This explanation is indeed for the laymen. There are generalizations and simplifications
of very complex material. Professionals in the fields of medicine and biochemistry may feel the
need for more detail. Such detail is presented in other writings. This paper is intended as only a
general overview for those without technical backgrounds.
An understanding of Cantron requires a basic understanding of the respiratory system of
the human cell. Most people think of respiration as breathing, taking oxygen into the body and
letting out carbon dioxide through the lungs. However, every living cell in the body is technically
involved in respiration, because the word means more than simply breathing. Respiration is a
chemical reaction in the cell which involves oxygen and which provides energy for the cell. The
respiration system in the cell has the job of manufacturing and delivering energy in the cell so that
the various functions of the cell can be carried out. (For example, muscle cells need energy to
contract and all cells need energy to grow and divide.) Thus, respiration has the more general
meaning of providing energy through the respiration systems of the cell.
One of the most important parts of the respiratory system in the cell is called the
“oxidation-reduction system.” Indeed, in many respects, referring to the oxidation-reduction
system of the cell is much the same as referring to the respiration system. This is because in the
cell the oxidation-reduction system produces energy for the cell to do its work. Scientists
sometimes refer to the oxidation-reduction system as the “Redox system.”
The oxidation-reduction system can be thought of as a ladder, with a different chemical
reaction taking place on each step. The respiratory reaction, which takes place on each step of
this ladder is the same as on every other step in what it produces (i.e. energy for the cell to do its
work), but each is also different from every other step in the sense of how effective the reaction
The bottom steps of the ladder involve relatively simple or “primitive” respiratory
reactions. An example of a primitive reaction would be yeast while it is fermenting. Keep in mind
that this is still an amazingly complex reaction. It is only “simple” or “primitive” compared to the
other reactions in the oxidation-reduction system.
The higher steps involve more complex respiratory reactions. The primitive reactions at
the bottom of the ladder take place without oxygen being present. The higher respiratory
reactions require the presence of oxygen. Generally, for “reduction” you are moving down the
ladder. For “oxidation” you are moving up the ladder,
Each “step” on this ladder has a different “potential.” “Potential” means a measurable
electrical voltage, like a small battery would have. Primitive yeast cells which are fermenting will
give off a certain amount of electrical energy i.e. movement of electrons. (We are talking about
very small amounts of electrical energy.) As you move up toward the top of the ladder you will get
increased potential energy. Thus, the potential electrical energy at the top of the ladder is greater
than at the bottom. The top of the ladder has a potential of about +0.4 volts while the bottom is
about -0.2 volts.
Enzymes are involved in each of the steps of the respiratory ladder. Indeed, part of’ the
oxidation-reduction system within each cell is an enzyme system. In every living cell there are
many different enzymes. Some of these enzymes are related primarily to the respiration system
of the cell. Without these enzymes the respiration system could not function and the cell would
have no energy to do its work.
Enzymes are a group of chemical compounds, which help chemical reactions take place.
For example, an enzyme may make the reaction possible or may speed up a reaction which
otherwise might require a great deal of time. Respiration is one chemical reaction that enzymes
help. Even in the lungs, where most of us think respiration takes place, enzymes help make the
oxygen usable for the body.
Each step on the oxidation-reduction ladder has a different enzyme from every other
step. While certain of these enzymes are very similar to others in structure, they are still different
enough to involve them in a different position on the ladder of respiratory reactions.
The major distinction between the primitive (i.e. bottom) respiratory reactions and the
advanced (i.e. higher) respiratory reactions is that the primitive reactions do not use oxygen,
while the advanced reactions do, Thus, in respiratory reactions below this dividing line (i.e. in the
primitive part of the system) the movement of electrons does not rely on the presence of oxygen,
while generally the movement of electrons in reactions above this dividing line on the ladder do
require oxygen. (NOTE: there are a few situations above this line where oxygen is not used.
However, they are not sufficiently significant to affect this level of explanation.
We refer to the advanced reactions, which use oxygen as “aerobic” and the
primitive reactions which do not use oxygen, as “anaerobic”.
When cells are working they are using a certain amount of energy. That energy is
produced as a result of chemical reactions in the respiratory system at all the steps of the aerobic
portion of the ladder at the same time. These reactions can be thought of as a system in that they
are all related to each other. As energy is being used in a normal cell, the respiratory system is
not only providing the energy used, but also replacing the energy held in reserve,
One might think of the chemical reactions like the electrical system in an automobile. The
battery provides the spark to run the engine. The engine provides the power to drive the
generator. The generator recharges the battery so it, in turn, can continue to provide the spark to
the engine. If all is working well, and the system is in balance, the battery will have power to
supply the engine for a very long time. Likewise in the cell, if all is working well the respiratory
system is in balance. As energy is drawn off by work, the cell will “generate” new energy so that
more is available. The balancing will insure that a constant supply of energy is available for work.
In an automobile engine a serious problem can develop, if there is a long term,
extraordinary drain on the power. For example, if a short develops or some one leaves the head
lights on without the engine running (which would normally run the generator and resupply the
battery). In these situations, there is a drain of energy and eventually the system will fail. Usually,
this means that the battery goes dead.
In the cell there can also be a long term, extraordinary drain of power.
If this were a short term drain of energy, the cell could easily recover. For example, a muscle cell
may get tired if you try to hold a weight over your head for a long time. If you put the weight down,
the cell will recover nicely. If the extraordinary workload on the cell continues, despite its being
tired, respiration will continue, but the “balance” of the respiratory system will eventually be
affected. The unending continuation of such a workload is called a “chronic” situation. The
individual cell has no way of shutting itself down to rest. It still keeps working, but the point of
“balance” will continually be at an ever lower oxidation-reduction level, as long as the excess
work load continues.
One example of a chronic condition is cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoke in the lungs is
an irritant in which the cells in the lungs are constantly working to overcome. As they continue to
try to keep up the extra work caused by the smoke, the delicate balance of the respiratory system
to the lung cells is altered and effectively moves continually lower on the respiratory ladder.
The cell’s movement down the ladder slowly continues until it hits what might be called a
“critical point.” The “critical point” is when the cell is about 85% of the way down from the top of
the ladder. (Obviously, it is likewise about 15% up from the bottom). The reason this is a critical
point is that, for some reason, the cell does not fall any further down the ladder, and remains “in
This “critical point” is significant for three other reasons. First, this is the lowest the cell
can go on the respiratory ladder and still have significant similarities to a normal cell. However , it
is also on one of the highest rungs of the ladder it could be on and still be able to be in the
primitive zone. Second, just as the cell had been “in balance” when it was working normally in the
aerobic part of the respiratory ladder this is the point at which the cell reaches a new point of
“balance.” It “likes” it there; it is and will never move back to its old, normal balance in the
respiratory system. Third, this is the stage at which the cell is now a cancer.
Once the cell is at this critical point, i.e. it is cancerous, the question becomes: What to
do about it? The first thought is to simply “push” the cell back up the ladder, much as one would
recharge a nearly dead battery. In theory this should work as a cure for cancer. However, all
efforts to date have failed. The chemicals thus far used to push the cells back up the respiratory
ladder are very toxic. Therefore, those who have tried this method have caused almost as many
problems in side effects as they have solved. It has not been a satisfactory solution. The second
thought might be to remove the bad cells, much as one removes broken parts from a machine. In
the context of cancer this is a polite way of saying we are going to kill the bad cells.
Currently, the three methods used to kill cancer cells have severe drawbacks.
Chemotherapy (i.e. chemicals that kill cells) is not only toxic to cancerous cells it is also toxic to
healthy cells. Thus, it causes the extreme side effects with which we are all familiar. Indeed,
chemotherapy is so toxic to healthy cells it could kill you itself if it were not for the cancer doing
the job first. Radiation (i.e. such as X-rays that kill cells) has much the same draw backs as
chemotherapy. An X-ray does not know the difference between healthy and sick tissue and can
cause very undesirable side effects. Surgery (i.e. killing the cells by cutting them out; can never
guarantee that they “got it all,” Indeed, on occasion, surgery will end up speeding the spread of
the cancerous cells to other parts of the body.
Cantron takes a fourth approach. It was designed to take advantage of the fact that the
cancer cell sits on the “critical point” of the ladder. Once again this “critical point” is where a cell
turns cancerous, and is right on the boundary, the dividing line between primitive cells and normal
cells. (Normal cells, sometimes called “differentiated cells, are cells which have all their functions
and can do all their normal work, such as grow and divide or, for a muscle cell, contract). Healthy
cells are at a “steady state.” They are constantly working, with much of their activity using energy.
But, they are also effectively “recharging” themselves all the time. Thus, if you measured the
potential of a normal cell (like you measure the potential of a car battery with a properly
functioning regulator) it would remain substantially constant. Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier,
cancer cells are also at a “steady state.” Once pushed down to that critical point, the cell “likes” it
there and wants to stay in that new steady state at the 15% point on the oxidation-reduction
The real problem with having a cell in the steady state at the critical point is that the body
does not know how to deal with it. If the cell were still healthy, it would know how to “recharge”
itself. If the cell were further down the oxidation-reduction ladder the body would know how to get
rid of it through natural processes.
Somewhat like jumping a fence, you are fine if you stay on your side and you are fine if
you make it all the way over the fence. But, you are in real trouble if you land so you are
straddling the fence! The cancer cell “straddles” the fence. It is neither normal enough nor
primitive enough for the body to deal with in an adequate fashion.
The theory behind Cantron is to push the cell further down the oxidation-reduction ladder
so it is fully and completely into the primitive stage of the oxidation-reduction system. Here, the
body can deal with the cancer cell on its own. Cancer cells are often referred to as “primitive
cells.” They are indeed primitive because oxygen is not used in the respiratory system of the
cancer cell. Again, however, while they are true primitive cells in that sense, they constitute the
boundary line between primitive and normal. It would take a relatively small step up the ladder for
them to be normal again or a relatively small step down the ladder for them to be completely
primitive so that the body could deal with them as primitive cells. Thus, even though they are
primitive cells they “look” normal and “act” normal in certain respects.
Cantron tries to take away the last vestiges of normality, pushing them down the
oxidation-reduction ladder so they are no longer on me boundary line. Once the cancer cell is
definitely into the primitive stage, the body deals with it as the body does any other foreign object.
It gets rid of it. But how?
A primitive cell is different than a normal cell in the way it functions. It cannot exist like
other cells in the body. It becomes alien tissue, as it were “incompatible” non-functioning in the
normal sense. It ceases to be cancer and it ceases to be normal. The body cannot tolerate it and
rejects it. Much like trying to graft a piece of wood on your finger, the body will not allow it. The
primitive cells are attacked by the body in different ways, depending on where they are in the
body. In some places (like the brain) the body forms a crust-like membrane around the primitive
cells. There will be the ‘tumor’ but it is dead and enclosed. In other places (skin cancer) the body
effectively digests it in a process called “lysis” or simply sloughs it off like a dried out scab.
The next question is: How does Cantron cause the cell to shift from its stable state at the
critical point deeper into the primitive state? The process of moving down the oxidation-reduction
ladder is the process of chemical “reduction,” which is the opposite of oxidation, the moving up on
the ladder.
There are chemicals that inhibit respiration. One example is a group of chemicals called
catechols. Catechols are common in nature. In fact the chemical that makes cranberries red is a
catechol. The inhibition of the respiration of a cancer cell will push it off its stable state and
completely into the primitive state. Obviously, if a chemical is taken into the body which inhibits
the respiration of the cancer cell it will, likewise, inhibit the respiration ability of every other cell it
acts on. (Just as the sugar molecules from a candy bar will affect every cell they contact). Normal
cells, it will be recalled, are working well within their potential to do work. They are working near
the top of the oxidation-reduction ladder, because the cell works most effectively there.
Since normal cells work at such a high level of the oxidation-reduction system, if their
respiration potential is reduced somewhat, it is no real problem for them. Cancer cells , however,
are at that critical point, right on the dividing line between normal and primitive. If their respiration
ability is reduced, they will be pushed completely into the primitive state. The inhibition of the
respiratory system is done by shunting off “energy units ” of the cell as it is working so the energy
is not going through the respiratory system. (An “energy unit” is two electrons and a proton).
Thus, work is being done by the cell, but not respiration. But, again, respiration is the process by
which the cell manufactures and delivers energy to the various parts of the cell so that the cell
can function. If work is being done, but not respiration, the cell is forced further down the
oxidation-reduction ladder. Thus, once respiration is reduced, the cell is forced down completely
into the primitive state.
One of the chemicals which reduce respiration is catechol. The natural catechols have
many different oxidation-reduction potentials (i.e. the level on the oxidation-reduction ladder
where the particular catechol will work or operate.) The trick is to find one that works at the same
level as a cancer cell, i.e. at that “critical point” level.
Cantron was developed to act like a catechol, i.e. to inhibit respiration at the critical point.
Cantron’s entire chemical structure was designed to inhibit respiration of cells at the
“critical point”, i.e. cancerous cells, and, thus force cancer cells further into the primitive
stage where the body will attack and dispose of them naturally.
1) What cancers does Cantron effect?
Generally, Cantron works on all forms of cancer. Very good reports have been received
regarding brain, breast, bone, pancreatic, esophageal, stomach, and lung tumors as well as nonHodgkins lymphomas. The success rate for Cantron is not perfect. Depending on the type of
cancer it generally runs about 50% to 80% successful. For many forms of cancer Cantron’s
success rate is far superior to any other therapy now in use.
One notable exception is in Leukemia, especially when the patient is a child. Poor
results have been reported. (Again note, this is consistent with the NCI in vitro screening which is
shown among the cancers tested.) The reason for this failure rate, especially among children, is
unclear. The general problem with leukemia may relate to the nature of the disease itself. With
children the problems may be associated with the metabolism of children, the workload
associated with their growth patterns or any number of other factors.
What are the side effects of Cantron?
Cantron has been used by over 40,000 human beings. There have also been
experiments involving in excess of 20,000 mice (mostly white mice or standard laboratory mice
along with a few nude mice. Nude mice derive their name from the fact they have no hair. Their
significance is they also have no immune system and are, therefore, extremely vulnerable to toxic
foreign substances.) Some of the mouse work has been specifically aimed at determining toxicity
levels. NO significant toxic side effects of Cantron have been found to date. This is true in
both large doses and over long periods of time. Keep in mind that almost ALL substances are
toxic at extreme levels. When taken at normal doses Cantron appears to be less toxic than an
occasional aspirin. The only adverse reaction reported to date involved a person who totally
misunderstood the instructions and drank an entire pint of Cantron concentrate (i.e. about a three
month supply) in one dose resulting in a bad case of diarrhea for several hours. The individual
reported being fine the next day.
Is any special diet necessary while taking Cantron?
No special diet is required. If one were to think in terms of the kind of diet your
grandmother would recommend or the diet the Federal Government suggests, you have a fine
base for taking Cantron. In other words the diet should include foods from all the basic food
groups, including vegetables, fruits, breads and meats. A balanced diet requires animal protein,
which differs in its chemical make up from the protein in plants. This can be in the form of fish,
fowl or red meats or such by-products as milk, cheese or eggs.
However, do NOT take mega doses of vitamins C and E while taking Cantron. The chemical
make up of these two vitamins shifts the point on the oxidation-reduction ladder where Cantron
works. Since Cantron was designed to hit hardest at the “critical point” i.e. cancer cells, any shift
will reduce the effectiveness of Cantron. This does NOT mean to completely cut out vitamins C
and E. The amounts of C and E contained in the standard multivitamin, which can be purchased
at any drug store, are fine. Likewise the C and E which exist in a traditional “well-rounded diet”
(such as the vitamin C in orange juice) will not adversely affect Cantron. It is only the
extraordinary doses of C and E that must not be taken.
How much time is required on Cantron before results can be
The length of time required before seeing results varies greatly from one patient to
another. Such factors as the type of cancer, how far the cancer has progressed, the age of the
patient, and the patient’s general health (other than the cancer) can all play a role in determining
the speed with which Cantron operates. Many people report noticeable results in 3 to 5 weeks. By
7 to 9 weeks most people see results; however, some cases have taken up to 3 months. This
may seem awfully slow. However, it must be kept in mind that Cantron is effectively “asking” the
body to “cure itself.” Cantron does not actually “kill” the cancer cell in the usual meaning of the
word “kill.” Instead, it alters the cell in a way that the body can dispose of the cancer through such
normal means as Iysis. The process of altering the cancer cells and having the body dispose of
them naturally is time consuming.
How does Cantron interact with standard therapies like surgery,
chemotherapy, and radiation?
Chemotherapy can bring the percentage of success down, because chemotherapy
changes the level on the oxidation-reduction ladder where Cantron works. Since Cantron was
designed to hit a particular target, i.e. the “critical point” where cancer is located, any change will
decrease the effectiveness of Cantron. Furthermore, chemotherapy is, as has already been
pointed out, extremely toxic. This creates problems for the healthy cells in the body and one more
difficulty for the body to overcome.
Radiation has not produced the marked drop in the percentage of success that
chemotherapy causes. While no explanation for this is apparent it seems that radiation does not
have quite the same effect on how Cantron acts on the oxidation-reduction ladder as does
chemotherapy. Surgery appears to have no real adverse effect on the ability of Cantron to work
on cancerous cells. The only problem with surgery is that any time the body suffers a major
wound, it is asked to perform a substantial amount of work to recover.
However, having said all this, it is Imperative to keep one thought firmly in mind! Cantron
takes time to work. As I noted above 7 to 9 weeks is typical and some cases take up to 3 months
to see a response. If a patient has only a few days or weeks to live, Cantron may not have time to
be effective. In such cases the object is to buy time. If chemotherapy will give the patient an extra
month or two, by all means it should be taken. These precious weeks can then be used to give
Cantron a chance to work. Granted, the use of the chemotherapy may reduce the effectiveness of
Cantron, but it is far better to reduce its effectiveness than suffer certain death!
What If the doctor wants the patient to go back on chemotherapy
after the Cantron seems to be working?
There is a tendency on the part of physicians to want to press patients who are doing
well on Cantron to take chemotherapy again to “kill off the last of the cancer.” This decision
belongs to the patient. One question should be asked about chemotherapy, however: Should a
material, known to be toxic, be taken into the body unless extreme emergency conditions are
faced. As mentioned above, chemotherapy has a use where there is no time left for a non-toxic