ourse Introduction his course includes topics in geometry, probability and statistics, and sets and logic. It also covers selected topics e history of mathematics. his version of MGF 1106 uses the online textbook, assignments and course materials that reside in the course to elp students learn and apply theoretical concepts about logic, probability, statistics and geometry. Students shou urchase access to MyMathLab. Other course materials are available as resources in the course. udents are required to read assigned chapters from the required online textbook, complete tutorial homework xercise sets, take five quizzes and complete two exams. Students are also required to communicate with the ofessor and other students in the class using the course bulletin board and/or private e-mail. he course management system used during this course (WebCT) will be made available to Miami-Dade College MDC) students: it can be accessed online using any Web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape avigator) from your home, office, computer labs, library, or any other location within the campus which provides etworked computers for student use. eet Your Instructor Nancy Liu Professor Mathematics Telephone: 305-237-0334 Fax: 1-305-237-3863 Contact Information: Although you can and should e-mail directly from within the course software, my external e-mail address is: nliu@mdc.edu Office Hours: By appointment and via e-mail. ourse Prerequisites AT1033 with a grade of C or better. Or an acceptable score on the Algebra Placement Test or equivalent. echnology Requirements (computer skills and hardware/software required) o take this course, you must have basic personal computer knowledge, including the ability to use the Internet for arches, and send and receive e-mail. Access to the Internet may be obtained on campus at the library, computer b, and media services, or in your community through your local library. ou may also access the course materials from home or wherever you have access to the Internet. To access the ternet from home, your computer must have a modem and you must have an Internet connection. ourse Materials (required and optional) equired Textbook and Materials: equired: ou need to log into MyMathLab. You will find the complete textbook online, along with videotapes and homewor utorial assignments. You will not need to buy the textbook. All you need to do is purchase access to MyMathLab hich costs $42. To gain access to MyMathLab go to www.coursecompass.com and click register. Follow the structions to register into MyMathLab. When completing the registration, they will ask you for the COURSE ID. he Course ID is liu67797. cientific Calculator strongly recommended: cientific calculator not a graphing calculator. xamples: TI30x, TI30xa ptional Textbook: If you still desire to buy the textbook, it is Thinking Mathematically, by Robert Blitzer, Prentic all, 2003, 0-130-65601-1 ourse Goals and Competencies ogic Competencies: Deduce facts of set inclusion and non-inclusion from diagrams Identify negations of simple and compound statements. Determine equivalence or nonequivalence of statements. Identify rules for transforming statements. Draw logical conclusions from data. Identify invalid conclusion from data. Identify invalid reasoning patterns. Identify valid reasoning patterns. Draw logical conclusions when fact warrant them. robability Competencies: Using the Fundamental Counting Principle Identify the probability of a specified outcome in an experiment. Inferring relations and making accurate predictions from studying statistical data. Interpreting real-world data involving frequency and cumulative frequency tables. Solving real-world problems involving probabilities. atistics Competencies: Identify information contained in bar, line and circle graphs. Determining the mean, median, and mode of a set of numbers. Recognizing properties and interrelationships among the mean, median, and mode. Choosing the most appropriate procedures for selecting an unbiased sample from a target population. Inferring relations and making accurate predictions from studying statistical data. Interpreting real-world data involving frequency and cumulative frequency tables. eometry Competencies: Round measurements. Solve word problems involving the Pythagorean theorem. Identify appropriate units of measure. Calculate distances, area, and volumes. Solve word problems involving geometric figures. Identify formulas for measuring geometric figures. Infer formulas for measuring geometric figures. Identify relationships between angle measures. Identify names of plane figures given their properties. 0) Recognize similar triangles and their properties. ourse Work Requirements he time required to successfully complete this online course has been carefully structured to be similar to the mount of time required to successfully complete a traditional course in the classroom. To successfully complete is course, students must: Read the online textbook in MyMathLab, watch the online videos in MyMathLab, read all modules contained in WebCT, and complete the tutorial exercises in MyMathLab. Students will not be able to successfully complet the assignments or the assessments (quizzes and tests) if they do not complete assigned reading. Exercise Sets (10% of the grade) All online tutorial exercise sets are to be are to be completed before taking the corresponding quiz. Midterm and Final Exam (40% of the overall grade - 20% each exam) Practice tests in MyMathLab will be available for each unit prior to the graded exam. You can take the practice exam as many times as you wish. The practice exam does not count toward your overall class grade. The Midterm and the Final are proctored exams taken at the MDC testing centers within WebCT. Five quizzes (50% of the grade) Practice quizzes will be available for each unit prior to the graded quiz. You can take the practice quizzes as many times as you wish. The practice quiz does not count toward your overall class grade. The practice quizzes and the actual quizzes will be available in MyMathLab. rading Policies his is a 3-credit course. At the end of the course, participants will receive a letter grade. Grades will be based on e following: xercise Sets Midterm and Final Exam uizzes 10% Tutorial online Exercises in MyMathLab 40% Midterm Exam - [Proctored] See course calendar for dates, times. Final Exam - [Proctored] See course calendar for dates, times. 50% Quiz 1 - See course calendar for dates, times. Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 100% otal See See See See course calendar course calendar course calendar course calendar for for for for dates, dates, dates, dates, times. times. times. times. 90-100% will earn an "A" 80-89% will earn a "B" 70-79% will earn a "C" 60-69% will earn a "D" 59% or less will earn an "F" OTE: There will be NO MAKE-UPS. Keep in mind the dates and times that all quizzes, exams and tutorial signments are due. completes will be given in very limited situations. The student must have completed 75% of the course quirements with a passing average and have a serious personal illness, family death, or unexpected crisis. esting Procedures ease be advised that the Midterm and Final Exams will be proctored and administered by authorized Virtual ollege testing centers. you live in South Florida your exams may be taken at one of the MDC Virtual College campus locations. You must ing a Photo ID and registration receipt for the course. or location and times, go to the Virtual College homepage and click on Current Students, then click on Testing formation. you live outside South Florida, you must get an approved proctor. If you have questions regarding proctors, please ontact Lloyd Hollingsworth with the Miami-Dade Virtual College. ests are set for specific dates which is accessible in the course calendar. ourse Schedule ee the Course Schedule for a complete listing of topic assignments and homework exercise sets. Be sure to check e course calendar for all assessment and homework due dates and times. In addition, it is your responsibility to heck the following course areas: Course Materials Discussions Area - for questions and answers Course E-mail