National Engineers Week Foundation Registration Deadline

National Engineers Week Foundation’s
Annual Future City Competition
Over 35,000 students nationally asked to design a way to move
people in and around your city.
[Registration Begins]
Chicago, Il - July 2013 – This year's Future City Competition essay question is Tomorrow’s Transit and students
will be required to design an innovative way to move people in and around cities.
Essay Overview:
Thousands of years ago we had only one way to move-on foot. In today’s cities there are lots of ways to get around,
including bikes, cars, mass transit, like buses, trains, subways, and ferries, escalators, and walkways. Engineers
design solutions like these to transport people quickly, safely, and using the least amount of energy. But with so many
people on the move, there are bound to be safety problems, like crashes, environmental impacts, like air pollution, and
health impacts, like long commutes. Whatever the size and location of the student’s future city they will need to think
creatively to keep people moving. The challenge for students: Identify a problem of moving people in their future city
and design a mode of transportation to solve this problem.
Middle schoolers from across the country, participating in National Engineers Week Foundation’s 2013-2014 Future
City Competition, will act as engineering leaders to develop their own solutions to move people in cities of the future.
With the crowded highways, deteriorating infrastructure how will these students respond to design Future
Cities to provide reliable, economical mass transit.?
Future City purposely directs participants to incorporate real engineering challenges into their plans and this year is no
different. With thousands of roads, bridges, and railways in need of repair and increased traffic straining budgets, the
effective use of basic transportation construction materials will become a pressing topic. Students can create any kind
of city or transportation system, but as they devise monorails, people movers, bike paths, or freeways, they will be
giving extra scrutiny to urban expansion, environmental issues, and sustainability with achievable, measurable results.
In recent years energy conservation is hot topic with past projects incorporating green technologies into the city
Future City is also looking for engineering and technical professionals who may be interested in serving as mentors.
For information about the competition or to volunteer in the Future City Competition, visit;
The 2013-2014 Future City Competition is expected to attract over 35,000 students from various middle schools in
regions located across the country. The annual challenge has received national attention and acclaim for its role in
encouraging middle schoolers nationwide to develop their interest in science, technology, engineering and math
(STEM). Through hands on applications, Future City participants discover how engineering is both accessible and can
make a difference in the world. Sixth, seventh and eighth graders are eligible to take part in the competition.
Students will begin by submitting a research essay describing their solutions for this year’s theme –
Design a way to move people in and around the city (1000 words maximum). But there is more to the competition
than just writing an essay.
Using SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition software or SimCity Software (, participating students will work with
an educator and volunteer mentor to design a virtual Future City model incorporating their ideas. Then they will build a
physical model using recycled materials which can cost no more than $100 to build. In January the students at regional
competitions (including Chicago) throughout the country will have their projects judged before teams of engineers
and design professionals. The public is invited to witness the final’s portion of the judging process.
Regional chairman Don Wittmer notes, "It is exciting to see the interaction between the students and witness the
enthusiasm that these students have in learning about engineering and the real life problems that are encounter
everyday. Our hope is that this competition helps students consider the possibility of studying engineering when they
attend college." Derek Johnson, co-coordinator adds, "It is a great experience for all involved -- the students have fun
while learning about engineering and gaining valuable teamwork and presentation skills. Engineers, mentors, judges
and volunteers always leave impressed by the students' ability and enthusiasm."
About Future City Competition
The Annual National Engineers Week Foundation’s Future City Competition, for sixth, seventh and eighth grade
students, is held from September, 2013 through February, 2014. The Future City Competition is a program of National
Engineers Week Foundation (NEWF), a consortium of professional and technical societies and major U.S.
About National Engineers Week Foundation
The National Engineers Week Foundation works year-round to sustain and grow a dynamic engineering profession
critical to public health, safety, and welfare. The Foundation supports engineering outreach, education, and
celebration through a network of thousands of volunteers in its partner coalition of more than 100 professional
societies, major corporations and government agencies. Together we meet a vital need: introducing students, parents,
and educators to engineering, engaging them in hands-on engineering experiences, and making science and math
relevant. The Foundation and coalition are actively putting the ‘E’ in STEM.
For more information, visit For the Chicago Program:
Media Contact
Sayles & Winnikoff Communications
Jennifer Buglione
212-725-5200 x112
Alan Winnikoff
212-725-5200 x111
For the Chicago Area Competition:
Don Wittmer
Save the Date: January 25, 2014 (Tentative)
for the Chicago Regional Finals
Location to be determined