TERMS OF REFERENCE For Studying Cooperatives in Cambodia I. Background: Heifer Project International began its operations in Cambodia in 1984, by working in partnership with the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), providing both technical trainings and material supplies in animal husbandry and vaccine production projects. In 1998, the Heifer Cambodia Partnership Program for Development was established with the goal of responding to community development and ensuring the food security of rural families in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner, and opened office in 1999 in Phnom Penh. What makes Heifer unique is the practice known as “passing on the gift.” Families receiving animals agree to pass on the first offspring – or an appropriate equivalent, to other families in need, starting a chain of giving that touches thousands of lives. Since the establishment of representative office in 1999, Heifer Cambodia in partnership with 24 project partners has supported over 8,000 marginalize families to improve their quality of lives through promoting self-reliance and empowerment, and food security and income generation. From livestock-based projects and its Values-Based Holistic Community Development approach, Heifer Cambodia has developed holistic support to help community participants in building their hope and capacity to use available local resources in an effective and sustainable manner. II. Objectives of the study: To study on approaches of existing cooperative and network in Cambodia. To identify government’s policies and regulations related to cooperative. To examine criteria for pilot project and potential approaches for assisting Self-Help Group (SHGs) on cooperative establishment. III. Scope of the study Conduct a study on group/network management of existing farmer association and village bank networks. Conduct assessment of 12 Heifer SHGs capacity in Pursat, Siem Reap, Svay Rieng, & Sihanouk province. Examine public policies on community financial development institutions/MFI. Recommendations on SHG cooperative establishment for Heifer Cambodia. Important aspects to be considered: 1. Studying primary cooperatives/secondary cooperatives Select cooperatives purposefully to cover both strong and not so strong to learn from both sides. It is better to focus on drawing lessons learned from their success and failure. Why the particular Coop in the study was successful or failed. Membership, governance, leadership and management structure. Mission, vision, values ( how they practice cooperative values?), main objectives and strategies. Legal status. Types of services/enterprises/business/marketing. Collaboration and linkages. Welfare programs/projects in the community where they work. Key milestones in the cooperatives organizational process ( problems faced, key changes in response to the problems, strengths, weakness and key challenges for the future. Plans for increasing capital. 2. Studying Heifer SHGs capacity: Vision, mission, future direction of the SHGs (plan). Membership, leadership, and management both overall management and financial management. Activities (IGA), saving and credits, interest rates of studied clusters/SHGs. Market studies (if a coop produces something in abundance through its members, how it will be marketed). Coordination with outside agencies. IV. Tasks of the consultant: Develop action for the study; To prepare the study tools and methodologies; To collect, interview, analyze and use data for tracking cooperative achievements and constraints; To conduct meeting, interview with Heifer SHGs to analyze their capacity and potential for cooperative establishment; To write report with recommendations in English; To present initial findings back to Heifer Cambodia team; and Finalize report for submitting to Heifer. V. Reporting and timeline: The consultant will prepare a written report in English (maximum 20 pages). The first draft report is due to Heifer Cambodia office no later than 18 March 2011. The final report will be sent by 25 March 2011. VI. Qualification: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Research experience (at least 5 years); Knowledge of and experience with cooperative and community based organizations; Knowledge and experience on value chain model and activities; Good communication and networking; Good analysis and report writing skills; Good understanding of sensitivity for poverty, social and ethnic issues; Fluent in English, spoken as well as written.