P., Mahdjoub, Y. and Saadallah, A. 1971; Etude pétrographique et structurale des gneiss de Sidi Ferruch (massif métamorphique d'Alger) Bull. Soc. Hist.nat. Afr. Nord., 62 /2-3 : 51-70. Articles in Non-Periodic Magazines (Seismotectonic, 1981) 26- Kireche, O., Mahdjoub, Y. and Saadallah, A. 1981; Etude des déformations au sol causées lors du seisme du 10.10.1981 à El Asnam. Place dans le contexte alpin et néogène. Géosciences (Crag, Alger). 1 : 18-58. Guide Book (IGCP Field Trip, 1990) & Booklets for Students (Geology, 1995) 25- Saadallah, A., 1995; Cours polycopié pour les étudiants de maîtrise de Besançon “Géologie de l’Algérie septentrionale et problèmes actuels d’interprétation” pp. 102. University de Besancon (France). 24- Saadallah, A., 1990; Guide book of the third field meeting IGCP 276. Alger Communications in Colloquia & Seminars (Structural Geology; 1975-1992) 23- Saadallah, A. and Caby, R., 1992; Distension méditerranéenne dans les massifs cristallins des Maghrébides (Algérie). 9ème SNST Tlemcen.pp.5. 22- Saadallah, A., 1990; Nouveau modéle concernant la chaîne des Maghrébides. Col. Géol. Int."Le Maroc, promontoire africain, entre la Méditerranée et l'Atlantique" Rabat Soc. géol. Maroc & Soc. géol. Fr. 93 21- Saadallah, A., 1989; Nouveau modèle concernant la chaîne des Maghrébides. 7ème SNST. Alger IST-USTHB. p.133. 20- Saadallah, A., Bettahar, A., Benkerrou, N., Gani, R. and Loumi, K., 1989 Caractéristiques structurales et pétrométamorphiques de l'édifice cristallin de G. Kabylie (Algérie). 7° SNST, Alger. 19- Caby, R., Saadallah, A., Monié, P. and Maluski, H., 1988; New petro-structural and geochronological evidences for alpine tectonometamorphic events in Grande Kabylie (Algeria). EUG 4th meeting, Strasbourg. Terra cognita, 7, 2/3 : 107 18- Caby, R., Saadallah, A., Monié, P., Gani, R. and Loumi, K. 1986; Phénomènes distensifs et surrection syn à post miocène des terrains cristallins de Grande Kabylie. 6ème SNST Alger 17- Belhai, D. and Saadallah, A., 1986; Trajectoires de déplacement du massif du Chenoua (Algérie). 6° SNST, Alger. p. 22 16- Belhai, D. and Saadallah, A., 1984; Aperçu sur la géologie du Chenoua avec des données nouvelles. 5e SNST USTHB, Alger, p. 26. 15- Saadallah, A., 1984; Tectonique globale et active en Algérie alpine septentrionale. Conf. Int. sur la microzonation sismique. Ech-Cheliff (Algérie) pp. 15. Saadallah Geoconsultant (A Saadallah- September 2003) abdelk-s@online.no Page 15 of 17 NCS: Borehole Image Data Base 14- Saadallah, A., 1984; Résultats préliminaires sur la tectonique du socle de Grande Kabylie. 5° SNST, Alger. 13- Saadallah, A., 1982; Ecaillages de socle dans le massif d'Alger: exemple d'un processus continu de déformation, lors d'un charriage, d'âge alpin (?) à vergence nord. 9ème RAST, Paris, p. 561. 12- Attar, A. and Saadallah, A., 1982; Les séries paléozoïques du Tafassasset (Sahara du Sud-Est). 4ème SNST, Univ. Alger. 11- Saadallah, A., 1981; Etude structurale du massif d'Alger. IGCP N° 5 Univ. Pau,(France). p.3. 10- Saadallah, A., 1978; Structure du massif d'Alger et son influence sur la chaîne alpine du nord de l'Algérie. 3° SNST (INH, Boumerdes. p. 16. 9- Saadallah, A., 1975; Structure en écaille d'âge alpin du massif cristallophyllien d'Alger. 1er SNST, Univ. Alger. 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