MACBETH ACT ONE - SCENE 1: Write two or three lines explaining the action in this scene. The three witches are discussing where and when to meet Macbeth. ACT ONE - SCENE 2: 1. The sergeant describes a battle in the war between Scotland and Norway . 2. Who were the heroes in that battle? Macbeth and Banquo 3. The Thane of Cawdor was a Traitor. King Duncan sentenced him to death and gave his title to Macbeth. 4. What do we learn about Macbeth's character in this scene? He is brave and has valor in battle. ACT ONE SCENE 3: 1. What do the witches predict for Macbeth? A) He will be Thane of Cawdor. B) He will be King. 2. What do they predict for Banquo? His sons will be kings. 3. Explain the dramatic irony in the witches' first prediction. We, the audience, knew before Macbeth that he was Thane of Cawdor because the King had given him that title at the end of Scene 2. 4. When the prediction comes true immediately, what does Macbeth think about the other predictions? The other could possibly come true also. 5. What does Macbeth plan to do about the possibility of becoming king? Let things go as they will and if he is to be king, let it be. ACT ONE - SCENE 4: 1. To whom does king Duncan give the title Prince of Cumberland? King Duncan appoints his eldest son, Malcolm as the next king. 2. What does Macbeth think about this? It is a step he will make him not become king or one that he must step over. ACT ONE - SCENE 5: 1. Lady Macbeth reads a letter. Who sent it to her? Macbeth 2. Lady Macbeth says of Macbeth: "Yet do I fear thy nature. It is too full O'the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way." What does she mean by this? She feels Macbeth is too weak to take the throne from Duncan. 3. What message does the servant give to Lady Macbeth? The king will be at Macbeth’s home. 4. Explain Lady Macbeth's soliloquy (lines 44-58) She is asking for strength to keep being strong and not succumb to weakness 5. Macbeth arrives. What do he and Lady Macbeth discuss? He should act as if nothing is going on and she will take care of everything. 6. What advice does Lady Macbeth give her husband? He is to appear innocent. ACT ONE - SCENE 6: 1. Explain the dramatic irony in this scene. The king is telling Lady Macbeth how much he is loved and the audience knows he is thinking of taking his throne. ACT ONE - SCENE 7: In this soliloquy Macbeth is thinking over the plot to kill King Duncan. He is having second thoughts. 1. List four reasons Macbeth finds to talk himself out of committing the murder. (Lines 1-27) a. DuNcan is his kinsman. b. Macbeth is his host. c. Macbeth fears he will be caught. d. Macbeth’s only reason for doing is ambition. e. Macbeth feels he might get away with murder on Earth but not in heaven. 2. How does Lady Macbeth convince him to go through with the murder? She asks if his hopes have died, that her love is linked to his ambitions, and that he is a coward.