Syllabus - Twinsburg Schools

Intro to
Mrs. Musselman
Course Description: Intro to Biology is a one-year class designed primarily for tenth grade students equal to
one credit of science. The content is based on the updated Ohio Department of Education standards the state
requires. ( It is designed to build on what students have learned from Physical Science
and prepares them for the OGT (see the above link).
Biology will take students through a journey from the smallest atoms to the largest organisms, their functions,
and their habitat that make up life on this planet. It is a cumulative course in that we build every chapter on the
Course Outline
Chapter 1 Study of Life
Information for Common Assessment
Cell Structure and Function
Chapter 6 Chemistry in Biology
6.1 & 6.2 (review from physical science)
6.3 Water and Solution
6.4 The Building Blocks of Life
Chapter 7 Cellular Structure and Function
7.1 Discovery of Cells
7.2 Plasma Membrane
7.3 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
7.4 Cellular Transport
Information for Common Assessment
Genetics and Heredity
Chapter 12 Molecular Genetics
12.1 DNA: The Molecule of Heredity
12.2 Replication of DNA
12.3 DNA, RNA and Protein
12.4 Gene Regulation and Mutations
Chapter 10 Sexual Reproduction and Genetics
10.1 Mendel’s Laws of Heredity
10.2 Meiosis
10.3 Gene Linkage and Polyploidy
Chapter 11 Patterns of Heredity and Human Genetics
11.1 Basic Patterns of Human Inheritance
11.2 Complex Patterns of Inheritance
11.3 Chromosomes and Human Heredity
Chapter 13 Genetic Technology
Information for Common Assessment
Cell Energies and Diversity of Life
Chapter 8 Cellular Energy
8.1 The Need for Energy
8.2 Photosynthesis
8.3 Cellular Respiration
Chapter 9 Cellular Reproduction
9.1 Cellular Growth
9.2 Mitosis
9.3 Cell Cycle and Cancer
Chapter 14 The History of Life
14.1 Fossil Evidence of Change
14.2 The Origin of Life
Chapter 15 Evolution
15.1 Evolution by Natural Selection
15.2 Evidence of Evolution
15.3 Shaping of Evolution Theory
Chapter 17 Organizing Life’s Diversity
17.1 History of Classification
17.2 Modern Classification
17.3 Domains and Kingdoms
Information for Common Assessment
Chapter 2 Principles of Ecology
2.1 Organisms and Their Environment
2.2 Nutrition and Energy Flow
2.3 Cycling of Matter
Chapter 3 Communities, Biomes, and Ecosystems
3.1 Communities/4.1 Population Dynamics
3.2 Biomes
Chapter 5 Biodiversity and Conservation
5.1 Biodiversity
5.2 Threats to Biodiversity
5.3 Conservation of Biodiversity
Comprehensive Final
Materials Required Everyday:
1”-2” 3 ring binder with 4 dividers and pockets*
Calculator (No graphing calculators needed)
notebook paper
Pencils and Pens (Black or Blue ink ONLY)
Colored pencils or crayons
Glue stick
Index cards
Flash-drive (1G min. recommended)
I will be following and enforcing all guidelines in the Student Handbook in addition to the
1. Be seated in your assigned seat by the time the bell rings and have all necessary
materials for class: books, binders, pencils, paper, and calculators.
2. Do not come tardy without a signature from a teacher or staff member. After 3 unexcused
tardy will result in a detention with me. There are no passes for restroom or drinks during
class. Students must use the restroom before or after class, unless there is a medical
emergency or the nurse notifies me of an issue.
3. You must respect the rights of the other students to learn. THE MOST COMMON
the teacher’s warnings.
4. NO cellular phones, headsets, or any other recreational technological devices other
than a calculator in the classroom. They will be confiscated if detected, No games on
computers. If you refuse to give up your devise, it is an automatic discipline referral and
parents will be called.
5. Absolutely no eating or drinking during class. We will be working with hazardous
chemicals that can contaminate your food or drink and result in much unpleasantness.
You may bring in a bottle with a cap on it.
6. Copying work is a form of cheating. Learning science requires that you practice and work
problems on your own to grasp the concepts. Copying will only leave you stranded during
a test or lab. I will enforce the rules set down in the Student Handbook in reference to
7. Absolutely No Sleeping in class. If you fall asleep you will be asked to go to ALE with an
automatic discipline referral. You will also lose all participation points for that class.
8. You have 2 days for each day of excused absence to turn in make up work for credit.
Missed labs and tests must be made up after school according to this schedule. It is your
responsibility to find out what was missed and make up the work on time. If you miss
class to attend a field trip, meeting or other school activity, you must notify me
beforehand to receive the work that you will be missing. In these cases you have one day
to turn in or make up any assignments. After that you will lose 10% each late day. No
late work will be excepted after the unit test is taken.
9. Binders: Students are required to keep a neat and well-organized binder. Keeping a
binder will allow you to keep track of your grade. This binder MUST be brought to class
every day. All binders should contain this syllabus, formula sheets, and all other
reference sheets I pass out.
Class Participation:
!0% of your grade will come from class participation. Students are expected to
participate in class discussions, labs, and group work. Students are encouraged
to be active learners. If students do not choose to participate, it will be discussed
with the student and their parent/guardian.
The science classroom can be a very safe and productive environment if the
students and teacher follow proper safety guidelines. Students who do not follow
the safety guidelines including proper clothing, protective equipment, and lab
practices risk harming themselves and others in the classroom. Students who
fail to follow safety guidelines will be removed from the activity. All students must
have a signed safety contract on file before being allowed to participate in labs.
Students are expected to treat all lab equipment and other students with respect.
Do not harass other students or touch their belongings. Students will be
responsible for cleaning up after themselves. Students will need to pass the lab
equipment and safety practical with an 85% accuracy before participating in labs.
Students who fail to follow the guidelines that govern our class and harm the
safety of themselves or others will be subjected to the following consequences:
1st offense – Warning and student teacher conference
2nd offense – After school detention and student conference with parent/guardian
3rd offense – Removal from class and office referral
**The teacher reserves the right to skip steps due to the severity of the situation.
Course grades will be based on the following items and points:
In-Class Work/Homework
A Note to Parents or Guardians:
Welcome back to Twinsburg High Schools! Due to the nature of the class, we will be
conducting some experiments and labs in the coming school year. Sometimes we may
be dealing with hazardous substances and we will always be using fragile equipment.
Labs can be both a formidable and exciting learning tool or they can be a complete
disaster. I want to make sure that the students understand that any inappropriate
behavior, particularly during labs, will result in the cancellation of any future labs for that
class and zeros for the perpetrators. I would like to work with you in assuring that we can
make Biology safe and fun. Please review the syllabus carefully and have your child
sign the Safety and Conduct Agreement. Below is my school email address. You may
also message me through Progress. All communication is welcome and encouraged!
Thank you!
Lori Musselman
Please sign this after you have read it through and have it read and signed by your
parent. Keep the syllabus in the front of your notebook all year and refer to it if you or
your parents have questions about the class.
Student Signature__________________________________________Date________
Parent Signature____________________________________________Date_______
Parent email address:______________________________________________
*This is your first assignment and is worth 10 points. This page should be signed and
given to Mrs. Musselman by the second week of school.