CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 Curriculum Vitae Thava Vasanthan, PhD Professor – Grain Science and Technology Director – Food Science and Bio-resource Technology Division Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2P5 Tel: 780-492-2898; Fax: 780-492-8914; E-mail: Education Ph.D in Food Science, 1989-1994 Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada M.Sc in Food Technology, 1986-1988 University of Reading, United Kingdom B.Sc in Agriculture - Food Science and Technology Major, 1982-1986 University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Professional Work Experience Division Director, 2010-present Food Science and Bioresource division, Dept. of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta Professor, 2006-present Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta Associate Professor, 2002 - 2006 Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta Vice president – Research / Chief Scientific Officer, 2002 - 2007 Cevena Bioproducts Inc, Edmonton, Alberta Assistant Professor, 1996 - 2002 Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta Research Associate, 1993-1996 Dept of Applied Microbiology and Food Sci, University of Saskatchewan, Canada Quality Control Officer, 1988-1989 Falconis Ltd. (bakery), Wembley, UK. Teacher, 1981-1982 Advanced Level Chemistry Course Vasavillan Agricultural College, Nothern Province, Sri Lanka Awards and Nominations Recipient of the Alberta Science and Technology (ASTech) Foundation Award for “Innovation in Agricultural Science” – 2005 Alberta Food for health - Premier’s award - 2010. Faculty Teaching Awards - Teacher of the year/Teaching wall of fame – Multiple years, 1999, 2009, 2010, and 2012 Professional Memberships Institute of Food Technologists; American Association of Cereal Chemists 1 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 Teaching (2 courses) NUFS 406 / AFNS 507: Science and technology of cereals and oilseeds (fall) NUFS 374: Fundamentals of food and quality (fall and winter) Research and Scholarly Work/Creative Activity (Web of Science “h index” = 24) In my scientific publications listed below, HQPs are given opportunity to contribute substantially in the manuscript writing and recognized with first authorship. I have contributed significantly towards experimental designing, selection of analytical techniques, data analysis and interpretation. All our manuscripts were published in leading international journals that are known for their stringent review procedures. Based on the “Web of Science” citation search, our contributions in general (75 Refereed Journal Publications) have been cited a total of ~1660 times (h-index, 24), with ~9% being self-citations. Refereed journal publications – 75 Refereed journal review articles - 2 Book chapters - 4 Patent applications – 5 Conference proceedings and technical reports - 4 Conference presentations – 70 (Invited 18) Other presentations – 4 Spinoff companies - 2 Refereed Journal Publications 1. Naguleswaran, S., Vasanthan, T., Hoover, R., Bressler, D. (2013). The susceptibility of large and small granules of waxy, normal and high-amylose genotypes of barley and corn starches towards amylolysis at sub-gelatinization temperatures, Food Research International, 51:771-782. 2. Kandil, A., Li, J., Vasanthan, T. & Bressler, D. 2012. Phenolic acids in some cereal grains & their inhibitory effect on starch liquefaction & saccharification. J Agric. Food Chem. Accepted (Aug 2012) - In press 3. Naguleswaran, S., Li, J., Vasanthan, T., Bressler, D. & Hoover, R. 2012. Amylolysis of large & small granules of native triticale, wheat & corn starches using a mixture of α-amylase & glucoamylase. Carbohydrate Polymers 88: 864-874. 4. Li, J., Vasanthan, T. & Bressler, D.C. 2012. Improved cold starch hydrolysis with urea addition & heat treatment at sub-gelatinization temperature. Carbohydrate Polymers 87: 1649-1656. 5. Gao, J., Vasanthan, T., Hoover, R. & Li, J. 2012. Structural modification of waxy, regular, & high-amylose maize & hulless barley starches on partial acid hydrolysis & their impact on physicochemical properties & chemical modification. Starch/Starke 64:313-325. Funded by NSERC 6. Naguleswaran, S., Li, J., Vasanthan, T., Bressler, D. 2011. Distribution of granule channels, protein & phospholipids in triticale & corn starches as revealed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Cereal Chemistry 88:87-94. (Rated as one of the top ten papers in 2011 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists) 7. Srichamroen, A., Vasanthan, T., Acharya, S.N., Basu, T.K. 2011. Dry-milling improves the aqueous recovery of galactomannans from fenugreek seeds. Current Nutrition & Food Science 7: 63-72. 8. Kandil, A., Li, J., Vasanthan, T., Bressler, D.C., & Tyler, R.T. 2011. Compositional changes in whole grain flours as a result of solvent washing & their effect on starch amylolysis. Food Research International 44: 167-173. 2 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Li, J., Vasanthan, T., Bressler, D. C. 2011. Cationization of field pea starch in salt-free aqueous suspension. Carbohydrate Polymers. 83, 1598-1603. Ullah, A, Vasanthan, T, Bressler, D, Elias, A L. & Wu, J. 2011. Bioplastics from feather quill. Biomacromolecules 12:3826-3832. Moriartey, S., Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T., & Ganzle, M. 2011. Viscosity & solubility of betaglucan Extracted Under In Vitro Conditions from Barley beta-Glucan-Fortified Bread & Evaluation of Loaf Characteristics. Cereal Chemistry 88:421-428. Hooda, S, Metzler-Zebeli, B U, Vasanthan, T. & Zijlstra, R T. 2011. Effects of viscosity & fermentability of dietary fibre on nutrient digestibility & digesta characteristics in ilealcannulated grower pigs. British Journal of Nutrition 106:664-674. Moriartey, S, Temelli, F, & Vasanthan, T. 2011. Effect of Storage Conditions on the Solubility & Viscosity of beta-Glucan Extracted from Bread under In Vitro Conditions J Food Science 76:C1-C7. Varatharajan, V., Hoover, R., Li, J., Vasanthan, T., Nantanga, K.K.M., Seetharaman, K., Liu, Q., Donner, E., Jaiswal, S., Chibbar, R.N. 2011. Impact of structural changes due to heat-moisture treatment at different temperatures on the susceptibility of normal & waxy potato starches towards hydrolysis by porcine pancreatic alpha amylase. Food Research International. 44, 2594-2606. Moriartey, S., Temelli, F. & Vasanthan, T. 2010. Effect of health information on the consumer acceptability of bread fortified with β-glucan. Cereal Chem. 87: 428-433. Li, J., Vasanthan, T., Bressler, D., & Tyler, R. T. 2010. Binding of amino acids to hypochlorite-oxidized potato starch. Starch/Starke 62:467-474 Naguleswaran, S & Vasanthan, T. 2010. Lactic acid assisted wet fractionation of field pea flour. Starch/Starke 62:592-602. Drozdowski, L.A., Reimer, R.A., Temelli, F., Bell, R.C., Vasanthan, T. & Thomson, A.B.R. 2010. β-Glucan extracts inhibit the in vitro intestinal uptake of lipids & downregulate IFABP4 genes involved in fatty acid synthesis & cholesterol metabolism in rats. J. Nutr. Biochem. 21: 695-701. Moriartey, S., Temelli, F. & Vasanthan, T. 2010. Effect of formulation & processing treatments on the viscosity & solubility of barley β-glucan in bread dough. Cereal Chem. 87(1):65-72. Naguleswaran, S & Vasanthan, T. 2010. Dry milling of field pea (pisum sativum l.) groats prior to wet fractionation influences the starch yield & purity. Food Chemistry 118: 627-633. Naguleswaran, S., Vasanthan T., Hoover R. & Liu, Q. 2010. Structure & physicochemical properties of palmyrah seed-shoot starch grown in Sri lanka. Food Chemistry 118: 634-640. Ghotra, B., Vasanthan, T. & Temelli, F. 2009. Rheological properties of aqueous blends of high purity barley beta-glucan with high purity commercial food gums. Food Chemistry 117: 417-425. Gao, J., Vasanthan, T. & Hoover, R. 2009. Isolation & characterization of high-purity starch isolates from regular, waxy, & high-amylose hulless barley grains. Cereal Chem. 86:157163. Ghotra, B., Vasanthan, T. & Temelli F. 2008. Structural characterization of barley betaglucan extracted using a novel fractionation technique. Food Research International 41: 957-963. Athukorela, Y, A, Jung, W. K., Park, P. J., Lee, Y. J. Kim, S., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2008. Eevaluation of biomolecular interactions of sulfated polysaccharide isolated from grateloupia filicina on blood coagulation factors. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.18:503–511. Panahi, S., Ezatagha, A., Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2007. Beta-glucan from two sources of oat concentrates affects postpr&ial glycemia in relation to the level of viscosity. J Am. Coll. Nutr. 26:639-644. 3 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 27. Ghotra, B. S., Vasanthan, T. Wettasinghe, M. & Temelli, F. 2007. 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic analysis of phosphorus in oat & barley β-glucans. Food Hydrocolloids 21: 1056-1061. Funded by (AARI), ACIDF & ABC. 28. Gee, V. L., Vasanthan, T. & Temelli, F. 2007. Viscosity of model yogurt systems enriched with barley β-glucan. International Dairy Journal 17:1083-1088. 29. Zhang, H., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2007. Enrichment of tocopherols & phytosterols in canola oil during seed germination. J. Agric. Food Chem. 55: 355-359. 30. Jung, W. K., Athukorala, Y., Lee, Y. J., Cha, S. H., Lee, C. H., Vasanthan, T., Choi, S. H. Y., Kim, S. K. & Jeon, Y. J. 2007. Sulfated polysaccharide purified from Ecklonia cava accelerates antithrombin III-mediated plasma proteinase inhibition. J. Applied Phycol. 19:425-430. 31. Athukorala, Y., Jung, W., Vasanthan, T. & Jeon, Y. 2006. An anticoagulative polysaccharide from an enzymatic hydrolysate of Ecklonia cava. Carbohydrate Polymers 66: 184-191. 32. Ghotra, B. S., Vasanthan, T., Wettasinghe, M., Goel, V., Temelli, F & Basu, T. 2006. A rapid method to determine quantitatively the in vitro adsorption of taurocholate to soluble fiber. Cereal Foods World: 118-121. 33. Snart, J., Bibiloni, R., Grayson, T., Lay, C., Zhang, H., Gwen, A., Laverdiere, J. K., Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T., Bell, R. & Tannock, G. W. 2006. Supplementation of the diet with high viscosity beta-glucan results in enrichment for Lactobacilli in the rat cecum. Applied & Environmental Microbiology: March issue: 1925-1931. 34. Faraj, A., Vasanthan, T. & Hoover, R. 2006. The influence of alpha-amylase hydrolysed barley starch fractions on the viscosity of low & high purity barley beta-glucan concentrates. Food Chem. 96:56-65. 35. Waduge, R. N., Hoover, R., Vasanthan, T., Gao, J. & Li, J. 2006. Effect of annealing on the structure & physicochemical properties of barley starches of varying amylose content. Food Res. Int. 39: 59. 36. Vasanthan, T and Temelli, F. 2005. Future of Barley-Conference proceedings. We wrote a section of this article entitled “Beta-glucan isolation/concentration technologies and their impact on molecular structure and functionality”. Cereal Foods World 50 (5):272-273 37. Li, J. H., Vasanthan, T., Hoover, R., and Rossnagel, B. 2004. Starch from hull-less barley: IV. Morphological and structural changes in waxy, normal and high-amylose starch granules during heating. Food Research International 37: 417-428. 38. Zhang, H., Vasanthan, T., and Wettasinghe, M. 2004. Dry matter, lipids, and proteins of canola seeds as affected by germination and seedling growth under illuminated and dark environments. J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2004; 52(26) pp 8001 – 8005. 39. Vasanthan, T. 2004. Starch functionality-Editorial (Invited). Food Research International 37:407. 40. Faraj, A., Vasanthan, T. and Hoover, R. 2004. The effect of extrusion cooking on resistant starch formation in waxy and regular barley flours. Food Research International 37: 517-525 41. Faraj, A. and Vasanthan, T. 2004. Soybean Isoflavones: effects of processing and health benefits. Food Reviews International 20:51-75. 42. Li. J. H., Vasanthan, T., Hoover, R., and Rossnagel, B. 2004. Starch from hull-less barley V – V: In-vitro susceptibility of waxy, normal and high-amylose starches towards hydrolysis by alpha-amylases and amyloglucosidase. Food Chemistry 84: 621-632. 43. Li. J. H., Vasanthan, T., Hoover, R., and Rossnagel, B. 2003. Starch from hull-less barley – Ultra structure and granule bound proteins. Cereal Chem. 80:524-532. 44. Grant, G. A., Frison, S. L., Yeung, J., Vasanthan, T. and Sporns, P. 2003. Comparison of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric to enzyme colorimetric quantitation of glucose from enzyme-hydrolysed starch. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:6137-6144. 4 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 45. Li, J. H., and Vasanthan, T. 2003. Hypochlorite oxidation of field pea starch and its suitability for noodle making using an extrusion cooker. Food Research International 36:381-386. 46. Jeon, Y. J., Vasanthan T., Temelli, F. and Song, B. K. 2002. The suitability of barley and corn starches in their native and modified forms for volatile meat flavor encapsulation. Food Research International 36:349-355. 47. Gill, S. K., Vasanthan, T., Ooraikul, B. and Rossnagal, B. 2002. Wheat Bread Quality as Influenced by the Substitution of Waxy and Regular Barley Flours in Their Native and Cooked Forms. Journal of Cereal Science 36:239-251. 48. Gill, S. K., Vasanthan, T., Ooraikul, B. and Rossnagal, B. 2002. Wheat Bread Quality as Influenced by the Substitution of Waxy and Regular Barley Flours in their native and extruded forms. Journal of Cereal Science 36:219-237. 49. Vasanthan, T., Gaosong, J., Yeung, J. and Li, J. 2002. Dietary fibre profile of barley flour as affected by extrusion cooking. Food Chemistry 77:35-40. 50. Jing, Y., Vasanthan, T. and Temelli, F. 2001. Analysis of phenolic acids in barley by high performance liquid chromatography. J. Agric Food Chem. 49:4352-4358. 51. Vasanthan, T., Yeung, J. and Hoover, R. 2001. Dextrinization of Starch in Barley Flours by Thermostable Alpha-amylase by extrusion cooking. Starch/Starke 53:616-622. 52. Li. J. H., Vasanthan, T., Rossnagel, B. and Hoover, R. 2001. Starch from hull-less barley: I. Granule morphology, composition and amylopectin structure. Food Chemistry 74:395-405. 53. Li. J. H., Vasanthan, T., Rossnagel, B. and Hoover, R. 2001. Starch from hull-less barley: II. Thermal, rheological and acid hydrolysis characteristics. Food Chemistry 74: 407-415. 54. Yeung, J. and Vasanthan, T. 2001. Pearling of hull-less barley: product composition and gel color of pearled barley flours as affected by the degree of pearling. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49: 331-335. 55. Wettasinghe, M., Vasanthan, T., Temelli, F and Swallow, K. 2001. Volatile flavour composition of cooked by-product blends of chicken, beef and pork: a quantitative GC-MS investigation. Food Research International. 34: 149-145. 56. Wettasinghe, M., Vasanthan, T., Temelli, F and Swallow, K. 2000. Volatiles from roasted by-products of poultry processing industry. J Agric. Food Chem. 48: 3485-3492. 57. Gaosong, J. and Vasanthan, T. 2000. MALDI-MS and HPLC quantitation of oligosaccharides released by lichenase from water-soluble beta-glucan of ten barley varieties. J Agric. Food Chem. 48:3305-3310. 58. Gaosong, J. and Vasanthan, T. 2000. Effect of extrusion cooking on the primary structure and water solubility of beta-glucans from regular and waxy barley. Cereal Chem. 77:396-400. 59. Wang, J. Gaosong, J., Vasanthan, T and Sporns, P. 1999. MALDI-MS characterization of maltooligo/polysaccharides from debranched starch amylopectin of corn and barley. Starch 51:243-248. 60. Vasanthan, T., Bergthaller, W., Dreidger, D., Yeung, J. and Sporns, P. 1999. Starch from Alberta potatoes: wet isolation and some physicochemical properties. Food Research International 32: 355-365. 61. Vasanthan, T. and Bhatty, R. S. 1998. Enhancement of resistant starch in amylomaize, barley, field pea and lentil starches. Starch 50:286-291. 62. Vasanthan, T., Bhatty, R. S., Tyler, R. T. and Chang, P. 1997. Isolation and cationization of barley starches at laboratory and pilot scale. Cereal Chem. 74:25-28. 63. Hoover, R., Swamidas, G., Kok, L. S. and Vasanthan, T. 1996. Physicochemical characteristics of starches from pearl millet grains. Food Chem. 56:355-367. 64. Vasanthan, T. and Bhatty, R. 1996. Physicochemical properties of small and large granule starches from waxy, regular and high amylose barleys. Cereal Chem. 73:199-207. 5 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 65. Vasanthan, T., Sosulski, F.W. and Hoover, R. 1995. The reactivity of native and autoclaved starches from different plant origins towards acetylation and cationization. Starch 47:135-143. 66. Vasanthan, T and Bhatty, R. 1995. Starch purification after pin milling and air classification of waxy, normal and high amylose barleys. Cereal Chem. 72:379-384. 67. Venugopal, V., Martin, A., Patel, T. R., Vasanthan, T. and Omar, S. 1995. Rheological and solubility characteristics of washed Capelin (Mallotus Villosus) mince in water. J. Food Biochem. 19:175-190. 68. Hoover, R., Vasanthan, T., Senanayake, N. J. and Martin, A.M. 1994. The effects of defatting and heat-moisture treatment on the retrogradation of the starch gels from wheat, oat, potato and lentil. Carbohydr. Res. 261: 13-24. 69. Hoover, R and Vasanthan, T. 1994. The flow properties of native, heat-moisture treated and annealed starches from wheat, oat, potato and lentil. J. Food Biochem. 18: 67-82. 70. Hoover, R and Vasanthan, T. 1994. Effect of heat-moisture treatment on the structure and physicochemical properties of cereal, legume and tuber starches. Carbohydr. Res. 252: 33-53. 71. Hoover, R and Vasanthan, T. 1994. The effect of Annealing on the physicochemical properties of wheat, oat, potato and lentil starches. J. Food Biochem. 17: 303-325. 72. Hoover, R., Swamidas, G. and Vasanthan, T. 1993. Studies on the physicochemical properties of native, defatted and heat-moisture treated pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L) starch. Carbohydr. Res. 246: 185-203. 73. Vasanthan, T. and Hoover, R. 1992. A comparative study of the composition of lipids associated with starch granules from various botanical sources. Food Chem. 43:19-27. 74. Hoover, R. and Vasanthan, T. 1992 Studies on isolation and characterization of starch from oat (Avena nuda) grains. Carbohydr. Polymers. 19: 285-297. 75. Vasanthan, T. and Hoover, R. 1992. Effect of defatting on starch structure and physicochemical properties. Food Chem. 45: 337-347. Journal Review Articles 76. Vasanthan, T. & Temelli, F. 2008. Grain fractionation technologies for cereal beta-glucan concentration. Food Research International 41:876-881. 77. Oatway L., Vasanthan, T. and Helm, J. 2001. A review on phytic acid. Food Reviews International 17:419-431. Refereed Book Chapters – Invited 78. Vasanthan, T & Hoover, R. 2009. Barley starch: production, properties, modification & uses. Chapter 16. pp 601-628. In Starch: chemistry & technology. R. L. Whistler, J. N. Bemiller & E. F. Paschall [eds]. 3rd edition. Academic press. NY. ISBN 978-0-12-746275-2. 79. Vasanthan, T., Li, J, Bressler, D & Hoover, R. 2012. Starch as gelling agent. Chapter 3. Pp 33-68. In Starch-Based Polymeric Materials & Nanocomposites: Chemistry, Processing, & Applications. Jasim Ahmed , Brijesh K . Tiwari, Syed H . Imam , & M . A . Rao [eds] pp 3368. Taylor & Francis Group LLC, CRC press, USA. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5116-6. 80. Vasanthan, T. 2005. Overview of Laboratory Isolation of Starch from Plant Materials. In Handbook of food analytical chemistry, Section E - Carbohydrates, Sub section E2 - Starch and starch derivatives, Unit E.2.1. pages 673-678. John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York. 81. Vasanthan, T. 2005. Quantitation of total starch in plant products. In Handbook of food analytical chemistry. Section E - Carbohydrates, Sub section E2 - Starch and starch derivatives, Unit E 2.2. pages 679-687. John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York. 6 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 Patents (Published – available on-line) 82. Vasanthan, T. & Temelli, F. 2009. Grain fractionation methods & products. Patents Granted - U.S. Patent 7,566,470; European Patent 1366081; also granted in Australia, Newzeal&, India, Japan & China. 83. Vasanthan, T., Temelli, F. & Burkus, Z. 2010. Preparation of high viscosity beta-glucan concentrates. US 7,662,418. 84. Vasanthan, T., Temelli, F, Ghotra, B.S. & Khan, A. 2008. High viscosity beta-glucan products & methods of preparation. International filing date 12/06/2008, Publication # WO/2008/151439. International application number PCT/CA2008/001138. 85. Vasanthan, T., Ghotra, B.S., Wettasinghe, M., Temelli, F. 2006. Aqueous solutions containing -glucan & gums. US Patent application. Publication # 2006/0040036 A1. Publication date Feb 23, 2006. 86. Vasanthan, T. 2009. Solubility reduced beta-glucan containing products & methods of producing & using such products. US Patent application (publication # 20090285970AI), Canadian (publication # 2662478) & European (publication # EP 2108267). Conference Proceedings and Technical reports 87. Vasanthan, T. 1999. Food quality aspects of barley. Proceedings of the Canadian Barley Symposium - 99: pp 71-76. February 24. Canadian Grain Commission, Winnipeg, Manitoba 88. Vasanthan, T and Temelli, F. Nutraceuticals from barley grains. (2003). Proceedings of the 3rd Canadian Barley Symposium. June 19-20, 2003. Red Deer, Alberta. Page 24 89. Johnson, I, Korver, D, Vasanthan, T and Temelli, F. Beta-glucan depleted barley and oat flours as animal feeds. 2005. Proceedings of the 18th North American Barley Researchers Workshop and 4th Canadian Barley Symposium, July 17-20, Red Deer, Alberta. Pg 19-23. 90. Vasanthan T. Extrusion processing improves waxy barley flour for bread making. Barley Country. Vol 11: No 1 (Spring 2002). A technical report. Non-Refereed Contributions Technology Transfer & Commercialization Formation of Spin-Off Company (2002): As a lead founder, helping to create a University of Alberta spin-off company, Cevena Bioproducts Inc., has given me great satisfaction. Collaborative barley/oat fractionation studies performed in my lab resulted in the development of an innovative approach for concentration of mixed linkage beta-glucan (a human health benefiting component) from barley & oat grains. This new technology solved a number of technical challenges associated with the earlier traditional processes for beta-glucan purification. The assets of Cevena including the patents (as listed above) were acquired by a Spanish company in 2007. What is most rewarding to me is the fact that this initiative has great potential for enhancing the health of humanity. Development of another improved beta-glucan product (2009): Publication #86 (a US provisional patent application) illustrates the development of a novel solubility reduced betaglucan concentrate that solves the technical issues related to beta-glucan incorporation in food formulation. Technology commercialization initiative is currently ongoing with an industry partner. Pulse industry product development competition – MissionImpulsible - organized by Pulse Canada and Alberta Pulse Growers Association: Trained & worked with my graduate student, Mr. Doug Wong, to participate in the above competition using data from his MSc thesis work (publication in review). Mr. Wong’s product, a pea protein based yoghurt drink (YoPulse) won the 1st prize in the provincial competition & 3rd prize in the national competition. 7 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 Conference Presentations Abbreviation of scientific Societies: CIFST, Canadian Institute of Food Sci. & Tech.; AACC, American Association of Cereal Chemists; IFT, Institute of Food Technologists; CIGI, Canadian International Grain Institute; ADSA, American Dairy Science Association; ASAS, American Society of Animal sci. Invited Oral Conference Presentations (approximate number of audience given in parentheses) 1. Strategies to minimize the challenges attributed to oat and barley cereal beta-glucan utilization. September 29 - October 2, 2013. American Association of Cereal Chemists – Annual meeting and trade show. Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque New Mexico, USA. (Audience 150) 2. Lab scale extrusion. Oct 29 & 30, 2012. Canadian International Grain Institute (CIGI), Winnipeg, MN, Canada. Extrusion platform America’s 2012 - 6th Practical Short Course (Audience >125) 3. Pulse starch composition, properties & applications. May 27–29, 2012. CIFST – 50th Annual Meeting, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada. (Audience >50) 4. Phenolic acids in cereal grains & their inhibitory effect on starch liquefaction & saccharification, The 7th International Starch Tech Conference (June 5-8, 2011), Urbana, IL, USA. (Audience >150) 5. Value Added Processing of wheat bran. AFMnet-annual meeting. Mar 24-25, 2011. Guelph, Ontario. 6. A brand new approach to beta-glucan concentration & utilization. May 31–June 2, 2010. CIFST – Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Canada. (Audience >150) 7. Current technologies for fractionation of cereal grains & concentration of beta-glucan. Annual Meeting of Korean Society Food Sci & Tech. May 27-29, 2009. Daejeon, S.Korea. (Audience >100) 8. Vasanthan, T. Viscosity & in vitro bile salt binding properties of cereal beta-glucans as influenced by phosphorylation. The 9th International Hydrocolloid Conf. Jun 15-19, 2008. Singapore. 9. Technologies for concentration of cereal-beta-glucans. XIII World Congress on clinical nutrition. Jan 29 -Feb 2, 2008. Xalapa, Mexico. Organized by the International College of Nutrition (>120 people) 10. Value-added processing of oat & barley grains. Connections 07. The oat & barley council of Ontario, Toronto, Canada. March 19-20, 2007. (Audience >90). 11. Barley grain quality requirements for fractionation utilization. AACC - Annual meeting & industry expo. Moscone Convention Centre, San Fransisco, USA Sept 17-20, 2006. (~50 people) 12. Beta-glucan isolation/concentration technologies & their impact on molecular structure. The Future of Barley Conference. Minneapolis, MN, USA. May 17, 2006. (~150 people). 13. Vasanthan, T and Temelli, F. 2005. The Future of Barley: Beta-glucan isolation/concentration technologies and their impact on molecular structure and functionality. Minneapolis, MN, USA. May 17. (~150 people). 14. Vasanthan, T. 2004. The Process and Experience of Spin-Off Company Formation. InnoWest – 2004 conference, Calgary, Alberta (~40 people). 15. Vasanthan, T. 2004. Cevena Bioproducts and future value-adding. Feb 11-13, 2004. Western Barley Growers Association – Annual convention, Calgary, Alberta. (~75 people). 16. Vasanthan, T. 2003. Structure and functionalities of cereal beta-glucans. Sept 28 – Oct 2. The American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) - Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA. (~125 people). 8 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 17. Vasanthan, T. 2003. Nutraceuticals from barley grain. June 19 – 20. The 3rd Canadian Barley Symposium. Organized by the Barley Development Council. Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. (~125 people). 18. Vasanthan, T. Cereal Beta-Glucans. May 25-29. The Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Annual Meeting (Food Tec 2002), Edmonton, Alberta. (~100 people). 19. Vasanthan, T. 1999. Food quality aspects of barley. Canadian Barley Symposium - 99: February 24. Canadian Grain Commission, Winnipeg, Manitoba (~150 people) Other conference presentations (posters) 20. Perez, Mariana, Gao Jun, Vasanthan, Thava, Feral, Temelli and Henderson, Kelly. 2013. The beta-glucan content, viscosity and solubility of Canadian grown oats as influenced by oat variety and growing location. American Association of Cereal Chemists – Annual Meeting and Trade Show, 2013. Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque New Mexico, USA. September 29 - October 2, 2013. (Audience ~100) 21. Naguleswaran, S., Vasanthan, T., Hoover, R., Bressler, D. 2013. Hydrolysis of amylopectin and amylose isolated from normal, waxy, and high-amylose genotypes of triticale, wheat, corn and barley starches, 2013 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo® (Audience ~100) 22. Vasanthan, T., Olson, M., Gao, J., Naguleswaran, S., Perez, M., & Wong D. The constituent analysis of winter pulses grown in Alberta, Canada under different agro-ecological environments for three years. The 9th Canadian pulse research workshop. Nov 6-9, 2012. Niagara Falls, ON, Canada. 23. Naguleswaran, S., Vasanthan, T., Bressler, D., Hoover, R. 2012. Cold starch hydrolysis of corn & barley with different amylose contents towards bioethanol production. AACC International Annual Meeting. Sep 29–Oct 3, 2012, Hollywood, FL, USA. 24. Reed, D. K., Goonewardene, L. A., Vasanthan, T., Bressler, D., Naguleswaran, S. 2012. Benchmarking residual starch analysis of distillers’ grains with solubles (DDGS), AACC International Annual Meeting. Sep 29–Oct 3, 2012, Hollywood, FL, USA. 25. Naguleswaran, S., Li, J., Vasanthan, T., Bressler, D., Hoover, R. 2011. Amylolysis of small & large granules of triticale, wheat, & corn starches at sub-gelatinization temperature using granular starch-hydrolyzing enzyme. AACC international Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, USA, Oct 16-19, 2011. 26. Koel Reed, J. Li, T. Vasanthan, D.C. Bressler. 2011. Comparison of residual starch determination methods in distillers dried grains with Solubles. The 7th International Starch Technology Conference (Jun 5-8, 2011), Urbana, IL, USA. 27. Naguleswaran, S., Li, J H., Vasanthan, T., Bressler, D. C. 2011. Raw starch hydrolysis of small & large granules of triticale starch as compared to wheat & corn at sub-gelatinization temperature. The 3rd Annual BCN strategic retreat. Nov 30-Dec 2, 2011, Rimrock Resort, AB, Canada. 28. Koel Reed, J. Li, T. Vasanthan, D.C. Bressler. 2011. Comparison of Residual Starch Determination Methods in Distillers’ Grains with Solubles (DDGS). The 3rd Annual BCN Strategic Retreat. Nov 30-Dec 2, 2011, Rimrock Resort, Banff National park, AB, CA. 29. Naguleswaran, S., Vasanthan, T., Hoover, R. & Liu, Q. Structure & properties of palmyrah starch – A tropical source. IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo, June 6–9, 2009, Anaheim, CA, USA. 30. Kandil, A., Vasanthan, T., & Bressler, D. Optimization of amylase hydrolysis of starch in whole grain meal. AACC – Annual meeting & expo. Sept 13-16, 2009. Baltimore, USA. 31. Kandil, A., Li, J., Vasanthan, T. & Bressler, D. Effect of non-starch grain components on the amylolysis of triticale starch. Annual meeting of the CTBI. June 16-19. Summerland, BC, Canada. 32. Hooda, S., Matte, J. J., Vasanthan, T & Zijlstra, R. Dietary purified oat β-glucan reduces peak glucose absorption & insulin secretion in portal-vein catheterized grower pigs. The XIth 9 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 Interna. Sympo. on Digestive Physio. of Pigs. May 20-22, 2009. Montbrió del Camp, Costa Daurada, Spain. 33. Hooda, S., Matte, J. J., Vasanthan, T & Zijlstra, R. Dietary oat β-glucans affect kinetics of glucose absorption & insulin secretion in grower pigs. Banff pork Seminar, Jan 20-23, 2009, Banff, Canada. 34. Temelli, F., & Vasanthan, T. Behavior of cereal beta-glucans in food systems. EPNOE2009 conference on “Polysaccharides as a Source of Advanced Materials”, Finland, Sept. 21-24, 2009. 35. Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T., et al. Triticale grain fractionation & characterization of fractions. CTBI Annual Meeting, Summerland, BC, June 17-19, 2009. 36. Moriartey, S., Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T. 2009. Viscosity & solubility of barley β-glucan in bread & evaluation of loaf characteristics, Abstract no: P27, The 15th Gums & Stabilizers for the Food Industry Conference, Wrexham, UK, June 22-25 (Best poster presentation award). 37. Moriartey, S., Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T. Effect of health information on the consumer acceptability of bread fortified with β-glucan. Presented at the Annual Meeting of AACC International, Baltimore, MD, Sept. 14-16, 2009. 38. Ghotra, B., Vasanthan, T., et al. Viscosity & in vitro bile salt binding properties of barley beta-glucan as influenced by quartnary ammonium substitution. AACC–Annual meeting & food expo. Sept 21-24, 2008. Hawaii Convention Ctr. Honolulu, Hawaii. 39. Moriartey, S, Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T., et al. Mixing characteristics & rheological properties of bread dough with barley beta-glucan. CIFST–Annual meeting. May 25-27, 2008. PEI, Canada. 40. Hooda, S., J. J. Matte, T. Vasanthan, & R. T. Zijlstra. Kinetics of glucose absorption is affected by dietary oat β-glucans in portal-vein catheterized grower pigs. ADSA–ASAS National Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana. July 2008. 41. Moriartey, S. E., Temelli, F. & Vasanthan, T. 2007. Effect of gluten addition, mixing procedure, & fermentation on the viscosity of barley beta-glucan incorporated into bread dough. AACC–Annual meeting 07. San Antonio, Texas. October 7-10. 42. Naguleswaran, S. & Vasanthan, T. 2007. Dry milling of dehulled field pea prior to wet fractionation significantly improves the yield of starch & by-products quality. AACC–Annual meeting 07. San Antonio, TX. USA. Oct 7-10. 43. Zhang, H., Temelli, F. & Vasanthan, T. 2007. Phase separation & rheology of barley betaglucan & soy protein isolate. AACC–Annual meeting. San Antonio, TX, USA Oct. 7-10. 44. Hooda, S., Matte, J. J., Vasanthan, T & Zijlstra, R. T. A surgical model for the kinetics & quantification of nutrient absorption in swine & its application in carbohydrate metabolism. ADSA Midwestern Section – Annual Meeting, Des Moines, Iowa, USA. March 19-21, 2007. 45. Johnson, R., Vasanthan, T., Temelli, F & Zijlstra, R. T. Chemical characterization & digestible nutrient content of barley & oat starch ingredients derived via wet fractionation for grower pigs. ASAS & ADSA - Midwestern Section, Annual Meeting, Des Moines, Iowa – March 19-21, 2007. 46. Temelli, F. & Vasanthan, T. Cereal beta-glucans: Processing & functionality. Plant Polysaccharide Workshop – Carbohydrates for Food & Fuel, Winnipeg, MB, Sept. 21-23, 2006. 47. Zhang, H., Snart, J., Tannock, G., Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T. Prebiotic potential of barley pentosans. Poster presentation at the Plant Polysaccharide Workshop – Carbohydrates for Food & Fuel, Winnipeg, MB, Sept. 21-23, 2006. 48. Gao, J., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2006. Reactivity of native & acid treated normal, waxy & high amylose corn & barley starches towards phosphorylation & cationization. AACC - Annual meeting & industry expo. Moscone Convention Ctr, San Fransisco, California, USA. Sept 17-20. 10 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 49. Ghotra, B., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2006. Rheological properties of barley beta-glucan & other food gum blends. IFT annual meeting & Food Expo (Carbohydrate division), FL, USA, July 16-20. (1st prize winner of Graduate Student Paper Competition of the Carbohydrate Division of IFT) 50. Vasanthan, T., et al. Viscofiber® - a cereal beta-glucan concentrate with superior qualities. IFT annual meeting & Food Expo, New products & technologies session, FL, USA, July 1620, 2006. 51. Ghotra, B., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2005. Cereal β-glucans: Evidence for the presence of bound phosphate. The 13th Gums and Stabilizers for the Food Industry Conference, Wrexham, UK, June 20-24. (won the Best Poster and Oral Presentation Award in the graduate student competition) 52. Vasanthan, T., et al. 2005. Quantitative determination of in vitro taurocholate adsorption to soluble fiber. The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) annual meeting and Food Expo, Abstract no: 82-8, New Orleans, July 16-20. 53. Ghotra, B., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2005. Evidence for the presence of phosphomonoesters in oat and barley beta-glucans. Presented at the IFT Meeting and Food Expo, Abstract no: 826, New Orleans, July 16-20. (1st prize winner of Graduate Student Paper Competition of the Carbohydrate Division of IFT). 54. Johnson, I., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2005. Beta-glucan depleted barley and oat flours as animal feed. Presented at the 18th North American Barley Researchers Workshop and 4th Canadian Barley Symposium, Red Deer, AB, July 17-20. 55. Srichamroen, A., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2005. Isolation of galactomannan from fenugreek seeds (Abstract no: 82-8). Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo, New Orleans, July 16-20. 56. Vuksan, V., Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2005. β-Glucan from two different sources of oat concentrates affecting postprandial glycemia in relation to the level of viscosity. Oral presentation at the 2nd Annual Conference on Natural Health Products, Vancouver, BC, February 2005. 57. Vuksan, V., Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2005. The effect of different viscosities of βglucan on postprandial glycemia in healthy individuals. Oral presentation at the 2nd Annual Northern Lights Conference of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies, Guelph, ON, June 21-24. 58. Vuksan, V., Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2005. β-Glucan from oats and barley attenuates postprandial glycemia and insulin response in a dose-dependent manner in healthy individuals. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Diabetes Association. Abstract #172, Canadian Journal of Diabetes, Supplemental Issue, September 2005. 59. Vuksan, V., Temelli, F., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2005. The effect of different viscosities of betaglucan on postprandial glycemia in healthy individuals. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Diabetes Association. Abstract #171, Canadian Journal of Diabetes, Supplemental Issue, September 2005. 60. Faraj, A and Vasanthan, T. 2003. In vitro alpha-amylase hydrolysis of barley starch as influenced by 1-3, 1-4 D beta-glucan concentration in an aqueous slurry. Sept 28 – Oct 2, 2003. The American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) - Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA. 61. Li, J and Vasanthan, T. 2002. Hypochlorite oxidation of field pea starch and its suitability for noodle making using an extrusion cooker. May 25-29. The Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Annual Meeting (Food Tec 2002), Edmonton, Alberta. 62. Li, J., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2001. Starch from hull-less barley cultivars: I. Granule morphology, composition and amylopectin structure. October 14-18. The American Association of Cereal Chemists - Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 11 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 63. Li, J., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2001. Starch from hull-less barley cultivars: II. Thermal, rheological and acid hydrolysis characteristics. October 14-18. The American Association of Cereal Chemists - Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 64. Gaosong, J and Vasanthan, T. 2000. Effect of extrusion cooking on the primary structure and solubility of beta-glucan. November, 5-9. The American Association of Cereal Chemists - Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. 65. Yeung, J and Vasanthan, T. 2000. Extrusion dextrinization of barley flour. June 10-14. Abstract # 51D-2. Institute of Food Technologist (IFT) Annual Meeting and Food Expo., Dallas, Texas. 66. Gaosong, J., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2000. Effect of extrusion cooking on the dietary fiber profile in barley flour. June 10-14. Abstract # 51F-1. Institute of Food Technologist (IFT) Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Dallas, Texas. 67. Wettasinghe, M., Vasanthan, T., et al. 2000. A quantitative GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry) investigation on the aroma of roasted chicken by-products. June 10-14. Institute of Food Technologist (IFT) Annual Meeting and Food Expo., Dallas, Texas. 68. Vasanthan, T and Bhatty, R.S. 1998. Enhancement of resistant starch in amylomaize, barley, field pea and lentil starches. April 6-8. Production and Uses of Starch. Edinburgh Conference Ctr., Riccarton, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. 69. Vasanthan, T., et al. 1996. Isolation and cationization of barley starches in the laboratory and at pilot plant scale. July 30-Aug. 6. The V International Oat Conference and VII International Barley Genetics Symposium, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 70. Vasanthan, T and Bhatty, R. S. 1995. Purification of prime barley starch by pin milling and air-classification. November 5-9. The American Association of Cereal Chemists annual meeting. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 71. Hoover, R and Vasanthan, T. 1995. Flow properties of native, heat-moisture treated and annealed starches. Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA, June 3-7. 72. Hoover, R and Vasanthan, T. 1993. Effect of hydrothermal treatment on the physicochemical properties of cereal, tuber and legume starches. The 43rd Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference. Sydney, Australia. Sept. 12-16. 73. Vasanthan, T and Hoover, R. 1992. Effect of defatting on starch structure and physicochemical properties. Presented at the 16th International Carbohydrate Symposium, Paris, France, July 5-9. Other non-conference presentations 74. Vasanthan, T. Barley Value-added processing. An oral presentation at the Alberta Barley Commission’s Research Review - 1998. Red Deer, Alberta, Canada 75. Vasanthan, T. 2000. Barley Fractionation Technology. Barley Development Council – Technical committee on Food, Malt and Industrial uses - Annual Meeting Held at Edmonton, Alberta on the February 20, 2000. Audience >40 76. Temelli, F. and Vasanthan, T. 2005. The Cevena Story. Invited presentation to the Board of Directors and Members of AVAC Ltd., Calgary, Nov. 2, 2005. (audience of 35 people) 77. Vasanthan, T. Scientific progress reports – Cevena Bioproducts, Quarterly Presentations at the Board Meetings. July 2002 – Dec 2005. Invited Workshop Presentations Canadian International Grain Institute (CIGI), Winnipeg, MN, Canada (Oct 29 & 30, 2012). Extrusion platform America’s 2012 - 6th Practical Short Course (Audience >125) Delivered the following presentation: Lab scale extrusion 12 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait (Jan 13-17th 2013) In House Training Course: Trends in Functional and Neutraceutical Foods (Audience 25) Delivered the following six presentations as listed below: An overview of nutraceticals & functional foods Introduction to grain based nutraceuticals such as beta-glucan, soy protein, omega-3 fats, and phenolics Beta-glucan: source, molecular structure, solution behavior & human health benefits Over view of beta-glucan-isolation technologies & challenges Methodologies for the determination of beta-glucan content and molecular properties Production of beta-glucan enriched functional foods - ingredients, dosage & challenges HQP Training I am very intentional toward building a research integrated team. The way my graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research associates, and technicians work together and learn from one another has been central to the progress we have been able to make in the cereal starch and dietary fiber research programs. In the past 18 years at the University of Alberta, I have supervised 5 PhD and seven MSc students to completion. Currently I am supervising three PhD and one MSc students. All my graduate students take one of the advanced level courses (NUFS 406 / AFNS 507 Science and technology of cereals and oilseeds) that I teach in the department. This course provides them an in-depth knowledge of the principles of grain science and technology, and is an excellent foundation for their practical education as they engage their projects in the laboratory and assist others in the team. In addition, I spend a significant amount of time and effort with my graduate students in training them in research proposal writing, research methods, execution of lab experiments, data recording, statistical analysis, scientific writing and communication (both manuscript publications and conference presentations). I have achieved good success in ensuring my graduate student’s thesis research is published in reputable refereed journals (33 publications since 1996). In addition to graduate students, I have supervised/co-supervised a number of technical staff, postdoctoral fellows and research associates in my lab (15 of them in the past 5 years). I have trained my HQPs in the aspects of grain tissue structure, composition & proximate analysis, biomaterial fractionation, determination of the molecular, physicochemical and functional properties, and in various specialized grain related analytical techniques such as XRD (x-ray diffractometry), SEM/TEM (scanning/transmission microscopy), DSC (differential scanning calorimetry), NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), etc. All HQPs trained under my supervision have successfully secured employment in the Academic and Private sectors. I also train summer students in my research lab on practical aspects of grain science (ex: oat flour extrusion; beta-glucan extraction; determination of rapidly/slowly digestible starch profile; etc). In the past 5 years, 5 summer students gained experience in my research lab. I treat each of my research team as professional colleagues and enjoy listening to their views on their topics of research, as well as in other scientific areas. I encourage them to respectfully engage one another, and always emphasize a critical thinking and problem solving process in our discussions, in order to facilitate them to become independent and confident thinkers. I give enough freedom to my team to criticize me and one another, and not feel that they always have to accept what I say. In fact, some of our best work has come from respectfully challenging one another on our opinions when we face dilemmas and decisions in the laboratory. I realized that more I can communicate that the best learning is a synergistic partnership, where we all benefit 13 CV Thava Vasanthan - 2013 from each others’ points of view, the more comfortable and productive the HQP-supervisor relationship becomes. Also, opportunities are given to graduate students to interact with industry partners, whom I work with and also to present their work at international conferences. Through my involvement as a supervisory committee member of the graduate students other than my own, I was able to contribute my ideas into other fields of research as well. I also trained 6 high school students for Bio-Alberta Sanofi-Aventis Biotec Challenge and supervised an international undergraduate student from India. 14