Dear Students and Families, Hello. As the semester progresses, we are all ready for a change in the classroom. We are going to welcome a “new student” to our class. Bob Bear, a stuffed animal bear, will be joining our class on, February 4, 2011. Bob Bear will be on the lookout for students’ behaviors. Bob Bear will help the students stay on task and remind them of appropriate behaviors in the classroom. If the class forgets a classroom rule, Bob Bear will help everyone remember. I look forward to welcoming our new student. Please feel free to let your child know about our new addition. If you have any questions or concerns or if you would like to visit our classroom, schedule a conference, or volunteer to help out, you can contact me at [contact info]. The best times to reach me are [available hours]. Let’s work together to make this the best semester ever! Sincerely, [your name] Definitions and Sample Uses for Bob Boar Re-teaching Classroom Rules (RE) Teacher initiated: The teacher calls on Bob Bear for a classroom rule and pretends that he answers. The teacher states to the class the rule that Bob Bear told her. If Bob Bear is correct (answering that we must raise our hands when we want a turn to talk) the teacher positively reinforces Bob Bear (saying "That is exactly right, great job Bob Bear."). However if Bob Bear is wrong, (answering "We must shout out when we want to answer a question.") the teacher then can ask a student who is having trouble with raising her hand to tell Bob Bear the correct classroom rule. Student initiated: The student could initiate the use of Bob Bear by asking him a classroom rule and pretending Bob Bear tells her the rule. Then depending on whether or not Bob Bear was correct, the student would give positive reinforcement for the correct answer or tell Bob Bear the correct classroom rule if he was incorrect. Reinforcing Appropriate Behavior (RI) Teacher initiated: The teacher can pretend that Bob Bear is exhibiting an appropriate behavior that she wants all students to exhibit, giving Bob Bear verbal praise ("Bob Bear, 1 like the way you are sitting in your chair ready to learn.") The teacher could also have a student tell Bob Bear what rule she thought Bob Bear followed well that day. In addition, Bob Bear could be used as a reinforcement for students exhibiting appropriate behaviors. He could sit by a student or at a table of students who have been exhibiting appropriate behaviors (i.e., finishing seat work diligently and/or raising their hands). Student initialed: A student could pretend that Bob Bear is cleaning his work area by telling the teacher/class what Bob Bear is doing well and then giving him positive praise ("Look, Bob Bear is cleaning his work area nicely, he is setting such a good example. Good job. Bob Bear, you are following directions."). Enforcing Consequences for Breaking Rules (C) Teacher initiated: The teacher pretends that Bob Bear breaks a rule. The teacher then expresses to Bob Bear what he should be doing ("Bob Bear, I need you to stop talking to your friend and finish your seat work,"). The teacher continues to pretend that Bob Bear is still breaking the rule and states the consequences for breaking the rule ("Bob Bear. 1 have asked you twice to stop talking to your friend and finish your seat work, if you do not stop, you will have to move your seat. It's your choice,"). Then the teacher pretends that Bob Bear does not stop breaking a classroom rule, so a consequence is administered ("Bob Bear, because you have chosen to still talk with your friend Student initiated: instead of finishing your seat work, you will have to move your seat over here."). A student could pretend Bob Bear is breaking a rule and imitate the teacher by giving him warnings. If Bob Bear does not comply with the classroom rules, the student then can explain to him the correct rule of the classroom. Assisting in Understanding and Completing Assignments (A) Teacher initiated: The teacher could pretend that Bob Bear is having trouble with completing developmentally appropriate activities. Therefore, the teacher could ask a student to explain/help Bob Bear with his seat work. Student initiated: A student could initiate a teaching opportunity and help Bob Bear without having the teacher ask.