Summary of Progress (Auburn University) (April 2, 2002) Revision of report on Mar 2. 1. Enzymatic digestibilities of ARP and dilute-acid treated corn stover Enzymatic digestibilities were determined for ARP treated samples (previously reported) and dilute acid treated samples using 2 different levels of enzyme loading (10, and 60 FPU/g glucan). Untreated -cellulose was used as the reference. Pretreatment conditions: ARP pretreatment conditions: 15wt% of ammonia, 170C, 90min, 5mL/min of flow rate, 325psig N2 back pressure. Dilute acid pretreatment conditions: 0.07wt% of sulfuric acid, 180C, 30min, 5mL/min of flow rate 325psig, bed shrinking flow through reactor. Table 1-1. Composition of solid after pretreatment Composition % S.R.* Lignin Glucan Xylan Untreated ARP Dilute acid 100 18.53 40.19 21.71 53.63 2.83 36.09 9.24 54.15 12.49 37.61 1.31 *S.R. : solid remaining after treatment The enzymatic digestibility profiles are shown in Fig. 1-1 ~ 1-3. Fig. 1-1: ARP treated corn stover Fig. 1-2: Dilute-acid treated corn stover Fig. 1-3: Comparison of the two at low enzyme loadings (10 FPU/g glucan) Pretreated 60 FPU 10 FPU α-Cellulose 60FPU Untreated 60FPU Figure 1-1. Enzymatic digestibility of corn stover treated by ARP a a Pretreatment conditions: 15wt% of ammonia, 170C, 60min, 5mL/min of flow rate 325psig. Enzymatic hydrolysis conditions: cellulase enzyme (Spezyme CP, Lot 301-00348-257, activity: 31.2 FPU), 60FPU/g glucan for untreated and -cellulose, -glucosidase supplementation (Sigma, Cat No. G-0395, excess amount, ~30 IU/g glucan), pH 4.8, 50C, 150 rpm. -cellulose (Sigma, Lot No. 11K0246) α-Cellulose 60 FPU 60 FPU 10 FPU Pretreated by dilute acid Untreated 60FPU Figure 1-2. Enzymatic digestibility of corn stover pretreated by dilute acid a a Pretreatment conditions: 0.07wt% of sulfuric acid, 180C, 30min, 5.0mL/min of flow rate 325psig N2, bed shrinking flow through reactor. Enzymatic hydrolysis conditions: cellulase enzyme (Spezyme CP, Lot 301-00348-257, activity: 31.2 FPU), 60FPU/g glucan for untreated and -cellulose, -glucosidase supplementation (Sigma, Cat No. G-0395, excess amount, ~30 IU/g glucan), pH 4.8, 50C, 150 rpm. -cellulose (Sigma, Lot No. 11K0246) ARP 10 FPU FPU α-Cellulose 60 FPU Acid 10 FPU FPU Untreated 60 FPU Figure 1-3. Comparison of Enzymatic digestibilities of ARP and diluteacid treated corn stover with low enzyme loadings 2. XRD for ARP treated corn stover The XRD profiles were measured for ARP treated samples using the facilities of Material Science Department, Auburn. The diffraction patterns for treated and untreated corn stover and -cellulose are shown in Fig.2-1. The XRDs were measured under wet condition for all samples. The water content retained in the sample is characterized by its scattering which has a maximum at 2=28. The crystallinity index (C.I.) was calculated with the diffraction intensities, I002 at 002 peak position (222.5) and I18 at 2=18 (amorphous), as a ratio of [(I002-I18)/I002]100 ( Segal et al., 1959). Table 2-1 and Fig.2-2 show the Crystallinity Index, digestibility, and the solid composition for corn stover pretreated by ARP with different durations. -Cellulose Untreated Figure 2-1. XRD pattern of untreated, -Cellulose, ARP pretreated samples Digestibility Cristallinity Index Xylan remaining Figure 2-2. Effect of reaction time on solid composition, crystallinity index (CI) and enzymatic digestibility in ARP a a All sugar and lignin content based on the oven-dry untreated biomass. Pretreatment conditions: 15wt% of ammonia, 170C, 5mL/min of flow rate, 325psig Enzymatic hydrolysis conditions: 72h, 60FPU/g glucan, pH 4.8, 50C, 150 rpm. Table 2-1. Effect of reaction time on solid composition, crystallinity index (CI) and enzymatic digestibility in ARP a Sample Untreated 10min 20min 40min 60min 90min -cellulose a S.R. Lignin Glucan Xylan C.I. Digestibility [%] [%] [%] [%] [ ] [%] 100 18.53 40.19 21.71 59.2 61.40 58.53 56.41 55.18 53.63 100 5.95 3.61 3.30 2.98 2.83 0.0 39.42 38.58 38.51 37.80 36.09 91.36 12.76 10.97 10.54 9.68 9.24 4.02 71.7 74.4 72.3 74.6 76.0 79.8 60 FPU 21.22 10 FPU N/A 60 FPU 93.9 10 FPU 83.9 60 FPU 96.0 10 FPU 88.3 60 FPU 95.1 10 FPU 89.2 60 FPU 94.4 10 FPU 88.3 60 FPU 99.6 10 FPU 92.5 60 FPU 93.4 10 FPU 71.7 All sugar and lignin content based on the oven-dry untreated biomass. Pretreatment conditions: 15wt% of ammonia, 170C, 5mL/min of flow rate, 325psig, Enzymatic hydrolysis conditions: 72h, 60 and 10 FPU/g glucan, pH 4.8, 50C, 150 rpm. Untreated corn stover was wetted to maintain a constant moisture. Summary of Findings: The ARP treated samples have low lignin and high xylan content. The dilute-acid treated samples have high lignin and low xylan content. Enzymatic digestibilities of ARP sample are 99.6% with 60 FPU and 92.5% with 10 FPU, whereas those of dilute acid treated samples are 89.9% with 60 FPU and 82.8% with 10 FPU. Lignin content in the biomass appears to be one of the critical factors controlling the enzymatic digestibility. The hydrolysis rate of ARP treated sample are so fast that the yield of 60FPU loading reached to 97% in 6 hour and the yield of 10FPU loading reached to >90% in 24hr. That of acid treated sample, however, are relatively fast (75% in 6 hour for 60FPU loading) but maximum yield was stopped at 89.9% (60FPU) and 82.8% (10FPU). There is little difference in maximum digestibilities for two treated samples when enzyme loadings above 60 FPU are applied. The difference of hydrolysis rate becomes very significant. The intensity of XRD as well as the Crystallinity Index of corn stover rises upon ARP treatment, perhaps due to removal of amorphous carbohydrates in biomass. The CI increases slightly with increase of pretreatment time in ARP. Very high enzymatic digestibility, 83.9% (10 min ARP treated) and 88.3% (20min ARP treated), at low enzyme loading (10FPU) was observed for ARP samples treated for very short reaction time (10 and 20min). Appendix. cellulose at various enzyme loading Hydrolysis condition : 1. Cellulase enzyme (Spezyme CP, Lot 301-00348-257, activity: 31.2 FPU) : 60FPU/g glucan loading 2. -glucosidase supplementation (Sigma, Cat No. G-0395, excess amount, ~30 IU/g glucan), 3. Conditions : 0.05M citrate buffer (pH 4.8), 50C, 150 rpm. 4. Substrate : -cellulose (Sigma, Lot No. 11K0246) Table 1. Enzymatic digestibility of -cellulose Enzyme loading 60FPU 40FPU 20FPU 10FPU 0hr 0 0 0 0 6hr 12hr 24hr 48hr 72hr 96hr 48.77 45.19 61.32 56.30 75.82 69.89 92.11 83.30 93.50 89.63 93.67 88.03 40.98 34.22 50.95 41.23 62.38 48.47 73.43 58.74 82.05 70.13 83.89 71.66 Figure 1. Enzymatic digestibility of -cellulose (from table 1)